JAN-FEB-MAR 2016 - South Bay Chinese Club


JAN-FEB-MAR 2016 - South Bay Chinese Club
January/February/March 2016
Happy New Year 2016 Everyone!
SBCC had a very busy last three months with activities for all groups and
ages starting with our general meeting/luau potluck held on October 15th
at Tom Hom’s club house in Milpitas. The event was well attended with
a variety and abundance of food provided by club members and L&L
Barbecue. Entertainment was provided by Hala Hula ‘O Kaunanoemakalukoa-Na
Hawaii O’Kaleponi . The performers included long time member and past president
Gladys Lee. It was great to see so many current and new members attend this event.
Special thanks to Fran Gin for coordinating this event and all those who shared their
delicious foods and desserts.
On December 19th we held our annual Christmas party in conjunction with Citizens for
Better Community (CBC) and the residents and staff of Aegis Gardens Assisted Living
Center. The program started with the singing of several traditional Christmas songs led
by a SBCC and CBC choir accompanied by Ivy Wu on the piano. Entertainment was
also provided by the Dream Achievers band from Friends of Children with Special Needs.
Many of the residents were able to enjoy, dance and sway to the lively tunes. Santa
Claus made his much anticipated appearance, handing out gifts to the seniors and we
ended the evening sharing a delicious dinner with the residents. This is an annual event
which we all look forward to with much joy. Thank you to the Committee Members from
both SBCC and CBC for making this another great event.
As we start the 51st year of SBCC with many events to come, I want to thank you for your
participation and involvement in all of our club’s activities and am looking forward to the
Chinese New Year’s celebration at the Fremont Main Library, the Chinese New Year’s
dinner, the Elder’s Lunch, the Scholarship Banquet and the Golf Tournament.
Traditionally we make a New Year’s Resolution to start the year. Let us all resolve to
live life to the fullest and to make this 51st year of SBCC a very enjoyable and memorable
one. I wish you and your family good health, prosperity and happiness.
Randy Sabado
SBCC President, 2015-2016
January/February/March 2016
On Saturday, October 10, 2015 SBCC members, family and guests enjoyed a wonderful potluck
luau and Hawaiian entertainment provided by the graceful and gracious ladies of Halau Hula ‘O
Kaunanoemakalaukoa – Na Hawaii ‘O Kaleponi. Colorful Aloha shirts, Hawaiian muumuus,
delicious food and happy people made the event memorable and fun.
January/February/March 2016
For those of you who were able to join us:
Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua
(Thank you for celebrating with us)
January/February/March 2016
SBCC to Co-Host Annual Chinese New Year Celebration “Year of the Monkey”
South Bay Chinese Club, Citizens for Better Community and the Fremont Main Library will
again celebrate the Chinese New Year on Saturday, January 30, 2016, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
This year we celebrate the Year of the Monkey! The official date for the new lunar year is
Monday, February 8, 2016.
This event is for families, children and anyone interested in Chinese culture
Art and craft booths will fill the library along with an entertainment
program. Volunteers are always appreciated. More details to follow.
By Lorrice Wong
Join your SBCC friends as we celebrate the “Year of the Monkey”,
on Saturday, February 27, 2016, 5:30 PM, at the Mayflower
Restaurant in Union City. Details are outlined in the flyer attached
in this issue of the Pagoda Post. Print the flyer now and start inviting your guests. Send in your
reservation requests along with your check no later than February 17. Also, you have the
option of making reservations and paying with a credit card on the SBCC website:
www.SouthBayChineseClub.org. If you have any questions, please contact either Maelene
(510) 791-1400 or Lorrie (510) 651-3015.
Whether you reserve a table for 10 or seats for 2, celebrating Chinese New Year with SBCC
is an ideal way to entertain your family and friends. There will be our ever-popular raffle, party
favors for children and lots of fun to go around. Even Grandma will be pleased with the quality
and quality of food.
Did you get something for Christmas that you can’t use? Or perhaps you have gift cards for
stores that you don’t frequent. If so, please consider donating them to the Chinese New Year
Celebration raffle. Items do not need to be expensive, but they should be new or in excellent
condition. For example, house wares, wine, arts and crafts, foodstuff and certificates for
restaurants make good raffle prizes. If you have anything you can donate, please contact Lorrie
at 510-651-3015.
