31 March - 02 April 2015 WOW Istanbul Convention Center www.iwpc2015.org EVENT GUIDE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ORGANIZER CO-ORGANIZER C0-ORGANIZER www.iwpc2015.org CONTENTS 01 WELCOME ADDRESSES 02 CONGRESS PROGRAMME 03 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 04 CONGRESS VENUE 05 EXHIBITION & CONGRESS 06 REGISTRATION 07 TERMS AND CONDITIONS WELCOME ADDRESS Distinguished Participants of the “Intercontinental Wind Energy Congress - 2015” Wind energy represent one of the most important energy sources of the future and largely preferred by many countries due to its zero cost and emission, high power generation capacity and competitive cost advantages compare to other traditional enrgy sources. The data indicates that in parallel with the recent developments in the wind energy sector, installed capacity of wind energy in the world has increased to 12.4% and reached 318 GW in 2013. It is an inevitable reality that this rapid growth in the sector would be furher accelerated in the years ahead. Our country’s energy policy is shaped towards supply security through the diversification of sources. Within this scope, the target is to increase the share of renewable resources in power generation up to 30% and to reach 20 GW of installed wind power by 2023. While providing the state support to renewable energy investments through various mechanisms, we are also putting our efforts to meet the requirements of the market by reviewing the legal framework including incentives and support mechanisms for local production. Turkey holds a significant wind energy potential. We are working towards benefiting from this potential in favour of our economy. Taking tha advantage of joining the market recently, we are generating wind power by utilizing the the latest technology. I am confident, that we will be further benefiting from the wind energy in more increasing proportions in the years to come. I would like to express my pleasure with the accomplishment of the IWPC (Intercontinental Wind Power Congress) Congress in 2015, in Istanbul, hosted by Turkey, organized in the result of invaluable joint efforts of the Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA), the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). I wish this Congress, which might be the first one to meet the countries all over the world in the meeting point of Asia and Europe, to become a platform that looks into solutins for the current global energy agenda, offers an opportunity to evaluate ever developing wind energy sector, to be a fruitful one from the perspective of all the participants, including sector’s stakeholdres and those who are keen to follow the energy agenda. I would also like to thank everyone who contributed in the organization and realization of this Congress Taner YILDIZ Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Honorary Chair of IWPC 2015 "Turkish Wind Bridging the Continents" 3 WELCOME ADDRESS Esteemed Participants of the InterContinental Wind Power Congress 2015, Energy is in the course of a rapid development and a dynamic change. Recent technological innovations and political trends are affecting the energy policies of countries. Therefore, energy supply security policy is one of the most important policy issues for ali decision- makers. Urgent need for the balance of energy supply and demand as well as feasible and possible solutions to overcome challenges related to energy, underpin an interactive dialogue among countries both at the regional and global level. Within this scope, boosting social welfare and improving market competitiveness of countries in today's global world has become the primary concern ofvarious political, economic and academic platforms. Import dependency, global warming, energy supply security and the price hike of fossil fuels have increased the role of the renewables in the energy mix. Wind power generation has rapidly progressed över the last decade, especially after recent developments in the wind türbine technologies. As shown by statistics, many countries have set goals for high penetration levels of wind generation. In retrospect, a global platform of dialogue in the fıeld of wind energy will be organized in collaboration with TWEA (Turkish Wind Energy Association), EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council). "InterContinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC) " is going to be held in istanbul, in 2015. This Congress and Exhibition aims to play a pivotal role in further promoting wind energy by hosting ali leading players of the sector, high level government offıcials, relevant public and private entities, fînancial and research institutions, representatives of non-governmental organizations, as well as academicians. Turkey, as one of the fastest growing wind market, is going to be a meeting point for ali the leading players of wind power that they will be able to exchange views, share best practices, technologies and innovations, as well as seek new investment opportunities. IWPC Congress and Exhibition will defınitely be a building block and opportunity for exchanging sectoral knowledge, experience and know-how. Henceforth, I have a full confidence that it will contribute in creating added value and synergy through gathering ali political decision-makers, academicians, public and private entrepreneurs investing in the global wind energy sector. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to ali the participants contributing to IWPC 2015 by attending this event. I would also like to offer my best wishes for the continuation of IWPC in the coming years, with much larger participation and greater input through exchanging innovative ideas. Chairman IWPC 2015 Assoc. Prof. H. Murat MERCAN Congress Chairman "Turkish Wind Bridging the Continents" 4 WELCOME ADDRESS Dear Associates of Wind Sector, We are more than honored and pleased to invite you to the Intercontinental Wind Power Congress - IWPC 2015 to be organized with the support of European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) in Istanbul between March 31 – April 2, 2015 under the organization by the Turkish Wind EnergyAssociation. 