rutland weekly herald - Rutland Historical Society


rutland weekly herald - Rutland Historical Society
Extracted by:
Dawn D. Hance
Typed and Indexed by:
Joann H. Nichols
Dedicated to the memory of long-time publisher of the
Rutland Herald, Robert W. Mitchell (1910-1993),
whose assistance in obtaining the early issues
of the Herald was invaluable.
The first five-year compilation of news items from the Rutland Herald spans 1816-1820.
The year "1800 and Froze to Death" (1816) was particularly trying to Vermonters.
Monthly frosts and snow in June caused a massive crop failure. As a result a financial
panic occurred the following year. Many disheartened Vermonters moved to western
states where the growing season was longer.
The first issue of the Rutland Herald or Vermont Mercury was published at Rutland,
Vermont on 8 December 1794. The four-page weekly newspaper was devoted mostly to
international, national and state events, especially on the political scene. It also carried
notices and advertisements for the county, some local news, death notices and marriages.
Due to the lengthy reports of hostilities in the South during the Civil War, publication
went daily in April 1866.
Because the project of copying details from these newspapers is so massive and timeconsuming, it was decided to release this information in five year increments. Every
effort has been made to locate the missing issues.
The reader should be informed that when reading the obituaries and marriages that "this
town" is Rutland; inst. refers to the present month and ult. to the month prior. Consort is
the spouse; relict is the widow. These notices not only included Rutland, but various
other towns in Vermont and other states. Unfortunately the state is not always listed after
each town where the event occurred. The original spelling has been kept throughout. It
must be noted that these notices were handwritten and were deciphered by the newspaper
staff. Thus misspellings do occur. It is often difficult to read the microfilm due to the
age of the newspapers.
Our sincere gratitude to the following is extended:
Rutland Herald-Faye Wener, Archivist, and John Mitchell, Publisher
Readex Corporation-Stanley Shapiro
American Antiquarian Society-Russell L. Martin, III
Rutland Free Library
Vermont State Library
Harvard University
If my eyes hold out and Joann's computer maintains its function, please look forward to
future compilations. To order contact Joann H. Nichols, 110 Chestnut Street, Brattleboro,
VT 05301-6579; 802/254-9554; The cost is $12.50 which
includes postage and handling.
Dawn D. Hance
Joann H. Nichols
Wed. , Jan . 3, 1816:
Died Warsaw , Genesee Co., NY, 23 Nov ., William Knapp, 57, by fall of tree, etc. lived four weeks.
Died Leicester, 1 ult. , Miss Thuseby White, 20th yr., etc., poem.
Wed. , Jan . 10, 1816:
Probate, estate sale of William Cushman, Castleton, at Reuben Moulton's Inn.
Probate, estate sale of Obadiah Wheeler, Rutland, Rutland at Inn ofH[enry] Gould.
Died Tinmouth, eve of3 ult. of consumption, Luther Mulford, 27, poem.
Died Clarendon, 2 inst. , Mrs. Nancy Tuttle, wife of Ebenezer P. Tuttle, Jr., 31" year, etc. and poem .
Wed.,Jan . 17, 1816:
Probate, Seth Baker, Poultney.
Married Suffield, CT, Chancey Rose of Granville, MS[MA] to Miss Charity Warren of former place.
Married Addison , Jan . 4, Samuel Pond, Miss Helen Hanes.
Married Hubbardton, 1 ult. , Simeon Cannon of Brandon, Miss Amanda Petty of former place.
Married Brandon, by Rev. Hibbard, James Benedict of Hubbardton, Miss Lydia Baker of former place.
Married Tinmouth, on eve preceding the l" inst. , Stephen Foster, Miss Miranda Campbell.
Married West Rutland, 1 inst. , Eli Gorham , Miss Anna Kellogg.
Married this town , 11 inst. , Ephraim Page of Sudbury, Miss Mary Ayres.
Wed., 24 Jan. 1816:
Abel H. Platt, murdered wife and two children; killed himself at New Fairfield [prob. CT], long; he 32
Married Brandon, 14 ult. , Enoch Bresee, Miss Betsey Stetson.
Married Brandon, 21 ", Palmer Westcoat, Miss Lucy Robins.
Married Brandon, 9th, Charles Howland, Miss Harriet Rich.
Married Hubbardton, 3 1 ult., John Hall, Miss Prudence Pratt.
Died West Rutland, 26 ult. , Miss[ sic] Sarah Dimmick, wife of Timothy Dimmick, late of Sullivan, NH, 64
Probate, John Whitney, Poultney.
Wed. , Jan.31 , 1816:
Probate, sale of Jeremiah Brown, Castleton, at house of Abigail Brown.
Died Orwell, 22 inst. , Major Mason Ormsbee, c. 35 .
Wed ., Feb. 7, 1816:
Married Sudbury, Benjamin Knowlton, Miss Polly Ketchem .
Married Sudbury, William Herrington , Miss Clarissa Woodcock.
Married Pittsford, by A. Kellogg, Esq., Peter Warner, Miss Lydia Huntley.
Married Clarendon, 14 ult., by Rev. D. Tinkham, Eli Eastman, Miss Olive Seamans, dau . of Charles, Esq.
Probate, John Cobb, Orwell, widow Mary Cobb.
Wed., Feb. 14, 1816:
Probate, David Edgerton, Pawlet.
Married Pittsford, 3 ult., Obed C. Smith, Miss Harriet Wetherby.
Died Hannibal, NY, Dec. 29, Mrs. Rebecca Blodget, formerly of Tinmouth, ae 61, wife of Artemas.
Feb. 21, 1816:
Probate, Uriah Higgins, Westhaven.
Married Castleton, 9 inst., David Goodwin, merchant of the firm Sanford & Goodwin of Orwell, Miss
Lucy Remington of former place.
Died Castleton, 13 inst. , Daniel Denison, 86.
Died Pittsford, 31 ult., Widow Elizabeth Smith, 95.
Feb. 28, 1816:
Married Hubbardton, 28 ult., John H. Pierce of Sudbury, Miss Abigail Clark of former place.
Married Hubbardton, 1 inst., Francis Goodale, Miss Ruth St. John.
Married Hubbardton, I inst.[?], Josiah Stiles, Miss Charlotte Whipple.
Married Hubbardton , 1 inst.[?], Daniel Bigelow, Miss Almira Fuller.
Married Hubbardton, 15'h, Luther Tinkham, Miss Betsey Gardner.
Married Sudbury, Calvin Slason of Hubbardton, Miss Hepsibah Smith of former place.
Married Sudbury, Thomas Know lton, Miss Susanna Persey.
Married Pittsford, 31 ult., Obed Smith, Miss Harriet Wetherby.
Died Ira, 16 inst., James Hunter, 30, survived by wife and three children.
Probate, Capt. Joseph Green , Mt. Holly, at dwelling of Darius Green .
Wed ., March 6, 1816:
Probate, David Church, Westhaven at Widow Polly Church ' s house.
Married this town , Sun. eve last, by Rev . Ball, Ephraim W. Bisbee, Miss Fanny M. Marsh.
Died Pittsford, 6 ult., Elisha Hall, formerly of Newport, NH, 36 (print NH).
Probate, Elihu Bishop, Shrewsbury, at house of Widow Hannah Bishop.
March 13 , 1816:
Murder at Massena, St. Lawrence Co., NY, 12 inst., a Frenchman killed a woman and her two children,
one only six mos . old, and a French boy-no names .
Married, West Rutland, a few days since, Elijah Hunt, Miss Chloe Pratt, both of that place.
Died Shrewsbury, 27 ult., Mrs. Parnell Gilbert, wife of Ephraim of NY and dau. of Noah Sparhawk, Esq.,
of Shrewsbury, 27.
Died Orwell, 14 ult., Dr. Bimsley Peters, 55 th yr., survived by numerous family .
March 20, 1816:
Married Pittsford, 1 Jan . last, Benjamin Caldwell of Hubbardton , Miss Sappho Potter of former place.
Married Pittsford. 10 inst., William W. Harlow, Miss Clarissa Allen.
Married Poultney, eve .13 inst., Zimri Howe Esq., attorney, Miss Hannah B. Norton of Poultney.
Married Ira, 17 inst., by Maj. Jonas Clark, Reuben Wood , student at law of Middletown. Miss Mary Rice
of former place.
Died Norway, NY, 29 ult., Josiah Curtis, c. 50 .
Died Clarendon , 15 current, Thomas Rice, Jr. 35, etc., recently married .
March 27, 1816:
Shrewsbury, Ezra Edson 's House struck by lightning.
Probate sale, Ebenezer Johnson of Shrewsbury, at Stephen Gleason ' s Inn.
Probate, Hannah Barber, Benson, at Widow Sally Woodard's house.
Probate, Mason Ormsbee, Orwell.
Married Poultney, Daniel Mallory, Jr., merchant, Miss Sally Stanley, both of that town.
Died Hubbardton, 22 ult., ofpulmonic complaint, Mrs. Phoebe Rumsey, wife of Jimmy, c. 43.
Delinquent Taxpayers list for a tax laid by Congress, 1815, gives acreage and bounds. Lands to be sold at
Benson. Benson : Robert Anderson; Charles Belding; Aziel Barnes; Calvin Belding; Phinehas Belding;
Stephen Crofoot; John S. Carter; Perez Chapin ; Alex. Clark; Solon Dyer; Aaron Farnham and Allen
Goodrich , administrators; Thomas Goodrich; Thomas Goodrich, guardian to Rhoda Goodrich ; Ira Harmon
and Eliza Meacham, administrators; Timothy St. John ; Asa Jones; Daniel Kinyon ; Pere G. Ladd; Daniel
Lakin; Jonas Nelson ; Reuben Nash ; Jesse Olmstead; Jonathan E. Parmele; Oliver Parmele; Stephen Prady;
William Standish, tenant to Guy Wheeler; Czar Stevens; Heman Wadhams . Castleton: Content Allis;
Nancy Brock; Abijah Brownson; Jesse Belknap, Jr. ; Moses Bond; Mary Cushman; Hiram Cheney; William
Dyer; Jonathan Eaton; Samuel Fifield; James Green ; Jesse Graves ; James Harrington, administrator ofE.
Hartwell; Hannah Hartwell, 1/3 part E. Hartwell, deceased; Truman Haskin; Coleman Hartwell [printed as
Hartwell Coleman, but in list of H names]; Thomas King; Ephraim Kendall; Leonard E. Lathrop; Lewis L.
Minor; heirs of B.E. and S. Norton, J. Orms, guardian; Preserved Palmer; Job Stiles; Moses Sheldon;
Benjamin Selleck; Truman Tomlinson; Lewis Whitlock. Fair Haven and West Haven, Augustus Angel ;
Timothy Brainard; Luman[?Leman] Clark; James C. Cleveland; Jacob Davey; Bezaleel Day; Eli Everts;
William Hicks; Levi Johnson ; David King; Oren Kelsey; Frederick Hall (J. Carver, occupant); Rebecca
Norton, dower in estate of S. Norton; Prince Pettibone G . Hard, owner; Timothy Ruggles (J.C. Thompson,
owner); James W. Rossman; John Smith, administrator ofU. Higgins estate ; Moses Sheldon, Jr. ; Joseph
Snow; Moses Sheldon; C. Minot or Dan Smith; Foster and Crossman (owner, M. Sheldon); Artemas
Wyman . Hubbardton: John Cobb; Joseph Churchill; Oliver Foster; Elizabeth Foster; Lyman B. Foster;
Lyman Felton or Lyman Foster; Chandler Foster; Eleazer Flagg; Joseph Hack; Abraham Hinds, Moses
Hickok, Hamilton Hall; Dan M. Kent; Edward Kellogg, Erastus Miles; John Meacham , agent; John Peters;
Harmon Ray ; Jimmy Rumsey; Eli Robinson; Timothy St. John; Isaac R. Wright; Elisha Walker.
Middletown : Erastus Coy; Lewis L. Miner, administrator of J. Miner's estate; Jesse Owen; John Parmer;
Gilbert Ray; Morris R. Shannon; Samuel Willard. Orwell: Apollos and Josiah Austin; Josiah Austin;
David Cook; Henry Culver; Alexander Clark; Elisha Clark; William Darbe; Peter P. Hall; Abraham
Humphrey; John Noble, Scovel, Sheals and Hall; Septirnus Snow; Lydia Swetland: David Warren.
Poultney: Samuel Broughton; Harvey Fennel; Thomas Holmes; Joseph Manning; Ruth Smalley; Samuel
Tuttle; Moses Turner; Ashley Wyman . Pawlet: .Stoddard Bristol; Michael Broughton; Martin Brooks; Asa
Clark; Robert Cox; John Griswold; Joseph Gould; Abiather Evans; Heman Hastings: Oliver Hanks ; Hosea
Loveland; Seth Porter; Josiah B. Prescott; Nathaniel Robinson: John Pomeroy; Moses Sheldon; David
Steams; Elijah Sherman; Jonathan Stevens; Jesse Safford; John Sargents; Luke Sloan; Ithamar Tilden; Seth
Yeats . Sudbury: Joseph Hack; Joel Ranger; Reuben Wentworth. Wells: Samuel Broughton; David
Howe; Ira Mix ; Zachariah Packard .
April 3, 1816:
Delinquent taxpayers list for a tax laid by Congress, 1815 , Lands to be sold in Benson at Issachar Reed ' s
Inn. Rutland, gives acreage and bounds. Brandon : David R. Beals; John Clark; Frederick A. Child
(tavern lot adjoining Congregational Meeting House); Moses Cluff; Solomon Chase: R.R. Child; Eleazer
Flagg; Samuel Harrison ; Caleb and Samuel Howland; Caleb Hendee, Jr. ; David Hutchins ; Calvin Hulburt:
Jabez Lion; John Merriam , one acre opposite the academ y; Alanson Mitchell; William Manley; Daniel
Noice; Nathaniel Rand; Walter Sessions; Olive Stiles, dower in John Stiles' estate; Samuel Stiles; Richard
Smith; Thomas Sweat; Jacob Wead . Clarendon : John Burlinghame; Sarah Davis; John Lamard; Samuel
Ormsby; John Peirce, agent; Andrew Potter; Benjamin Parker; Solomon Pillsbury; John Peirce· Allen
Pooler; Elisha Robinson; Daniel Smith ; Ira Seward; Arnold Smith; Elijah Smith; John Smith; John Train;
Benjamin Whitney; Solomon Whitney. Chittenden and Philadelphia : Charles Arms, John Baird. Jr.;
Thomas Baird; David Baird; Samuel Bancroft; Nathaniel Belknap ; Caleb Churchill: John Clark; Wakeman
Gorham; Elias Hall; Lovicey B. Harrison; Jedediah Johnson ; Israel Keith ; Jonathan Kendall; Jonathan
Loveland; Anson Ladd; Lilly Pollador; John Merriam; William Manley ; Eli Manley; Zebina Orcutt;
William Rollins; Amos Sawyer; Eber Thomas; Otis Wheeler. Danby and Mt. Tabor: Caleb Aldrich ;
Duty Benson; Eliphalet Buxton; Joseph Burke; Jacob Bartlett; Joseph Bartlett; James Burnham: Samuel
Pine; Palmer Stafford; John Sweet; Hezekiah Shippy; Elisha Tryon; Gideon Tabor; Arden Tabor; Levi and
Phinehas Taft; Lydia Weed. Mt. Holly: Ezra Burke; Cyrus Carpenter; Samuel Cook; Miles Clark;
Thomas Davis ; Joseph Frost; Abel Foster; Seth Livingston ; Jonathan Pingery; Moses Peabody; David
Southwick. Pittsford: Kellogg Andrews; Stephen Avery, agent for Abraham Walker; Asher Burditt; Elijah
Brown, Jr.; Rufus Burr; Thomas Burditt; Elisha Cox; Allen Cobb; Otis Clapp; Noadiah Demming; Justin
Darling; John Freelove; Beriah Granby; John Gibson (S. Harwood, agent); Cyrus Gibbs ; John Gillett;
Benjamin Herrington; John Hitchcock, 2"d; John Hudson ; Eli Hudson; Samuel Harrison ; Aaron Henry ;
Ephraim Hubbell; William Jackson; Jonathan Kendall; Nathaniel Ladd; Eli and Reuben Mead; John Miller;
Reuben Ives; Abner Perry; Josiah Parsons; Hezekiah Parmelee; Joshua Ray; Zachariah Rand; Anthony C.
Rice ; Peter Sutherland; Jacob Thayer; John Wooster; Phillip Whitmore; Simeon Wright; Jesse Woodard;
Jesse Wheeler; Obadiah Wheeler estate (William Hall, administrator); Job Winslow; Phineas and Elisha
Woodruff; Holland Weeks. East Rutland and Parkerstown [Mendon): Beebe D. Avery; Joseph Barney;
Susanna Cheeney; George Dyer; William Davis; Eleazer Flagg; Isaac Gage; Jesse Gove (administrator of
Simeon Lester); Jesse Gove; Joseph Kimball; Chauncy Langdon; Levi Long, Jr.; heirs of Thomas
McConnell; Isaac Mathewson; John Meriam; Charlotte Parsons; Benjamin Parker; William Storer; Daniel
Squire; Silas Willis. West Rutland and Ira: Zebulon Ames; Peter Brooks ; Rufus Burlingame; John
Burlingame; Gideon Bishop; Zepheniah Cook; Levi Colvin; Isaac Clark; Olivet Dart; Mary Davis; John
Daniels, Jr.; Stephen Daniels; Oliver Eaton; Eli Gorham, Jesse Gaut; Seth Gorham; Susanna Haskins;
Samuel Hunter; Esquire lde; Elias Munger; Lewis Miner, administrator of Joel Miner; Roswell Merrill;
Rebecca Obrine; Nancy Obrine; James Palmer; Daniel Reed; Bela Rogers; Peter Sutherland; Thomas
Spencer; Daniel Smith; Simeon Wright; Samuel Whitmore; Samuel Whitmore, agent for J. Meacham.
Shrewsbury: Elisha and Bethuel Bishop; Samuel Bixby; Charles Bartholomew; Simeon Bullard;
Archelaus Jones, agent for E. Ball; Abner Dassance; Eleazer Flagg, administrator [no name, probably
Jonathan Parker of Clarendon]; Joseph Harradan; Nathan Johnson; Martin Pratt; L. Finney, agent for John
Stevens; John Smith; Abraham Sanderson; Jairus Shaw; Meribah Shippy, southeast part of farm belonging
to John Shippy, deceased; Daniel Twitchell; William Webber. Pittsfield: Amos Densmore; John Fuller;
Portius Fuller; Stephen Holt, Jr.; Elisha Holt; John Jones; Peter Keyes; Oliver Lamb; Tisdall Lincoln;
Isaiah Parmeter; Justin Parsons, agent for Baker heirs; Justin Parsons, agent for Timothy Mathews; Isaac
Stone, Jonas Stone; Elias Woodcock; Bethuel Warren. Sherburne: Abijah P. Avery; Nathan Easterbrooks;
Richard Easterbrooks; Eleazer Flagg, 500 acres called Parker's Gore; Wilder Fairbanks; John Gilkee;
Lewis Harlow; Justin Parsons, agent for Alexander Bowman; Phineas Ralph; Luke Sawyer, Jr.; Jonathan
Taylor. Tinmouth: Mary Ballard; Jeremiah Leffingwell; Jonathan Merrill; William Obrine; John Wyman.
Wallingford: Green Allen; Agabus Bishop; Daniel Bumpus; Eliakim Bradley; James Culver; Robert Cole:
Abel Jackson (Elias Kent, agent); Aaron Sackett; Adonirum Smalley.
Married Sudbury, 14 ult. , David Collar, Miss Betsey Smith, both of that town.
Died Ira, 17 ult., of cancer, Mrs. Lydia Collins, 85 , relict of Thomas, who 23 yrs. since, died of same
disorder; member Baptist church, had 13 children, 115 grandchildren and 126 great grandchildren= 254.
Probate, Uriah Higgins, West Haven.
April 10, 1816:
Probate, Michael Broughton, Pawlet.
Probate, Thomas Rice, Jr. , Clarendon.
Probate, Capt. Simon Harwood, Pittsford.
Probate, Elizabeth Towner, Wallingford.
Probate, Ezekiel Mighell, Wallingford.
Drowned, Otter Creek, short distance above the falls in this village (Middlebury), Wed. last, Ebenezer
Collar, 47, Mrs. Lucy Carrier, 22, dau. to Mr. Collar and Mrs. Olive Davis. Mr. Collar was crossing stream
at sunset few rods from his dwelling, ice gave way, women ran to his assistance. Mrs. Davis' body not
Died Tinmouth, 27 ult., consumption. Miss Edna M. Clark, dau. of Col. Elisha of that place, 22.
List of letters waiting to be picked up at the Rutland post office. [These lists appear frequently, but are too
lengthy to copy each time .] Rutland: Maackson Burdick, Emily Bliss, William Butman. Orphela Bates,
Nancy Briggs, Wait Chatterton, John Daniels, I", David Fay Benjamin Farmer, Sally Griffith, James
Graham, Lydia Howard, William Henry, Reuben Hickox, Barney Hadwen, Prudence Jagger, Sally Jones,
Phineas Kingsley, Jun., William Langley, Mary Locklin, Truman Moulthrop, David Nichols, John Parsons.
Allen Pooler, James Ross, Waldo Reynolds, James Roberts, Reuben Stevens, Isaac Southworth, William
Storer, Phineas Taft, Russel Tuttle, Simeon Wright, Silas D. Willis, John B. Wheeler. Clarendon: Roby
Arnold, Horatio Beall, Gates Blanchard, William Bromley, Mr. Bidwell, Constant Barney, David Colvin,
Eliphalet Eddy, Moses Howard, Henry T. Hodges, William Howard, Caleb Hall, Buckley Hunt, George
lves, Daniel Marsh, Reuben Muzzey, Noel Potter, David Palmer, Joshua Priest, Linsley Round, Noah
Shepardson, Prudence Smith, Dexter Sherman, Jacob Sutton, Ira Seward, Phebe Taylor, Alex White, Sarah
Whitney. Sherburne: Henrietta Anthony, Abijah P. Avery, Rebecca M. Fuller, John Parsons, Ezra
Wilson, Josiah Wood. Chittenden: Jeffrey Booge, Andrew Barnard, Thomas Manley, Jonas Wheeler,
Samuel Wadsworth. Tinmouth: Hon. Nath'! Chipman, Wait Rathbone, Esq., Perry and Rathbone, Luther
Smith, Spencer Waldo. Shrewsbury: Patience Clark. Pittsford: Nathaniel Simons. Parkerstown
[Mendon]: Amos Stratton, Lewis Woodman.
April 17, 1816:
Married Hampton, NY, 9 inst., by Rev. Cushman of Fair Haven, VT, Harmon Adams of Troy, NY, Miss
Grace Millard of former place.
Married Hampton, NY, 11 inst. , by Elder Miller, Roswell Hall, Miss Anna Lewis, both of Hampton.
Died this village, 11 inst., Miss Lucinda Wells, dau. of John, Esq., 21 .
Died Pittsfield, VT, Feb. 3 last, fit of apoplexy, Mrs. Mary Durkee, consort of David, 73.
April 24, 1816:
Probate, estate sale, Elisha Kellogg, Castleton.
Married Addison , 18 inst., by Hon . Gideon Segar, Esq. , Lyman Clarke, son of Capt. Isaiah to Miss Sally
Post, dau . of Jacob , Esq.
Died Georgetown, Hon . Richard Stanford, Rep. to Congress from NC, oldest member of House.
Died Royalston, MA, Joseph Stock.-well, 86 .
Died Holden, MA, 9 inst. , Capt. Simon Cheney, 30'h yr.
Died Clarendon, 17 inst., consumptive complaint, William Carpenter, 62 ; survived by wife, daughter and
six grandchildren, early settler.
May 1, 1816:
Shrewsbury, Isaac Lewis ' wife, Sarah, left him .
Married Shoreham, 17 ult., Clark Rich of Middlebury, Miss Huldah Smith of Shoreham.
Married Bristol, 4 ult. , by Rev. Josiah Hopkins, Adolphus Hawkins, Miss Ann Drake.
Married Madrid, NY, March 17, Enos C. Eastman, Miss Adah Freeman.
Married Boston, Lt. Col. Nathan Towson, hero of Fort Erie, Miss Sophia Bingham, dau . of Caleb, Esq.
Died Middletown, 20 ult. , Miss Florilla Miner, dau. of Gideon, Esq. , 21 , of consumption, etc., poem .
Died New Haven , 12 ult. , Rev. Stephen Fuller, 60lh yr., Pastor of Cong. Church in Vershire.
Died Middlebury, 21 ult., Mrs. Abigail Ingraham, consort of Seymour of Bristol.
Died Bristol, March 28, Joseph Bus[?Bush], 62 , formerly of Greenfield, MA .
Died Chateuguay, NY , Joshua Nichols, Esq., first judge of Franklin Co ., NY.
Died Fredericksburg, VA, Francis Asbury, Bishop of Methodist Episcopal Church in US.
Died Baltimore, MD in l 8'h yr. , Thomas Jefferson, son of Puckshunnubbe, a principal Chief of Choctaw
Indians, etc.
Died Augusta, GA , Maj. Gen . John Twiggs, Rev . soldier.
Died England, Sir Henry Dampier and Lady Ponsonby.
Died Tennessee of wounds received in recentre with Col. Simpson, Gen . Thomas K. Harris, member of
Congress from that state.
May 8, 1816:
Fire at Middlebury burned Samuel Mattock's tavern occupied by Mr. Campbell and five other buildings,
large dwelling, one or two stores, two or three offices including office of Vermont Mirror.
Reward for men who broke Rutland jail, May 2, Joseph Blackman, 20-25 yrs ., James Clark, 20-25 yrs.
(pitted by smallpox), Calvin Shippy, 18-20; gives physical descriptions.
Married Pittsford, 1 inst., by Rev. Ball of Rutland, Theophilus Capen, attorney of Salisbury, Miss Miranda
Colton, dau. of Deac. of Pittsford.
This village by Rev. Ball, Sun. eve last, Ralph Paige, Esq. , Miss Clarinda Jewell.
Died Middletown , April 29 last of consumption, Miss Patty Hazleton, dau. of Daniel, 20, etc. poem.
Died Pawlet, 18 inst. , Samuel Goodspeed, c. 50.
Died Randolph, VT, Mrs. Hebard, wife of Capt. Samuel.
Died Dover, NH , Arraham[?] Walsh , 24, wounded Jan . 21 by explosion of powder for splitting a log, etc.
Died Schoharie, NY, Capt. Thomas Machin , member of order of Cincinnati, 72, British officer at battle of
Minden and American officer during Revolution, directed construction of chain across Hudson at West
Point, wounded at Bunker Hill and served at Ft. Montgomery.
Died England, Vice Admiral Sir William Mitchell, 71.
Died England, Admiral M'Donnell, 87.
Died Ireland, Earl of Massareene.
Died East Indies, Lt. Robert Mayston of wound received on board the British brig, Nautilus in action with
US Sloop of War Peacock.
For Freight or Charter on Lake Champlain, Sloop Fair Trader, Joseph D. Benjamin, at Whitehall Landing
to receive freight; freight received at store of Finch and Rumsey, Whitehall.
Rutland, Darius Chipman leaving this part of the country .
May 15, 1816:
More on fire at Middlebury, started in kitchen of Mr. Campbell ' s Hotel lately occupied and still owned by
Mr. Hearrt[?] , spread to Samuel Mattocks, Esq. house, to large building (store of Hagar and Ripley, office
ofB. Parks, Esq., printing office of Timothy C. Strong, Edward Eels goldsmith shop, a tailor's and
shoemaker's shop and lodge room). All included three large houses and five barns. Fire contained by
demolition of large office of Chipman and Bates and Mrs. Miller's outhouses; quarter of village gone,
including meeting house; long article.
Rates for postage.
Died Tinmouth, 8 inst., Dr. James Mosher of Wells, 28, took cold seven months ago, then consumption.
Died Castleton, I inst., James W. Hilyard, 19.
Died Hudson, Samuel Dexter of Boston, MA, d. May 4 at his son's house in Athens where he had come to
see him married; wife and two daughters with him , contracted putrid fever.
Died Boston, Joseph White, Jr., Esq., 35, late Lt. Col. of Salem Regt. and Rep. to Legislature.
Died Schenectady, John Brown, baker, 51 SI yr., drove up to his door and died.
May22, 1816:
Married Middlebury, eve 9 inst., by Rev. Thomas A. Merrill, Robert B. Bates, Esq., attorney, Miss Abby
Page, dau. of David Jr., Esq., all of that place.
Married Rockingham, 8 ult., by Rev. Elliot, Eben'r Allen , 83 , Mrs. Hannah Johnson, 84.
Died Salem, NY, 21 ult., Benjamin Fitch, 46'h yr., c. 1SI March John Getty of Hebron hit him on head,
fractured his skull, Getty arrested for murder.
Died Woodstock, 20 ult., consumption, Frederick Mather, Esq., 33[?53].
Died Claremont, NH, 9 inst., Hon. Caleb Ellis, one of NH Supreme Ct. Justices.
Died Panton, 9 inst., Miss Betsey Spaulding, 32, dau. ofphilip.
Died Cornwall, 10 inst., Timothy Baker, 66[?].
Died Middlebury, 8 inst., Capt. Jesse Spencer, 56.
Died Barnard, 28 ult., Mrs. Susan, wife of Abel Babbit, 46.
Died Woodstock, George Lake at advanced age.
Died Chittenden, 25 ult., consumption, Mrs. Phebe Hewet, wife oflsrael and dau. of Elias Hall, 19.
Drowned in stream that runs through south part of Brattleborough, Moses Platts while repairing dam of
Goodhue's Gristmill and Factory, fell through a hole into swift water, recently married.
Wed., May 29, 1816:
Died 2 l inst., Pittsford, Nathan Gibbs, Jr., 35, hanged himself in woodhouse, survived by wife and five
children; long article.
Married Boston, 18 inst., Lt. David Gisinger of US Navy, Miss Catharine Russell Pearce of that town.
Married Plattsburgh, Col. Melancton Smith, Miss Ann Green.
Married Greenville, NY , 19 inst. by Rev. Thompson, Samuel Dexter of Boston, son of late Hon. Samuel,
Miss Augusta Emilia Prevost, fourth dau. of Augustus, Esq. of former place.
Married Orwell, by Rev. Mason Knapen, Peter H. Hall, Mrs. Margaret Bramble.
Married Orwell, Elisha Hall, Miss Sally Thompson
Married Orwell, by D. Bascomb, Esq., Capt. Samuel H. Lee, Miss Amelia Humphrey.
Died Shoreham, 13 inst., Polly, wife of Thomas Bissell, 39 .
Died Shoreham[?], 10 inst., Benjamin Henry, Esq., 75•h yr., inhabitant of Halifax, VT.
Died Troy, 19 ult., John Russell, Esq., attorney, 41 51 yr.
Died Bristol, England, Thomas Oliver, Esq., 82, Lt. Gov. of MA at breaking out of Rev. 1774 . .
Probate, William Carpenter, Clarendon, widow Susannah.
Probate, James Claflin, Pittsfield.
Probate, Daniel Kelly, Danby, widow Beulah .
New steam boat, Phoenix, J. Sherman, Master, schedule.
Wed., June 5, 1816:
Married Brandon, 2 inst., by Rev. Hibbard, James Wing, Esq. , of Rochester, Miss Sally Stems of Brandon.
Married Lansingburgh, NY, 27 ult., Maj. George T . Hodges, Miss Emily Bliss, both of this town.
Died Georgia, April 22 last, Hon. John White, 71, survived by aged widow; long.
Died Bennington, 22 ult., Anthony Haswell, Esq., one of earliest printers in the state, etc.
June 12, 1816:
[This is 1816 and Froze to Death]; article on weather.
Probate, James Hunter, Ira.
Died Middletown, 4 inst., Jonathan Griswold, Jr., son of Capt. Jonathan of Middletown, in 21st yr., corporal
in militia which met that day, while crossing street, was shot in head by some careless person, fell and died
with scarce a groan ; long and poem.
Died Bridport, 30 ult., Sarah Metcalf, consort of Phineas, 42.
Died this town , 3 1 ult. , Mrs. Pairces Scott, 56 .
June 19, 1816:
Drowned Lake Champlain near Westhaven, 28 May last, John Jones, c. 25. Had lived with Amos Collins
c. two mos. , belonged on east side of Green Mountains; found June 4th .
Died this village, 17 current, Miss Florilla Ormsby, dau . of Joseph M ., 16, consumption.
Probate, Elisha Woodruff, Pittsford.
Clarendon, Nathaniel Crary, carding sheep ' s wool.
Wed., June 26, 1816:
Pittsford, Alveh Millinton, I 8'h yr. , ran away from Wright Whipple.
Died Salisbury, 16 inst. , Walter Sheldon, Esq ., District Paymaster of US Arrny, 28 .
Middlebury, 14 inst. , Mrs. Esther Spencer, 57 .
July 3, 1816:
Died Philadelphia, VT, consumption, Fri ., 14 inst. , Miss Rhoda Manley, dau . of Eli , 24'h, etc.
Probate, Abijah Bronson, Jr. , Castleton, widow Lorinda.
Probate, Elijah Stevens, Pawlet.
Probate, John Rogers, Tinmouth.
Probate, James Mosher, Wells.
Barak Rudd, Middletown , advertisement for sale, house, 10 acres, barn , shed, blacksmith shop, 300 apple
tree orchard in South part of Middletown, c. two miles from village ; inquire Barker Frisbie, Esq. , or
subscriber at Middletown.
Wed. , July 10, 1816:
Addison, Baptist Meeting House, raised Tuesday, 18 inst. under direction of Charles Dean of Monkton,
prayer by Rev . Henry Chamberlain of Panton, measures 41 x 50; thanks given to Augustus Grovesnor, et al
of Bridport and adjacent towns.
Wallingford, Samuel Sloan says wife Mary and two daus. run him into debt.
Clarendon, indentured boy, Artemas Keyes, ran away from Calvin Crossman.
Died Boston, Thomas Oliver Selfridge, Esq., attorney, 40.
July 17, 1816:
Solomon Jenner, l 7'h yr., ran away from Asa Jenner, Pittsford.
John Holeson of Wells, guardian of Levi Lewis of Wells, son of late Levi, wants to sell land.
Divorce bill, Nancy Belknap of Sudbury vs. John Belknap of Sudbury, married 18 Aug. 1805, he then of
Tinmouth, intolerable severity.
Wed., July 24, 1816:
Married Granville, Washington Co. , NY, 12 ult., by Rev . Parmelee, Charles Bulkeley, Miss Chloe Bebee,
dau. of Gideon, both of that place.
Died Clarendon, 15 inst., consumption, Miss Elsa Potter, 17.
Probate, Nathan Gibbs, Jr. , Pittsford, Widow Electa.
John Hodges Graham who lost leg in war opposite Buffalo, promoted to Acting Lt. in USN.
July31 , 1816:
Married this village, 24 inst., by Rev . Ball, Horace Warren, Miss Clarissa Perry.
Fair Haven, 6 inst., by Isaac Cutler, Esq., John D. Post, Miss Mary Robinson.
Probate, Bimsley Peters, Orwell.
4 July celebration at Hinesburgh on green; some powder on open paper on a table took fire and burned face
of Isaac Odle ofFerrisburg; he so shocked he fired his pistol accidentally and killed Isaac Hurlbut, c. 23 ,
survived by wife and one child.
Wed. , Aug. 7, 1816:
Probate, Samuel Dennis, Shrewsbury, at dwelling of Anne Dennis.
Probate, John Sweet, Mt. Tabor, widow Fanny Sweet.
Married Parkerstown, Capt. Leonard Reed of Shelburn, Miss Sibel Richardson of former place.
Married Brandon, 4 inst., Dr. Anderson G. Dana, Miss Eliza A. Fuller.
Died in this parish, l Aug. current, Mrs. Eunice Dyer, wife of Edward, Esq., survived by husband and eight
children, etc. [see correction next issue]
Died this town, 4 inst., Deac. Daniel Ford, formerly of Middletown, 78.
Benson, 3 ult., Miss Sarah Young, 19.
Died Wallingford, 6 ult., Nathaniel Darby, son of Benjamin, log fell on thigh, amputated, but died six hrs.
after received wound.
Steamboats Phoenix and Champlain schedule.
Aug. 14, 1816:
Wells, Lydia left husband, Nathaniel R. West.
Error in death of Mrs. Dyer's obit last week; she was Sally, not Eunice, ae 34.
Marriage of Dr. Dana, Miss Fuller of Brandon on 4 inst. premature.
9 inst., a man put up at lnn of Salmon Curtis, Hampton Village, NY ; next morning he' s missing. Left
horse, wagon , gravestone not lettered and a bag marked L.C. Thought to be Levi Cummings of
Died this village 12 inst., Miss Charlotte Hagar, 20.
Wed. , Aug. 21, 1816: [no vitals]
Aug. 28, 1816:
Died this village, 17 inst., Miss Susan M. Bell of Pawlet, dau. oflate Jonathan, Esq. of this town, 20.
Elizabethtown, NY, 13 inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Timothy Willard, 59.
Wed., Sept. 4, 1816: [no vitals]
Sept. 11 , 1816: [no vitals]
Sept. 18, 18 16:
Probate, William Wallace, Pawlet, at house of Elizabeth Wallace.
Sept. 25, 1816:
Nathaniel Crary, cloth dressing, black, snuff brown, London Smoak, and navy blue, 25¢ per yd.
British mud , London Brown, fancy blue, 30¢, drab , ash , slate, 20¢.
Died this village , Wed. last, Horace Chipman, son of W.D. Smith, Esq., nine mos .
Oct. 2, 1816: [no vitals]
Oct. 9, 1816:
Died Fair Haven, 29 ult. , Mary Densmore, dau. of John, 1 yr.
Oct. 16, 1816:
Married this town, 9 inst. by Issachar Reed, Esq., William Perkins of Pawlet, Miss Clarissa Bebee of
former place.
Oct. 23, 1816:
Divorce bill, Caty Meacham of Benson vs. Joseph Meacham; married 25 Dec. 1791 by William
Starkweather, J.P., Joseph then of Williamstown, lived together until Sept. 1811 when at Benson he left her
and refused to support numerous family of small children.
William Page of Rutland sells Potter farm in Clarendon, now occupied by Samuel Prentiss, Esq., Otter
Creek land short distance from farm.
Oct. 30, 1816: [missing]
Nov. 6, 1816: [missing]
Nov. 13, 1816 :
Died Savannah, GA, 9 ult., James Seymour Merrill, native of CT, 30th yr., for some yrs. resided in VT.
Died Sheldon, YT, 13 ult., Mrs . Louis, wife of Adam Rice, 73, survived by husband and nine children, 70
Died Wallingford, 6 ult. , Robert Lines, 51.
Died this town, 9 inst. , Miss Mary Allen, dau . of Rev. Allen of Fitzwilliam, NH, 17.
Wed., Nov. 20, 1816 :
Married, Ira. 7 inst. by Rev. M'Culler, John Hunter, merchant, Miss Olive Collins, dau. of Benoni, Esq.
Tues., Nov . 26, 1816:
Castleton, Sarah Doud left husband, Ziney.
Villain-Man calls himself William A. Willis. son of Nathaniel, he lived 5-6 yrs .. on Capt. Harris farm in
Rutland near Clarendon line, 28-30 yrs., 5' 11 ", It. complex. , blue eyes, large sandy whiskers . Feb. 1815 he
went to Rutland. OH; in September married girl with $1 , l 00 legacy from her late father. He took off in
March and left her destitute . His real name is probably William A. Williams, son of Nathaniel. If you
have info on him , write to Abel Larkin, Rutland, Gallia Co., OH.
Probate, Noble Martin, West Haven.
Probate, Charles M ' Arthur, Fairhaven
Divorce bill, Abel Morgan of Plymouth, VT vs. Polly (Jones) Morgan, adultery and desertion, married July
17, 1810 at ·Plymouth.
