The JCEA-R - Jefferson County Education Association


The JCEA-R - Jefferson County Education Association
The Official Publication of the Jefferson County Education Association—Retired
Published Quarterly: September, December, March, JUNE
JCEA-R Officers
Lorraine Bowen
Marge Bozarth
Charlotte Green
If you have
or information to
be included in the
June issue,
please contact:
Charlotte Green
At the Annual Meeting on April 16th, JCEA-R will be conducting elections for officers
and voting on bylaw changes. We have received several submissions for changes
to the bylaws. You will have a chance to read these proposed changes on page 3
of this newsletter. The Nomination Committee is accepting names of those members
who would like to run for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the
JCEA-R Representative to the JCEA Small Donor Committee. Be sure to contact Mary
Forester at if you are interested in running for one of the
leadership roles. Please refer to the bylaws for more information about the roles
and responsibilities of each office. Any of the current members of the Executive
Committee would be happy to talk with you if you have further questions.
JCEA-R will send nine delegates to the CEA-R Annual Meeting and CEA Delegate
Assembly April 24th—26th. We appreciate our representatives for stepping up to help
shape the direction of the Colorado Education Association in the coming years.
Our delegates will meet after the Annual Meeting on April 16th to review and discuss
items on the agenda. Be sure to bring your packet.
Congratulations to Charlotte Green for being elected to attend the NEA-R Annual
Meeting and NEA Representative Assembly in Orlando this summer. She will be a
positive voice on the NEA Resolutions Committee, at the NEA-R meeting, and NEA
RA as she and the other 9,000 delegates work together to plan the Association’s
course at the national level.
I don’t know about you, but I love all the great opportunities our Social Committee
plans for us. Making friends and learning new things are integral components of
our social activities. This spring be sure to mark your calendars and attend at least
one of the events planned by our hard-working social committee. I can assure you, it
will bring new vitality to your membership.
I can’t wait to see you at a social event and our April 16 th
Annual Meeting. Spring is a season full of possibilities!
Take a chance and get involved.
Lorraine Bowen
JCEA-R President
Spring 2015
Deadline for the
JCEA-R Connection
is May 15 .
pring is regarded as a time of renewal, and so it is with the Association. Elections
and bylaw changes offer us a time to re-energize JCEA-R. Delegate Assembly
provides us with an opportunity to re-focus CEA. Our JCEA-R social activities provide
our members opportunities to grow new interests and make new friends. It is in the
spring we rejuvenate the Association.
Secretary &
Connection Editor
Volume 16, Issue 3
Lou Ann Elliott
Vice President &
Notes from the
Membership Corner
e continue to grow!! Our total membership is now 512 — the largest CEA-Retired local
association. Thank you for helping to recruit new members. It’s almost time for our
Spring Membership drive season so we once again need your help to recruit new members from
those who may be retiring this year. Anyone over 45 can also become a Pre-Retired member,
have a tax write off and start getting membership benefits. Plus CEA-R annual and lifetime dues are going up in
2016-2017 and again in 2020-2021 so save yourself some money and join as a Lifetime member now. You
would also not have to ever worry about renewing or increases — FOREVER!
We have one more Pre-Retirement Seminar and Delegate Assembly this Spring. Hopefully, we will increase our
membership substantially. I thank each of you in advance for all the help you can give! Talk to everyone
you know who isn't a member and ask them to join. More than ever, this is really the time to support
our Association, our active colleagues, and our students.
Lou Ann Elliott
JCEA-R Vice-President and Membership Chair
Spring 2015
Volume 16, Issue 3
If anyone has questions, please call me at 303-423-5558, or email me
JCEA Excellence Fund
his spring please consider making a donation the Christa McAuliffe Scholarship
Fund in honor of a family member, friend or colleague. To learn more about
making a tax deductible contribution go to Our students thank you.
— CEA-R Representative Council Report —
he CEA-R Representative Council met on January 12, 2015, at the CEA building.
The Council discussed the NEA Organizing Grant we received. It will be used for recruitment and retention of members. We also discussed a possibility of adding more retired locals.
The Dues Task Force report was discussed. Economics 101 says to be sustainable there needs to be more income
than out go. Therefore there will be a dues increase in the 2016-2017 fiscal year and again in 2020-2021. Time to
join Lifetime now!!
