Basic Parent Group Leader Training Brochure (May 27-29)


Basic Parent Group Leader Training Brochure (May 27-29)
Incredible Years® Parent Group Leader
BASIC (ages 2-8 years) Group Leader Training
Julie Anderson, MSW
May 27-29, 2015 — Seattle, Washington
Julie Anderson, MSW, will provide in-depth discussion and training for group leaders in the empirically supported Incredible Years® programs.
Basic Parenting Program Group Leader
Training (ages 2-8)
This 3-day workshop will cover in depth the
BASIC Parenting programs, which are designed
to promote positive parenting strategies and to
assist parents in managing children’s behavior
problems. Three Incredible Years® Programs are
covered in the BASIC Training: Toddler Parent
Program, Preschool Basic Parent Program, and
the early portion of School Age Basic Program.
Visit for more information.
Content of this training program includes: play, helping children learn, positive
reinforcement, limit setting, non-physical discipline alternatives, problem solving,
effective communication skills, and supporting children’s education. Group therapy
process issues such as empowering parents, collaborating, dealing with resistance,
confronting and teaching, supporting and advocating for parents will be discussed.
This intervention program may be used by professionals (such as therapists and
parent educators from psychology, social work, education, nursing and psychiatry)
who are working with families of young children with conduct problems (ages 2-8
years), or with single parents, abusive parents, and teenage parents. The workshop
will also illustrate how to use this program as a prevention program for use in
elementary schools and preschools.
About the trainer
Julie Anderson, MSW is a social worker and was previously a research coordinator at the Parenting
Clinic at the University of Washington. Julie has led parenting groups for over 10 years beginning
with the Partners Project, a collaborative project between the Parenting Clinic and Puget Sound
ESD Head Start. She has experience with both the Basic and school age programs. Additionally,
Julie has over 25 years of experience with children and families in child welfare, child protective
services, and as a social worker in elementary schools and preschools including Head Start.
Connect with us! uuu
• Promote parent competencies and strengthen families.
• Increase positive and nurturing parenting.
• Reduce critical and violent discipline approaches by replacing
spanking with positive strategies such as ignoring, using logical and
natural consequences, redirecting, monitoring, and problem solving.
• Improve parents’ problem solving, anger management, and
communication skills.
• Increase family support networks and school involvement/bonding.
• Help parents and teachers work collaboratively to ensure consistency across settings.
• Increase parents’ involvement in children’s academic-related activities
at home.
Register early as we only take 25 participants per workshop!
Registration Information
Fee: $500 – Includes extensive syllabus and a copy of the books by Carolyn WebsterStratton: The Incredible Years: A Guide for Parents of Children 2-8 Years Old and Collaborating with Parents to Reduce Children’s Behavior Problems: A Book for Therapists Using
the Incredible Years® Programs. *Full program is purchased separately.
REGISTER EARLY: Space is limited. Registration and hotel booking deadline:
April 27, 2015 (Registration fee: $500 per participant.)
Cancellation Policy: The fee less $50.00 for handling will be refunded IF requested in
writing a minimum of 14 working days prior to the workshop.
Confirmation of registration will be sent to registered participants.
Hotel: The workshop will be held at:
The Silver Cloud Inn University District
5036 25th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105.
For your convenience, we have arranged a workshop rate.
Hotel E-mail:
Hotel Phone: 1-800-205-6940 or 206-526-5200
Hotel transportation is available from the
airport via shuttle, taxi, or town car.
Registration fee is due
one month prior to workshop:
April 27, 2015
Registration fee is
Make Check or Money Order payable to “Incredible Years, Inc.”
reserve space. No Purchase Orders please.
Unfortunately, we are not equipped to accept credit
Mail registration form and payment to:
Incredible Years, Inc.
1411 8th Ave West
Seattle, WA 98119
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop runs three full days from 8:30am
to 4:00pm. When arranging flights, please plan accordingly. To receive your certificate of attendance and be eligible for Group Leader
Certification the full training must be completed.
Contact us!
Phone/fax: 206-285-7565 or 1-888-506-3562
You may fax or e-mail the next
page to reserve your spot for the workshop.
Incredible Years® Registration Form
Basic Parent Group Leader Training
May 27-29, 2015
(please print or type clearly)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address:
City_________________________________ State/Province_____________________ Zip__________
Work Address:
City_________________________________ State/Province_____________________ Zip__________
Phone: Home ____________________________ Work_______________________________________
E-mail___________________________________ Fax_________________________________________
Position/Title____________________________ Agency______________________________________
Highest Degree_______________________________________________________________________
Professional Education (or title) in Organization (Mark all the apply)
____ Special needs education (special education)
How did you hear about this training?
(please check all that apply)
____ Social work/Social Care/Mental Health Counselor
____ Child Educational Therapist
____ Incredible Years website
____ Newsletter
____ School Psychologist/Counselor
____ Facebook
____ E-mail Flyer
____ Health Visitor
____ Nursery Nurse
____ Agency/Staff member
____ Family Support/Family Advocacy Worker/Liaison
____ Learning Mentor
____ Educational Welfare
____ Early Childhood Educator
____ Parent/Community/Health Educator
____ Other (specify) ____________________________________________________
Ages of children you will be using IY programs with: 0-2_____ 2-3_____ 4-5_____6-8_____9-12_____