Spring 2015 Chronicle - Joe Dimaggio Children`s Hospital Foundation
Spring 2015 Chronicle - Joe Dimaggio Children`s Hospital Foundation
SPECIAL EDITION SPRING 2015 Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something to heal the body, mind, and spirit of those we touch! “SHOW ME THE MONEY” is a legendary line from the movie, Jerry Maguire, where Cuba Gooding, Jr. shouts at his agent to do his job and produce the salary results he desires. However, a little later on in the movie is another classic line that gets quoted less often. It is delivered by Tom Cruise (the agent) when he says “HELP ME, HELP YOU.” These words resonate loudly with Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations and we want to take this opportunity to translate his plea to our cause. The purpose of Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations is to provide financial assistance to the whole of Memorial Healthcare System. That includes helping meet the needs of each and every person, every patient, and every program. We also work with people like you who care about improving the health and well being of the community and seek to help you make that possible. There are so many ways in which you can work hand-in-hand with the Foundations and help us drive more resources and funding toward the genuine needs that you may see and experience everyday in the pursuit of our mission. Many of you already do through some of the more popularized events and experiences, and your heartfelt efforts are sincerely appreciated—especially by our patients who experience the miracles created everyday! Kaiden suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy, or an inability for his heart muscle to pump sufficiently since he was 3 months old. Now, 15 months old, Kaiden is the 18th child since 2010 to receive a heart transplant at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital and the first to receive a heart from a donor with a different blood type. Suzie was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when her children were 4 and 8 years old. It had spread to her bones and liver. Thanks to a clinical trial at the Breast Cancer Center at Memorial Cancer Institute, Suzie just celebrated her 8-year cancer-free anniversary with her 12 and 16 year old sons! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Leadership Roles 2 Joining Together—Group Circles 3 Special Interests 4 Special Groups 5 Dream Builders Society / Planned Giving 6 Tour de Broward 7 Foundation Special Events 8-10 Community Events 11 Charitable Gift Annuity Rates 12 Samir suffered multiple fractures to his legs, arms, neck, spine and pelvis, as well as a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury from a near fatal accident. After five months of intensive inpatient care at the Memorial Rehabilitation Institute , he learned to walk, talk and smile again! THIS ISSUE of the Chronicle responds to our readers’ desires to get more involved and will highlight various opportunities with the Foundations—some with minimal effort, some with a more personal touch—that you may or may not have known about. Just as we all practice patient and family-centered care where everyone is included and welcomed as partners in the care of their loved ones, so too do we want to practice an all-inclusive approach to finding out about and fulfilling the multifaceted needs across Memorial Healthcare System and the people and communities we serve. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE TOPICS IN THIS ISSUE VISIT MHSFOUNDATION.ORG OR CALL US AT OR JDCHFOUNDATION.ORG 954-265-3454 CHRONICLE PAGE 2 SPRING 2015 Leadership Opportunities A Leader has the capacity to translate vision into reality —Warren Bennis Warren Bennis said, “Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.” Everyone has the capacity within themselves to have a vision and see it through, financial or social status notwithstanding. Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Memorial Foundations are always looking for smart people who can see the bigger picture and can help bring Memorial Healthcare System to the next level of enhanced care for those who have entrusted us with their health and well being. While some of these vehicles to become involved have certain threshold requirements, none are unattainable for anyone. Board of Directors The volunteer Board of Directors is currently comprised of physicians, community leaders and Memorial Healthcare System administrators who oversee the multifaceted operations of the Foundations. Directors help identify resources to meet the next pressing community challenges. WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! Mrs. Alejandra Fernandez Mrs. Norma Kipnis Wilson Luis Raez, M.D. Board members were recently invited to a “hard hat” tour of the new Breast Cancer Center set to open April 2015 Founder’s Society Extraordinary Donors who have made gifts totaling $50,000 or more are publically recognized on the Founders Wall and in publication listings. Founders are afforded entrée to concierge services at MHS facilities. Patient Room Contact Don Eachus, Director of Development for more information on the Founder’s Society and how you can participate at deachus@mhs.net CHRONICLE SPRING 2015 PAGE 3 Joining Together I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk —Tony Robbins The Circle of Friends is comprised of a special group of people who lead with