Thermo Scientific PRO1001 Dilution Extractive Probe


Thermo Scientific PRO1001 Dilution Extractive Probe
Dilution extractive probe designed for process
control applications.
Prod u c t Sp e ci f i cati ons
Thermo Scientific PRO1001
Dilution Extractive Probe
The Thermo Scientific™ PRO1001
Dilution Extractive Probe is ideal for
wet-basis measurement in process
control applications.
• Dilution extractive technology for
wet-basis measurement
• Fast loop pump for decreased
response time
• Heated calibration gas and purge air
for control of ammonia salts
• Durable and easily mountable to a
stack or duct
• Simple design for easy component
The Thermo Scientific PRO1001 probe
extracts a continuous sample from a stack
or duct and delivers a clean dry gas for
transport to a gas analysis system. The
process gas will enter the PRO1001 probe at
the tip and flow through the probe at a low
flow rate. The second eductor, included with
the probe, can be used as a fast loop pump
to decrease the response time to less than
two minutes. Using this eductor the gas will
be expelled back into the process and then
a diluted sample will be drawn from that
sample to increase the response time.
The heated calibration gas controls Ammonia
(NH3) salts because the temperature
control element is located at the orifice. It is
regulated at 550°F thereby eliminating the
formation of NH3 salts. In addition, heated
purge air and calibration gases are used to
prevent salt from dropping out in the dilution
assembly during purge and calibration
The PRO1001 probe is designed for use
with the Thermo Scientific CTL1001 Probe
Controller. The CTL1001 controller monitors
and controls the temperature of the heated
filter, probe and eductor air of the PRO1001
probe. The CTL1001 controller also provides
alarm contact closures to the system.
Easily mountable to a stack or duct, the
PRO1001 probe features a durable NEMA 4x
enclosure to withstand harsh conditions.
The simple design offers easy access to
components for ease of maintenance.
Thermo Scientific PRO1001 Dilution Extractive Probe
120 VAC, 1200 Watts using 92” probe barrel or 240 VAC, 2640 Watts using 150” probe barrel
Power connection
CSA/UL Approved screw terminal. Terminal wire capacity up to 10 AWG
Operating ambient temperature range
-4˚ to 122˚F (- 20˚ to 50˚C)
Maximum process temperature
1000˚F (538˚C)
Calibration gas flow rate
5 L/min (minimum) and 6 L/min (maximum)
Instrument air supply
400 kPa (90 PSIG) minimum, 550 kPa (125 PSIG) maximum via 1/2” tubing, 0.300 inch I.D. minimum
Probe assembly weight
64lbs. (29kg)
Physical dimensions 25” H x 20”W x 10”D
Heated probe barrel 12lbs (7kg) - 25lbs (11kg) depending on length
Sample flow rate
50-300 cc/minute
Dilution flow rate 5-10 L/minute
Fiberglass, NEMA 4 X
Mounting Method
1/2” - 13” Stainless Steel Bolts (4 supplied). Mates to 4” - 150# flange
Materials of Construction
Sample Orifice
Eductor Jet
Eductor Body Heated Filter Body Probe Barrel
Connecting Lines Calibration Lines Calibration Line
Quartz glass
316 Stainless Steel
316 Stainless Steel
316 Stainless Steel
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
0.64 cm (1/4”) OD PTFE
Thermo Scientific CTL1001 Probe Controller
Power requirements
Power connection
Operating temperature range
120V (120/240V) AC, 50/60 Hz, 1650 (2650) Watts
CSA/UL approved power cord via feed through connector
-4˚ to 122˚F (- 20˚ to 50˚C)
18lbs (8.3kg)
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This product is manufactured in a plant whose quality management system is ISO 9001 certified.
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Prod u c t Sp e ci f i cati ons
Power requirements