A subcommittee comprised of Pat Peters and Gail Knowles presented a report on duties/charges of the
region representatives. It was adopted.
The next meeting will be March 16, 2015.
If you have any ideas for increasing membership or any questions in general, contact me at or 303-428-0190.
Gail Knowles
Region 3 CEA-R Representative
JCEA-R Bylaws changes
he JCEA-R documents review committee has submitted the following Bylaw changes to be voted on at the April 16 th 2015
JCEA-R Annual Meeting. If you want a complete copy of the JCEA-R Bylaws, send an email to Charlotte.
Strike through is deletion.
Article VII – Nominations and Election of Officers and Representatives
Section 4.
The JCEA-R Representative to the JCEA Small Donor Committee shall be elected at the Annual
Meeting by the members present and voting.
Elections shall be by secret ballot. The election shall be conducted by the Nominations and Elections
Committee. To win, a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a plurality
or a tie, a run-off election shall be held immediately between the two (2) candidates receiving the
most votes.
Section 6.
CEA and NEA delegates shall be elected in accordance with CEA and NEA election rules an d
———————————————————————————————————————————————————Article VIII - Executive Committee and Board
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the elected JCEA-R Representatives (strike s)
to the CEA-R Retired Representative Council, and JCEA Small Donor Committee. In addition, JCEA-R
members elected to the CEA Board of Directors, NEA Board of Directors, or CEA -R Retired
Representative Council, and the JCEA-R Representative to the JCEA Small Donor Committee
shall serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
Article IX – Committees
Section 1.
There shall be the following Standing Committees:
Political/Legislative Involvement/SMALL DONOR
Political/Legislative Involvement/SMALL DONOR shall keep the membership informed of
legislation affecting education and PERA and shall engage the membership in the election of
pro-public education candidates.
Spring 2015
(a) The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of five (5) times a year, shall establish policies,
GENERAL MEETING, shall conduct necessary business, shall approve or discharge committee
chairs, and shall call general meetings of JCEA-R as necessary.
————————————————————————————————————————————————–——Article VIII - Executive Committee and Board
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the elected JCEA-R Representatives to the
CEA-R Retired Representative Council and JCEA Small Donor Committee. In addition, JCEA -R
members elected to the CEA Board of Directors, AND NEA Board of Directors, or CEA-R Retired
Representative Council, and the JCEA-R representative to the JCEA Small Donor Committee shall
serve as non-voting VOTING members of the Executive Committee.
Volume 16, Issue 3
Section 5.
Out and About with JCEA-R
Coming quickly is—
Mar 1— Denver Restaurant Week dinner at Briarwood
Mar 8— Forever Plaid at BDT Stage (with CARE)
he Holiday season is always busy. These
JCEA-R members enjoyed some of our
recent activities: Diana Bliss, Lorraine Bowen &
Mom Mary, Dottie Brenner, Joyce Brown, Joan
Campbell, Jeannie Duffy & Phil Trettenero,
Betty Flaten, Bev Green, Charlotte Green,
Bonnie & Rod Hayes, Ruth Karenko and friend
Jackie, Margaret Kaschak, Gail Knowles, Snow
& Rick Lopez, Marilyn Mallander, Bunnie
Nelson, Lindy Reed, and Bob & Kathy Zachman.
Come join us for an event!
ur Scholarship Travel will once again be contributing to the JCEA Excellence. Some JCEA-R
members are going to Costa Rica next week. Others are sailing on the Melodies of the Danube—
Budapest to Prague River Cruise in April. More trips will be planned in the future. If you would like to
request a destinations, please contact Charlotte Green, 720-320-1721,
Volume 16, Issue 3
ince our Winter Connection JCEA-R members have
enjoyed a number of great social events including:
Dec 3 - Christmas Luncheon at Mt Vernon Country Club
Dec 11 - Table Mesa dinner and Miner’s Alley Musical
Jan 1– “Brillant’/Cartier exhibition
Feb 11 - Buffet Luncheon at Warren Tech
Feb 24 - JCEA-R Legislative Meeting
Spring 2015
Blarney Competition
Go Green
March 16!!
re you ready to participate in the celebration? We invite all our members,
their family and friends to bring your thirst and your best tavern talk to Bakers Street Pub in Belmar on
Monday, March 16th any time after 4 PM to celebrate an early St Patrick's Day over brews and a nibble or
two. We have a side room reserved just for us.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP with your name and the number in your party to Jeanne Duffy at 303-231-9598
or no later than the day prior to the event.
Between now and March 16th, sharpen your cajolery talk and nonsense stories. Practice your best adulations,
exaggerations and compliments. Get ready to come spread some blarney and share your lucky charms. In the
event you're the quiet type, come sip on an ale and savor a bite, while you simply sit back and let those around
you beguile, allure and regale you with their tales.
Baker Street is located at 7260 W Alaska Drive in Lakewood. It's a perfect tavern to talk all the nonsense you like
over your favorite craft beer and some especially good pub fare including Fish and Chips or Shepherd's Pie. Bring
all the hooey you've got. Share blarney about why you're broke. Try your best flattery and wheedle a pint of ale
from your friends. Come talk nonsense and use your persuasion skills to coax favors. Just don't try sweet talking
the wench or lad waiting on our tables.
Enjoy a morsel, a meal or an ale, spread your best blarney and jawbone until closing. Show us what you've
got! It is said, a good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. Your friends will all be
there. So should you.
Warren Tech
Volume 16, Issue 3
he wonderful buffet luncheons
put on two days a month by the
culinary arts students at Warren Tech
in their Expectations Restaurant continue to be one of the best kept secrets
in Jeffco. But, 16 JCEA-R members and
friends know the “code” and enjoyed a
truly exceptional lunch on February 11th.
They also learned about the Warren
Tech’s new programs and successes
from Assistant Principal Rosemary Smith
in an impromptu after-lunch discussion.
She even asked to take our picture.
We’ll plan to attend this event again and
you’ll want to join us. YUM!!
hat were you doing in 1968? Starting your first year teaching in Jeffco in a sheath dress? Working
on JCEA’s first Master Agreement? Wading in the muddy swamps of Viet Nam? Protesting the
war? Entering high school in a tie-dyed shirt? Whatever you were doing, you probably have some distinct
memories of a memorable, culture-changing year. The History Colorado Center can help us relive that pivotal
year with The 1968 Exhibit through photographs, artifacts, vintage pop culture items and interactives.
JCEA-R members and guests have a reservation to visit the exhibit on Monday, May 4th at 2 pm. To secure your
place, please send a $10 check made out to Melinda Reed, and mail it to her at 3671 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge,
CO 80033. Your check will be returned to you at the Center or forfeited and donated to the museum if you don’t
show up. You will pay admission when we get there: $12 for adults under 65, $10 for 65 and older. There
will not be a docent-led tour but it should be fun to see things with others who were “there.” Deadline
for reservations is Monday, April 27th.
The Colorado History Center is located in downtown Denver at 12th and Broadway. Parking is available across
Broadway in the parking garage next to the Art Museum (garage entrance on 13th just west of Broadway)…. or go
’green’ and take the bus or light rail.
Spring 2015
The 1968 Exhibit – Colorado History Center
e will be hosting a Pre-Retirement
members who are over 54 years old are invited to attend
our informative workshop. Diana Bliss is the committee
chair. If you wish to help with set up on the afternoon
before, help with refreshments or greet participants on
April 11th, contact Diana at
Volume 16, Issue 3
Retirement Tea
Spring 2015
Seminar on April 11th at the JCEA office. JCEA
CEA-R and JCEA have decided
to reinstitute the Retirement
Tea, with JCEA-R taking the lead to
honor JCEA members who are retiring
from the District. The Tea is scheduled for April 30th. We
are in need of volunteers to join our ad hoc committee.
We need folks who can help design invitations and
awards, help with refreshments, and set up and tear
down the event. If you are interested in being on the
committee, please contact Lorraine Bowen by
March 15 th at
h the Places You Will Go” is the theme for
this year’s Read Across America celebration.
Schools love having guest readers. Students’ eyes
light up when they see the Cat enter their classrooms. Librarians jump for joy at the gift of a
hardback book to their school library. Susan
Niles and Lorraine Bowen thank all our members
who have and will volunteer their time to
encourage life-long reading!
f you would like to join those
receiving the color JCEA-R
Connection via e-mail, please
send your email address, or any changes, to
It’s in color, and you can ENLARGE it for
easier reading. We’ll continue to mail to those
who prefer the printed version.