Divorce bill, Sybel Briard of Rutland, vs. Henry Briard, married at Rutland 25 Feb. 1812; he then of
Ticonderoga, NY, adultery, deserted March 1812.
Danby, apprentice Arnold Phillips ran away from Henry Palmer.
Married, 17 inst. , by Elder Elisha Miller of Hampton, NY, Samuel Pine of Danby, VT, Miss Polly Shaw of
former place.
Died 6 inst., at Morrissavia, Westchester Co., NY, Hon. Govemeur Morris, 65'h yr.
Dec. 4, 1816:
Probate, John Semple, Pawlet.
My husband Timothy Logan and son Peter Logan joined US Army, the latter with Capt. Sproull of NY in
July 1812 at Albany; my husband with Capt. Lawrence, both in 13 'h Regt. , have not heard from either
since, have travelled to Sackett' s Harbor and Plattsburgh in vain. Contact Catherine Logan, 25 Augusta
Street, NY .
Dec. 11 , 1816:
Accident at Plattsburgh, 19'h, US Schooner Little Belt returning from VT with vegetables for US troops
stationed there, run down by Sloop Planet commanded by Capt. Boardman, four on board Little Belt;
Benjamin Warner, soldier in Capt. Thomas M . Read' s Co. drowned, native of New Haven, CT, had served
through War.
Probate, Nehemiah White, Wallingford .
Died Sherburne, 24 ult. , Mrs . Lucinia Briggs, wife of Asa, 59, early settler, long.
Dec. 18, 1816:
Married Sudbury, 4 inst.. by Rev . Hebard, Moses Barnes of Brandon, Miss Luna Tenney of Sudbury.
Married Brandon, 5 inst., Alvan Tenney of Sudbury, Miss Laura Barnes of Brandon.
Dec. 25 , 1816:
Maria Deo of Danby needs William Jay to assist her financially as a relative .
Married Windsor, John C. Thompson, attorney, Editor of Vermont Republican, Miss Nancy Patrick, dau .
of Samuel.
Married Hinesburgh, 2 ult., John Purvis, Miss Betsey Hagar.
Married Cornwall, 5 inst., Luman Fields, Miss Abigail Delong.
Jan . 1, 1817:
Beware of legal sharper, Asa Graves sued Daniel Dyer of Clarendon for $20 due for leather. He appealed
to County court and pied statute of limitations leaving me to pay his costs and min e. Long response by
Rutland, Timothy B. and William W. Bailey want journeyman wagon maker.
Rutland, William Fay, G.M. Davison and Charles Burt form company fo r printin g, booksellers and
mercantile business.
Married Ira, 19 inst. , by Rev . William M ' Culler, Rev. Leland Howard of Windsor to Miss Lucy Mason.
dau . of Capt. Isaiah oflra.
Rutland, Medad Sheldon, blacksmith business and wagon making has completed his stone building at
Gookins Falls.
Hubbardton, Simon Lewis ' wife Betsey left.
Castleton, John Mason opens house of public entertainment at the Four Comers on Turnpike, c. one mile
west of meeting house.
Jan. 8, 1817:
Wallingford, Daniel and Eunice Moon of Wallingford want info on son, Augustus Ramsdell, ae 24, cabinet
maker, who left Lexington, KY for New Orleans, heard he was ill.
Pittsford, Daniel Baird, 17, ran away from Artemas Carpenter.
Died this village after a short illness, Rev. Samuel Williams, L.L.D., Edinburgh and New Haven, formerly
Hollis professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Harvard ; member of the Meteorological Society
in Germany, of the Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, and of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in
Massachusetts, etc. [His obituary failed to mention that Rev./Dr. Williams (1743-1817) in 1794 wrote and
published the Natural and Civil History of Vermont and co-founded the Rutland Herald.]
Drowned Castleton Pond eve of30'h ult., Benjamin Watson of Castleton in 50'h yr. , left widow and eight
children. Interred Fair Haven .
Died Fair Haven, Nov . 20, David Howard Leonard, and died Dec . 13th, George Leonard, sons of Gamaliel,
Esq., poem.
Died Janes, Genesee Co., NY, Sept. 30 last, Capt. Matehew Anderson, son of John, Esq., of Ira. Moved to
Janes from Ira last March, survived by wife and two small children.
Died Hartford, CT, 25 ult., Rev. Nathan Strong, D.D . in 69'h yr.
Jan. 15, 1817:
Married West Rutland, 9 inst., Judson Gorham, Miss Theodocia Thrall, dau. Chauncey, Esq.
Died Pownal, l inst. , Hon. Josiah Wright, chief judge of Bennington County, fall from his chaise on way to
Died Wallingford, 8 inst., George Dyer, Esq. , ae 80.
Died Hartford, CT, 29 ult., Charles Benjamin, formerly of this town, in 23rd yr.
Married a few weeks ago, marriage of Moses Barns, Jr. of Brandon, Miss Lucy Tenney of Sudbury.
Also Miss Laura Barns of Brandon, Alvin Tenney of Sudbury; Deacon Moses Barns delivered address at
last wedding (he father of Moses, Jr. and Laura). [Address printed in full.]
Jan. 22, 1817:
Married NY, Stephen Van Renselaer, Jr., Esq., of Albany, Miss Harriet Elizabeth Bayard, youngest dau. of
William ofNY.
Died New Haven, CT, 11 inst., Rev. Timothy Dwight, President of Yale.
Died Ira, 2 inst., Mrs. Betsey Fish, wife of Russell.
Rutland, Henry Gould's wife, Betsey, left.
Jan. 29, 1817:
Died Clarendon, 2 inst. , Mrs. Betsey Fish, wife of Russell in 22"d yr.
Died New Haven, 7 inst. , consumption, Widow Polly Doud, 53.
Died Shoreham, Silas S. Chipman 23, Middlebury College graduate 1815.
Died Fabius, NY, 14 ult. , a dau. of Roswell Powers, c. 7 yr.; died on 17th, his wife and infant child.
Died Glens Falls, Warren Co., NY , 17 inst., Mrs. Dickinson, wife David T. , Esq., 21.
Died Boston, Kirk Boot, Esq., 51.
Died Franklin, C[sic], Mrs. Lydia Willes, 9!.
Long obituary, Hon. Alexander James Dallas, Sec. of US Treasury, d. Philadelphia.
Died Lebanon, John Giles, 100.
Died Oxford, MA, 17 inst. , Nathan Thurlton, 53.
Died Sunon, MA, 15 inst., Reuben Eaton, 68.
Rutland, Henry Gould ad, he is back with his wife.
Clarendon, Peleg Eddy's wife, Sabrina, left.
Probate, George Dyer, Parkerstown.
Hubbardton, Charles Bowen, 9, ran away from Lorenzo Colton.
Married West Rutland, 26 ult. by William Dennison, Esq., Silas Smith, Miss Chloe Chatterton, dau. of
Isaac of that place.
Married New Haven, Jan. l, by Rev. Josiah Hopkins, William Nash, Jr., Miss Mary Wright.
Married Charlotte, 2 inst. by Zadoc Wheeler, Esq., William Barker, Miss Betsey Levensworth.
Married Shoreham, 19 inst. , Robert Holley, Jr., Esq. of Bristol, Miss Pamelia Larrabee, dau. of John, Esq.
Married NC, Dec. 18, Lewis Sawyer, 82, Mrs. Hannah Potson, age 90, both of TN; bridesmaid was 100
yrs. old.
Feb. S, 1817:
Poultney, Solomon Naughton's wife Abigail left.
Brunswick Co., VA, Gen. John Woods, SS, of Pittsburgh.
England, Admiral Sir Roger Curtis and the Marchioness of Wellesley.
Married Windsor, by Rufus Root, Esq., Oliver Spafford, Miss Lucinda Burton, dau. of Simon, Esq., of NY .
Married St. Paul's Church at Windsor, Ebenezer Brewer, merchant, of Keene, NH, Miss Julia Emerson,
dau. of William, Esq.; Episcopal ceremony by Samuel Shuttleworth, Esq.
Married Weathersfield, by Abner Philbrick, Esq., Jonathan Allen, Jr., Miss Elice Carter.
Married [no place shown], James Tarbell, Miss Hannah Walker of Cavendish, VT.
Married Monkton, 16 ult., Heman Hosford of Charlotte, Miss Polly Fuller of former place.
Married Williston, Henry Bradley[?], Miss Maria Miller.
Died Charlestown, NH, 12 ult., Elizabeth Wheeler, widow of late Moses, 22.
Died Weathersfield, VT 3 inst., Paul Cook, Esq.
Died Shrewsbury, Jan. 1" last, Philemon Adams, Jr., ae 22, from fall of a tree.
Wed.,Feb. ll[sic], 1817:
Married Granville, Jan. 30, by Rev. Rowley, Daniel Holbrook of Sharon, Windsor Co., Miss Nancy Strong.
Died Cramahe, Canada, 24 ult., James Stuart, late of this town, ae c. 70.
Died Windsor, Hon. Stephen Jacob, 61.
Died Brattleboro, Mrs. Hannah, wife of Eber Putnam, dau. of Ebenezer Fox, Esq.
Died Sutton, MA, 15 ult., Reuben Eaton, 68.
Died Westminster, on mom 25 ult., Wed., Sarah Wooley, 79.
Feb. 19, 1817:
Pittsford, Homer Potter, stone cutting, one mile west of meeting house at end Mead's bridge in Pittsford;
tombstones, dark blue mantles, etc.
Died 16 ult. at residence of Rev. S. Wilmer, Swedesborough, NJ, Rev. Silas S. Safford, 23, Protestant
Episcopal minister, late of Middlebury, VT, long.
Clarendon Furnace ad, Noah Shepardson.
Peacham, Joseph Brown asks for info on his brother, William Brown, c. 22, etc., shoemaker, left Peacham
spring 1814 and worked at Middlebury, VT; left there spring 1815 . Where is he?
Feb.26, 1817:
Trinity Church Society organized Rutland, Wed., 19 inst., Rev. George T. Chapman of Greenfield, MA
with establishment meeting at H. Gould, Mon. March 4th.
Brandon, Nathaniel Nichols of Hubbardton expelled from Masons.
Jefferson, ME, Feb. 6, dwelling of William Whitehouse burned, killing him, wife and three children. Wife
had been confined four days in childbed. He saved two children and wife 's sister.
Hinsdale, Capt. Daniel Merryman's gristmill destroyed Hinsdale, 29 ult. [This is from a Pittsfield, MA
newspaper dated 5 Feb. 1817.]
March 5, 1817:
Probate, Philemon Adams, Jr., Shrewsbury.
Long list of men and ages testify that Isaac Van Wart, David Williams and John Paulding arrested Maj.
John Andre and they were not under suspicion of being friendly to the enemy.
Died Belton, Wayne Co., PA, l 0 ult. , Samuel Meredith formerly Treasurer of US, 70[?76].
Died Worcester, MA, 23 ult., Hon. Francis Blake, 43.
Died Northampton, MA , __ •h ult., Mrs. Sarah Strong, wife of Hon. Caleb, 60'h yr.
Died Smithfield, NH, 14 ult., Thomas Gully perished, inclemency of weather.
Died Brattleboro, Mrs. Polly Robinson, 81.
Died Middletown, 1" inst. of epidemic that prevailed winter of 1813, Capt. Aaron Haskins, worthy and
respectable citizen .
. Died this town, Mon. mom, a dau. of Mr.----- Parker, three yrs.
Robert Pierpoint, sells tavern formerly occupied by him and lately occupied by Capt. Peter Black, center of
village, few rods south of court house in Manchester.
March 12, 1817:
Probate, real estate of Putnam T. Williams, a minor, to be sold in Rutland.
Married Sandgate, Theodore Sanderson, Miss Ann Hurd, all of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Ira Weed, Miss Thankful Phillips, all of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Jared Howe, Miss Clarissa Harmon, all of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Truman Hurd, Miss Amy Frost, all of Sandgate.
Married NY , 13 ult., John F. Gould, Miss Jane Louisa Graham, eldest dau. Nathan B., Esq., formerly of
this town.
Married Poultney, Isaac Andrus of Arlington, Miss Rebecca Coffee of Poultney.
Married Pownal, Silas Mattison of Shaftsbury, Mrs. Polly Milliman of former place.
Married Brandon, John T. Hagget of Peterboro, NH, Miss Lucinda Brigham of Jaffrey.
Died Windsor, very sudden, Fri. last. Loraine, dau. Moses Strong, Esq. of Rutland, in 13'h yr.
Died Pomfret CT, Sylvanus Backus, Esq., member of Congress.
Died Marietta, OH, Gen. Joseph Wilcox of CT.
Died Plainfield, NH, Hon. Daniel Kimball, Esq., 61, founder of Union Academy, etc.
Died Walpole, NH, 15 ult., Widow Phebe Bellows, 73.
Died New Haven, CT, Rev. Henry Sherman, 3 l.
Rutland, T.B. Bailey wants house wines.
March 19, 1817:
Rutland Village, "School Review," page 1: 1) mostly males, Mr. Hitchcock, teacher; 2) young females,
Miss Laura Mason, teacher; 3) young females more advanced, Miss Louisa Shirtliff of Keene, NH.
Committee, Issachar Reed, John Cleveland, E. W. Bisbee.
Married Middletown, Isaac Griswold. Miss Azuba Wait.
Married Middletown, George Green. Miss Philinda Woodhouse.
Died Middletown, 2 inst., Mrs. Susanna Hutchins, wife of Elisha, ae 23, on 4'\ Mrs. -----Mehurin, wife of
Amasa and mother of Mrs. Hutchins. ae 46.
March26, 1817:
Ira. Nathan Fisher, 19, indentured boy. ran away from Otis Fisher.
Married Tunbridge, by Rev. Jacob Allen, Solomon Willard, Miss Bersheba Banister of Randolph.
Married Barnard, by Rev. Davis, Benjamin Cox, Jr., Miss Mary Bowman.
Married Weathersfield, Aaron Hall, Jr.. Miss Rachel Richards .
Married Westminster, 11 inst., by Rev. Sylvanus Sage, Capt. Levi Powers of Glens Falls, NY. late of US
Army, Miss Cynthia Eaton of former place.
Married Dutchess Co., NY, Benjamin Gregory, 16, Miss Martha Churchill, l I .
Married Lebanon, NH, Capt. Jason Allen of Eastport, ME, Miss Lucy Parkhurst, eldest dau. of Dr.
Married Belville, VA, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, Miss Maria D. Mayo, eldest dau. of Col. John.
Married West Rutland, eve 14 inst., Eliphalet Darling, Miss Olive Moses.
Married East Village Rutland, Mon. eve last, by Rev. Ball, Levi Smith of Wallingford, Mrs. Rachel Cook
of this town.
Married Bennington, 5 inst., Ira Hawks, Miss Fanny Nairn Church.
Married Marshfield, Sylvanus Pitkin of Pawlet, Miss Hannah Randall of former place.
Died Weathersfield, 25 ult., Franklin. son ofBenajah Deane, 8.
Died Reading, 7 inst., Timothy Foster, son of George, 19.
Died Hartland, 14 inst., Zadock Spaulding, 22"d yr.
Died Maryland, Jan. 12, Rev. Clarke Brown, rector of Willi;;im and Mary Parish, Charles Co .. YID; just
moved there from Swanzey, NH.
Died Wallingford, 11 inst., Mrs. Patty Hulett, wife of Thomas, ae 33.
Died Shaftsbury, 14 inst., Miss Eunice Corey, dau. of David, ae 26.
Died Woodstock, 13 inst., Erastus Call, ae 23.
Died Springfield, l 8 ult., Hon. Simon Stevens, 80.
April 2, 1817:
Married Sandgate, Mr. Dunning of Dorset, Miss Jerusha Dayton of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Martin Coggswell, Miss Marcia Tuttle, all of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Samuel Coggswell, Miss Joan Smith, all of Sandgate.
Married Sandgate, Alonzo Ferris, Miss Lydia Dayton, all of Sandgate.
Married Middlebury, 17 ult., James M'Donald, merchant, Miss Eliza Sargeant, dau. of Samuel,
Married Norfolk, 13 ult. , Capt. Lewis Warrington of USN, Miss Casey King, dau . of late Miles, Esq. of
Married Georgetown, DC, 16 ult., William Gamble , Esq ., Consul of US at St. Eustatia, Miss Ann Lee of
Blenheim, Charles Co. , MD .
Married Tinmouth, 12 ult. , Samuel Benham , Miss Margaret Pine.
Died Windsor, Jane Hull , dau. of Oliver Farnsworth, Esq. , 11 .
Died Rutland, 27 ult. , Luther Grant, son of William Shaw, ae 6 mos.
Died 28 ult. , Miss Asenath Curtis, dau. of Philo, in l 5'h yr.
April 9, 1817:
Married Rutland, 2 inst. by Dr. Bull, Moses Turner, Esq . of Poultney, Mrs . Hannah Hale of former place.
Died Middletown, 3 inst. , Samuel Chubb, c. 50.
Rutland, near Gookins Mills, Miss Phebe Sullings, tailoress.
Rutland, Clark Harwood makes window sashes at Jedediah Walker' s.
April 16, 1817:
Dr. Ezekiel Porter to leave VT [he' s from Rutland]
Married Shaftsbury, 30 ult., Eliphalet Buck, Miss ----- Green .
Married Champlain, NY , 19 ult., William Fuller, Jr. of Burlington, Miss Lucy Androus of former place.
Died Shaftsbury, 31 ult. , Mrs. Abigail Matteson , widow of Francis, Esq., 67 .
Died Shafts bury , 27 ult. , Mrs . Margaret Niles, wife of John .
Died Boston, Caleb Bingham, bookseller.
Probate, Capt. Cephas Smith, Jr. , Rutland .
Probate, James Dean, Pittsford .
Delinquent property taxpayers list for year 1816 according to an Act of Congress . Gives acreage and
bounds. Lands to be sold at Benson at John Kellogg ' s office ; he is deputy collector. Benson: Festus
Adams ; Asahel Allen ; Robert Anderson ; Phinehas Belding, Jr. ; Aziel Barnes; Seth Branch : Calvin Belding;
Daniel Brown; Joel Barber; Roswell Barber; Elisha Belding; Charles Belding, Jr.; Arnold Briggs ; Robert
Barber; Stephen Crofoot; John S. Carter; Perez Chapin; Joseph Clark; Jabez Carter; Isaac and Epaphras
Clark; Levi Done ; Solon Dyer; Henry S. Easton; Calvin R. Evans; Aaron Farnham and Allen Goodrich,
Admins .; Lyman Felton ; Mary Goodrich ; Elijah Goodrich ; Aaron Gibbs ; Jacob Gleason ; Enoch Gleason;
Abraham Humphrey and Wheeler Martin; Ozias Johnson ; Asa Jones, tenant to N. Jones; Daniel Kinyon ;
Dexter King; Pere G. Ladd; Daniel Lakin; Jared Megraw; David Meacham; Christopher Miner;
Bartholomew Merritt; Demas Mather; Jonas Nelson; Jesse Olmsted; Asher Olmsted; Jonathan Orms;
Jonathan E. Parmele; Henry A . Parsons; Oliver Parmele; Ashley and Martin; Sheldon Root; Lemuel
Standish; Benjamin Stacy; Josiah Stiles ; Ebenezer Stacy; William Standish, tenant to Guy Wheeler;
William Spooner; Heman Wadhams; Martin Wilcox ; Dan M. Kent. Castleton: Charles and Abigail
Brown, Admins .; Ephraim Bliss; Cushman Bliss; Charles Brown; Abijah Brownson ; Jesse Belding, Jr.;
Elijah and Stephen Clark; William Dyer; Zina Dowd; Jesse Graves ; Selah Gridley ; Truman H. Hinman;
Thomas Hall ; Thomas King; Leonard E. Lathrop; Prudence Murdock: Lewis L. Miner; Enos Merrill;
Ezekiel Noble ; Jonathan Orms , Guardian ; Benj amin Pond ; Preserved Palmer; Elijah Remington ; Eleazer
Sherman ; Anna Stephens; Job Stiles; Moses Sheldon; James or Samuel Shaddock; Cornelius Statia;
Truman Tomlinson ; Theodore Woodward; Lewis Whitlock. Fair and West Haven: Augustus Angel ;
Anderson, Goreham and heirs of Gilmore; lthamar Allen ; Horace Adams; Heirs of Levi Beardsley; Enos
Bristol ; David Bristol; Jabin Bosworth; John Beman; Bottom, Bascomb and Bottom; John B. Bagley;
Rufus and Asa Cone; Leman Clark; Elihu Chillson; Henry Cramer's heirs; James C. Cleveland; Bezaleel
Day; Caleb Dunham; William Graves ; Timothy Goodrich; Tilly Gilbert; Comfort Hicks ; William Hicks ;
James Hooker; Nathan S. Hooker; Charles and Richard Hawkins ; Charles Hawkins; Ebenezer Hurd;
Comfort Hicks, Agent for J. Angel; Samuel Jennings; Chester King; David King; Curtiss Kelsey; Oren
Kelsey; Enoch Martin; Peter Merritt; Charles McArthur; Asahel Munger; Abigail Martin; Maranville and
Cleveland; Eliada Orton; John Orton; Jonathan Orms; Prince Pettibone (occupant); Ethiel and Roger
Perkins; William Patterson (occupant); Noah Preast; Chauncey Preast; John Smith, Administrator ofU .
Higgins, deceased; James W. Rossman; Jerusha Rogers, Benson Smith, occupant; John Ruggles; Elijah
Race ; Joseph Sanford, Admin.; Harvey Shaw; Joel Stevens; Joseph Sheldon; Joseph Snow; Christopher
Minot, Dan Smith, occupant; Foster and Crossman; Noah Tuttle; Elijah Trion; Joseph Watson ; Artemas
Wyman ; Calvin Wilder; Ethan Whipple, Agent for J. Whipple; Joseph Whipple ; Moses Sheldon; Moses
Sheldon, Jr. Hubbardton: Micajah E. Aldrich; Richard Brown ; Abigail Chever; David Davis ; Oliver
Foster; Horatio Foster; Widow Elizabeth Foster; Lyman Felton; Chandler Foster; Eleazer Flagg; Stephen
Hudson ; Joseph Hack; Aaron Hall; Hamilton Hall; Gideon Horton; William Hill, Jr.; Asa and James Hill;
Thomas Jeleff; Dan M. Kent; Edward Kellogg; M ' Farland and Munson ; James Pettee; Oliver Plumley;
Phineas Roach; Adron Rumsey; Gilbert Spooner; Ripley Torrey; Elisha Whitney ; Isaac R. Wright; Ezra
Wood ; Elisha Walker. Middletown: Clark and Leffingwell; Samuel Hand, E. Ashley, Agent; Abraham
Johnson ; Silas Lovell; Lewis Miner, Admin . for estate of Joel Miner. Orwell: Josiah Austin; Charles P.
Allen ; Daniel Blandon's heirs; David Cook; Zephaniah Clark; Peter Foot; Jedediah Griswold; Peter P. Hall;
Uzal Hinds; Abraham Humphrey; Leonard, M' Farland and Leonard; David Leonard; James Q. M'Farland;
Thomas Martindale; Henry Moore; John Noble; Nathaniel Sherrill; Ebenezer Stacy; Lydia Swetland; David
Warren, Jr.; Michael Willson. Poultney: Elijah Ames; Widow Elizabeth Buckland; Samuel Buckland;
Samuel Broughton; Ebenezer Cross; Samuel Dowd; Jared Goreham; Elijah Goodwin; Samuel Hand; T. and
K. Hickok, occupants, D. Brainard, owner; James Hooker; Marquis D.T. Hooker; Louisa Howe; Sheldon
Hickok; Zuriel Lewis; Joseph Manning; Spencer Parsons; Joseph and Russel Pitkin; Ezekiel Rider; Jacob
Rogers; Ruth Smalley; Elisha Scott; Aaron Torrey; William Trumbull ; Amasa Thatcher; John Young.
Pawlet: Data Allen ; John H. Andrus ; Gideon Adams ; Ichabod Baker; Martin Brooks; David Button;
William Cobb; Ephraim Cook; Lemuel Chase; David Cleveland; Rowland Cushman ; Daniel Dana;
Abiather Evans; Justin Eastman ; Alpheus Gage ; Joseph Gould; Arunah Hanks ; Lorin Hamlin; Benjamin
Holley; Oliver Hanks ; Roswell Jones ; Nathaniel Loomis; Oliver Loomis; William Marks ; Seth Porter;
Nathaniel Robinson ; Moses Sheldon ; John Strong; David Steams; Simon Stone· John Sargents ; Joel
Sheldon, Jr.; Jonathan Todd; Samuel Tousley and Nathaniel Robinson ; James Uran; Jonathan Uran ; Daniel
Welch; Silas R. Willard ; John Wiseman; Washington Z. Wait. Sudbury: John Dwinnel; Lyman Felton;
Joseph Hack; Simon Haven. Wells: Titus Bowe; Samuel Broughton; Willard Cobb; Ansel Goodspeed ;
Louis Hough ; Abel Potter; Jonathan Safford; Septimus Smith ; Jason Towler; James Howe.
Sat., April 19, 1817 (Supplement):
Delinquent property taxpayers list for year 1816 according to an act of Congress. Gives acreage and
bounds. Lands to be sold at house of Issachar Reed, Esq ., in Rutland . Brandon: Daniel Avery, Michael
Bates; Elijah A. Bigelow; David R. Beals; Penuel Child; Frederick A. Childs; Moses Cluff; Solomon
Chase; Betsey Cheney, her dower in estate of Edward Cheney; R.R. Childs ; Simon Clifford; Cenith Carey;
Joseph Congdon ; Ebenezer Child; Joseph Daggett: Benajah Douglass; Stephen Durke; Paul Field and Sally
Steams ; Ephraim Flint; Nathan Freeman; Eleazer Flagg; Richard Gilbert [he listed twice] : Willis
Goodenow ; John Hooker; Calvin Hulburt; David Hutchins; David Jacobs; Jonathan Keith ; Daniel Lincoln ;
Benjamin M ' Donald; Sardis and Anson Manley; John Merriam; James Perrigo; athaniel Rand ; Lydia and
Lucy Robbins ; Walter Sessions; John Seaton ; Ephraim Sawyer; Richard Smith ; Solomon Tracey; Lewis
Whitlock; Mahitable Whitlock, B. & C. Tucker, occupants. Clarendon : Elvin Andrus ; William Bromley;
John Brown ; John Burlingame; Joseph Button; Joseph Collins; William Carpenter, for the heirs ofT.
Spencer; James Crocker; William Carr; Elizabeth Drinkwater; John Eddy; Eleazer Flagg; Cleveland Himes;
Joshua Herrington; Joshua Herrington, Admin. of Theophilus Herrington estate; Hannibal Hodges ; Andrew
Potter; Thomas Potter; Solomon Pillsbury; Allen Pooler; Samuel Prentiss, agent for Weeks ; David Palmer,
2d; Daniel Platt; Jesse Richardson; Seth Rice ; Wait Rathbone; Ira Seward; John Scovil; Charles Seamans;
Benjamin Whitney; George Westcott; Asahel Whitmore ; Solomon Whitney. Chittenden and
Philadelphia: Joseph and Billings Atwood; Charles Anns; Samuel Adams; John Baird, Jr.; Thomas Baird;
David Baird; Consider Bowen; Nathaniel Belknap; Samuel Cooley; John Davis, Jr.; Lovica B. Holt;
Jedediah Johnson; Wolcott H. Keeler; Jonathan Kendall; Amos Kellogg; Simeon Kilbourn ; James Legget;
Seth Manley; Eliab Mitchell; Sardis and Anson Manley; William Manley; Peter Powers; Edward Ruggles ;
Moses Randall; William Rollins; Elijah Segar; Joseph Thomas; Abraham Thomas; John and Asa Thomas;
Jonas Wheeler; Otis Wheeler. Danby and Mt. Tabor: Bradford Barnes; Gideon Baker; Jacob Bartlett;
Joseph Bartlett; Luther Colvin, 2"d; Joseph Davis; Barney Hadwin; Peter Macumber; Augustus Mulford;
William Nortrop[sic] ; Peleg Nichols; Samuel Pine; Nathan Porter; Mary Palmer; William B. Seeley; John
Sweet; Hezekiah Shippy; Hannah Seeley; Gideon Tabor; Arden Tabor; Stephen Williams; John Wood.
Mt. Holly: Edward Barrett; Joseph Button (no acreage or bounds); Cyrus Carpenter; William Crowley;
Miles Clark; Benjamin Crocker; Stephen Holden; Jonas Holden; Jedediah Hammond; Joseph Kinne ; Simon
Lawrence; Simon Lawrence, Admin. of Stephen Fletcher; Seth Livingston; Henry Patch; John Patch;
Stephen Rogers ; Nathan T. Sprague; Joab Stow; Hosea White; Alexander Wells. Pittsford : Kellogg
Andrews; Samuel Adams; Alfred Buck; Jirah Barlow; Elijah Brown, Jr.; Elijah Brown, 3d; Thomas
Burdett, Jr.; Jirah Barlow, Admin. Z. Andrew; Rufus Burr; Thomas Burditt; Consider Bowen; Samuel
Cooley; Samuel Cooley, agent for N. Beach; Azariah Cooley; Azariah Cooley, Guardian to Benjamin
Cooley; Edward Clifford; Artemas Carpenter; Justin Darling; Samuel Dutton; Benajah Douglass; James
Dean; Gilbert Evans; Nathan Gibbs; Cyrus Gibbs; Benjamin Harrington; Luther Hulburt; Aaron Henry;
Remembrance Hitchcock; Ephraim Hubbell ; Reuben Ives ; Catherine Jackson ; Lott Keeler; Amos Kellogg,
agent, estate of B. Field; Jonathan Kendall; Jabez Luther; John Lampson; Marcey Lincoln ; Jason Ladd;
John Lampson , Jr.; Nathaniel Ladd ; Thomas Manley; John Meriam; Eli and Reuben Mead ; William Mead;
John Meriam, William Pierce, occupant; William Page or Daniel Keith ; Abner Perry; Josiah Parsons;
William Page, agent for Martha Ramsdell; Hezekiah Parmele; Zebulon Pond; Zachariah Rand ; Anthony C.
Rice; Ebenezer Smith; Peter Southerland; Mary Spencer; James Thayre[sic]; Peter Thomas; Timothy Taft;
John Wooster; Jesse Woodward ; Simeon Wright, agent; Jesse Wheeler; Abraham Walker; Kenelm
Winslow; Job Winslow ; Phinehas and Elisha Woodruff. West Rutla nd a nd Ira : Thomas Aldrich,
Zebulon Ames, Nathaniel Allen; Russel Baker; Ebenezer Blanchard; Ebenezer and Briant Blanchard; John
Burlingame; Briant Blanchard; Thomas Collins; Joseph Collins; Isaac Clark; Rufus Clark; Olivit Dart; John
Daniels, 2"d; Stephen Daniels; Oliver Eaton; Ethni Fillmore; Selah Gridley; Rufus Guilford; Jesse Gaut;
Simeon and Rufus Guilford ; Susanna Haskins ; Samuel Hunter; James Hunter; Elnathan Love lass; Elias
Munger; Nancy Obrine; David Parker; Daniel Reed ; Morris Reynolds; John Smith; Peter Southerland;
Charles Seamans; Thomas Spencer; Erastus Woodard ; Asahel Whitmore . S her burne: Abijah P. Avery ;
Asa Briggs; Nathan Easterbrooks· Elisha Easterbrooks; Eleazer Flagg, 1500 acres on Parker' s Gore ; John
Gilkee ; Lewis Harlow; Isaac Hoisington ; William Stillwell; Lemuel Truesdall; Thomas Tripp; Ezra Wilson .
Pitts field : Calvin Briggs; Dyer Bugbee; Penuel Child; David Dailey; John Densmore; John Fuller; Portius
Fuller; Stephen Holt, Jr.: Jesse Hall ; Elisha Holt; Joseph Lamb; Tisdale Lincoln; Ira Parsons; Isaiah
Parmeter: Heirs of J. Baker, J. Parsons, agent; T. Matthews, J. Parsons. agent; Samuel Root; Isaac Stone;
Enoch Sargent; John Townson ; Jo shua Wheeler; Cephas White ; Bethuel Warren . Shrewsbury: William
Ayres ; Samuel Adams ; David Buckmaster; Pardon Brown ; Daniel Boardman , John Kilburn , Jr., agent;
Daniel Beverstock ; Elijah Ball, Archelaus Jones, agent; Israel Balch ; Rufus Bucklin, 3 8 acres, same set off
to Widow Buckmaster; Ebenezer Cheney, John Kilburn , Jr. , agent; Moses Chaplin ; Joel Forbes; Eleazer
Flagg, Admin . of Jonathan Parker; Joseph Harraden ; Lephe Howard; Caleb Hall ; Humphrey Hadley;
Nathan Johnson; Benjamin Johnson; John Kilburn, Jr. ; Philip Lord ; William Lord; Daniel Lincoln ; Am y
Marsh; William Marsh ; John Putnam, John Kilburn , agent; Samuel Preast, Jr. ; Martin Pratt; Ephraim
Steams, John Kilbume, Jr. , agent; John Seamans; William Seamans; Noah Sparhawk; Meribah Shippy, part
of farm lately owned by John Shippy; Artemas Shippy; Daniel Twitchell; David Underwood; Ephraim
Warren, John Kilbume, agent; Charles Wilder; William Webber; Charles Wilder, agent for Mary Clark.
Tinmo uth: Mary Ballard; Lura Beach; John Collins; Paine Gilbert; Thomas Hutchinson; Jeremiah Jones ;
Samuel Miles ; Jonathan Merrill; Obadiah Noble, Jr. , agent for Ebenezer Church; Bezaleel Palmer; Azor
Perry, Jr. ; Wait Rathbone; Nathan Salsbury; John Wood. Wallingford : Horatio G. Amedon ; Jonathan
Anderson ; Stephen Chaffe, agent for heirs of Samuel Delap lain; Robert Cole; Jeremiah Bowen; John Hill;
David Hopkins; John Hill, Jr.; Paul M'Coy; Joseph Oakman; Aaron Sacket; William Swetland, agent for
Benjamin Dexter; Samuel Sherman, agent for Stephen Patch, Jr. ; Levi Smith, Jr. ; Levi Smith; Aaron
Steward; Phineas Scott; Adoniram Smalley. East Rutla nd and P arke rstow n [Mend on] : Abraham
Anthony; James Butman; Joseph Barney; George -Buck; Gershom Cheney; Eliakim Cheney; Susanna
Cheney; George Dyer; Noah Dodge; Jacob Ford; Eleazer Flagg, land in Parkerstown; Aaron and Coburn
Foster; Isaac Gage; Asa Graves ; Leonard Greeno ; Nichols Goddard; Silas Hawkins ; Asa Howard; David
Hart; David Jewell; Joseph Kimball ; Lot Keeler; William M' Connell; Heirs of Thomas M' Connell;
Truman Moulthrop; John Meriam; Joshua Osgood; William Storer; John and William Shaw; Return
Strong; Abel Page, Moses Strong, Thomas Hooker, Charles K. Williams, 100 acres on Pine Hill purchased
of Samuel Ward; Silas D. Willis; Samuel Walker. B r andon : A. W. Broughton. R. [Robert] Pierpoint,
Deputy Collector.
April 23, I 817:
1811 forward spring; 1812, backward spring; 1815, May 19, severe snow storm; 1816, backward spring,
ground froze deep last of March, May 15 , ground froze one inch deep; 161h, harbor of Buffalo blocked with
ice, seven miles ; morning of this day, snow in Rutland County lay more than one inch deep, lots that year.
Manied Vernon, VT, Col. William Swan, late of the Army, Miss Martha Lane ofNorthampton, MA.
Windsor, 7 inst. , Ephraim Dunlap, Miss Anne Hall Daniels.
Married Craftsbury, Gardner H. Shattock, Miss Hepzibah Mason
Manied Craftsbury, Ralph Corey, Miss Esther Holton.
Manied Craftsbury, Frederick Delano, Miss Pamela Spaulding.
Manied Craftsbury, Nehemiah Smith, Miss Huldah Norris.
Married Cambridge, Ira Morgan, Miss Mary Phillips.
Married Fairfax, Lucas R. Beeman, Miss Lucinda Story.
Married Jerico, Joseph Waterman of Johnson, Miss Laura Hubbell of former place.
Manied Savannah, James Joy, Miss Matilda Payne, poem.
Died Pittsfield, Electa, dau. of Rev. Parsons, ae 12.
Died Hanover, NH, 4 inst., Hon. John Wheelock, L.L.D., pres. Dartmouth University, 63, etc.
Died Burlington, NJ, Isaac Collins, Esq., old and celebrated printer.
Died Northampton, MA, Mrs. Sarah Hooker, relict of Rev. John, former minister of that town, 86.
Died Philadelphia, PA, Rev. Emanuel N . Carvalo, late minister to Jewish Congregation, 47•h yr.
Died Sunderland, 10 i.nst.. Albert Landon, 19.
Died Pittsfield, Electa, dau. of Rev . Parsons , 12.
Probate, Abial Holt, Stockbridge.
Pawlet, Daniel Dana expelled from Masons.
Middletown, Stephen Cowdery, John Butler, Silas Lovell, al! late of Middletown. were expelled from
Masons .
April 30, 1817 :
Manied Castleton, Thurs . last by Rev. Smith, Col. Charles K. Williams, attorney of Rutland, Miss Lucy G.
Langdon , dau. of Hon. Chauncey of former place.
Married Whitehall, NY, by J. White, Esq., Cyrus Adams, merchant of Middletown, Miss Demis Dewey of
Died Rutland, 22 inst., Mrs. Deborah Storer, wife of William. ae . 44. Same day Betsey, daq. of Abner
Moon, ae 4.
Died Middletown, 19 inst., Mrs. Cowdry, wife of Stephen, ae 22.
Died Cornwall, 16 inst., Mrs. Sarah Peck, wife of Reeve, 63.
Died Bridport, 19 inst., Samuel Case. 23, Sophomore class at Middlebury College.
May 7, 1817:
Manied Castleton, Thurs. last, by Rev. Smith, Aaron Dana of Poultney, Miss Altha Mason of former place.
May 14, 1817:
Married Poultney, 6 inst., by Rev. Sylvanus Haynes, William Lewis, Jr., Miss Lucy Chubb, both that town.
Married Clarendon, 20 ult., Clifford Harris of Shrewsbury, Miss Lucy Parker of former place.
Married Wells, Tulmon Hull, Miss Lucy Clemons.
Married Dorset, William Beebe, Miss Sally Gifford.
Married Shaftsbury, Thomas Bates, Miss Sarah Benham.
Died Tinmouth, 27 ult., Mrs. Azuba Griswold, consort oflsaac, ae 20.
Died Mt. Tabor, 24 ult., Mrs. Betsey Billington, ae 87.
Died Manchester, 26 ult., Miss Welthey Johnson, 16th yr.
Died Bennington, 6 ult., Joseph Nelson, 60.
Died Bennington, 11th' Mrs. Prudence Houghton, 80.
Died Bennington, 29 ult., Miss Esther Hayes, 26 .
May21 , 1817:
Died Rutland, Sat. last, Capt. Nathaniel Beaman, father of Mrs. Storer (her death Herald of7lh), 70'h yr.
Died Manchester, 26 ult., Miss Welthy Johnson, l6 1h yr.
Windsor, 3 inst., William Leverett, Esq. , 57.
Died Oxford, MA, Rebecca, wife of Rufus Kingsbury, 26.
Fay, Davison and Burt store.
Rutland, Abel Page removed Saddler's shop to new building east of his tavern.
May28 , 1817:
Rutland, R.H. Gould and Co.
Married NY, Lt. Col. Croghan, Miss Levina Livingston, dau . of John, Esq.
