Monday July 29th


Monday July 29th
This tentative draft programme assigns already submitted talks to days or sessions. Within each
day/session they are ordered alphabetically although the final order may differ. This is a first pass
posted on the web site for comment and information (comments to The final
programme will be produced after the deadline for registrations on 24 May.
Speakers should let us know before 24 May if there is any problem for the day and session in which
they are scheduled. Could those marked "Need abstract" please send me an abstract.
Monday July 29th
Factorizations, solving equations
Tim Davis - Texas A & M
Sparse SVD, and a GPU-accelerated sparse QR factorization (Abstract not yet available)
Jim Demmel – Berkeley
Communication avoiding algorithms for linear algebra and beyond
Joe Eaton – NVIDIA
Programming techniques for sparse linear algebra on GPUs
Mathieu Faverge, Grégoire Pichon, and Pierre Ramet – Bordeaux
Blocking strategy optimizations for sparse direct linear solver on heterogeneous
Jonathan Hogg – RAL
Practical manycore pivoting (Abstract not yet available)
Oguz Kaya - ENS Lyon
Sparse tensor decompositions (Abstract not yet available)
Florent Lopez
Task-based multifrontal QR solver for GPU-accelerated multicore architectures.
(Abstract not yet available)
Kengo Nakajima - Information Technology Center - The University of Tokyo
Parallel multigrid solvers on multicore cluster architectures
Esmond Ng – LBNL - Talk on orderings (TBA)
Need title and abstract
Alex Pothen - Purdue
The Virtual Scalpel: fast solvers for surgical simulations via augmented matrices
(Abstract not yet available)
Jennifer Scott – RAL
Incomplete factorization preconditioners for large sparse least squares problems
Tuesday 30th June
Satoshi Matsuoka - Global Scientific Information and Computing Center - Tokyo Institute of
Harnessing the deep memory hierarchy with communication reducing algorithms
for Exascale
Cluster session
Rob Bisseling - Utrecht
Edge-based graph partitioning (Abstract not yet available)
Philip Knight – Strathclyde
(To be announced)
Yvan Notay
Multilevel solution of linear systems with graph Laplacian matrices
Time-parallel session
Martin Gander – Geneva
Five Decades of Time Parallel Time Integration
Optimization session
Yuri Nesterov – Louvain
(To be announced)
Philippe Toint – Namur
(To be announced)
Luis Nunes Vicente – Coimbra
(To be announced)
Steve Wright – Wisconsin
(To be announced)
Wednesday July 1
Low-rank session
Cleve Ashcraft – LSTC
Hierarchy and matrices, an outsider's perspective eigenvalues (Abstract not yet
Eric Darve – Stanford
(To be announced)
Sherry Li – LBNL
(To be announced)
Gunnar Martinsson – Colorado
(To be announced)
Valery Pavlovich Il"In – SBRAS
Parallel approaches of domain decomposition methods on the basis of low-rank
matrix approximation eigenvalues (Abstract not yet available)
Dan Sorensen - Rice University
A DEIM induced CUR factorization
Wil Schilders - TU Eindhoven
Model order reduction for coupled problems using low rank approximations
Thursday 2 July
Andrew Canning – LBNL
Sparse matrix problems in first-principles electronic structure methods for materials
science and chemistry
Alicia Klinvex and Ahmed H. Sameh – Purdue
A scalable parallel algorithm for large sparse symmetric eigenvalue problems
Gerard Meurant – CEA
On the convergence of the Arnoldi process for computing eigenvalues (Abstract not
yet available)
Zaiwen Wen and Yin Zhang - Rice University
Block algorithms in an augmented Rayleigh‐Ritz Framework for large‐scale exterior
eigenpair computation
Jianlin Xia - Purdue University
Superfast direct eigensolvers for structured matrices eigenvalues (Abstract not yet
Loic Michel – SNCF
DFO by Model-Free Control Approach eigenvalues (Abstract not yet available)