CEA-R members are joining CARE (Central Adams
Retired Educators) March 8th to see Forever Plaid at the
BDT Stage. An afternoon of music and fun is awaiting us.
Now, join CARE for a new favorite—Mary Poppins !!!
Sunday, May 17th NOON dinner/show $38.00 Deadline - April 9th
Send checks payable to CARE to: Pat Baker, 1040 Kearney,
Denver, CO 80220 or call Pat at 303-322-2176. Reserve early—
this will sell out fast. It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney film, Mary Poppins includes a score filled with timeless
classics such as Feed the Birds, Jolly Holiday, Step in Time and the Academy Award®-winning Chim Chim Cheree.
The jack-of-all trades, Bert, introduces us to England in 1910 and the troubled Banks family. Young Jane
and Michael have sent many a nanny packing before Mary Poppins arrives on their doorstep. Using a combination
of magic and common sense, she must teach the family how to value each other again. Mary Poppins delighted
Broadway audiences for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven Tony®
Awards, including Best Musical.
Dates to add to your JCEA-R Calendar !!
The Briarwood 6:30 p.m.
Denver Restaurant Week Reminder
April 30
JCEA-R/JCEA Retirement Tea
March 2
Read Across America Celebrations
May 4
1968 Exhibit—Colorado History
(deadline April 27)
March 8
Forever Plaid - Reminder
BDT Stage (Bldr Dinner) (CARE)
May 17
Mary Poppins
(deadline April 9)
BDT Stage (Bldr Dinner) (CARE)
March 16
Baker Street Pub and Grill
(deadline March 15)
April 11
Pre-Retirement Seminar
April 16
JCEA-R Annual Meeting 9:20 am
April 24-26
CEA Delegate Assembly in Denver
Mt Vernon Summer luncheon
December 2
Mt Vernon Holiday Luncheon
JCEA-R and its affiliates does not
assume responsibility for any liability
to anyone participating in
NEA-R, CEA-R, or JCEA-R activities.
Did you Know?
arking at CEA is now limited to those Association members who are visiting CEA for business purposes.
Members can no longer use the parking lot when going to the Capitol on their own or attending
to other business in the area. Violators will be subject to ticketing and/or towing.
School Board Watch/JCEA News
ccording to the Chinese calendar, 2015 is the year of the goat. People born in the year of the goat are
characterized by creativity, intelligence, dependability, and calmness. These are definitely traits that JCEA needs
to employ this spring during the upcoming contract negotiations. JCEA-Retired is committed to standing with JCEA
and helping the Association meet the needs of teachers to ensure all students get the best education possible.
As for what is happening at JCEA, please keep reading our email updates. That is the best way to keep informed and
to get involved. Let your friends who do not get electronic communications know what is happening. Attend
School Board Meetings or watch them on live-streaming. The more you know the more you can share with your
friends and family who live in Jeffco. Remember to “Stand Up For All Students”.
Political/ Legislative Involvement Chair
hree cheers to Karen Colman for volunteering to be our Political/ Legislative Involvement Chair. Due to health
concerns and other time commitments, Donna Johnson has not been able to fulfill her term. Karen is perfect for
the job. She is currently serving on the JCEA Organizing for Action Team; therefore, she has intimate knowledge about
what is going on and can keep JCEA-R well-informed. Thank you, Karen!
Spring 2015
July 23
hen sending in reservations, please send
separate checks for each event. Also be
sure to include your phone number in case we
need to contact you for any changes.
June 28-July 6 NEA-R Annual Meeting and NEA
Representative Assembly in Orlando
Volume 16, Issue 3
March 1
Jefferson County Education Association
1447 Nelson
Lakewood, CO 80215
Lorraine Bowen, President
Lou Ann Elliott, Vice-President
Charlotte Green, Secretary
Marge Bozarth, Treasurer
Volume 16, Issue 3
Charlotte Green, Editor
t — /jcea
Ch orado
Spring 2015
Celebrate Read Across AMERICA
"You're never too old, too wacky, too wild,
to pick up a book and read with a child."
JCEA-R Annual Meeting
April 16th, 2015 JCEA Office
9:00 am social - 9:20 am meeting
Followed by delegate meeting for
CEA Delegate Assembly—bring your delegate packet.
Plan now to be there!!!