IvyPrep Admissions Consulting


IvyPrep Admissions Consulting
Consulting By
Top Singaporean Ivy League Graduates & Ivy League Interviewers
As seen on The Straits Times & The New Paper Sunday
U niversity A dmissions C onsulting
By Top Singaporean Ivy League Graduates & Ivy League Interviewers
About IvyPrep
The IvyPrep Admissions Team comprises of top Ivy League graduates who have unparalleled
expertise and extensive experience in the undergraduate U.S. & U.K. admissions process. Our
consultants will share with you insights drawn from their personal experiences to help you craft a
strong application, highlighting your unique academic and extra-curricular strengths and helping
you differentiate yourself meaningfully from other top applicants in Singapore and Asia.
Our consultants are graduates of the world’s top universities —Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard,
Oxford Law, Imperial College London, NUS Law and more. We have team members who have
served on alumni interview committees, including current and former Ivy League university
IvyPrep consultants know the U.S. and U.K. university application experience both as applicants
and as evaluators, and this level of experience allows us to serve you best.
2 * I vy P rep
A lvin F oo , P rincipal C onsultant
F ormer
Y ale U niversity
Y ale U niversity I nterviewer
IvyPrep founder, Alvin Foo, graduated with honors
from Yale University in 2009, where he earned his
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science.
Alvin was also a recipient of a prestigious overseas
scholarship offered by a leading government agency.
Cross-admitted to top universities in the world,
including Cambridge University in Britain, Alvin is
well-versed on U.S. and U.K. university admissions.
As a former Yale University admissions interviewer,
Alvin has a keen understanding on what it takes to
craft compelling and winning application essays,
and what it takes to help students make their
applications stand out. Over the last several years,
Alvin has been instrumental in advising IvyPrep
students and helping them secure admissions to
prestigious U.S. and U.K universities.
S im P ing K huan , P rincipal C onsultant
D artmouth C ollege
Ping Khuan graduated in 2011 with a B.A. from
Dartmouth College. He previously worked as an
international trade consultant in a U.S. law firm and
a financial journalist at a leading news agency. He
also holds a postgraduate diploma in management
from Stanford University’s Graduate School of
Business. Ping Khuan has a strong understanding
of the U.S. university admissions landscape, and
several years of college admissions consulting and
university interviewing experience under his belt.
Ping Khuan has a track record of delivering strong
results — with many of his students now attending
top U.S. universities, including Harvard University,
Stanford University, Yale University, Columbia
University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College,
Duke University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Swarthmore
College, New York University, Carnegie Mellon
University, Oxford University, Yale-NUS College in
Singapore, NUS Law and SMU Law.
3 * University Admissions Consulting
I vy P rep
U.S. U niversities
Common Application
Application Strategy
Recommendation Letters
4 * I vy P rep
U.S. U niversities
C omplete “B eginning - to -E nd ” C onsulting
I vy P rep ’s flat-fee consulting option gives you unlimited brainstorming assistance, ongoing feedback, advice and
as many revisions to your essays, activity lists and other elements of your application as you feel you need to
craft the most successful application possible.
Hourly Consultation
IvyPrep “Beginning-to-End” Packages
Additional Packages
(Add to your initial purchase at a later date)
Hourly Consultation
1-University Package
Supplemental Packages
(Minimum 2 Hours)
3-Universities Package
5-Universities Package
8-Universities Package
5 * University Admissions Consulting
S$1,250 Per Additional University
Interview Preparation Course
Two 2-Hour Sessions
(For Ivy League & Yale-NUS College Interviews)
I vy P rep U.S. “B eginning - to -E nd ” P ackage
The 6 Stages of University Admissions Consulting
Stage 1:
Determining Your Profile
Stage 2:
Developing Your Unique Application Strategy
Stage 3:
Building Your Application & Essay Brainstorming
Stage 4:
Developing & Editing Your Essay Drafts
Stage 5:
Final Check Before Application Submission
Stage 6:
Interview Prep & Post-Acceptance Counselling
6 * I vy P rep
I vy P rep U.S. “B eginning - to -E nd ” P ackage
T he C ommon A pplication –
P rofile B uilding
A pplication S trategy
Detailed Profile Analysis
Developing Your Profile
Determining Your Application Direction
Improving Your Candidacy
L etters
I vy P rep Guide to Common Application
Effective Positioning and Application Strategy
Presenting Your School Activities & Leadership Records
Presenting Your Academic Accomplishments
R ecommendation
Securing Strong Letters of Recommendation
Guiding Your Academic Recommenders to Write to
Your Best Advantage
T he C ommon A pplication –
E ssays
Brainstorming Essay Ideas
Essay Vetting by I vy P rep U.S. University Experts
Comprehensive Review of Completed Application
U niversity I nterviews
U niversity -S pecific S upplementary E ssays
Effective Communication and Interview Skills
Saying What Matters Most to University Admissions
Detailed I vy P rep Guides to Top U.S. Universities
Essay Vetting by I vy P rep U.S. University Experts
7 * University Admissions Consulting
L ist
T op U.S. U niversities & C olleges
I vy L eague U niversities
T op P rivate U niversities
T op P ublic U niversities
Harvard University
Yale University
Princeton University
Columbia University
Dartmouth College
University of Pennsylvania
Brown University
Cornell University
Stanford University
New York University
Duke University
University of Chicago
Northwestern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Tufts University
University of Southern California
Boston University
Boston College
Washington University in St. Louis
Johns Hopkins University
Georgetown University
University of California - Berkeley
University of Virginia
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin – Madison
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
8 * I vy P rep
L ist
T op U.S. U niversities & C olleges
T op E ngineering S chools
T op B usiness S chools
T op L iberal A rts C olleges
University of Pennsylvania – Wharton
Yale-NUS College (Singapore)
New York University – Stern
Williams College
Georgia Tech
University of California, Berkeley – Haas
Amherst College
Stanford University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – Ross
Swarthmore College
University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University, Bloomington – Kelley
Pomona College
Columbia University
University of Virginia – Darden
Wellesley College
Cornell University
Carnegie Mellon University – Tepper
Middlebury College
Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University – Dyson
Wesleyan University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Notre Dame – Mendoza
Carleton College
University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
Vassar College
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Harvey Mudd College
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Harvey Mudd College
9 * University Admissions Consulting
I vy P rep
U.K. U niversities
Personal Statement
Recommendation Letters
10 * I vy P rep
C omplete
U.K. U niversities
“B eginning - to -E nd ” C onsulting
I vy P rep ’s flat-fee consulting option gives you unlimited brainstorming assistance, ongoing feedback and advice
and as many revisions to your personal statement, activity lists and other elements of your UCAS Application as
you feel you need to craft the most successful application possible.
