WX930 Trailer Log Splitter Parts Manual
WX930 Trailer Log Splitter Parts Manual S/N 340001 & After Foreword EMB Mfg. has prepared this parts manual to assist customers in ordering quality OEM replacement parts. Proper and regular service and replacing old, worn or broken parts with the correct Wallenstein parts are essential to prolonging the life of your Wallenstein product. Please refer to this manual before ordering any replacement parts. All information contained in this parts manual is based on the latest product specification available at the time of printing this manual. If your product differs from the specifications contained within this manual contact EMB Mfg. for information. EMB reserves the right to alter specifications on their products at any time. Reproduction of this parts manual of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission from EMB Mfg. Note: Log splitters with factory installed light kits will have a VIN number included. The last six numbers of this VIN number are the splitters serial number Example: 2E9US1112BSXXXXXX Serial Number WX930 RevE Table of Contents Engine & Pump Cylinder Main Parts Valve Valve & Fittings Hub 4-Way Wedge (Optional) Light Kit (Optional) Decal Breakdown 4 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 12 WX930 Splitter Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. ORIENT SEALS AS SHOWN 4 1 3 5 2 4-1/2" x 48" STROKE CYLINDER PARTS ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART NO. G450-250SA P100-450SA 2013C3014 2013C3012 Z72292G8 SLK-4525 DESCRIPTION 4-1/2" Bore x 2-1/2" Rod Gland With Seals 4-1/2" Bore Piston With Seals Barrel, 4-1/2" Rod,2-1/2x 1 Hex Lock Nut 1NF Grade 8 Seal Kit, 4-1/2 x 2-1/2 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 2061A103 9hp ENGINE / PUMP ASSEMBLY PARTS ITEM PART NO. Z47136 Z53802 Z46404 Z46405 Z46409 Z53205 Z51331 Z71210 Z46533 Z46592 Z71274 Z71320 Z72231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DESCRIPTION Honda 9hp Engine Pump Mounting, PM-9 Shaft Coupler L095 x 1 Coupler Spider L095 Shaft Coupler L095 x 1/2 Pump, 16gpm Two-Stage Elbow 90 MP x FPX 0808 Hex Bolt 5/16NC x 1 Key 1/4 x 1/4 x 1 Woodruff Key, 1/8 x 1/2 Hex Bolt, 5/16NF x 1 Hex Bolt 3/8NC x 2 Hex Lock Nut 3/8NC 5 4 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 11 1 3 7 6 2 13 12 8 10 Page 4 9 Sept 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual 9 15 14 14 C 12 D A A C 24 2 27 13 6 12 18 D B 11 25 16 26 17 4 10 B 23 19 21 8 3 7 28 29 30 20 5 31 32 33 42 41 44 22 34 25 24 WX930 PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ITEM 40 40 41 42 43 44 PART NO. 2013C301 2032A202 2032S213 2052W704 2054A402 2056W611 2057W710 2061A103 2061W103 Z51223 Z51331 Z52301 Z52305 Z52310 Z52405 Z55303 Z55304 Z71512 Z71530 Z71560 Z72221 Z72231 Z72251 Z72251 Z76231 Z79401 Z91202 Z91302 Z91512 Z91614 Z92303 Z92303-2 Z96503 PART NO. 2014S414 2058W803 Z71540 Z71576 Z72251 DESCRIPTION Cylinder, 4-1/2 x 48" x 2-1/2 Wedge, Large Sliding Assy Plate, Cylinder Retaining Weldment, Hitch Mount Breather cap dipstick Weldment, WX920 Tank Weldment, WX930 Cylinder Assy, 9hp Engine to 16gpm Pump Weldment, Fender Reducer, MP x FP 1608 Elbow 90 MP x FPX 0808 1/2 Hose MP08 x MP08 x 16" 1/2 Hose, MP08 x MP08 x 24" 1/2 Hose MP08 x MP08 x 48" Suction Hose, 1" x 22" Oil Filter - 1" - Particulate Filter Cap, FP16 x FP16 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 