Died England, Thomas Taylor, oldest preacher in Methodist Communion, ae 77, traveled 100,000 miles
Died Petersburgh, VA, 7 current, Alanson Miller, eldest son of Col. Thomas of this town, ae 26, etc.
Rutland, Daniel Chapman store.
Rutland, "Balance and Rigadoom ' till all is BLUE! The under written, at his old stand, in Rutland, where
there is plenty and variety of music, notwithstanding some fairer complexioned people, who pretend to
make all blue, may assume to know more of dark hues, still continues to Dye Cotton, Linen and Sheep' s
Woolen Yam Blue; and from twenty years ' experience thinks that he knows how to fix this colour, and
would be happy in this; and with every musical instrument to aid his old customers." Pearson Freeman.
June-l , 1817:
Page 3: The Season, severe frosts, Pigeons and cutworms (use slacked lime).
Rutland, Alden Yarington, tailor over F.A. Fuller store.
Probate, Shermon Whiton, Benson .
Probate, Isaac J. Vail, Danby.
Castleton, Beriah Jordan, apprentice in House Carpenter and Joiners business, 18 yr. , ran away from
Thomas R. Dake.
June 11 , 1817:
Married Wells, I inst.. by Ansel Goodspeed, Esq ., Peter Blossom, Miss Margaret Pomroy.
Officers of Rutland Masons .
Probate, Aaron Haskins, Middletown . at house of Nancy Haskins.
Wed ., June 18, 1817:
Died Ira, dropsy in head, 23 ult. , Joseph B. Perry, in 16'h yr.
Rutland, Daniel Carruth, blacksmith, shoe horses $1, set shoes for 8¢, toe and set for 12 Yi¢ lay plow irons
$1.50, sharpen them 17¢, sell new plough irons 17¢ per lb ., draught chains 18¢ per lb. , warranted axes at
Sl.75. large hinges 18¢ per lb. , house tongs and shovels $3 .00, adze $3 .00 , hoes 67¢.
June25 , 1817:
Rutland, notice page 3, inconvenience on Highway & Greens, deposit stone, lumber, etc., leaving cellar
drains, side ditches and aqueduct logs partially covered, dog holes, carry off hearth to back cellars, throw
rubbish on highway.
Married Poultney, 15 inst., by Rev. Kendrick, Augustus Hulburt, Miss Lydia Johnson, all of that town .
Died Rutland, Mon. , Andrew Jackson Delano, son of Obadiah, 20 mos .
July2 , 1817:
Probate, Benjamin Hulburt, widow Cloe; Calvin Hurlburt, surviving administrator, Rutland.
Probate, Wesley Perkins, Orwell
Married Rutland, Wed. last, by Rev . Ball, John P. Clough, Miss Minerva Pratt.
Married Middletown, 22 ult. , by Rev. S. Haynes, Lewis Tyrrell of Fletcher. Miss Betsey Caswell, dau. of
Capt. Josiah of Middletown.
Died Castleton, 20 ult., Emeline, dau . of Hon. Erastus Higley, c. 7 yr. , poem.
Died Middletown, 25 ult., consumption, Richard Gray, 21.
Died Shrewsbury, 26 ult., Jinery Burditt, son of Joshua, in l4'h yr.
West Rutland, Exi L. Chatterton has brick yard.
July 9, 1817 :
Married Middletown, 29 ult., Joseph Spaulding, 3'd, Miss Hannah Clark of former place.
Died Philadelphia, 24 ult., Hon. Thomas M' Kean, late Gov. of PA.
July 16, 1817:
Tinmouth, Nathan Smith can't live with his wife Phebe.
Poultney, James Smith, 17, apprentice farmer, ran away from Simeon L. Hicock.
Probate, James Hunter, Ira.
Married Castleton, Sun. last, by Rev. Smith, Hale Mason, Miss Sally Hickok.
Died Fairhaven, 5 inst., Mrs . Sophia Watson in 45•h yr., reJjct of late Benjamin who was drowned in
Castleton Pond in Dec. last, etc.; print Albany .
Died, Clarendon, 4 inst., Miss Chloe Colvin, dau. of Capt. J(onathan], ae 17.
July23, 1817:
Died Castleton, 13 inst., Mrs. Rhoda Tuttle, wife of Harvey and dau. of Capt. David Sanford, ae 19; poem,
Died Wallingford, 3 inst., Mrs. Philaney Fox, wife of William, Esq., ae 54.
Died Clarendon, 14 inst. , Ebenezer P. Tuttle, ae 54.
Rutland, Episcopal Church, meeting at Page Hotel, Rev. George Chapman to re-commence his ministerial
function at court house, Sun.
July 30, 181 7:
Died Willsborough , NY, 11 inst., Mrs . Dorcas Manley, ae 31 , wife of Rev. Ira and dau. of Deac. Asa Hale
of this town .
Aug. 6.1817 :
Marr:ied Rutland, 29 ult., by Rev. Ball, David Hammond of Shoreham, Miss Mary S. Wetherbe of former
Died Middletown, 4 inst., Miss Junia Griswold, dau. Wyllis, ae 15 .
Aug. 13 , 1817.
President in Montpelier.
Died New Albany, IN, 3 ult., Charles Marsh, Jr., Esq ., attorney of Lansin gburgh, NY, son of Hon . Charles
of Woodstock, YT, in 27•h yr.
Died Rutland, MA, 20 ult. , Abraham Wheeler, 71 .
Aug. 20, 1817:
Married Bridport, 8 ult., by Rev. Increase Graves, David A. Crane, Miss Lydia Bascom .
Married Ferrisburgh, July 24, Joshua Gage, Miss Mercy Hanks, both of that place.
Married Champlain, NY, by Rev. Joel Byington, Joel H. Linsley, Esq ., anomey, of Middlebury. VT, Miss
Phoebe Smith of former place.
Died Whiting, 3 inst., Deac. Jehiel Munger, 80 .
Aug. 27, 1817:
Rutland, Richard M. Powers, sawmill at Sutherland Falls.
Sept. 3, 1817: [no vitals]
Sept. 10, 1817:
Married Orwell, 31 ult. , Lt. Perez S. Sanford, late of US Army, Miss Electa Leonard, both of that town.
Died this town, Sun. last, Miss Prudence Ford, dau. of Isaiah, ae 26.
Rutland, Abel Page disposes ofSaddlery business to Miles W. Blanchard. He's at Abel 's shop.
Rutland, Ebenezer Smith prices for cloth dressing, 1Y2 miles southeast of court house. For fulled cloth,
Black 25¢, snuff brown 25¢, London Smoke, 25¢, London Brown 28e, British mud 30¢, Drab 20¢;
Flannel, red 20~, green 20¢; Prest cloth, red 17 '{.. green 17 ¢, black 15 '{.: red and green yam 22¢ per lb.
Rutland, Blacksmith, Richard Messer.
Probate, Simeon Kilbourn, Chittenden, widow Lucy.
Whitehall, Steamboat Champlain, Capt. Brush, burnt Sat. last.
Sept. 17, 1817:
Died Parkerstown, Sun. last, Richard Elkins, ae 18, late ofNH.
Sept. 24, 1817:
Married Lansingburgh, NY, 16 inst. by Rev. Blatchford, Royal H. Gould of this town, Miss Elizabeth
Hickock of former place.
Married, Utica. Maj. Thomas Tupper of US Army, Miss Lucretia Backus, both formerly of this town.
Married Shoreham, 11 inst., Freeman Gates, Miss Polly Wright.
Died Shrewsbury, 10 ult.. Mrs. Mary Burditt, wife of Joshua, in 50m yr.
Died Poultney. Mon. last, Dorothy Thompson , wife of Hon. Amos.
Died Rutland 18 inst., David Jewell , son of Ralph Paige, Esq., 7 mos.
Died Ireland, Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Esq., 74, author, etc.; his second wife was Honoria Sneyd, the
lady to whom unfortunate Major Andre was attached, etc.
Died SC, Gen . Pickens, well-known Rev. patriot.
Died Saybrook. CT Gen . W. Hart, formerly Republican candidate for Governor.
Oct. 1, 1817:
Married Clarendon, 21 ult., by Moses Chaplain, Esq., Aaron Perkins, Miss Sophrona Howard, both of that
Died Middlebury, 23 ult., Solomon M. Allen, Professor of Languages. fell from new college building.
Died Poultney. '.22 ult., Dothre[?Dothee] , wife Hon. Amos Thompson. in 38lh yr., long obit.
Divorce, William Leffingwell of Middletown vs. Polly (Morse) Leffingwell of Wayne, Ashtabula Co., OH;
married June 15, 1815, Wayne, OH. threatened his life, adultery, Aug. 1. 1816, separated.
Oct. 8, 1817:
Rutland, Abner Moon planted one potato that weighed less than six oz.: yie ld 60 lbs.
Married Pittsford, 17 ult., by Rev . Joseph Sawyer. Enos Purdy, Miss Sebrina Owen.
Brandon, Daniel Prowty. 16, indentured boy. ran away from Zephaniah Hack.
Divorce. Lucy Munsel of Brandon vs. David Munsel. married May 14. 1810 Brandon, by Elijah Parker,
Esq., J.P., Sept. 1814 deserted her to parts unknown.
Oct. 15, 1817:
Rutland, Abel Page planted one kernel rye, harvested 173 head = I 0,380 kernels; man from Boston to put it
in Athenaeum there.
Divorce, Sarah Ann Cook of Clarendon vs. John Cook of Rutland, now parts unknown, married March 10,
1802, by Rev. Heman Ball of Rutland, Oct. 1812 beat her and she left house.
Oct. 22, 1817:
Married Rutland last eve by Dr. Ball, David Kirkaldie to Miss Rockcylena Shaw, dau. of John, Esq.
Probate, Ebenezer P. Tuttle, Clarendon.
Oct. 29, 1817:
Rutland, Boarding house, Moses Turner prepared his house on west side of Main Street, few rods
southwest of courthouse, few boarders.
Married Windsor, 15 inst., by Rev. Leland Howard, Willard Pond, Esq. of Castleton, Miss Amy Patrick of
former place.
Married Albany, 16 inst., Daniel Hurlbert, Jr. , merchant, Miss Wealthy Foot, both of Burlington.
Died Springfield, MA, 9 inst., Hon. William Ely, late member of Congress.
Died Pas Christian, 5 ult., Dr. Elisha L. Allen, brother in law of Maj . Gen. Ripley and brother of late Prof.
Allen of Middlebury.
Died Shrewsbury, 19 inst., very suddenly, Capt. Jeffrey A. Barney.
Divorce, Jane Ann Hyde of Rutland vs. Reuben C. Hyde, late of Rutland, now parts unknown, married
Nov. 15 , 1801 , Underhill, VT, by William Barney, Esq. , J.P ., April 1817 separated, adultery.
Nov . 5, 1817:
Married Rupert, by Rev. M. Powell, Albert P. Masters, merchant, Miss Sally Maria Rising, dau. of Hon.
Josiah, Esq.
Died Oxford, 13 inst. , Mrs. Mary Walker, wife of Maj. Benjamin, Jr. , 37 .
Died Fayston, 22 ult. , Gershom Brigham, 67 , print Keene, NH Sentinel and Worcester Spy, MA .
Nov. 12, 1817:
Probate, Jeffrey A. Barney, Esq. , Shrewsbury, widow Phila.
Probate, Wait Deming, Castleton.
Married Ira, 16 ult. , Jonathan Brewer of Tinmouth, Miss Thusa Newton of former place.
Married Tinmouth, 23 ult., Jonathan Owen , Jr. of Ira, Miss Mahalia Spalding of former place.
Nov. 19, 1817:
Third trial of Samuel E. Godfrey for murder of Mr. Hulett, found guilty, Woodstock . [Dec. 3, 1817 says
he is to be executed for murder of Thomas Hewlett at Windsor.]
Divorce, Sophia Barnes of Benson vs. Edmund Barnes, married July 4, 1815, by Dan Root, Esq., J.P . of
Benson at Sudbury, May 1816, threatened her life, adultery.
Married Clarendon, 6 inst. , Abner H. Colvin, Miss Amanda Green.
Nov . 26 , 1817:
Jethro Fuller of Lenox. MA wants to know whereabouts of Ira Fuller: ae 8, left house of Cyrus Perry of
Rutland, $50 stolen from Fay, etc. store : SI 00 reward.
Drowned Cam bray, NY, July 6 last in attempt to swim across mill pond, Chauncey Bennett of US Army,
ae 17, son of Levi Bennett of Sherburne.
Dec. 3, 1817:
Probate, Richard Gray, Middletown.
Rutland, Robert Pierpoint removed law office to lower story of building directly east of Page ' s Tavern.
Killed Russel , St. Lawrence Co. , NY, Oct. 29 last, Jonathan Brown formerly of Middletown, ae 38, wife
and six children; few days before elected Ensign of militia company, accidentally shot in military exercise,
long obit, print NH.
Married Orwell, 20 ult. , Maj. Thomas D. Hammond of Pittsford, Miss Paulina Austin, dau . of Apollos,
Esq. of former place.
Married Philadelphia, Gen . Henry Lallemand, Miss Harriet Girard, niece of Stephen Girard.
Dec. IO, 1817:
Married Pittsford, 29 ult. , Homer Sherwood, Miss Jerusha Williams.
Died Charleston, SC, of prevailing fever, Sept. 20, William Monroe, Jr., 21 ; Sept. 26 , William Monroe, 50;
Sept. 27 , Richard Monroe, 18; Oct. 4, Barbara Monroe, 53 ; Oct. 6, Eliza Monroe, 14y 7m. ; Oct. 18, Martha
Monroe, 16; all natives of Ireland and of one family.
Died Salem, MA, 26 ult., on Cleopatra's Barge, Capt. George Crowninshield, 51.
Dec. 17, 1817:
Married Shrewsbury, 30 ult., Jeptha Warner of Pittsford, Miss Philena Aldridge of former place.
Married Benson, by Rev. Kent, H. King, Miss Eunice Baldwin.
Married Benson, 4 inst. , ----- Dowd of Hubbardton, Miss Emily Hinman of former place.
Married Benson, by Lemuel Standish, Esq., Worham Gibbs, Miss Laura Hooper.
Married Benson, Josiah Eaton, Miss Rebecca Carter, all of Benson.
Died Hartford, NY, 12 inst. , Elizabeth M'Connel, wife of William of this town, and dau. ofDeac. Israel
Harris, formerly of this town, 45 yr.
Rutland, James Porter removed store to new brick building one door west of Capt. Lord.
Ira Fuller left Cyrus Perry of Tinmouth; Jethro Fuller is father.
Dec. 24, 1817:
Probate, Samuel Whipple, Ira, widow Anna.
Probate, William Leonard, Orwell.
Probate, Calvin Hulburt, Brandon, widow Lucinda.
Castleton, Stephen D. Eaton is guardian of Ezekiel Borden, 19, who has left.
Castleton, Ashley Wallis, 17, apprentice, ran away from Enos Merrill.
Samuel Prentiss, counsellor at law, opens office in East Clarendon.
Died Pittsfield, 14 inst., Asa Gains, Esq., ae c. 45 .
Died this town Sun . last, Miss Lucinda Paige, dau. of Ralph, Esq., ae 17.
Married Pittsford, 17 ult. , by Rev. Gridley, Lyman Hitchcock, Miss Parthena Weed .
Samuel Prentiss opens law office East Clarendon.
Rutland, Gershom Cheney ad for his new invented drill machines for sowing carrot and onion seeds; can
plant three acres in one day.
Dec. 31 , 1817: [no vitals]
West village in Poultney, James Richardson, cabinetmaker.
Poultney Young Ladies Academy, instructress is Miss Baldwin.
Jan . 7, 1818: [mistakenly says 1817]
Married Clarendon, 16 ult. , Henry D. Tuttle, Miss Cynthia Pooler, both of that town.
Died Pittsford, Mon . last, Timothy Taft, ca. 40 , day before he and Jason Ladd went hunting; felt tired, took
him home, benumbed with cold.
Mt. Holl y, Alvah Preston, 15, indentured boy, ran away from Clark Haven.
Jan . 14, 1818:
Probate, Johnson Rudd. Middletown .
Probate, Benjamin Hurlburt, Brandon .
Married Milton, 7 inst. , by Ebenezer Bowman, Esq. , Edward Dyer of Rutland, Miss Hannah Hoxie, dau. of
Gideon of Milton.
Married Cornwall, 8 inst. , by Henry Green, William Slade, Mrs. Sarah Ann Cook.
Died Cincinnati, OH, eve 23 ult. , Miss Elvira Cooper, stepdaughter of William Lemon. Was to have been
her wedding night.
Rutland, Episcopal Church meeting .
Jan. 21 , 1818:
Rutland, Anson Reed and James Graves bought Asa Graves tanyard.
Rutland, Henry Gould back at Tavern .
Ad for Castleton Academy.
Jan . 28, 1818:
Concord, NH, Feb. 13 , 1816, Solomon Moody, ae 9, dreadfully mangled by mad dog, cured by Lobelia
(a/k/a Indian Tobacco).
Married Granville, NY, Jabez Proctor, Esq., merchant of Cavendish, VT, Miss Betsey Parker of Granville.
Rutland, Gershom Cheney will sell his drill machines for sowing and raking carrot and onion seeds.
Feb.4,1818 :
Died Ira, 25 ult., Wilmarth Whitmore, son of Edward, 7.
Feb. 11 , 1818:
Married Fairhaven, Mon. eve, by Rev. Cushman, Randall Rice, Jr. of Clarendon, Miss Ann Willmot of
former place.
Died Clarendon, 29 ult., Noah Shepherdson, 47.
Pittsfield, John Davis says his wife Azubah left him last Oct., he'll pay no debts.
Probate, Asa Gaines, Pittsfield, widow Anna.
Feb. 18, 1818:
Married Rupert, 22 ult., by Rev. Powell, Edward Rotch of Hebron, Miss Deborah M'Kee of Rupert.
Married Wallingford, Sun. eve last, by Rev. Ball, John Reed of this town , Miss Honora Robbins of former
Died this village, 13 inst., Mrs. Nancy Miller, wife of Col. Thomas, 46.
Rutland, Thomas Edge, 19 or 20 yrs., b. Canada, journeyman printer, stole from Fay, Davison and Burt and
headed south.
Castleton Medical Academy, courses, etc. Instructors, John L.C. Cazier, Theodore Woodward and Selah
Feb. 25, 1818:
Married Georgia, 8 inst. , Truman Fairchilds, Jr. , of Milton , Miss Beliza Bartlet of former place.
Married Bridport, 13th, Rhodolphus Tremble of Troy, NY, Miss Polly Johnson of former place.
Married Middletown, 6 ult., Hiram Mehurin to Miss Sarissa Miner.
Married Middletown, 19 inst., Willis Clift, Miss Sophronia Chapman.
Married Ira, 10 inst., Leonard Mason, Miss Betsey Fish.
Died Panton, 12 ult., Henry Bumwell, 29.
Died Panton, 3 inst., Maria, dau. of Widow Annis Bum well , 9.
Died this town, 21 inst., Sally Maria, dau. of Edward Dyer, Esq. , 6.
Rutland, melancholy event, Sun. 3-4 A.M., John Fenton's house burned; wife ran to her sons, nearly 70
yrs. of age; 30-40 rods. They got out, but John went back and died, he in 69'h yr., long.
Mar.4, 1818:
Married Cavendish, 24 ult. , Gov. Jonas Galusha. Mrs.----- Beach of former place.
Married Williamstown, Jedediah Bacon, Miss Polly Crane.
Married Brookfield, Samuel Bean, Miss Polly Wilson .
Married Brookfield, Isaac Seaver, Miss Ruth Burr.
Married Brookfield, Ichabod Daggett, Miss Patty Worthington.
Married Brookfield, Orange Hovey, Miss Clarissa Williams of Chelsea.
Married Strafford, John Moore, Miss Mary Algar.
Married Westminster, Samuel G. Goodrich, Miss Adeline G. Bradley, dau . of Hon. S.R.
Died this town , 25 ult., Joshua Reynolds, 72.
Died Bennington, 16 ult., Mrs. Safford, consort of Samuel, 52.
Died Bennington, 21''., Cyrus Hills, son of Capt. Cyrus, 13.
Died Brookfield, MA, 9 ult., Rev. Ephraim Wood, 77.
Died Comish, NH, William Ripley, Esq.
Died Mendon, MA, 9 ult., Capt. John Holden, 81 , French War and Rev.
Died New Haven, Gen. David Humphreys, formerly aid to Washington and minister plen[sic] to Portugal
and Spain. He fust introduced 100 fine merino sheep.
Died Stratford, CT, 28 Jan. Rev. Nathan Birdseye, 103-3-9.
Died GA, Hon. Mr. Millege, late governor.
Died Windsor, Asa Worcester, 83.
Died Barnard, Barak Richardson, 25 .
Died Weathersfield, 15 ult., Betsey Norton, dau. of Capt. Samuel Warren, 27.
Probate, Stephen Bush, Orwell, widow Obedience.
Probate, Abel Farewell, Mt. Holly.
March 11, 18 18 :
Died Rutland, 7 inst., Elizabeth Buel, relict of Benjamin of Coventry, CT and mother of the lady of Capt.
Benjamin Lord, ae 82 .
Rutland, Moses Willson, apprentice at cloth manufacturing, has run away from Sheldon Stone, may have
gone to Dutchess Co., NY where he has friends .
March 18, 1818:
Probate, Noah Shepardson, Clarendon .
Probate, Joseph Doty, Wallingford.
Married Canton, MA, Bethuel Drake, Miss Crane, dau . of Maj . Gen . Crane, funny poem .
Married this village, Wed. eve last by Rev. Ball, Simeon Ide, one of proprietors of VT Republican of
Windsor, Miss Evelina Pamela Goddard, dau. of Capt. Nichols Goddard of this town .
Married Tinmouth, Phinehas Clough, Mrs. Chloe Clough.
Married Tinmouth, William Norton, Miss -----Ballard.
March 25, 1818:
Probate, Samuel Tifft, Wallingford.
Probate, Joshua Reynolds, Rutland.
Probate, John Fenton, Rutland.
Died this village, 18 inst., John, son of William Hall, Esq., 10 weeks.
Died Poultney Sun. last, Mrs. Sally M. Watson , wife of Col. Joseph of Washington City and dau . of Hon.
James Witherell of Detroit, Michigan Territory, 25 .
April I, 1818 :
Probate, John Babcock, Orwell.
Clarendon, William Weeks house burglarized Sun. ni ght last by John William s, ae 25-30, took silver
Pittsfield, Jedediah Bugbee' s wife, Philetta, left.
Died Clarendon, 25 ult. , Mrs. Sarah Gates, wife of Nehemiah, c. 64.
Married Brandon, 19 ult. , by Rev . Ebenezer Hibbard, William I. Parker, attorney, Miss Sarah Parmeter,
dau . of Josiah, Esq.
Died Clarendon, 25 ult. , Mrs. Sarah Gates, wife of Nehemiah, c. 64.
Died Yorktown, NY, Feb. 20, John Paulding, one of three patriots who arrested Maj. Andre during Rev.
His compatriots Williams and Van Wert are still living.
April 8, 1818 :
Married Fairhaven, 29 ult., by Rev. Isaac Cutler, Joshua Quinton, Miss Sally Watson.
Married lra, 17 ult. , by Elder M' Culler, Thomas C. Newton, Miss Betsey Arnold.
Rutland, Abel Page, saddler.
April 15 , 1818:
Brandon Academy ad.
Pittsford, young ladies school taught by Miss Johnson of Walpole, late of NYC, opens. William Frisbie for
Married lia, 29 ult. , Deac. Joseph Tower, Mrs. Sophia Smith of Clarendon .
Married Middletown, 22 ult. , by Rev . H. Bigelow, Amasa Herrington, Miss Clarissa Coy.
Married Middletown, 26th, Amasa Mehurin, Mrs. Betsey Hutchins.
Married Middletown , 2"d, by Jonas Clark, Esq., Hyman Warner of lra, Miss Sally H. Richards of
Married Middletown, 5th, Simon Clark, Miss Polly Loomis.
Married Clarendon, 6 inst., Henry Dean, Miss Freelove Baxter.
Married Clarendon, 6 inst., Thomas Baxter, Mrs. Betsey Round.
Married Wallingford, by William Fox, Esq. , Thomas Hulett, Miss Harriet Kelley.
Died Clarendon, 5 inst. , Braddock Bromley, son of William, 20.
April 22, 1818:
Long poem in memory of Mrs. Sally M. Watson.
Castleton man, Elijah Remington, is in Rutland jail, could not take poor debtor's oath as he committed
larceny, cannot keep him in jail; will starve if relatives or Castleton does not help, sheriff will not aid, etc.,
common practice is to put debtors in jail.
Probate, Ebenezer Wallis, Hubbardton.
Hampton, Sanford Simpson, indentured boy, 10 yrs., left Isaiah Inman, Jr.
Died West Rutland, 3 inst., Lt. Dan Giddings, Rev. patriot in 70'h yr.
Died Montpelier, John 0 . Crosby, eldest son of Dr. John, late of Ashby, MA, 28.
April 29, 1818:
Steamboat Phoenix, J. Sherman, master, schedule on Lake Champlain.
Fairhaven, Barnabas Ellis appointed guardian for Curtis Kelsey, Sr.
Probate, Prince Allen, Danby.
Probate, Noble Martin, Westhaven.
Probate, William Beal, Pittsford.
Law suit, James Sawyer of Sullivan, H vs. Job Preast of Clarendon as trustee for John Eddy, late of
Clarendon, absconded debtor.
May 6, 1818:
Married this town Sun. eve last by Nathan Osgood, Esq., Stephen Hale, Mrs. Asenath Elkins.
Died Norfolk, VA, Henry W. Richards, 33, former merchant of Boston.
Died Clarendon, 26 ult., Mrs. Polly Tinckham, wife of Anson and dau. of Caleb Herren ton, 27.
Probate, Seth Wheeler, Granville, NY.
Pittsford, Moses Beach's wife, Irene, left.
Cavendish, F. & W. Parker have purchased carding machine and clothier works owned by Thomas
Rutland, John B. Clough, white shop opposite jail, cabinet, Alvord where Clough was (they dissolved).
Rutland, List of seeds (pepper grass, scarcity).
May 13, 1818 :
Died this village yesterday mom, Mrs. Jane Osgood, wife of Nathan and dau. of late Rev . Samuel
Williams, 49.
Account of Battle of Bunker Hill by Gen. H. Dearborn .
Probate, Charles Nichols, Jr., Mt. Holly.
Weather, wet, cold, bridges, mills lost.
"On Tuesday, April 30, A.O. 1818, the ecclesiastical council convened at West Rutland, and, by letters
missive, proceeded to dissolve the pastoral and ministerial relation between the Rev. Lemuel Haynes, and
the church and people in that place. They also recommended him in the following words: ' We do also
cheerfully recommend the Rev. Lemuel Haynes, as a tried and faithful minister of Jesus Christ, to all or
any of the churches, where God in his providence shall call him to preach the word, and administer the
seals of the covenant of grace,'" a member, etc.
May20, 1818:
Married Brattleboro, Capt. William Newton of Marlboro, Miss Betsey Harris of Brattleboro.
Died Westminster, Mrs. Lucina Peirce, wife of Deac. Jabez, 39.
Died Worcester, William Charles White, attorney for Worcester Co., 41.
Died GA, Ben Harrison, 44, was 7'2Yi" tall.
Died Marlboro, NH, Paul Fitch, 76.
Floods/freshet at Bellows Falls and Windsor.
Poultney, William Watson of Poultney in 70'h year testifies in 1775 resided Hampshire Co., MA, long list
of Rev . War service, wounded five times.
Probate, Peter Foot, Orwell.
Probate, James Parkill, Benson.
Broke out of Rutland Jail: Russell Myrick, 27, counterfeiter; Alfred Newell, 33 , theft; John Robinson, 2526, theft; Philip Hosier, Irishman, rape; reward offered by William Fay, Sheriff.
Rutland, fire at Inn of Abel Page.
May 27, 1818: [missing]
June 3, 1818 :
Rutland, Shoes, Russel Baker at building of former Cephas Smith, Jr. law office.
Probate, Andrew Nelson of Brandon, guardian to Arza P. and Ira Peters, minor heirs of Bimsley Peters,
Orwell, wants to sell land.
Probate, Elisha Ashley of Poultney, guardian of minor Demas Adams, Jr., now in OH, petitions to sell land.
Probate, Abner Hall of Sudbury, guardian to Asaph Saunders, minor, of Sudbury, heir of Zabina Saunders,
petition to sell land.
June 10, 1818 :
Accident of Bryan Ransom, Esq. of Poultney, died West Rutland, on way here with wagon load of beer
from his brewery; barrels shifted, he entangled in lines, ae 37, long article.
Barnabas Myrick of Bridport arrested and brought to court in Rutland for assisting men to escape Rutland
jail ; one of escapees is his son .
Brandon, Benajah Douglass will not pay debts of truant boy, Gardner Douglass.
Probate, Dan Giddings, Rutland.
Lent Ives of Wallingford vs. Augustus Ramsdell, late of Wallingford, now unknown, wants land formerl y
owned by Augustus ' father, deceased, in Rutland that Augustus mortgaged to Ives.
Died Frankfort, KY, Christopher Greenup, Esq. , former Governor.
Died Haldimand County, on Grand River, Lt. Brant Johnson, 77, of late 6th Nation Indian Dept., Veteran
under Sir William Johnson, at taking of Ft. N iagara from French l 759 , with Gen . Amherst at capture of
Montreal, etc.; from Montreal paper.
June 17, 1818:
Probate, Ezra Kent, Wallingford.
Pawlet, Nathan M ' Lounsbay, wife Polly has threatened destruction of me and my property; has left.
Probate, Timothy Taft, Pittsford.
Married Bennington, 27 ult. , David Weeks, Jr. , Miss Harriet L. Webster.
Married Philadelphia, Rev . John Chester, Miss Rebecca Ralston .
Died Castleton Fri. last, Sally Buel, wife of Ezekiel, 36.
Died Shaftsbury, April 27, Mrs. Rebecca Fisk, 76.
Drowned Dorset, 23 ult., son of Abram Grenolds, 5 yrs.
Wed., June 24, 1818 :
More on death of Bryan Ransom, friends, etc., returned to fatal spot, they brought his remains home;
survived by widow and one child.
Paper will now publish Tues. because of mail.
Clarendon, Phoebe left Smith Bromley.
Died West Rutland, Fri., Mrs. Peggy S. Hulet, wife Augustus of Weathersfield, and dau . of Jacob Gates of
West Rutland, 23.
West Haven, Ordination of Lemuel Croker.
Tues., June 30, 1818: [Newspaper is now published on Tuesday]
Clarendon, Smith Bromley' s wife Phebe left.
Rutland, Masons , St. John festival.
Married Poultney, 23 inst., by Rev. Henry Bigelow, Theodore Newel of Middletown, Mrs. Hannah Soper
of former place.
Married Rutland, 24 inst., Jeremiah Green, Miss Betsey Caruth.
Married Starksborough, 15 inst., Israel Smith, Miss Delia Ferguson.
Married Staten Island, 17 inst., Gilbert Livingston Thompson, Esq. of NYC, Miss Arietta Minthome
Tompkins, dau. of Daniel D., vice president of US.
Died Rutland on last Lord's day, William Butman, Jr., only son of Capt. William, ae 21, long.
July?, 1818 :
Long article on Gen. Montgomery.
4th July at West Rutland, c. 100 citizens and some from Ira paraded with hoe and shovel and laid out and
nearly completed an excellent new road, half mile long adjacent to and intersecting with old Castleton
John W. Harris of West Rutland appointed brigade quarter master of2"d Brigade, 2"d Division .
Letter Abner Hawley.
Married Clarendon, 2 inst., by Randall Rice, Esq., Samuel S. Campbell of this town, Miss Nancy Parker of
former place.
Died Poultney, 2 inst., Mrs. Everit, consort of Caleb, 66.
July 14, 1818:
Probate, Bryan Ransom, Poultney.
Probate, Matthew Lindsey, Wells.
Mt. Holly, Elihu Carpenter's wife Esther left.
Hessian fly destroys fields .
Married Wallingford, 8 inst., by Rev. Ball, Rev . Eli Meeker. Miss Eliza Meacham (Meeker ordained
Wallingford 8 inst., same paper).
Died Addison, 7 ult. , Abel Woods, Jr. , 15 , consumptive complaint, son of Elder Woods, pastor of Church
of Christ in Addison; long.
Died Wallingford, 7 inst., Rev. Benjamin Osborn, former pastor of Congregational Church there, c. 60.
Died Montpelier, George S. Walton, printer, 24.
July21, 1818:
Probate, Thomas Collins, lra.
Wait Rathbone 's Tinmouth Furnace in blast.
Heat wave.
Married Ferrisburgh by Elder Jeremy H. Dwyer, James Bushnell, Miss Roxy Pond.
Married Bridport, Daniel C. French, Mrs. Betsey Dunn.
Married Starksborough by Rev. Jedediah Bushnell, Leister Benton of Cornwall, Miss Percilla Hall of
former place.
Died Rev. Benjamin Osborn, minister at Tinmouth 1780-1787 and 1802-1810, Wallingford; b. Litchfield.
CT Nov. 1751 , grad. Dartmouth College 1775, ordained Tinmouth 1780, to Wallingford 1802, d. 7 July
1818, ae 66, long article.
July28 , 1818:
Died Hartland, Eliakim Spooner, Esq.
Aug. 4, 1818:
Castleton, Erastus Darrow, 15, ran away from Eber Gridley.
Rutland, new store, Ben Dex, store lately built by Capt. Abel Page.
Died Clarendon, 24 ult., Miss Sophia Walker, ae 20, etc.
Married Windsor yesterday mom., Robert Temple, Esq. of this village, Miss Charlotte Green, dau. of Dr.
Isaac of Windsor.
Aug. 11, 1818:
Married Vienna, NY, Roswell Perry, formerly of Windsor, VT, Miss Sally S. Newhall of former place.
Died Bridport, 29 ult., Miss Miranda Frost, 22.
Rutland, Reuben Senter & Co., hats. near Gookins.
Escapee Russel Myrick in Montreal gaol, counterfeiting.
Rutland, Gershom Cheney, Moses Strong, Abel Page, committee to commence building new meeting
Aug. 18, 1818:
Two Rev. anecdotes on Montgomery and Col. Gardner at Bunker Hill.
Probate, Semer Doud, Hubbardton.
Probate, Gideon Barnam, Danby.
Meeting for new meeting house in East Poultney.
Aug. 25, 1818:
Married West Rutland, 23 inst., by Chauncey Thrall, Esq., Ephraim H. Rose of Granville, MA, Miss Orilla
Amaden of former place, poem.
Married Clarendon, 13 inst. , by Rev. Obadiah Noble, Jr., Joseph Hays Miss Ruth Colvin.
Married Whitehall, NY, by Rev. Cushman, Lt. Ira Leonard of Fairhaven, Miss Anna Haskell of former
Married Fairhaven, by Rev. Cushman, Alanson Mitchell, Miss Mary Ann Davey, dau. Jacob of Fairhaven.
Married Hardwich, MS[MA], by Rev . Wesson, John C. Colburn of Fairhaven, Miss Betsey Dennis of
former place.
Married Hampton, by Rev. Draper, Oliver W.L. Warren, Miss Olive Smith, both of Fair Haven.
Died Rutland, Wed. last, Lucy Green, wife of Dr. Joel, 29.
Sept. 1, 1818: [no vitals]
Sept. 8, 1818:
Clarendon, Nathaniel Crary and Warner C. Carr commence cloth dressing at Crary' s Mills.
Clarendon, Benjamin Knowlton, c. 9 yrs., ran away from William Crossman .
Married Poultney, by Elder Clark Kendrick, George Smith of Granville. NY, Miss Hannah Temple of
Married Poultney, by Rev. Samuel Leonard, Isaac P. Atwater, Miss Lucy Brace, both of Poultney.
Died Pittsford, 19 ult. , Ebenezer Drury, Esq. , 89, early settler; long.
Died Hanover, NH Hon . William H. Woodward, Esq., 44 . late chief justice of Court of Common Pleas for
2nd District of NH.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold of Eastern Diocese will preach at court house.
Maj. Levi Finney of3'd Regiment, appointed Brigadier Major and Inspector of 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division.
Springfield, 14 ult., Mrs. Amos Lockwood of Springfield in this state, went blueberrying with husband and
friends, fell 116 feet and lodged against tree, son-in-law tried to stop her descent but her clothes gave way;
she died on the spot.
Sept. 15, 1818:
Died Cavendish, 17 Aug., Widow Hannah Lovell, relict of late Capt. Michael of Rockingham, 85 .
Died NY, Col. Franklin Wharton, commandant of US Marine Corps.
Died Milton, NY, June last, Alexander Ross, c. 120, native of Scotland, served in Army of pretender 1745.
Poultney, John Walden's wife, Polly, left.
Sept. 22, 1818 :
Married Orwell, 4 inst., by Rev. Mason K.napin, Eber R. Murray, Miss Amanda Long.
Married Orwell, by Hon. Pliny Smith, Ivory Cook, Jr. , Miss Milesta Cook, all of Orwell.
Article on death of Daniel Boone.
Article on death of General St. Clair; long.
Died Rutland , child of Abel Morgan , ae 1 yr. on Fri. last.
Died Rutland, Sat., Mrs. Susan Darlung, wife of Capt. Elnathan and dau. of Eleazer Wheelock, 35.
Died Ira, 14'\ consumption, Miss Loretta Graves, dau. of Capt. Daniel in l 9'h yr.
Sept.29, 1818:
Married Brandon, 24 inst., Nathan M. Clark, son of Hon. Elisha of Tinmouth, Miss Cynthia Shepherd, dau .
of Dr. of former place.
Poultney, accident, Amos Pease, ae c. 14, town poor, 10 inst., while building being moved, roller passed
over and crushed him .
Died Cavendish, 11 inst., Charles Dutton, son of John of Vergennes in 24'" year.
Died Poultney, 11 inst. , typhus, Annis Temple, dau . of Roswell of Poultney, ae 13
Oct.6, 1818:
Married Chittenden, l inst., by Rev. Asa Messer of Pittsford, Jason Barnard, Miss Lucy Mitchell, both of
former place.
Died Castleton, Sat. last, Capt. Samuel L. Miner, 51 .
Sherburne, Ezra Wilson ' s wife, Betsey, left.
Poultney, David Bingham, 16, apprentice in cloth making, ran away from John G. Young.
Oct. 13 , 1818:
Married Middlebury, Wed. 31 ult., by Rev. Joshua Bates, Dr. James K. Platt, NY, Miss Elizabeth H.
Henshaw, dau . ofD. Henshaw of this place.
Married Leicester, by William Gile, Esq. , Stephen Sparks, Jr. , Miss Lucy Sawyer.
Married Bristol, 6 ult. , David Blanchard, Miss Orpha Canfield, both of Bristol.
Married New Haven, 13th, Miron Chittenden of Middlebury, Miss Polly Lawrence of former place .
Married Whiting, 3 ult.. by Rev . Jedediah Bushnell, Dr. Alanson A. Peck, Miss Nancy Delano.
Episcopal Church, Hartford, CT, by Rev . Wainwright, Dr. Edward Tudor of Middlebury, Mrs. Hart Bissell
of former place.
Died Lexington, KY, 13 ult., Capt. John Prentiss, 68, formerly of this town.
Died Shoreham , 5 inst. , Deac. John Beecher, 70'h yr.
Died Troy, I inst. , Pelatia Bliss of firm of Parker and Bliss, booksellers and proprietors of Troy Post, 34th
Died New London, CT, Gen. Jedediah Huntington, 79, former collector of that port, officer of Rev. and last
but one of Major Generals of Rev. army .
Died Bristol, VT, Dr. George Blanchard, 81 , etc.
Died Burlington, Elisha Moore, 41 , work at bottom of well, 25 feet deep ; earth caved in and buried him 15
feet, survived by five children.