4.000 local and international participants from around 20 countries are expected to join the Intercontinental Wind Power Congress-IWPC 2015, very first of which will be organized in March 2015 and later be held on a regular basis. On the occasion of this congress, stakeholders of the industry, who are devoted to the wind power from several countries in the world, will have the chance to witness once again the power of wind energy with the same enthusiasm and objective in Istanbul, the city bridging the continents. Istanbul is one of the oldest metropolitans with its wealth of history and magnificent nature. You are all expected to discover Istanbul, having hosted several civilizations namely the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires through the history, with its historical locations, Turkish cuisine of a worldwide standard and multicultural city life. Istanbul, being one of the major meeting points in the world today, has so far hosted several reputable international congresses and events. IWPC 2015 aims to contribute to the industry by way ofshaping the developments in the field of wind energy, being one of the milestones of sustainable development and sharing the knowledge and experiences. Under the scope of IWPC 2015, major economic issues and policies will be discussed at the “Ministers Session”, with the participation of the Ministers of respective countries, recent sector-specific developments will be shared through the presentations of more than 120 national and international speakers, products of turbine manufacturers, representatives of the industry, large and small scaled national and international investors will be exhibited and furthermore, investment opportunities will be utilized through one-to-one meetings. I truly believe that IWPC 2015 – Intercontinental Wind Power Congress would be very useful for all the participants and taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deepest regards to each and every one of you. Looking forward to meeting you at IWPC 2015 in Istanbul … Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN Turkish Wind Energy Association-TWEA President "Turkish Wind Bridging the Continents" 5 WELCOME ADDRESS Dear All, The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) is pleased to once again support the Turkish Wind Energy Association with the 2015 Intercontinental Wind Power Congress. This Congress is an important event for our industry, bringing together top scientists, policy experts, industry leaders, investors, educators, and political decision-makers. Over three days, we will have opportunities to learn more about emerging technologies within our industry, as well as regulatory, political and economic issues not only in Turkey but throughout Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Northern Africa. As the name suggests, this truly is an international event. Moreover, this year’s Congress will offer many opportunities for us to liaise with one another allowing us to expand our networks and build new partnerships. And Istanbul is the perfect city to host such a gathering, with its long history of bringing people - and continents - together. Turkey has emerged as an important player in the wind power industry, with ambitious goals and determined political leadership. Wind power provides an impressive 5 percent of Turkey’s power generation capacity, and new installations are growing at double-digit rates; 2014 alone saw the addition of 800 MW. The Turkish Wind Energy Association deserves much of the credit for this success. I am confident that IWPC 2015 will be a productive and valuable experience for all participants, with many opportunities to enjoy the unique offerings of this historic and dynamic city. I look forward to seeing you in Istanbul. Markus Tacke Chairman, European Wind Energy Association 6 WELCOME ADDRESS Dear Wind Friends, GWEC is delighted to be partnering with the Turkish Wind Energy Association on the Intercontinental Wind Power Congress event to be held from 31 March – 2 April 2015. Turkey is the natural bridge between Asia, Africa and Europe, and is the ideal location to hold such an Intercontinental event. Turkey itself has enormous wind potential with already 3 MW of installed capacity, a further 11 GW in planning stages, and expectations to increase this to 20GW by 2023. The surrounding regions have abundant untapped wind resources, making this an area of great opportunity for companies wishing to expand into new markets. This new event, Intercontinental Wind Power congress, aims to attract wind experts as well as high level government and policy representatives from the neighbouring continents to learn about the huge potential of this region. We are very much looking forward to working with TWEA on this and future editions of the Intercontinental Wind Power Congress, and hope to see you in Istanbul in 2015! Dr Klaus Rave Chairman, Global Wind Energy Council 7 CONGRESS PROGRAMME 02 31 March 2015, Tuesday 01 April 2015, Wednesday 02 April 2015, Thursday Congress Programme 31 March 2015, Tuesday TIME MAIN HALL 09:00 - 17:00 REGISTRATION (Exhibition Area) 14:00 - 14:15 02 OPENING ENTERTAINMENT (CONGRESS AREA) OPENING REMARKS 14:15 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN President Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA) Markus TACKE Chairman European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Dr. Klaus RAVE Chairman Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) Assoc. Prof. H. Murat MERCAN Congress Chairman Intercontinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC 2015) Mustafa YILMAZ President Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) Taner YILDIZ Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Republic of Turkey Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU Prime Minister Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN President Republic of Turkey FORMAL EXHIBITION OPENING CEREMONY and COFFEE BREAK MINISTRIAL SESSION Wind Energy in Energy Policies Session Description: Energy Ministers will discuss regional and international wind energy policies as well as local investment opportunuties in their home countries. Moderator: Dr. Klaus RAVE Chairman Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) 16:00 - 18:00 Taner YILDIZ Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Republic of Turkey Dr. Ibrahim SAIF Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jordan Rasmus Helveg PETERSEN Minister of Climate,Energy and Building Denmark Hakan DİNÇYÜREK Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 18:30 - 21:30 OPENING RECEPTION & TURKISH NIGHT ACTIVITIES (Exhibition Area) 9 02 