their hearts and follow with their generosity by contributing $1,000 or more annually in support of Foundation related initiatives. Every year the Circle of Friends hosts a luncheon honoring deserving individuals for their tireless commitment to Memorial Healthcare System, the field of medicine, community activism, and philanthropy. SAVE THE DATE Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Circle of Friends Luncheon Featuring the 2015 Spirit of Healing Award Honorees and Wasie Philanthropic Leadership Honoree For more information contact Jackie Johnstone, Director of Annual Giving at jjohnstone@mhs.net The annual Circle of Friends luncheon recognizes individuals with the presentation of the Spirit of Healing Award and the Waste Philanthropic Leadership Award The 2015 event will honor Colleen Brooks; Andrew Cagnetta; Eddy H. Carrillo, MD, FACS; Gene K. Glasser; Julie A. Long, MD; Paul Allen Malek, MD; and Sheridan. The mission of the Foundations’ is closely aligned to that of physicians, as both strive to improve the health and well being of those entrusted to our care. The Physicians’ Circle represents those doctors who have made a $1,000+ financial commitment to support the work of the Foundations. Physician Profile As a physician, an employee, or supporter, how would you describe your own relationship with Memorial Healthcare System (MHS) and the Foundations? For Dr. Adam Blomberg, the relationship might be described as auspicious, even fated. That is because Adam Blomberg was first introduced to Memorial at age 18 years old when he was brought to Memorial Regional Hospital with a collapsed lung, a fractured skull, and a blood clot on his brain. His injuries were the result of a serious car accident in which he was ejected from the back of a minivan and landed headfirst almost 40 feet away. His mother was told he might not make it through that first night. If he did, he might have sustained brain damage. She was even asked if he was an organ donor. But Adam did pull through, and after a long period of recovery and rehabilitation in the Neurological Unit, he was discharged from the hospital with an extraordinary perspective. Dr. Adam Blomberg said, “Every day as a doctor I get to help save individual lives in the operating room, and through using my past experience in presentations to young people, I get the chance to reach even more. But through the distinctive means of the Foundations, I can help make a significant impact in our community and share my passion for MHS directly with others.” Dr. Blomberg praises Memorial for saving his life back then, and it was his experience of being treated at MHS for his traumatic brain injury that guided his path towards a career in medicine as a distinguished anesthesiologist. Today, he is just as adamant about MHS. With compassion and zeal, Blomberg is full of enthusiasm for his work, and equally as passionate about the opportunities he says he has been given to share his outlook with others. Through the Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations, Dr. Blomberg channels his dedication to and appreciation of MHS with actions such as his membership in the Physician’s Circle. He is also championing IMPACT, the new ambassador group, which is poised to make a significant contribution – both financially and programmatically – to the Foundations and the healthcare system as a whole. C CHRONICLE HRONICLE SPPRING AGE 4 2015 SPRING PAGE 20154 Special Interests The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety—Felix Mendelssohn The Foundations welcome people of all backgrounds, ages, and capabilities who share an affinity for our mission and want to contribute to our work in some fashion. We try to provide an array of opportunities that appeal to many different audiences. No matter what your interest, inclination, or area of expertise, you can find a place within Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations. Grant-sponsored research, facility, and program investments from external sources play an important role in advancing the mission of the Foundations and are necessary to enhance and expand the services and care provided to those we touch. Formalized opportunities through grant contracts can help shape innovative solutions to challenges faced and keep Memorial on the cutting edge of medical technology. We welcome ideas and input from private, corporate, community, and family foundation leaders that will guide us toward greatness together. Grants Members of the American Cancer Society presented a grant award of $25,000 to support community-wide cancer screening and education. Dr. Deborah Kramer is the current Hyundai Scholar Grant Award recipient from Hyundai Hope on Wheels funding for Pediatric Cancer Research. Email Lisa Yalkut, Grants Coordinator at lyalkut@mhs.net for more information on grant opportunities Kayla Truske (pictured below with Compass) was one of the cool kids who organized a fundraiser last year for Memorial Foundation in honor of her bat mitzvah. Kayla raised money to help pay for the costs associated with Compass and the Memorial Pet Therapy Program. Whether it is for a mitzvah project, school effort, or extra-curricular endeavor, all kids and teens can make a real difference through Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations! Kid Contributions RIGHT: Sophia (center) collected donations at her birthday party for the Love Jen Fund for