Probate, James D . Butler of Rutland, guardian of minor, Simeon Ashbel Cook, minor heir of Ashbel Cook,
late of Rutland, wants to sell land.
Divorce, Abigail Fennel of Ira vs. Calvin Fennel, married Oct. 22, 1812, Poultney, by Rev. Clark Kendrick,
Calvin then of Poultney, lived with him at Poultney and Ira to March 1815 when he left her at lra.
Danby, William Robinson ' s wife Sarah left.
Rutland, Ebenezer Smith clothier.
Rutland, Dr. Hooker sells spectacles.
Oct. 20, 1818 [no vitals]
Castleton, John Longshare, indentured boy, 19 yrs. , ran away from Elijah Clark.
Middletown, Nathan Smith ' s wife, Phebe, left.
Oct. 27, 1818: [part removed]
Married Middletown, 20 inst. by Rev . Henry Bigelow, Dr. Arvin L. Miner, Miss Elvira Clark, dau. of Dr.
Ezra, all of that town.
Married White Creek, NY, 15 inst., Jonathan Dyer of Clarendon, Miss Hannah Dwinnels of former place.
Nov . 3, 1818:
Died Mt. Holly, 24 ult., Jemima Elvira, dau. of Rev. Daniel Packer, 3 yrs.
Died Northampton , IN , 11 Sept., James Lawton of Kirby in this state, 38, survived by wife and three
children in OH.
Departure of Yellowstone expedition.
Nov . 10, 1818:
Died Rutland, 4 inst., Russel Baker, formerly of Ira, 28.
Died Rutland, 8 inst., Anson Reed, 29.
Died Quincy, MA, 28 ult., Mrs. Abigail Adams, consort of Pres. Adams, 74th yr.
Castleton, Abraham Williams, 22 yrs., arrested for stealing horse.
Nov. 17, 1818:
Manied West Rutland, by William Denison, Esq., Moses Watkins, Miss Lucinda Rowley, all of West
Married Whiting, 14 inst., by Otis Walker, Esq., Samuel Buck of Bridport, Mrs. Ama Marsh of
Married Rutland village, Sun. eve last, by Rev . Ball, Benjamin Smith, Miss Mary Ruggles, dau. of Maj .
John, all of Rutland.
Died Rutland, this morning, Nancy, youngest dau . ofEthiel Cushman , 9.
James Mitchell has not been murdered near Whitehall; had left Whitehall Sept. 28 and returned Nov . 6 and
found everything safe that he left at Mr. Wiswell 's.
Clarendon, Sheldon Stone, clothier. now at Clarendon has fulled cloth, flannels and satinetts.
Probate, David Buckland, Brandon .
Nov . 24, 1818:
Married Pittsford, 17 inst., Dr. Aaron Baker of Chester, Miss Amelia Hammond, dau. of Hon. Thomas of
Married Hardwick, MS[MA], Wyman Spooner, publisher VT Journal, Miss Elizabeth Fish.
Married Wilmington, 8 inst., by Levi Field, Esq., Humphrey Mellen, merchant, Miss Sally Flagg.
Married Wolcott, by D. Fitch, Esq., 2 inst., Ebenezer Taylor, Miss Hannah Clement.
Married Wolcott, Samuel I. Smith, Miss Harriet Clement.
Married Wolcott, James Newland, Miss Deborah Cate.
Married Johnson, Isaac Brown, Miss Lydia Stevens.
Married Johnson , Stephen S. Ingalls , Miss Nancy Griswold.
Married Walden, Hazen Dow, Miss Sarah Buck.
Married NY, James K. Paulding, Esq., Secretary of Board of Navy Commissioners. Gertrude, dau . of Peter
Kemble, Esq.
Married Waterford, Lt. Henry Taylor of US Army, Miss Lucy Hempsted, dau . of Isaac, Esq.
Married Lansingburgh, Gen. J.N.M . Hurd, Miss Frances Maria Roberts, dau. of late Maj . Richard Brooke
Married Cambridge, MA, Maj . Loring Austin of US Army, Miss Sarah Wendell Orne, granddaughter of
late Col. Orne.
Married Washington City, Col. James Thomas, Miss Ann Davis.
Married Newark, NJ, Charles I. Graham, cashier of state bank, Miss Sarah M. Stewart.
Married Charlestown, NH, Maj . George F.A. Atherton, Miss Ruthy W. Bartlett.
Died this town on Fri., a child of William Stillwell, 1 yr.
Died Woodstock, Elisha Lord, Jr. ; 18.
Died Johnson, Daniel Mills, c. 70.
Died Cambridge, Mrs. ----- Hawley, consort of late Maj. Elijah Hawley, 7?
Died Brattleboro, John W. Blake, Esq., attorney, 66.
Died Philadelphia, 12 inst., John Sing Dorsey, M.D., professor of Anatomy ofU. of PA .
Died St. Louis, IL, Abijah Lothrop formerly of this town, 40.
Died Boston, William Porter, Esq., late US Consul at Palermo in Sicily.
Died SC, Col. Thomas Hutchinson, one of heroes of Rev.
Died Monson, MA, Hon. Abner Brown, 50 [?40 or ?60; part of age is gone]
Pittsford Furnace now in blast, Nathan Gibbs ad.
Probate, Elijah Pond, late of Ohio, at inn of Samuel Moulton, Castleton.
Probate, Simon Stone, Pawlet, widow Abigail.
Dec. l , 1818:
Act to revive former law organizing fire society in Rutland passed at last session.
Married Rutland, Wed. last, by Rev. Ball, John Hall, merchant, Miss Betsey M . Hawks,
Married Charlotte, Calvin Hubbell, Jr., Esq., of Lanesborough, MA, Miss Caroline Eliza Wheeler, dau. of
Hon. Zadoc.
Married Chesterfield, NH, William W. Wooley of Westminster, VT, Miss Flavilla Colburn of former place.
Married Cambridge, NY, Amon Wilcox of Middlebury, Miss Ann Roberts of former place.
Died Montpelier, Mrs. Mary J., wife of George Rich, Esq., 35.
Died Boston, Mrs. Hannah Austin, wife of Hon. Jonathan L., 62.
Died Litchfield, CT, Col. Reuben Dickinson, 103 .
Died France, Don Pedro Cevallos, Lt. Gen. of Spanish navy.
Dec. 8, 1818:
Rutland store, Paige and Jewell, a store formerly of Averill and Doane.
Died Bennington, drowned 26 ult., Jesse Downs of Bennington, 49, and Seth Keys of Pownal, 45, thrown
or jumped from wagon at Safford Mill Pond.
Clever ad on Davy's ironworks at Fairhaven.
Dec. 15 , 1818:
Married Poultney, Barton Fisher of Castleton, Miss Amanda Culver of Poultney.
Married Castleton, 3 inst., Beers Perry, Miss Sally Johnson.
Married Castleton, 13'\ Ezekiel Buel. Miss Rebecca Woodward.
Married this town, Wed. eve last, by Rev. Ball, Nathan Doane of Granville, NY to Miss Harriet Barns, dau.
of William, Esq. of former place.
Probate, Samuel L. Miner, Castleton.
Dec. 22, 1818 :
Married Burlington, 3 inst., by Francis Childs, Esq., Israel Williams, Jr.. Miss Susan Strafford.
Married Cambridge, 29 ult. , by Clement Trowbridge, Esq., Solomon Walbridge, Miss Betsey M'Kinster.
Died Burlington, 4 inst. , Samuel Green found dead in bed; death probably caused by overloading stomach
with food as he was weak from protracted disease from which he was fast recovering.
Probate, Anson Reed, Rutland.
Probate, Benjamin Wing, Mt. Holly.
Probate, Russel Baker, Rutland.
Probate, Joel Miner, Middletown.
Dec. 29, 1818:
Samuel Horton of Canandaigua, NY, served as a drummer under Col. Lamb for seven yrs. in Rev. Taken
prisoner, never got a discharge. Needs someone to verify service.
Middletown, William Ruddolph, tailor, apprenticed four years in Germany, Quebec, Montreal, Baltimore
and NY, 4 yrs.
Watertown, NY, Dr. Trowbridge did bronchotomy on John Dean's dau . to remove bean lodged in
Jan.5, 1819:
Died this town, Mon., 30 ult., Ethiel Cushman, Jr., 17, son of Ethiel and Anna.
Died this town, 31 ",child of Joseph Kimball, ly 6mo.
Died Wallingford, 22 ult., Mrs. Phebe Sackett, wife of Aaron, 56.
Capen Leonard advertised that R.M. Powers has set up new mills at Sutherland Falls [Proctor] for
manufacturing of flour.
Poultney, S.W. Dana fom1s partnership with brother Francis W.
Jan . 12, 1819:
Died England, Nov . 17, 1818, Sophia Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain, etc., b. May 19, 1744.
Died Haverhill, NH, Dec. 28, Col. Asa Porter; 4 inst. , Moses Porter, son of Col.
Died Haverhill, NH, same day, Capt. Joseph Bliss.
Died Newbury, Col. Thomas Johnson .
Died Charlestown, NH, Mrs. Nancy Chamberlain, wife of Hon. John C.
Died PA, Gen . Presley Neville, 63, former aid to Marquis de la Fayette .
Jan. 19, 1819:
Died Poultney, 3 inst., Anna Ward, wife of William, Jr., 38th year, survived by seven children.
Died Rupert, Dec. 28, Oliver Harwood, 41.
Probate, Luke Stevens, Castleton, Matthew Hickok, administrator.
Probate, Daniel Fish, Poultney.
Probate, Horace Kent, Benson.
Rutland County Agricultural and Manufacturing Society formed .
Supreme Court at Rutland, Ira Herrenton and Alfred Prentiss sentenced seven yrs. each to prison .
Fairhaven, Curtis Kelsey' s wife, Submit, left.
Jan . 26, 1819:
Married Manchester by Rev . Brownson, Thompson Purdy, Miss Nelly Collins.
Married Manchester by Rev . Haines , William Purdy, Miss Betsey Burton, all of Manchester.
Died Shaftsbury, Dec. 21 last Daniel Kinsman , 74 .
Died Leicester, MA, Nov. 29 last of typhus fever, Rufus Smith, 26, of the firm Woodcock, Smith & Co.
Died Andover, NH, Abel Fuller, 48, Jesse Fuller, 43, Abram Fuller, 31 ; brothers died within eight days of
each other.
Died Barnstable, MA, Mrs. Sarah Norton, 116.
Died Salina, Matthew Davison.
Died Philadelphia few days since, John Hopkins and wife, candle burned bed clothes.
Hampton , NY, James J. Spooner, apprentice, ran away from Benjamin W. Horr.
Feb. 2, 1819:
Married Shoreham , 10 inst. , by Rev . D.O. Morton, Alonzo Birchard, Miss Lucina Moore.
Married Shoreham, 141h, by same, David Hill, Miss Lucina Moore.
Married Keene NH, Nathan Wood, merchant of Middlebury, Miss Harriet Shurtleff.
Married Middlebury, Benajah Douglass, Esq. of Brandon, Mrs. Sarah Harris of former place.
Died Whiting, 12 ult., Mrs. Mary Wiswell, 84, Dec. I 7 while preparing for bed long cotton nightgown
caught fire .
Died Sutton, MS[MA] , Deac. Stephen Waters, 84 .
Died Waltham, Widow Abigail Brown, 95 , by falling into fire .
Died Shrewsbury, Mrs. Lydia Smith, consort of Capt. Nehemiah, 68 .
Fair Haven, Curtis Kelsey says wife Submit running him into debt; cann~t live with her.
Feb. 9, 1819:
William Frisbie, Pittsford, sold his farm to Dr. Freeman Mott, late of PA, Frisbie will move a great
Died Pittsford, Tues., 2"d inst., Mrs. Hanna Hammond, wife of Hon. Thomas, 55 1h yr., poem, etc.
Died Shrewsbury, Dec. 3 I", Daniel Kinsman (incorrect in former paper).
Died Clarendon, Jan. 28, Mandana Wright, 14 yr. granddaughter of Thomas Rice, Esq.
Feb. 16, 1819:
Probate, Robert Anderson, Benson.
Married New Lebanon, l inst., by Rev. Jacobs, David C. Sproat of Fairhaven, VT, Miss Sarah Kittredge of
Died Castleton, 1 inst., Mrs. Chloe Whitlock, wife of James, 25, survived by husband and infant.
Died Williamstown, 28 ult., William Dardley, 9, fell on jack knife.
Died Trenton, NJ, Sarah Ann, second dau. of John Billings, Esq., 3 yrs., clothes caught fire.
Feb. 23, 1819:
Dwight Lawton of Rutland, VT marriage to Miss Goldsmith is incorrect-please advise Albany Argus.
Married Middlebury by Rev. T.A. Merrill, on l:th[sic] inst., Rev. James Wheelock of NH to Miss Delia
Bass of Middlebury.
Married Middlebury, Mon. eve, William K. Daggett, Mrs. Betsey Hooker.
Married Middlebury, Orrin Dewey, Miss Hannah Nichols.
Died NY, son of Elisha Purdy, 3, clothes caught fire.
Died NY, son of James Russell, 9, run over by cart.
Died NY, Mrs. Mary Currie, beaten to death by her husband.
Died Danvers (New Mills, CT), Fri. last, dau. of Samuel Whipple, ae 8[?3], clothes caught fire at school.
Died Cornwall, l3 inst., Hon. Joel Linsley, -63.
Died Cornwall, 15, Samuel, infant son of Rev. Jedediah Bushnell.
Died Cincinnati, OH, Major Thomas Martin, 68, patriot of Rev.
Died Bennington, 15 int., Charles Wright, Esq. attorney.
Died this town, Thurs. last, Henry D. Tuttle 22.
Drowned near Dean, NY, 24 ult., Messrs. David Plumer and Ira Ward. Former has wife and two children
in VT. The latter resided at the place ae c. 20. Bodies not found.
Died East Haddam, CT, Charles Miner, 15, crossing ice.
Died in Flax Pond, Lynn, MA, Sun., Jonathan Mansfield, 22, was to have been married that evening.
Died in a late gale, St. Johns River, N.B., five persons upset in a boat, three of them were brothers.
Died Mill River, Hartford, CT, 11 inst., son of Rufus Duncan, 8.
Probate, James Parkhill, Benson.
Castleton, Walter R. Gilkey leaving VT.
Tues., March 2, 1819:
Married this village, Tues. mom , 15 ult., Dr. D.P. Porter of Washington, IN, Miss Lydia Gould of Rutland.
Married Sudbury, 5 Feb., Dr. James M'Farland of Orwell, Miss Roxana Warner.
Married Sudbury, Dec. 3, Luke Grovenor, Miss Isabel Foster.
Married Vienna, NY , 2 Feb. by Rev. E. Stebbins, Daniel Butts of Augusta, ae 15 , to Miss Elizabeth Matson
of former place, age 11 [?]
Married Middletown , 16 ult., by Preserved Fish, Esq., Lemuel Chapman to Miss Amelia Hubbard and Beal
Caswell to Miss Betsey Chapman, all of Middletown.
Died Clarendon, 22 ult., consumption, Mrs. Harriet F. Ewing, 29 yrs., wife of Daniel S.
Died Middletown, 23 ult., Miss Mary Miner, l 7, dau. ofDeac. Gideon.
Died Tinmouth, 23 [?] ult., Mrs. -----Mosher, wife of Daniel, 67.
March 9, 1819:
Plattsburg paper, 29 ult., says at Chazy on 23 ult., body of Stephen Woodward, buried 18 mos. ago,
exhumed and burned to stop consumption in family.
Married Danby by Zoeth Allen, Esq., Seeley Vail, Mrs. Nancy Brown.
Married Poultney by Rev. Clark Kendrick, Constant Lamb of Townsend, Miss Cynthia Blake of Hartland.
Wallingford by E.F. Johnson, Esq., John Congdon, Miss Phebe Remington.
Married Middlebury, Silas Barrett, merchant of Windham, Miss Eliza Aiken, dau. of Maj. P.
Married Cambridge, NY, Feb. 24, Hiram Henry of Bennington, Miss Eliza Van Vechton of former place.
Married Plattsburgh, 25 ult., John Van Tyne of Chazy, Miss Lucretia Leek of Plattsburgh.
Died Jefferson, NY, B~njamin Dole, formerly of Jaffrey, NH.
Died Tinmouth, eve of Feb. 21 51 , Jacob Amedown, 44 1h yr.
Died Bridport, Feb. 8, John Rogers, 78'h yr.
Died Burlington, 26 ult., Col. Giles Chittenden, 60 yrs.
Died Troy, NH, Isaac Fuller, c. 53 , perished in storm Fri., 26 uli., at night near his house, on his return
home from middle of town.
Died Royalston, 16 ult., Rev. Joseph Lee, pastor of church, Royalston, MA, 77•h yr.
Died Mt. Zion, GA, Feb. 3, Mrs. Lorane Beman, wife of Rev . Nathan S.S. Beman and dau. of Dan Smith
of this town, 32"d yr.
Died Poultney, 9 ult., Harriet Smith, 29, consort of Harry D., merchant, and dau. of Rev. James Murdock
of Martingsburgh.
Died this town yesterday, Miles W.H. Seward, son of Ira, Sy[?].
March 16, 1819:
Pittsford, Chester Wheeler's wife, Lucretia, left ..
Clarendon, man calls himself Oliver Watrous, came to Clarendon last spring and said he was from
Seabrook, CT. Had a woman, and c. 10 yr. old Lydia Wright with him. Woman had a pair of twins c. 14
mos. Left Feb. last to Middletown. He convicted Feb. 5, 1819, stealing a sheep. His real name supposed
to be Godding[?Golding], c. 36 yrs. 5' 11 ",etc.
Married Rockingham, by Joseph Bellows, Jr., Herman Guild of Chester, Miss Huldah Knight of former
Married Clarendon. 11 inst., Benj. E. Hayes, Miss Polly Richardson.
Died Springfield, 21 ult., Mrs. Abigail Fling, consort of Abel , Jr., 24.
Died Shoreham, 9 inst., Barsillai Carey, c. 50[?], strangled himself.
Died Middlebury, Philip, son of Aseryl Flint, 7 yrs. in May 1817, drank by mistake small amount of
potash solution, since then could only drink milk. Upon dissection found esophagus nearly closed in two
places; gall bladder distended with bile, etc.
Died Brandon, 2nd ult., Mrs. Hannah Clifford, 47, wife of Simeon of that town .
Died Clarendon, 3 inst., Robah Bromley, wife of William, 47.
Vincennes paper says John Tanner who has been missing since 1790 when he was nine has been found
near Detroit by a persistent brother. He was picking nuts near his home on the Ohio when he was taken by
Indians, NH Senrinel.
March 23, 1819:
Married Rockingham, Benjamin Robertson of Swanzey, Miss Sally Fowler.
Married Swanzey, NH, William Blanchard of Andover, Miss Charlotte Parsons.
Died Dummerston, Capt. Ebenezer Merrick, 90'h yr., early settler ofNewfane, etc.
Died Wallingford, Mrs. Roxa Waldo, wife of Spencer Waldo of Tinmouth, 28.
Died Shaftsbury, Rev. Cyprian Downer, 74.
Died Newburyport, Rev. Samuel Spring, 73.
March 30, 1819:
Long obit for Mrs. Beman, wife of Rev. N.S., of Sparta, GA.
Married Shrewsbury, Feb. 25, by Elder A. Knapp, Elijah Pike, Jr., Miss Polly Wetherell, both of that town .
Married St. Albans, 15 inst., Maj . Newton Hayes of Burlington, Miss Maria Gates of former place.
Married Williston, 14 inst., Isaac T. Hyde, Esq., Miss Florilla Chittenden.
Married Burlington, 14 inst., Jared Irving of Cambridge, Miss Jerusha Stemes[?] of former place.
Married Burlington, John N. Pomeroy, Esq., Miss Lucia, dau. ofHarace[?] Loomis.
Married Bennington, James Hicks, Jr., Miss Maria Henry, dau. of William, Esq., all of Bennington.
Died Roxbury, MA, Nathaniel Frost from fall from ridge pole of three story house.
Died Harrogate, England, Nov. 28, Mrs. Ann Dawson, 161.
Died Newburyport, 11 '\Rev. Samuel Spring, D.D., pastor of church there, 18 yrs. [see above].
Died Shaftsbury, Feb. 13., Cyperan Downer, 78.
Died Whitehall, NY, 10 inst., Dr. John Langdon, 74•h yr.
Died Princeton, 5 inst., Artemas How, Esq., 40.
Died this town , Sun. last, Solomon Purdy, early settler.
Pittsford, Joseph Larkin's wife, Roba, left him.
Cavendish, Salmon Dutton writes letter about new type of corn.
Tues., April 6, 1819:
Married Danby, March 4 ult., by Zoeth Allen, Esq., Joseph Allen, Miss Laura Barret, both of that town.
Married Wallingford, 23 ult., by Mosely Hall, Esq ., Elem Dewey of Rupert, Miss Rebecca Maxum of
former place.
Died Hubbardton, 5 inst., James Gardner, 65 1h, survived by wife and eight children.
Concord, NH, fire March 16, store of Capt. Reuben Porter of Warren, NH burned. Benjamin Evans, Esq.
house within 15-20 feet saved as was office ofH.G. Harris, Esq., only eight feet from store.
Belville, IL, 8 ult. , Alphonso C. Stewart, Esq., attorney, murdered by----- Bennet, from practice of
Ad, Horatio Gates Spafford settlement in PA, Venango Co.
April 13, 1819:
Married Shrewsbury, Mon., March 22, 1819 by David Holden, Esq., Mr. Sewel, Miss Polly Bullard, both
of Shrewsbury.
Married Shrewsbury Amasa Perkins of Rutland, Miss Lucy Bullard of Shrewsbury.
Married Granville, NY , l l inst., Josiah Southwick of Danby, YT, Miss Mary Baker of former place.
Married Shrewsbury, 15 Feb., by Elder A. Knapp, Elijah Pike, Jr. , Miss Polly Wetherell, both of former
Married Jamaica, 9 ult. , Paul Howard, 72, Miss Chloe Daniels, 28.
Died Hartford, NY, 3 inst., Silas Wilner, son of Dr. Israel Putnam, late of Fair Haven, 2y, 3m.
Died Fair Haven, 4 inst. , Harriet Newel, dau. of Erwin Safford, 9 mos. Mr. Safford is brother to Mr.
Pumam ; both interred Fair Haven.
Died Fair Haven, 5 inst., infant child of Daniel Stannard.
Died Clarendon, Sun., April 4, 1819, Elizabeth Briggs, 84 yrs. 8 mos. , leaves companion 90 years old; has
lived with him 67 years, have seven children, youngest 41. On morn of March 29, was walking out,
slipped and dislocated hip.
Died Whitehall, NY, I 0 ult., Dr. John Langdon, 74'h yr.
Died London in prison, Daniel Lovell. Esq., editor of London Statesman, in jail for libel.
Died Cornwall, Miss Sylva Ingraham. dau. of Samuel, 27[?] yrs.
Died Plymouth, MA, 8 inst., Nathaniel Goodwin, Esq., 71 yrs.
Died Paris, Marshall Count Perpigeon, 64, of French Rev.
Died Salisbury, l inst., Miss Laura Rockwell, dau. of Daniel, Esq., 19.
Died Brattleboro, 15 ult. , Miss Maria Metcalf, 28.
Portland [?ME], l 8 inst., Mr. Tarbox and wife who lived in gore between Raymond and Standish, froze to
death, went to get provisions for his family five miles away; could not carry them so left them on way.
When he got within 80 rods of house, cried out to his wife; she came and went back for provisions, but did
not make it back. Had four small children.
Freshet in western part of county and in NY; Mr. Doan of Granville lost I 00 sheep; mills of Hon. Judge
Rich of Shoreham all swept away.
Poultney, Blodget G. Kingsbury, apprentice, ran away from Philo Rumsey.
April 20, 1819:
Drowned Portsmouth Harbor, Capt. Daniel Moulton, 38, and Capt. John Simpson, 30, both of York.
Drowned Gloucester Harbor, 11 inst., William and James Smith, brothers, William Turner, Benjamin
Butler, returning in canoe from fishing boat. Young lad Daniel Sargent saved.
Probate, Henry D. Tuttle, Rutland.
Pittsfield, 7 ult, at Rendezvous of Capt. Pelham, soldier had been out contrary to orders, sentry shot at him
but missed. Ball went through another building where it killed another soldier who was sleeping with his
Salem, April 9, on Tues. last, William Phillips, Jr. and son, David A. of Marblehead, in a dory off Pines
Point in Lynn, capsized, father drowned, son saved.
Committee named for taking pike and pickerel from Lake Champlain to Otter Creek and ponds in Sudbury
and Hubbardton.
April 27, 1819:
Died Westhaven, 6 inst., Widow Sarah Barker, 77'h yr., late of Andover, VT.
May 4, 1819:
Probate, Samuel Gray, Jr., Brandon.
Clarendon, Lewis Peck's wife, Cynthia, left.
Married Hampton, NY, 18 inst., by Rev. E.W. Martin, David Smalley, Miss Susanna Lewis, both of
Married, 22 inst., Henry Leonard of Granville, NY to Miss Anna Porter of Whitehall.
Married, a short time since Ira Wilson, Miss Deborah Shaw, all of Whitehall, poem.
Died Granville, NY, Thurs., 15 inst., Mrs. Mary, wife of David Doane of that town, 62"d yr., etc.
Died Orwell, 26 ult., Josiah Austin.
Wallingford, Eli Meeker will not pay wife Eliza's debts.
Probate, Orson Martin, Poultney.
Tues., May 11, 1819:
Probate, Zenas Hill, Tinmouth.
Probate, Silas Aldrich, Wallingford.
Probate, Abel Farwell, Mt. Holly.
Mt. Holly, Royal Crowley will not pay wife Esther's debt.
Married Rockingham, 4 ult., Jonas Parker, Mrs. Mary T. Dunn.
Married Ferrisburgh, 1 ult., by S. Shepard, Esq ., Clemond C. Parmer of Vergennes, Miss Lucinda M .
Married Shoreham, 2 inst., by Rev. J.O. Morton, Andrew Huntington of Granville, NY, Miss Mary
Married NY by Rev. Stansberry, His Excellency DeWitt Clinton, Miss Catherine Jones, dau. of late Dr.
Married Shaftsbury, 22 ult., by J. Draper, Esq., Caleb Vaughn, Miss Betsey King, dau. of Rev. Enoch, all
of Shaftsbury.
Died this town, Fri. last, Mrs . Mary Seward, wife oflra, 28.
Died Hubbardton, Uriah Hickok, 74.
Died Belmont, MD, Hon . Alexander C. Hanson, US Senator, 33.
Died Bennington, 22 ult., John Graves, 37th yr.
Died Bennington, 21 ult., Samuel Brown.
Died Middlebury, Miss Anna Buttolph, dau. of Elijah B. Buttolph, 38.
Died Panton, 11 ult., Mrs . Huldah Jones, consort of David, 22"d yr.
Died Harrowgate, England, Nov. 28 , Mrs. Anna Dawson , 161.
Died Middlebury, 23 ult., Lyman Baker of Pomfret, CT, member of senior class, Middlebury College, 25 .
Died Rupert, 25 ult., Lt. Stephen Eastman, 64'h yr.
Died Wallingford, 31 ult., Silas Aldrich, 71" yr., survived by wife and four children.
May 18, 1819:
Probate, Jesseniah Dickerman, Poultney.
Married Windsor, Samuel Weeden of Hartland, Miss Martha Cady of former place.
Married Cavendish, VT, Capt. Benjamin Adams, widower, Widow Abigail Wyman.
Married Cavendish, VT, Francis Wyman, Miss Lois Spaulding.
Married Cavendish, VT, Zubina Perry, Miss Susan Hall.
Married Cavendish, VT, Rufus Adams, Miss Sophrona Sari.
Married Cavendish, VT, Dan Grout, Miss Sally Parker, all of Cavendish.
Married Ludlow, Henry Page of Cavendish, Miss Selina Ives of Ludlow.
Married Ludlow, Joseph Atherton, Jr. of Baltimore, Miss Hannah Ives of Ludlow.
Married Cornwall, 9 inst. , Horace Linsley, Miss Abagail Matthews, dau. of Hon . Darius.
Married Middlebury, Alfred T. Rathbone of Tinmouth, Miss Sophia Sargeant.
Died Walpole, NH, April 22, consumption, Frederock(sic] Fenton, 27 .
Died Swanzey, NH, Micaiah Norwood, 62.
Died Windsor, VT, Mr. ----- Kimball cut his own throat.
Died Newhaven, Mrs. Matthews, wife of Capt. Isaac Matthews.
Mt. Holly , Royal Crowley ' s wife, Esther, left.
Tues., May 25, 1819:
Canandaigua Repository, two citizens of this town drowned, Otis Lincoln, 58, Richard Green, 50 .
Five men drowned, Great Miami River, March 27. Same day Mr. Miller and family descending Little
Miami River, his wife and five children drowned.
Married Leicester, 18 inst., Ebenezer Smith of this town, Miss Fanny M'Carter of former place.
Married Fairfield, 12 inst., Col. Harmon Barber, Miss Melissa Sherwood, both of Fairfield.
Probate, auction, Shrewsbury, house of Widow Zeruiah Page, estate of Phinehas Page.
June 1, 1819:
Died Bloomfield, Pickaway Co., OH, April 28, Phidelia C. Short, dau. of Stephen, 8 mos.
Married Vergennes, 11 inst. , by Rev. Otto S. Hoyt ofHinesburgh, Miss Laura Jane Huntington , dau . ofE.
of former place.
Probate, Uriah Hickok, Hubbardton.
Probate, estate sale of Semer Doud, late of Hubbardton as Thomas White , Esq.'s store in Hubbardton.
June 8, 1819:
Died, Fri. mom last, Westford, MA, three children, age 1-4, children of Mr. Cummins burned to death ; he
in Boston, wife putting cows out.
Rape Thurs. last, Sheffield, Berkshire Co., [MA] , by Peter Johnson , negro, on married woman , sent to
prison at Lenox.
Suicide, Sackett' s Harbor, Walter Hanson, shot himself in head.
Suicide, 8 ult. , at Cantonment at Greenbush, James Palmer, late Lt. of US Arm y, shot himself.
Died Pittsford, Sat. last, Col. Israel Keith, aged and respected citizen.
Died Wallingford, 25 ult. , Miss Sally Hopkins, dau. of John, 27'h yr.
Died Lyndon, Capt. Job Olney, 80 . .
Died Bennington, Mrs. Ann Walbridge, wife of Gustavus, 64.
Died Bennington, 18 inst., of consumption, Alonzo Church, 24.
Died Middlebury, Fri., 28 ult. , Artemas Nixon, c. 15 , by kick of horse.
Died Danville, KY, Benjamin Sneed, 98, Thomas Jefferson ' s first instructor, kept school in VA 71 yrs.
Died Portsmouth, NH of dropsy, Miss Polly Blazdell, tapped 200 t.imes since Nov . 1815 ; 8,900 gallon s of
water equal to I 1 hogsheads .
Died Cincinnati, OH, I I ult. , Anson Whipple, c. 3 I, formerl y of Walpole.
Died Greenfi eld, Mr. -----Chapman, father of Rev. G.T. , Rector of church at Bellows Falls.
Died Grafton, James Thompson, 21 .
Died Middlebury, VT, Hon. Gamaliel Painter, 75, Capt. in Rev. and early settler, etc.
Died Boston, Shubael Bell, Esq. , 38 .
Died NY, Hugh Williamson, M.D. , L.L.D., member of Constitutional Convention, etc.
Died London, Patrick Roper, Irishman, intemperance.
Middletown, Lyman Gray, 18, apprentice, ran awa~ from John Clark.
June 15, 1819:
Married Dorset, 3 inst., John Manley, Mrs. Thankful Nicholson, both of Dorset.
Died this town, David Jewell, 25.
Wallingford, Heman Preston, 12, apprentice, ran away from Levi Smith
June22, 1819:
Married this town, 10 inst., Simeon Wright, Esq., attorney, Miss Elutheria Paige, dau. of Ralph, Esq.
Married Hartford, NY, 6 inst., Caleb Everts of Poultney, Miss Anna Nichols of former place.
Died Jamaica, Mrs. Mary King, wife of Hon. Rufus, 50th yr.
County Court, Peter Wheeler and Elijah Bennet pied guilty, got two years in prison.
June 29, 1819:
Married Vergennes last week, Silas Kinsley, Miss Nancy Painter.
Married Vergennes, Thurs. eve last, Capt. Lyman Painter, Miss Susan Fox.
Married Castleton, 10 inst. by Rev. Smith, William Cook, Miss Sally Murdock.
Married Pawlet, 17 inst., David Hollister, Mrs. Zilpha Brooks, both of Pawlet.
Married Hampton, NY by Rev. Clark Kendrick of Poultney, VT, Marquis M. Marshall of Granville, Miss
Araminta Doolittle of former place.
Died Shrewsbury, 25 inst., Miss Asenath Edson, dau. of Ezra, 20th yr.
Died Bridport, 14 inst. , Amanda Elvira, dau . of Solomon Mason .
Died Plainfield, NH, 12 inst. , Daniel Kingsbury, 52.
Died Windsor, 9 inst., Miss Barshaiba Aiken , 33 , dau. of Israel.
Died Windsor village, George, son of H. Stevens, 6.
Died Hartland, Mr. Willard, c. 35 by kick of horse.
Rutland, James Barrett, Jr. & Co. [James Barrett, Jr., George W. Daniels and Nathan Wood] are at three
story building, recently occupied by Daniel Chapin [huge list].
July 6, 1819:
Lyman Sperry of Malone, Franklin Co., NY , returned home Fri. eve, wife and four children sick; wife
deranged probably fed them cicuta, wife died and two children died, oldest that died c. 5.
Died recently at Boston, Isaiah Thomas, Jr., bookseller, 44.
July 13 , 1819:
Probate, real estate auction of late Daniel Cook, Mt. Holly.
Probate, real estate auction of Abel Farwell, Mt. Holly.
Married Dorset, mom June 28, Capt. Daniel Douglass of West Rutland, Mrs.[sic] Polly Shumway, eldest
dau. of John , Esq. of former place.
Married Castleton, 4 inst. by Rev . Elihu Smith, Chester Hooker to Eliza Woodward.
Married Castleton, 8 inst. , Selah H. Merrill, Esq., attorney, Miss Laura Mason, dau. of John, Esq.
Married Whitehall , 8 inst., Hon. Amos Thompson, one of judges of Co. Ct. of this county, Miss Christie.
Died Parkerstown [Mendon], 5 inst. , child of Thomas Richardson, six weeks.
Died Woodstock, VT, Jonathan Campbell of Sherburne, Chenango Co., NY, on taking down barn, fell off
Died OH, Commodore Abraham Whipple, 86, native of RI, first naval officer who fired hostile shot in
Rev .
Died Peacham, Widow Martin, 90.
Died Montpelier, John Woodworth, 22.
Died Danville, 2 inst., Curtis Stanley, Esq., late Clerk of County of Caledonia.
July 20, 1819:
Albany, July 9, Fri. eve last, Mr. Brando and wife of Windham, Green Co., wagon struck by lightning, they
uninjured .
Married Pittsford, 1 inst. by Rev. Dana, Levi F. Hayward of Upton, MS[MA], Miss Jane Avery of former
Married Williston, 11 inst. , Dr. Truman Stems, Miss Amanda Allen, dau. of Dr. Elisha.
Married Middlebury, 3 inst., Luman Preston, Miss Lucy Pettibone.
Married Bennington, 8 inst., Capt. Dewey Hubbell, Miss Laura Squares, dau . of Truman, Esq.
Died this town, Sun. 11 inst., Benjamin N. Dyer, c. 40.
Died Castleton, 8 inst., William Barton Barney, son of Joseph, 9.
Died Hubbardton, 18 ult., Moses Colton, c. 72.
Died Baltimore, 1 inst., General Levin Winder, 65, lately Gov. of MD and Rev. War soldier.
Middlebury, last week below falls between Middlebury Village and Weybridge, a house and buildings on
side hill and two acres tumbled into creek and dammed it up, mills all stopped at Vergennes.
July 27, 1819:
Died Dorset, 15 inst., Mrs. Chloe Buswell, wife of Joseph, 32"d yr.; print Hanover, NH .
Died Castleton, 12 inst. , Joseph Collins, Jr., 23 .
Died Shrewsbury, 21 inst., Capt. Jon[John) Kilburn, 82, etc.
Portland, killed by lightning, 28 ult., Samuel Nason, c. 50, of Freeport, probably ME, survived by wife and
three children.
Probate, Stephen Eastman, Rupert.
Ad, D. Cass, surgeon dentist, at Rutland.
Aug.3, 1819:
Mr. J. Scheller and wife, living in Beach Woods, c. three miles west of Bethany [NY], left home; when
returned house burned and two of three of their children dead.
Probate, John Fisher, Benson.
Probate, Seth Perry, Tinmouth.
Died Manchester, 21 inst. , James Vaughn, 78, early settler, fell down in a fit.
Drowned, Onion River, Montpelier, Sun. morn last, Master Charles Plumb, 17.
Rutland, Salmon Gill broke out of jail, Abel Page, Gaoler.
Canandaigua, 13 July, Levi Sawtel's house in Gorham burned Sat. last, two of his children died. He
severely burned trying to save them.
23 July, Burlington, building owned by Sabra Weeks burned and carding machines and clothier works in
building. Paper mill, oil mill and sawmill saved.
Fri. night last, day before water rose high on Onion River and swept away new bridge being built over the
falls. Deac. N. Blood lost 2,500 saw logs, carried downstream .
Aug. 10, 1819:
Married Zanesville, OH. July 4, Sun .. by Rev. Morse , Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, Bishop of diocese of OH,
Miss Sophia M. Ingraham, formerly of Kingston, NY.
Died White Creek, 3 inst. , Col. John C. Walker of Fort Edward , NY , 36, survived by wife and two sons.
Remains interred Manchester where friends reside.
Aug. 17, 1819:
Died Poultney, 3 inst., Hon. William Ward, 76, early settler, in Rev. , Constitutional Convention, six years
one of judges of Rutland Co. Ct., and 22 yrs. judge of probate for district of Fairhaven, long.
Died Ira, 5 inst., Lydia, wife of Benoni Collins, 66.
Died Wallingford, 8 inst. , Sun., Miss Sally Wood, c. 20, probably from treatment by Commodore, a negro
man, who pretends to know medicine.
Balloon Ascension by Aeronaut Guille in NY.
Aug. 24, 1819:
Articles detailing destruction and deaths caused by late storms NY , NH, etc.
Died this village this mom, Mrs. Fanny Austin Smith, wife of William D., Esq. , 3 I.
Pawlet, Nathaniel Robinson, Jr. says wife Lydia left him , been abusive since two weeks after marriage.
Probate, Timothy Barnum, Danby.
Military Academy building in Norwich being erected by Joseph Emmerson.
Aug. 31, 1819:
Married this town, 24 inst., by Rev. Ball, Julius D. Clark of Tinmouth, Miss Eliza Butman of Rutland.
Died Bristol, 16 ult., Asa Fuller, 36th yr. , consumption.
Died Arlington, Aug. 14, 1819, Constant Barney, 90'h yr.
Commencement at Middlebury and Dartmouth, names.
Sept. 7, 1819: [no vitals]
Sept. 14, 1819:
From Middlebury paper, 8 inst., Phoenix, steam boat on Lake Champlain destroyed by fire, on way
between Burlington and Plattsburgh, c. tWo miles from Providence Island and 12 miles from Burlington, c.
30 passengers and 20 who belonged to boat. Among those who perished: Gilbert Painter of Quebec,
passenger, Mrs. Wilson, superintendent of ladies department, Aziba Manning, pilot, Harry Blush, Stephen
Kellis Andrew Hudson, crew.
Married Brandon, 5 inst., Barnabas Myrick, Miss Lovina Bigelow.
Married Bridport, 1 inst., William B. Hamblin, Miss Sally Kitchel.
