MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Spring 2008
MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Spring 2008
c/o Don MacAskill, Treasurer 8 Huckleberry Lane Hampton, NH 03842-1516 USA CLANN NA ASKETILL Descendants of Asketil The MacAskill Sept Society Adherents to the Chiefs of MacLeod of Harris and Great Swordsmen in Defense of that Clan Spring 2008 Volume V, Number 1 © 2008 MacAskill Sept Society The MacAskill Sept Society Adherents to the Chiefs of MacLeod of Harris and Great Swordsmen in Defense of that Clan INSIDE on page The Angus in me By Patricia Minton Sivcovich .......................................3 So… what are you doing this summer? By Dorna Caskie ...............6 Information for Highland Games in North America ........8 A brief history of the MacAskill Sept Society By Olive McCaskill Bell .......9 MacAskill Gathering 2008 – save the date! By Lloyd MacAskill ........... 11 “Scotland of today” coming to North America In North America, “Tartan Day” has evolved into a colorful if somewhat commercial remembrance of the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath on April 6, 1320. This year it starts with “A wee bit of Scotland” in Toronto, March 25-28 (more information at ebitofscotland.html). Tartan Week then continues famously through a busy calendar of events in New York City, described at More on the Legend of Hos, the Grey One (Norway) ............. 12 Lila Mae MacAskill Buerger, 1910-2008 By Trish Avery ................ 14 The Book Nook ................... 15 Haggis: the Sequel .............. 16 The Mail Bag: corrections, praise, gripes, and humor .... 17 MacAskill Sept Society membership form .............. inside back cover Page 20 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 At the beginning of his speaking tour across the USA and Canada, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond will outline his vision of a Celtic Lion economy to emerge in Scotland when he addresses Harvard University's Center for European Studies at the Harvard Business School on March 31. The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 1 The MacAskill Sept Society The MacAskill Sept Society 8 Huckleberry Lane Hampton, NH 03842 USA An ancient sept of MacLeod of Harris On the web at MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OR RENEWAL FORM Please print or type OFFICERS AND CONTACTS President Lloyd MacAskill 1149 Veranda Court Leland, NC 28451-7790 USA Vice-President, USA Betty MacAskill Shea Post Office Box 1975 Exeter, NH 03833 USA +1 (603) 772-2569 Vice-President, Canada Treasurer Secretary Allan B. Blair 506 Brand Street Vancouver, BC V7N 1G1 Canada Donald W. MacAskill 8 Huckleberry Lane Hampton, NH 03842 USA +1 (603) 926-4608 Anne McCaskill Libis 8708 Windsor Mill Road Windsor Mill, MD 21244-1118 USA Dorna Caskie Contributions to this newsletter, 268 Washington Street letters, and suggestions for Groveland, MA 01834 future articles are welcome and USA should be sent to: +1 (978) 373-7826 COPY DEADLINE FOR SUMMER ISSUE: JUNE 15, 2008 Page 2 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Member name: Address: Town or city: State or Province: Country: Postal code: Phone: E-mail: Signature: Date Annual dues are $25.00 (in US funds) and should be paid annually on July 1st. Your dues cover the costs of this newsletter and preparation for our Gatherings. Please send your membership form and a check or money order to: The MacAskill Sept Society c/o Don MacAskill 8 Huckleberry Lane Hampton NH 03842-1516 OPTIONAL: What is your connection with the name “MacAskill” (or McCaskill, etc.)? Should we contact you for the names of any others who might be interested in joining the MacAskill Sept Society? YES NO The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 19 Six months later, the doctor met George on the street. "Why didn't you ever come to see me about those fears you were having?" asked the psychiatrist. "Well, eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money. A Cape Bretoner cured me for $10 and a quart. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went out and bought me a new pickup." "Is that so? And how, may I ask, did a Cape Bretoner cure you?" "He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Ain't nobody under there now !!!" A smiling Senator Clare McCaskill supporting Senator Obama The Angus in me By Patricia Minton Sivcovich Sometime in the late 1950s or early 1960s my hometown newspaper, The Idaho Statesman in Boise, ran a regular item from The Guinness Book of World Records. One of these was about “Giant” Angus MacAskill of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I still have the yellowed clipping that my mother, Eloise MacAskill Minton, cut out and sent with me to school for “show and tell.” She told me, and my grandmother Zoa Hussey MacAskill told me, that I was related to Angus. Of course they forgot to remind me that I was adopted as an infant, but that never seemed to matter. MacAskills and Mintons always have been my family and I consider myself to be half Scots and half Irish, right down the middle. The end of the story is this: my new-found Idaho cousin Sharon McConnel recently documented that I’m more distantly related to Angus the Giant than my grandmother led me to believe. But my grandmother’s interesting life and