Final Call for Papers


Final Call for Papers
6th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World,
November 25-27, 2015, Guangzhou, China
Information Management in the Big Data Era: For a Better World
(Final Call for Papers)
***Submission Deadline extended to June 1, 2015***
Symposium web site:
IMCW2015: The "6th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World" will
take place in Guangzhou,China from November 25-27,2015 ( It is
organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey,
and the School of Information Management of Sun Yat-sen Universityin Guangzhou, China.
Data deluge is upon us. Some two exabytes of data get created daily. Google alone processes 24
petabyte of data every day. The amount of data is doubling every three years and 90% of all the data
were produced in the last two years. The proliferation of available data in different formats such as
text, sound and videochanges the way we live, work and carry out research. While Science was
based on empirical, theoretical and computational models in the past, it currently relies increasingly on
data exploration (eScience). Called the Fourth Paradigm, the data-intensive scientific discovery
makes information management all the more important in the Big Data Era in order to cary out leading
research and make the world a better place to live.
“Information Management in the Big Data Era: For a Better World” being the main theme of the
Symposium, IMCW2015 aims to bring together information professionals, data librarians, archivists
computer and information scientists, business people and engineers to discuss the implications of Big
Data on information management and to contemplate on establishing a sound data infrastructure and
finding innovative ways to mine, process, organize and provide access to large amounts of data. As
organizers, we thought this is an opportune time for IMCW2015 to review the challenges for
information organizations, libraries, archives and museums providing data and information services in
the digital age.
Contributions can be theoretical as well as technical and practical. Informative case studies are also
welcome. The audience will be information professionals, data librarians, data curators, data
managers, researchers, information scientists and computer engineers, among others.
We accept extended abstracts (no less than 750 words) for full papers; short communications,
Research in Progress reports, visual presentations (“pechakuchas”)and posters on all aspects of
innovative and collaborative information and data managementapplications. Extended abstracts for
student papers and posters are also welcome. Extended abstracts of PhD students to present the
interim findings of their ongoing research will also be considered. Please use the template available on
the Symposium web site to prepare your contributions and send them to us using the Conference
Management Software (openconf) by May 18, 2015.
We also accept proposals to organize workshops. Proposals should include a title, a short abstract,
the name and contact information of the convener and be addressed to by May
18, 2015.
We also encourage session proposals. The coordinator of a special session will be responsible for the
selection of papers (4-6 papers) and will chair the session. For session coordinators, registration fee
will be waived.
Accepted extended abstracts and proposals will appear in the “Book of Abstracts” to be published prior
to the Symposium.
Accepted extended abstracts may be developed as full papers. A short list of papers will be selected
so that the revised and extended versions of these papers and posters will appear in the proceedings
book to be published by Springer under its Communications in Computer and Information Science
(CCIS) series (decision pending)and the Symposium web site. Papers that appear in Springer’s CCIS
series are submitted by Springer for indexing to Thomson Reuter’s Conference Proceedings Citation
Index on a yearly basis.
Main topics of the Symposium include (but not limited with) the following:
Big Data
Processing, analysis and visualization
Sharing and reuse
Long-term stability
Intellectual property rights
Research data as big data
Big Data ecosystem
Big Data: issues and challenges
Big Data algorithms & programming models
Novel techniques, processes and methods for collecting and analyzing Big Data
Big Data search, mining, analytics & interactive visualization
Big Data & decision making
Big Data & competitive intelligence
Big Data analytics & preserving privacy
Big Data & security implications
Big Data & risk management, fraud prevention
Big Data & deep learning
Big Data & cloud based analytics
Big Data & Internet of Things (IoT)
Big Data & cognitive computing
Big Data & business intelligence
Big Data & federated databases
Big Data & spatial and temporal aspects
Big Data & visual data discovery
Big Data & rich media analytics
Big Data & knowledge modeling, engineering
Big Data & knowledge creation, representation, reasoning, sharing and transfer.
