GSGF Newsletter April 2015


GSGF Newsletter April 2015
GSGF Newsletter April 2015
Word of the Chairman
I have to apologise that it has been quite a while since you heard from
me. I am writing today to share some important organisational changes
that we are making with immediate effect to the operational secretariat
support structures of the Global Smart Grid Federation. These changes
are being introduced so we can bring a fresh dynamic to our core mission
of delivering value add through an informed international collaboration
and exchange of ideas. More
Word of the Executive Director
As the chairman says, we are excited to be able to assist in going for
GSGF 2.0. I want to introduce to you the people you will see
collaborating on different matters. First of all, Isabelle Borremans will
continue to work on the content of the newsletter and the website. For
the time being, she is taking care of her new born baby Liv, and Lieze
Lamotte is now in charge. They will vigorously chase you down to bring
in your contributions on time. More
Review: Webinar on uses of batteries for grid
On March 18th the GSGF held a webinar on utilization and future outlook of large storage
batteries for stationary use. Two demonstration projects with a great potential impact on our
energy system were introduced to the audience: “Batteries outperforming traditional
frequency regulation methods at los Andes”. As the need for more effective grid balancing
and ancillary services increases with the rise of variable generation, an aging generation
and transmission infrastructure, and distributed energy resources, new technologies and
new policies are rising to meet the challenge to the reliability of our electricity grids. More
5th European Technology Platform (ETP) on
SmartGrids General Assembly: SmartGrids ready
for large-scale implementation, the ETP a player
that counts
The European Technology Platform on SmartGrids (ETP SG) celebrated on 29 April in
Brussels its 5th General Assembly was attended by over 260 participants. Nikos
Hatziargyriou, Chairman of the ETP SmartGrids underlined how the platform is bringing
together experts representing all stakeholders in a balanced and consolidated way: “The
ETP SmartGrids is an exceptional organisation representing all parties involved in the
debate, from system operators at distribution and transmission level, equipment
manufacturers and ICT providers, research and academia, as well as regulators and energy
consumers. This 360° vision allows us to bring all points of view together and provide the
most complete picture on future RD&I needs from the Smartgrids sector”.More
Power sector disruption just the start of energy industry
Global megatrends -- such as technological breakthroughs, rapid urbanization and resource
shifts -- are creating new opportunities and challenges in customer behaviour, new forms of
competition, different generation models, and regulatory changes that could "quickly eclipse
current company and country strategies," according to a new free report from PwC. There
are several issues at hand, according to the report. First, existing generation assets could
be left stranded as local energy systems and self-generation by customers "eat away at"
the traditional centralized grid and large-scale generation model. More
Smart Charging: steering the charge, driving the change
Eurelectric released a paper titled ‘Smart Charging: steering the charge, driving the change’,
in which the potential of smart electric vehicle (EV) charging and related benefits for
customers, the power system, and society more generally are presented. This assessment
is concluded by outlining key actions to ensure the effective roll-out of smart charging. More
How can batteries support the EU electricity network
Insight_E and KIC InnoEnergy
In the framework of the INSIGHT_E project , Bo Normark, KIC InnoEnergy Thematic Leader
on Smart Grids and Energy Storage, has led the preparation of a policy report on “How can
batteries support the EU Electricity Network?”. Co-authored with Ifri, the report has been
drafted on the basis of an extensive stakeholder consultation. It has been delivered to the
European Commission. The report 1) identifies the reasons behind the rapid cost reduction
of batteries, 2) evaluates the applications and areas of the value chain where battery
storage appears to be most relevant, and 3) identifies the framework conditions likely to
influence technology development (in particular the regulatory hurdles, market conditions,
and environmental risks). More
Towards Smarter Grids: ENTSO-E Position Paper on Developing
TSO and DSO Roles for the Benefit of Consumers
Consumers have an increasingly active role in the electricity market, due to the development
of renewable sources of energy and of demand-side response. This paper identifies needed
changes in the TSO-DSO interface in order to unlock consumers’ potential as electricity
producers and balancing actors while increasing consumers’ choice, electricity affordability
and reliability. More
Using innovation and technology to improve city services in the
IBM Center for the Business of Government
Increasingly, cities are the public sector service delivery engines in the United States. They
have heard a call to action: residents expect cities to find ways to improve services and
cities are gearing up to do so. City governments, residents, and interest groups are actively
seeking methods for better service delivery. This report examines how cities are using
innovative policies, governance structures and technologies to improve city services. More
UK smart grid development: An expert assessment of the
benefits, pitfalls and functions
Making electricity grids smarter is a challenging, long-term, and ambitious process. It
consists of many possible transitions and involves many actors relevant to existing and
potential functions of the grid. We applied a two round Policy Delphi process with a range
of sectoral experts who discussed important drivers, barriers, benefits, risks and expected
functions of smarter grids, to inform the development of smarter grids. Our analysis of these
expert views indicates broad consensus of the necessity for smarter grids, particularly for
economic and environmental reasons; yet stakeholders also associated a range of risks
and barriers such as lack of investment, disengaged consumers, complexity and data
privacy with measures to make the grid smarter. Different methods for implementing smarter
grid functions were considered, all thought to be more likely in urban settings. Implications
for policy and future research are considered. More
Smart grid opportunities for the electricity providers
With the significant changes underway in the electricity industry, with talk about the ‘spiral
of death’ for the electricity providers, we would prefer to consider these changes as offering
a ‘vortex of opportunities’. There certainly are plenty of them for those energy providers that
are willing and able to use the new developments in ICT to transform their business. More
Public perceptions of demand-side management and a smarter
energy future
Nature Climate Change
Demand-side management (DSM) is a key aspect of many future energy system
scenarios1,2. DSM refers to a range of technologies and interventions designed to create
greater e ciency and flexibility on the demand-side of the energy system3. Examples include
the provision of more information to users to support e cient behaviour and new ‘smart’
technologies that can be automatically controlled. Key stated outcomes of implementing
DSM are benefits for consumers, such as cost savings3,4 and greater control over energy
use. More
This list is a selection of events GSGF finds interesting for its members, giving priority to
our own member events. The full list of events can be found online. Do you organize or
know of an event in your region that’s not in this list? Let us know about it
May 10-12, 2015 - The 4th China International Energy Storage Station Congress
May 21, 2015 – EURELECTRIC Conference – EURELECTRIC
May 20-22, 2015 – Smart Cities India 2015 – Exhibitions India Group
May 20-22, 2015 – European Energy Market
June 3-4, 2015 – Smart Grid Event - LinkedIn Community ‘Smart Metering and
Smart Grids’
June 4, 2015 – Offshore Wind Energy – GreenBridge
June 11-12, 2015 – Demand Response Training Seminar - RTE International &
Energy Pool
October 19-20, 2015 – 5th solar Integration Workshop – Energy Nautics
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