IPF Web Drama Series 2015 Short-list results
IPF Web Drama Series 2015 Short-list results
April 1, 2015 Independent Production Fund (IPF) Web Drama Series 2015 Short-list results The Independent Production Fund and its evaluators have reviewed the 195 proposals for web series funding which were submitted this year from across Canada. Over 40 industry professionals, consultants and advanced media students selected a short-list of twenty-seven (27) projects, including 16 English-language and 11 French-language web series. In addition, several web series previously funded by the IPF will be eligible to apply for second season financing. The selected short-listed projects are now invited to submit complete Production Applications by May 4, 2015. An international Jury will evaluate these proposals and the Board of Directors of the IPF will make final funding decisions in June. Andra Sheffer, CEO of the IPF noted that “the variety and strength of the proposals was very impressive, and our congratulations go to all of the 195 applicants who produced such high quality proof-of-concept videos and thoughtful proposals. The IPF’s web series funding program is very competitive and the selection process is daunting.” List of short-listed projects: Bonheur plan d'pauvre Comedy The CatHood Comedy Chorea Mystery/Thriller DemonX Fantasy Deux pigistes en cavale Comedy Dhaliwal ’15 Comedy Écrivain public Dramedy Epic Studios Comedy, Musical Halcyon Drama, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction Haunters Comedy, Musical Roméo & Fils Virginie Nolin Shut Up & Colour Pictures Marc Tetreault, Jason Levangie, Jay Dahl, Bill Niven, Struan Sutherland Touchpoint Films Sara Basso, Brad Dworkin, Mina Sewell Mancuso, Emma Sutherland, Peter Harvey, Kevin Saffer Frostbite Pictures Artino Ahmadi, Jason Fischer Les Pigistes Véronique Chaumont Vahana Films Amita Zamaan, Rute Michael, Jasmeet Singh, Ifran Ali Productions Babel Marco Frascarelli Farmhouse Productions & Duopoly Canada Kent Sobey, Catherine Tait, Josh Gal Secret Location James Milward, Noora Abu Eitah, Marty Flanagan, Stefan Grambart QC Fauxhemian Films J. Adam Brown, Blain Watters, Davin Lengyel ON NS ON BC QC ON QC ON ON Inheritance Drama, Mystery/Thriller Jeux de pouvoir Comedy Daniel Arnold Productions Daniel Arnold, Marisa Smith, Darrell Dennis Attraction images Micho Marquis-Rose BC Marc-en-peluche Teen Millionnaires, Les Comedy Mouvement Deluxe Comedy Mutha Comedy Blachfilms Vincent Lafortune Urbania Raphaëlle Huysmans SPORT Johannie Deschambault Artsy Fartsy Productions Inc. Sonia Hong, Allia McLeod, Elizabeth Whitmere, Martin Rubio, Jennifer Neales, Dave Lazar, Mandy May Cheetham, Deborah Jarvis Slow Clap Films Daniel Rattner, Ethan Cole, Josh Shultz Open Season Productions Nile Seguin, Aisha Alfa, Donnie Mullins, Kevin Saffer N5 Pictures Ant Horasanli, Reza Sholeh Antoine Desjardins-Cauchon Antoine Desjardins-Cauchon, Alexandre Bouchard, Odrée Rousseau Farmer Vision Meghan Armstrong, Cameron Maitland, Nicholas Bradford-Ewart Le Groupe Kelvin Julien Hurteau Unstoppable Urges Productions and From Here Productions Kelli Kieley, Mary Lewis, Brad Gover Space Mop Davin Lengyel Les films Encyclopédine Catherine Vien-Labeaume Whiskaye Films Jameson Parker, David Kaye, Tyler Funk Turbulent Claire Buffet, Sophie Galipeau QC My 90 Year Old Roommate Comedy Open Season Comedy Petrol Drama, Mystery/Thriller Pouceux, Les Comedy Resurrectionist Mystery/Thriller SHARP Dramedy The Standoff Comedy, Drama Squadron 86 Science Fiction Switch & Bitch Comedy White Ninja Comedy Y'a pas d'âge Drama The Independent Production Fund thanks all of the evaluators for undertaking this selection challenge and sharing their insights and viewing experiences. The IPF invests approximately $1.5M in the production of 12 – 15 web series each year. These series represent all demographics and genres, including action, animation, thriller, comedy and science fiction. They use social media to share and promote to their audiences and also offer a variety of interactive activities for viewers. The web series previously funded can be accessed at www.ipf.ca/webseries. QC QC QC ON ON ON ON QC ON QC ON ON QC BC QC The IPF has invested over $58 M in the production of television and web drama series in the past 24 years. It is incorporated as a charitable foundation with an endowment valued at $36 M. It uses the interest generated by endowment and return on its project investments for its annual operations and project funding. The Board of Directors is composed of representatives from the industry and undertakes all funding decisions. For further information: Andra Sheffer 416 977 8966 Claire Dion 514 845 4334 asheffer@ipf.ca cdion@ipf.ca www.ipf.ca