Industry Update Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Retail COMMERCE Rec : NEUTRAL Good entry point The sector's profit rebounded earlier than expected in 1Q15 since improvement in profitability compensated for declining sales caused by the weak economy, likely to continue growing for the remainder of the year. This is a good entry point. Top picks are CPALL and ROBINS. 1Q15 profit grows 18.2%yoy Seven retailers under our study posted total 1Q15 profit of B8.3bn, dropping 5%qoq due to low season but rebounding significantly for the first time in many quarters by 18.2%yoy (earlier than expected). Although same store sales have stayed flat for many quarters as a result of the weak economy, total sales grew by 9%yoy owing to aggressive branch expansion in 2014. Profitability also improved. Normalized profit margin increased for the first time in many quarters by 300bp from the weak base in 1Q14 to 4.3% owing to lower expense and better cost-efficiency (BIGC), higher rental income (ROBINS), increase in proportion of high-margin goods (MAKRO and CPALL), and lower financial cost (CPALL). BEAUTY and CPALL' earnings grew most significantly by 45%yoy and 26%yoy, respectively. Sector Index : 28,358.79 SET Index : 1,510.41 Growing throughout 2015 The commerce sector's profitability is anticipated to grow for the remainder of the years. CPALL and MAKRO (59% of total profit) are likely to make the strongest profit growth among peers since the proportion of high-margin goods would increase and financial cost would stay unchanged, promoting the sector's earnings growth to 23%yoy. As a result of the weak economy, sales are not likely to improve until 2H15, and some retailers (BIGC and HMPRO) would open fewer branches this year, but this would not have a significant adverse effect on the commerce sector's earnings. Top picks: CPALL, ROBINS Already passed their bottom and likely to rebound significantly again soon, this is a good entry for retail stocks. The share prices have not reflected positive factors yet after underperforming the market for over two years; this is a good entry point. Top picks are CPALL(FV@B53) and ROBINS(FV@B64). CPALL is attractive because its profit has rebounded more significantly than peers. ROBINS is still less expensive than the sector and previous averages, and its profit already passed its bottom. Key Data (Bm) FY: Dec 31 Sales Norm Profit Net Profit PER (x) PBV (x) ROAA % Gross margin % Source : ASPS Research FY13A 624,604 29,777 29,464 32.4 7.9 25.5% 18.8% FY14A 735,524 29,549 29,495 32.4 7.0 22.9% 17.2% FY15A 826,589 36,139 36,139 26.4 6.2 24.8% 17.1% FY16F 937,179 45,632 45,632 20.9 5.2 27.0% 17.2% FY17F 1,054,741 57,008 57,008 16.8 4.5 28.8% 17.4% Kawee Manitsupavong License No.: 003974 Anuwat Srikajornratkul License No.: 045698 This report is a rough translation of one of our Thai-language research products. It is produced primarily with time efficiency in mind, so that English-reading clients can see what the main recommendations are from our Thai-language research team. Given that this is a rough-and-ready translation, Asia Plus Securities cannot be held responsible for translation inaccuracies.) The reports and information contained herein are compiled from public data sources and our analysts' interviews with executives of listed companies. They are presented for informational purposes only and not to be deemed as solicitations to buy or sell any securities. Best attempts have been made to verify information from these vast sources, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy, adequacy, completeness and timeliness. The analyses and comments presented herein are opinions of our analysts and do not necessarily reflect the views of Asia Plus Securities. Industry Update Research Department Net Profit and Normalized Profit Margin (Bm) Net profit 1Q15 BIGC CPALL HMPRO MAKRO ROBINS BEAUTY BJC Total 1Q14 Norm margin YoY 4Q14 1,440 3,408 734 1,539 614 76 529 1,256 2,699 726 1,271 539 52 516 14.7% 26.3% 1.1% 21.1% 14.0% 45.4% 2.5% 8,341 7,059 18.2% 8,802 QoQ 1Q15 2,519 -42.8% 2,509 35.8% 1,029 -28.7% 1,480 4.0% 595 3.2% 105 -27.4% 564 -6.2% 1Q14 YoY 4Q14 QoQ 4.8% 3.6% 6.0% 4.0% 10.2% 21.2% 5.0% 4.3% 3.1% 6.6% 3.7% 9.1% 19.2% 5.4% 0.5% 0.4% -0.6% 0.3% 1.1% 2.1% -0.4% 7.9% 2.6% 7.9% 3.9% 8.9% 24.9% 4.8% -3.1% 0.9% -2.0% 0.0% 1.3% -3.7% 0.2% 4.3% 4.0% 0.3% 4.5% -0.2% -5.2% Source : ASPS Research Gross Margin SG&A/Sales and SSG Gross margin (Bm) 1Q15 BIGC CPALL HMPRO MAKRO ROBINS BEAUTY BJC 1Q14 13.2% 21.4% 25.9% 9.9% 24.7% 67.9% 24.1% Total 18.4% 13.3% 20.9% 26.1% 8.9% 25.1% 67.9% 23.0% 18.0% SG&A/Sales YoY 4Q14 QoQ -0.2% 0.5% -0.2% 0.9% -0.4% 0.1% 1.2% 16.9% 21.7% 25.5% 9.6% 24.7% 66.6% 21.8% -3.7% -0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.0% 1.4% 2.3% 0.4% 19.0% -0.6% 1Q15 1Q14 18.2% 17.9% 23.9% 7.1% 27.0% 43.3% 17.4% 16.4% YoY 18.3% 19.1% 23.7% 6.5% 24.4% 46.3% 16.7% -0.1% -1.2% 0.3% 0.5% 2.6% -3.0% 0.7% 16.9% -0.4% 1Q15 4Q14 16.9% 19.7% 22.1% 6.8% 27.0% 36.9% 15.8% 17.0% QoQ SSSG 1.3% -1.9% 1.8% 0.2% 0.0% 6.3% 1.6% -0.2% 0.3% -2.7% 2.8% -6.6% 17.7% N.A. -0.6% -1.3% Source : ASPS Research Branches expansion B ranches 180 H yperm arkets 6 16 12 150 Superm arkets 10 18 12 120 B ranches 400 B ranches End-2015 New End-2014 New End-2013 New End-2012 New End-2011 New Branches 10,000 Branches Branches Branches 8,000 Branches 600 698 607 546 55 300 57 6,000 90 58 200 60 120 12 10 13 9 13 7 8 5 45 52 30 4,000 7 6 5 5 49 6276 40 100 2,000 40 130 60 25 - 0 B IG C * HM PRO M A KR O R O B IN S C P A LL B E A UT Y 0 B JC Source : ASPS Research ***The companies’ branch expansion targets may be different from our forecast; BIGC reduced the number of new hypermarket branches to two. Key Assumption Rec. BIGC CPALL HMPRO MAKRO ROBINS BEAUTY BJC HOLD BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY HOLD Closing Price (B) 213.00 46.00 6.60 36.25 45.75 4.00 36.25 Fair Value (B) 240.00 53.00 9.20 42.00 64.00 5.00 42.00 Upside (%) 12.7% 15.2% 39.4% 15.9% 39.9% 25.0% 15.9% EPS EPS Growth (B) (%) 10.0 14% 1.5 32% 0.3 14% 1.3 25% 2.0 17% 0.1 25% 1.3 21% 2015F P/E (X) 21.3 30.9 22.9 28.6 22.5 31.9 28.4 PBV Div Yield (X) (%) 3.6 1.4 11.2 1.7 4.7 4.2 12.2 2.6 3.6 2.1 10.3 30.9 3.0 2.0 Source : ASPS Research 2