Big Data analytics & industry knowledge
Big Data in enterprise models and practices
Big Data analytics for new product developments & its knowledge implications
Use cases & applications in knowledge based Big Data analytics
Big Data Infrastructure
Infrastructures and networks for Big Data management
European Infrastructure for e-Science Digital Repositories (e-SciDR)
Systems and tools for BigData management
BigData storage, back up and recovery
Big Data management in the cloud
Cloud computing and Big Data
Big Data repositories
Registry of research data repositories (re3data)
DOIs for research datasets (DataCite)
Data integration
Validating the veracity of data
Sorting out noise and malicious information from valid, actual information
Designing and managing a platform of services
Information Management and the Big Data
Big Data implications for information management
Big Data and information management in smart solutions
Big Data & knowledge generation
Data lifecycle management
Data management policies
Data management planning tools
Digital curation and preservation of Big Data
Digital forensics
BigData management in science, technology and medicine
Big Data management in social sciences, arts and humanities
Digital libraries and Big Data
Innovative and collaborative Big Data management applications
Privacy issues
Funding Big Data research and management
Support services for researchers, students and general public
Big data analytics
Integration and utilization of fine micro data from different sources
Rich representation for fine micro data from different sources
Information mapping for big data analytics
Interdisciplinary research working with big data
Methodologies for observational data analytics
Online and offline human behavior modeling in multi-disciplines
Large-scale network analysis for big data
Big data analytics for science and technology, e-commerce and market intelligence, egovernment and politics, security and Public safety, smart health and well being
Transformation and impact
Engagement of IS groups in interdisciplinary collaborations with big data
New leadership of IS groups in big data era
Changes of IT function in big data era
Access to Big Data
Open access to publicly funded research data
Institutional repositories for research data
Scholarly publishing and research data
Research data journals
Open source digital curation tools (BitCurator)
Open source research data management systems (CKAN)
Policies and strategies for open access to research data
Research data metrics
Knowledge Discovery in Big Data
Knowledge discovery techniques
Mining large research data sets
Research data metadata standards (CERIF)
Semantic enrichment of research data
Knowledge representation
Search, indexing and retrieval of research data
Data triage
Metadata harvesting
Metadata extraction
Metadata export
Metadata management
Metadata interoperability and standards for research data
Education for Information Management for Big Data
Education of Big Data scientists
Education of Big Data librarians
BigData curation education
Education for biomedical and environmental informatics
Bioinformatics education
Digital humanities, arts and e-social sciences
Challenges and opportunities of Big Data on LIS education
Hacettepe University Department of Information Management, Ankara, Turkey
Sun Yat-sen UniversitySchool of Information Management,Guangzhou, China.
General Co-chairs
Yaşar Tonta (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
SerapKurbanoğlu (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Changzhu Huang (Chinese Academy of Social Science, China)
Feicheng Ma (Wuhan University, China)
Organizing Committee Chair
Shujin Cao (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Publicity Co-chairs
Tolga Çakmak (Hacettepe University, Turkey) (Turkey)
René Schneider (Haute Ecole de Gestion, Switzerland) (Europe)
Sirje Virkus (Tallinn University, Estonia) (Europe)
Mihaela Banek Zorica (University of Zagreb, Croatia) (Europe)
Suzanne Allard (University of Tennessee, USA) (North America)
Jordan M. Scepanski (Jordan Wells Associates, USA) (North America)
Egbert Sanchez Vanderkast (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico)
(Middle/South America)
M. Shaheen Majid (College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Singapore) (Asia)
Takashi Nagatsuka (Tsurumi University, Japan) (Asia)
Natalia Gendina (Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Russia) (Russia& CIS
Piotr Lapo (Belarusian State University, Belarus) (Russia& CIS countries)
Ganna Onkovich (Ukraine) (Russia& CIS countries)
S.M. Shafi (University of Kashmir, India) (India)
Joumana Boustany (University of Paris Descartes) (North Africa)
Gülçin Cribb (Singapore Management University, Singapore) (Australia)
Li Wang (University of Auckland, New Zealand) (New Zealand)
Organizing Committee Members
John N. Gathegi (University of South Florida, USA)
Suliman Hawamdeh (University of North Texas, USA)
Qing Fang (Wuhan University,China)
Guangjian Li (Peking University,China)
Jianjun Sun (Nanjing University,China)
Nazan Uçak (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Jingzhu Wei (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Lixin Xia (Central China Normal University,China)
Bülent Yılmaz (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Bin Zhang (Renmin University,China)