January/February/March 2016
Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate the new “Year of the Monkey” with SBCC. As always, you
can expect our popular raffle with oodles of prizes including bottles of wine and theme baskets. Children under
12 will receive a special party favor to bring home.
Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 5:30 P.M. Place: Mayflower
34348 Alvarado Niles Rd.
Union City CA
Cost: $30 adults & children >11
$15 children ages 5-11 Free
for charter members
RSVP: No later than Feb. 17, 2016
To make your reservations, complete and return the lower portion of this form with a check made payable to
SBCC. Mail them to: Lorrice Wong, 801 Longfellow Dr. Fremont CA 94539. If you prefer to use a credit card,
please make your reservations online at www.SouthBayChineseClub.org. Questions? Contact chairpersons:
Maelene Wong (510) 791-1400 or Lorrice Wong (510) 651-3015.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- "--------------------------------------------------------------------2016 SBCC Chinese New Year Dinner Reservation
Your Name __________________________________ Contact email or phone # ________________________
# Adults & children over 11:
# Children ages 5 - 11:
# Charter members:
_____ x $30 = $ ______
_____ x $15 = $ ______
_____ x $0
Total enclosed:
$ ______ check # _______
January/February/March 2016
Interesting Things to Know About the Year of the Monkey
(From http://www.chinesezodiac.com/)
Occupying the 9th position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey possesses
such character traits as curiosity, mischievousness, and cleverness.
Forever playful, Monkeys are the masters of practical jokes. Even though
their intentions are always good, this desire to be a prankster has a
tendency to create ill will and hurt feelings.
Although they are inherently intellectual and creative, Monkeys at times
have trouble exhibiting these qualities. When that happens, they appear
to others to be confused. But nothing could be further from the truth as
Monkeys thrive on being challenged. Monkeys prefer urban life to rural,
and their favorite pastime is people-watching.
Believing that being sick is a waste of a valuable day, Monkeys very rarely feel ill. Their constantly
active lifestyles are likely what helps Monkeys remain in good health. When Monkeys do become
ill, such feelings are generally the result of feeling nervous.
When it comes to work, Monkeys can do just about anything. They adapt well to changing
environments and they’re very intelligent. They work quickly, but they’ll frequently charge double
for their services. Good career fields for Monkeys are accounting and banking. Other good careers
for Monkeys include: scientist, engineer, stock market trader, air traffic controller, dealer, film
director, jeweler and sales representative.
When it comes to relationships, Monkeys aren’t quick to settle down. In fact, they generally are
promiscuous; a tendency that probably has to do with the fact that Monkeys are easily bored.
Monkeys will end this type of behavior once they pair up with the perfect partner. In fact, more
often than not, they’ll commit to that person in every way for life.
January/February/March 2016
Celebrities Born in the Year of the Monkey
Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Dickens, George Gordon Byron, Yao Ming, Celine Dion, Tom Hanks, Will Smith,
Halle Berry, Christina Aguilera, Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor,Truman, Alice Walker, Michael Douglas, Owen
Wilson, Daniel Craig, Mick Jagger, Julius Caesar, Bette Davis, Annie Oakley, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betsy Ross,
Cuba Gooding Jr., Gisele Bundchen, Kim Cattrell, Nick Carter, Patricia Arquette, Alyson Stoner, Christina Ricci,
Cole Sprouse, Demi Lovato, Dylan Sprouse, Miley Cyrus, Mitchell Musso, Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, Empress
Wu Zetian of China’s Tang Dynasty (618 - 907)
January/February/March 2016
January 11, 2016
Dear SBCC Member,
As our Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary, the South Bay Chinese Service Club scholarships award program entered
into its 45th year of awarding scholarships to exemplary high school students of Chinese descent in our local community.
Children of club members and students residing in
are eligible to apply. The
purpose of the scholarship program is to recognize these talented students for their hard work and achievements and
to provide encouragement for the challenges ahead. The applicants are carefully evaluated based on academic
achievement, leadership, and community service.