Congress Programme 01 April 2015, Wednesday TIME RED HALL BLUE HALL GREEN HALL ENTERTAINMENT 09:00 - 09:15 PLENARY LECTURE Paolo FRANKL Head of Renewable Energy Unit International Energy Agency (IEA) 09:15 - 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:00 - 10:30 SESSION 1 10:30 - 12:00 SESSION 2 Importance of WPPs in terms of Energy and Environment Policies Global Energy Trends and Wind Power’s Role Innovation and Education through Partnership Session Description: Wind experts and stakeholders from the sector will get together to discuss wind power in relation to the environment, including climate change, energy supply needs, supply diversity, renewable energy policies, impact of wind projects. Session Description: As renewable energies gain more importance within the energy sector, and in the public domain, wind power’s role is growing. International and local policy makers and other sector stakeholders will share their views about global energy trends, wind power’s role in the energy mix, and the important of sustainable growth. Session Description: The energy industry is going through a serious transformation from a renewable-heavy structure. This change is expected to continue with more small scale distributed generation systems. For such a transformation to be successful, research and development, continuous education and training of the employees and other stakeholders is crucial. This session looks at how industry and universities are cooperating to ensure the sustainable development of the industry. LUNCH BREAK 12:15 - 14:00 SESSION 4 Wind Turbine Suppliers and New Technologies - 1 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 3 Session Description: In this session, the development of turbine technologies in the wold wind industry and new generation turbines’s promotion will be introduced.Turbine manufacturers’ representatives will be speaker and especially new trends and improvements will be discussed by the from various countries . Companies names were organised accoriding to alphabetical order. SESSION 5 Doing Wind Business in ... Session Description: This session forms part of GWEC’s series of “Doing Business in ...” workshops where experts from emerging wind markets share their experiences of how do business in those countries. Speakers from Brazil, South Africa and Poland will outline the challenges of doing wind business in these markets and will offer some practical tips about overcoming them. Delegates will have the opportunity to engage with the speakers during the session SESSION 6 Problems and Solutions Encountered Equity Capital and Project Finance in WPP’s Session Description: Leading Financial Institutions in Renewable Energy Investments will Energy Investments COFFEE BREAK 15:30 - 16:00 SESSION 7 SESSION 8 SESSION 9 Wind Turbine Suppliers and New Wind Business Opportunities in … Grid Integration, Transmission Technologies - 2 and Network Challenges 16:00 - 17:30 Session Description: In this session, the development of turbine technologies in the wold wind industry and new generation turbines’s promotion will be introduced.Turbine manufacturers’ representatives will be speaker and especially new trends and improvements will be discussed by the from various countries . Companies names were organised accoriding to alphabetical order. Session Description: There are extremely promising opportunities for energy savings and sustainable energy generation in the Middle East and North Africa. The climate is favourable and, more importantly, governments want to invest in sustainability.The Session provides and opportunity to hear solutions to facilitate the scaling-up and wider expansion of the wind industry in the region. Hear about the key movements in policy across the region from numerous national government representatives, learn from the experienced developers of the pioneering case studies, and discover the potential for future growth in the region 17:00 - 18:30 STAND PARTIES 18:30 - 22:00 CONGRESS DINNER 10 Session Description: Panelists will share their experiences of challenges faced integrating wind into the grid, the problems encountered and solutions that have been adopted. 02 Congress Programme 02 April 2015, Thursday TIME RED HALL BLUE HALL GREEN HALL ENTERTAINMENT 09:00 - 09:15 PLENARY LECTURE Dr. Klaus RAVE Chairman Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) 09:15 - 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:00 - 10:30 SESSION 10 SESSION 12 Resource Assessments and Development of WPPs - 1 Wind Business Opportunities in MENA Region Invest in Turkey Session Description: It is no longer a straightforward process deciding on the optimal measurement strategy to minimise uncertainties in the Session Description: There are extremely promising opportunities for energy savings and sustainable energy generation in the Middle East and North Africa. The climate is favourable and, more importantly, governments want to invest in sustainability. The Session provides and opportunity to hear solutions to facilitate the scaling-up and wider expansion of the wind industry in the region. Hear about the key movements in policy across the region from numerous national government representatives, learn from the experienced developers of the pioneering case studies, and discover the potential for future growth in the region Session Description: The Session will provide an answer to the question of “Why Turkey rather than the other countries?’’ General subjects such as overview of the Turkish economy and its investment climate, Turkey’s advantages compared to other developing countries, new regulations and wind market developments, will be discussed 10:30 - 12:00 is just as challenging. The interpretation choice of turbine has also become more complex. This session will provide an framework underwhich the participants will discuss the latest challanges and the ways to respond those challanges concerning the wind assessment. LUNCH BREAK 12:15 - 14:00 SESSION 13 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 11 SESSION 14 SESSION 15 Constructions of WPPs in New and Emerging Markets Wind Business Opportunities in other CONTINENTS Resource Assessments and Development of WPPs - 2 Session Description: Installation of wind turbines is an area Session Description: As has been the case for three of the past four years, the majority of installations were outside the OECD, and this is a trend which will continue to intensify with Session Description: It is no longer a straightforward process deciding on the optimal measurement strategy to minimise uncertainties in and reduce costs. Bigger, better, cheaper ways of transporting and installing turbines are vital in the drive to reach grid parity. Increasing tower heights lead to alternative materials and assembly procedures. The lack of trained resources and experienced suppliers are the real challanges in the emerging markets. The companies who in Latin America and Africa along with those in Asia which currently drive global growth.The session will provide a comprehensive overview of the global industry at a moment in time. markets will share how they found ways to overcome the barriers which might be found an emerging market. project. Assessing the resulting The interpretation of the data for site has also become more complex. This session will provide an framework underwhich the participants will discuss the latest challanges and the ways to respond those challanges concerning the wind assessment. COFFEE BREAK 15:30 - 16:00 SESSION 16 SESSION 17 SESSION 18 Operation and Maintenance of WPPs 3.000 MW New Applications’ Poster Presentations Session Effects on Turkish Wind Sector Session Description: In this session; 4 project owner will 16:00 - 17:30 17:00 - 18:30 The session covers the entire area of wind farm and wind turbine operation and maintenance, e.g. how to access, repair and organise operation and maintenance logistics. In order to keep in hand the current health of turbines and farms, failure detection, Session Description: attend and present their projects To reach 20.000 MW target in 2023, whose projects were chosen by the jury which is one of the steps to be members are expert about wind power. taken declared by Turkish Electricity Transmission Company 3000 MW wind grid capacity applications will be taken by EMRA at the end of April. By the end also presented. Maintenance operations are also addressed from the viewpoints of 2014, Turkey wind sector’s 3800 MW installed capacity is expected to grow order to cover management aspects, rapidly with new applications. Effects operation and lifetime cost calculation of new appllications on Turkey Wind methodologies are also introduced. Energy Sector and how it will be received Experts from various European countries will be discussed. share their results during the session. STAND PARTIES 11 SPONSORSHIP 03 SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES MAIN SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSOR SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NAME BADGE & LANYARD CONGRESS BAG EVENT BOOK EXECUTIVE DINNER OPENING RECEPTION (TURKISH NIGHT) GALA DINNER COFFEE BREAKS LUNCH SPONSORSHIP PENS NOTEPADS (A5) T- SHIRTS OFFICIAL STAND PARTIES 03 Sponsorship Packages MAIN SPONSOR Company logo will be placed at the top of all visual materials and panels, during the congress 40 Gala Dinner invitations Company logo will be placed in the congress website as Main Sponsor Company logo, its 50 words presentation and one full page colored sponsor advertisement will be placed in the Event Book as Main Sponsor Company brochure in the congress bag It will be provided to participate the “Executive Dinner” for one senior company executive. Sold Out GOLD SPONSOR Company logo will be placed on all visual materials and panels, during the congress 30 Gala Dinner invitations Company logo will be placed in the congress website as Gold Sponsor Company logo, its 50 words presentation and one full page colored sponsor advertisement will be placed in the Event Book as Gold Sponsor It will be provided to participate the “Executive Dinner” for one senior company executive. 14 60.000.-Euro 03 Sponsorship Packages SILVER SPONSOR Company logo will be placed on all visual materials and panels, during the congress 20 Gala Dinner invitations Company logo will be placed in the congress website as Silver Sponsor Company logo and its 50 words presentation will be placed in the Event Book as Silver Sponsor It will be provided to participate the “Executive Dinner” for one senior company executive. Sold Out BRONZE SPONSOR Company logo will be placed on all visual materials and panels, during the congress. 12 Gala Dinner invitations Company logo will be placed in the congress website as Bronze Sponsor Company logo and its 50 words presentation will be placed in the Event Book as Bronze Sponsor It will be provided to participate the “Executive Dinner” for one senior company executive. 15 Sold Out 03 Sponsorship Opportunities NAME BADGE & LANYARD Sold Out All the visitors, company representatives, speakers and press members joining the Congress will be given name badge bearing the logo of the sponsor company. The logo of the sponsor company will be visible on the front side of the name badge with requested design. 6 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. CONGRESS BAG Sold Out All the visitors, company representatives, speakers and press members joining the Congress will be given congress bags bearing the logo of the sponsor company. The logo of the sponsor company will be visible on the front side of the bag with requested design. 8 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. EVENT BOOK Sold Out Full page announcement of the sponsor company will appear on the back cover and inner pages of the book. 30 copies of Event Book will be provided to the sponsor. 6 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. Supporting Sponsor Company logo will be placed on all visual materials and panels, during the congress. 