Syllabus - Mid-State Technical College


Syllabus - Mid-State Technical College
Syllabus – Oral/Interpersonal Communication (20611)
Course Number :
Email Address:
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Mid-State Technical College
Steve Thayer
(715) 389-7029
Room 104
Monday: 10-11 a.m. and 3 - 4 p.m.; Wednesday: 2-3 p.m.; Friday: 9-10 a.m.
I will also be in the Learning Commons (formerly ASC and Library) Monday
from 12-1 p.m. and Tuesday from 9-11 a.m.
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, 9 – 11:50 a.m.
Room 124/Computer lab 107
Think Communication, 2nd ed. by Isa N. Engleberg and Dianna R. Wynn
This course focuses upon developing speaking, verbal and non-verbal communication and listening skills
through individual presentations, group activities and other projects.
 Analyze communication situations
 Develop strategies for overcoming communication obstacles
 Evaluate how intrapersonal messages (perceptions and self-concept) affect communication
 Analyze how culture, including gender, impacts communication styles
 Use language effectively in communication
 Apply nonverbal communication skills appropriate for situations
 Apply active listening skills appropriate for situations
 Apply conflict resolution skills
 Contribute in group/team situations
 Deliver group and individual presentations
Mid-State Technical College has identified Core Abilities that all students should be able to demonstrate
before graduating. This course integrates these competencies.
Act with integrity
Communicate effectively
Demonstrate effective critical thinking
Demonstrate global and social awareness
Readings: Reading assignments are listed in order in this syllabus. More specific guidance will be
provided in class. Reading assignments will come out of the course texts as well as from outside sources.
I will provide any outside readings for you. You are expected to complete the reading assignments prior
to class.
Assignments: Individual and group written and oral assignments will be given and will count toward
your overall grade. These will include speeches, reaction papers, and other activities. These are listed
elsewhere in this syllabus and will be explained in detail at the time they are assigned.
Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due no later than the beginning of class on the scheduled due
date, and a full letter grade will be deducted for late assignments. If you are absent on a day that an
assignment is due, you must make arrangements to get it to me on time. If you know in advance you will
be late with an assignment, or you experience some sudden, catastrophic circumstance that prevents you
from attending class the day an assignment is due, this policy is negotiable. Please talk with me.
Make-Up Work: If you miss an in-class exam due to an absence, the exam must be taken on the day of
your return to campus, and before the next scheduled class period unless other arrangements have
previously been made with the instructor. A full letter grade will be deducted from the score on that exam.
If you miss an exam unexpectedly due to illness or accident, it may be possible to avoid the full letter
grade deduction if:
 you contact the instructor and make other arrangements before the class you intend to miss.
 you bring documentation of your situation to the instructor on your return to campus.
Failure to follow the above guidelines will result in a score of 0 points recorded for that exam.
Competencies, Exams and Grades: Letter grades will be determined by points earned on core abilities,
speeches, exams, activities, papers, and other types of written/oral assignments. Letter grades will be
assigned according to the following percentages:
A = 95-100
C = 80- 82
A- = 93- 94
C-= 77 - 79
Course Assignments:
Informative Speech
Group Presentation
Peer Evaluations
Response Writings
Student Success
Total Points:
B+ = 91- 92
D+ 74 - 76
B = 87- 90
D = 72-73
B- = 85- 86
D- = 70-71
C+ = 83- 84
Below 70 = F
100 points
100 points
50 points (approx. 10 @ 5 points each)*
40 points (4 responses @ 10 points each)
10 points (scheduled meeting with advisor sometime after 4th week)
200 points (4 exams @ 50 points each)
-------------500 points
* The point total for peer evaluations depends on the number of students in the class.
Total point breakdown for the course:
475 - 500= A
425 - 434 = B370 - 384= D+
465 - 474 = A415 - 424 = C+
360 - 369 = D
455 - 464 = B+
400 - 414 = C
350 - 359 = D-
435 - 454 = B
385 - 399 = CBelow 350 = F
To complete this course successfully, you must satisfactorily demonstrate ALL required course
competencies. These competencies must be completed by the deadline given. There will be NO
exceptions without prior instructor approval.
