April 2015 Minutes


April 2015 Minutes
Thursday 9th April 2015
Meeting opened at 6.10 pm by Treasurer Julian Taylor.
Members Present: Julian Taylor HLM Bob Munday HLM John
Murphy Ivan Belacic .Chris Miller. Arthur Wode. Brian Perry. Stan
Wilson. Ray Strong.
Apologies: Phil Kleine Peter Batley. Mick Richardson. David
Kennemore. Andrew Smith. Ray Zak. Ron Cameron and Andy Kuzek.
New Members: The following member, Mr Denis O’Mara is welcomed
to our region Denis is joining us from the AFP.
Minutes of Last Meeting: Accepted Arthur Wode, seconded Brian
Chairman’s Report – Not available
Secretary’s Report The reply by the Governor- General’s Office in
response to the invitation for him to address our May meeting was
presented and his agreement .was noted. The letter from National
regarding the re-issue of the 50 year pin was presented. Some
members requested pins when available. The list was taken by the
treasurer. The report was proposed by Brian Perry and seconded by
John Murphy.
Treasurers Report The financial position was presented.
A reminder was issued re the sausage sizzle at Fyshwick Bunnings on
Saturday 16 May. Volunteers to contact Andrew Kuzek.
A reminder of the Governor-General’s attendance at our next meeting.
Arrangements are in progress.
Notification of the mid- year NEB/NEC meeting in Canberra on
Saturday 2nd May. Arrangements are in progress.
An announcement of the death of Peter Burrows was made in case
there were members who did not already know.
It was also noted that we had not heard from Ron or Rosemary
Cameron for a while as to Ron’s situation. Bob Munday said that he
had seen him recently and that he was back home and recuperating
Treasurer’s Report was proposed by Julian Taylor and 2nd by Bob
General Business A motion was put to move Barry Boyce and Joan
Barlow to life membership. This is due to the fact that they have both
been members for over 20 years and are both aged in their 80s.
A memo from the Secretary-General on 12/12/14 refers to the
availability of such a move for long serving members over the age of
80. They will no longer receive an invoice for subs. Their card will be
automatically sent to them and the region will pay their $10 to national.
The motion was proposed by B Munday and 2nd by S Wilson. Motion
was passed.
Any Other Business: Ivan Belacic told the meeting that there was
the availability of a ski lodge at ‘ Smiggen Holes’ in October or
November. The lodge has about 20 Rooms and costs $35 per person
per night. Anyone who is interested should contact Ivan on 0401
686174 with some dates in mind. ….A copy of ‘Lord of the Rings’ is
available to anyone unsure of the location !
Meeting closed at 6.35 pm and members adjourned to the foyer
Peter Batley
Remember the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove is giving of
his valuable time to talk to our members at our next meeting on
Thursday 14 May. Please show your appreciation by attending
where possible. We are supplying finger foods and drinks and all
you need to bring is yourself and guests. Please let me know of
your attendance by the 7th May at the very latest so that we can
make all the catering arrangements etc. I appreciate your
assistance to make this a memorable evening for our Region.