Married Bridport, 2 inst., Allen Benjamin, Miss Wealthy Hamblin.
Died Londonderry, 28 ult., David Ingals, candidate for gospel ministry, sermon by Rev. L[emuel] Haynes.
Died Washington, VT, 7 ult., Jacob Burton, Esq., 53, patriot of Rev.
Died Brandon, 18 ult., Solomon Tracy, 64, soldier in Rev., went to pick berries, found dead next day .
Died Enosburgh, July 25 , Mrs. Mary Parker, wife of Rev. James.
Died Burlington, 29 ult., Mrs. Sarah Robinson, 35 , wife of Hon . George.
Died Lanesborough, MA, 14 ult., Jedediah Hubbell , 99.
Died Princeton, NJ, Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D , L.L.D., late president of Princeton College.
Probate, James Vaughn, Manchester.
Probate, Ezra Kent, Wallingford.
Sept. 21, 1819:
More on Phoenix steamboat; six lives lost.
Married this village, 15 inst., by Rev . Ball, Jesse L. Billings, Esq. of Salem, NY, Miss Eliza Smith of this
Married Poultney, 7 inst., by Harvey D. Smith, Esq., Alanson Tayber, Mrs . Lucy Smedley.
Married this town, 12 inst., by Rev. Ball, Phinehas Spaulding of Orwell, Miss Betsey Beebe.
Married Kingsbury, NY, 16 inst., Dr. Alfred Gregory of Pawlet, VT, Miss Fanny Black of former place.
Died this village Tues. last, Mrs. ----- Staples, 82.
Died this village Wed. following, William B. Morrison, 28.
Died Sandy Hill , NY, 13 inst., Alpheus Doty 48.
Sept. 28, 1819:
Near Ernest town. Upper Canada, eight young ladies and two gentlemen drowned : John Germain and
sister Jane; Mary and Jane Detler; Matilda Robin ; Elizabeth M' Kay; Elizabeth Clark; Mary Cole; Huldah
Madden; Peter Bogart.
Indictment Bennington County against Stephen and Jesse Bowen[Boum] for murder some years since of
Russel Colvin.
James Rogers of Spencertown hanged himself.
Pittsfield, Ephraim Sargent's wife, Betsey, left.
Married Middlebury, 22 inst., Andrew V.T. Leavitt of Rochester, NY, Miss Julia Miller of former place.
Died Portsmouth, NH, 18 inst., Hon . John Langdon, 79, late Gov. NH.
Died this village Sun. last, William, son of Maj. Oliver Allen, late of Walpole, NH.
Died Addison, 5 inst., Mrs. Martha Woodford, wife of Maj. Timothy, 62.
Died Charleston, SC, 27 ult., Michael B. Latimer, late of Middlebury, 21.
Died Groton, MA, Rev. John Huntington, pastor of Boston's Old South Church.
Died Gosport, VA, Fayette Fillmore, son ofLavius of Middlebury, 20.
Norwich, NY, eve 6 inst., Jabez Perkins and wife killed by lightning in their bedroom.
Plattsburgh, 11 Sept., Robert Trip of Mooerstown in jail for murdering wife 15 yrs. ago. Circumstances
brought to light by his dau. (her step-dau.) who was then 14 yrs. He was angry because wife had not built
a fire, when she stooped to make fire he struck her. Murder was at Mooerstown. He aged c. 60 now.
Stockbridge, MA, 6 inst., Abel Stoddard and dau. killed by lightning at Hillsdale, NY.
Oct. 5, 1819: [missing]
Oct. 12, 1819:
Divorce petition, Lucy Hubbell of Pittsford vs. Ephraim Hubbell, Jr., May 10, 1812 married to Ephraim
Hubbell, Jr., then of Salisbury, late of Pittsford, by Rev. Holland Weeks, then of Pittsford. March 30, 1816
he left her.
Divorce petition, Betsey Dexter of Poultney vs. Rufus Dexter, married March 30, 1814 Rufus Dexter, then
of Cambridge, NY by Rev. Clark Kendrick. Sept. 20, 1816 he left.
Charlotte Ransom and Moses Noyes of Poultney and Stephen Ransom of Salem, NY, administrators of the
estate of Bryan Ransom late of Poultney; file suit against Betsey Hill of Johns burgh, Warren Co., NY.
Orson Brewster, guardian of Amelia Brewster, minor and Henry Gray, guardian to Eunice Brewster, all of
Middletown, petition to sell estate of Ohel Brewster, late of Middletown.
Married Dorset, 23 ult., by Rev. Fuller, Ebenezer Mattison of Shaftsbury, Mrs. Prudy Burlingim of former
Married Dorset, 0. Burlingim of Dorset, Mrs. Dimes Day of Manchester.
Died this town Sat. l inst., John Pike, 59.
Died Dorset, 18 ult., Miss Lurane Nickerson, 16.
Died Dorset, 1 inst., Mrs. Catherine French, wife of John , 26.
Died South Hero, 22 ult.. James Butler, 43.
Died Ballstown, NY, Capt. John Skinner, 86, Rev., commanded company at storming of Lexington and
surrender of Burgoyne.
Died NJ, Hon. John F. Grinke, Col. in Rev.
Died Philadelphia, Dr. John Lenman, 69, surgeon in Rev.
Died NY, Andrew Seaman, cashier of Manhattan Bank.
Died NY, 26 ult., St. John Hill, 23, formerly of this town.
Probate, Alexander Barr. Sudbury.
Death of Commodore Oliver Hazzard Perry at Port d'Espagne, Trinidad on board US Schooner Nonsuch
24 Aug. last; born Newport, RJ, Aug. 1785 ; long article.
Rutland , James Morrison Kay, apprentice printer, c. 14 yrs .. left E. Gilman Storer.
Pittsford, Jacob Crosser. c. 18. ran away from Israel Brewster, Jr.
Oct. l 9, 18 19:
Probate, Benjamin N. Dyer, Rutland.
Clarendon, Bennett Bidwell dissolves partnership business of carding wool and clothier with Sheldon
Died Fort Meigs, Eleazer Conant of Middlebury, ae 68, and his wife, ae 50, on visit; left home 10 June last
and were about to return when he taken sick with fever. Shed. 12 ult., he the following Wed.
Died this village, Sun. last, Ozias Fuller, 48.
Died this village, Sun. last, Marian Poolen[Pooler], 28.
Oct.26, 1819:
Divorce petition, Eunice M'Farland of Fair Haven vs. David M'Farland; married Jan. 8, 1816 by Rev.
Samuel Some, David then of NY; left her Aug. 1816.
Probate. Tabitha Ganson, Brandon.
Married Wallingford, 6 inst., by Rev. Hunter, Only Cole, Mrs. Fanny Cook.
Married Rupert, I 4 inst., by Rev. Powel, John Doty of Wallingford, Mrs. Fidelia Dewey of former place.
Died Dorset, 14 inst., Edmund Baldwin, 40th yr.
Died Dorset, Mrs. Hough, wife of L.
Died this town, Sat. last, Miss Silvia Walker, dau. of Jedediah, 33.
Died Cornwall, 8 inst., Hon. Darius Matthews, 56'h yr.
Died Clarendon, I 9 inst., Widow Robey Arnold, 78th yr.
Joseph Stacey, guardian of Sylvester Rising and Seth K. Rising, and Henry S. Easton, guardian of Pomeroy
H. Easton, all of Benson, heirs of Elijah Rising, petition to sell estate.
Pittsford, Jacob Crosset, c. 18, ran away from Israel Brewster, Jr.
Nov. 2, 1819:
Married Utica, NY, Elisha Loomis , printer of Canandaigua, Miss Maria T. Startwell; will accompany
mission to Sandwich Island.
Married Whitehall, NY , 7 ult., Alvah Bartholomew, Miss Betsey Hawley.
Married Whitehall , NY , 25th, Walter Rogers of Fair Haven, Miss Eliza White of former place.
Married Batavia, NY, William Sullings, formerly of this town, Mrs. Temperance Watkins of Batavia.
Died 2 inst. at Settle' s Hill in Guilderland, George Reelman, 112-6-25 , b. Germany in city of Landau in
Elsece on March 8, 1707.
Died Bennington, Gen. Ebenezer Walbridge, 82, was in Battle of Bennington, 1777.
Died Troy, Rev. James Sheldon, 90, 40 yrs. Baptist minister.
Died Poughkeepsie, Hon. Matthias B. Tallmage, late a district judge of US Court.
Died Albany, John Stafford of firm , Stafford anp Weed, 51.
Died Whiting, 23 inst. , Widow Joanna Wisewell, 70.
Died Newark, NJ, Hon . Elisha Boudinot, 71" yr.
Poultney, Rufus and Joseph Woodward of Poultney, formerly oflra, stealing, sentenced and paid fine.
Rufus, clothier, in Rutland, 24 yrs. , 5'8"; Joseph gone to parts unknown.
Nov . 9, 1819:
Died Fairfield, CT, Hon . Jonathan Sturges, Rev . soldier, member of first congress.
Died Youngstown , NY, c. Sept. 20 Mrs . Susan Bell, relict of late Jonathan, Esq. of this town [J. Bell was
Rutland Co. Sheriff].
Died this town , Tues. last, Miss Anna Cushman, dau . of Ethiel, 14.
Probate, Thomas Cutler, Pittsford.
Nov. 16, 1819:
Married Castleton by Rev. Elihu Smith, Lemuel Jordan , Miss Cynthia Freelove.
Died this town 1 inst., Samuel Campbell, 85 .
Probate, Solomon Tracy, Brandon, widow Phebe.
Died Bennington, 3 inst. , Hon . Jonathan Robinson , 64'h yr, long.
Died Northampton, MA, 7 inst., Hon. Caleb Strong, late Gov. of MA, 75th yr.
Died Hancock Co., GA, Gov. Rabun.
Nov . 23 , 1819:
Married Middlebury, 10 inst., William Williams of Castleton, Miss Amelia Leonard.
Died Leicester, 26 ult. , Miss Lucina Morse, dau . of Isaac, Esq., 31 " yr.
Died this village, Sun. eve last, Moses Hale, 91 , etc.
Died Royalton, VT, Oct. 31, fit of apoplexy, Asahel Cheney of Royalton , 53.
Died Tinmouth, 6 inst. , Miss Catharine, dau . of Samuel Allen, 22 yrs ., etc.
Divorce petition of Lydia Barnard of Castleton, married Feb. 4, 1816, Jesse Barnard, then of Hague, NY,
by Rev . Elihu Smith of Castleton; residence Castleton, he beat her, left her.
Probate, John Felshaw, Poultney.
Probate, John Pomeroy, Pawlet.
Nov . 30, 1819:
Probate, Dyer Bottom, Westhaven.
Probate, Ebenezer Hurlburd, Orwell.
Married Bennington, Charles Mattison of Arlington, Miss Ann Hawks of Bennington.
Married Bennington, Anthony Hathaway, Miss Betsey Haines, both of former place.
Married Bennington, Dyer Mattison, Miss Sophia Cole, both of Shaftsbury.
Abraham Gibbs at White shop, recently occupied by Benjamin Mason, few rods S.W. of court house.
West Rutland store, Stillman Blanchard, lately Slason Incid.
Boom and Colvin (see book of horrors), Manchester, to be hanged .
Dec. 7, 1819:
Died Danby, 23 ult., Miss Lucy Matison, 20th yr.
Married 28 Sept., Harry Sikes of Dorset, Miss Orpha Porter of Pawlet.
Married John Moore, Miss Aurilia Harwood, both of Rupert.
Married Rupert, 2 inst., Bingham Sikes, Miss Orpha Eastman.
Married Rupert, 4 ult., Philo Harwood, Miss Eunice Sikes, all of Rupert.
Married Cavendish, 30 ult., Jacob Washburn, Miss Lydia Powers .
Married Bennington, Nathaniel Hall, Jr., Miss Mary Plaus [?Plans].
Married Bennington, Ferris Nye, Miss Rebecca Watson, all of Bennington.
Probate, John Pomeroy, Pawlet.
Brandon, Philadelphia Castings, John Conant ad for improved patent cook stove and·oval parlour stoves.
Dec. 14, 1819:
Married Jerico, 25 ult. , Moses T. Runnels of Cambridge Miss Adeline Willey of former place.
Married Orwell, 7 inst., Almon Warner, Esq., attorney of Sudbury, Miss Mary Conkey, dau. of James, Esq.
Died Middlebury, 3 inst., Mrs. -----Huntington, wife of Daniel.
Died Enosburgh, 23 ult. , Dr. Caleb Stevens, 39.
Rutland, To whom it may concern: Found, In the subscriber's barn , near the potash, some time since,
about 200 wt. of something, bearing the appearance of Salts of Lye, in a tub, under very singular
circumstances. They were doubtlessly deposited there by some malicious person with a view to injure the
reputation of the Chief of the African Band. But be it known to the villain, whoever he may be, that he
mav fall into the pit he has attempted to prepare for another. However, the owner is requested to prove his
property, pay charges and take it away. Pearson Freeman.
Rutland, Hats, Silas Warren & Co., room lately occupied by Capt. Abel Page as saddler over Ben Dix's
Peter Johnson, Lexington, MA , executed by hanging Thurs.
Dec. 21, 1819 :
Married Bridport. 4 ult. , Robert P. Miner, Miss Amarilla Buck.
Article says Nov. 26 Rutland Herald, conviction of Stephen and Jesse Brown[ sic Bourn] of Manchester for
murder of Russel Colvin; says Russell Colvin alive in NJ .
Rutland, Oliver E. Lawrence, apprentice ran away from Abner Moon .
Probate, John Reynolds, Wells.
Rutland, Slavery meeting.
Dec.28, 1819:
Married, 2 inst., Russell Broughton, Miss Harriet Hotchkiss, both of Poultney.
Married Pawlet, 2 inst., by Rev. John Griswold, Ezra C. Reed, Miss Sophia Swallow .
Married Pawlet, likewise, Miller Stanley, Miss Mary Ives, all of Pawlet.
Married Bellows Falls, 28 ult., Henry F. Green, merchant of NY, Miss Caroline Frances Atkinson.
Died NYC, 25 Nov. last, Anson Clark, age 54, son of Mrs. Lydia Hutchinson of Whiting.
Died Middlebury, 2 inst., Rev. Joel Byington of Chazy, NY, Miss Delia Storrs.
Died Middlebury, 1st inst., Samuel Taylor, Miss Betsey Cottrel.
Died Acworth, NH, 27 ult. , James Wallace, 78, hanged himself.
Died Galliopolis, OH, Miss Charlotte De Tallibur, 17, suicide; orphan from France.
Died Bardstown, KY, David M. Percival; accident, shot at squirrel hunt.
Died St. Albans, 13 Dec. inst. , Sanford Gadcomb, Esq. of Burlington, 31 .
Died Sulpiece Convent of Nuns, Montreal, l 0 inst., Miss Fanny M. Allen , dau. of late Gen. Ethan Allen.
Probate, Ozias Fuller, Rutland, widow Desire.
Probate, William Eaton, Jr., Fair Haven.
Jan. 4, 1820:
Married Shaftsbury, Elisha King, Jr. of Sunderlin, Miss Lydia Galusha, dau. late of Capt. David of
Married Woodford, Noah Bigelow, Miss Anna Temple, dau. of Ebenezer.
Married Granville, NY by Rev. Nathan Hall, Justin Day of Manchester, VT, Miss Laura Kellogg of former
Married Rutland, Sun. last, by Rev. Drury, Harry Spaulding, Miss Olive Reynolds .
Married Danby, 23 ult. , by John H. Andrus, Esq ., Howard Salsbury, Esq . of Erie, PA, Mrs . Rebecca Pratt
of Tinmouth.
Died Twiggs Co ., GA, Sept. 16, Dr. Asa Barney Webber, son William of Shrewsbury, VT, 25 ; got medical
diploma, ae 19, in NY state.
Died Clarendon, 13 ult. , Mrs. Olive Colvin, wife Jonathon, 46 .
Died Parkerstown [Mendon], Thurs . last, Elisha Nichols.
Jan.11 , 1820:
Married Salisbury, 1" inst., Samuel S. Sanford, Miss Almeda Smead.
Married Bridport, 22 inst., Benjamin K. Hamlin, Miss Virtue Smith.
Married 25 Dec., Walter Rider, ae 21, Miss Jerusha Gray, 35, both of Dorset.
Married Weybridge, 15 inst. , Constant Dickinson, Miss Electa Lawrence.
Jan. 18, 1820:
Married Sandgate, 2 ult. , Amos Brown 2"d, Miss Flora Clark, both of Pawlet.
Married Danby, 6 ult. , Warren Headen of Pawlet, Miss Anna Kelley of former place.
Married 1SI ult. , by Rev. Clark Kendrick, Asahel Burnell, Miss Polly Hyde, dau. of Samuel, both of
Died Pittsford, 2 inst. , John Barnes, 63.
Died Selina, village of Liverpool, NY. 22 ult. , of consumption Dr. Lucius Q.C. Fuller, son of Maj . John of
Pittsfield, VT, c. 35 .
Clarendon Furnace in blast.
Danby, Dec. 25 , 1819, Jonathan Weller' s wife Diana le ft.
Fall of 1817 man tried at Catskill, NY for murder of Miss Sall y Hamilton several years before at Athens.
A witness perjured himself, saying the defendant did it, but Elisha Williams, Esq. on cross examination
made it evident defendant was innocent.
Catskill, Dec. 15, On 1SI inst. George Wright, Jr., c. 21 , son of George of Durham, killed when pitchfork
pierced his body when descending from hay mow.
Dec. 28 , Utica, Mr. Rich, formerly conductor of newspaper in Watertown, Jefferson Co. [NY] , killed two
large panthers, first one shot, second attacked, slit its throat.
Probate, John Pike, Rutland.
Probate, William Caton, Jr. , Fairhaven.
Probate, Jonathan Hubbard, Wallingford .
Jan . 25, 1820:
Prosecution of Rutland County Sheriff for not producing three escapees; they escaped out of top of prison
room , passed third story into hall of second, descended from window by blankets. Hole in ceiling made by
stick of timber, seven to eight inches in diameter with two inch augur and chisel. The family lived in part
of prison house to feed and act as assistant keeper.
Married Bellows Falls, Sun. 16 inst. , by Rev . Chace, Benj . Burt of this town, Miss Mary Wales of Bellows
Married Rutland, Wed. last, by Rev . Amos Drury, Whitman B. Haskin, Miss Desiah Sears, all of Rutland .
Married on Thurs. Harry I. Hewett to Miss Lurana Thrall, dau . of Chauncey, Esq.
Married Capt.----- Durkee of Pittsford, Miss Jemima Strong, dau. of Henry.
Died Woodstock, 3 inst., Eliakim Spooner, Esq., 80'h year, early settler of VT.
Died Lyme, CT, Widow May Ann Noyes, left $1 ,000 to Yale College and $1,000 to First Church in Lyme.
Died Roxbury, Hon. Nathaniel Ruggles, 58, late member of Congress.
Died Bennington, 7 inst. , Samuel Robinson, Esquire, son of late Hon. Moses, 51 '' year.
Died Bennington, eve of same day, Mrs. Mary Dewey, widow of late Capt. Elijah , 63 'd year.
Rutland, E.W. Bisbee, signs and chairs at his shop in south part village.
Rutland, Attorney Robert Temple opens office at court house .
Rutland, Francis Platt, indentured boy, ran away from John Barr.
Feb. I, 1820:
Married St. Pauls Church, Windsor, Sun., by Rev. Leonard, Dr. Joel Green of Rutland, Miss Eluthera D.
Fay of Windsor.
Married Rupert, 4 ult., Chester Smith, Esq. of Colebrook, CT, Miss Mary E. Dewey of former place.
Married Baltimore [VT] , 12 inst., Capt. Isaac Ives of Ludlow, Miss Hannah Atherton of former place.
Married Burlington, 9 inst., Eber R. Hamilton of Essex, Miss Mary Caldwell of former place.
Married Burlington, Thursday eve by Rev. Samuel Clark, Dr. William Atwater of Russell, NY , Miss Delia
Wetmore, dau. of J.P. of Burlington.
Married Bennington, Stephen Bingham, Miss Sophronia Dewey.
Married Williston, 3 inst. by Rev. Johnson, Russell Lawrence of Burlington, Rhoda Isham of former place.
Married Cavendish, 4 inst. , Otis Leland of Baltimore, Miss Nancy Spaulding of former place .
Died Pittsford, Sun. last, Maj. Keith, father of late Col. Israel, ae 90.
Died Wallingford, 23 ult., Caleb Eddy, 72 .
Died Bristol few days since of smallpox, Flavel Williams, c. 24 , late of Plattsburgh, NY.
Died near Hebron, CT, 6 ult. , Peggy Dow, wife of Lorenzo , long distinguished for his earnest devotedness
of the best of causes .
Bennington , Jan . 25 , on 17 inst. tremendous wind and snowstorm in Bennington and vicinity ; unroofed and
razed a great number of houses, barns, etc. Took off part of the roof of the new courthouse. A poor
woman, Julia Dunn , resided in northeast part of town, on day of storm went to neighbors with a number of
small children. was lost and body not found yet. Her children went to a neighbors a few minutes before her
house blew down . Stephen Rice, 2nd's, horse and cow killed under ruins of his barn.
St. Albans, execution 14 inst. of Luther Virginia, convicted of murdering Rufus W. Jackson of Highgate,
6,000 to 8,000 people present for hanging.
Jan. 15, Peekskill, Sat., 7 inst. at Phillipstown, Putnam Co. , Leonard Cummings was butchered by his
father-in-law , John Mead, etc.; he is survived by wife and two children.
More on storm ; Oliver and Elam Dewey ' s barn in Rupert demolished and 10 head of cattle killed.
Insane wanderer, came to Bridport, VT c. 27 mos . ago a man in mental derangement, calls himself Joseph
Morton or sometimes Thompson; appears he came from Maine.
Poultney, fire. Sat. last, Messrs. S.W. Dana and Co.'s store burned, also lost were library of James S.
Harris, Esq ., who had office in building. S. W. Dana says thank you for help.
Feb. 8, 1820:
Married Cavendish, 1 I ult. , Alfred Field of Dorset, Miss Sophronia Gilbert of former place.
Married Windsor, 27 ult.. E.T. Englesby, Esq . of Burlington, VT to Miss Adela Brush .
Married Warren Co., GA. Mr. Bird Perry , Miss Rebecca Cloud (cute verse).
Died Hoosack, NY, 12 ult., Robert Haswell, 64.
Died Hoosack, NY, 18 ult. , Dr. Aaron D . Patchin, 41 .
Died Bennington, 20 ult. , Miss Betsey Gale, 18.
Died Rutland village, 3 inst., Mrs. Elutheria Wright, wife of S., ae 24, poem.
Obed Hunt, old gentleman , found in the snow on the mountain in western part of - nnington [probably
Bennington] , frozen to death in a state of intoxication.
Feb. 15, 1820:
Married Shoreham, 3 inst., by Rev . Daniel 0 . Morton, Phil Holady of Auburn, NY, Mrs. Hannah Benton of
fonner place.
Married Salem, Rev. Leonard Worcester of Peacham, VT, Mrs. Eunice Woodbury.
Married Dorchester, MA, John Pettes of Windsor, Mrs. Lucy Richards.
Married Woodstock, William Sterling, Mrs. Drusilla Hammond.
Died Chester, VT, 29 ult. , Benj. Blaney, Esq., 82, late of Malden, MA , officer in Rev.
Died this village, Fri. last, Sampson Freeman, a man of color, ae 69, "much respected for his examples of
integrity, economy and morality; indeed, it may well be said of him that he was a good man."
Died Woodstock, 2 inst., Gen. Solomon W. Burke, Windsor Co. Sheriff and Brig. Gen . of VT militia.
Died Monkton , VT, Mrs. Mary, wife of Daniel Tracy, formerly of CT, 84.
Died New Haven, 31 ult., of smallpox, Mrs. Minerva Squier, wife of Andrew, Jr. , 25 yr.
Died Boston, 4 inst. , Hon. Jonathan Smith of West Springfield, MA, member House of Representatives .
Died Westmoreland, NH, 24 ult., Richard Thurston, 50.
Died Boston, Don Juan Stoughton, Catholic Majesty's Consul for that town for last 30 years, 75.
Zanesville, OH, Jan. 5, in Licking County, J.M. M' Lean and James Hughes indicted for murder of Rachel
Konkapot, Indian of Stockbridge tribe. Part of tribe had emigrated from NY to IN; she and others were
dissatisfied and were returning to NY, while traveling last Sept. from Newark to Mt. Vernon, were fired
upon , hit Rachel in thigh and broke bone. Shed. Dec. 22 at Mt. Vernon ; she was married and her husband
with her. She had just given birth to a female child a few hrs . prior to the wound . Rachel was 26, child is
Feb. 22, 1820:
Married Middlebury on 3 inst., by Rev . Cheney of Salisbury, Charles Everetts of Plattsburgh, NY , Miss
Anna Carpenter.
Married Burlington, Ralph Reed of Shelburn, Miss Sophia Olmsted.
Married Boston, 13 inst. , Lucius Parsons, merchant, of Danville, VT, Miss Ann Maria Gibson of Boston.
Married NC, Maj . Joseph Banks, 60, Miss Penelope Commander, 23 .
Article on death of Rev . Wheelock, missionary to India, suicide, from Concord Observer.
Rutland, Bela Paul at the sign of the boot, one door south of Maj. Fay's house.
Smallpox nearby, kine vaccine.
Died New Haven, CT, 2 inst., Rev. Dr. Benjamin Trumbull, 84, author of History of CT.
Died Middlebury, Sat. last, Augustus Page, son of David, c. 13 y. , fell into fire while in a fit.
Died Kent, CT, David Root, 45 ; third person in three years who had been summoned from same roof to
eternity while intoxicated.
Died Lowville, Lewis Co. , NY , 7 Jan ., Rev . Stephen Parsons, 71 , from a fall , Baptist minister [lon g].
Died Newport, Rl, 29 ult. , William Ellery, 93 rd year, signer of Declaration of Independence .
Died Poultney, 9 inst., Mrs. Sarah B., wife of Daniel Mallary, Jr. , Esq. , 28, etc. ; long.
Died Orwell , 29 ult. , Mrs . Merriam Brewer, 54, wife of Archibald, etc. (poem) .
Rutland, J. Barrett, Jr. & Co. goods.
Amherst, NH, Feb. 12, Thurs. last, 13 inst. , Lt. Benjamin Hopkins house in Milford burned. He age 93 ,
occupied home 70 yrs., other part of house occupied by grandson-in-law , Jonathan Holt. Granddaughter
about to be married lost all her furniture , etc.
Looking for Elijah Fox, 22 yrs. , deranged ; wandered away from home in Pelham , NH .
Feb. 29, 1820:
Married Dorset, 17 ult., Elijah Reed of Pawlet, Miss Hannah Flint of former place.
Married Pawlet, 3 inst., by John Edgerton, Esq. , Isaac Hillyard of Danby, Miss Sarah Hunt of Pawlet.
Married Blandford, MA, 15 inst., by Rev. Keep, Spencer Waldo of Tinmouth, VT, Miss Orpha Boies of
Died Hartland, Sat., 12 inst. , Capt. Stephen Tryon of Hartford, partially intoxicated, took wrong door and
fell down cellar.
Died 2 inst., Union College, Schenectady, NY of constipation of bowels, Amos C. Huntington of
Shaftsbury, VT, just entered 24th year of his age and was a senior, etc.
Died Smithfield, Rl, Hon . Peleg Arnold, 68 , formerly delegate to old Congress , member General Assembly
and Chief Justice, Rl Supreme Court.
Died Richmond, VA, 8 inst., Robert Cowley, man of color, 125 years ; had been doorkeeper to the Capitol ;
as reward for Rev. services.
March 7, 1820:
Married Manchester by Chester Clark, Esq., William Noble of NYC, Miss Eunice Soper of former place.
Married Lansingburgh, NY, William L. Brown, merchant of Manchester, VT, Miss Caroline Barker, dau.
of Calvin, Esq. of former place.
Married Wells, 13 ult., Horace Potter, Miss Julia Clark.
Married Wells, Aaron Mosher, 2"d, Miss Jemima Ryder, all of Wells .
Died Castine, ME, David Hale, son of late Thomas of Rutland .
Rutland, Dr. Joel Green advertises free kine pock matter for smallpox vaccine . Also Dr. J. Porter at his
March 14, 1820:
Brandon, Lyman Crossman lost house and furniture to fire and was badly burned rescuing family , escaped
in bedclothes.
Married this village, Wed. last, by Rev. Ball, Percival W. Sage, Miss Adeline Wheelock, dau. of Eleazer.
Married Shrewsbury, 23 ult. by Rev. Knapp, Charles Hunt, Miss Axa Sims.
Married Orwell, 3 inst. , by Rev. Kent, John Barber of Benson, Miss Emma Perry of former place.
Married Montpelier, Elihu Taber, Jr., Miss Laura Cutler.
Married Montpelier, Nicholas Bennet, Miss Clarissa Cutler.
Married Montpelier, Lyman Sloan, Miss Clarissa Hill.
Married Berlin, Chester Nye, Miss Ruth Bradford.
Died Pittsford Wed. last, Widow Ruth Morsman, ae 70.
Died this town, Thurs. last, child of Joseph F. Cushman.
Died Poultney, 26 ult. , eldest dau. of Joel Beaman, Esq., ae 7.
Died Poultney, 29'\ Caroline, eldest dau . of Hon. Rollin C. Mallary, 10.
Died Washington City, I inst., Maj . David Walker, Rep. to Congress from Kent.
$20 reward for two indentured servants, both light mulattoes, 16 yrs. and 12 yrs. old. Oldest John Minott,
youngest Peter Choice, both born Boston, prob. are in Rutland or Middlebury, posted by Leonard Jarvis of
Claremont, NH.
Dunbarton, NH, Thomas Hammond, Jr. says deranged 22 yr. old male came to his house almost naked, feet
frozen, will not give his name.
March 21, 1820:
England, King George III died and also his fourth son, Duke of Kent.
Rutland County Court, James Adams of Castleton and Cyrus Adams of Middletown vs. Jonathan Griswold
of Lysander, Onondaga Co. , NY .
Tinmouth, Jacob Smith, 16, ran away from his father, Abraham Smith.
Probate, James Whipple, Hubbardton .
March 28, 1820:
Married this village, Thursday morning last by Rev. Ball, John C. Gilman of Melbourn, L.C., Miss Nancy
Married West Rutland, 22 inst. , by Rev . Drury, German Hammond of Pittsford, Miss Lovisa Chatterton,
dau . of Isaac.
Married Shrewsbury on Sun . eve last, Daniel H. Dyer, Miss Philena Beverstock.
Married Sheldon, 8 inst. , by Rev. Beach, Dr. Frederick W. Judson of Ogdensburgh, NY, Miss Lois Keith ,
dau . of Alfred, Esq.
Married Weybridge, 5 inst. by Rev. Moody, Burress Gordon, Eluthera White.
Married Pawlet, 24 ult., by Rev. J. Griswold, Walter Strong, Miss Nancy Sheldon.
Married Pawlet, 13 inst., Silas Fitch, Miss Martha Barns.
Married Rupert, 27 ult., Leonard Bennett of Pawlet, Miss Lydia Anibal.
Married Andover, 13 inst., Jacob Cummings of Ludlow, Miss Lydia K. Dodge of former place.
Married Brattleboro, Alexander C. Putnam, printer of NH, Miss Beulah Barber.
Married Washington City, 7 inst., Samuel Lawrence Govemeur, Esq. of NY, Miss Maria Hester Monroe,
dau. of James, Pres. of US.
Died this town of consumption, 9 inst. , Miss Sally Chatterton, dau. of Deac. Wait, 34.
Died this town, infant child of Medad Sheldon, same day.
Died this town, 12 inst. , infant child of Squire Delano[Deland].
Died this town, Thurs. last, Elmira, dau. of Daniel Wheeler, 9.
Died Weybridge, 8 ult., Mrs. Mary, wife ofDeac. Daniel James, 67m yr.
Died Burlington, 8 inst., Dr. John Perrigo, 53 .
Died Winchester, NH, Ebenezer Scott, 72.
Died Montville, MA, John Schofield, 62; in 1793 came from England and brought with him the model of
first carding machine introduced in US .
April 4 , 1820:
Rutland, Saddler Percival W. Sage at shop, formerly William Hal1.
April 11, 1820:
Rutland, Hatter, Mrs. Baker.
Married Pawlet, 12 inst. , by Rev . John Griswold, Elijah Weeks, Miss Almira Morris .
Married Pawlet, 14 inst. , Elijah Weeks, Miss Alma Morrison.
Married Pawlet, 12 inst. , Elijah Wicks , Miss Hester Alma Morrison .
Married Windsor, 29 ult. by Rev. Howard, Joseph Fletcher, merchant of Ludlow, Miss Mary B. Spooner,
dau. of Alden , Esq.
Died Poultney, 18 ult. , Samuel Tuttle, 43 rd year.
Died Randolph , Orange Co., VT, Feb. 28, six day illness of spasm of heart, Nathaniel Throop, Esq., eldest
son of John, Esq., late of Pomfret, Windsor Co., deceased; survived by widow and four children.
Died Manchester, 26 ult., Mrs . Susan R. Bennett, wife of Milo L., Esq., 23.
Died Middlebury, 29 ult., Henry M. Patton of Philadelphia, PA.
Died Rindge, NH, 2"d ult. , Widow Elizabeth Todd, relict of late Dr. Thomas.
Died Sutton, MA , 18 ult. , Lt. Bartholomew Hutchinson, 85.
Lost child, John Emery, Jr. resided Sacket's Harbor summer 18 l 7 and arranged to visit friends at Groton,
VT, succeeding fall. Man he worked for couldn ' t pay him so he worked for Eben Heath of Geneva. NY,
one month and returned to Sacket's Harbor to get his pay and leave for VT. Nothing heard from him since,
c. 24 yrs.
Ad by John Emery, Groton, VT.
Starksborough, 13 ult. , Samuel Thompson 's house burned, wife burned to death. She is survived by nine
Probate, John Barns, Pittsford.
April 18, l 820:
Married Leicester, 30 ult. , Silas Adams of Whiting, Miss Mehitable Cole.
Married Salisbury, 6 inst., Truman Dewey, Miss Betsey Pratt.
Married Sudbury, 3 inst., Augustus Graves, Miss Lydia Kelsey.
Married Waterloo , NY, 26 ult., Curtiss Hubbell, Miss Charlotte White of that village.
Died Newhaven, l inst., Capt. Miles Bradley, 74 .
Died Ludlow, 4 inst., Mahala, dau . of Capt. Samuel Burbank, 9 yrs.
Died Rutland, Mon. 10 inst. , Asa Hale Manley, ae 10, son of Rev. Ira, ofWi11sborough, NY and grandson
of Deac. Asa Hale of Rutland.
Died Rutland, Wed. following, Amos Ramsdell , only son of John, age 8. They went into sugar orchard to
get maple sugar, on bank of small rivulet found muskquash root and died ; mistaken for spikenard. Dr.
James Porter says symptoms, dry mouth, tongue trembles, great thirst and hard to swallow, cannot vomit,
delirium and convulsions of limbs. Manley died in about 2\12 hours; more info on what they did for other
patient, Amos Ramsdell.
April25 , 1820 :
Rutland, Samuel Chatterton being maligned.
Deerfield, NH, 6 inst., Fast Day, several children of True S. Thrasher set out about 10 o'clock after ivory
plums. Elisha, 8-9 yrs., lagged behind before going to find the others; he got lost, 300 people joined
search. He found dead in the mire, had traveled nine miles.
Brattleboro Reporter, heard from Northfield that 14 inst. bridge over Connecticut River in that place gave
way. Mr. Newell passing over bridge with his team killed by the fall.
May 2 , 1820:
Married Windsor, Charles Steams, Miss Betsey Hall.
Married Middlebury, 20 ult. by Rev. Dr. Bates, Ambrose L. Brown, Esq ., attorney, of Rutland, Miss
Isabella Maria Hopkins, dau. of Hiram of Middlebury.
Married Pittsford, David Hal---, Jr., Miss Electa E. Whedon .
Died Worcester, MA , Hon . Levi Lincoln, 71 , former Attorney General of US and later Lt. Gov . of MA .
Died Windsor, Widow Rachel Stowe, relict of late Capt. George.
Died Barre, 18 ult., Joseph Blanchard, a Frenchman, 25, intoxicated, found dead in shop where he worked.
Died at his home near Dublin, Ireland, Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan, 78.
Died Middletown, Sat. morn Last, Jonathan Brewster, Esq., in 77th yr.
May 9, 1820:
Rutland, Miss Bliss, school for young misses .
Rutland, Benoni Porter, shoes and barber, removes one door east Page Tavern.
Rutl and, Ben Dix removes Red store, second building south of Court House .
Married Brandon, 20 ult., Simeon Clifford, Widow Cheney, both of Brandon.
Died Leicester, 22 ult., Mrs. Betsey Gile, wife of Dr. William, ae 32.
Died Orwell, Sat. last, Dr. James Q. M' Farland from breaking his leg.
Died Sunderland. 17 ult., Daniel Coy, 70, died working in his field .
Died Cabot, 23 ult. , Joshua Osgood, 40 , was shaving a stick in shave horse ; it slipped and entered his
Died England, Benjamin West, 82, native of US and eminent painter.
May 16, 1820:
Died Boston, MA, 5 inst., Hon . Benjamin Austin, 68.
Died Bridgewater, 2 8 ult. , Mrs . Hannah Knight, 75 .
Died Hartford, 12 ult. , Adran Cary, 33 , by fall of a broadside of barn.
Died New Orleans, Gen . Hamilton Cook, late Maj. Gen . of US army ; native of GA .
Died this village, Sat. last, suddenly, Henry Gould in 63'd yr; indisposed some time, but not considered
dangerous, walked into garden, one hour later found dead in outhouse.
Died Leicester, Mrs. Nancy Morin , wife of Edward, 31.
Rutland, Daniel Ford has Phoenix stud horse.
Burlington, Alvin Foot, Esq. of Burlington has Small Pox, got it as selectman while moving and taking
care of sick. When he was six mos. old, he and mother both inoculated and it was supposed he had it with
her. Has been exposed many times and never got it.
Poultney, man by name of Ervine Potter came here on pretence of visiting relatives, c. 22 years, supposed
lately liberated or escaped prison, had booty in his pack. Tried to arrest him , but he escaped . Ad by Aaron
Smedley, Amos Frisbie.
May 23 , 1820:
Married Manchester, 18 inst. by Rev. Haynes, Daniel Bowen of Shaftsbury, Miss Sarah Bowen of former
Married Bridgewater, 7 inst. , Sidney Mendall, Miss Amelia Severs.
Married Bridgewater, Jesse Gibbs, Miss Hannah Boice.
Died Manchester, 19 inst., Capt. Peter Black, innkeeper.
Died Burlington, Mary Follett, dau. of Timothy, Esq., by a fall from a chair.
Died Epping, NH, Mrs. Dorothy Creighton, 100.
Died Concord, Mrs. Charlotte Kent, wife of Hon. William A.
New Haven, CT, l inst., Augustus Bradley, 21 , son of Reuben of Cheshire, killed when several young men
in company of Light Infantry fired a salute to non-commissioned officer, shot in head by another.
Burlington, dry season and wind, Fri. last, thousand of acres destroyed by fire: Milton-barns of David
Sears and Timothy Bull, house and barn of Samuel Mills; Georgia-Jesse Post, sawmill, house, etc., John
Post, barn and shop, Abraham White, barn, Capt. Hinckley, blacksmith shop (caught fire from forges when
door blew open), men out fighting another fire, Daniel Goodwin, house, Stephen Dunton, barn.
Lots of damage in Highgate also .
St. Albans, Orange Ferris, house burned from servant boy smoking a pipe.
Boston Gazette, Weston , 9 inst., Capt. Josiah Hastings house burned in Weston. Mrs. Hastil).gs died.