16 03 Sponsorship Opportunities EXECUTIVE DINNER (Mutual Consultation) An “Executive Dinner” will be organized in Istanbul on 30 March 2015 evening, prior to the Intercontinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC 2015) which will held on 31 March - 02 April 2015. Taner YILDIZ (Minister of Energy and Natural Resources), Ministers of the Invited Countries, Assoc. Prof. Murat MERCAN (IWPC 2015 Congress Chairman), Halil MAZICIOĞLU (Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology, Turkish Grand National Assembly - TBMM), Mustafa YILMAZ (Chairman of Energy Market Regulatory Authority EMRA), Dr. Zafer DEMİRCAN (General Director of General Directorate of Energy Affairs), Yusuf YAZAR (General Director of General Directorate of Renewable Energy), Kemal YILDIR (General Director of Turkish Electricity Transmission Company- TEİAŞ), İlker AYCI (Chairman of Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey), Dr. Klaus RAVE (Chairman of Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC), Markus TACKE (Chairman of European Wind Energy Association - EWEA), Chairman’s of the Invited Wind Energy Associations and Thomas BECKER (CEO of European Wind Energy Association - EWEA) are expected to participate to this private “Executive Dinner”. All the public authorities related to the Wind Sector, Senior Officials of Turbine Manufacturers and investors from Europe, Asia, North Africa, Middle East and Turkey will attend to this private dinner and strategic subjects about markets and organization will come up. This private dinner’s sponsorship will be decided with mutual consultation. All visual materials of the sponsor companies will take part in the private dining hall. 3 Executive Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. 17 Sold Out 03 Sponsorship Opportunities OPENING RECEPTION (TURKISH NIGHT) Opening Reception will be held for senior government officials, senior company representatives, speakers and all congress participants. The banner of the sponsor company will be displayed in the Opening Reception hall. (desk flag, flags, roll-ups and signalization) The logo of the sponsor company will be printed on the Opening Reception Invitation. 10 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. GALA DINNER Sold Out Sold Out Gala Dinner will be held exclusively for senior government officials, senior company representatives and speakers and sponsor company will invite their special participants also at the end of April 1st, 2015 date. The banner of the sponsor company will be displayed in the Gala Dinner hall. (desk flag, flags, roll-ups and signalization) The sponsor company will be entitled to perform promotional film of 5 minutes to participants during the Gala Dinner. The logo of the sponsor company will be printed on the Gala Dinner Invitation. 30 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. COFFEE BREAK (Opening Day - 31 March 2015) Sold Out The banner of the sponsor company will be displayed in the Coffee Break Area. (desk flag, flags, roll-ups and signalization) 5 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. COFFEE BREAKS (1st Day - 01 April 2015) Sold Out The banner of the sponsor company will be displayed in the Coffee Break Area. (desk flag, flags, roll-ups and signalization) 4 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. COFFEE BREAKS (2nd Day - 02 April 2015) The banner of the sponsor company will be displayed in the Coffee Break Area. (desk flag, flags, roll-ups and signalization) 3 Gala Dinner invitations will be provided to the sponsor. 18 Sold Out 03 Sponsorship Opportunities LUNCH SPONSORSHIP ( 1 April 2015, Wednesday ) Lunch will be served to 400 participants and lunch tickets will be distributed from sponsor’s booth. LUNCH SPONSORSHIP ( 2 April 2015, Wednesday ) Lunch will be served to 300 participants and lunch tickets will be distributed from sponsor’s booth. 20.000.-Euro 15.000.-Euro PENS 2,500 pens handed out to all conference delegates Sponsor’s logo printed on the pens (along with Event logo) Sold Out NOTEPADS (A5) 2,500 notepads [A5 format, including cover and 25 sheets] are handed out to all participants Sponsor’s branding printed on the cover of the notepads (along with the event logo) Sponsor’s logo printed on each sheet (along with the event logo) Sold Out T- SHIRTS Sponsor’s branding printed on t-shirts worn by approximately 40 hostesses (together with the Event logo) Sold Out OFFICIAL STAND PARTIES You can invite all of your business contacts and attract new ones Display your invitation to the your stand party in the registration area on the day of the event PA announcements to be made in the exhibition halls shortly before your event starts. Available options 1) Promotion only Promotion of the stand party in all event publications Your invitations and two pop-up banners displayed in the registration area on the day of the event (to be supplied by the sponsor) PA announcements in the halls driving traffic to your stand 2) Full event organisation As well as the promotion, TWEA also takes care of full organisation including catering and drinks (based on max. 250 persons for a duration of max. 90 minutes) 19 6.000.-Euro 12.000.-Euro CONGRESS VENUE 04 GENERAL INFORMATION CONGRESS VENUE MAP Congress Venue WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center 04 General Information WOW Convention Center is integrated with a 4-star WOW Airport Hotel and a 5-star WOW Istanbul Hotels which were planned to be the host for all organizations like national and international conferences, meetings dealers meetings, fairs and wedding ceremony. It is the biggest meeting complex with accommodation in Istanbul with its 8500 square meter meeting area, 34 meeting rooms, 6500 pax capacity and 635 rooms. It contains two buildings. Sapphire Meeting Room in A Block has the title of the biggest meeting room of Istanbul with its 3108 square meter area. Beside Sapphire which can be divided into 3 with 11 different ways and has 1260 square meters lounge, there are also Onyx, Zircon and Oltu 1-2-3-4 meeting rooms. In B Block of WOW Convention Center, there is a multipurpose meeting room Ruby Hall which has a folding featured telescopic tribune system. The capacities of the other rooms situated in the block change between 1180 and 27,5 square meters. Location WOW Convention Center is an across Ataturk International Airport, which is the most important airport of Istanbul, and is walking distance to Istanbul World Trade Center, Istanbul Fair Center and Expo Center where important exhibitions, fair and events are held. The metro station having connection with the city center is located at the garden of the hotel. Distance Ataturk International Airport Atakoy Marina / Bakirkoy Seabus Port City Center (Taksim) Sabiha Gokcen International Airport : 1,2 km / 3 min : 9,2 km / 12 min : 22,8 km / 30 min : 70,3 km / 54 min 22 Congress Venue WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center 23 04 EXHIBITION & CONGRESS 05 EXHIBITION PRICES EXHIBITION PLAN CONGRESS HALLS 05 Exhibition Prices Exhibition Prices Space Only (1) Full Service (2) Non Member 300 € per m2 330 € per m2 TWEA & EWEA & GWEC Members 230 € per m2 260 € per m2 All Prices are excluding %18 VAT Space Only (1) Space only is the ideal solution if would like to have a customised stand. You book and pay for the space only. You can then assemble your own exhibition stand, and order the required services (cleaning, electricity, etc.) separately. Full Service (2) Full service stands include back and side walls, carpet, 3 spot lights, table, 2 chairs, company heading, electric socket, waste bin per 9m2. As part of the exhibitor package, each exhibitor receives the following: Free - 50 words - company description in the Event Book 1 Gala Dinner invitation will be provided to the exhibitor company per 12 m2 Detailed company listing on the online exhibitor list Book a stand Step 1 : View the floor plans and select your preferred stand location. Please note that the availability of the stands cannot be guaranteed as the booking situation changes daily. Step 2: To book exhibition space, simply fill in the exhibition booking form and send it to exhibition@iwpc2015.org Step 3: The IWPC exhibition team will respond to your booking request by confirming which of your preferred locations are available. Any questions related to the availability of stands? Cannot find a suitable stand size or location? Please contact the IWPC exhibition team at exhibition@iwpc2015.org, and we will discuss the alternatives with you. 26 Exhibition Plan WOW Istanbul Convention Center (A Block) F E 4A 4B Stage 4C 9 D 16A 15 C 16B Media Point B 17 CATERING AREA A 14 10 5 3 Exhibition Service Desk 7 2 8 11 13A 12 13B 18 6 19A 19B 1 27 30 26 48 24 23 ® 22 31 47 46 45 33 34 35 44 36 43 4 SOMALIA MAIN ENTRANCE Please visit our website www.iwpc2015.org to check the updated Exhibition Plan 21 20 38 32 49 25 POSTER AREA REGISTRATION 29 28 37 42 41 40 39 Congress Halls WOW Istanbul Convention Center (B Block) 31 March 2015, Tuesday 01 - 02 April 2015, Wednesday - Thursday REGISTRATION 06 REGISTRATION 06 Registration Registration Fees Conference Delegate Full Congress Fee Conference Delegate Daily Fee Visitor Full Exhibition Fee Academic Student Before 25/03/2015 After 26/03/2015 Non Members 500 € 550 € EWEA and GWEC Members 400 € 450 € TWEA Members 400 € 450 € Non Members 300 € 350 € EWEA and GWEC Members 250 € 300 € TWEA Members 250 € 300 € Non Members Free Free EWEA and GWEC Members Free Free TWEA Members Free Free Full Congress Fee 100 € 120 € Daily Fee 60 € 75 € Full Congress Fee 50 € 60 € Daily Fee 30 € 35 € All Prices are including %18 VAT 30 06 Registration 3-DAYS CONFERENCE DELEGATE PASS WITH EXHIBITION ACCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Access to the conference and exhibition from Tuesday - Thursday Access to free coffee breaks Congress bag with event book Opening reception (1 ticket) and stand parties in the exhibition hall Local VAT (18%) 1-DAY CONFERENCE DELEGATE PASS WITH EXHIBITION ACCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Access to the conference and exhibition for 1 day Access to free coffee breaks Congress bag with event book Opening reception (1 ticket, Tuesday pass only) and stand parties in the exhibition hall Local VAT (18%) EXHIBITION VISITOR PASS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Access to the exhibition area for the specific day(s) purchased Access to free coffee breaks Exhibition map Stand parties in the exhibition hall Local VAT (18%) Does NOT include access to any conference sessions. EXHIBITOR STAFF PASS Exhibitor staff registration will be available as from 01 March 2015. Exhibitor staff passes must be allocated to employees of the exhibiting company working at their stand or other staff hired to assist during the event. Exhibitors receive a certain number of free staff passes based on their stand size. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Early access to the exhibition area. Access to free coffee breaks Exhibition map Stand parties in the exhibition hall Local VAT (18%) Does NOT include access to any conference sessions, unless separate conference session tickets (max. 2 per person) are purchased. 31 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 07 TERMS AND CONDITIONS BOOKING FORM Terms and Conditions 07 Booking Form The details in this document are correct at the time of printing. The organisers do not accept liability for any changes that may occur. All commercial participants must adhere to the IWPC Sponsorship Guidelines and the organisers reserve the right to accept or decline all offers of sponsorship and applications for exhibition space. The acceptance of sponsorship and/or the allocation of stand space does not mean that the information provided by the commercial participant is endorsed by IWPC or by the local organisers. IWPC Sponsorship Guidelines are available via www.iwpc2015.org It is the sponsor’s and/or exhibitor’s responsibility to adhere to any laws applicable in the country where the IWPC is being held. The organisers accept no responsibility whatsoever for any transgression of such laws by sponsors or exhibitors at IWPC 2015. The law of Turkey shall be applicable to the whole contractual relationship between the organisers and sponsors/exhibitors. Any disputes which should arise as a result of the agreements are subject to the adjudication of the competent court of jurisdiction in Turkey. Promotion of unapproved therapies (by regulatory authorities) is regulated by the local and European laws and IWPC bears no responsibility in case of a complaint based on such laws. For reasons beyond their control (such as war, strikes, lockouts, riots or any such civil disturbances, any acts of God, including but not limited to earthquakes, floods and droughts and any other cause or circumstance of whatsoever nature beyond its control that have an impact on the arrangements, timetables or planning of a scientific meeting), the IWPC 2015 Organisers have the right to immediately alter or cancel the congress or any of the arrangements, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly to IWPC 2015. The participants shall not be entitled to any compensation for damages that result from such alteration or cancellation. Furthermore, with the exception of any wilful damage or gross negligence committed by IWPC 2015 Organisers, the IWPC 2015 Organisers shall not at any time be liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the participants, including consequential and immaterial damage, caused by failure to comply with any provision of this document. The commercial exhibition