- Journal of Biological and Chemical Research
- Journal of Biological and Chemical Research
Variation in Localization and Accumulation of Iron in Pigeon Pea Seeds under the Influence of Different Strategies of Iron Application By Rajni Shukla, Saumya Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Sharma and Arvind Kumar Shukla ISSN 0970-4973 Print ISSN 2319-3077 Online/Electronic Global Impact factor of Journal: 0.756 Scientific Journals Impact Factor: 2.597 Index Copernicus International Value IC Value of Journal 4.21 Poland, Europe J. Biol. Chem. Research Volume 32 (1) 2015 Pages No. 100-112 Journal of Biological and Chemical Research An International Journal of Life Sciences and Chemistry Indexed, Abstracted and Cited in Various National and International Scientific Databases of the World Published by Society for Advancement of Sciences® J. Biol. Chem. Research. Vol. 32, No. 1: 100-112, 2015 (An International Journal of Life Sciences and Chemistry) Ms 32/1/25/2015, All rights reserved ISSN 0970-4973 (Print) ISSN 2319-3077 (Online/Electronic) Prof. Y. K. Sharma http:// www.jbcr.in jbiolchemres@gmail.com info@jbcr.in Received: 01/12/2014 Revised: 21/12/2014 RESEARCH PAPER Accepted: 22/12/2014 Variation in Localization and Accumulation of Iron in Pigeon Pea Seeds under the Influence of Different Strategies of Iron Application Rajni Shukla, Saumya Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Sharma and *Arvind Kumar Shukla ICAR-NAIP, Department of Botany, Lucknow University, Lucknow- 226 007, U.P., India *Indian Institute of soil science Bhopal, M.P., India ABSTRACT The availability of iron ultimately affects human both in terms of crop yield and the iron concentration of edible tissues. As the plant based diet offers relatively low amounts of bio-available iron (Fe), its deficiency is a serious nutritional problem in an estimated 30% of the world population. Particularly our aim was to screen the different pigeon pea varieties, commonly grown in subtropical climatic conditions of India, regarding high iron accumulation and localization in grains. In Pigeon pea, among the four varieties BDN-2, PKV-TROMBAY, C-11 and AAUT-2007-8 chosen for the investigation purpose, based on their yield performance during previous years, the variety AAUT-2007-8 was found to contain highest Fe contents in seeds. The findings were based on seed samples collected from field experiments conducted in Anand Agriculture University, Gujarat, which were subjected to FAA fixing, alcoholic dehydration, wax embedding, microtomy and staining with Prussian blue followed by image analysis in transmitted light microscopy. The field treatments included the control (normal soil), iron application in soil and iron application in soil with foliar spray of iron on three different stages namely at pre-flowering, flowering and grain filling stages. The quantitative analysis of iron in the seed parts clearly exhibited that most of the iron in PKV-TROMBAY was confined to the seed coat that is 217.50 as compared to 118.94 (observed in terms of color intensity of the stain) in cotyledons. For the point of view of high iron localization in cotyledons the variety AAUT2007-8 was found best among all the four varieties undertaken in the study, as it showed maximum iron in cotyledons that is 199.49. Among the field treatments the foliar applications were given in addition to soil application of iron which was found most effective regarding iron accumulation in seeds. The technique proved to be a cost effective and time saving for the screening of varieties for nutrient accumulation as well as their distribution in different plant parts as compared to any other methods like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer etc. Key words: Iron, Accumulation, Prussian Blue, Image Analysis and Alcohol Dehydration. Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 INTRODUCTION As a common practice and need for human and animals various plant species and their different cultivars are grown for procuring their valuable produce to human welfare specially the reserve food as carbohydrates, proteins, fats or some alkaloids. It may be for the leaves containing alkaloids as tea, tobacco etc. or root/shoot providing high amount of carbohydrates like beta roots and sugarcane etc. or the fruits or seeds for their high protein, carbohydrate or fat contents, and other nutritious value as nutrients or vitamins. Due to developing and cultivating high yield varieties the soils became nutrient deficient and it became a serious concern to enhance the nutrient value of plants. Iron is one of the essential nutrients for plants and human. The availability of iron ultimately affects human both in terms of crop yield and the iron concentration of edible tissues. As the plant based diet offers relatively low amounts of bio-available iron, its deficiency is a serious nutritional problem in an estimated 30% of the world population. Thus a large portion of the developing world suffers from Fe deficiency, including over 60% of all children in Africa and South East Asia. Inadequate Fe in diet can cause serious health problems such as anemia, impaired immune system