Probate, Samuel Hyde, Poultney.
May 30, 1820:
Married, Rutland, Thurs. inst., by Rev . Ball, George W. Bailey, Miss Lucia M. Reed, dau. ofissacher, Esq.
Married Pittsford, 14 inst., Dr. William A. Gilbert, Miss Eliza Avery.
Long article on painter Benjamin West.
Probate, Caleb Eddy, Wallingford.
June 6, 1820:
More on Benjamin West.
Married Middlebury, 16 ult., Samuel Darrow, Esq. ofStarksborough, Mrs. Mary Goodrich of former place.
Married Cavendish, 14 ult., by Uriel C. Hatch, Esq., William Marcus Jones, Miss Fanny Wyman.
Married Bellows Falls, 13 inst., by Rev . Chase, Benjamin Bassett, Miss Mary Avery.
Died Rutland, yesterday, Mrs. Eliza Clark, wife of Julius D., and dau . of Capt. William Butman in 25 th yr.
Died Pawlet, consumption, 2 inst. , Mary, consort of Capt. Ephraim Robinson, 53'd yr. (print VT & NY).
Died Bridport, 15 ult., Mrs. Nancy Hayward, wife of Capt. Joseph and dau. of William Brewster, 23 .
Died Grand Isle, 25 ult., Benjamin Bell, 67th year.
Died Reading, 9 ult., Mrs. Susannah Townsend, wife of William, 40.
Died Burlington, 22 ult. , Richard Wainwright, 19.
Died Middlebury, 25 ult., Mrs. Anna Munger, 66, wife of Reuben .
Died Lansingburgh, NY, I 1 inst., consumption, David Allen, Esq., counsellor at Jaw, 47'h year.
Died IL , 9 March last, Nathan Spencer of Shaftsbury.
June 13 , 1820:
More on Benjamin West.
Married Orwell, 1 inst., by Rev . Knappen, Lyman Long of Rutland, Miss Minerva Ward of former place.
Married Bridgewater, 28 ult., Martin Mudge, Miss Sylvia Spaulding.
Married Reading, 21 ult. , William Townsend, Miss Hannah Bigelow, dau. ofNoah .
Married Walpole, NH, 25 ult. , Henry A. Green of Bellows Falls, Miss A. Tucker of Walpole.
Died Brandon, 30 ult. , Miss Anna Hebard, dau. Rev. Ebenezer.
Died this town, yesterday, child of Morris Reynolds, ae 5.
Died Plymouth, 30 ult. , Richard Atwell, 83.
Died Cabot, 20 ult., Miss Eliza Dutton, 22.
Died Woodstock, 20 ult. , Simeon Dunham, 75.
Probate, Michael Clemons, Wells.
Probate, Moses Colton, Hubbardton.
June 20, 1820:
Married Middlebury, 4 inst., John Cady, Miss Harriet Crane.
Married Bennington, 1 inst., Henry H. Robinson , Miss Polly Scott.
Died Woodstock, 5 inst., Jabez Cottle, Esq., 73.
Died Middlebury, 1 inst., Mrs. Rebeckah Steams, wife of Lewis, 35.
Died Middlebury, 30 ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, wife of Aurey, 64.
Died Charlotte, 14 inst., Mrs. Betsey Tharp, wife of George, Esq., 49 ..
Died Westford, 20 ult., Simeon Parmelee, 801h year.
Died Burlington, 26 ult., Stephen Mix Mitchell, Esq., 45.
Died Burlington, 1" inst., Francis Reed, freshman class of UVM, 18.
Died Poultney, 8 inst. , Eliza Roberts, wife of Tamerlane T. , in 21 yr.
Died Poultney, 12 inst. , Tolcut Adams, son of Abner, 20th yr., working hoeing com, drank from brook,
walked home and died.
Died Clarendon, 4 inst. , Mrs. Anna Round, wife of Capt. Ozie! H. and dau . of Capt. Jonathan Olin, 32 .
Rel. Rep ., Widow Gale of Westford found in her barn, 26 ult. , with her throat cut, suicide, survived by her
mother and four children; had been in ill health several weeks.
Capt. Parker and Capt. Willis of Shrewsbury a few weeks ago chose 20 persons each to hunt one week;
9,388 animals.
Accident, 1 ult. , Castleton, Abijah Brownson was removing building, after gone short distance teams
stopped; while attending roller as they started, he fell under it and was crushed, c. 70 yrs .
June 27 1820:
Married Church of Mt. Zion, GA, by Rev . Nathan S.S. Beaman, Richard Warn of Schenectady, NY, Rector
of Academy at Powelton, Miss Julia Pierpont of Manchester, VT, teacher of female department in same
Died 18 inst. , Sun. , Mrs. Eunice Brewster, widow of late Deac. Jonathan of Middletown, 75 . They died
within few weeks of each other. He resided Middletown 40 years, founded and was deacon of church,
member of VT Constitutional Convention and several years member of Legislature.
Died West Haven, 16 inst., Mrs. Abigail Rice, 66th yr., etc. poem.
Probate, James Q. M ' Farland, Orwell.
Newburgh , June 13 , 7 inst., body of Eliza Reeder, 13 , was found in river in Cornwall; had lived as servant
in home of John Ledyard of this village for one or two mos. after being brought from poor house in NY .
She gave his child too much paregoric but child survived. Mr. Ledyard beat her, went to river and not seen
since, Mr. Ledyard arrested for murder.
Cooperstown, 12 June, Tues. last, Levi Liscomb killed by own gun while at a squirrel hunt in south part of
Cherry Valley.
July 4, l 820:
Married Bennington. John Hicks, Miss Maria Cushman , dau. of Charles, Esq.
Married Bennington, David Love, Miss Sophia Newton.
Married Bennington, Samuel Safford. Mrs. Polly Morgan .
Married Grand Isle, 4 in st. , Henry Gregory, Miss Electa Sawyer.
Married Milton, 5 inst., by Gideon Hoxie, Esq., David Ashley, Olive Lewis.
Married Baltimore, MD 13 ult. , John Halfpenny, Sarah Watson, poem.
Died Rutland, Sun. last, Abigail Crossman, wife of Robert, ae 29.
Died Pittsford of consumption, 28 ult. , Miss Naomi Cooley, ae 25, fonnerly of Greenwich, MA.
Died Alstead, 10 ult., Lt. James Kidder, 75.
Died Columbia, SC, Jonathan Maxy, DD, president of SC College, 33.
July l l , 1820:
Married Peacham, by Rev. Leonard Worcester, Dr. Jesse Merrill of Salisbury, NH, Miss Sally Johnson of
Married Newfane, 29 June, by Rev. Jonathan Nye, Clark Fisher, Miss Marcia Knowlton, dau . of Hon.
Died Rutland, Wed. mom. last suddenly, Maj . Asa Graves, 62.
Died Ira, 4 inst. , John Woodward, c. 28, fall of tree.
Died Brandon, 15 ult. , Mrs. Fanny Keeler, wife of Seth, ae 39.
Died lrasburgh, Orleans Co., 14 inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Conant, wife of Amos, Esq ., 65 .
Died Guilford, Tues., 27.n, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Col. Joel Bigelow, 66 .
Died Hartford, 19 ult., Widow Abigail Dorr, 95myr.
Died Plymouth, 3 ult. , Mrs. Mary Boynton, wife ofDeac. Amos, 75.
July 18, 1820:
Castleton, July 4, celebration, no joy, bell tolled and guns set off over grave of Capt. Nathan Williams of
Halifax, VT, who was killed July 6, 1777, while repelling British and Indians under Gen. Frazer on Ft.
Warner in east part of village; he was scalped and left on ground until eve., when American troops arrived.
He was buried in an Indian blanket 18" deep and has since remained . Plough and hoe have moved over
this spot. Event urged by Lt. Elias Hall (who saw him slain and his father Capt. John Hall mortally
wounded) while himself and others taken prisoner; resolved to remove remains, if found, of Capt. Williams
from site at Ft. Warner to burial yard. Procession under Gen. Isaac Clark, veteran soldier in second war
w ith Great Britain and two deputy marshal!s moved from village to place from which remains taken up,
fo rming a perfect skeleton and deposited in coffin, returned through village to church. After it was placed
in aisle, inscription on lid of coffin was read, song, prayer from Rev. E. Smith, patriot address by Hon. C.
Langdon. Also address by H .L. Burnap. Afterwards to graveyard where coffin was strewed with
evergreens by 13 young lads and minute guns farewell shots and bell tolled. Gives order of procession.
Poem to Rev. heroes.
Died Castleton, 9 inst. , Mrs. Laura Merrill, wife of Selah H. Merrill, Esq. and dau. of John Mason, Esq. ,
23 , long.
Rutland, Saddler, Miles W. Blanchard, moved from large building at head of West Street to E. S . Main
Street, one door north of brick schoolhouse.
July 25, 1820:
Married Lansingburgh , 12 inst., Andrew Thompson, Esq., cashier of bank of Burlington, Miss Lucretia
Carpenter, dau. of Thomas.
Died Pawlet, 12 May last, Moses Cleveland, 75 .
Died Corinth, NH , 25 ult. , Col. Abel Jackman in 58'h yr. , putting swarm of bees into hive, stung him, lived
10 minutes.
Probate, Henry Gould, Rutland .
Aug. 1, 1820:
Died Wheeling, VA, 24 May last, Mrs . Harriet House, wife of William of that place and dau . of William
Baxter, Pittsford, VT, ae 27 .
8, 1820:
this village, Tues . mom last, Capt. David Tuttle, 68.
Hanover, NH, 26 ult. , Rev. Francis Brown, D.D., Pres. of Dartmouth College.
St. Albans, VT, Col. Nathaniel B. Eldridge, 34.
East Granville, NY, 31 ult., Rev . Nathaniel Hall.
Aug . 15 , 182 0:
Died Cornwall, 10 inst. , Mrs. Abigail Linsley, wife of Horace.
Kingston, NH, Ebenezer Stevens, 81 , hanged himself, Tues . last.
Aug. 22 , 1820:
Died this town, 5 June last, Mrs . Eliza Clarke, dau . and last remaining child of Capt. William Butman, and
wife of Julia[ sic] D. Clark, and 17'h current, died Eliza Ann Clarke, infant and only child of Julius and
Eliza (pretty poem).
Died near Fort Jackson at his residence, 14 ult., his excellency William W . Bibb, Gov. of AL, 40 .
Died Fayette, 3 July last, James Woodruff, c. 47. Angel told him to drink; he did and died, etc. Had been
habitual drinker, Erie Post.
Kingston, NH, Ebenezer Stevens, 81, hanged himself Tues. last.
Aug. 29, 1820:
Rutland, removal, Miles W. Blanchard, ad says W . side of Main Street, one door north of brick
Sept. 5, 1820:
Died Lebanon, NH, 8 Aug., Mrs. Susan P. Wright, consort of John, Esq., and dau . of Dr. Phinehas
Parkhurst, 25.
Died Weston , CT, 19 ult., Bradley Treadwell, 31, thought to be dead, were laying him out; he came to life
and talked, died c. five hours later.
Died England, 31 May, Mr. Bradley, the Yorkshire Giant, 9 ft. long and 3 ft. over shoulders.
Probate, Ephraim Flint, Brandon.
Probate, Asa Graves, Rutland.
Shrewsbury, Simeon Smith, 14, indentured boy, ran away from Laban Pratt.
Sept. 12, 1820:
Died Swanton, 29 ult., Dan P. Potter, formerly of Pittsford, 32.
Steuben Co., NY, Aug. 8, John Cornwell Smith accidentally shot wife who was sleeping in bed with 11
mo. old child (child not harmed).
Probate, Asa Clark, Tinmouth.
Sept. 19, 1820:
Married Willsborough, NY, 3 inst., by Rev. Ira Manley, Asa Hale, Jr. of Rutland, Miss Chloe Higby, dau.
of Levi of Willsborough.
Died Poultney, 27 inst., Joseph Bateman, Jr. , ae 31.
Goshen Farmer, Amos Wood of Monroe in this county murdered by poison nearly 20 yrs. ago ; Gilbert
Horton confessed. Had spent seven yrs. in jail for murder of Mr. Mapes of this county.
Sept. 26, 1820:
First Thurs. next month, Rutland Co. Cattle Show and exhibition of manufacturers .
Woolen cloth factory of Jirah Barlow burned Tues. night last; carding, spinning, weaving machines,
several hundred yards cloth, $3,000 loss; will rebuild [no location, probably Pittsford].
Married Reading, 13 inst. Nathaniel Bixby of Alstead, NH, Miss Mary Walker of former place.
Married Bridgewater, James Scales, Miss Olive Bachus.
Married Woodstock, 14 inst., Marshall Townshend of Stockbridge, Miss Hannah Holmes of Woodstock.
Sept. 23, Keene, Messrs . Curtis and Campbell of Windsor and T. & J. Emerson of Norwich, bought
elephant; exhibited at Putney, VT, on way to Westmoreland, NH and Keene, NH, were passing over
Connecticut River Bridge, plank timbers gave way. Capt. Abraham Roblin of NYC who had so ld the
elephant had returned to help out with the elephant. He, Maj. Curtis and two colored men were at the
bridge when it gave way. Roblin died from injuries. One colored man broke his leg and had it amputated.
The elephant was also injured.
Oct. 3, 1820:
Died Rutland, Tues. night last, Hiram Greeno, 20; was courting girl, found out unchaste reputation, and
was in "bad circumstance" from familiarity with another man. He took opium . Story about rape and death
untrue; maybe sprung from girl two or three miles from village, died child bed, possibly abortion attempt.
Died Shrewsbury, Tues. last, Mrs. Mary Ross, wife of Joseph and dau. of Elijah Flanders, ae 33 (print NH).
Died Lysander, NY, 10 Aug. last, Mrs. Anna Frisbie, ae 69, widow of John formerly of Middletown, VT.
Probate, David Tuttle, Rutland.
Oct. 10, 1820:
Fay & Jonas Clark, State's Attorney, feud because Co. prosecution for prisoners not returned.
Married Whitehall, NY, 20 ult., Henry R. Burnham, student of law, of Middletown, VT, Miss Lavina
Dewey of Whitehall.
Married Middletown, 21 ult., by Jonas Clark, Esq., Amos Northrop, Miss Electa Rudd.
Married Manchester, 7 inst., by Rev. Haynes, Aaron Baker, Miss Minerva French, both of Manchester.
Died NY, 27 ult., Mrs. Mary Fay, wife of Jonathan, brother of editor of this paper.
Chloe Whitlock and John Mason of Castleton petition, John Mason is guardian to Samuel L. Whitlock and
Chloe is guardian to Chloe Whitlock. minors of Castleton, want to sell land given to them by old John
Oct. 17, 1820:
Rutland Co. Agricultural Fair at Rutland, addresses, choir under Blanchard, etc. premiums, bull raised by
Capt. Shaw on Fay's farm. To William Barnes and Jr., for best ram and ewes. To Seward and Crossman,
for best ten sides upper leather. To Stephen Seward for best ten calf skins, etc.
Oct. 24, 1820:
Married Poultney, 14 inst., by Rev. Clark Kendrick, Capt. Marquis D.L.F. Hooker, Miss Lucinda
Bachelder of Poultney.
Died this town, Sat. last, John W. Harris, 32.
Died Cazenovia, NY, 5 inst., Mrs. Eunice Murray, wife of David S. of Orwell, VT, and dau. of James
Sutherland, formerly of Rutland, ae 22.
Heavy rains 9 and 10 inst., Charlestown, NH, man, wife and child swept off bridge and drowned, one or
two others drowned in that vicinity.
Brandon, VT, Roger W . Fuller's forge, distillery, etc. swept away .
Oct. 31 , 1820:
Dr. David Palmer addresses Masons in Clarendon.
Married Middletown, 17 inst. , by Rev. Henry Bigelow, Elisha Hutchins, Miss Lucinda Fillmore both of
Middletown ..
Nov . 7, 1820:
Married Brandon, 12 inst., by Rev. Hebard, Maurice Graves, Miss Sophia Tucker.
Married Leicester, William Adams, ~fas Malintha Olin, dau . of Hon. Henry Olin.
Married Leicester, Ira Easty, Miss Betsy Moosman.
Died Clarendon , 30 ult. , young child of Henry Hodges ; severely burnt, this is second child lost in similar
Died Plattsburgh, 25 ult.. Maj. N.Z . Platt.
Died Bennington, 23 ult. , Eleazer Edgerton, 71 .
Died Westport. NY, 23 inst. , on a visit Joseph Needham Wales, resident graduate Middlebury[?] College,
formerly of Chester.
Divorce, Susannah Hecock asks for Jaw to be passed for bill of divorce from her husband who in 1815 was
indicted for murdering her father and found guilty; sentenced to 13 yrs. in prison.
List of pensioners for Rutland county: John Sullings, Jacob Sawyer, Amos Lawrence, Luther Fairbanks,
Benjamin Blossom , Eben J. Albee, Moses Butler, Robert Jennison, Joseph Kimball, Thomas Gibbs,
Zebulon Ames, Samuel Preast, Peter Parker, Joseph Owen , Timothy Prince, Edward Taylor, William
Smith, William Jones, Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas Holmes, Ichabod Mitchell, Prince Soper, Jacob Barns,
William Manning, David Shays, Jonas Bennett, Thomas Huntington, Timothy Smith, Joseph Parker,
Jaazaniah How, Joseph M. Pine, Ebenezer Deart, Jesse Watson, Seth Gurnsey, Lemuel Chapman, Abiather
Evans, Isaac Bowen, Nathaniel Hill, Selah Hubbard, Jonathan Belding. Persons stricken off list: Benjamin
Chamberlain, Asahel Wright, John Rumsey, Moses Leach, David Shepard, Jonathan Owen, Gideon
Daggett, Phillip Laraway, Isaac Cutler.
Nov. 14, 1820:
Married Parkerstown [Mendon], 29 ult. , by Moses Chaplin, Esq. , Elliot Strong of Rutland, Miss Betsey
Married Poultney, 7 inst. , John Lewis, Jr., Miss Polly Buckland.
Died New Orleans of fever, Hon. Eleazer W. Ripley, native ofNH, MA Speaker House of Representatives,
late Major General in Army. His lady died a few days before him.
Died near Whitehall, NY, on 25 ult. , Henry Francisco, in 134'h yr., after an illness of 45 days brought on by
an attack of fever and ague . Includes an item from a man ' s journal dated May 28 , 1818, that tells of
Francisco and his wife.
Woodstock Observer, a man 26 or 28 yrs. old by name of----- Dunham who resided in Bethel about 9 and
20 yrs. ago, was in debt, left his wife and absconded . Thought he was dead, his estate settled, wife married
second time and husband died, married a third husband. Few months ago, Dunham returned to Bethel, one
of his children had died, another married and lived Pittsfield, his wife living at Braintree. When he left,
with thought he would work to get some money ahead and then return, went to Quebec, was in British
Navy, Battle of Trafalgar, etc. , long article.
Bellows Falls, Oct. 30, Josiah Kiblin from Marlow with wife and two children crossing Connecticut River
near Cheshire bridge, thrown into deep water. He, wife and one child drowned. Near same time and place,
Mr. Derby of Charlestown drowned when boat was upset. New mills at Rockingham erected by Mr.
Simonds and Granger from Westmoreland (sawmill, clothier' s works, wool carding) just about to open
swept away.
Nov.21, 1820:
Married Rutland, 3 inst. , by Jonas Wheeler, Esq., James Fancher, Miss Betsey Pratt.
Married Rutland, on 30 ult. , by Rev . Ball, Mr. ----- Russ ofLanesbury, MA, Miss Ann Walker of Rutland.
Nov . 28 , 1820:
Simeon Wright, attorney, removes office to Pittsford.
Married Bennington, Henry Larkin , Phebe Peck.
Died Clarendon, Oct. 31 , Elisha Boardman, 67'h yr.
Died Stamfod, 4 inst. , Mrs. Cook, wife of Timothy, 56 .
Died Bennington, 14 inst., Samuel B. Young, Esq., attorney, 41.
Died Bennington, 15 inst. , Frederick Jewett, 61.
Died Stockbridge, MA on 4 or 24, Hon. John Baron, 84 .
Dec. 5, 1820:
Married Shrewsbury, 25 Nov ., by Zidon Edson, Esq ., Seth Edson, Miss Rebecca Edson, both of
Married Pittsfield, 20 inst. , by Rev . Justin Parson,foel Durkee, Miss Esther Bow, both of Pittsfield.
General Ripley still living; it was wife that died.
Pittsford, Betsey left Jesse Moon, has left for more than 18 mos .
Probate, Abi gail, Widow of Nathaniel Smith, Pawlet.
Waterloo, NY Gazette, Fri . last, Jonathan Tripp, 59[?] killed at his sawmill.
Hebron, NY, house occupied by Thomas Whipple destroyed by fire 20 inst. , three of his children , the
e ldest ch ild, 6 yrs. , died, mother was at a neighbors and had locked door, child found under a bed.
Fort Ann, two sons of David Rice of Fort Ann perished in a snowstorm, one 15 yrs. , one 12 yrs ., 11 inst.
while deer hunting on the mountain, two others in their company saved.
Dec. 12, 1820:
Rutland, Seward and Crossman sell leather.
Rutland wolf hunt.
Married Clarendon, 3 ult. , Calvin Spencer, Miss Roxana Stuart, dau. of Thomas, Esq.
Married Wells, 3 inst. , Rowland Record of Middletown, Miss Polly Merrill of Wells .
Died Brandon, 25 ult. , John Sessions, Esq. , formerly of Sharon, CT and late of RI, on visit, 75'h yr. , at son' s
in Brandon.
Died Pittsfield, 9 inst. , numb palsy, Mrs. Rhoda Stone, wife of Nathaniel, ae 81.
Died Hartland, Deac. Adin Williams, 59.
Died Windsor, VT, Widow Hannah Penniman, 76.
Died Woodstock: VT, Miss Sarah Perkins, 25 .
Died Alstead, NH, 26 ult. , Thomas Farnsworth, 90th yr. , survived by widow ; married 67 yrs. , nine children,
58 grandchildren and 56 great grandchildren.
Died 1N, James Prentiss, late of Lexington, KY and former merchant of Boston, and his brother, John
Poultney, B.W. Horr of Poultney made 93 pork barrels from Mon. A.M. to Sat. by three hands, he, a
journeyman, an apprentice.
Probate, Jonathan Gilbert, Esq., Ira.
Probate, Amasa Mehurin, Middletown.
Probate, Josiah Austin, Orwell.
Dec. 19, 1820: [missing]
Dec. 26, 1820:
Married this town, Thurs. last, William Bevins, Miss Betsey Butters.
Married Plattsburgh, Oct. 31 last, by Rev. Frederick Halsey, Frederick P. Allen, printer of Middlebury, of
firm of Copeland and Allen, Miss Clarissa Winants of former place.
Married Arlington, Oct. last, Cyrus Canfield, Esq ., Miss Chloe Hard.
Married Arlington, Samuel Canfield, Miss Mary Ann Hawley.
Died Waitsfield, 12 inst., Moses Smith, 54 .
Died Camden, SC, Gen. William Richardson Davie, 64, soldier of Rev .
Died Hartford, OH, Sept. 28 last, Amos Mulliken, 24, late of Columbus.
Died Boston, Davis C. Ballard, one of editors of Boston Patriot, 34.
Probate, John W. Harris, Esq., Rutland
Pittsford , William Moses wants info on son Daniel who left here three yrs . ago, on peddling voyage, then
19 yrs . old.
Adams, Abigail, 30
Abner, 51
Benjamin, Capt., 36
Cyrus, 17, 47
Demas, Jr., 26
Festus, 14
Gideon, 15
Harmon, 5
Horace, 14
James 47
Philemon, 12
Philemon, Jr. , 12
Pres. , 30
Rufus, 36
Samuel, 15, 16
Silas, 48
Tolcut, 51
William, 54
Aiken, Barshaiba. 38
Eliza, 33
Israel, 38
P., Maj., 33
Albee, Eben J., 54
Aldrich , Caleb, 3
Micajah E., 15
Silas, 36
Thomas, 16
Allen (cont.)
Nathaniel, 16
Oliver, Maj ., 40
Prince, 25
Prof., 21
Rev ., 9
Samuel, 42
Solomon M., 20
William, 40
Zoeth, 35
Zoeth, Esq., 33
Ashley, -----, 14
David, 51
E., 15
Elisha, 26
Allis, Content, 2
Atwell, Richard, 50
Alvord, -----, 25
Atwood, Billings, 15
Joseph, 15
Horatio G., 16
Jacob, 34
Orilla, 28
Ames, Elijah, 15
Zebulon, 4, 16, 54
Amherst, Gen., 26
Anderson , -----, 14
John , Esq., 11
Jonathan, 16
Matehew, Capt., 11
Robert,2, 14, 33
Andre, John, Maj. , 12
Maj., 24
Major, 20
Atherton , George F.A., 30
Hannah , 45
Joseph , Jr. , 37
Atkinson, Caroline Frances, 43
Atwater, Isaac P., 28
William, Dr. , 45
Austin, Apollos, 3
Apollos, Esq., 21
Benjamin, Hon., 49
Hannah, 31
Jonathan L., Hon., 31
Josiah , 3, 15 , 36, 56
Loring, Maj., 30
Paulina, 21
Averill, ----- , 31
Avery, Abijah P., 4, 16
Beebe D. , 3
Daniel, 15
Eliza, 50
Jane, 38
Lucinda M ., 36
Mary, 50
Stephen, 3
Aldridge, Philena, 21
Andrews, Kellogg, 3, 16
Algar, Mary, 23
Androus, Lucy, 14
Allen, Amanda, 38
Asahel, 14
Catharine, 42
Charles P., 15
Clarissa, 2
Data, 15
David, Esq., 50
Eben'r, 6
Elisha L., Dr. , 21
Elisha, Dr., 38
Ethan, Gen ., 43
Fanny M., 43
Frederick P., 56
Green, 4
lthamar, 14
Jacob, Rev., 13
Jason, Capt. , 13
Jonathan, Jr. , 11
Joseph, 35
Mary, 9
Andrus, Elvin, 15
Isaac, 13
John H. , 15
John H., Esq., 44
Ayres, Mary, l
William, 16
Angel, Augustus, 3, 14
J., 14
Babbit, Abel, 6
Susan, 6
Anibal, Lydia, 47
Babcock, John , 24
Anthony, Abraham , 16
Henrietta, 4
Bachelder, Lucinda, 54
Arms, Charles, 3, 15
Arnold , Betsey, 24
Peleg, Hon., 46
Robey, Widow, 41
Roby, 4
Asbury, Francis, 5
Joshua, 5
Bachus/Backus, Lucretia, 20
Olive, 53
Sylvanus, 13
Bacon, Jedediah, 23
Bagley, John B., 14
Bailey, George W., 50
T.B ., 13
Timothy B., 10
William W., JO
Baird, Daniel, 10
David, 3, 15
John, Jr., 3, 15
Thomas, 3, 15
Barnard, Andrew, 4
Jason, 29
Jesse, 42
Lydia, 42
Baker, Aaron, 53
Aaron, Dr. , 30
Gideon, 15
heirs, 4
Ichabod, 15
J. , 16
Lydia, l
Lyman, 36
Mary, 35
Mrs., 48
Russel, 16, 30, 31
Russell, 26
Seth, I
Timothy, 6
Barnes, Aziel, 2, 14
Bradford, 15
Edmund, 21
John, 44
Laura, IO
Moses, 10
Sophia, 21
William, 54
William, Jr., 54
Balch, Israel, 16
Baldwin, Edmund, 41
Eunice, 21
Miss, 22
Ball, Dr. , 20
Elijah, 16
Heman, Rev., 20
Rev., 2, 5, 8. 13 , 18, 19, 23. 24,
27, 30, 31 , 39,40, 47, 50, 55
Ballard, Davis C.. 56
Mary, 4, 16
Miss, 24
Bancroft, Samuel, 3
Banister, Bersheba, 13
Banks, Joseph , Maj., 46
Barber, Beulah, 47
Col. Hannon, 37
Hannah, 2
Joel, 14
John, 47
Robert, 14 .
Roswell, 14
Barker, Calvin, Esq., 47
Caroline, 47
Sarah, Widow, 36
William, 11
Barney, Constant, 4, 40
Jeffrey A., 21
Jeffrey A., Capt., 21
Joseph, 3, 16, 39
Phila, 21
William Barton, 39
William, Esq., J.P., 21
Barns, Harriet, 31
Jacob, 54
Laura, 11
Martha, 47
Moses, Deacon, 11
Moses, Jr., 11
William, Esq., 31
Barnum, Timothy, 39
Baron, John, Hon., 55
Barr, Alexander, 41
Barret/Barrett, Edward, 15
J., Jr., 46
James, Jr. , 38
Laura, 35
Silas, 33
Bartholomew, Alvah, 42
Charles, 4
Bartlet/Bartlett, Beliza, 23
Jacob, 3, 15
Joseph, 3, 15
Ruthy W. , 30
Bascom/Bascomb, -----, 14
D., Esq., 6
Lydia, 19
Barlow, Jirah, 16, 53
Bass, Delia, 33
Barnam, Gideon, 28
Bassett, Benjamin, 50
Bateman, Joseph, Jr., 53
Bates, -----, 6
Joshua, Rev., 29
Michael, 15
Orphela, 4
Rev. Dr., 49
Robert B., Esq., 6
Thomas, 17
Baxter, Freelove, 24
Thomas, 25
William, 52
Bayard, Harriet Elizabeth, 11
William, 11
Beach, Irene, 25
Lura, 16
Moses, 25
Mrs., 23
N., 16
Rev. , 47
Beal/Beall!Beals, David R., 3, 15
Horatio, 4
William, 25
Beaman, Joel, 47
Nancy, 47
Nathan S.S., Rev. , 51
Nathaniel, Capt., 18
Bean. Samuel, 23
Beardsley, Levi, 14
Bebee/Beebe, Betsey, 40
Chloe, 8
Clarissa, 9
Gideon, 8
William, 17
Beecher, John, Deac., 29
Beeman, Lucas R., 17
Belding, Calvin, 2, 14
Charles, 2
Charles, Jr., 14
Elisha, 14
Jesse, Jr., 14
Jonathan, 54
Phinehas, 2
Phinehas, Jr., 14
Belknap, Jesse, Jr. , 2
John , 8
Nancy, 8
Nathaniel, 3, 15
Blush, Harry, 40
Bell, Benjamin, 50
Jonathan, Esq., 8, 42
Shubael, 37
Susan, 42
Susan M., 8
Bingham, Caleb, 14
Caleb, Esq., 5
David, 29
Sophia, 5
Stephen, 45
Bellows, Joseph, Jr. , 34
Phebe, Widow , 13
Birchard, Alonzo , 32
Birdseye, Nathan , Rev., 23
Boice/Boies, Hannah , 49
Orpha, 46
Beman John 14
Lorane, 34
Mrs. , 34
N .S., Rev ., 34
Nathan S.S., Rev ., 34
Bisbee, E.W ., 13 , 45
Ephraim W., 2
Bond, Moses, 2
Benham, Samuel, 14
Sarah, 17
Bishop, Agabus, 4
Bethuel, 4
Elihu, 2
Elisha, 4
Gideon, 4
Hannah, Widow, 2
Benjamin, Allen, 40
Charles, 11
Joseph D. , 6
Bissell, Hart, Mrs. , 29
Thomas, 6
Bennet/Bennett, -----, 35
Chauncey, 21
Elijah, 38
Jonas, 54
Leonard , 47
Levi , 2 1
Nicholas, 47
Susan R., 48
Bixby, Nathaniel, 53
Samuel, 4
Benedict, James, 1
Benson, Duty, 3
Benton. Hannah, Mrs ., 45
Leister, 27
Beverstock, Daniel, 16
Philena, 47
Bevins, William, 56
Bibb, William W., 52
Bidwell, Bennett, 41
Bigelow, Daniel, 2
Elijah A., 15
Hannah, 50
Henry, Rev., 27, 29, 54
Joel, Col. , 51
Lovina, 40
Noah, 44, 50
Rev . H., 24
Sarah, 51
Billings, Jesse L. , Esq., 40
John, Esq., 33
Sarah Ann, 33
Billington, Betsey, 17
Black, Fanny, 40
Peter, Capt., 12, 49
Blackman, Joseph, 5
Blake, Cynthia, 33
Francis, Hon., 12
John W. , Esq., 30
Blanchard, -----, 54
Briant, 16
David, 29
Ebenezer, 16
Gates, 4
George, Dr., 29
Joseph, 49
Miles W., 20, 52
Stillman, 43
William , 34
Blandon, Daniel, 15
Blaney, Benj ., Esq. , 46
Blazdell, Polly, 37
Bliss, Cushman, 14
Emily, 4, 7
Ephraim, 14
Joseph, Capt., 32
Miss, 49
Pelatia, 29
Blodget, Artemas, 1
Rebecca, 1
Blossom, Benjamin, 54
Peter, 18
Boardman, Capt., 10
Daniel, 16
Elisha, 55
Bogart Peter, 40
Booge, Jeffrey, 4
Boone, Daniel, 28
Boom/Bourn,-----, 43
Jesse, 40, 43
Stephen, 40, 43
Boot, Kirk, 11
Borden, Ezekiel, 22
Bosworth, Jabin, 14
Bottom,-----, 14
Dyer, 42
Boudinot, Elisha, 42
Bow/Bowe, Esther, 55
Titus, 15
Bowen, Charles, l I
Consider, 15
Daniel, 49
Isaac , 54
Jeremiah, 16
Sarah, 49
Bowman, Alexander, 4
Ebenezer, Esq., 22
Mary, 13
Boynton, Amos, Deac., 51
Mary, 51
Brace, Lucy, 28
Bradford, Ruth, 47
Bradley, Adeline G. , 23
Augustus, 50
Eliakim, 4
Henry, 12
Miles, Capt., 48
Mr., 53
Reuben, 50
S.R., Hon., 23
Brainard, D., 15
Timothy, 3
Bramble, Margaret, 6
Branch, Seth, 14
Brando, Mr., 38 ·
Bresee, Enoch, I
Brewer, Archibald, 46
Ebenezer, I I
Jonathan, 21
Merriam, 46
Brewster, Amelia, 41
Eunice, 41 , 51
Israel, Jr., 41 , 42
Jonathan, Deac., 51
Jonathan, Esq., 49
Ohel, 41
Orson, 4 1
William. 50
Briard, Henry, 9
Sybel, 9
Briggs, Arnold, 14
Asa, 10, 16
Calvin, 16
Elizabeth, 35
Lucinia, 10
Nancy, 4
Brigham. Gershom , 21
Lucinda. 13
Bristol, David, 14
Enos, 14
Stoddard, 3
Brock, Nancy, 2
Bromley, Braddock, 25
Robah, 34
Smith, 26
William, 4 15 , 25 , 34
Bronson, Abijah, Jr. , 7
Lorinda, 7
Brooks, Martin, 3, 15
Peter, 4
Zilpha, 38
Broughton, A.W., 16
Michael, 3, 4
Russell, 43
Samuel, 3, 15
Brown, Abigail, 1, 14
Abigail, Widow, 32
Abner, Hon. , 31
Ambrose L., Esq., 49
Amos 2nd, 44
Charles, 14
Clarke, Rev., 13
Daniel, 14
Elijah, 3d, 16
Brown (cont.)
Elijah, Jr., 3, 16
Francis, Rev., 52
Isaac, 30
Jeremiah, I
John, 6, 15
Jonathan, 21
Joseph, 12
Nancy, Mrs., 33
Pardon, 16
Richard, 15
Samuel, 36
William, 12
William L. , 47
Brownson, Abijah, 2, 14, 51
Rev. , 32
Brush, Adela, 45
Capt. , 20
Buck, Alfred, 16
Amarilla, 43
Eliphalet, 14
George, 16
Samuel, 30
Sarah, 30
Buckland, David, 30
Elizabeth, Widow, 15
Polly, 54
Samuel, 15
Bucklin, Rufus, 16
Buckmaster, David, 16
Widow, 16
Buel, Benjamin, 24
Elizabeth, 24
Ezekiel, 26, 31
Bugbee, Dyer, 16
Jedediah, 24
Philetta, 24
Bulkeley, Charles, 8
Bull, Dr., 14
Timothy, 50
Bullard, Lucy, 35
Simeon, 4
Bumpus, Daniel, 4
Burbank, Mahala, 48
Samuel, Capt., 48
Burdick, Maackson, 4
Burditt, Asher, 3
Jinery, 19
Joshua, 19, 20
Mary, 20
Thomas, 3
Burke, Ezra, 3
Joseph, 3
Solomon W., Gen. , 46
John , 3, 4, 15, 16
0 ., 41
Prudy, Mrs., 41
Rufus, 4
Burnap, H.L. , 52
Burnell, Asahel, 44
Burnham, Henry R. , 53
James, 3
Burnwell, Annis, Widow, 23
Henry, 23
Maria, 23
Burr, Rufus, 3
Ruth, 23
Burt, -----, 18, 23
Benj ., 44
Charles, 10
Burton, Betsey, 32
Jacob, Esq., 40
Lucinda, 11
Simon, Esq., 11
Bush, Joseph , 5
Obedience, 24
Stephen, 24
Bushnell, James, 27
Jedediah, 29
Jedediah, Rev., 27, 33
Samuel, 33
Buswell, Chloe, 39
Joseph, 39
Butler, Benjamin, 35
James, 41
James D., 29
John, 17
Moses, 54
Butman, Eliza, 39
James, 16
William, 4
William Capt., 50
William, Capt., 27, 52
Butman (cont.)
William Jr. , 27
Carver, J. , 3
Butters, Betsey, 56
Cary, Adran, 49
Buttolph, Anna, 36
Elijah B., 36
Case, Samuel, 17
Cheeney/Cheney (cont.)
Rev. , 46
Simon, Capt., 5
-Susanna, 3, 16
Widow, 49
Cass, D., 39
Chester, John, Rev., 26
Chever, Abigail, 15
Butts, Daniel, 33
Caswell, Beal, 33
Betsey, 18
Josiah, Capt., 18
Buxton, Eliphalet, 3
Cate, Deborah, 30
Byington, Joel, Rev., 19, 43
Caton, William, Jr., 44
Button, David, 15
Joseph , 15
Cady, John, 50
Martha, 36
Caldwell, Benjamin, 2
Mary, 45
Call, Erastus, 13
Cameron, Simeon, I
Campbell, Jonathan, 38
Miranda, 1
Mr., 5, 6, 53
Samuel, 42
Samuel S., 27
Canfield, Cyrus, Esq., 56
Orpha, 29
Samuel, 56
Capen, Theophilus, 5
Carey, Barsillai, 34
Cenith, 15
Carpenter, Anna, 46
Artemas , 10 16
Cyrus, 3, 15
Elihu 27
Esther, 27
Lucretia, 52
Susannah, 7
Thomas, 52
William, 5, 7, 15
Carr, Warner C., 28
William, 15
Carrier, Lucy, 4
Carruth/Caruth, Betsey, 27
Daniel, 18
Carter, Elice, 11
Jabez, 14
John S., 2, 14
Rebecca, 22
Carvalo, Emanuel N. , Rev ., 17
Cazier, John L.C., 23
Cevallos, Pedro, Don, 31
Chace, Rev., 44
Chaffe, Stephen, 16
Chamberlain, Benjamin, 54
Henry, Rev ., 7
John C., Hon ., 32
Nancy, 32
Chapin, Daniel, 38
Perez, 2, 14
Chaplain/Chaplin, Moses, 16
Moses, Esq., 20, 54
Chapman, Betsey, 33
Daniel, 18
G.T., Rev ., 37
George T. , Rev ., 12
George, Rev., 19
Lemuel, 33, 54
Mr., 37
Sophronia, 23
Chase, Lemuel, 15
Philander, Rt. Rev ., 39
Rev. , 50
Solomon, 3. 15
Chatterton, Ch loe, 11
ExiL., 19
Isaac, 11, 47
Lovisa, 47
Samuel, 48
Wait, 4, 48
Cheeney/Cheney, Asahel, 42
Betsey, 15
Ebenezer, 16
Edward, 15
Eliakirn, 16
Gershom, 16, 22, 28
Hiram, 2
Child/Childs, Ebenezer, 15
Francis, Esq., 31
Frederick A., 3, 15
Penuel, 15, 16
R.R., 3, 15
Chillson , Elihu, 14
Chipman, -----, 6
Darius, 6
Mary, 36
Nath'! , Hon., 4
Silas S., 11
Chittenden, Florilla, 34
Giles, Col., 34
Miron, 29
Choice, Peter, 47
Christie, Miss, 38
Chubb, Lucy, 17
Samuel, 14
Church, Alonzo, 37
David. 2
Ebenezer, 16
Fanny Nairn, 13
Churchill, Caleb, 3
Joseph, 3
Martha, 13
Claflin , James, 7
Clapp, Otis, 3
Clark/Clarke, -----, 15
Alex., 2
Alexander, 3
Anson, 43
Asa, 3, 53
Chester, Esq., 47
EdnaM., 4
Elijah, 14, 29
Elisha, 3
Elisha, Hon., 29
Eliza, 50, 52
Eliza Ann, 52
Elizabeth, 40
Elvira, 29
Ephaphras, 14
Clark/Clarke (cont.)