We are asking for your financial support to help us to reach out to our best students. Our recipients are an exceptional
group of highly motivated future leaders - each year it is difficult to select just a few. Last year, with the generous
donations from many of our members and major sponsors such as Fremont Bank, Comcast, and Dutra Enterprises,
and Citizens for Better Community, our organization awarded a total of $12,500 scholarship awards to 16 students.
This year, with your help, our goal is to generate an equal or higher amount for our scholarship fund.
The scholarship awards will be presented during the annual scholarship banquet to be held in the evening of
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at the Mayflower Restaurant in Union City. Our guests will include applicants, donors,
former award winners, club members, school counselors, and local officials. Our special keynote speaker this year is
Fiona Ma, former Speaker pro Tempore of the California State Assembly and currently, an elected member of the
California State Board of Equalization representing the second district. This will be one event you do not want to
miss this year! So mark your calendar.
The names of the donors who make this program possible will be included in the program and other printed materials.
Donations of $125 or more are entitled to receive complimentary dinners at the scholarship banquet and all donors
will receive written acknowledgment for their tax-deductible contributions. Your participation will make a powerful
statement about the strength of our community.
For your convenience, we are accepting donations using major credit cards on our website:
www.SouthBayChineseClub.org. If you prefer to send us a check, please use the form on the next page.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this program. Thank you for your continued support
to one of the longest running scholarship programs in the Chinese Community.
Joe Woo,
SBCSC Scholarship Committee Chair
(510) 651-1629
January/February/March 2016
South Bay Chinese Service Club
I.D. #94-2963262
Donor Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Enclosed is my donation for the amount of:
q $2,000 (Incl. 6 dinners)
q $500 (Incl. 4 dinners)
q $125 (Incl. 1 dinner)
q $25
Send this form with your check to:
q $1,000 (Incl. 5 dinners)
q $250 (Incl. 2 dinners)
q $50
Other q $______________
c/o Gordon Jang
38742 Glencoe Drive
Fremont, CA 94536
Check here
if you would like information about joining the South Bay Chinese Service Club or visit our website
Your personal comments and/or suggestions about this program are welcome. Thank you very much for your consideration
and support.
" - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - (Detach and save for your records) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " South Bay Chinese Service Club Scholarship Program 2015-2016
ID #94-2963262
Amount Donated: $_____________________
Date______________________ _______
Check Number ___________________________
January/February/March 2016
Aaron and my big trip this year was our recent November trip to China with
restaurateur, Frank Chang, and 19 fellow travelers. We were originally invited to
join the travel group, (which consisted of eight other couples plus fellow SBCC
member, Frank Louie) by organizers, Gerrye & Calvin Wong, newly recruited SBCC
Starting at Shanghai for just an overnight
stop, we flew the next day to the city of
Chengdu. We all had a cooking lesson at
the Chengdu Culinary Museum, where we all cooked our own lunch—
Panda Dumplings, Ma Po Dow Foo, and Kung Pao Chicken. Highlight in
Chengdu was the Panda Breeding Center, where we saw infant pandas
snuggled in their panda crib. Adult pandas, as well as red pandas, were
seen out frolicking amongst the trees. Unfortunately, tourists can no longer be photographed holding the pandas
on their laps as in the past. A grueling day of travel took us to our next memorable stop was at one of the world’s
20 best Spa Resorts, Angsana Hot Springs Spa, named among the 10 newest exotic hotels of China.. With 23 natural
hot springs on the property, we relaxed at this property for 2 luxurious days. The high point of our trip is to visit the
famous Yuanyang rice fields. One morning our group woke up at 4:15 am to witness the morning
sunrise over the famous terraced rice fields.
Unfortunately the sunrise did not cooperate and did not reveal the sun’s early
rays reflecting off the clouds to allow the pinks and blues in the rice fields, but
we still managed some great photos. Driving through the Jiangti Village
allowed us to see minority people, like the Hani and Yi people, in their colorful
native dress do their weekend shopping. The Saturday morning market
brought us to a bustling and noisy marketplace where squealing suckling pigs
are purchased live in baskets to shoppers awaiting to cook the pig for dinner.
The day before we flew home, nine of us played a round of golf at Guangzhou’s beautiful Shunde Juan Country
Garden Golf Club, young caddies and all. Throughout the trip, our Tour Director Frank Chang, from Santa Clara, had
gourmet 15 to 20-course lunches & dinners served to us and provided 5-star accommodations (except for one hotel).
