

History and Scope
ISI-2015 will be the next one in a series of traditional
biennial meetings devoted to problems of physics of
atomic collisions with solids and related topics.
Beginning with 1971, the conferences were held in
Kharkov, Moscow, Kiev, Minsk, Zvenigorod (Moscow
region), Yaroslavl and contributed to the progress of
research and technologies based on ion-surface
The 22nd International Conference
on Ion-Surface Interactions
20th–24th August 2015
Organized by
Russian Academy of Sciences,
“ROSATOM” State Nuclear Energy Corporation,
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Moscow State University,
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University,
Moscow Aviation Institute,
Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity
Materials RAS
Russian Technological University (MATI).
You are cordially invited to participate in and to contribute
to the 22nd International Conference on Ion-Surface
Interactions – ISI-2015 – that will be held from 20th to 24th
August 2015 in Moscow.
The scientific programme of ISI-2015 will include
invited plenary talks as well as oral and poster
presentations held in the following sections:
1. Sputtering, surface erosion, desorption.
2. Ion scattering and penetration.
3. Emission of ions, electrons, photons and
X-rays under ion bombardment.
4. Ion implantation and surface modification.
5. Ion-assisted processes in nanostructures and thin
6. Plasma-surface interaction:
physics and
The working language of the Conference will be English
and Russian. All oral presentations and discussions
should be in English. It is possible also to present
posters in Russian, but titles, abstracts and figure
captions should be in English
Chair person: V.E. Yurasova (Russia)
Members: A.G.Borisov (France), V.T.Gritsyna (Ukraine),
S.O. Kucheyev (USA), Yu.V. Martynenko (Russia),
E.S. Mashkova
T. Michely
A.A. Pisarev
V.N.Popok (Denmark), D.I. Tetelbaum (Russia), S.Zhang
A.F. Aleksandrov (Russia), A.I. Bazhin (Ukraine),
J. Burgdorfer
(Austria), V. Esaulov (France),
F.Dzhurabekova (Finland), R. Hoekstra (The Netherlands)
F.F. Komarov (Belorussia), U.Kh. Rasulev (Uzbekistan),
P. Sigmund (Denmark), A.I. Titov (Russia), R. Webb (UK),
J. Williams (Australia), H. Winter (Germany), Y.Yamazaki
Venue and Accommodation
The Conference will be held at National Research Nuclear
University «MEPhI». Address: Moscow 115409, Kashirskoe
shosse, 31. (tel. 499 324-87-66). Registration will be at the
same place at 19th August 2015 starting from 10 am.
Participants will be accommodated in the campus of MEPhI
and other hotels of Moscow. Further details on
accommodation will appear at the conference website.
Chair: Yu. A. Ryzhov
Cochar: M.N. Strikhanov
Vice chairs: V.E.Yurasova, A.I.Titov, V.A.Kurnaev, and
Scientific secretary: E.D.Marenkov
Members: V.I. Bachurin,
L.B. Begrambekov,
A.M. Borisov,
J.S. Colligon,
Yu.M. Gasparyan,
V.A. Ivanov,
P.A. Karaseov,
G.V. Kornich,
L.M. Kovrizhnikh, A.N. Petrovskii, A.A. Semenov,
I.I. Shkarban, E.Yu. Zykova.
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Evgeny Marenkov
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
Phone: (+7-499) 324 7024, Fax: (+7-499) 324 7024
Registration and Fees
Important dates
Participants are asked to fill in the registration form on the
Conference website:
Pre-registration form before
15th January 2015
Abstract submission deadline 15th March 2015
Notification of acceptance
20th April 2015
Manuscript submission deadline 20th August 2015
The regular conference fee is €450, for student €250 and for
accompanying person €200. It must be paid in cash on your arrival
to conference. It covers transportation from Moscow airport and
back, breakfasts, lunches, evening meals, a book of extended
abstracts, the conference dinner, outings and excursions.
MEPhI (place of the conference) is located near the famous
museum-reserve Kolomenskoye that is a former royal estate
with many historical attractions and a large park area at the
bank of the Moskva River.
The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, the first tentroof stone church in Russia. It was included into UNESCO
World Heritage List.
Surroundings and Excursions
Talks and Posters
The duration of invited talks will be 25 minutes plus 5
minutes for discussion. Oral contributions are scheduled for
10 minutes with an extra 5 minutes for discussion.
Computer and overhead projector will be provided. Poster
sessions will be held after talks. Posters of 60 cm x 80 cm
size should be put up the evening before, and removed
immediately after the poster session.
Extended abstracts (4 pages A4 for regular talks, and 4-6
pages for invited talks, including figures) should be
submitted either in English or in Russian in WORD format
(12-pt Times New Roman, 1.5-spaced). The title should be
typed in 14-pt boldface capital letters. Leave empty line
before the names of the authors and again before the singlespaced affiliations and addresses (italic). Presenting author
should be underlined. E-mail address of the corresponding
author should be given in brackets after his name.
The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
Moscow offers plenty of opportunities for sightseeing
and relaxation (opera and ballet, concerts, art galleries,
museums, and exhibitions). It has unique monuments of
Russian architecture.
The Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich is a monument
of art and every-day life of the last and brightest period of
Moscow Tsardom.
References in 10-pt size letters should be typed as follows:
[1] Z. Author1, M.F. Author2, Journal, 255 (2007) 1247.
Abstracts are to be sent by e-mail to Ekaterina
Phones : (7-495) 939 2937, (7-903) 68 68 078
Fax: (7-495) 939 1787.
Selected and referred at the conference papers will be
published either in Russian or in English in special issues of
the Russian Journals: Izvestiya RAN, ser. fiz. (The Bulletin
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Allerton
Press) or Poverkhnost’ (J. of Surface Investigation,
Springer). Some papers in English will be published in a
special issue of the international Journal Vacuum (Elsevier
Publishers). An electronic version of the manuscript and
two printed copies must be submitted on the first day of the
Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, XVII century
Moscow State University
An excursion to the Kolomenskoe and some other attractions
will be organized for the participants and accompanying
( for details.
Novodevyachii monastery
Putevoi palace of Peter the First
Pashkov’s House
Bol’shoi Theater
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Saint Basil‘s Cathedral
Tretyakov’s gallery