UL Wood Fire Door Data Acceptance Program


UL Wood Fire Door Data Acceptance Program
UL Wood Fire Door Data Acceptance Program
Frequently Asked Questions
The UL Wood Fire Door Data Acceptance Program helps customers obtain UL Certification for
previously tested wood fire doors and components, allowing manufacturers to focus on new
markets and new product development, while cutting the cost for testing.
Q. Why is UL offering a Wood Fire Door Data
Acceptance Program?
Q. What products are eligible for the Wood Fire
Door Data Acceptance Program?
A. We want to further develop our relationships with wood
A. Products eligible for the Wood Fire Door Data Acceptance
fire door manufacturers and wood fire door component
Program include wood-type fire doors, wood covered
manufacturers to ensure that the industry is aware that
composite-type fire doors, and wood fire door components
they have choices for testing and certification. To develop
such as glues, cross-banding, core materials and intumescent
certification options for new and existing customers, UL’s
products. Other third party test reports involving door hardware
data acceptance program will give customers the opportunity
installed into a wood door would also be considered for review
to utilize existing third party test reports to either gain
under this program. The program does not include steel doors,
certifications without additional evaluation, or to develop
fire door frames, fire window frames or any type of fire door
abbreviated test programs to assess specific attributes of
hardware at this time.
a product without completely retesting a product range.
The program also creates additional avenues for product
certification in the marketplace when current service providers
are not meeting your needs.
Q. Does UL guarantee certification from reports
submitted through the Wood Fire Door Data
Acceptance Program?
Q. Why should I participate in the Wood Fire
Door Data Acceptance Program?
A. Submittal of reports for review under this program does
A. By leveraging UL’s 120-year history of expertise in product
order to determine the acceptability of the report for developing
testing, knowledge and certification, we can deliver the service
a certification. Judgment will be based on the test data that
you expect promptly and quickly. The presence of the UL Mark
is submitted and the issuer of the report. In instances where
on a product evaluated through this program gains instant
certification cannot be established solely by means of the third
acceptance throughout North America, Latin America, Middle
party test report, UL will develop a test program to address any
East and specific Asian markets for your products. The program
missing items in the and provide the certification plan prior to
also allows you to use existing data when possible, in order to
closing the project. When the project results in a test plan, the
expedite your new product listings.
test plan costs will be deducted from the quotation developed
not guarantee acceptance of the data for UL certification. UL
will review the reports and make judgment when necessary, in
for further testing.
For more information T: 847.272.8800 ext. 43030 / E: LabelCenter.USA@ul.com / W: ul.com
Q. Will UL review reports from any
Q. Where can I locate my UL Safety Certifications
once established?
A. UL will consider test reports generated by Nationally
A. The certified products can be found in the Online Certification
Recognized Testing Laboratories who are recognized for issuing
Directory located at www.ul.com. Swinging-type wood fire
certifications for fire doors with IAS accreditation for the test
doors are cataloged under the UL Category Codes GSYX and
standards described in the report.
GSZN. Wood fire door construction materials are certified as
Q. If I receive a certification through this
program, are there any additional requirements
or steps that must be taken?
A. If UL issues a certification for a product submitted through
this program, additional follow-up testing and product checks
of materials and components would be required for at least
Recognized Components under the UL Category Code GSRJ2.
The directory can be searched by company name, product type,
UL File Number or location.
Q. Once I have obtained the UL Certification(s)
for my wood fire doors, how do I purchase
the first year of follow- up service to ensure ongoing product
A. For information on how to order labels, design custom
compliance. The increased follow-up service measures are in
labels and find local label printers, the UL Label Center can
place to ensure that the product is constructed and built as
be contacted at 1-847-272-8800, Ext. 43030 or by e-mail at
described in the original test report.
Q. Are there any additional fees associated with
this program?
A. There are no additional fees for this program above and
beyond the UL annual maintenance fee, follow-up services and
follow-up tests that come with maintaining an active file with
For more information T: 847.272.8800 ext. 43030 / E: LabelCenter.USA@ul.com / W: ul.com
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