Healthy Living Expo Stall Application


Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Thank you for your interest in holding a market stall at the 2015 Jetty 2 Jetty Fun Run.
The longest running fun run in South East Queensland, the annual Jetty 2 Jetty is back in 2015 offering over 4,000
competitors the opportunity to race in the half marathon, 10km, 5km or 3km events against the picturesque backdrop of
Moreton Bay.
In 2015, the Moreton Bay Road Runners have enlisted the support of Our Village Foundation to coordinate and deliver the
Jetty 2 Jetty Fun Run.
For the first time, Jetty 2 Jetty will host a Healthy Living Expo and are looking for businesses and market stalls that fit
within the health and wellness theme to apply.
Event Date
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Event Time
6.00am until 11.00am
Event Location
Crockatt Park, Woody Point
Expected Attendance
Operating Hours
All stalls must be completely set up and ready to operate by 6.00am, as event patrons will arrive early. Stalls are not
permitted to pack down any component of their stall until after 11.00am. Vehicles are not to be brought onto the event
site until approval is granted by event organisers.
For the safety of all people onsite, it is VITAL that ALL staff working at your site are aware of the rules around vehicle
movement onsite and follow instructions given by event organisers.
By applying for a site, stallholders agree to operate for all times listed above. Failure to do so, without prior consultation
with event organisers, may result in exclusion from operating at future events managed by Our Village Foundation.
Stall Presentation
All stalls must be professionally presented at all times. Professional presentation at a minimum includes:
Neat and clear signage (computer generated nothing hand-written, unless this is in an artistic manner)
Neat stall presentation with all excess stock to be neatly packed away, preferably under clothed tables out of sight
of customers
A clean marquee with no large visible stains on the roof or walls, broken legs, uneven legs etc
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Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Application Assessment
All applicants will be assessed on:
Product type (Healthy Living)
Product uniqueness
Stall presentation
Stall size requirements
Event organisers will highly consider applications for stalls that will enhance the experience of Jetty 2 Jetty competitors
and spectators on the day by being interactive (free samples, trials, demonstrations etc).
Event organisers will also highly consider vendors that are from the Redcliffe Peninsula and greater Moreton Bay Region,
as we support local businesses.
If successful, a confirmation pack with all event information including confirmed site location, setup and operating details,
will be sent. Site allocation is final and at the discretion of Our Village Foundation. No correspondence will be entered
Please note that no sites will have access to electricity.
Public Liability
A copy of your public liability insurance policy must be included in your application. It must be to the minimum value of
$10 million. Organisations/Businesses unable to provide a copy of this policy will not be permitted to trade at this event.
Site Payment
Payment must be received with this application to be considered. The preferred payment method is credit card however
cheques are also permitted.
Security will be employed for the entire duration of the event. It is the responsibility of the stall holder to ensure that their
site is monitored at all time and all valuables are secure. All equipment and property brought into the event is to be the
full responsibility of the site holder. Our Village Foundation will not be held liable for any loss or damage for any reason.
Applications Open
Applications Close
Assessment & Confirmation
All Details & Payment Confirmed
2015 Jetty 2 Jetty – Stallholder Application
Monday, 13 April 2015
Friday, 19 June 2015 (5.00pm Close of Business)
Monday, 29 June 2015
Friday, 10 July 2015
Sunday, 19 July 2015
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Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Contact Details
First Name: _____________________________________Surname: ___________________________________________
Trading or Business Name:
Postal Address:
Suburb: ____________________________________ State: _______________________ Postcode:
Mobile (during event):
Vehicle Registration Number (Must be the vehicle used at the event): ___________________________________________
Site Types
Please choose the stall type below that you identify with. Please note that no sites will have access to electricity.
Business/Promotion/Market Stalls - Stallholders that fit into the category of Healthy Living
Food Stalls - Stallholders that sell main and desert type food items intended to be consumed at the event.
Beverage Stalls - Stallholders that sell beverages intended to be consumed at the event.
Items to be Sold
Please indicate all items and you would like to sell at this site.
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Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Site Size
Please indicate the exact site size required to operate this stall including draw bars, cold rooms and storage areas etc
Depth: ______________________________ Width (Serving Point): _________________________________________
Are you operating from: __
Van or Vehicle
Caravan or Trailer
Site Fee
Please indicate the total amount payable according to your stall type. Include the number of 3m x 3m sites required for
market stalls.
Market Stall
per 3m x 3m site
Food or Beverage Stall
per 3m x 3m site
$ _______________
Number of 3m x 3m sites
Number of 3m x 3m sites
Please indicate your preferred site payment method below.
Option A –- Credit Card
Card type:
Visa / Mastercard
Card number:
_______________ /_________________ / ______________ / ________________
Expiry date:
_______________ / ______________
If successful, credit card details listed on the application will be charged at the time of confirmation. If
unsuccessful, your payment details will be disposed of accordingly.
Option B –- Cheque
Cheques to be made out to Our Village Foundation and be sent to the mailing address listed below with this
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Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Application Checklist
Please read and check the following items have been completed in order for your application to be processed.