1-1/4 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 3 Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 6 Hex Lock Nut 5/16NC Hex Lock Nut 3/8NC Hex Lock Nut 1/2NC Hex Lock Nut 1/2NC Carriage Bolt 3/8NC x 1 Hose Clamp, #16 Assembly, 1000# 4-Bolt Hub 5.30-12 LRB SportTrail 4 Spoked Side-Wind 10" Swivel Jack 2" Hitch Coupler Safety Chain 1/4 x 2' Safety Snap Manual Tube 3-1/2 Short DESCRIPTION Plate, Sliding Wedge Capture Wedge, Large Sliding Hex Bolt 1/2NC x 4 Hex Bolt 1/2NF x 1-1/2 Hex Lock Nut 1/2NC QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 2 3 1 4 5 12 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 QTY - 43 Sept 2011 Page 5 6 NOTES: 1. SUB-R (#7) REMOVED FROM FRONT VIEW TO INCREASE CLARITY OF SUB-LS (#6). 2. SPOOL REMOVED FROM TOP VIEW TO INCREASE CLARITY 7 REV. A DATE 11/16/04 ? 5 4 DESCRIPTION REPLACED SF488(2PC) W/ LS306 TITLE: 2 8 ITEM NO. QTY. 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 9 - PART NO: LS755T4JRSH MATERIAL: PART NO. DESCRIPTION AOCASTB AO CASTING LS304T4J SPOOL P1740 NAME TAG SF305 WIPER SF304 QUAD RING SUB-LS SUB-LS B5057 7/16 BALL DC7604 3/16 BALL SF306 RETAINER SF477L SH LS ENDCAP XDC672 LS SLEEVE SF483 SPACER SF486 ALLEN SCREW SF489 CENTER STOP SF490 CENTERING SPRING SF492 HOUSING SF315 SPACER LS305 DETENT SPRING DC7583 O-RING 3-902 SF496 O-RING, BLUE, METRIC LS306 LS WIPER SF502 5/16 LOCK WASHER SF503 PLUNGER, SPRING SF504 5/16 HEX JAM NUT SUB-R RELIEF P1603 CAP NUT SF322 O-RING 2-016 SF364A ADJ. SCREW B505 SPRING SF361A POPPET Z56915 SDC-HJ HANDLE KIT SF377 RETAINER SF376 SEAL RETAINER SF367A CLEVIS SF368 HANDLE SF369 PIN P1767 PIN CLIP HP5 MACH. SCREW SF311 KNOB SF308 CAP SCREW SF303T4J SPOOL P1654 WARNING TAG BRAND HYDRAULICS CO., INC 2332 SOUTH 25TH STREET, OMAHA NEBRASKA 68105 JB DRAWN BY: DATE: 4/29/04 APRV'D BY: APRV'D DATE: 1:3 SCALE: LS VALVE w/ NON-AJUSTABLE KICKOUT STANDARD TOLERANCE P/N ENDING IN "UF" HAVE NOT UNLESS NOTED: RECEIVED FINISH OPERATIONS 0.00 0.010 (0.015 GCI) 0.000 0.005 (0.010 GCI) FINISHING SPECIFICATIONS: = .005 TIR HEAT TREAT: - 2RC X FRACTION 1/32 ANGLE 2 GRIND: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES PLATE: - Sept 2011 Page 6 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual Sept 2011 REV. 18 16 DATE 7 4 5 DESCRIPTION 17 6 1 Note: This diagram is for reference only. Parts not sold separately. 12 9 13 MATERIAL: - A A DESCRIPTION 7/16 BALL 3/16 BALL RETAINER SH LS ENDCAP SD SLEEVE SPACER ALLEN SCREW CENTER STOP CENTERING SPRING HOUSING SPACER DETENT SPRING O-RING 3-902 METRIC O-RING LS WIPER 5/16 LOCK WASHER SPRING PLUNGER 5/16 HEX JAM NUT DRAWN BY: JCRAIG PART NO: DATE: 01/04/2006 SUB-LS APRV'D BY: APRV'D DATE: 1:2 SCALE: LOG SPLITTER SUB-ASSEMBLY BRAND HYDRAULICS CO., INC SECTION A-A PART NO. B5057 DC7604 SF306 SF477L SF480 SF483 SF486 SF489 SF490 SF492 SF315 LS305 DC7583 SF496 LS306 SF502 SF503 SF504 2332 SOUTH 25TH STREET, OMAHA NEBRASKA 68105 3 14 STANDARD TOLERANCE P/N ENDING IN "UF" HAVE NOT UNLESS NOTED: RECEIVED FINISH OPERATIONS 0.00 0.010 (0.015 GCI) 0.000 0.005 (0.010 GCI) FINISHING SPECIFICATIONS: = .005 TIR HEAT TREAT: - 2RC X FRACTION 1/32 ANGLE 2 GRIND: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES PLATE: - TITLE: 2 10 8 11 15 ITEM NO. QTY. 1 1 2 4 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 2 8 2 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual Page 7 WX930 Splitter Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. 