times and her intense pride in being a Scot and a MacAskill, if only by marriage, was enough to propel me to Nova Scotia in 2004 in search of the giant. Another recipe – Easy Scots eggs! By Sharon McConnel INGREDIENTS: • hard cooked eggs, shelled • country-style pork sausage, preferably finely ground METHOD: Mold pork sausage around eggs, place on a rack in shallow pan and back in 325 degree oven until sausage is cooked through. Place eggs on paper towels to drain fat. Cut in halves or quarters when ready to serve. Serve as snack or garnish. It’s a trip so many other MacAskills have taken – to the Angus MacAskill museum at Englishtown where Michelle Cavanaugh has constructed a family tree on the back wall and where I held the giant’s boot and bought the Sept tartan; to the Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts at St. Ann’s, across the river on the tiny ferry named “Angus MacAskill, and to the giant’s gravesite. Neil, Eloise, and Zoa Page 18 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 3 Back in 2004 I believed that the Neil MacAskill on the museum wall, where one branch of the family tree ended, was my grandfather. I thought he was born in Nova Scotia and since my grandmother did little to dispel that notion, I’ve always been drawn there. But Sharon’s work shows that my grandfather Neil Angus and his younger brother Donald Osman “Dan” (Sharon’s grandfather) were born in Nevada. Their father, Donald Angus MacAskill, was born at St. Ann’s in 1845 and emigrated to the U.S., probably first to Eureka County, Nevada, and then to Pearl, Idaho. The connection to “Giant” Angus is this: the giant was first cousin to Sharon’s and my mutual great-great grandfather, yet another Angus MacAskill of Munro’s Point, Cape Breton, who, like the giant, was named for their grandfather Angus MacAskill (b. 1758) of Quidinish, Isle of Harris. And herein lies the tale of the amazing Zoa (b. 1894 at Star, Idaho). Neil Angus MacAskill, (b. 1880 in Eureka County, NV), made his way to Idaho where he was a laborer and eventually a mining engineer in the communities of Delamar, Pearl and Atlanta. I don’t know how he met Zoa, but he was 32 and she was 18 when they married at Caldwell in 1912. Zoa was the eldest of five – sisters Edith, Eva and Marguerite, and brother Wilburn -- but not really. She often wore a locket with a young woman’s photo in it. It turns out that was her older sister Nettie, actually a half sister who was the product of a rape. The stigma of rape was strong in those days and it drove Nettie to commit suicide when she was 18. That was the family story anyhow. After Zoa and Neil married, it appears that she was often pregnant, but she miscarried several times, some babies were stillborn, two apparently died in early infancy and only my mother Eloise lived to adulthood. She was born in Atlanta in December, 1917. Zoa recalled that she had a dozen pregnancies, and she told stories about putting the babies in a shoebox in front of the oven to keep them warm. Various relatives helped her deliver the babies at home -- to me this Page 4 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 The Mail Bag: corrections, praise, gripes, and humor A note on Jick McCaskill By Steve MacAskill The third book in Ivan Doig's trilogy is “Ride with me Miriah Montana”. The whole trilogy is excellent. They were published out sequence. I recommend reading 'Rascal Fair' first, then “English Creek” second, and “Ride with me” last. Jick is a boy in “English Creek” and an old man in “Ride with me”. “Rascal Fair” is about his grandfather's journey from Scotland to Montana. They provide an excellent flavor of rural Montana. Another Doig book you might also enjoy is “This House of Skye”. Happy Reading. Proper gender use of Gaelic names By Sharon McConnel As MAC means 'son,' a woman, obviously, cannot correctly use this prefix in the true Gaelic form of her name. A woman must prefix the genitive of her patronymic with NIC (which is an abbreviation of NIGHEAN MHIC). As for example, MAIRI NIC AILPEIN instead of the usual anglicized form Mary MacAlpin." -- Taken from Ronald MacDonald Douglas in “The Scots Book”, published in 1995 by Bracken Books, London The cure By Sandra MacAskill, Englishtown, Nova Scotia, Canada George went to a psychiatrist. "I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's somebody under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy." "Just put yourself in my hands for one year," said the shrink. "Come talk to me three times a week, and we should be able to get rid of those fears." "How much do you charge?" "Eighty dollars per visit, replied the doctor." "I'll sleep on it," said George. The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 17 widely been praised by critics as “compelling, thoughtful, witty and [a] beautifully written book”. sounds like such a pioneer existence, out there in the hills of Idaho, in a roughshod mining community, in the dead of winter. This book is available from the ACMS business manager, William R.. McLeod, 210 East Juan Linn, Victoria, Texas, 77901 or through the merchandising section of the ACMS website at Neil at some point showed signs of illness and for his health the family moved to San Diego where Eloise went to elementary school and junior high, and where Zoa lived out the rest of her