This is Aaron’s 3rd and my 4th trip to China, but the country is so large that every time we go, the country never ceases
to amaze us of its many natural beauties and beautiful landscape. I’m sure it will not be our last trip to this country
January/February/March 2016
Jan. 21 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Jan. 30 – Chinese New Year Event at Fremont Main Library
Feb. 8 – Chinese New Year, “Year of the Monkey”
Feb. 27 – SBCC Chinese New Year Dinner
March 17 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
April 20 – Scholarship Banquet, May Flower Seafood Restaurant, Union City,
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 13 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
SBCC General Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 22 – Annual Golf Tournament, Summitpointe Golf Course, time TBD
June TBD – Installation Dinner
Irene Cheung of Newark
Choy Ping Wong of Newark
January/February/March 2016
2015 – 2016
Randy Sabado.….………….….………...792-3163
Aliene Yee.………………………….…..657-7972
Pagoda Post
Fran Gin………………………… (209)785-5066
Fran Gin…………………….……. (209)785-5066
Annual Picnic
Steve & Amy Cho………………………797-6426
Ron Wong ……………………………651-3015
Joe Woo…………….…………………...651-1629
Golf Tournament
Victor Gin….…………………..….(209)785-5066
Frank Louie………………………..(925)523-3469
Aliene Yee …………………………….657-7972
Linette Young ………………………..…791-0914
Installation Dinner
Mary K. Lim ………………….………797-6426
Priscilla McNeil ……………….………..364-9168
Chinese New Year Dinner
Lorrie Wong…………………………….651-3015
Officers & Board Members
President ..……….…………………… Randy Sabado
Vice President …..………………………Lorrie Wong
Secretary .…………………………………...Amy Cho
Treasurer………………..………………Willy Yichoy
Board Members
Mary K. Lim, Past President
Richard Muh
Gerry Low-Sabado
Maelene Wong
Ron Wong
Joe Woo
Aliene Yee
01 - Arlene Chang
02 – Brian Gin
03 – Rose Lee
16 – Jonathan Chang
19 – Theresa Gee
19 – Richard Muh
20 – Harold Chew
22 – Bernadette Chinn
25 – Kenneth Chinn
30 – Fran Gin
09 – Rodney Chew
12 – Thomas Tang
15 – Orson Leong
21 – Mamie Wong
26 – Eleanor Yee
26 – Jade Hsiung
01 – Ben Chew
03 – Roland Chew
06 – Frank Louie
08 – Jon Heywood
14 – Dorothy Louie
18 – Jean Louie Willett
24 – Serena Suranyi
25 – Teresa Yin Wong
January/February/March 2016
As national statistics often report, U.S. Chinese older adults enjoy a higher life expectancy
compared to the general population. However, a recent study reveals that as the years lengthen,
our older adults may not be enjoying the best quality of life: 1 in 2 older adults has difficulties
in performing daily activities necessary for living independently in our community; over half of
the older adults experience depressive symptoms; 1 in 7 older adults reported that they don’t have
any friends; 1 in 4 older adults have experienced some form of elder abuse; and 1 in 10 older
adults have had suicidal thoughts during their lifetime. These significant health challenges warrant
immediate societal attention.
If you find these statistics interesting and want to know more, please go to
for further information about aging Chinese Americans and those who care for them.
(Thank you to Esther Yee for bringing this very important and informative study to our
SBCC Pagoda Post Newsletter
The Pagoda Post welcomes your articles, member profiles, comments and feedback.
Please email Fran Gin at docsab1@comcast.net
Editor: Fran Gin
Publisher: Aliene Yee
Contributing Writers: Fran Gin, Gladys Lee, Randy Sabado, Lorrice Wong, Maelene
Wong, Joe Woo
Contributing Photographers: Amy Cho, Steve Cho, Aaron Wong
January/February/March 2016
Pagoda Post
556 Thomson Lane
Copperopolis, CA 95228
Tax ID #94 - 2963262
Inside this issue…
President’s Message
Chinese New Year Celebration at Fremont Library
Chinese New Year Dinner
Scholarship Program and much more…