1 1 6 6 2 1 4 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALVE AND FITTINGS PARTS BREAKDOWN PART NO. Z51331 Z56209 *Z56210* Z56915 Z72111 Z75114 Description Elbow 90 MP x FPX 0808 Valve, Single Function Detent Valve, Closed Center Complete Handle Kit for Z56209 Hex Lock Nut 1/4NC SHCS, 1/4NC x 1-3/4 QTY. 4 1 * 1 3 3 5 1 *CLOSED CENTER VALVE REQUIRED FOR "C" MODELS.* 2 1 1 6 5 4 15 10 1000# 4-BOLT HUB PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITEM 10 ITEM 15 Page 8 PART NO. Z23201 Z28301 Z29201 Z72931 Z91201 Z91801 PART NO. Z72691 PART NO. Z12322 DESCRIPTION L44643 Cone, L44610 Cup Double Lip Seal 1-1/4 Shaft Grease Fitting, 1/8NPT Lug Nut 1/2NF 1000# 4-Bolt Hub Dust Cap 1.98 Bore DESCRIPTION Slotted Hex Nut 1NF DESCRIPTION Cotter Pin 3/16 X 2 QTY 2 1 1 4 1 1 QTY 1 QTY 1 Sept 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual 3 1 2 W4130 4-Way Wedge (Optional) ITEM 1 2 3 Sept 2011 PART NO. 2082W301 2082S307 Z72231 DESCRIPTION Weldment, Main 4-Way U-Bolt, 3 x 4 Hex Lock Nut 3/8NC QTY 1 1 2 Page 9 WX930 Splitter Parts Manual WX TRAILER SPLITTER WIRING WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. KEY Bl – BLUE Br – BROWN Gr – GREEN Rd – RED Yl – YELLOW Bk – BLACK Wh - WHITE RIGHT SIDE 4-WIRE EXTEND PAST COUPLER BY 24" Yl STOP TAIL TURN Gr Br Gr Wh Br LICENSE LAMP GROUND ALL COMMON TO FRAME Br Br Yl Wh STOP TAIL TURN LEFT SIDE Page 10 Sept 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual 4 7 11 5 2 6 10 3 1 9 8 2089A350 LIGHT KIT (Optional) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sept 2011 PART NO. 2054L402 2054L601 2054L622 2054W403 2054W404 Z61106 Z61107 Z62105 Z72231 Z72941 Z76231 DESCRIPTION Light Bracket, LH Light Bracket, RH Bracket, Light Base Light Guard, RH Light Guard, LH Stop, Turn, Tail Light LH Stop, Turn, Tail Light RH 110" Wishbone Trailer Harness Hex Lock Nut 3/8NC Serrated Washer Nut 1/4NC Carriage Bolt 3/8NC x 1 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 Page 11 WX930 Splitter Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. HORIZONTAL LOG SPLITTER DECAL BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART NO. Z94039 Z94040 Z94067 Z94056 Z94019 Z94066 DESCRIPTION CAUTION - Read Manual WARNING - Moving Wedge Clear Guide Wallenstein Made in Canada Apply Oil or Grease QTY 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 6 5 3 2 4 2 Page 12 3 4 Sept 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual Trailer Splitter Decals Z94056 Z94019 Z94067 Z94066 NOTE Z94039 APPLY OIL OR GREASE UNTIL PAINT IS REMOVED Z94040 Sept 2011 Page 13 WX930 Splitter Parts Manual WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. TWO PANEL 920/930 SPLITTER DECAL BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PART NO. Z94119 Z94123 Z94067 Z94056 Z94019 Z94142 Z94124 DESCRIPTION CAUTION - Read Manual Keep Feet Clear Clear Guide Wallenstein Made in Canada 99 dB Sound Level Keep Hands Clear QTY 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 6 3 7 5 4 2 3 Page 14 4 Sept 2011 WALLENSTEIN by EMB Mfg. WX930 Splitter Parts Manual Two Panel Trailer Splitter Decals Z94019 Z94142 Z94067 Z94056 Z94119 Sept 2011 Z94123 Z94124 Page 15 WALLENSTEIN Products Manufactured by: EMB MFG Inc. 4144 Boomer Line St. Clements, Ontario Canada N0B 2M0 Phone: 1-877-695-9283 Fax: 519-699-4146 www.embmfg.com
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