WEB ENABLED - Inwavetech
WEB ENABLED - Inwavetech
ACCESSORIES FOR EAS SYSTEMS WEB ENABLED The new concept for reliable EAS Connect your device on the net in 3 "no trouble" steps Real time adjustment and monitoring info@inwavetech.com www.inwavetech.com Phone: + 55 21 2604 2685 ACCESSORIES FOR EAS SYSTEMS Inwave’s Web Enabled solution allows to anticipate customer complain by making the information available instantly when any abnormal activity occurs. All the alarming thresholds are user defined and a report can be generated detailing the system operation. These monitoring features will guarantee the customer that his system is a 100% efficient improving the brand trust. • • All the parameters (available for local configuration) are remotely adjustable. All system data (Noise Level, Signal Level, Frequency, Quality Factor, and Current Level) are remotely monitored. info@inwavetech.com www.inwavetech.com Connection type User defined alarm Client through Inwave’s website (Default) Schedule on system state Direct server connection through DynDNS Event for internet connection and new parameters saved Direct server connection through DDNS Inwave Notification by email Activities saved in a log every 5 minutes Alarm counter Purchase code AC-192 Webenable Ethernet Adjustment Interface Noise level System state (On/Off) Internet connection (Online/Offline) New parameters saved by user Threshold on alarm counter and noise level Tested LCIE - Laboratoire Central des Industies Electriques - Une Société de Bureau Veritas - France Real time adjustment and monitoring: guarantee the customer that his system is a 100% efficient Phone: + 55 21 2604 2685