Current Agenda - Inverness Public Utility District
Current Agenda - Inverness Public Utility District
Inverness Public Utility District Fire Department * Water System I n v e r n e s s , M a r i n C o u nt y , C a l i f o r ni a Board of Directors Agenda Special Meeting Wednesday – July 1, 2015 9 a.m. at the Inverness Firehouse 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Expression. Open time for public expression for matters under the Board’s jurisdiction but not on the Agenda. Members of the public may comment on any item on the Agenda at the time the item is considered by the Board. 4. Approval of Minutes: May 27, 2015 Action 5. Water System Report, May 2015: Superintendent Fox Information 6. Fire Department Report, May 2015: Fire Chief Fox Information 7. Consider Approval of Employment Agreement with General Manager Action 8. Adopt, Accept, and Approve Fiscal Year 2015/16 Operating Budget Action 9. Discuss Potential IPUD Solar Energy Project Information 10. Accept, Approve, and Adopt Resolution 221-2015: A Resolution of The Board of Directors of The Inverness Public Utility District for the Election of Directors to the Special District Risk Management Authority Board of Directors Action 11. Candidate Selection: California Special District Association Board of Directors Action 12. Management Report: General Manager McMorrow Information 13. Approval of Expenditures: May 2015 Action 14. Committee Meetings/Reports Information 15. Announcements & Adjournment Information Agenda Posted: June 29, 2015 Material that is provided in the meeting packet is available to the public by contacting the District Office. Items may not be taken up in the order shown on this Agenda. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Board of Directors: Kenneth Emanuels, President Dakota Whitney, Vice President James Laws, Treasurer Laura Alderdice Brent Johnson Scott McMorrow, General Manager James K. Fox, Chief of Operations P.O. Box 469, 50 Inverness Way, Inverness CA 94937 (415) 669-1414