Ping Ke (Nankai University)
Jun Zhang (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Shiwei Wang (Shanghai Academy of Social Science,China)
Jianxun Zeng (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,China)
(list incomplete)
Programme Committee Chair
Jingzhu Wei (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Workshops Chair
Marc Kosciejew (University of Malta, Malta)
Posters Chair
Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh (University of Dublin, Trinity College, Republic of Ireland)
Short Presentations Chair
Yongli Zou (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
Doctoral Forum Chair
John N. Gathegi (University of South Florida, USA)
Programme Committee Members
Ismail Abdullahi (North Carolina Central University, USA)
Umut Al (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Ágnes Hajdu Barát (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary)
Tomaz Bartol (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Carla Basili (Sapienza University, Italy)
Peter G. Becker (The Hague University, The Netherlands)
Albert K. Boekhorst (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Joumana Boustany (University of Paris Descartes, France)
Fazlı Can (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Dingquan Chen (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Gülçin Cribb (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Susana Finquelievich (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research,Argentina)
Nieves González Fernández-Villavicencio (University of Seville, Spain)
Christine Hagar (San Jose State University, USA)
Jos van Helvoort (The Hague University, The Netherlands)
Aleksandra Horvat (Croatian Library Association, Croatia)
Ruhua Huang (Wuhan University,China)
Shuiqing Huang (Nanjing Agricultural University,China)
Xiaobin Huang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Ying Jiang (Chinese Academy of Social Science,China)
Christina Kanaki (Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, Greece)
Rajkumar Kannan (BHC Autonomous, India)
László Z. Karvalics (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Tibor Koltay (Szent István University, Hungary)
Serap Kurbanoğlu (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Özgür Külcü (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Aira Lepik (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Gang Li (Wuhan University,China)
Yuelin Li (Nankai University,China )
Wei Lu (Wuhan University,China)
Xiaobin Lu (Renmin University,China)
Haiqun Ma (Hei Longjiang University,China)
Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh (University of Dublin, Trinity College, Republic of Ireland)
Orçun Madran (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
İnci Önal (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Gloria Ponjuan (University of Havana, Cuba)
Maria Katarzyna Próchnicka (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Angela Repanovici (Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania)
Fernanda Ribeiro (University of Porto, Portugal)
Jordan M. Scepanski (Jordan Wells Associates, USA)
René Schneider (Haute Ecole de Gestion, Switzerland)
İrem Soydal (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Paul Sturges (Loughborough University, UK)
Xinning Su (Nanjing University,China)
Tania Yordanova Todorova (State University, Bulgaria)
Yaşar Tonta (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Nazan Özenç Uçak (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Yurdagül Ünal (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
 Tapio Varis (UNESCO)
 Bülent Yılmaz (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
 Jimin Wang (Peking University,China)
 Weijun Wang (Central China Normal University,China)
 Xiaoying Zhou (Renmin University,China)
 Qinghua Zhu (Nanjing University,China)
(list incomplete)
Youzhi Chen (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
Yang Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
Jing Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
Linlin Song (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
Chunmei Gan (Sun Yat-sen University,China)
(list incomplete)
First Call: March 2015
Second Call: April 2015
Last date to send all types of extended abstracts and proposals: 18 May 2015 Extended deadline:
June 1, 2015
Authors notification: 29 June 2015
Submission of extended abstracts in final form: 15 July 2015
Registration starts: 16 July 2014
Submission of full papers (if desired):15 August 2015
Notification of acceptance of full papers: 15 September 2015
Submission of full papers in final form: 15 October 2015
Symposium: 25-27 November 2015
All suggestions and comments are welcome.
Symposium Facebook page:
Twitter hashtag: #imcw2015
Looking forward to your contributions to and participation in the Symposium.
Yaşar Tonta, Serap Kurbanoğlu, Changzhu Huang and Feichang Ma
General Co-chairs
Hacettepe University
Department of Information Management
06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 312 297 82 00
Fax: +90 312 299 20 14
E-mail: {yasartonta, kurbanogluserap}
Suijin Cao and Jingzhu Wei, Local Chairs
Sun Yat-sen University
School of Information Management
132 East OuterRing Road
Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center
Guangzhou, China