Speeches, exams, activities, assignments, papers, and group projects are considered competencies.
Therefore, 80 percent accuracy must be demonstrated in order to successfully complete this course
(receive a grade of “C” or better).
Professional Conduct: Oral/Interpersonal Communication is a course that focuses on theory, principles,
and professionalism on the job. Therefore, professional appearance and conduct is required, especially
during speeches and presentations. This means that inappropriate behaviors such as making rude
comments and gestures, showing disrespect, talking during class, and so on, will not be tolerated. Failure
to follow class policies will result in a verbal warning followed by you being asked to leave the class.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when you use someone else’s ideas without proper citation. Plagiarism in
your assignments will result in severe grade penalties. The issue of plagiarism will be discussed further in
class. It is your responsibility, however, to know what constitutes plagiarism.
All content of assignments/presentations must be original work. While it might be tempting to lift
information from the Internet or other resources, it is obviously not your work and constitutes plagiarism.
Any plagiarized work will receive a “0” score and repeated plagiarism will result in you failing the
MSTC Academic Integrity Policy: The Mid-State Technical College Board, administration, faculty,
and staff believe that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education.
All students are expected to maintain and promote the highest standards of personal honesty and
professional integrity. These standards apply to all examinations, assigned work, and projects. Therefore,
a student who is found to have been dishonest, fraudulent, or deceptive in the completion of work or
willing to help others to be so or who is found to have plagiarized (presented the work of others as his or
her own) is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension.
Tardiness: Please be on time! Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. If you are not present
at that time, you will be marked absent. If you arrive in class after attendance is taken, it is your
responsibility to tell the instructor to mark you present.
Cell Phones and Text Messaging: There may be opportunities to use cell phones and mobile devices in
class this semester, so you may bring them if you have them. However, I ask that you do not take or
make calls, or send text messages, during class time as it is distracting to others. If your cell phone use
becomes a distraction in class, I will ask you to leave. We will have ample break time in which you can
catch up on your calls and messages.
Participation/Peer Evaluations: During speeches/presentations you will be providing written and oral
feedback for your peer speakers. I will collect the written feedback forms, read through them, and return
them to the speakers. I will provide you with an identification number, which must be written on each
form. Improper or ineffective feedback forms will affect your grade negatively. Quality participation will
improve your grade.
Topic Approval: You MUST approve ALL your speech/presentation topics with me. If I do not
approve your topic, it may be inappropriate for the assignment. In such cases, I will grade your speech or
presentation accordingly. My approval of your topic is not a “rubber stamped” approval. Approval means
that your topic is “doable.” However, you will still need to fulfill the other requirements. You must also
have your visual aids approved by me.
Time Limits: Your speech/presentation MUST meet the time requirements. If you speak under or over
the time limit, your grade will be affected. I deduct points in reference to 30 second intervals above and
below the allotted time. Please check the time limits on the handouts so you know what those they are.
Speech Delivery: Unless otherwise assigned, you will deliver your speeches/presentations
extemporaneously (from limited notes). DO NOT memorize your speech/presentation or deliver it from a
manuscript (read the speech). A manuscript style delivery is grounds for failure of the assignment.
Remember, one of the goals of this course is to speak extemporaneously in a business setting.
Outlines: You are to hand in a TYPED outline and REFERENCES list of your speech/presentation on
the day your speech/presentation is due. Your outline should parallel the content of your
speech/presentation. Your outline’s bibliography must adhere to American Psychological Association
(APA) format. Outlines and bibliographies typed with improper format, with insufficient detail, or
insufficient sources harm your grade. NO outline or references list = A LATE ASSIGNMENT!
Late Speeches: If you are absent the week that a speech is to be given, you must make arrangements to
give that speech during the next scheduled class period. Late speeches will receive a full letter grade
reduction unless arrangements were made with the instructor prior to your absence.