life. Neil died of acute leukemia in 1923. Eloise, in turn, developed asthma and Zoa sent her, alone at age 14, to the drier Idaho climate where she boarded with a Boise spinster, met my father Donald Minton in high school, married in 1940 and adopted me in 1952. Haggis: the Sequel By Little Bo Peep and a few of her distinguished friends Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the kitchen, we have uncovered some interesting uses for any haggis that may not have been completely consumed on its initial presentation (a.k.a. “leftovers”). Because of its rich and pungent flavor, haggis will lend itself to recipes that utilize paté, ground meat, or bold garnishes. Here are some suggestions: • • • • • • • • • • Paul Haggis, awardwinning writer and film director (no relation to any recipe) Haggis-stuffed Portobello mushrooms, or haggis as a topping for any canapé Serve alongside breakfast meats as part of a brunch buffet Haggis lasagna, mousakka, or shepherd’s pie As a topping for baked potatoes, perhaps with a juicy mound of warm caramelized onions Baked haggis in quiche shells, served with sweet pickle relish on the side Pack haggis into a loaf-pan, and slow-bake it for a faux paté Layer into or use as a center in a conventional meatloaf Use as stuffing for beef “olives” Add green chilies and create a southwestern style haggis (remember, a good haggis always has a decent dose of pepper anyway!) Wrap teaspoonfuls of haggis in wonton skins and deep fry; serve as an appetizer on a tiny bed of ‘neeps and tatties Page 16 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Meanwhile in California, Zoa who was a very young widow, put herself through nursing school in Los Angeles and became a registered nurse, today the equivalent of a master’s degree. I have lots of her nursing memorabilia, right down to her diploma and her starched white cap. During her nursing education she learned that she and Neil were RH Factor, and that’s why she lost so many babies. She returned to San Diego and became a private duty nurse to a number of wealthy or notable clients. At some point she met Bertha Alice Cole, a post office employee who had inherited a fortune from an uncle in upstate New York. They became lifelong companions. I never met my grandfather Neil; he died so long ago that my mother barely knew him. But I have vivid memories of Zoa. When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s she and Bertha came to Boise every year at Christmas and we went to San Diego every summer. Zoa taught me to cook from scratch and never to waste a morsel of food. She could peel an apple right down to the seed. She diagnosed and nursed back to health herself, Bertha, my mother, myself and my father, who credited her with saving his life. But when I was 16 she couldn’t bring herself to pierce my ears! She did all kinds of sewing handiwork – she stitched quilts, crocheted, knitted and she was the only person I ever met who could tat. She was sharp-tongued, opinionated, strong and imposing. Her foot was so long and narrow she had to buy special shoes. The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 5 The Book Nook She’d take her partial dentures out and put them in a glass jar. She kept spearmint gum in a certain drawer in the kitchen. She had a taste for fine, expensive things such as French bone china and oriental rugs. She died of Alzheimer’s in 1982, just four years before her daughter. Scottish Exodus: Travels Among a Worldwide Clan In the mid-1980s I moved to San Diego and took up residence in her house – an apartment in a building Miss Cole had built and where the two ladies lived for more than 40 years. I had all of their furniture and beautiful things. I moved them right back into the apartment where they are today. Now the story of Bertha Cole – that’s another kettle of fish. And Neil, Zoa and Eloise are just one side of my colorful family! Dame Flora, Chief of MacLeod of MacLeod, took a great deal of interest in the trove of ancient documents in the archives of Dunvegan Castle. Unlike any other castle of its period, Dunvegan had never in all its centuries passed out of the possession of the MacLeod family, and was therefore the only one with all its records intact. If Zoa MacAskill was anything, she was proud of a Scottish heritage she married into, proud of her husband who carried on the mining tradition of Nova Scotia, proud of his distant relation to Giant Angus, proud to be a Presbyterian, proud to be from Idaho. Most of this lay dormant in me until a few years ago when, as a talent agent, I began to represent a famous bagpiper and his world music band. I started going with them to Scottish highland games where I visited clan tents, watched sheepherding dog trials and sampled single-malt whiskeys. Then I went to Cape Breton. Then I found Sharon McConnel who reintroduced me to my family. And I became a MacAskill all over again. Footnote: Sharon McConnel detailed the Nevada/Idaho MacAskills in the Winter 2007 MacAskill Sept Society newsletter. So… what are you doing this summer? By Dorna Caskie Times are hard and we all seem to be broke, but there’s still no reason not to dream a little bit about traveling. If your dream destination is Scotland, here’s some information that may help you make your plans. Page 6 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 by Olive McCaskill Bell by James Hunter Dame Flora employed several scholars to compile, organize, and publish all that information. She visualized a trilogy of books, the first of which “The MacLeods: The History of a Clan, 1200-1956” was written by noted author Dr. Isabel Grant. The second volume was a five-part genealogy of the chiefly houses of the MacLeods of both Harris and Lewis. The third and final book she planned to be a story of the MacLeod clan's part in the great Scottish Diaspora, initially after Culloden and then later the Clearances. Following Dame Flora’s death in 1976, the work on the third volume did not commence until the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies was formed. The ACMS functions as a coordinating body, supporting the various National Clan MacLeod Societies and helping them move toward common goals. One goal has always been the completion of the historical trilogy. Dr. James Hunter was engaged to undertake this daunting commission. A world-wide itinerary was laid out for him, encompassing all the places where descendants of emigrating MacLeods were eager to share the stories of their ancestors' hardships and triumphs. “Scottish Exodus” was finally published in 2005. Mr. Hunter's narrative style flows easily and makes for interesting reading. He gives full credit to the good chiefs and tacksmen, but he makes no attempt to whitewash the memories of those who exploited the underprivileged. The book has The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 15 Lila Mae MacAskill Buerger, 1910-2008 By Trish Avery Lila fell asleep in death on March 11, 2008. She was the daughter of the late Angus Duncan MacAskill and Margaret Curran, sister of the late Una MacAskill and late Ian MacAskill. Lila was born August 3, 1910 in Newton Massachusetts and was raised in Englishtown, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia by her Aunt Christie MacAskill and Uncle John MacAskill in the home of her grandfather, Duncan MacAskill. Duncan was the brother of the famous Giant Angus MacAskill. Lila taught school in Jersey Cove, Nova Scotia with all eight grades in a one room school house. She returned to Massachusetts as a young adult, where she met her late husband Martin Julian Buerger. They had six daughters: Marla Christine, Julie Margaret, Laura Pauline, Janet Elizabeth, Dorothy Ruth, and Patricia Anne. Lila was a gifted homemaker, decorating for every season and holiday, a wonderful cook and a busy mother. She delighted in crafts; she was an accomplished needleworker, knitter, seamstress and made beautiful original wreaths and decorations. She had the gift of entertaining adults and children, making everyone feel relaxed and welcome. She often entertained the MIT students of her husband. Lila lived in Massachusetts from 1942-1999, and later in Pennsylvania from 1999-2008. She is survived by four of her daughters, three granddaughters, two great granddaughters, and one great grandson. In addition, she acted as a second mother to many children not her own, who also mourn her passing. She was loved widely and is missed by all. Page 14 Lila and husband Martin Buerger The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 There are a couple of leaflets online, originally created for people traveling to the 2006 Clan MacLeod Parliament/World Gathering. These contain general travel information about transportation, technology, money, safety, and other concerns: • • and_cultural_guide.pdf It may help to keep in mind that in general, flying directly into Scotland is a lot easier from Canada than from the USA. Scottish Enterprise, the commerce branch of the government, continues to search for partners and hopes to open additional routes in the USA soon, so keep an eye out for them. A couple of new Canadian “bargain” carriers I found recently are: • • Reaching Scotland from elsewhere within the UK or Europe is possible via a number of economical flight carriers that don’t normally advertise in North America. These, along with other travel information, are here If you can’t go as far afield as Scotland this summer, the Clan MacLeod Society of Canada is hosting the North American Gathering at the University of Ottawa, in Ontario ( from July 2 through July 6. The “NAG” is always a terrific event, and is attended by MacLeods (and a few MacAskills) from all over the world. And if long-haul travel is not feasible in 2008, there are still great things coming up in future years. 2009 is the focus for a series of events that will be part of the Scottish Homecoming ( Later in 2010, we will have the next Clan MacLeod Parliament, based on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. (More information about Parliament 2010 will be available on the ACMS website later this year at The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 7 The MacAskill Sept Society A REMINDER – DUES ARE MORE THAN DUE! ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE YEARLY ON JULY 1 We regret that – due to the cost of producing the newsletter -persons who do not pay their annual dues will receive only one additional issue of the magazine before being dripped from our mailing list. HELP THE SOCIETY WITH THE COSTS OF NEWSLETTERS AND PLANNING OUR YEARLY GATHERINGS (See Membership Application at the back of this newsletter) PLEASE SEND YOUR $25.00 (in US FUNDS) CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: The MacAskill Sept Society c/o Don MacAskill, Treasurer 8 Huckleberry Lane Hampton NH 03842-1516 USA If you know others who would be interested in receiving this newsletter and joining the society, please e-mail me and I will gladly contact them about membership. Prospective members will receive one free copy of our newsletter. Thank you Don MacAskill, Treasurer (See Membership Application on the inside cover of this newsletter.) Information for Highland Games in North America To find bits of Scotland closer to home, Clan MacLeod USA webmaster Bill MacLeod keeps regional calendars of events in the United States updated on the Clan MacLeod USA site at The North American Scottish Games Association also has a lively and informative website at Page 8 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Some years later Erling, his mother (whose name has not come down to us) and a few old retainers went over the mountains in search for a place to settle after a dream where Hos had asked for them to find a place for sacrifices. After various adventures they settled in a place near the Drammensfjord and Erling built a hill fort that was called Hoskoll (The Hill of Hos) and initiated sacrifices to his father. The Hosling (descendants of Hos) never really converted to Christianity and remained true to the old ways and still are to this day. The family still uses the name of Hos instead of Odin. Around 350 years later, another son of an Earl of Moere settled in Normandy and one of his descendants become the first Norman king of England, but this has no connection with this story. Of course none of this can be proved, it is just an old family tradition, but the Hoskoll is still there and it has been dated to around year 500. Notes : "Hos" literally means "The Grey One" which is a typical name for Odin. The Hosling (Descendants of Hos) still live in the region near Hoskoll. The Hafskjold family are the chief branch of the Hosling clan. [Authors’] disclaimer: These texts are presented for research purposes. The texts represent the views of the original authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Shaun D. L. Brassfield-Thorpe, Phillip Brough, the Stav Academy, the Stav Heimbu, the Stav Hov's, the Stav Vé's or any members of Stav International. The reader should be aware that many of the texts in the library are old and therefore some hypotheses presented in some works may have been superseded by more recent research. In addition, some authors may express views which would be very much contrary to that of Stav International, especially in any instances referring to issues of race, politics, gender etc. The reader is again reminded that many texts in the library are historical documents and should be seen as such, and these should in no way be taken to in any way reflect any form of official view or policy within Stav. Please address any complaints regarding the nature of the text to the author if appropriate. The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 13 More on the Legend of Hos, the Grey One (Norway) A brief history of the MacAskill Sept Society From materials posted on the web pages of the Stav Academy By Olive McCaskill Bell Lloyd MacAskill surveyed in his article “Tea in the Kettle?” (MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter, Volume IV, issue 4) several possible roots of the name MacAskill, among which were an illustrious ancestor “Hos”, from whom may descend members of the Norwegian family of Hoslings. Further research reveals a fascinating set of myths and pre-history from the Northern world, which reminds us that our mythological heritage doesn’t always come from the plot lines of Walt Disney movies. The text below has been taken from the oral history of the Hafskjold/Hosling family as related by Ivar Hafskjold, the 44th Herre of Hafskjold and inheritor of the Hosling tradition on Stav. This extract has been slightly edited here. More information on the legends stored in the Stav Library can be found at This is an open resource containing around 1000 documents covering a wide range of subjects with a focus on Northern European mythology and history. Regarding Hos there isn't much known. In short the story goes that around 1500 years ago, at around the year 500, a stranger that called himself Hos arrived at the house of the Earl of Moere - Moere is in Western Norway, North of Bergen, South of Trondheim - and evidently gave a series of very wise advice. After some time, Hos disappeared Odin from Thomas Bulfinch, The again as suddenly as he had Age of Fable, Henri Altemus appeared in the first place. Some time after this one of the Earl's daughters gave birth to a boy who was named Erling (meaning descendant of the Earl) a name that is still common in my family; both my father and my son were so named. It became rumoured that the wise and mysterious wanderer who called himself Hos was in fact the god Odin. Page 12 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 As our little Society grows, I think it is important to remember that we are making history as well as collecting it. In this spirit, I asked Olive if she would give us her recollection of how the Society originated. Olive has also served