Financing Energy Efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region


Financing Energy Efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region
Financing Energy Efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region
Round-table discussion
Date: 6 May 2015, 11.30 – 13.00 (followed by buffet lunch)
Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Copenhagen
Energy efficiency is at the top of the EU and Baltic Sea Region agendas. The EU climate
change policy, the Europe 2020 strategy, and the recent Energy Union initiative in
combination with an increased focus on energy security, has enhanced the importance of
further investments in energy efficient solutions.
Baltic Development Forum (BDF) and CLEAN - Danish Cleantech Cluster are pleased to invite
representatives from the cleantech sector and financing institutions to jointly discuss current
financing for energy efficiency as well as the potential for increased regional collaboration.
The key messages from the round-table will be summarized in a brief report, which will form
a basis for further regional discussion and inspire further initiatives.
This event in connection with the regional conference “Energy Dialogue in the Baltic Sea
Region” as part of the Danish priorities for NB8 in 2015 and BDF’s initiative to launch an
energy dialogue in the Baltic Sea Region.
Questions to be addressed:
What are the main bottlenecks within the available financing, both that provided by international
financing institutions and commercial banks?
What are the main achievements in the Baltic Sea cleantech cooperation in energy efficiency as
regards ensuring financing?
How can we further facilitate ESCO market in the Baltic Sea Region?
Private-public partnerships in energy efficiency: barriers and opportunities?
How can organizations like BDF and CLEAN contribute to enhanced dialogue in energy efficiency
Contact: Viktoria Nilsson, Baltic Development Forum,, +4560218580
Invited organisations:
Baltic Development Forum, CLEAN – Danish Cleantech Cluster, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish
Trade Council, Confederation of Danish Industry, Finnish Energy Industries, Sustainable Business Hub,
Nordic Investment Bank, European Investment Bank, Deutsche Bank, Danish Export Credit Agency, Nordic
Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), Nordic Project Fund (Nopef), Siemens, Schneider Electric,
Latvenergo, KPMG, NJORD, Middelfart Municipality, Arne Grove Ltd, Green Energy One AS, The Danish
Climate Investment Fund (IFU), Green Equity Management.