Brochure - CII Industrial Innovation Awards


Brochure - CII Industrial Innovation Awards
CII Industrial Innovation Awards
Grand Award
CII Industrial Innovation Awards is the
recognition & celebration of innovative
Indian enterprises across industry
segments. These premier awards seek
to recognize and honour the Indian
Industry’s brightest stars and to identify
and announce the top 25 Innovative
Organizations in India.
This is your opportunity to shine and be
known nationally and internationally for
your Innovation Excellence. The purpose
of the award is to encourage innovation
and business growth, and recognize
innovation excellence without being
judgemental about the kind and nature of
The awards are open to any kind of
process, product, service, technological
or any other type innovation that have
fuelled growth through new ideas and
approaches along with tangible results
in the preceding years. You simply have
to name it and we will assess it based
on its individual merit.
The first CII Industrial Innovation Awards
was a grand success for the quality of
applications, the robustness and
thoroughness of the process and the
illustrious constellation of experts in
technology, business and innovation
as the Jury.
As another first, from this year CII is
introducing a special category for
the start-ups.
The most
company of the
The most
start-up of the
Manufacturing Sector
Micro & Small
Services Sector
Micro & Small
What are we looking for
The jury for the CII Industrial Innovation Awards will consider the impact of innovation or an innovative approach
in the context of innovation example cited by you. They will be looking for evidences of:
1. How did your innovation create a competitive advantage? What is the nature of the competitive
2. How did your innovation helped in growth?
3. Did your innovation help you to increase your market share and how?
4. Does your innovation continue to improve financial performance?
5. Did your innovation enhance operational effectiveness?
6. Did your innovation help to significantly improve customer engagement?
7. Did your innovation transform the industry sector you are operating in?
8. Did your innovation changed the way things are done in your industry?
9. How the innovation was developed and applied?
10. Do strong leadership and effective innovation management support your innovation pursuit?
11. Does your innovation enable a long-term advantage for your company and how?
12. Does your innovation enhance your intellectual property? How much and how long?
Start-up Category
The start-up awards is a special new category within the CII Industrial Innovation Awards initiated to applaud
and reward innovative start-ups to make the next leap forward. The awards will be an effective platform for
new ventures to gain momentum and will serve as example to inspire innovation.
This category encourages all kinds of ground breaking and transformational ideas. The awards are not limited
to a few perceived hi-tech areas such as Internet or biotechnology, but extends to all sectors be it profit or
non-profit, private or government, education or business, healthcare or agriculture, manufacturing or services.
Who can Apply
The awards are open to large, medium and small businesses in manufacturing and services sector. Any private,
public or non-profit entity incorporated in India regardless of its size can apply for the CII Industrial Innovation Awards.
The innovation examples cited in the application should have been realized in the year 2013 or 2014 or 2015.
It does not matter how many years previous to its realization it was in the making.
Who can Apply – Start up category
A start-up is a legal entity with a lifespan not exceeding 5 years, has a disruptive solution beyond
the idea stage, addresses a clear opportunity, and has a scalable transactional model.
Entries are welcome from all kinds of start-ups, which confirm largely to this criteria. Exceptions
are permitted, subject to the CII Industrial Innovation Awards Secretariat affirmation.
Application Process
The process for determining the top award and the list of top
25 innovative companies uses a rigorous framework while
allowing the flexibility for the applicant to be assessed on their
own merits. The unbiased and objective assessment process
measures the innovation and its impact and assesses the
innovation framework in an organization looking for proactive
and structured innovation processes. The assessment process
for the CII Innovation Awards is a five-stage funnel process.
Initial Application
The initial application is in the form of an abstract
submission for primary assessment.
Main Application
The applicants qualified through the Initial Application will
submit the Main Application Form.
Assessor Visit
A site visit by an assessor to corroborate contents
presented in the main application.
The assessors will not be evaluating, but merely reporting
their observations.
First Jury
The jury assembled for this stage will assess the contents of
main applications along with the site visit comments of the
assessor and determine applicants to be recommended for
the Grand Jury
Grand Jury
A grand jury comprising of Indian and International experts
will determine the Top 25 list and will decide the award
winning organization in each of the awards category.
In the above flow the start-up category follows the same
process till the main application stage. After the main
application stage a separate start-up jury will be
organized to decide the winners in this category.
Assessment Criteria
The application form has been designed to
draw out achievements of the applicants on
their own terms. For each entry the jury will
assess the applications on its own merit vis-àvis the stated evaluation criteria for that
The usage of the term “innovation” is quite
broad. It could denote innovation in terms of
product, service, process, new venture,
business model or any other form of
innovation as envisaged by the applicant.
