Heron Club 2050 Goodpasture Loop Eugene, OR 97401 (541)334-5100 fax: (541)431-0719 APPLICATION TO RENT APPLICANTSlast Name First Middle Driver'slicense # and State Soc. Sec. IBirthdate Numberof Total Occupants Name of Present landlord What type of pet do you have? Dno Dcat Ibs Ddog Dyes CURRENT RESIDENCE HISTORY State City Zip rhone # Telephone # Howlong? SECTION 2 APPLICANTSPreviousAddress PREVIOUS RESIDENCE HISTORY State Zip City Do you have pets? SECTION 1 APPLICANTSCurrentAddress Apt.# Apt.# Name of Previous landlord .' .!! To: From: , " !?!.' -. Previouslandlord#2 Telephone# SECTION 3 APPLICANT CurrentEmployment(Sourceof Income) EMPLOYMENT Department Address State City -Previous Employment (Source of Income) Address Dother IpreviouslandlordPhone# To: From: Howlong? PreviouslandlordTelephone# Previous Address #2 landlord APPLICANT Ibs Zip State City Howlong? Phone MonthlyIncome $ Supervisor's NameIC.O. How long? Phone Zip :) Supervisor's NameIC.O. IPOSition Held/Occupation Department . , HISTORY Monthly Income rOSitiOn HeldlOccupatio $ ADDITIONAL INCOME SOURCE: Amount of $ , Source per SECTION 4 CREDIT AND LOAN REFERENCES Auto #1 (Make & Model) lic. Plate State Car Payment made to Auto #2 (Make & Model) lic. Plate State Car Payment made to Monthly Payment $ Monthly Payment $ Other Vehicles (Boats, Vans, Motorcycles, RV's, etc.) Make. Model, license Plate Total Debt loans, Charge Accounts, & Credit Cards owed to Monthly Payment $ Total Debt Monthly Payment $ Checking Account # Other Branch Bank or Savings and loan SECTION5 '"' ADDITIONALINFORMATION Name of APPLICANTS Nearest Relative Relationship Address City State Phone Emergency Contact Relationship Address City State Phone Personal Reference Relationship Address City State Phone .,.'. Why are you vacating your present place of residence?, How did you hear about us?(if referred by a friend or relative please include their name and address) Have you given legal notice to vacate? Dyes Dno Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Dyes Ono I certify that the above information is grounds for rejection of the application. If any information and mode of living. I understand lan(jlord~may obtain an Investigative rental history, and may include information You have the right to request additional disclosures IHhe application by the screening is approved, applicant(s) will have _hours consumer report or false information Consumer is of tenancy. Report which includes the as to hislher character, general reputation, provided for under section 606 of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, and a written summary of your rights pursuant to Section 609(c). information provided to the ownerlagent and scope of the investigation. that giving incomplete supplied on this is later found to be false, this is grounds for termination has charged a screening fee as set forth above. checking of the applicant's credit, income, employment, personal characteristics, Dno is complete and correct and hereby authorize you to do a credit check, obtain an investigative and make any inquiries you feel necessary to evaluate my tenancy and credit standing. OwnerlAgent Dyes Have you ever been evicted? When and where? You have the right to dispute the accuracy of the company or the credit bureau as well as a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature from the time of notification to either execute a rental agreement and make all deposits required thereunder or make a deposit to hold the apartment and execute a deposit receipt which will provide for the forfeiture of the deposit if applicant(s) fail to occupy the apartment. If applicants fail to timely take the steps required above, they will be deemed to have refused the a apartment and the next applicant for the apartment will be processed. Date:_'_'- Applicant x. Manager Date:_'_'- x, - ~ ,&, ',' ,------ Style of apartl11el1t: ---- 1 Bedrool11 __2 BedroOlll 3 Bedroot11 I>ate apartnlellt - -- Heeded: ------ ._- ------- --"?"-~ -~.;:i{xYz' '~. ., ~~t'-1 1' " ..~.--~-j ~- )B~ ~ ' Pet Policy: J The Heron Club dUI's allow small orllllf/Jcf.r as long iT5thr'.fr)17nWT/I/! 1. On(v app1'-n: I pet I:f aIIO1.!Jf'dl'f'r al1<1 rlml'Ilt llIml hf' adult, lzouJd>ro/.-m, II ,/il/NI to obedieJlt'f'. &: .<tdYI'r//'11>utaed S. A $3(XJ.(}() lIoll-r'!fimdl/hIf i'd.fP" 11Iwl hI'faid. ReJidl'l11 1f'1111>1'"'S1'11/1(/-"'(',/0l' i'"ying '-aItJ remllingfrom thf' pet. . 4. T1zp-pet wil/not bp-allowed to a,'"t, '7(1'_Ul7'elIoiJP-. 5. rl('(llI 1fp .roil 01' mf'-f.f immediatf-'1.r "/"'rllf',f/~vthepet. 6. Pd 11111.,1 I/(-'keft on /1If't1slzand atll'J/,It'dI1t all times '2. Tit" f'd 7. Cumf'1.vwith all ci~vor com/f.'> ordll//ml""< 1'f'gardil1g any 1'epair or 1'ef.laa'1!/(,//[ j)('tr - - .--.--.---- .u.- ----- -. ------------------- RESERVATION PROCESS 1. A $25.( ,( I 'Inlir'll;. n fre is rP'lui, rd 1° J' r<"I. Tile "Frlir"lion If'(' is fer II,,:, "'rr'(:~I' a. 1,1<nJllt' \'(,'ilicJlioll b. ('"n"'III , I " /11,1.ling till' f.II,\\ilq: 'JI1.I,n'viells l'IIIJlu,1 ,. I." "'" c. C"./;t ",lilll d. P.'ropl.-I/IIII'H"r,lr.,lrr:Il, <ell.,1;. '" ., jIl'11I11ell'~ e. 2. CdJllilnl" {'I'd Upon arl"'C\'JI 'f"11\\illl:-e rerll1irr-J In , "I ' 1>K('.(O res'" ,Ii, " ,', f' ,if. II 'ICIIcall' .IIInllf' r-ese,valioll I. I. re '!"III' move-in J,II' ""II" ,I. r"'il \\ ill 1-('J'f,fulI-II,1'1< I, IIf"'~: 25 ,L'I~ 111"""" rdm In rnc"l:-ill 20 --},1 J"I' 6 - r) .1"'1' pi0r In mnv('-in 0 - Ci"""~ pkr- I" lrIo"e-ill 3. 41;1'7'>.('(1nfulI,lei 1!,W >.(f! ,AIII\.ltJ rd"f' 10 1II0\I'-ill ~ I( '.CO fefulI,Jrci u_- ( ,( C H fllwl, , Reasons f,,1'q (1'lIi,,1 \\ill "" ~e disw,,"1. --,---------- '!I. j\"'J illlcn1lrJlil'lI ""11 i' 1111\'rih ,II. , I' f,llsifi.,I \\;1111 calise for a.l, IIhI. -.--.---- ----- -- n___---
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