and poor cognitive function. It is estimated that Fe deficiency exists in about half of the world population (Welch and Graham, 2004). The crop breeding has often selected the programs for disease resistance, high yield and improved seed maturation time, but ignored nutrient accumulation in the seeds as a desirable trait. Although the existence of a large and useful genetic variation is of great importance for a successful breeding program aiming at improving seeds with micronutrient. Studies with limited germplasm have shown large genetic variability for their indicated traits, providing good opportunities to select genotype with still higher grain Fe. (Abdulla et al., 1998). Iron is essential for plants. It is highly reactive and toxic via the Fenton reaction. The plants tightly control Fe homeostasis and react to Fe deficiency as well as iron load. Plants mainly acquire Fe from the rhizosphere. Although Fe is one of the most abundant metals in the earth's crust, its availability to plant roots is very low. Although various mechanisms for iron intake have been worked out but still its absorption and mobility in plant system is very low. Fe availability is dictated by the soil redox potential and pH. In soils that are aerobic or of higher pH, Fe is readily oxidized, and is predominately in the form of insoluble ferric oxides. At lower pH, the ferric Fe is freed from the oxide, and its availability becomes more for uptake by roots. Many food crops are agronomically productive, but have low levels of nutrients like Fe in the seed. Increasing the concentration of micronutrients in food crops is a growing global challenge with great amplification for both crop production and human health. The leguminous plants are the best source of proteins and mineral elements for human well being particularly in vegetarian diets. Pigeon pea is a very popular crop which shows high consumption all over India. It provides high protein contents. Structurally Pigeon pea seed consists of cotyledon 85%, embryo 1% and seed coat 14% (Faris and Singh, 1990) of its total size or volume. Pigeon pea also contains some unavailable carbohydrates which reduce the bioavailability of other nutrients. (Komoth and Belavady, 1980). Green pigeon pea is a packed source of iron (Singh et al., 1984). Dehulling of pigeon pea removes about 20% of calcium and 30% iron (Singh and Jambunathan, 1990). J. Biol. Chem. Research 101 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 Although supplements added to food or taken in tablet form are effective in preventing and controlling iron deficiency but such treatments are difficult to implement in developing countries because of the associated cost and the small number of the primary health care programs. Some crops like spinach and legumes are better known for their high iron content. However, these plants also contain oxalic acid and phytate like substances that decrease their bioavailability. A reduction in the amounts of phytic acid, therefore, is regarded as an important strategy for improving iron and zinc bioavailability (Ruel, and Bouis, 1998). In this scenario enhancing grain iron (Fe) content is one of the effective ways of increasing the Fe intake and reducing the Fe deficiency anemia in human (Welch and Graham, 2002). Among the existing and in-practice methods the plant samples are tested for iron contents using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer (ICP). The bottleneck in this process is the high cost of Fe done with digestive method which requires relatively expensive instruments and very time consuming. A procedure based on Perl’s Prussians blue stain was used for rapid screening of iron content in pigeon pea as adopted in rice by (Krishnan et al., 2003) which involves scoring color intensity in the embryo of cut and treated seeds (with 2% Prussion blue). The objective of this research is based on the screening of growing pigeon pea variety of high Fe content and after iron treatment through soil and foliar application, identifying the variety performing better regarding Fe content. As per literature available the large amounts of nutrients like zinc and iron remain localized in seed coat while only a small fraction is stored in embryo. As a most light component of seed the seed coat is removed during soaking and cooking pigeon pea resulting thereby only a very little iron availability in human food. In response to this growing problem of iron deficiency in vegetarian diets, this research has been undertaken to focus on screening of the high iron containing varieties, and understanding the iron accumulation and distribution in different seed parts. Using variable Fe application strategies, an effort has been made to to achieve the goal which will enhance the Fe localization and accumulation in cotyledons. The efforts are made in this study to enhance the iron localization in embryo and cotyledons using different methods of iron application in plants at different stages, hence ultimately reaching more iron in human food as Pigeon pea is one of the commonest pulses in vegetarian diet. MATERIAL AND METHODS During the kharif season of 2009, a field experiment was conducted