Yes, I have read and understood the terms and conditions on the final page of this application
Yes, I have completed all sections of this application
Yes, I have included a photograph of my stall setup
Yes, I have included site payment details
Yes, I have included a copy of my public liability policy
By signing and returning this completed application form, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to abide
to the terms and conditions attached. You agree to absolve, hold harmless and indemnify Our Village Foundation and their
staff or assigns, from any claims, actions, suits or demands from any incident, accident, injury or damage to any person,
property or other caused or alleged to have been caused or sustained from your activity or the use of any equipment or
property associated with your activity.
You understand that by completing this application form, it does not guarantee the applicant a site.
Signed: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Please return the completed application and attachments to:
If scanning the document to be emailed, please ensure you scan it as a pdf or a low resolution jpg (picture) file. You may
need to send multiple emails with separate attachments if the documents are too large. As a guide, the total file size for
your emails should be under 3MB.
Kathryn Richards
Our Village Foundation
PO Box 326
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Healthy Living Expo Stall Application
Terms and Conditions
To register for a site at the 2015 Jetty 2 Jetty fun run, this application form must be completed, signed and returned to Our Village Foundation by the closing
date stated in the application.
If a confirmed site holder who has paid a site fee wishes to cancel the contract before Friday,10 July 2015, the Foundation will refund any paid stall fees in full.
Cancellation received after Friday, 10 July 2015, will result in no stall fees being refunded.
All cancellations must be received in writing to
In the case of the event being cancelled due to inclement weather or other circumstances, the Foundation will refund any paid stall fees in full. However, if the
event goes ahead in inclement weather and the applicant chooses not to attend, no refund will be given.
Allocation of sites will be made to best benefit the event plans and patrons.
The applicant agrees to operate their stall for the duration of the operational times listed on this application.
For safety reasons, vehicle access in the event site will only be permitted outside of event operating times and no onsite parking will be permitted.
The allocated site area is to be used solely for the purpose specified in this application. No sub-letting will be permitted. Gambling and/or fundraising activities
are strictly prohibited unless authorised by event organisers. No selling, canvassing, hawking or distribution of printed or other matter will be permitted outside
the area contracted.
Our Village Foundation shall have the power to enter upon the site and remove any article, sign, picture or printed material or stop any undue noise created by
a site holder, which, in their opinion may be a cause of offence to the public.
Site holders and their employees shall transact all business and sale of goods from their allocated floor space only. It is not acceptable for site holders to
encroach outside the allocated space unless previously agreed to by event organisers.
Site holders shall leave their allocated area in a clean and tidy state, removing any litter, spills, by-products or equipment from their activities. Should the site
require further cleaning or removal of equipment at the conclusion of the event, this expense may be passed onto the site holder.
All food stalls must provide adequate floor covering that clearly covers the dimensions of the allocated area to contain any spills.
Participants must only use equipment in good sound condition and if required, equipment must display a registration certificate in accordance with regulations
governing the activity. All guards and safety shields on equipment must be used at all times.
All electrical leads and equipment must be tagged and tested within 12 months of the event date and must have current tags showing at all times. Any lead that
does not have an up to date tag will be disconnected.
Where a stall uses a gas or electrical appliance to cook or heat food, it is required to have a fire extinguisher for that class of fire and where a stall uses oils or
fats it is required to have a fire blanket. The extinguishers and fire blankets must have an inspection tag attached showing the last test (within six months).
All leads, hoses or other trip hazards must be suitably covered to prevent any trip hazards.
All marquees must be adequately weighted to ensure no movement due to heavy wind etc. All weights are to be clearly marked and visible to the public to
prevent hazards. Please note, the event location re coastal and can receive heavy winds.
No hazardous substances are permitted on site unless prior clearance is obtained from event organisers.
All site holders must be aware of the locations of First Aid and all emergency procedures for the venue (these will be outlined in the confirmation pack).
All site holders must be aware of the recycling and waste management plan and dispose of waste accordingly (these will be outlined in the confirmation pack).
Any incident of loss, damage or injury must be reported to the event organisers located at the Event Information Centre immediately.
Food must only be prepared in accordance with the council’s food standards.
Site area is to be kept clean and tidy at all time during the event.
All equipment brought into the event is to be the full responsibility of the site holder including signage, marquees, lighting, extension cords, tables, chairs and
stock unless previously arranged with event organisers.
Our Village Foundation shall not be held liable for the loss or damage to the site holder’s property while at the event for any reason whatsoever involved in
negligence of Our Village Foundation or its employees, representatives or said agents.
Should Our Village Foundation find it necessary to cancel or postpone the event, the contract shall cease to operate upon notice to that effect signed by Our
Village Foundation being served to the site holder either in person, mail or email and shall not be liable to the site holder or for any compensation whether on
the grounds of loss of profits or otherwise in respect of such cancellation at all.
Our Village Foundation reserves the right to cancel this contract and to retain all monies paid in relation thereto if it is the opinion of Our Village Foundation
that there is any infringement of any of the forgoing conditions and or if the site holder does not occupy the said space at the commencement of and during the
period of the event.
Smoking at this event is only permitted in designated smoking areas (these will be outlined in the confirmation pack). Stallholders are not permitted to smoke at
their allocated site.
By signing the application form you authorise Our Village Foundation to use any photography/videotaping taken of your site including images of your products,
and staff for any publicity purposes including publications, promotional flyers, news articles, websites, television production, newsletters and magazines.
By signing the application from you agree to receive marketing material from time to time that communicates the activities of Our Village Foundation. You
understand that you can opt out of these communications at any time
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