as an officer of the Clan MacLeod Society, USA as well as led a number of other Scottish-heritage related activities. -- Dorna Someone asked about a history of the MacAskill Sept Society. My first thought is to give credit to two of the grandnieces of the Cape Breton Giant, Carola MacAskill MacDonald and Emiline MacAskill Campbell. In the 1980s, these women were involved with several of their siblings in trying to establish a small museum devoted to the history of the Giant and his family. The family had been evicted from their small-holding on the Isle of Bernara, in the Outer Hebrides, in 1838, and arbitrarily resettled at Englishtown, Nova Scotia. The Giant, Angus, was six years old when he arrived on Cape Breton with his parents, grandparents, and other members of their extended family. Carola and Emiline wondered if other MacAskills scattered over the New World would like to meet each other, and perhaps help with the struggling little museum. So they planned a MacAskill Gathering to which they invited any one who was interested. For some time the first weekend in August had been designated as MacAskill Fun Days, so the Gathering just expanded on that. They sent brief notices to The Highlander magazine (which I received) and the Scottish Banner newspaper, which at that time circulated almost exclusively in Canada. This was in the summer of 1987. That year, one could catch a Canadian Air flight in Dallas, depart via Halifax, land at Prestwick and take the shuttle into Glasgow - thereby passing London. I was planning just such a trip in the company of an eleven-year-old granddaughter. (Eleven is a wonderful age for a traveling companion - a child is old enough to bathe and dress The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 9 without help, but won't beg to drive the rental car, nor form a blazing romance with one of the locals!) MacAskill Gathering 2008 – save the date! I arranged my itinerary so as to attend the MacAskill Gathering. A surprising number of people showed up, from as far away as Florida and California. There were boat trips on the Bay, horseshoe and dart tournaments, an and abundance of wonderful food. There was a general opinion circulating that we ought to organize, but no one took the initiative to set up a formal business meeting. So we just had a good time, exchanged addresses, and went our separate ways. The MacAskill Sept Society will hold its 2008 Gathering in Red Springs, North Carolina USA, in conjunction with the Flora Macdonald Highland Games. The Games are sponsored by the Cape Fear Scots and will be held in 2008 from Friday October 3 through Sunday October 5. While our annual Gathering has become a movable event held in different parts of North America, this year's get-together will provide an excellent opportunity for the large numbers of MacAskill descendants still living in the Carolinas to come out and meet some of their distant kinfolk and learn more about the Sept Society. The next year, 1988, the invitation was repeated. It so happened that the U.S. and Canadian Clan MacLeod Societies were holding their quandary annual joint meeting in Dearborn, Michigan, that summer, and my husband, Saul Bell, attended along with me. When that meeting was over, we rented a car and drove to Englishtown, where, again, we had a wonderful time. Saul was so impressed with the area, and especially the people, that he said we should have some sort of pied de terre there. It was, he pointed out, much closer to New Mexico than Scotland, and really just as Scottish, if not more so! Everyone got very busy about then, with work and families, and nothing more than Christmas cards were exchanged until 1997, when those MacAskill sisters again organized a Gathering. While there that time I saw a lovely lot on Goose Cove across St. Ann's Bay from Englishtown. I bought it, I got Angus MacAskill's promise to build me a house, I opened a bank account in Baddeck, and I hired a lawyer. The next summer I spent in a rented cottage in Englishtown, watching my own house go up. It was several years after that when Jamie Wilson - whose mother is a MacAskill and I cobbled together a set of bylaws and registered the Sept Society in the province of Nova Scotia as a not-for-profit. And this is where we pick up the story of our Society! Page 10 The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 By Lloyd MacAskill More information available at Planning for both the Games as well as this year's MacAskill Gathering are still in the early stages, but we will coordinate MacAskill plans with those for the Games’ athletic and cultural events. This means that in addition to our own MacAskill reception and AGM, you will be able to attend the games in Red Springs as well as the fabulous Flora MacDonald Ball ( The ball includes Scottish country dancing, contra dancing, waltz, and other vintage dances. We encourage our members to participate in these events. Flora MacDonald We will arrange for a hotel (yet to be selected) to be our MacAskill "headquarters". Complete registration details will be available in the next issue of the newsletter or earlier on the Society website ( The MacAskill Sept Society Newsletter Volume V, Number 1 Page 11
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Dorna Caskie
268 Washington Street
Groveland, MA 01834 USA