Emerging Market Corporate Debt


Emerging Market Corporate Debt
AS AT 31 MAY 2015
Insight Investment Management
(Global) Limited: Insight are
leaders in absolute return
investing , multi-asset, specialist
equity solutions, fixed income and liability
driven investment.
A total return comprised of income and capital growth by investing in bonds and similar
debt investments issued by companies listed or located in emerging markets.
Total net assets (million)
$ 90.08
Comparative index / Benchmark
JP Morgan
Corporate EMBI Broad Diversified
Lipper sector
Lipper Global - Bond Emerging
Markets Global Corporates
Fund type
Fund domicile
Fund manager
Team approach
Base currency
Currencies available
Fund launch
31 Jan 2012
Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments and the
income from them is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise due to stock market and
currency movements. When you sell your investment you may get back less than you
originally invested. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the
Market review
Emerging-market debt markets as a whole were broadly unchanged by the end of May, but
there was some intra-month volatility as a significant spike in global bond yields took
centre stage. Yields on 10-year German Bunds and US Treasuries rose sharply before
falling somewhat in the second half of the month, and these moves were reflected across
global bond markets, including emerging-market debt.
Generally speaking, emerging-market local rates have been the most sensitive to moves in
core rates, especially when taking local-currency performance into account. External debt
has proved more resilient so far. Meanwhile, emerging-market currencies have broadly
succumbed to weaker currency policies pursued by many emerging-market central banks.
US dollar strength was also a factor: while the dollar initially weakened in May, it
subsequently strengthened, ending the month in a better position overall against a broad
range of currencies. Emerging-market corporates performed best against the backdrop of
uncertain global rates, as lack of supply and cheap valuations relative to global
counterparts attracted investors searching for yield. External corporates returned 0.52%
as measured by the JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified Index, driven by strong
performance from high-yield bonds.
The Fund made a positive return in May. The top-performing countries were Colombia,
Brazil and Russia. The best-performing sectors were oil & gas and consumer products. By
region, Latin America was the best performer.
As a very sharp increase in core rates levels and volatility has challenged emerging-market
assets, we increased the cash position in the Fund. We did so principally by divesting
names more sensitive to moves in developed-market rates as we held our exposure to
high-yield names steady. The net effect was a decrease in duration. In terms of regions, we
increased our exposure to Latin America slightly while cutting exposure in other regions.
By sector, we decreased exposure to oil & gas.
In greater detail, we sold holdings in Ivory Coast sovereign bonds and in Cencosud (Chile),
SOCAR (Azerbaijan) and OCP (Morocco). We also took profit in Pacific Rubiales in Colombia
after the bonds had a strong rally. We increased holdings in a few names, including Marfrig
(Brazil), TDBM (Mongolia), and Sberbank and Alfa-Bank in Russia. We participated in a new
issue from DP World (UAE).
Portfolio holdings are subject to change
at any time without notice, are for
information purposes only and should
not be construed as investment
BNY Mellon Global Funds, plc
Increasing volatility in core rates and a lack of clarity on the health of the US economy,
which has in turn led to uncertainty over the timing of the first US rate hike, look set to
remain the main drivers of emerging-market asset performance for the near future. The
uncertainty over US monetary policy, ongoing weakness in commodities prices and
lacklustre emerging-market growth, but most importantly the high volatility in core rates
that remind us of the ‘taper tantrum’ in summer 2013, have combined to prompt our very
cautious stance on emerging-market debt.
BNY Mellon Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund
As at 31 May 2015
Tel: +44 20 7163 2367 | Fax: +44 20 7163 2039
Email: internationalsales@bnymellon.com | Web: www.bnymellonim.com
Any views and opinions contained in this document are those of the author as at the date of issue; are subject to change and should not be taken as
investment advice.
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or distributed without authorisation from BNY Mellon Investment Management EMEA Limited. The Fund is a sub-fund of BNY Mellon Global Funds, plc, an open-ended
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Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS Fund. The Management Company is BNY Mellon Global Management Limited (BNY MGM), approved and regulated by the Central Bank of
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Investment Management EMEA Limited is an English private limited company with company number 01118580, having its French branch at 7 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France
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Bank of New York Mellon, DIFC Branch (the “Authorised Firm”) is communicating these materials on behalf of BNY Mellon Investment Management EMEA Ltd. BNY Mellon
Investment Management EMEA Ltd is owned by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. This material is intended for Professional Clients only and no other person should act
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Issued on 23/06/2015