Ezra, Dr. , 29
Flora, 44
Hannah , 19
Isaac, 4, 14, 16
Isaac, Gen ., 52
Isaiah , Capt. , 5
James, 5
John, 3, 37
Jonas, 53
Jonas, Esq ., 24
Jonas, Maj. , 2
Joseph, 14
Julia, 47
Julia D ., 52
Julius, 52
Julius D., 39, 50
Luman/Leman, 3, 14
Lyman, 5
Mary, 16
Miles , 3, 16
Nathan M ., 29
Patience, 4
Rufus, 16
Samuel, Rev., 45
Simon, 24
Stephen, 14
Zephaniah, 15
Clement, Hannah, 30
Harriet, 30
Clemons, Lucy, 17
Michael, 50
Cleveland, ----- , 14
David, 15
James C., 3 14
John , 13
Moses, 52
Clifford, Edward, 16
Hannah, 34
Simeon, 34, 49
Simon, 15
Clift, Willis, 23
Clinton, DeWitt, 36
Cloud, Rebecca, 45
Cobb (cont.)
Mary, 1
Willard, 15
William , 15
Congdon , John , 33
Joseph, 15
Coffee, Rebecca, 13
Coggswell, Martin, 13
Samuel, 13
Colburn, Flavilla, 31
John C., 28
Cole, Mary, 40
Mehitable, 48
Only, 41
Robert, 4, 16
Sophia, 42
Coleman, Hartwell, 3
Collar, David, 4
Ebenezer, 4
Collins, Amos, 7
Benoni, 9, 39
Isaac, 17
John, 16
Joseph, 15 , 16
Joseph, Jr. , 39
Lydia, 4, 39
Nelly, 32
Olive, 9
Thomas, 4, 16, 27
Colton, Deacon, 5
Lorenzo, 11
Miranda, 5
Moses, 39, 50
Colvin, -----, 43
Abner H., 21
Chloe, 19
David, 4
Jonathan, 44
Jonathan, Capt. , 19
Levi, 4
Luther, 2nd, 15
Olive, 44
Russel, 40
Russell, 43
Ruth, 28
Conkey, James, Esq., 43
Mary, 43
Cook, Ashbel, 29
Daniel, 38
David, 3, 15
Ephriam, 15
Fanny, Mrs., 41
Hamilton, Gen., 49
Ivory, Jr., 28
John, 20
Milesta, 28
Mrs. , 55
Paul, Esq., 12
Rachel, 13
Samuel, 3
Sarah Ann, 20, 22
Simeon Ashbel, 29
Timothy, 55
William, 38
Zepheniah, 4
Cooley, Azariah, 16
Benjamin, 16
Naomi, 51
Samuel, 15, 16
Cooper, Elvira, 22
Copeland, -----, 56
Corey, David, 13
Eunice, 13
Ralph, 17
Cottle, Jabez, Esq ., 50
Cottrel, Betsey, 43
Cowdry, Mrs. , 17
Stephen, 17
Cowley, Robert, 46
Cox, Benjamin, Jr:, 13
Elisha, 3
Coy, Clarissa, 24
Daniel, 49
Erastus, 3
Commander, Penelope, 46
Cramer, Henry, 14
Cluff, Moses, 3, 15
Conant, Amos, Esq., 51
Eleazer, 41
Elizabeth, 51
John, 43
Cobb, Allen, 3
John, 1, 3
Cone, Asa, 14
Rufus, 14
Crane, David A., 19
Harriet, 50
Maj. Gen., 24
Miss, 24
Polly, 23
Clough, Chloe, 24
John B., 25
John P., 18
Phinehas, 24
Crary, Nathaniel, _7, 9, 28
Creighton, Dorothy, 49
Crocker, Benjamin, l6
James, 15
Crofoot, Stephen, 2, 14
Croghan, Lt. Co l., 18
Cutler (cont.)
Laura, 47
Thomas, 42
Crosby, John 0 ., 25
John, Dr., 25
Daggett, Gideon, 54
Ichabod, 23
Joseph, 15
William K., 33
Cross, Ebenezer, 15
Dailey, David, 16
Crosset, Jacob, 41 , 42
Dake, Thomas R., 18
Crossman, -----, 3, 15, 54, 55
Abigail, 51
Calvin, 7
Lyman, 47
Robert, 51
William, 28
Dallas, Alexander, 11
Croker, Lemuel, 26
Crowley, Esther, 36, 37
Royal, 36, 37
Willi am, 15
Crowninshield, George, Capt., 21
Culver, Amanda, 31
Henry, 3
James, 4
Cummings, Jacob. 47
Leonard, 45
Levi, 8
Cummins, Mr., 37
Currie, Mary, 33
Curtis, Asenath, 14
Josiah, 2
Mr., 53
Philo, 14
Roger, Admiral, 11
Salmon, 8
Cushman, Anna, 3 I , 42
Charles, 5 1
Ethiel, 30, 31, 42
Ethiel, Jr. , 31
Joseph F., 47
Maria, 51
Mary, 2
Nancy, 30
Rev., 5, 23 , 28
Rowland, 15
William, 1
Cutler, Clarissa, 47
Isaac, 8, 54
Isaac, Rev., 24
Dampier, Henry, Sir, 5
Dana, Aaron, 17
Anderson G., Dr., 8
Daniel, 15, 17
Francis W., 32
Rev ., 38
S.W., 32, 45
Daniels, Anne Hall, 17
Chloe, 35
George W., 38
John, 1st, 4
John, 2nd, 16
John, Jr. , 4
Stephen, 4, 16
Davis (cont.)
Joseph, 15
Mary, 4
Olive, 4
Rev ., 13
Sarah, 3
Thomas, 3
William, 3
Davison, -----, 18, 23
G.M. , 10
Matthew, 32
Davy, -----, 31
Dawson, Ann, Mrs., 34
Anna, 36
Day, Bezaleel, 3, 14
Dimes, Mrs., 41
Justin, 44
Dayton, Jerusha, 13
Lydia, 13
de la Fayette, Marquis, 32
De Tallibur, Charlotte, 43
Dean, Charles, 7
Henry, 24
James, 14, 16
John, 31
Darbe, William, 3
Deane, Benajah, 13
Franklin, 13
Darby, Benjamin, 8
Nathaniel, 8
Dearborn, H., Gen. , 25
Dardley, William, 33
Darling, Eliphalet, 13
Justin , 3, 16
Darlung, Elnathan, Capt. , 29
Susan, 29
Darrow, Erastus, 27
Samuel, Esq., 50
Dart, Olivet, 4
Olivit, 16
Deart, Ebenezer, 54
Deland, Squire, 48
Delano, Andrew Jackson, 18
Frederick, 17
Nancy, 29
Obadiah, 18
Delaplain, Samuel, 16
Delong, Abigail, I 0
Deming, Wait, 21
Dassance, Abner, 4
Davey, Jacob, 3,28
Mary Ann, 28
Davie, William Richardson, Gen.,
Davis, Ann, 30
Azubah, 23
David, 15
John, 23
John, Jr., 15
Demming, Noadiah, 3
Denison/Dennison, Daniel, 2
William, 11
William, Esq., 30
Dennis, Anne, 8
Betsey, 28
Samuel, 8
Densmore, Amos, 4
John, 9, 16
Mary, 9
Deo, Maria, 10
Derby, Mr. , 55
Detler, Jane, 40
Mary, 40
Dewey, Demis, 17
Elam, 45
Elem, 35
Elijah, Capt., 45
Fidelia, Mrs., 41
Lavina, 53
Mary, 45
Mary E., 45
Oliver, 45
Orrin, 33
Sophronia, 45
Truman, 48
Dexter, Benjamin, 16
Betsey, 41
Rufus, 41
Samuel, 6
Samuel, Hon. , 6
Dickerman, Jesseniah, 36
Dickinson, Constant, 44
David T., Esq. , 11
Mrs., 11
Reuben, Col., 31
Dimmick, Sarah, 1
Timothy, 1
Dix, Ben, 43, 49
Doan/Doane, -----, 31
David, 36
Mary, 36
Mr., 35
Nathan, 31
Dodge, Lydia K ., 47
Noah, 16
Dole, Benjamin, 33
Done, Levi, 14
Doolittle, Araminta, 38
Dorr, Abigail, 51
Dorsey, John Sing, M.D., 30
Doty, Alpheus, 40
John, 41
Joseph, 24
Doud, Polly, Widow, 11
Sarah, 9
Semer, 28, 37
Ziney, 9
Douglass, Benajah, 15, 16, 26
Benajah, Esq., 32
Daniel, Capt. , 38
Gardner, 26
Dow, Hazen, 30
Lorenzo, 45
Dowd, -----, 22
Samuel, 15
Zina, 14
Downer, Cyperan, 34
Cyprian, Rev., 34
Dyer, Benjamin N. , 38, 41
Daniel, IO
Daniel H., 47
Edward, 22, 23
Edward, Esq., 8
Eunice, 8
George, 3, 11, 16
George, Esq., 11
Jonathan, 29
Sally Maria, 23
Solon, 2, 14
William, 2, 14
Downs, Jesse, 31
Drake, Ann, 5
Bethuel, 24
Draper, J. , Esq., 36
Rev., 28
Drinkwater, Elizabeth, 15
Drury, Amos, Rev., 44
Ebenezer, 28
Rev., 44, 47
Duke of Kent, 47
Duncan, Rufus, 33
Dunham , -----, 55
Caleb, 14
Simeon, 50
Dunlap, Ephraim, 17
Dunn, Betsey, 27
Julia, 45
Mary T., Mrs., 36
Dunning, Mr., 13
Dunton, Stephen, 50
Durke/Durkee, Capt., 44
David, 5
Joel , 55
Mary, 5
Stephen, 15
Dutton, Charles, 29
Eliza, 50
John, 29
Samuel, 16
Dwight, Timothy, Rev. , 11
Dwinnel!Dwinnels, Hannah, 29
John, 15
Dwyer, Jeremy H., Elder, 27
Easterbrooks, Elisha, 16
Nathan, 4, 16
Richard, 4
Eastman, Eli, 1
Enos C., 5
Justin, 15
Orpha, 43
Stephen, 39
Stephen, Lt. , 36
Easton , Henry S. , 14, 42
Pomeroy H., 42
Easty, Ira, 54
Eaton, Cynthia, 13
Jonathan, 2
Josiah, 22
Oliver, 4, 16
Reuben, 11 , 12
Stephen D., 22
William, Jr., 43
Eddy, Caleb, 45, 50
Eliphalet, 4
John, 15 , 25
Peleg, 11
Sabrina, 11
Edge, Thomas, 23
Edgerton, David, 1
Eleazer, 54
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 20
Edson, Asenath, 38
Ezra, 2, 38
Rebecca, 55
Seth, 55
Zidon, Esq., 55
Eels, Edward, 6 .
Eldridge, Nathaniel B., 52
Felton, Lyman, 3, 14, 15
Elkins, Asenath , 25
Richard, 20
Fennel, Abigail, 29
Calvin, 29
Harvey, 3
Ellery, William, 46
Elliot, Rev ., 6
Ellis, Barnabas, 25
Caleb, Hon., 6
Ely, William, Hon. , 21
Emerson/Emmerson, J. , 53
Joseph, 39
Julia, 11
T., 53
William, Esq., 11
Emery, John, 48
John, Jr. , 48
Englesby, E.T., Esq., 45
Evans, Abiather, 3, 15, 54
Benjamin, Esq., 35
Calvin R. , 14
Gilbert, 16
Everetts, Charles, 46
Everit, Caleb, 27
Mrs ., 27
Everts, Caleb, 38
Eli, 3
Ewing, Daniel S., 33
Harriet F. , 33
Fenton, Frederick, 37
John, 23, 24
Ferguson, Aurey, 50
Delia, 27
Elizabeth, 50
Ferris, Alonzo, 13
Orange, 50
Field, Alfred, 45
B., 16
Levi, 30
Paul, 15
Fields, Luman, l 0
Fifield, Samuel, 2
Fillmore, Ethni, 16
Fayette, 40
Lavius, 40
Lucinda, 54
Finch, -----, 6
Finney, L., 4
Levi, Maj ., 28
Fish, Betsey, 11 , 23
Daniel, 32
Elizabeth, 30
Preserved, Esq., 33
Russell , 11
Fancher, James, 55
Fisher, Barton, 31
Clark, 51
John, 39
Nathan , 13
Otis, 13
Farewell/Farwell, Abel, 24, 36, 38
Fisk, Rebecca, 26
Farmer, Benjamin, 4
Fitch, Benjamin, 6
D., Esq. , 30
Paul, 25
Silas, 47
Fairbanks, Luther, 54
Wilder, 4
Fairchilds, Truman, Jr. , 23
Farnham, Aaron, 2, 14
Farnsworth, Oliver, Esq., 14
Thomas, 55
Fay,-----, 18, 21, 23, 53 , 54
David, 4
Eluthera D., 45
Jonathan, 53
Maj., 46
Mary, 53
William, 10
William, Sheriff, 26
Felshaw, John, 42
Flagg, Eleazer, 3, 4, 15 , 16
Flanders, Elijah, 53
Fletcher, Joseph, 48
Stephen, 16
Fling, Abel, Jr., 34
Abigail, 34
Flint, Aseryl, 34
Ephraim , 15, 53
Flint (cont.)
Hannah, 46
Philip, 34
Follett, Mary, 49
Timothy, Esq., 49
Foot, Alvin , 49
Peter, 15,26
Wealty, 21
Forbes, Joel, 16
Ford, Daniel, 49
Daniel, Deac ., 8
Jacob, 16
Isaiah, 19
Prudence, 19
Foster,-----, 3, 15
Aaron, 16
Abel, 3
Chandler, 3, 15
Coburn, 16
Elizabeth, 3
Elizabeth, Widow, 15
George, 13
Horatio, 15
Isabel , 33
Lyman, 3
Lyman B., 3
Oliver, 3, 15
Stephen, l
Timothy, 13
Fowler, Sally, 34
Fox, Ebenezer, Esq., 12
Elijah, 46
Philaney, 19
Susan, 38
William, Esq., 19, 25
Francisco, Henry, 55
Frazer, Gen. , 52
Freelove, Cynthia, 42
John, 3
Freeman, Adah, 5
Nathan, 15
Pearson, 18, 43
Sampson, 46
French, Catherine, 41
Daniel C., 27
John, 41
Minerva, 53
Frisbie, Amos, 49
Anna, 53
Barker, 7
Frisbie (cont.)
John, 53
William, 24, 32
Frost, Amy, 12
Joseph, 3
Miranda, 28
Nathaniel, 34
Fuller, Abel, 32
Abram, 32
Almira, 2
Asa, 39
Desire, 43
Eliza A. , 8
F.A. , 18
Ira, 21, 22
Isaac, 34
Jesse, 32
Jethro, 21, 22
John, 4, 16
John, Maj ., 44
Lucius Q.C. , Dr. , 44
Ozias, 41, 43
Polly, 12
Portius, 4, 16
Rebecca M. , 4
Rev., 41
Roger W., 54
Stephen, Rev. , 5
William , Jr. , 14
Gadcomb, Sanford. Esq., 43
Gage, Alpheus, 15
Isaac, 4, 16
Joshua, 19
Gaines/Gains , Anna. 23
Asa, 23
Asa, Esq., 22
Gates, Freeman, 20
Jacob, 26
Maria, 34
Nehemiah, 24
Sarah, 24
Gaut, Jesse, 16
Godding, -----, 34
Getty, John , 6
Golding, -----, 34
Gibbs, Aaron, 14
Abraham, 42
Cyrus, 3, 16
Electa, 8
Jesse, 49
Nathan, 16, 31
Nathan, Jr., 6, 8
Thomas, 54
Worham, 22
Goldsmith, Miss, 33
Gibson, Ann Maria, 46
John, 3
Giddings, Dan, 26
Dan, Lt. , 25
Gideon, Deac., 33
Gifford, Sally, 17
Gilbert, Ephraim, 2
Jonathan, Esq. , 56
Paine, 16
Parnell, 2
Richard, 15
Sophronia, 45
Tilly, 14
William A., Dr. , 50
Gile, Betsey, 49
William, Dr., 49
William , Esq. , 29
Giles, John, 11
Gilkee, John, 4, 16
Galusha , David, Capt. , 44
Jonas, Gov. , 23
Lydia, 44
Gill, Salmon, 39
Ganson, Tabitha, 41
Gant, Jesse, 4
Gardner, Betsey, 2
Col. , 28
James, 35
Goddard, Evelina Pamela, 24
Nichols, 16
Nichols, Capt., 24
Germain, Jane, 40
John, 40
Gale, Betsey, 45
Widow, 51
Gamble, William, Esq., 14
Gleason , Enoch, 14
Jacob, l4
Stephen, 2
Gilkey, Walter R. , 33
Gillett, John, 3
Gilman, John C., 47
Gilmore,-----, 14
Girard, Harriet, 21
Stephen, 21
Gisinger, David, Lt., 6
Godfrey, Samuel E., 21
Goodenow, Willis, 15
Goodhue, -----, 6
Goodrich , Allen, 2 14
Elijah, 14
Mary, 14, 50
Rhoda, 2
Samuel G., 23
Thomas, 2
Timothy, 14
Goodspeed, Ansel , 15
Ansel, Esq., 18
Samuel, 5
Goodwin , Daniel, 50
David, 1
Elijah, 15
Nathaniel, Esq ., 35
Gookins, -----, 28
Gordon , Burress, 47
Goreham/Gorham , ----- , 14
Eli, 1,4
Jared, 15
Judson , 11
Seth, 4
Wakeman, 3
Gould , Betsey, I J
H., 12
Henry, 11 , 22, 49, 52
John F., 13
Joseph, 3, 15
Lydia, 33
R.H:, 18
Royal H., 20
Gove, Jesse, 4
Governeur, Samuel Lawrence, 47
Graham , Charles I., 30
James, 4
Jane Louisa, 13
John Hodges, 8 .
Graham (cont.)
Nathan B., Esq., 13
Granby, Beriah, 3
Granger, -----, 55
Grattan, Henry, Rt. Hon ., 49
Graves, Asa, 10, 16, 22, 53
Asa, Maj. , 51
Augustus, 48
Daniel, Capt., 29
Increase, Rev. , 19
James, 22
Jesse, 2, 14
John, 36
Loretta, 29
Maurice, 54
William , 14
Gray, Henry, 4 1
Jerusha, 44
Lyman , 37
Richard, 18, 21
Samuel, Jr., 36
Green , Amanda, 2 1
Ann, 6
Charlotte, 27
George, 13
Henry 22
Henry A. , 50
Henry F., 43
Isaac, Dr., 27
James, 2
Jeremiah, 27
Joel, 45
Joel, Dr., 28, 47
Joseph, Capt., 2
Lucy, 28
Miss, 14
Richard, 37
Samuel, 31
Greeno, Hiram , 53
Leonard, 16
Greenup, Christopher, Esq., 26
Gregory, Alfred, Dr. , 40
Benjamin, 13
Grenolds, Abram, 26
Gridley, Eber, 27
Rev ., 22
Selah, 14, 16, 23
Griffith, Sally, 4
Grinke, John F., Hon., 41
Griswold, Azuba, 17
Isaac, 13, 17
J., Rev ., 47
Jedediah, 15
John, 3
John, Rev ., 43 , 48
Jonathan, 47
Jonathan , Capt., 7
Jonathan, Jr. , 7
Junia, 19
Nancy, 30
Rt. Rev. Bishop, 28
Wyllis, 19
Grout, Dan, 36
Grovenor/Grovesnor, Augustus, 7
Luke, 33
Guild, Herman, 34
Guilford, Rufus, 16
Simeon, 16
Guille, Aeronaut, 39
Gully, Thomas, 12
Gurnsey, Seth, 54
Hack, Joseph, 3, 15
Joseph, 15
Zephaniah, 20
Hadley, Humphrey, 16
Hadwen/Hadwin, Barney, 4, 15
Hagar, -----, 6
Betsey, 10
Charlotte, 8
Hagget, John T ., 13
Haines, Betsey, 42
Rev ., 32
Hal---, David, Jr., 49
Hale, Asa, Deac ., 19, 48
Asa, Jr. , 53
David, 47
Hannah, Mrs., 14
Moses, 42
Stephne, 25
Thomas, 47
Halfpenny, John, 51
Hall, -----, 3
Aaron, 15
Aaron, Jr., 13
Abner, 26
Hall (cont.)
Betsey, 49
Caleb, 4, 16
Elias, 3, 6
Elias, Lt. , 52
Elisha, 2, 6
Frederick, 3
Hamilton, 3, 15
Jesse, 16
John, I, 24, 31
Mosely, 35
Nathan, Rev., 44
Nathaniel, Jr., 43
Nathaniel, Rev., 52
Percilla, 27
Peter H. , 6
Peter P. , 3, 15
Roswell, 5
Susan, 36
Thomas, 14
William, 3, 48
William , Esq., 24
Halsey, Frederick, Rev ., 56
Hamblin , Wealthy, 40
William B., 40
Hamilton, Eber R., 45
Sally, 44
Hamlin, Benjamin K. , 44
Lorin, 15
Hammond, Amelia, 30
David, 19
Drusilla, Mrs., 45
German, 47
Hanna, 32
Jedediah, 16
Thomas D., Maj ., 21
Thomas, Hon ., 30, 32
Thomas, Jr. , 47
Hand , Samuel, 15
Hanes, Helen, I
Hanks, Arunah, 15
Mercy, 19
Oliver, 3, 15
Hanson, Alexander C., Hon. , 36
Walter, 37
Hard, Chloe, 56
G., 3
Harlow, Lewis, 4, 16
William W., 2
Harmon , Clarissa, 12
Ira, 2
Hawkins (cont.)
Silas, 16
Harradan/Harraden , Joseph, 4, 16
Hawks, Ann, 42
Betsey M., 31
Ira, 13
Harrington, Benjamin, 16
Jam es, 2
Harris, Betsey, 25
Capt. , 9
Clifford, 17
H .G. , Esq. , 35
Israel, Deac., 22
James S., 45
John W., 27 , 54
John W., Esq. , 56
Sarah, Mrs ., 32
Thomas K ., Gen. , 5
Harrison, Ben, 25
Lovicey B ., 3
Samuel, 3
Hart, David, 16
W., Gen ., 20
Hartwell, Coleman, 3
E., 3
Hannah, 3
Harwood , Aurilla, 43
Clark, 14
Oliver, 32
Philo, 43
S., 3
Sim on, Capt. , 4
Haskell, Anna, 28
Haskin, Truman , 3
Whitman B., 44
Haskins, Aaron, 18
Aaron , Capt. , 12
Nancy, 18
Susanna, 4, 16
Hastings, Heman, 3
Josiah, Capt. , 50
Mrs ., 50
Haswell, Anthony, Esq. , 7
Robert, 45
Hatch , Uriel C., Esq., 50
Hathaway, Anthony, 42
Haven, Clark, 22
Simon, 15
Hawkins, Adolphus, 5
Charles, 14
Richard, 14
Herrington (cont)
Theophilus, 15
William, I
Hawley, Abner, 27
Betsey, 42
Elijah, Maj ., 30
Mary Ann, 56
Mrs., 30
Hayes, Benj . E., 34
Esther, 17
Newton, Maj ., 34
Haynes, Lemuel, Rev., 2 5, 40
Rev. , 49, 53
S., Rev ., 18
Sy lvanus, Rev., 17
Hays, Joseph, 28
Hayward, Joseph, Capt., 50
Levi F., 38
Nancy, 50
Hazleton , Daniel, 5
Patty, 5
Headen , Warren, 44
Hearrt, Mr., 6
Hewet/llewett, Harry I. , 44
Israel, 6
Phebe, 6
Hewlett, Thomas, 21
Hibbard, Rev ., 1, 7
Hickock/Hickok, Elizabeth, 20
K., 15
Matthew, 32
Moses, 3
Sally, 19
Sheldon, 15
T. , 15
Uriah , 36, 37
Hickox, Reuben, 4
Hicks, Comfort, 14
James, Jr. , 34
John, 51
William, 3, 14
Hicock, Simeon L. , 19
Higby, Chloe, 53
Levi, 53
Higgins, U., 3, 14
Uriah, 1, 4
Heath, Eben, 48
Hebard , Anna, 50
Ebenezer, Rev ., 50
Mrs ., 5
Rev., 10, 54
Samuel, Capt. , 5
Hecock, Susannah, 54
Hempsted , Isaac, Esq., 30
Lucy,3 0
Hendee, Caleb, Jr., 3
Henry, Aaron, 3, 16
Benjamin, Esq., 6
Hiram, 33
Maria, 34
William, 4
William, Esq ., 34
Henshaw, D., 29
Elizabeth H., 29
Herrenton , Caleb, 25
Ira, 32
Herrington, Amasa, 24
Benjamin, 3 .
Joshua, 15
Higley, Emeline, 18
Erastus, Hon., 18
Hill, Asa, 15
Betsey, 4 1
Clarissa, 4 7
David, 32
James, 15
John , 16
John, Jr. , 16
Nathaniel, 54
St. John, 41
William, Jr. , 15
Zenas, 36
Hills, Cyrus, 23
Cyrus, Capt., 23
Hillyard/Hilyard, Isaac, 46
James W ., 6
Himes, Cleveland, 15
Hinckley, Capt. , 50
Hinds, Abraham, 3
Uzal, 15
Hinman, Emily, 22
Truman H., 14
Horr, B.W., 56
Benjamin W., 32
Hitchcock, John, 2nd, 3
Lyman, 22
Mr., 13
Remembrance, 16
Horton, Gideon, 15
Gilbert, 53
Samuel, 31
Hodges, George T., Maj ., 7
Hannibal, 15
Henry, 54
Henry T. , 4
Hosier, Philip, 26
Hosford, Heman, 12
Hotchkiss, Harriet, 43
Hoisington, Isaac, 16
Hough, L. , 41
Louis, 15
Mrs., 41
Holady, Phil, 45
Houghton, Prudence, 17
Holbrook, Daniel, 12
House, Harriet, 52
William, 52
Holden, David, Esq., 35
John, Capt., 23
Jonas, 16
Stephen, 16
Holeson, John, 7
Holley, Benjamin, 15
Robert, Jr., Esq., I 1
Hollister, David, 38
Holmes, Hannah, 53
Thomas, 3, 54
Holt, Abial, 17
Elisha 4, 16
Jonathan, 46
Lovica B., 15
Stephen, Jr., 4, I 6
Holton, Esther, 17
Hooker, Betsey, 33
Chester, 38
Dr. , 29
James, 14, 15
John, 15
John, Rev., 17
Marquis D.L.F., Capt., 54
Marquis D.T., 15
Nathans., 14
Sarah, 17
Thomas, 16
Hooper, Laura, 22
Hopkins, Benjamin, Lt., 46
David, 16
Hiram, 49
Isabella Maria, 49
John, 32, 37
Josiah, Rev., 5, 11
Hovey, Orange, 23
How, Artemas, Esq., 34
Jaazaniah, 54
Howard, Asa, 16
Leland, Rev., 10, 20
Lephe, 16
Lydia, 4
Moses, 4
Paul, 35
Rev., 48
Sophrona, 20
William, 4
Howe, David, 3
James, 15
Jared, 12
Louisa, 15
Zimri, Esq., 2
Howland, Caleb, 3
Charles, I
Samuel, 3
Hoxie, Gideon, 22
Gideon, Esq., 51
Hannah, 22
Hoyt, Otto S., Rev. , 37
Hubbard, Amelia, 33
Jonathan, 44
Selah, 54
Hubbell, Calvin, Jr. , Esq., 31
Curtis, 48
Dewey, Capt. , 38
Ephraim, 3, 16
Ephraim, Jr., 41
Jedediah, 40
Laura, 17
Hudson, Andrew, 40
Eli, 3
John, 3
Stephen, 15
Hughes, James, 46
Augustus, 18
Benjamin, 18, 22
Calvin, 3, 15, 18, 22
Cloe, 18
Daniel, Jr. , 2 I
Ebenezer, 42
Isaac, 8
Lucinda, 22
Luther, 16
Hulet/Hulett, Augustus, 26
Mr., 21
Patty, 13
Peggy S., 26
Thomas, 13, 25
Hull, Jane, 14
Tulmon, 17
Humphrey, Abraham, 3, 14, 15
Amelia, 6
Humphreys, David, Gen., 23
Hunt, Buckley, 4
Charles, 47
Elijah, 2
Obed, 45
Sarah, 46
Hunter, James, 2, 7, 16, 19
John , 9
Rev. , 41
Samuel, 4, 16
Huntington, Amos C., 46
Andrew, 36
Daniel, 43
E ., 37
Jedediah, Gen., 29
John, Rev ., 40
Laura Jane, 37
Mrs. , 43
Thomas, 54
Huntley, Lydia, I
Hurd, Ann , 12
Ebenezer, 14
J.N.M., Gen., 30
Truman, 12
Hutchins, Betsey, 24
David, 3, 15
Elisha, 13 , 54
Mrs ., 13
Susanna, 13
James, Daniel, Deac., 48
Mary, 48
Rev. , 40
Hutchinson, Bartholomew, Lt. , 48
Lydia, Mrs. , 43
Thomas, 16, 54
Thomas, Col. 3 1
Jefferson , Thomas, 5, 37
Hyde, Isaac T., 34
Jane Ann, 21
Polly, 44
Reuben C., 21
Samuel, 44, 50
Ide, Esquire, 4
Simeon, 24
Incid, Slason, 43
Ingalls/lngals, Dav id, 40
Stephen S., 30
Ingraham, Abigail, 5
Samuel, 35
Seymour, 5
Sophia M. , 39
Sylva, 35
Inman, Isaiah, Jr., 25
Irving, Jared, 34
Isham, Rhoda, 45
Israel, Col. , 45
Ives , George, 4
Hannah, 37
Isaac, Capt., 45
Lent, 26
Mary, 43
Reuben, 3, 16
Selina, 37
Jackman , Abel, Col. , 52
Jackson , Abel, 4
Catherine, 16
Rufus W. , 45
William, 3
Jacob, Stephen, Hon ., 12
Jacobs, David, 15
Rev., 33
Jarvis, Leonard, 47
Jay, William, 10
Jordan, Beriah, 18
Lemuel, 42
Joy, James, 17
Judson, Frederick W., Dr., 47
Jeleff, Thomas, 15
Kay, James Morrison, 41
Jenner, Asa, 7
Solomon, 7
Keeler, Fanny, 51
Lott, 16
Seth, 51
WolcottH., 15
Jennings, Samuel, 14
Jennison, Robert, 54
Keep, Rev., 46
Jewell, -----, 31
Clarinda, 5
David, 16, 37
Jewett, Frederick, 55
Johnson , Abraham , 15
Benjamin, 16
Brant, Lt. , 26
E.F., Esq., 33
Ebenezer, 2
Hannah, 6
Jedediah, 3, 15
Levi, 3
Lydia, 18
Miss, 24
Nathan, 4, 16
Ozias, 14
Peter, 37, 43
Polly, 23
Rev. , 45
Sally, 31 , 51
Thomas, Col., 32
Welthey, 17
Welthy, 18
William, Sir, 26
Jones, Archelaus, 4, 16
Asa, 2, 14
Catherine, 36
David, 36
Huldah, 36
Jeremiah, 16
John, 4, 7
N. , 14
Polly, 9
Roswell, 15
Sally, 4
Thomas, Dr., 36
William, 54
William Marcus, 50
Jagger, Prudence, 4
Keith, Alfred, Esq., 47
Daniel, 16
Israel, 3
Israel, Col., 37
Jonathan, 15
Lois, 47
Maj ., 45
Keller, Lot, 16
Kelley, Anna, 44
Harriet, 25
Kellis, Stephen, 40
Kellogg, A., Esq., 1
Amos, 15 , 16
Anna, I
Edward, 3, 15
Elisha, 5
John, 14
Laura, 44
Kelly, Daniel, 7
Kelsey, Curtis, 32
Curtis, Sr. , 25
Curtiss, 14
Lydia, 48
Oren, 3, 14
Submit, 32
Kemble, Gertrude, 30
Peter, Esq., 30
Kendall, Ephraim, 3
Jonathan, 3, 15, 16
Kendrick, Clark, 54
Clark, Elder, 28
Clark, Rev ., 29, 33 , 38, 41 , 44
Rev., 18
Kent, Charlotte, 49
Dan M., 3, 14, 15
Elias, 4
Kent (cont.)
Ezra, 26, 40
Horace, 32
Rev., 2 1, 47
William A. , Hon., 49
Ketchem, Polly, 1
Keyes, Artemas, 7
Peter, 4
Keys, Seth, 3 I
Kiblin, Josiah, 55
Kidder, James, Lt., 51
Kilbourn, Lucy, 20
Simeon, 15, 20
Kilburn/Kilburne. John, 16
John, Capt., 39
John , Jr., 16
Knapp, A., Elder, 34
Elder A., 35
Rev. , 47
William , 1
Knight, Hannah, 49
Huldah, 34
Lawrence (cont.)
Electa, 44
Oliver E. , 43
Russell , 45
Simon, 16
Knowlton, Benjamin, 1, 28
Luke, Hon ., SI
Marcia, 51
Thomas, 2
Lawton , Dwight, 33
James, 30
Konkapot, Rachel, 46
Ledyard, John, 51
Ladd, Anson, 3
Jason, 16, 22
Nathaniel , 3, 16
Pere G. , 2, 14
Leach, Moses, 54
Leavitt, Andrew V.T. , 40
Lee, Ann, 14
Joseph, Rev., 34
Samuel H. , Capt., 6
Leek, Lucretia, 33
Kim ball, Daniel, 13
Joseph, 4, 16, 31. 54
Mr., 37
Lake, George , 6
Lakin , Daniel, 2, 14
Leffingwell, -----, 15
Jeremiah, 4
Polly (Morse), 20
William, 20
King, Betsey, 36
Casey, 14
Chester, 14
David, 3, 14
Dexter, 14
Elisha, Jr., 44
Enoch, Rev ., 36
H. ,2 1
Mary, 38
Miles, Esq ., 14
Rufus, Hon. , 38
Thomas, 3, 14
Lallemand, Henry, Gen ., 2 1
Legget, James, 1S
Lamb, Col., 3 1
Constant, 33
Joseph, 16
Oliver, 4
Leland. Otis, 45
Lampson , John , 16
John, Jr., 16
Leonard, -----, 15
Amelia, 42
Capen, 32
David, 15
David Howard, 10
Electa, 19
Gamaliel, Esq., 10
George, 10
Henry, 36
Ira, Lt.. 28
Rev ., 45
Samuel, Rev., 28
William, 22
King George ill, 47
Kingsbury, Blodget G .. 35
Daniel 38
Rebecca, 18
Rufus, 18
Lemon , William , 22
Lenman, John, Dr., 41
Landon, Albert, 17
Lane, Martha, 17
·Langdon , C., Hon., 52
Chauncey, Hon. , 17
Chauncy, 4
John, Dr., 34, 35
John, Hon. , 40
Lucy G. , 17
Langley, William , 4
Kingsley, Phineas, Jun. , 4
Laraway, Phillip, 54
Kinne, Joseph, 16
Kinsman , Daniel, 32
Larkin, Abel , 9
Henry, 55
Joseph, 35
Roba, 35
Kinyon, Daniel, 2. 14
Lamard, John, 3
Kirkaldie, David, 20
Kirtland, Betsey, 54
Larrabee, John, Esq. , 11
Pamelia, 11
Kitchel, Sally, 40
Lathrop, Leonard E., 3, 14
Kittredge, Sarah, 33
Latimer, Michael B., 40
Knapen/Knapin/Knappen , Mason,
Rev. , 6, 28, SO
Lawrence, Amos, 54
Capt., 10
Kinsley, Silas, 38
Lester, Simeon, 4
Levcnsworth, Betsey, 11
Leverett, William, l 8
Lewis, Anna, 5
Betsey, 10
Isaac, S
Levi, 7
Olive, 51
Sarah, 5
Simon, 10
Susanna, 36
William, Jr., 17
Zuriel, 15
Lincoln , Daniel, 15, 16
Levi, Hon., 49
Marcey, 16
Otis, 37
Tisdale, 16
Tisdal!, 4
Lindsey, Matthew, 27
Lines, Robert, 9
M'Arthur, Charles, 9
M'Carter, Fanny, 37
M'Connel/M'Connell, Elizabeth,
Thomas, 16
William , 16, 22
Linsley, Abigail, 52
Horace, 37
Joel H., Esq., 19
Joel, Hon. , 33
M'Coy, Paul, 16
Lion, Jabez, 3
M'Donald, Benjamin, 15
James, 13
Liscomb, Levi, 51
Livingston, John, 18
Levina, 18
Seth, 3, 16
Locklin, Mary, 4
Lockwood, Amos, Mrs., 28
Logan, Catherine, I 0
Peter, 10
Timothy, 10
M'Culler, Elder, 24
Rev., 9
William, Rev., 10
M'Donnell, Admiral, 6
M'Farland, -----, 15
David, 41
Eunice, 41
James Q., 15, 51
James Q., Dr., 49
James, Dr., 33
M'Kay, Elizabeth, 40
Long, Amanda, 28
Levi, Jr., 4
Lyman, 50
M'Kean, Thomas, Hon. , 19
Longshare, John ,29
M'Lean, J.M. , 46
Loomis, Elisha, 42
Harace, 34
Lucia, 34
Nathaniel, 15
Oliver, 15
M'Lounsbay, Nathan, 26
Machin, Thomas, Capt., 5
Lord , Benjamin, Capt., 24
Capt., 22
Elisha, Jr., 30
Philip, 16
William , 16
MallaryMallory, Caroline, 47
Daniel, Jr. , 2
Daniel, Jr., Esq., 46
Rollin C., Hon ., 47
Sarah B., 46
Lothrop, Abijah, 30
Manley, Anson, 15
Asa Hale, 48
Dorcas , 19
Eli, 3, 7
Ira, Rev. , 19, 48, 53
John, 37
Rhoda, 7
Sardis, 15
Seth, 15
Thomas, 4, 16
William, 3, 15
Love, David, 51
Loveland , Hosea, 3
Jonathan, 3
Lovelass, Elnathan, 16
Lovell, Daniel, Esq., 35
Hannah, Widow, 28
Michael, Capt. , 28
Silas, 15, 17
Luther, Jabez, 16
M'Kee, Deborah, 23
M'Kinster, Betsey, 31
Macumber, Peter, 15
Madden, Huldah, 40
Manning, Aziba, 40
Joseph, 3, 15
William, 54
Mansfield, Jonathan, 33
Mapes, Mr. , 53
Maranville, -----, 14
Marks, William, 15
Marsh, Amy, 16
Anna, 30
Charles, Hon., 19
Charles, Jr., Esq., 19
Daniel, 4
Fanny M., 2
William, 16
Marshall, Marquis M. , 38
Martin,-----, 14
Abigail, 14
E.W., Rev., 36
Enoch, 14
Noble, 9, 25
Orson, 36
Thomas, Major, 33
Wheeler, 14
Widow, 38
Martindale, Thomas, 15
Mason. Altha, 17
Amanda Elvira, 38
Benjamin, 42
Hale, 19
Hepzibah, 17
Isaiah, IO
John, 10, 54
John, Esq., 52
Laura, 13, 38
Leonard, 23
Lucy, 10
Solomon, 38
Masters, Albert P. , 21
Mather, Demas, 14
Frederick, 6
Mathews/Matthews, Abagail, 37
Darius, Hon. , 37,41
Isaac, Capt., 37
Mrs., 37
T., 16
Timothy, 4
Mathewson, Isaac, 4
Matison, Lucy, 43
Matson, Elizabeth, 33
Matteson, Abigail, 14
Francis, 14
Merrill (cont.)