Assessment Criteria for Initial Application
• Quality of Innovation
• Applicability of Innovation
• Potential and / or actual Market Impact
Assessment Criteria for Main Application
Innovation (40%)
The innovation is unique. It moves away
from the convention and breaks new
ground. It goes beyond incremental
improvements, beyond something that
exists. The innovation has altered the
market or has given birth to a totally new
Impact (40%)
The innovation will have a game changing
future impact in its domain of operation or
will impact the way things are done in that
Innovation Framework (20%)
The organization leadership is committed
to the pursuit of innovation and is
personally involved in creating and
sustaining an innovation culture with
clearly identified processes that are
internalized and practiced throughout the
innovation chain.
Assessment Criteria
for Start-up Category
Assessment Criteria for Initial Application
The jury for the CII Industrial Innovation
Awards: Start-up Category is looking for
The problem that you are solving through
your unique solution and its impact on the
people it is meant for
Evidence beyond the idea stage that
demonstrates scalable solution with global
Clear go-to-market strategy
Assessment Criteria for Main Application
Innovation (40%)
The innovation that is potentially disruptive
or transformative. It is an exciting idea that
moves away from the convention and
breaks new ground. The innovation has
been able to uncover unmet user needs
and has been able to convert the identified
need in to an actual offering
Market Opportunity (30%)
The innovation has the capability to alter
the market or has the capability to give rise
to a totally new market and has a robust
go-to-market strategy or an innovative
business model.
Impact (30%)
The innovation will have a game changing
future impact in its domain of operation or
will impact the way things are done in that
Application Fees
CII Industrial Innovation Awards
Type of Applicant
Application Fees
Initial Application
Large Enterprise
INR 10, 000
Medium Enterprise
INR 5, 000
Micro and Small Enterprise
INR 2, 500
INR 1, 000
Main Application
Large Enterprise
INR 1, 00, 000
Medium Enterprise
INR 50, 000
Micro and Small Enterprise
INR 25, 000
INR 5, 000
Announcement for submission of Initial Application (all categories)
May 01, 2015
Last Date for submission of Initial Application along with
application fee (all categories)
Jun 30, 2015
Results of Initial Application Stage (all categories)
Jul 25, 2015
Start of submission for Main Application (all categories)
Aug 01, 2015
Last Date for submission of Main Application along with
application fee (all categories)
Aug 31, 2015
Period for Assessor Visits (Not applicable for Start-up category)
Sep 02 – Oct 05, 2015
Start-up Jury (Start-up category)
Sep 15, 2015
First Jury (Not applicable for Start-up category)
Oct 09, 2015
Grand Jury (Not applicable for Start-up category)
Oct 30, 2015
Announcement of CII Innovation Awards (all categories)*
At Knowledgexpo 2015
* The award ceremony date is subject to change and will be announced at least one month prior to the date of the event.
** All applications to be considered for further processing subject to realization of the full application fees in time.
The Grand Jury
For initial application, main application and site assessment the jury will comprise of
innovation experts chosen from the world of academia and consulting with
established credentials. The Grand Jury will comprise of leading national and
international experts with a significant experience in promoting innovation.
A special jury will be constituted for the start-up category. The jury will comprise of
innovation experts who understand the trial and tribulations of a start-up, who have
an uncommon sense to see the potential of an idea when they see one.
Instituted as an annual feature or businesses operating in India, the awards will be a
most influential assessment methods for innovation in India. Applicant organizations
will be able to benchmark themselves against the top performers from across the
industries and sectors and would have an opportunity to get recognized amongst the
very best of Indian industry environment. The awards will bring significant benefits to
the applicant organization by way of being known as an innovation driven
organization thus influencing all its stakeholders positively. Winners of the award will:
• Enjoy extensive media coverage and publicity through the CII channels
• Receive “CII Industrial Innovation Awards” logo which they can display on their
collaterals, communication channels such as advertisements, website, etc.
• Get invited and featured in various CII Events – nationally and internationally
Even if you do not win the award, being selected for the Main application round or
listed amongst the top 25 innovative company will identify you as an innovation
driven organization.
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment
conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society,
through advisory and consultative processes.
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization,
playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier
business association has over 7200 members, from the private as well as public sectors,
including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 100,000 enterprises from
around 242 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.
CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with
thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for
industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides
a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues.
Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate
citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward
corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains
including affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity management, skill
development, empowerment of women, and water, to name a few.
The CII theme of ‘Accelerating Growth, Creating Employment’ for 2014-15 aims to strengthen
a growth process that meets the aspirations of today’s India. During the year, CII will specially
focus on economic growth, education, skill development, manufacturing, investments, ease
of doing business, export competitiveness, legal and regulatory architecture, labour law
reforms and entrepreneurship as growth enablers.
With 64 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 7 overseas offices in Australia,
China, Egypt, France, Singapore, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 312
counterpart organizations in 106 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry
and the international business community.
For queries, please contact:
Confederation of Indian Industry
3rd Floor, IGSSS Building, 28
Institutional Area, Lodi Road
Phone: +91 11 45772017
Mobile: +91 9555507674