pediatric cancer patients and their families. Kayla and Compass ABOVE: Ben Gamla Charter School students donated the proceeds from their Rainbow Loom bracelet sale to Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation. LEFT: Students from Meg Segreto’s Dance Studio raised funds for Daniella’s Journey by selling duct tape flower pens. SPRING 2015 CHRONICLE We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.Sonia Johnson PAGE 5 Special Groups LEFT: Peter and Denise Wittich graciously hosted the Pink Angels Touch of Pink Celebration last year at their lovely home in Fort Lauderdale The Pink Angels of Memorial Foundation are a volunteer group of women — many of them breast cancer survivors — dedicated to offering women in our community the latest in education and awareness on the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and ensuring that the resources of Memorial Healthcare System are available to them. The Pink Angels currently focus on raising funds for genetic testing and covering the cost of goods and services of the Image Recovery Center for uninsured or underinsured patients of the Breast Cancer Center of Memorial Cancer Institute (MCI). Contact Cristina Chediak, Director of Development MCI at cchediak@mhs.net for more information Inspired by Chef Michelle Bernstein James Beard Award Winner: Best Chef (South) Host of “Check Please South Florida” on PBS Regular guest on national TV shows such as “Top Chef” and Good Morning America” Author: Cuisine a Latina Among the many cancer-related difficulties addressed through the Pink Angel’s activities, the newest endeavor brings acclaimed chef, Michelle Bernstein, to MHS to develop appealing menus and tasty recipes that will enhance nutrition for patients on their journey to cancer survivorship. A New Generation of Support Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations invite you to make an impact on the lives of others. Become a part of the next generation of philanthropists and expand your professional and personal networks in the newly formed Young Ambassadors group, . Connect with a cause through our exclusive group created to engage and bring together professionals and leaders who are interested in philanthropy, networking and investing in their communities. An annual membership contribution will provide an opportunity to engage in exclusive social gatherings, fundraising events and leadership opportunities to further our vision and mission. Your support ensures that care at the highest level is available today, and for generations to come. If you want to connect to a cause and make an impact, we invite you to join us. Check Us Out: facebook.com/impactmemorial We Are A vision for a better future. Connecting to change the world. Acting today to make a difference. Making your community a better place. For more information, please contact Summer Dowler Ehrmann, Director, Community Development at sdowler@mhs.net or (954) 265-3454 CHRONICLE PAGE 6 SPRING 2015 Dream Builders… a vision for the future of Memorial Healthcare System Lewis & Virginia Ogilvie Lew and Ginny Ogilvie were first inspired to contribute to Memorial Foundation through the actions of their good friend, and a generous friend to the Foundation, Elsie Luhan. Elsie was friends with Ginny’s mother and when she passed away, the Ogilvie's inherited Elsie (and she inherited them). “Elsie would do anything and everything for other people,” said Lew, “and, we wanted to do things for her in return.” Elsie, along with her brother, a physician at Memorial Healthcare System, donated to the Foundations, and this inspired Lew and Ginny to donate. After the Foundations reached out to Elsie to get more involved, the Ogilvie’s got involved too. They are now annual donors to the Foundations and members of the Circle of Friends giving society. They are making a difference for the community today, tomorrow and for the future. When Lew and Ginny were preparing their estate plan, their attorney asked them if they were interested in any charitable organizations. In response, the Ogilvie's have bequests in their wills to Memorial Foundation. When asked why they decided to make a bequest, Lew and Ginny agreed, “We believe it’s important to give back to the community—and the hospital is a vital part of the community—so, we give to the Foundation that supports the hospital and we have a bequest in our wills to continue that giving into the future. Besides, it’s our hospital too….where else are we going to go to get the best healthcare, but Memorial!” Planned Giving Committee The Planned Giving Committee of Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations is a volunteer committee of professional advisors dedicated to supporting philanthropic giving to the Foundations through estate and gift planning that benefits not only the Foundations, but also our donors and their families. Committee members meet quarterly to review gift acceptance and gift crediting policies, discuss trends and opportunities for philanthropic giving, and develop educational and networking opportunities for the community of professional advisors throughout South Florida. The heart of Planned Giving is providing the financial vehicles to allow any donor to fulfill their philanthropic dreams of supporting the causes nearest and dearest to them. The Foundations and our professional advisors believe these activities are an important public service to offer