Newsletter June 2015 - The Isle of Man Clay Pigeon Shooting Club


Newsletter June 2015 - The Isle of Man Clay Pigeon Shooting Club
Since the last newsletter in February the club has been busy with the start of the summer league
fixtures kindly sponsored by the following:
The Colin Bowen family (English Skeet)
SMP Partners (Sporting)
Tower Insurance (DTL)
Manx Petroleum (Olympic Skeet)
Sadler Agricultural Supplies (ABT)
Hospice Shoot weekend of 11/12 July 2015
The entry sheet is now up in the club house so please put your name down to help this worthwhile
The entry fee of £30 includes a polo shirt, a minimum of 50 clays and a buffet on the Sunday after the
team shoot. The top 32 on Saturday go forward to a team knock out and new this year is that the four
teams that get knocked out in the first round will shoot again for the lower places. The shoot is open
to all so if you have any friends that might want to compete, get them entered, there are medals up for
grabs for the best non members, for more information please see Peter.
Club shoots
The skeet doubles this year kindly sponsored by Giulio Fabrizio was won by Marty Kneen with a score
of 97 with Stan Cross 2 (96) and Jeff Corkill 3rd (95).
Juan Cowley was the Easter high gun winner on a perfect 50 straight; Peter Fabrizio was the
handicap cup winner on 54 points. The Colin Bowen Memorial team cup was won by Jack Kneen and
Paul Mihailovits on 192.
The sporting selection shoot went very well, many thanks to all that helped in running it. It was won by
Marty Kneen on 81 who also won the sport trap selection shoot on 43.
Well done to all winners
IOM Championships
The club hosted two championships towards the end of May the first was the Single barrel DTL
Championship which was won by Alan Wade with 94 second after shoot off was Neil Parsons with
Nigel Kelly third. In the ABT championship Jeff Fargher was the victor on 84 with Mark Riley second
on 83 and Neil Parsons third on 80 after a shoot off with Alan Wade. Unfortunately Wilfy Walton could
not take part as he fell and broke his elbow when out walking the dog, get well soon Wilf.
Due to work commitments and bad weather hardly any work has been done on the range but we
hope to address this in the future.
Saturday Rota
We are looking for any members who could help us run the range on a Saturday as are volunteers
are getting thin on the ground.
Any member that would be willing to help run the range on a Saturday morning please contact Peter
on 461203 or email You would be asked to help about every 6-7 weeks or
whenever you would be available. Please remember if we don’t have helpers the range cannot be
Winter leagues
We are glad to announce that Cu Plas Callow have kindly offered to sponsor all the winter leagues
again this year.
Club and shooting fees
All club membership and shooting fees remain the same for 2015:
Senior Membership £50, juniors (under 18 on the 1 January 2015) £5
Members shoot entries £5 per round practice or competition
Junior Members £2.50 per round practice or competition
Junior Non Members £2.50 per round practice or competition
Non Members £7 per round practice or competition
If a member has not paid his/her subs they will be charged non members rates and there scores will
also not be counted towards league prizes
Classifications and handicaps
The classifications this year for English Skeet, DTL and Sporting will be based on all scores posted in
last summer and winter league shoots (eleven in all) and the shooter must have entered at least three
shoots to get a classification .The same will apply for all handicaps.
This system seems to be working very well and a big thank you must go to Stan for sorting this.
League prizes
The committee has decided that the cartridge prizes this year for league shoots will be as follows
provided we have a sponsor for that league.
The Highgun prize is to be discontinued with Class prizes in A, B, C, classes
1 in Class 3 box, 2 in Class 2 boxes, 3 in Class 1 box
st nd rd
To give out 1 ,2 ,3 , prizes there must be four shooters in that class, if there are only three
shooters in class only 1 and 2 are given out; if there are only two shooters in class only 1
prize given; and if only one shooter no class prize
If two or more shooters tie on the same score in class the shooters to receive the same
cartridge prize e.g. Class A =1 Joe and Harry 45 3 boxes each; 3 Jimmy 44 1 Box
No count back rule to be used this year
For ABT and Olympic Skeet the prizes are 1 3 boxes, 2 2 boxes, 3 1 box depending on
numbers, No Class’s Minimum of four shooters for 1 , 2nd, 3rd, to be given out
This system has also been well received by all members.
Dogs at the range
Would all members that bring dogs to the range please make sure you clean up any mess your dog
makes and dispose of it properly ,it has been pointed out to me that some bags of droppings were left
on the range in sight of everybody.
Also on a Sunday please do not bring your dog in the club house when food is being served as this
breaks health and hygiene rules. Thank you!
Parish Walk
Please note the Parish walk is on Saturday 20 June and the road to the range is closed till until
about 12:30. So the range will be closed till then but will open until 4pm
Chairman’s Comments
Once again a reminder that the Hospice shoot this year is over the weekend of 11-12 July on the
same format as last year, so please get your name down.
I have noticed again that some spent cartridge cases are not finding the buckets; if your spent
cartridges miss the buckets pick them up and put them in the buckets. If no bucket is available put
them in your pocket, don’t throw them on the ground as we will be cutting the grass shortly.
That’s all for now enjoy your shooting and remember enjoyment is why we do it, winning is a bonus!
The next news letter will be towards the end of September with news of the winter fixtures and the
annual prize presentation at the Douglas Golf club on November 7 .
Peter Kelly