MSTC ADA Statement: It is the policy of MSTC to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Individuals with disabilities are provided with
reasonable and effective accommodations, when requested, to afford equal access to educational
opportunities at MSTC.
For more information or to request assistance, students should contact the MSTC Disabilities Services
Coordinator at (715) 422-5452. Although students are strongly encouraged to refer themselves, they may
be referred by an instructor at any time. When possible, accommodations should be requested a semester
before they are to be put in place. However, Disabilities Services staff members will assist students at any
time to provide services in a timely manner. The student, MSTC Disabilities Services staff members, and
individual instructors together determine what services and accommodations are needed and how they are
to be provided. Reasonable and effective accommodations are individually determined, based on
disability and are provided at no cost to the student.
Accommodations include adjustments and modifications within MSTC’s educational environment that
provide students with disabilities equal access to education and the ability to participate. They are not
designed to give students with disabilities an unfair advantage over other students. Coursework and
exams that have occurred prior to approval are considered completed and are not eligible for
accommodations. MSTC does not provide attendant care services. Students in need of personal care are
expected to make their own arrangements for these needs.
MSTC Attendance: Class attendance is considered essential to the learning process. Therefore, regular,
punctual attendance is expected of all students. Students are responsible for discussing absences with their
instructors and when permitted by instructors, responsible for making up work that is missed. Any student
deciding that he or she no longer wishes to attend class must officially withdraw from the course.
Students failing to withdraw remain responsible for class costs and will be issued a failing grade.
Students are expected to attend the first class period or notify the class instructor. Students that do not
attend the first class period or provide appropriate notification may lose their seat in the class. The college
will inactivate a student’s enrollment and program status after a period of two consecutive semesters of
MSTC E-mail Policy: MSTC e-mail is the College's primary method for communicating important
information to students and staff. You are required to use your MSTC e-mail account in this course and
are encouraged to check your email regularly to keep current.
*** Please note that, due to student privacy rules, I will not send quiz, assignment or course
grades to you by email.
Where to Find Help: I am available to meet with you to resolve any problems or concerns you may have
regarding the course, its content or assignments. Contact me to schedule an appointment, or drop by to see
if I am available. If you need additional assistance, the instructors in the Learning Commons (formerly
ASC and Library) are also able to provide assistance.
With prior approval, students may be allowed to audio/video record lectures to enhance their
understanding of the topics presented. Audio/video recordings are not substitutes for attending class. If
you choose to record lectures, you must sign an agreement which lists the following terms:
Recordings are not to be distributed without the permission of the instructor. This
includes sharing via the Internet, peer to peer file sharing, or other methods.
Recordings are not to be shared with other classmates unless they are to be used in
collaborative assignments, or if the instructor approves sharing for other reasons.
You will turn off recorders at the request of instructor.
Non-compliance with these terms violates an instructor’s intellectual property rights. Students violating
this agreement will be subject to disciplinary actions under the Student Code of Conduct.
NOTE: You must complete the Agreement Form BEFORE audio/video recording lecture. Please see
me for an Agreement Form.
I reserve the right to change the syllabus at my discretion.
January 14
Intro to Course
January 21
Chapter 1: Human Communication
January 28
Chapter 15: Speaking to Inform
Chapter 12: Planning Your Presentation
Chapter 13: Content and Organization
Chapter 14: Language and Delivery
Response #1 Due
Exam #1
February 4
February 11
February 18
February 25
Chapter 2: Understanding Yourself
March 4
Chapter 3: Adapting to Others
Chapter 5: Verbal Communication
Response #2 Due
Exam #2
Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 4: Listening and Critical Thinking
Chapter 7: Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 8: Improving Interpersonal Communication
No Class – Spring Break
March 11
March 18
March 25
April 1
April 8
April 15
Response #3 Due
Exam #3
Chapter 9: Professional Relationships
April 22
Chapter 10: Working in Groups
April 29
Chapter 11: Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
May 6
Group Presentations
Course Wrap-up
Response #4 Due
Exam #4
May 13
You probably have at least one goal or objective you would like to achieve for this course. Consider this,
and then enter your goals/objectives here: