
June 2015
14th June 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Budapest Marriott Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 4
ISPIM is organising its flagship Junior Researcher Lab 2015 in Budapest, which will be taking
place during the XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference. If you are currently doing a PhD,
considering doing one, or just graduated - then the ISPIM Junior Researcher Lab is for you!
The ISPIM PhD Community is organised to serve as a platform for young career researchers
and PhD students to meet, collaborate, network and exchange experiences with other
colleagues, leading researchers and practitioners in the field. It is essentially a community to
share ideas and connect while providing valuable support in dealing with the challenges of
completing a PhD in innovation management as well as getting started with a post-PhD
This community has already connected over 140 early stage innovation scholars globally in
two and half years making ISPIM one of the most rapidly growing innovation communities
for junior researchers.
Kindly note: In order to participate pre-registration for the Lab is required (aside from the
main conference registration). Click here to register.
Join the conversation on our LinkedIn page and see you in Budapest!
Abayomi & the ISPIM team
Abayomi Baiyere
Community Development Co-ordinator
13:00 Registration Opens
13.45-13.50 Welcome
13.50-14.05 Facilitated Networking
Participants will not only meet new people, but also learn and familiarise themselves with
each other’s research areas and topics through short “research pitches”. Our aim is that you
will walk out of this event with possible futu re co-authors, so be sure to bring your business
cards and contact details!
14.05-14.50 Career Speed Date/Post-PhD Career Tips/Job Interviews
A unique opportunity to meet recruiting companies and universities. Pre-selected
participants would be interviewed and recruited alongside the lab. Various career options
inside and outside academia will also be discussed, helping you focus on planning your
studies and the next steps.
14.50-15.00 Networking Break
15.00-15.30 Panel: After PhD what next? Practitioner’s Perspective
Seasoned innovation managers and practitioners from multinationals, startups and even the
university are brought together to highlight the possibilities that exists after a PhD degree
particularly in the industry. They provide insights on what can be achieved and how to start
thinking and positioning yourself for the road ahead.
Calvin Smith
Jaspar Roos
Peter Robbins
Joanne Hyland
Stefan Kohn
EMC Principal
Manager of Global
Innovation &
Future Ideas,
Founder, Chief
Inspiration Officer
Innovation Lecturer &
Consultant – NUI
Founding Partner &
President, rInnovation
Head of T-Gallery at
Deutsche Telekom
15.30-15.35 Networking Break
15.35-16.30 Interactive Discussion-Table Sessions
Participants will join interactive Q&A sessions led by experts in order to share best practices
on various topics. Choose the two most suitable one for you and be well-prepared for them!
Emerging Innovation Topics (Trends, Niches, Interdisciplinary topics)
Max von Zedtwitz
Director of GLORAD, Professor of
Innovation and International Business
Stefan Kohn
Head of T-Gallery at Deutsche
Research Methodologies (Qualitative vs Quantitative, Data Collection)
Jens Leker
Head, Institute of Business Admin.,
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
University of Münster
Manuel Bauer
Corporate Innovation Manager
Clariant Intl. Ltd;
2015 PhD Thesis Awards Nominee
Publications and Academic Career (Skills or Luck?)
Eelko Huizingh
Director of Scientific Affairs – ISPIM;
Associate Professor, Innovation
Management, Groningen University
Paavo Ritala
Professor Strategy & Innovation; Director
of competence area - Strategy,
Management & Accounting LUT Finland
Industry Careers (How did you do it?)
Samuli Kortelainen
CEO, co-founder at
SimAnalytics Oy;
Researcher LUT Lappeenranta.
Sabrina Schneider
Deutsche Bank;
Scientific Coordinator ISPIM
Juha Hinkkanen
Account Manager/
Outperformer, Hilti;
Past Community
Coordinator ISPIM
Grants, Research Funding and Research Visits
Rowena Barrett
Professor and Head, School of
Management, QUT Business School,
Queensland University of Technology
Anton Kriz
Innovation Management and
Strategic Management Specialist,
Sydney Area, Australia
Balancing Life and PhD (Extra Curricula skills, Time management)
Sally Davenport
Professor of Management, Victoria
University of Wellington; Commissioner
- New Zealand Productivity Commission
Robert Dew
Managing Director, Coriolis Pty Ltd;
Visiting Professor, TiasNimbas
Business School, Netherlands
16.30-16.40 Networking Break
16.40-17.15 Panel: Getting your research Published and the principles of Reviewing
An opportunity for you to meet Journal editors and distinguished scholars associated with
ISPIM, and ask questions about the publishing and reviewing process. The ISPIM PhD
Community is also coordinating its unique “Associate Reviewer Programme” with journals
through which it is possible to practise, learn and gain experience in peer reviewing.
Ellen Enkel
Max von Zedtwitz
Paavo Ritala
Fred Phillips
Editor R&D Management
Professor, Managing
Director GLORAD
Professor Strategy &
Innovation. LUT
Editor-in-Chief Technological
Forecasting & Social Change.
17.15-17.25 Networking Break
17.25.-18.15 Poster Competition
Selected number of high quality poster submissions will be presented for qualification
for the award winning research idea. An interactive audience decision system would be
used in ranking and deciding on the eventual winner. Read More >>
Anchor: Juha Hinkkanen
Past ISPIM Community Co-ordinator
Poster Presenters
Aron-Levi Herregodts
Joan Edwards
Romy Hilbig
Carolina Haddad
Linda Nhu Laursen
Victoria Kayser
Feng-Shang Vincent Wu
Nina Tervonen
Wipfler Harald
Ferdaous Zouaghi
Paula Anzola
Yan-Zhi Wang
18.30-20.00 Conference Welcome Reception
The evening will continue with the official Conference Welcome Reception, allowing you
to meet other Conference participants over drinks and snacks.
After the reception, there is a possibility to interact socially over dinner in a nearby restaurant
(costs not covered).