Thomas A. , Rev. , 6
Mattison, Charles, 42
Dyer, 42
Ebenezer, 41
Silas, 13
Merritt, Bartholomew, 14
Peter, 14
Mitchell James, 30
Lucy, 29
Stephen Mix, Esq. , 51
William, Sir, 5
Merryman, Daniel, Capt., 12
Mix, Ira, 3
Messer, Asa, Rev ., 29
Richard, 20
Monroe, Barbara, 21
Eliza, 21
James, Pres., 47
Marie Hester, 47
Martha, 2 1
Richard, 21
William, 21
William, Jr. , 21
Mattock/Mattocks, Samuel, 5
Samuel, Esq., 6
Maxum , Rebecca, 35
Maxy, Jonathan , DD, 51
Mayo, Col. John, 13
Maria D., 13
Metcalf, Maria, 35
Phineas, 7
Sarah, 7
Mighell, Ezekiel, 4
Mayston, Robert, Lt. , 6
Miles, Erastus, 3
Samuel, 16
McArthur, Charles, 14
Millard, Grace, 5
McConnell, Thomas, 4
Millege, Mr., Hon. , 23
Meacham, Caty, 9
David, 14
Eliza, 2, 27
J., 4
John, 3
Joseph, 9
Miller, Alanson, 18
Elder, 5
Elisha, Elder, 9
John, 3
Julia, 40
Maria, 12
Mr., 37
Mrs., 6
Nancy, 23
Thomas, Col., I 8, 23
Mead, Eli, 3, 16
John, 45
Reuben, 3, 16
William, 16
Meeker, Eli, 36
Eli, Rev ., 27
Eliza, 36
Megraw, Jared, 14
Mehurin, Amasa, 13, 24, 56
Hiram, 23
Mrs., 13
Mellen, Humphrey, 30
Mendall, Sidney, 49
Meredith, Samuel, 12
Meriam/Merriam , John, 3, 4, 15,
Merrick, Ebenezer, Capt., 34
Merrill, Enos , 14, 22
James Seymour, 9
Jesse, Dr., 51
Jonathan, 4, 16
Laura, 52
Polly, 55
Roswell, 4
Selah H., 52
Selah H., Esq., 38
T.A. , Rev., 33
Montgomery, -----, 28
Milliman , Polly, 13
Millinton , Alveh, 7
Mills, Daniel, 30
Samuel, 50
Miner/Minor, Arvin L. , Dr., 29
Charles, 33
Christopher, 14
Florilla, 5
Gideon, Esq., 5
J. , 3
Joel, 4, 15 , 31
Lewis, 4, 15
Lewis L. , 3, 14
Mary, 33
Robert P., 43
Samuel L. , 31
Samuel L., Capt., 29
Sarissa, 23
Minot/Minott, C., 3
Christopher, 15
John, 47
Mitchell, Alanson, 3, 28
Eliab, 15
Ichabod, 54
Moody, Rev. , 47
Solomon, 22
Moon, Abner, 17, 20, 43
Betsey, 17, 55
Daniel, 10
Eunice, 10
Jesse, 55
Moore, Elisha, 29
Hnery, 15
John, 23 , 43
Lucina, 32
Moosman, Betsy, 54
Morgan. Abel , 9, 29
Ira, 17
Polly (Jo nes), 9
Polly, Mrs., 51
Morin , Edward, 49
Nancy, 49
Morris, Almira, 48
Governeur, Hon. , 9
Morrison, Alma, 48
Hester Alma, 48
William B., 40
Morse, Isaac, Esq. 42
Lucina, 42
Polly , 20
Rev., 39
Morton , D.O., Rev., 32
Daniel 0 ., Rev ., 45
J.O ., Rev., 36
Joseph, 45
Moses, Daniel, 56
Olive, 13
William, 56
Mosher, Aaron , 2nd, 47
Daniel, 33
James, 7
James, Dr., 6
Mrs., 33
Newland , James, 30
Mott, Freeman, Dr., 32
Nichols, Anna, 38
Charles, Jr., 25
David, 4
Elisha, 44
Hannah, 33
Joshua, 5
Nathaniel, 12
Peleg, 15
Moulthrop, Truman, 4, 16
Moulton, Daniel, Capt., 35
Reuben, 1
Samuel, 31
Mudge, Martin, 50
Mulford, Augustus, 15
Luther, 1
Newton, Sophia, 51
Thomas C. , 24
Thusa, 21
William, Capt., 25
Nicholson, Thankful, 37
Mulliken, Amos, 56
Nickerson , Lurane, 41
Munger, Anna, 50
Asahel, 14
Elias, 4, 16
Jehiel, Deac., 19
Reuben, 50
Niles, John , 14
Margaret, 14
Munsel, David, 20
Lucy, 20
Munson , -----, 15
Murdock, James, Rev ., 34
Prudence, 14
Sally, 38
Murray, David S., 54
Eber R. , 28
Eunice, 54
Muzzey, Reuben, 4
Myrick, Barnabas. 26, 40
Russel, 28
Russell, 26
Nixon, Artemas, 37
Noble, Ezekiel, 14
John, 3, 15
Obadiah, Jr. , 16
Obadiah, Jr., Rev ., 28
William, 47
Noice, Daniel, 3
Norris, Huldah, 17
Northrop/Nortrop, Amos, 53
William, 15
Norton , B.E., 3
Betsey, 23
Hannah B., 2
Rebecca, 3
S., 3
Sarah, 32
William, 24
Norwood , Micaiah, 37
Nason, Samuel, 39
Nye, Chester, 47
Ferris, 43
Jonathan, Rev., 51
Neville, Presley, Gen ., 32
Newel/Newell, Alfred, 26
Mr. , 49
Theodore, 27
Olmstead/Olmsted, Asher, 14
Jesse, 2, 14
Sophia, 46
Olney, Job, Capt., 37
Orcutt, Zebina, 3
Orms, J., 3
Jonathan, 14
Ormsbee, Mason, 2
Mason, Major, 1
Ormsby, Florilla, 7
Joseph M., 7
Samuel, 3
Orne, Col., 30
Sarah Wendell, 30
Orton, Eliada, 14
John, 14
Osborn, Benjamin, Rev., 27
Osgood, Jane, 25
Joshua, 16, 49
Nathan, 25
Nathan, Esq., 25
Owen, Jesse, 3
Jonathan, 54
Jonathan, Jr., 21
Joseph, 54
Sebrina, 20
Packard, Zachariah, 3
Noyes, May Ann, 44
Moses, 41
Nelson, Andrew, 26
Jonas, 2, 14
Joseph, 17
Oliver, Thomas, Esq., 6
Nash, Reuben, 2
William, Jr., 11
Naughton , Abigail, 11
Solomon, 11
Olin, Henry, Hon ., 54
Jonathan, Capt., 51
Malintha, 54
Oakman, Joseph, 16
Obrine, Nancy, 4, 16
William, 4
Odle, Isaac, 8
Newhall, Sally S., 28
Packer, Daniel, Rev., 30
Jemima Elvira, 30
Page, -----, 21
Abby, 6
Abel, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 39
Abel, Capt., 27, 43
Augustus, 46
David, 46
David, Jr., Esq., 6
Ephraim, 1
Henry, 37
Phinehas, 37
William, 9, 16
Zeruiah, Widow, 37
Paige, -----, 31
David Jewell, 20
Elutheria, 38
Lucinda, 22
Ralph, Esq ., 5, 20, 22, 38
Painter, Gamaliel, Hon. , 37
Gilbert, 40
Lyman, Capt., 38
Nancy, 38
Palmer, Bezaleel, 16
David, 4, 54
David, 2d, 15
Henry, 9
James, 4, 37
Mary, 15
Preserved, 3, 14
Parker, -----, 29
Benjamin, 3, 4
Betsey, 22
Capt. , 51
David, 16
Elijah, Esq ., J.P ., 20
F., 25
Jonas, 36
Jonathan, 4, 16
Joseph , 54
Lucy, 17
Mary, 40
Mr. , 12
Nancy, 27
Peter, 54
Parson/Parsons (cont.)
J., 16
John, 4
Josiah, 3, 16
Justin, 4
Justin, Rev ., 55
Lucius, 46
Rev., 17
Spencer, 15
Stephen, Rev., 46
Patch, Henry, 16
John, 16
Stephen, Jr., 16
Patchin, Aaron D., Dr., 45
Patrick, Amy, 20
Nancy, 10
Samuel, 10
Patterson, William , 14
Patton, Henry M. , 48
Paul, Bela, 46
Paulding, James K. , 30
John, 12, 24
Payne, Matilda, 17
Peabody, Moses, 3
Pearce, Catharine Russell, 6
Pease, Amos, 29
Perrigo, James, 15
John, Dr. , 48
Perry, -----, 4
Abner, 3, 16
Azor, Jr. , 16
Beers, 31
Bird, 45
Clarissa, 8
Cyrus, 21 , 22
Emma, 47
Joseph B., 18
Oliver Hazzard, Comm., 41
Roswell, 28
Seth, 39
Zubina, 36
Persey, Susanna, 2
Peters, Arza P., 26
Bimsley, 8, 26
Bimsley, Dr. , 2
Ira, 26
John, 3
Pettee, James, 15
Pettes, John, 45
Pettibone, Lucy, 38
Prince, 3, 14
Petty, Amanda, 1
Philbrick, Abner, Esq. , 11
Parkhill/Parkill, James, 26, 33
Peck, Alanson A ., Dr. , 29
Cynthia, 36
Lewis, 36
Phebe, 55
Reeve, 17
Sarah, 17
Parkhurst Dr., 13
Lucy, 13
Phinehas, Dr., 53
Peirce, Jabez, 25
John, 3
Lucina, 25
Parks, B., Esq., 6
Pelham, Capt., 35
Pierpoint, Robert, 12, 16, 21
Parmele/Parmelee, Hezekiah, 3, 16
Jonathan E., 2 , 14
Oliver, 2, 14
Rev ., 8
Simeon, 50
Penniman, Hannah, 55
Pierpont, Julia, 51
Percival, David, 43
Pike, Elijah , Jr. , 34, 35
John , 41 , 44
Parmer, Clemond C., 36
John, 3
Parmeter, Isaiah, 4, 16
Parson/Parsons, Charlotte, 4, 34
Electa, 17
Henry A., 14
Ira, 16
Phillips, Arnold, 9
David A., 36
Mary, 17
Thankful, 12
William, Jr., 36
Pickens, Gen ., 20
Pierce, John H. , 2
William, 16
Perkins, Aaron, 20
Amasa, 35
Ethiel, 14
Jabez, 40
Roger, 14
Sarah, 55
Wesley, 18
William , 9
Perpigeon, Marshall Count, 35
Pillsbury, Solomon, 3, 15
Pine, Joseph, 54
Margaret, 14
Samuel, 3, 9, 15
Pingery, Jonathan, 3
Pitkin, Joseph, 15
Russel, 15
Sylvanus, 13
Platt, Abel H., 1
Daniel, 15
Francis, 45
James K., Dr., 29
N.Z., Maj., 54
Platts, Moses, 6
Plaus, Mary, 43
Plumb, Charles, Master, 39
Plumer, David, 33
Plumley, Oliver, 15
Pollador, Lilly, 3
Pomeroy/Pomroy, John, 3, 42, 43
John N. , Esq., 34
Margaret, 18
Pond, Benjamin, 14
Elijah, 31
Samuel, l
Willard, Esq., 20
Zebulon, 16
Ponsonby, Lady, 5
Pooler, Allen, 3, 4, 15
Cynthia, 22
Marian, 41
Porter, Anna. 36
Asa, Col., 32
Benoni, 49
D.P., Dr. , 33
Ezekiel, 14
J. , Dr., 47
James, 22
James, Dr., 48
Moses. 32
Nathan, 15
Orpha, 43
Reuben, Capt., 35
Seth, 3, 15
William, Esq. , 30
Post, Jacob, Esq., 5
Jesse, 50
John, 50
John D., 8
Potson, Hannah , 11
Potter, Abel, 15
Andrew, 3, 15
Dan P., 53
Elsa, 8
Ervine, 49
Potter (cont.)
Homer, 12
Horace, 47
Thomas, 15
Purvis, John, 10
Powel/Powell, M., Rev. , 21
Rev., 23, 41
Putnam, Alexander C., 47
Eber, 12
Hannah, 12
Israel, Dr., 35
John, 16
Silas Wilner, 35
Powers, Levi, Capt., 13
Lydia, 43
Peter, 15
R.M., 32
Richard M., 19
Roswell, 11
Rabun , Gov. , 42
Prady, Stephen, 2
Race, Elijah, 14
Pratt, Betsey, 48, 55
Chloe, 2
Martin, 4, 16
Minerva, 18
Prudence, 1
Rebecca, Mrs., 44
Ralph, Phineas, 4
Quinton, Joshua, 24
Ralston, Rebecca, 26
Ramsdell, Amos, 48
Augustus, I 0, 26
Martha, 16
Preast, Chauncey, 14
Job, 25
Noah, 14
Samuel, 54
Samuel, Jr. , 16
Rand, Nathaniel, 3, 15
Zachariah, 3, 16
Prentiss, Alfred, 32
James, 56
John, Capt., 29
Samuel, 15 ,22
Samuel, Esq., 9
Ransom , Bryan, 26, 27, 41
Bryan, Esq., 26
Charlotte, 41
Stephen, 41
Prescott, Josiah B., 3
Preston, Alvah , 22
Heman, 37
Luman, 38
Randall, Hannah, 13
Moses, 15
Ranger, Joel , 3
Rathbone, -----, 4
Alfred T. , 37
Wait, 15, 16, 27
Wait, Esq., 4
Prevost, Augusta Emilia, 6
Augustus, Esq. , 6
Ray, Gilbert, 3
Harmon, 3
Joshua, 3
Priest, Joshua, 4
Raymond, -----, 35
Prince, Timothy, 54
Read, Thomas M., Capt., 10
Proctor,Jabez, 22
Record, Rowland, 55
Prowty, Daniel, 20
Daniel, 4, 16
Elijah, 46
Ezra C., 43
Francis, 51
Issachar, 3, 13
Issachar, Esq., 9, 15, 50
Leonard, Capt., 8
Puckshunnubbe, -----, 5
Purdy, Elisha, 33
Enos, 20
Solomon, 35
Thompson, 32
William, 32
Reed (cont.)
LuciaM., 50
Ralph, 46
Reeder, Eliza, 51
Rising (cont.)
Sally Maria, 2 l
Seth K., 42
Sylvester, 42
Reelman, George, 42
Roach, Phinea, 15
Remington, E lijah, 14, 2 5
Lucy, 1
Phebe, 33
Robbins, Honora, 23
Lucy, 15
Lydia, 15
Rossman, James W. , 3, 14
Reynolds, John, 43
Joshua, 23, 24
Morris, 16, 50
Olive, 44
Waldo, 4
Roberts, Ann, 31
Eliza, 51
Frances Maria, 30
James, 4
Richard Brooks, Maj. , 30
Tamerlane T., 51
Round, Anna, 51
Betsey, 25
Linsley, 4
Ozie! H., Capt., 51
Rice, Abigail, 51
Adam, 9
Anthony C. , 3, 16
David, 55
Louis, 9
Mary, 2
Randall, Esq ., 27
Randall, Jr. ,23
Seth, 15
Stephen, 2nd, 45
Thomas, Esq., 32
Thomas, Jr. , 2, 4
Rich , Clark, 5
George, Esq. , 31
Harriet, 1
Judge, Hon ., 35
Mary J. , 31
Mr., 44
Richards, Henry W. , 25
Lucy, 45
Rachel, 13
Sally H., 24
Richardson, Barak, 23
James, 22
Jesse, 15
Polly, 34
Sibel, 8
Thomas, 38
Rose, Chancy, 1
Ephraim H., 28
Robertson, Benjamin, 34
Robins, Lucy, 1
Robinson , Eli, 3
Elisha, 3
Ephraim, Capt., 50
George, Hon ., 40
Henry H., 50
John, 26
Jonathan, Hon. , 42
Lydia, 39
Mary, 8, 50
Moses, Hon., 45
Nathaniel, 3, 15
Nathaniel, Jr. , 39
Polly, 12
Samuel, Esq. , 45
Sarah, 29, 40
William, 29
Roblin, Abraham, Capt. , 53
Rockwell, Daniel , Esq ., 35
Laura, 35
Rogers, Bela, 4
Jacob, 15
James, 40
Jerusha, 14
John, 7, 34
Stephen, 16
Walter, 42
Ross, Alexander, 28
James, 4
Joseph, 53
Mary, 53
Rotch, Edward, 23
Rowley, Lucinda, 30
Rev. , 12
Rudd, Barak, 7
Electa, 53
Johnson, 22
Ruddolph, William , 31
Ruggles, Edward, 15
John, 14
John, Maj ., 30
Mary, 30
Nathaniel, Hon. , 44
Timothy, 3
Rumsey, -----, 6
Adron, 15
Jimmy, 2, 3
John, 54
Philo, 35
Phoebe, 2
Runnels, Moses T., 43
Russ, Mr., 55
Russell , James, 33
John, Esq ., 6
Ryder, Jemima, 47
Sacket/Sackett, Aaron, 4, 16, 31
Phebe, 31
Rider, Ezekiel, 15
Walter, 44
Rollins, William, 3, 15
Ripley, -----, 6
Eleazer W. , Hon ., 54
General, 55
Maj . Gen. , 21
William, Esq., 23
Root, Dan, Esq., J.P., 21
David, 46
Rufus, Esq., 11
Samuel, 16
Sheldon, 14
Rising, Elijah, 42
Josiah, Hon ., 2 l
Roper, Patrick, 37
Saddler, -----, 18
Safford, Erwin, 35
Harriet Newel, 35
Jesse, 3
Jonathan, 15
Mrs., 23
Samuel, 23 , 51
Silas S., Rev ., 12
Sage, Percival W., 47, 48
Sy lvanus, Rev ., 13
St. Clair, General , 28
St. John, Ruth, 2
Timothy, 2, 3
Seaman/Seamans (cont.)
Olive, 1
William, 16
Sears, David, 50
Desiah, 44
Seaton, John, 15
Sheldon (cont.)
Walter, 7
Shepard, David, 54
S. , Esq., 36
Shepardson/Shepherdson, Noah,
4, 12, 23 , 24
Salsbury, Howard, Esq. , 44
Nathan, 16
Seaver, Isaac, 23
Sanderson, Abraham, 4
Theodore, 12
Seeley, Hannah, 15
William B., 15
Sanford, David, Capt. , 19
Joseph, 14
Perez S., Lt., 19
Samuel S., 44
Segar, Elijah, 15
Gideon, Hon ., 5
Selleck, Benjamin, 3
Sherman, Dexter, 4
Eleazer, 14
Elijah, 3
Henry, Rev., 13
J., 7, 25
Samuel, 16
SargeanUSargent, Betsey, 40
Daniel, 35
Eliza, 13
Enoch, 16
Ephraim, 40
Samuel, 13
Sophia, 37
Semple, John, 10
Sherrill, Nathaniel, 15
Senter, Reuben, 28
Sherwood, Homer, 21
Melissa, 37
Selfridge, Thomas Oliver, 7
Sessions, John, Esq., 55
Walter, 3, 15
Severs, Amelia, 49
Shepherd, Cynthia. 29
Dr., 29
Shippy, Artemas, 16
Calvin, 5
Hezekiah, 3, 15
John, 4, 16
Meribah , 4, 16
Saunders, Asaph , 26
Zabina, 26
Seward, -----, 54, 55
Ira 3, 4, 15, 34, 36
Mary, 36
Miles W.H., 34
Stephen, 54
Sawtel, Levi, 39
Sewel, Mr. , 35
Sawyer, Amos, 3
Ephraim, 15
Jacob, 54
James, 25
Joseph, Rev. , 20
Lewis, 11
Lucy, 29
Luke, Jr., 4
Shaddock/Shattock, Gardner, 14
James, 14
Samuel, 14
Shumway, John, Esq., 38
Polly, Mrs. , 38
Shannon, Morris R., 3
Shuttleworth, Samuel, Esq., 11
Shaw, Capt., 54
Deborah, 36
Harvey, 14
Jairus, 4
John, 16
John, Esq ., 20
Luther Grant, 14
Polly, 9
Rockcylena, 20
William, 14, 16
Sikes, Bingham, 43
Eunice, 43
Harry, 43
Sargents, John, 3, 15
Sari, Sophrona, 36
Scales, James, 53
Scheller, J., Mr. , 39
Schofield, John, 48
Scott, Ebenezer, 48
Elisha, 15
Pairces, 7
Phineas, 16
Polly, 50
Winfield, Maj. Gen., 13
Scovel/Scovil, -----, 3
John, 15
Seaman/Seamans, Andrew, 41
Charles, 15, 16
Charles, Esq:, 1
John, 16
Shirtliff/Sh urtleff, Harriet, 32
Louisa, 13
Short, Phidelia C., 3 7
Stephen, 37
Simonds/Simons, Mr., 55
Nathaniel, 4
Simpson, Col., 5
John , Capt. , 35
Sanford, 25
Sims, Axa, 47
Shays, David, 54
Skinner, John, Capt., 41
Sheals, -----, 3
Slade, William, 22
Sheldon, James, Rev ., 42
Joel, Jr., 15
Joseph, 14
Medad, 10, 48
Moses, 3, 14, 15
Moses, Jr., 3, 15
Nancy, 47
Slason, Calvin, 2
Sloan, Luke, 3
Lyman, 47
Mary, 7
Samuel, 7
Smalley, Adoniram, 16
Adonirum, 4
David, 36
Smalley (cont.)
Ruth, 3, 15
Smead, Almeda, 44
Smedley, Aaron, 49
Lucy, Mrs ., 40
Smith, Abigail, 55
Abraham, 47
Arn old, 3
Benjamin, 30
Benson, 14
Betsey, 4
Cephas, Jr., 26
Cephas, Jr. , Capt. , 14
Chester, Esq., 45
Dan, 3, 15, 34
Daniel, 3, 4
E., Rev ., 52
Ebenezer, 16, 20, 29, 37
Elihu, Rev ., 38, 42
Elijah, 3
Eliza, 40
Elizabeth, 2
Fanny Austin, 39
George, 28
Harriet, 34
Harry D ., 34
Harvey D., Esq., 40
Hepsibah, 2
Horace Chipman, 9
Huldah, 5
lsrael, 27
Jacob, 47
James, 19, 35
Joan, 13
John,3,4, 14, 16
John Cornwell, 53
Jonathan, Hon ., 46
Levi, 13 , 16, 37
Levi, Jr., 16
Luther, 4
Lydia, 32
Melancton, Col. , 6
Moses, 56
Nathan, 19, 29
Nathaniel, 55
Nehemiah, 17
Nehemiah, Capt. , 32
Obed, 2
Obed C., 1
Olive, 28
Phebe, 29
Phoebe, 19
Pliny, Hon., 28
Smith (cont.)
Prudence, 4
Rev. , 17, 19, 38
Richard, 3, 15
Rufus, 32
Samuel I. , 30
Samuel Stanhope, Rev., 40
Septimus, 15
Silas, 11
Simeon, 53
Sophia, 24
Timothy, 54
Virtue, 44
W.D., Esq., 9
William, 35 , 54
William D. , Esq., 39
Sneed, Benjamin, 37
Sneyd, Honoria, 20
Snow, Joseph, 14
Septimus, 3
Some, Samuel, Rev. , 41
Soper, Eunice, 47
Hannah, 27
Prince, 54
Sophia Charlotte, Queen, 32
Southerland, Peter, 16
Southwick, David, 3
Josiah, 35
Spencer (cont.)
Nathan, 50
T., 15
Thomas, 4, 16
Sperry, Lyman, 38
Spooner, Alden, Esq., 48
Eliakim, 27, 44
Gilbert, 15
James J. , 32
Mary B., 48
William , 14
Wyman, 30
Sprague, Nathan T. , 16
Spring, Samuel, Rev., 34
Sproat, David C., 33
Sproull, Capt., 10
Squares, Laura, 38
Truman, Esq., 38
Squier/Squire, Andrew, Jr. , 46
Daniel, 4
Minerva, 46
Stacey/Stacy, Joseph, 42
Stacy, Benjamin, 14
Ebenezer, 14, 15
Stafford. John , 42
Palmer, 3
Spafford, Horatio Gates, 35
Oliver, 11
Standish, ----- , 35
Lemuel , 14
Lemuel. Esq. , 22
William, 2, 14
Spalding, Mahalia, 21
Stanford, Richard, Hon., 5
Sparhawk, Noah , 16
Noah, Esq ., 2
Stanley, Curtis, Esq ., 38
Miller, 43
Sally, 2
Southworth , Isaac, 4
Sparks, Stephen, Jr. , 29
Spaulding, Betsey, 6
Harry, 44
Joseph, 19
Lois, 36
Nancy, 45
Pamela, 17
Philip, 6
Phinehas, 40
Sylvia, 50
Zadock, 13
Spencer, Calvin, 55
Esther, 7
Jesse, Capt., 6
Mary, 16
Stannard, Daniel, 35
Stansberry, Rev., 36
Staples, Mrs ., 40
Starkweather, William, 9
Startwell, Maria T., 42
Statia, Cornelius, 14
Stearns, Charles, 49
David, 3, 15
Ephraim, 16
Lewis, 50
Rebeckah, 50
Sally, 15
Stebbins, E., Rev.,. 33
Stephens, Anna, 14
Sterling, William, 45
Sternes/Sterns, Jerusha, 34
Sally, 7
Truman, Dr., 38
Stetson, Betsey, 1
Stevens, Caleb, 43
Czar, 2
Ebenezer, 52
Elijah, 7
George, 38
H., 38
Joel, 14
John, 4
Jonathan, 3
Luke, 32
Lydia, 30
Reuben, 4
Simon, Hon ., 13
Steward/Stewart, Aaron, 16
Alphonso C., 35
Sarah M., 30
Stiles, Job, 3, 14
John , 3
Josiah, 2, 14
Olive, 3
Samuel, 3
Stillwell, William, 16, 30
Stockwell, Joseph, 5
Stoddard, Abel, 41
Stone, Abigail, 3 1
Isaac, 4, 16
Jonas, 4
Nathaniel, 55
Rhoda, 55
Sheldon, 24, 30, 41
Simon, 15 , 31
Storer, Deborah, 17
E. Gilman, 41
William, 4, 16, 17
Storrs, Delia, 43
Story, Lucinda, 17
Stoughton, Don Juan, 46
Stow/Stowe, George, Capt. 49
Joab, 16
Rachel, 49
Strafford, Susan, 31
Stratton, Amos, 4
Strong, Caleb, Hon., 12, 42
Elliot, 54
Henry, 44
Jemima, 44
John, 15
Loraine, 13
Moses, 16, 28
Moses, Esq. , 13
Nancy, 12
Nathan, Rev., 11
Return, 16
Sarah, 12
Timothy C., 6
Walter, 47
Stuart, James, 12
Roxana, 55
Thomas, Esq., 55
Sturges, Jonathan, Hon., 42
Sullings, John, 54
Phebe, 14
William, 42
Sutherland, James, 54
Peter, 3, 4
Sutton, Jacob, 4
Swallow, Sophia, 43
Swan, William, Col., 17
Sweat, Thomas, 3
Sweet, Fanny, 8
John, 3, 8, 15
Swetland, Lydia, 3. 15
William, 16
Taberffabor, Arden, 3, 15
Elihu, Jr., 47
Gideon, 3, 15
Taft, Levi, 3
Phineas, 4
Phinehas, 3
Timothy, 16, 22, 26
Tallmage, Matthias B., Hon., 42
Tanner, John, 34
Tarbell, James, 11
Tarbox, Mr., 35
Tayber, Alanson, 40
Taylor, Ebenezer, 30
Edward, 54
Henry, Lt., 30
Taylor (cont.)
Jonathan, 4
Samuel, 43
Thomas, 18
Temple, Anna, 44
Annis, 29
Ebenezer, 44
Hannah, 28
Robert, Attorney, 45
Robert, Esq., 27
Roswell, 29
Tenney, Alvan, 10
Alvin, 11
Lucy, 11
Luna, 10
Tharp, Betsey, 50
George, Esq., 50
Thatcher, Amasa, 15
Thayerffhayre, Jacob, 3
James, 16
Thomas Abraham, 15
Asa, 15
Eber, 3
Isaiah, Jr., 38
James. Col., 30
John, 15
Joseph. 15
Peter, 16
Thompson , Amos, Hon., 20, 38
Andrew. Esq., 52
Dorothy, 20
Dothre, 20
Gilbert Livingston, 27
J.C., 3
James, 37
John C., 10
Joseph, 45
Rev., 6
Samuel, 48
Thrall, Chauncey, 11, 44
Chauncey, Esq., 28
Lurana, 44
Theodocia, 11
Thrasher, Elisha, 49
True S., 49
Throop, John, Esq., 48
Nathaniel, Esq., 48
Thurlton, Nathan,_11
Thurston, Richard, 46
Tudor, Edward, Dr., 29
Tifft, Samuel, 24
Tupper, Thomas, Maj., 20
Tilden, Ithamar, 3
Turner, Moses, 3, 20
Moses, Esq., 14
William, 35
Tinckham!finkham, Anson, 25
D., Rev ., 1
Luther, 2
Todd, Elizabeth, Widow, 48
Jonathan, 15
Thomas, Dr., 48
Tomlinson, Truman, 3, 14
Tompkins, Arietta Minthome, 27
Daniel D., 27
Torrey, Aaron, 15
Ripley, 15
Tousley, Samuel, 15
Tower, Joseph, Deac., 24
Towler, Jason, 15
Towner, Elizabeth, 4
Townsend, Susannah, 50
William, 50
Townshend, Marshall, 53
Townson, John, 16
Towson, Nathan, Lt. Col. , 5
Tracey!fracy, Daniel, 46
Mary, 46
Phebe, 42
Solomon, 15, 40, 42
Tuttle, David, 53
David, Capt. , 52
Ebenezer P., 19, 20
Ebenezer P., Jr., 1
Harvey, 19
Henry D., 22, 33 , 35
Marcia, 13
Nancy, 1
Noah, 15
Rhoda, 19
Russel, 4
Samuel, 3, 48
Twiggs, John, Maj. Gen. , 5
Twitchell, Daniel, 4, 16
Tyrrell, Lewis, 18
Underwood , David, 16
Uran, James, 15
Jonathan, 15
Vail, Isaac J., 18
Seeley, 33
Wales , Joseph Needham , 54
Mary, 44
Walker, Abraham, 3, 16
Ann, 55
Benjamin, Jr., Maj., 21
David, Maj ., 47
Elisha, 3, 15
Hannah, 11
Jedediah, 14, 41
John C., Col., 39
Mary, 21, 53
Otis, Esq., 30
Samuel, 16
Silvia, 41
Sophia, 27
Wallace, Elizabeth, 8
James, 43
William, 8
Walton , George S., 27
Treadwell, Bradley, 53
Van Tyne, John, 33
Tremble, Rhodolphus, 23
Van Vechton, Eliza, 33
Trion, Elijah, 15
Van Wart, Isaac, 12
Trip!fripp, Jonathan, 55
Robert, 40
Thomas, 16
Van Wert, -----, 24
Vaughn , Caleb, 36
James, 39, 40
Trowbridge, Clement, Esq., 31
Dr. , 31
Yeats, Seth, 3
Truesdall, Lemuel, 16
Virginia, Luther, 45
Tucker, A. , 50
B., 15
C., 15
Sophia, 54
Waldo, Roxa, 34
Spencer, 4, 34, 46
Walsh, Arraham , 5
Train, John , 3
Tryon, Elisha, 3
Stephen, Capt. , 46
Walden , John, 28
Polly, 28
Wallis, Ashley, 22
Ebenezer, 25
Van Renselaer, Stephen, Jr., Esq.,
Trumbull, Benjam in , Rev. Dr., 46
William , 15
Walbridge, Ann, 37
Ebenezer, Gen., 42
Gustavus, 37
Solomon, 31
Wadhams, Heman, 2, 14
Wadsworth, Samuel, 4
Wainwright, Rev., 29
Richard, 50
Wait, Azuba, 13
Washington Z., 15
Ward , Anna, 32
Ira, 33
Minerva, 50
Samuel, 16
William, Hon. , 39
William, Jr. , 32
Warn , Richard, 51
Warner, Almon, Esq., 43
Benjamin, 10
Hyman, 24
Jeptha, 21
Peter, 1
Roxana, 33
Warren , Bethuel, 4, 16
Charity, 1
David, 3
David, Jr., 15
Ephraim, 16
Horace, 8
Oliver W.L., 28 .
Warren (cont.)
Samuel, Capt., 23
Silas, 43
Westcoat/Westcott, George, 15
Palmer, 1
Warrington , Lewis, Capt. , 14
Wetherbe/Wetherby, Harriet, 1, 2
Mary S., 19
Washburn, Jacob,43
Wetherell, Polly, 34, 35
Waterman , Joseph, 17
Wetmore, Delia, 45
J.P., 45
Waters, Stephen, Deac., 32
Watkins, Moses, 30
Temperance, Mrs., 42
Watrous, Oliver, 34
Watson, Benjamin, 10, 19
Jesse, 54
Joseph, 15
Joseph, Col., 24
Rebecca, 43
Sally M., 24, 25
Sarah, 51
Sophia, 19
William, 26
Wead/Weed , -----, 42
Ira, 12
Jacob, 3
Lydia, 3
Parthena, 22
Webber, Asa Barney, Dr. , 44
William, 4, 16, 44
Webster, Harriet L. , 26
Weeden , Samuel, 36
Weeks, -----, 15
David, Jr. , 26
Elijah, 48
Holland, 3
Holland, Re v., 41
Sabra, 39
William , 24
Welch, Daniel, 15
Weller, Diana, 44
Jonathan, 44
Wells, Alexander, 16
John, Esq., 5
Lucinda, 5
Wentworth, Reuben, 3
Wesson , Rev., 28
West, Benjamin, 49, 50
Lydia, 8
Nathaniel R., 8
Wharton , Franklin, Col. , 28
Whedon, Electa E., 49
Wheeler, Abraham, 19
Caroline Eliza, 31
Chester, 34
Daniel, 48
Elizabeth, 12
Elmira, 48
Guy, 2, 14
Jesse, 3, 16
John B., 4
Jonas,4, 15
Jonas, Esq., 55
Joshua, 16
Lucretia, 34
Moses, 12
Obadiah, 1, 3
Otis, 3, 15
Peter, 38
Seth, 25
Zadoc, Esq. , 11
Zadoc, Hon ., 31
Wheelock, Adeline, 47
Eleazer, 29 , 47
James, Rev ., 33
John, Hon., 17
Rev., 46
Whipple, Abraham, Commodore,
Anna, 22
Anson, 37
Charlotte, 2
Ethan, 15
J. , 15
James, 47
Joseph, 15
Samuel, 22, 33
Thomas, 55
Wright, 7
White, -----, 42
Abraham, 50
Alex, 4
Cephas, 16
Charlotte, 48
White (cont.)
Eliza, 42
Eluthera 47
Hosea, 16
J., Esq., 17
John, Hon., 7
Joseph, Jr., Esq., 6
Nehemiah, 10
Thomas, Esq. , 37
Thuseby, 1
William Charles, 25
Whitehouse, William , 12
Whitlock, Chloe, 33 , 54
James, 33
John, 54
Lewis, 3, 14, 15
Mahitable, 15
Samuel L. , 54
Whitmore, Asahel, 15, 16
Edward, 23
Phillip, 3
Samuel, 4
Wilmanh, 23
Whitney, Benjamin, 3, 15
Elisha, 15
John , 1
Sarah, 4
Solomon, 3, 15
Whiton , Shermon, 18
Wicks , Elijah, 48
Wilcox , Amon, 3 I
Joseph , 13
Martin, 14
Wilder, Calvin, 15
Charles, 16
Willard , Elizabeth, 8
Mr., 38
Samuel, 3
Silas R., 15
Solomon, 13
Timothy, 8
Willes, Lydia, 11
Willey, Adeline, 43
Williams, -----, 24
Abraham, 30
Adin, 55
Charles K., 16
Charles K., Col., 17
Clarissa, 23
David, 12
Williams (cont.)
Elisha, Esq., 44
Flavel, 45
Israel, Jr., 31
Jerusha, 21
John, 24
Nathan, Capt., 52
Nathaniel, 9
Putnam T., 12
Samuel, Rev., 10, 25
Stephen, 15
William, 42
William A. , 9
Williamson, Hugh, M.D. , L.L.D. ,
Willis, Capt. , 51
Nathaniel, 9
Silas, 4
Silas 0., 4, 16
William A., 9
Willmot, Ann, 23
Wilmer, S., Rev., 12
Willson/Wilson , Betsey, 29
Ezra, 4, 16, 29
lra, 36
Michael, 15
Moses, 24
Mrs., 40
Winants, Clarissa, 56
Winder, Levin , General , 39
Wing, Benjamin, 31
Jaines,Esq ., 7
Winslow, Job, 3, 16
Kenelm, 16
Wiseman, John, 15
Witherell, James, Hon., 24
Woodworth, John, 38
Wood, Amos, 53
Ephraim, Rev., 23
Ezra, 15
John, 15, 16
Josiah, 4
Nathan, 32, 38
Wooley, Sarah, 12
Thomas, 25
William W., 31
Woodard, Erastus, 16
Jesse, 3
Sally, Widow, 2
Woodbury, Eunice, 45
Woodcock,-----, 32
Clarissa, 1
Elias, 4
Woodford, Martha, Mrs. , 40
Timothy, Maj., 40
Woodhouse, Philinda, 13
Woodman, Lewis, 4
Woodruff, Elisha, 3, 7, 16
James, 52
Phineas, 3
Phinehas, 16
Woods, Abel, Jr., 27
Elder, 27
John, Gen ., 11
Woodward, Eliza, 38
Jesse, 16
John, 51
Joseph, 42
Rufus, 42
Stephen, 33
Theodore, 14, 23
William H., Esq., Hon., 28
Wisewell/Wiswell, Joanna, Widow,
Mary, 32
Mr., 30
Wooster, John, 3, 16
Worcester, Asa, 23
Leonard, Rev., 45, 51
Worthington, Patty, 23
Wright, Asahel, 54
Charles, Esq., 33
Elutheria, 45
George, 44
George,Jr., 44
Isaac R., 3, 15
John, Esq., 53
Josiah , Hon., 11
Lydia, 34
Mandana, 32
Mary, 11
S., 45
Simeon, 3, 4, 16, 55
Simeon, Esq., 38
Susan P., 53
Wyman, Abigail, Widow, 36
Artemas, 3, 15
Ashley, 3
Fanny, 50
Francis, 36
John , 4
Yarington, Alden, 18
Young, John, 15
John G., 29
Samuel B., Esq., 55
Sarah, 8

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