will be held in an area which will also include the catering and will be in close proximity to all lecture halls. The organisers reserve the right to amend the floor plan should it be felt that such an amendment would benefit the congress as a whole. The enclosed provisional exhibition floor plan has been designed in accordance with the regulations of the congress venue and with the intention of maximising each individual stand’s exposure to the participants of IWPC 2015. The organisers must approve all Space Only stand designs. Exhibition space will be allocated to major and principal sponsors and then sold on a first come, first served basis. In return for a hyperlink from your company logo on the congress website, the sponsor is required to provide a reciprocal link from their website to the congress website – www.iwpc2015.org 34 Payment Schedule A deposit of 50% of the expected total fee for is requested upon application. Applications received without 50% deposit will not be processed nor stand space assigned. Confirmation of your sponsorship item or stand space reservation will be sent upon receipt of this deposit. An invoice for the balance due on the sponsorship item or stand space rental fee will be sent in September 2014. The amount of the invoice is due within 30 days of receipt. If full payment is not received in due time, the assigned stand space may be re-assigned and the deposit forfeited. Sponsors will not be permitted to hold sessions and Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy the assigned stand space unless the relevant fee has been settled in full in advance of the congress. Cancellation In exceptional circumstances the Organisers will be prepared to consider cancellation of their Contract with Sponsors and/or Exhibitors, but only if the following conditions are complied with: (a) That the request for cancellation received in writing and is submitted by registered post (b) That the request is received at least three months prior to the opening of the Exhibition (c) That the Organisers are able to re-let the cancelled space in its entirety (d) That the reason given for the request of the cancellations is, in the opinion of theOrganisers, well-founded. (e) That the Exhibitor agrees that the Organisers shall retain 25% of the contract price if the cancellation is accepted more than six months before the opening of the Exhibition, 50% of the contract price if the cancellation is accepted between six and three months before the opening exhibition and 100% of the contract price if the cancellation is accepted within three months of the opening of the Exhibition Signing of the IWPC 2015 Sponsorship/Exhibition Booking Form indicates acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions 1. If the Exhibitor fails to comply in any substantial respect with the terms of this agreement, the Organisers shall have the right to sell the space to another company. The Exhibitor, however, will be liable for any loss suffered by the Organisers thereby, and all monies paid by the Exhibitor hereunder shall be absolutely forfeited to the Organisers. If, in the event of the Exhibitor failing to occupy the said space by the advertised opening time of the show, the Organisers are authorised to occupy or cause the said space to be occupied in such manner as it may deem best in the interests of the Exhibition without refund to the said Exhibitor and without releasing the exhibitor from any liability hereunder. 2. No exhibitor shall erect any sign, stand wall, or obstruction, which in the opinion of the Organisers interferes with an adjoining Exhibitor. Plans of the proposed exhibition stand must be supplied to the Organisers for approval by the date stipulated in the Exhibitor Manual. 3. All exhibitors shall be producers, importers or representatives for goods and/or services displayed. No Exhibitor shall display on his stand any advertisement for goods manufactured and/or sold, or services provided by a non-Exhibitor unless written permission has been obtained from the organisers. Terms and Conditions 07 Booking Form 4. Dismantling the Exhibits – Exhibits must not be removed and displays must not be dismantled either partially or totally, before closing time on the last day of the Exhibition – 02 April 2015. All exhibits and display material must be removed by the time indicated by the Organisers in the Exhibitor Manual. Early dismantle may result in the Exhibitor being prohibited from exhibiting at future IWPCs. 5. Exhibitors shall comply with the Rules and Regulations stipulated by the Organisers, the relevant Health and Fire Departments and with all relevant State Acts. 6. The Exhibitor will not damage any walls or floors or ceilings of the exhibition area in which the stand is located- by nails, screws, oil, paint or by any other cause whatsoever. The Exhibitor guarantees to pay for the repair of any damage caused. 7. Exhibitors have thirty (30) days in which to make their final payment when it falls due. After this time, and only when monies have not been paid, the stand will be available for sale to another firm. All deposits paid to this stage will automatically be forfeited and no refund will be made, and no Exhibitor shall occupy their stand space in the Exhibition until all monies owing to the Organisers by the Exhibitor are paid in full. 8. Exhibitor’s Liability – Every Exhibitor hereby accepts liability for all acts or omissions by himself, his servants, contractors, agents and visitors and undertakes to indemnify the Organisers and to keep them indemnified against all liability in respect thereof and against all actions, suits, proceedings,claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever, which may be taken or made against the Organisers or incurred or become payable by them. Arising there from or in respect thereof including any claims arising out of the supply or demonstration by the Exhibitor of samples of any kind whatsoever whether such samples be sold or given away free and including any legal costs and expenses and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by the organisers on the advice of Counsel to compromise or settle any such claims. Notwithstanding the indemnity hereby given, the Exhibitor undertakes to arrange appropriate third party liability insurance. 