in Anand Agriculture University, Anand (Gujarat) India for the screening of certain varieties for high iron accumulation in Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) seeds in response to different strategies adopted for iron application. Among the treatments, control (normal soil of the area- T1), 20 kg/ha FeSO4 soil application –(T2), and soil Fe application followed by 0.5% FeSO4 foliar application–(T3) at three different growth stages were undertaken with three replicates in a random/split plot/design/rows. All the standard agronomic practices were adopted for the irrigation and other timely necessary measures in the field. The plant samples were collected at different stages, and finally the mature seeds were harvested for the experimental purpose. J. Biol. Chem. Research 102 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 The collected seed samples were fixed and processed at Lucknow University centre for the accumulation and localization studies of iron using microtomy, staining and image analysis. The seeds were taken from four different varieties on the basis of their high and low efficiency for past yield performance, and they were- BDN-2, C-11, AAUT-2007-8 and PKVTROMBAY. To use the Perls Prussian blue staining procedure for iron accumulation and localization through anatomical technique, all the precautions were taken to avoid external contamination of seeds with dust in the field during threshing and clearing. For the purpose the staining method as modified by Ozturk et al. (2006); Lunal (1968); Sheehan and Hrapchak (1960); Crookham and Dapson (1991) was used. The reagents were prepared as follows Aqueous potassium ferrocyanide (10%) (A) 50 g potassium ferrocyanide was mixed with distilled water and the volume was made to 500 ml. The solution was transferred into acid cleaned brown bottle for storage which remains stable for six months. Aqueous hydrochloric acid (10%) (B) 50 ml concentrated hydrocholoric acid (HCl) was mixed with distilled water to make the volume 500 ml. This dilute HCl was transferred into brown bottle for storage which remains stable six months. Perl’s Prussian blue solution The solution was prepared by mixing 10% potassium ferrocyanide (A) and 10% HCl (B) in 2:1 ratio, respectively. The solution was freshly prepared every time during use. (Ozturk et al., 2006). Cutting Seeds were soaked for few hours and after that they were subjected to the alcoholic dehydration series using ethyl alcohol. After that they were embedded in paraffin wax block and sections were cut through microtome (Yorco-YSI-062) of 100 µM thickness. Staining for Fe localization Staining of seeds sections for Fe localization was performed at room temperature for 30 minute. Image analysis The stained seed sections were examined through Image analyzer and analysis was done by NIS-ELEMENT, BR 3.1 software program, and photographs were taken by using a transmitted light microscope with a high resolution digital camera (both Nikon, Japan). RESULTS The results obtained in the experiment are shown in table 1 and 2, figures 1 and 2, and photoplates 1 and 2. Perls Prussian blue staining for Fe resulted in greenish blue color. The Fe localization method applied in this study was not only helpful in locating the Fe-rich seed part as well as it can be used as a practical rescreening method for selection of genotype. The variety AAUT-2007-8 and PKV-TROMBAY were identified better in comparison to other varieties like C-11 and BDN-2 in relation to the Fe localization and accumulation. The data regarding iron localization in seeds (as shown in table 1) clearly indicate that variety AAUT-2007-8 performed its best as the iron content (shown in comparative manner) was maximum that is 416.56 (as color intensity of the stain) in control. J. Biol. Chem. Research 103 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 The other varieties like BDN-2, PKV-TROMBAY and C-11, their values were 209.68, 336.44 and 329.72 respectively. These results show that the variety BDN-2 shows poorest localization of iron. In terms of efficiency the BDN-2 shows least efficiency and AAUT-200708 show highest efficiency. If the total seed content is measured the highest enhancement of localization of iron shows in terms of color intensity in BDN-2 that is 52.73 and 90.99 in soil application (T2) and soil + foliar application (T3) respectively but PKV-TROMBAY shows highest enhancement in accumulation of iron in cotyledon that is 45.77 in T2, 99.68 in T3 respectively and AAUT-2007-8 shows less enhancement of iron in soil application (T2) and soil + foliar application (T3) as shown in figure 1. Out of this total iron in seeds an important significant fraction of iron remains confined to seed coat while remaining fraction is localized in cotyledon. As per the data shown in Table1 AAUT 2007-8 varities shows highest accumulation in control treatment as well as in soil application and soil + foliar application regarding localization of iron. The varieties BDN-2 and C-11 shows less enrichment that is 12.66-T2 and 1.002-T3 and 33.02- T2, 51.20-T3 respectively in cotyledon. The above variety shows more efficiency in comparison to AAUT2007-8 and less efficiency from PKV-TROMBAY is (45.77-T2, 99.68-T3) in terms of Fe localization. The BDN-2 variety shows maximum accumulation in seed coat through soil application (104.66)-T2 and soil +foliar application (129.84)-T3 but it is unvalued because seed coat is never used for eating purpose. The iron contents in seeds of iron applied soil and iron applied soil with foliar iron application clearly indicated the enhanced iron localization and accumulation in all the varieties as compared to their respective controls (Table- 1 and figure -1). The iron contents measured in seed digest using double AAS are shown in Table-2 which clearly indicates the AAUT-2007-8 as a high iron accumulating variety even in control. The total iron contents in seeds in this variety were reported 37.4 ppm while in BDN-2, PKV-TROMBAY and C-11 the iron contents were 32.8, 32.7 and 34.8, respectively. The iron application in soil enhanced the accumulation of iron in seeds in PKV-TROMBAY, C-11 and AAUT-2007-8 as it was observed 34.8, 36.1 and 40.1 in respective three varieties although BDN-2 did not respond to any iron application in soil with foliar iron application. These three varieties showed further enhanced level of iron in seeds as the iron contents reported were 36.4, 39.4 and 40.9 respectively in three varieties. The BDN-2 did not show any positive increase in iron contents instead it showed reduced level of iron in seeds which was in contradiction to the results obtained through staining procedure. The results obtained in staining and image analysis of the seeds and its different parts (as shown in Table-1 and Photoplates 1 and 2 clearly conclude the enhancement of the iron accumulation in seeds and its localization in seed coat and cotyledon. In the observations based on staining , image analysis and comparative degree of iron stain intensity (Figure-1) the variety PKV-TROMBAY in T3 shows highest accumulation of iron in cotyledon (the edible part of the seed ) as it was found to be increased by 99.68 % over its control (T1) , even iron in seed coat was found to be reduced by 7.15% in T3 over its control T1. It gave a clear idea that it moved more to cotyledons. Another variety AAUT-2007-8 also showed increase in iron localization in cotyledon by 41.20% in T3 over its control (T1) but simultaneously it also showed increased localization in seed coat by 6.5% in T3 over its control (T1). J. Biol. Chem. Research 104 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 DISCUSSION The results obtained in the experiment clearly show the iron contents accumulated in whole seed and in different seed parts in reference to different varieties and treatments. This iron absorption by the plant from the soil or through foliar application and its translocation within the plant system follow a particular strategy which may be interpreted in different ways. Under reduction based strategy in non-gramenaceous plants (Eckahardt et al., 2001; Li et al., 2004, Romheld and Marschner (1983) and Waters et al. ( 2007) during iron deficiency the protons are released into the rhizosphere by root epidermis which lowers the soil pH making iron more soluble. The NADPH dependent ferric chelate reductase then reduces Fe+3 to Fe+2 (Robinson et al., 1999). This reduced Fe(II) can then be transported into the root epidermal cells by the divalent metal transporter (Henriques et al., 2002,Vert et al., 2002,Varotto et al., 2002) which also transports other metals like Zn, Mn, Cd, Co Eide et al., 1996; Korshunova et al., 1999 and Ni (Schaaf et al., 2006) etc. The other aspect of Fe deficiency response in non-gramenaceous plants is secretion of phenolic compounds into rhizosphere (Marschner, 1995) and the uptake of apoplastic iron which is later mobilized into the symplast (Zhang et al., 1991). Chelation based strategy on Fe uptake in grasses depends on its chelation by soluble siderophores exuded from root epidermis, which have high affinity for Fe3+ (2). The resulting FeIII-PS complexes are readily transported into the root epidermis via a high affinity uptake system (Curie et al., 2001). Although some other gramenaceous species like rice combines components of both the reduction strategy with Fe-PS uptake (Inoue et al., 2009, Lee et al., 2009). Nicotianamine (NA) levels have a significant positive effect on metal homeostasis. If NA level is increased accumulation of iron is also increased (Takahashi,et.al. 2003). Conversely, the loss of NA leads to Fe deficiency symptoms like interveinal chlorosis, reduced growth and sterility (Takahashi et al., 2003, Klatte et al., 2009, Ling et al., 1999). Fe moves to the seeds via the phloem as the flow of xylem is driven by transpiration and seeds do not transpire (Grusak, 1994)). The timings and regulation of senescence have a significant effect on Fe accumulation in seeds. Fe-NA is essential for flower and seed development. The loss or depletion of NA results in deformed flowers and sterility as well as significant decrease in floral Fe accumulation. In legumes 90% of iron is stored in ferritin (Briat et .al., 1999) in seeds. Although Fe bound by phytate or some other form of chelatores in the vacuole is also reported (Ravet et.al.2009). Disruption of phytate biosynthesis and increased uptake of Fe through foliar application at a specific growth stage may enhance the bioavailability and accumulation or over expression of ferritin in seeds. This iron staining technology using Prussion blue stain has also been used in others crops like wheat, pearl millet, rice (Ozturk et al., 2009; Shivprakash et al., 2006; Pramuthai et al., 2006). This Perl’s Prussian staining has been recommended as a method for locating Fe (III) in tissue to give a distinctive blue reaction product (Baker, 1958). The technique has recently been used. The efforts for detecting the iron in these crops like Rice, Wheat, Pearlmillet have been made by Krishnan et al., 2001, Chanakan et al., 2003; Ozturk et al., 2009; Velu et al., 2006. J. Biol. Chem. Research 105 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 Table 1. Fe localization in seeds and its different parts in Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). Varieties Of Pigeon Pea BDN-2 PKVTROMBAY Control Control +Soil Application Control + Soil Application+ Foliar Spray Seeds Seed coat Cotyledon Seed Seed coat Cotyledon Seeds Seed coat Cotyledon 209.68 336.44 91.34 217.50 118.34 118.94 320.26 396.39 186.94 223.28 133.32 173.11 400.47 439.44 209.94 201.94 190.53 237.50 C-11 329.72 209.94 119.78 375.69 216.36 159.33 410.33 226.84 181.11 AAUT2007-8 416.56 217.07 199.49 432.61 217.27 215.27 479.90 231.18 248.72 Table 2. Fe content (ppm) in seeds as measured by AAS (Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer) in different varieties at different stages of iron application. Varieties Control BDN-2 PKV-TROMBAY C-11 AAUT-2007-8 32.8 32.7 34.8 37.4 Treatments Control + Soil Control + Soil Application + Application Foliar Spray 32.6 29.9 34.8 36.4 36.1 39.4 40.1 40.9 Figure 1. Percent increase or decrease in Fe content in seed coat, cotyledon and seeds. Treatment Control + Soil Application Control + Soil Application +Foliar Spray Varities SEEDCOAT COTYLEDON SEED S SEED COAT COTYLEDO N SEED S BDN-2 +104.66 +12.66 +52.73 +129.84 +61.002 +90.99 PKVTROMBAY C-11 +2.66 +45.77 +17.81 -7.15 +99.68 +30.61 +3.058 +33.02 +13.94 +9.1835 +51.20 +24.44 AAUT-2007- +0.124 08 +7.010 +3.85 +6.50 +41.20 +15.20 J. Biol. Chem. Research 106 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 The level of iron is not exactly the same for every variety but variations were observed subject to the soil properties and mode of application. The results obtained in the present study are in correlation with the results of Gregario et al. (2000) who observed the increased iron level with increase in iron application. Increasing the iron concentration through soil application and foliar spray no doubt enhances the iron contents in seeds which lead to reduce the iron deficiency in human being. More over the Plant’s ability to translocate and absorb iron is genetically controlled (Brown et al., 1988), which may be easily selected through screening the large number of varieties and assaying the iron contents and its localization in different seed parts using this Prussion staining method. These two physiological and genetical factors inconjuction might present an unlimited translocated of iron to the seeds and reduce the theoretical amount of iron that could be accumulated. A nutritional approach whereby available dietary iron is held at an adequate level is the ultimate solution to prevent iron deficiency. Welch, R.M. and Graham, R.D. 2004. Breeding for micronutrients in staple food crops from a human. Enhancing the iron content is a good strategy as an alternate to iron fortification, which is commonly not available to the neediest population (Walter et.al., 1997). The seeds of certain varieties of pigeon pea at mature stage showed the localization of maximum amount of iron that is the seed coat part. The pigeon pea seeds section showed the localization of maximum amount of iron that is seed coat and cotyledon part. The pigeon pea seeds section showed a positive reaction to the Prussian blue test for ferric iron along the outer region of scuttelum and aleurone. Cotyledons of the red gram also react with Prussian blue test showing the most intense colour along the peripheral area. The result is correlated and colour is similar with the result of Jacob and Walker (1977) in maize. The soils as well as foliar application of iron were undoubtedly associated with the iron accumulation and localization in cotyledons as observed by staining technique. 120 % increase in soil application 100 80 60 SEED COAT COTYLEDON 40 SEED 20 0 BDN-2 J. Biol. Chem. Research PKV-TROMBAY 107 C-11 AAUT-2007-8 Vol. 32, (1): 100-112 (2015) Variation……………………………………………………Application Shukla et. al., 2015 140 120 % increase through foliar application 100 80 SEED COAT COTYLEDON 60 SEED 40 20 0 BDN-2 PKV-TROMBAY C-11 AAUT-2007-8 -20 PLATE-1 BDN 2 T1 PKV Trombay T1 BDN 2 T2 PKV Trombay T2 BDN 2 T3 PKV Trombay T3 Fe accumutaion in seeds of pigeon pea varieties. T1: Control; T2: 20 kg/ha FeSO4 soil application; T3: Soil Fe application along with 0.5% FeSO4 foliar application. J. Biol. Chem. 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