Hourly Consultation
UCAS “Beginning-to-End’’ Package
Oxford & Cambridge Interview Prep
Hourly Consultation
(Minimum 2 Hours)
UCAS Application
Oxbridge Law Interview Prep
Two 2-Hour Sessions
Oxford PPE Interview Prep
Two 2-Hour Sessions
(For Economics, PPE and E&M)
11 * University Admissions Consulting
I vy P rep U.K. “B eginning - to -E nd ” P ackage
A pplication S trategy
UCAS A pplication —
P rofile B uilding
Detailed Profile Analysis
Developing Your Profile
Determining Your Application Direction
Improving Your Candidacy
L etters
I vy P rep Guide to UCAS Application
Effective Positioning and Application Strategy
School Activities
Leadership Records
Presenting Your Academic Accomplishments
R ecommendation
Securing Strong Letters of Recommendation
Guiding Your Academic Recommenders to Write to
Your Best Advantage
O xbridge U niversity I nterviews
Interview Prep for Law & Economics
Technical Law/Econs Questions
University “Fit” Questions
Saying What Matters Most to University
Admissions Interviewers
UCAS A pplication —
P ersonal S tatement
Brainstorming Essay Ideas
Essay Vetting by I vy P rep U.K. University Experts
Comprehensive Review of Completed Application
12 * I vy P rep
L ist
T op U.K. U niversity P rogrammes
T op L aw P rogrammes
T op E conomics P rogrammes
T op E ngineering P rogrammes
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
London School of Economics
University College London
King’s College London
Durham University
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
University of Nottingham
University of Edinburgh
Glasgow University
University of York
University of Exeter
University of Cambridge
London School of Economics
University of Oxford
University College London
University of Warwick
University of York
Durham University
University of Bristol
University of Edinburgh
University of St. Andrew’s
University of Nottingham
University of Bath
School of Oriental & African
Studies, University of London
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
University of Oxford
University College London
Durham University
University of Exeter
University of Nottingham
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
University of York
University of Edinburgh
University of St. Andrew’s
13 * University Admissions Consulting
vy P rep in T he P ress
P rep in T he P ress
As Seen On The Straits Times & The New Paper Sunday
14 * I vy P rep
I vy P rep A dmissions C onsulting
Selected Student Placements, 2013 / 2014 Admissions Cycle
L. Wong – Raffles Institution
Y ale U niversity (C lass of 2018)
Nathalie K. – Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
O xford U niversity (L aw ),
Q ueen ’ s C ollege (C lass
Also Accepted to: Columbia University,
University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University
Nicole W . – Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
S tanford U niversity (C lass of 2018)
Also Accepted to: Columbia University,
Brown University, New York University,
Duke University, Boston University,
UC San Diego, UCLA,
University of Southern California
M. Kim – Raffles Institution
O xford U niversity (G eography ),
S t . C atherine ’ s C ollege (C lass
Dong L . – Temasek Junior College
N ew Y ork U niversity (C lass of 2018)
Gerald S . – Raffles Institution
U niversity of P ennsylvania –
W harton S chool of B usiness (C lass of 2019)
Kausik V . – NUS High School of Mathematics & Science
U niversity of I llinois – U rbana -C hampaign
(E ngineering ) (C lass of 2018)
Rheeya D. – Singapore
N orthwestern U niversity (C lass of 2018)
NCAA Division 1 Full Scholarship, Tennis
Sharlene C. – Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
Y ale -NUS C ollege (C lass of 2018)
15 * University Admissions Consulting
R egistration
U niversity A dmissions C onsulting
E mail U s
V isit O ur W ebsite
IvyPrep Singapore
177 River Valley Road, Liang Court, Unit #05-01A, Singapore 179030
Telephone: (+65) 6822-1229 · Email: info@ivyprep.com.sg