9. Insurance Liability – Neither the organisers nor the WOW Istanbul Convention Center will be responsible for the safety of any exhibit or property of any Exhibitor, or any other person, for the loss or damage of, or destruction to same, by theft or fire or any other cause whatsoever, or for any loss or damage whatsoever sustained by the Exhibitor by reason of any defect in the building caused by fire, storm, tempest, lightning, national mergency, war, labour disputes, strikes or lock outs, civil disturbances, explosion, inevitable accident, force majeure, or any other cause not within the control of the Organisers or for any loss or damage occasioned, if by reason of happenings of any such event, the opening of the Exhibition is prevented or postponed or delayed or abandoned, or the building becomes wholly or partially unavailable for the holding of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor agrees and undertakes to insure in their full replacement value the contents of the stand and all associated equipment and materials. The Exhibitor will produce proof of coverage upon request from the Organisers. 10. The Exhibitor is responsible for the safety of products and general display of the stand. During move-in and move-out period, material should not be left unattended at any time. 11. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to leave the stand clean and tidy during the Exhibition and after moving out. 35 12. The Organisers reserve the right to postpone the holding of the Exhibition from the set dates, and to hold the exhibition on other dates as near to the original dates as practicable, utilizing the right only where circumstances necessitate such action and without any liability to the Organisers. 13. If due to any unforeseen circumstances it is found necessary to close the Exhibition on any day or days or to vary the hours the Exhibition is open, the Organisers reserve the right to do so, at their sole discretion without any liability to the Organisers. 14. The Organisers may from time to time add to or vary the foregoing Rules and Regulations and do anything at their sole discretion they deem desirable for the proper conduct of the Exhibition, provided that such amendments or additions do not operate to diminish the rights reserved to the Exhibitor under this agreement and shall not operate to increase the liabilities of the Organisers. 15. The Organisers reserve the right in unforeseen circumstances to amend or alter the exact site of the location of the stand and the Exhibitor undertakes to agree to any alteration to the site or the space reallocated by the Organisers. 16. Conduct of Exhibitor and Representatives (a) Annoyance: The Organisers reserve the right to stop any activity on the part of any Exhibitor that may cause annoyance to other Exhibitors or visitors. Business must be conducted only from the Exhibitor’s own stand and under no circumstances may this be carried out from a gangway or elsewhere in the Exhibition. (b) Microphones: The use of microphones is permitted, but the volume must not be such as to cause any annoyance to other Exhibitors. The Organisers reserve the right to prohibit their use if in the Organisers opinion any annoyance is being caused. (c) Gangways: Any encroachment upon gangways or passages shall be deemed to be a breach of contract and articles or goods found therein during the period of the Exhibition may be removed by the Organisers or their agents and the Organisers shall not be responsible for any loss thereto occasioned by such removal. (d) Publicity Material: Any publicity material shall be displayed and/or given away only from the Exhibitor’s own stand. 17. The Organisers shall not be responsible for any damages claimed by any person or persons who may be injured whilst in the area allotted to the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor agrees to indemnify the Organisers in the Event of any claim made against the Organisers. 18. Right of Rejection – Exhibits are admitted to the Exhibition, and shall remain there, solely on strict compliance with these Rules and Regulations. The Organisers reserve the right to prohibit in whole or part and reject any Exhibitor or his representative in the case of failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations. The Organisers reserve the right to reject applications for exhibit space when they deem such application is not appropriate to the exhibition. In the case of non compliance with the rules and regulations there shall be no return of payment if such rejection or prohibition is deemed necessary by the Organisers. 19. No stand may be sub-let in any manner without the consent of the Organisers. 07 Booking Form Please complete and send to: Turkish Wind Energy Association - TWEA CONTACT NAME:.................................................................................................................................... NAME OF COMPANY: .............................................................................................................................. ADDRESS: .............................................................................................................................................. CITY: .................................................. COUNTRY: ........................................ CODE: ......................... TELEPHONE: ...................................... FAX: .......................................................................................... EMAIL: ............................................... WEBSITE: ................................................................................. I would like to book the following: Sponsorship item Price Please send me a sponsorship contract and 50% invoice I would like to book the following exhibition space (included in the Special Package): Choice Stand No Space Only / Shell Scheme No. of Square Metres Total Price 1 st Choice € 2nd Choice € 3rd Choice € Please send me a stand agreement and 50% invoice We have read the Terms & Conditions and agree to observe and be bound by them. We hereby affirm that the said Terms & Conditions will remain applicable in the event we make any future modification in the details of our order SIGNATURE:.…………………………………….……… DATE:............……………………………… These terms are the contractual agreement between the Organiser and the Exhibiting Firm Organizer Green Office Kızılırmak Mah. 1443 Cad. No:22/16 06520 Çukurambar / Ankara www.iwpc2015.org : +90 (312) 474 0274 : +90 (312) 474 0275 : info@iwpc2015.org