the community served by Memorial Healthcare System. “Giving back to the Community has always been an important priority with me and I have found my passion at the Foundations. This is where I have decided to direct my Charitable energies. Observing all the great work done at the hospitals makes me extremely proud that I can play a small part in making our community a better place for all.” - Kenneth Bierman, Chair of the Planned Giving Committee and Senior Director, BNY Mellon Wealth Management Ken Bierman SAVE THE DATE Thursday, May 14, 2015 Professional Advisory Council (PAC) Presentation Contact Felicia Bell, Director of Planned Giving for more information at 954-265-3454 or fbell@mhs.net The Professional Advisory Council (PAC) of the Foundations is a volunteer group of estate planning attorneys, accountants, financial planners, trust officers, insurance specialists and other planning advisors dedicated to supporting Memorial Healthcare System and educating the community on the benefits of charitable tax and estate planning. PAC members are invited to participate in the Foundations’ special events as well as exclusive engagements showcasing physicians, facilities and programs of Memorial Healthcare System. PAC members serve as ambassadors to the Foundations. Professional Advisory Council For information about any of the philanthropic planning programs please call Felicia G. Bell, Esq., Director of Planned Giving at 954-265-3454 SPRING 2015 CHRONICLE PAGE 7 Tour de Broward In its short history, the INVICTA TOUR DE BROWARD has become one of South Florida’s most popular community events. The 6th Annual Invicta Tour de Broward was held on Sunday, February 22, 2015 at Miramar Regional Park. With activities and fun for the whole family, more than 5,000 attended this year with 3,000+ participating in the multi-tiered events that raised over $400,000 benefitting Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital. With Invicta Watch Group returning for the third year as Title Sponsor, Tour de Broward events included a 100K & 50K cycling event, 5k Run and 3k Family Walk. Everything provided at the event, including food, giveaways and entertainment, was donated by local businesses and organizations. The ANF Power of Play Kids Zone provided children with multiple fitness challenges, specialized kids food and interactive activities while keeping them busy with bounce houses and slides to add to the excitement. Participants were encouraged to do their best by celebrity emcees including Kenny Walker from 99.9 KISS FM and Kelly Blanco from WTVJ, NBC 6. Our sincere thanks go out to all the sponsors, participants, volunteers and in-kind donors for making the 2015 Invicta Tour de Broward a huge success! It’s not too early to start planning how you can be a part of the 2016 event! Email crcohen@mhs.net for more information PAGE 8 CHRONICLE SPRING 2015 Foundation Special Events When you have fun, you can do amazing things.—Joe Namath Pictured above (Clockwise from L): Jeff Conine on stage as emcee; Sheridan’s CEO, Bob Coward, presenting Magic with the 2015 Award (Sheridan was the event’s Title Sponsor); Magic with Mike Fernandez, Chairman of MBF Healthcare Partners, L.P., and Ray Shipman, Manager of Memorial’s Adaptive Sports Program; Magic hugging Gabriella Masiello, a patient of JDCH and Cancer survivor; Magic accepting a basketball signed by the first recipient of the American Icon Award, Former President Bill Clinton, from Memorial Healthcare System President and CEO, Frank Sacco. The Joe DiMaggio American Icon Award is presented to an individual who represents the highest values for which Joe DiMaggio embodied. President Bill Clinton received the first award in 2014. This year, in the presence of nearly 1,000 guests at the Diplomat Resort & Spa on January 15, Earvin “Magic” Johnson demonstrated why he earned his nickname as the second recipient of the award. Mr. Marlin, Jeff Conine, served as the emcee for the evening while Mike Fernandez, a successful businessman, philanthropist, author, and Mr. Johnson’s personal friend and business associate introduced “Magic” to the audience. The annual event raises funds to support Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. “Magic” demonstrated his abilities as a fundraiser, hosting several impromptu live auctions. This year’s event raised nearly $1,000,000 for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation. Contact Craig Cohen, Director of Sponsorship Development at crcohen@mhs.net for more event information including the Joe DiMaggio American Icon Award & how to become involved CHRONICLE SPRING 2015 PAGE 9 2015 Conine All-Star Golf Classic Raises Over $242,000 The Conine Clubhouse is our lasting image in the community” said Jeff Conine. Cindy and I are proud of the facility, the fact that 800 or more families call the Conine Clubhouse home each year, and that our events cover the cost of operations annually.” Frank Sacco (L), Jeff Conine, Greg Marsh, Valeria Ochoa (Diplomat Golf & Tennis Club), Kevin Janser THE CONINE ALL-STAR GOLF CLASSIC CELEBRATED ITS 21ST ANNUAL EVENT in style at the Diplomat Golf & Tennis Club on Monday, January 21st. The event, which raises funds to support the operation of the Conine Clubhouse at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Hollywood, moved to the Diplomat Golf Club following 20 years at the same course. Jeff and Cindy Conine, Founders of the event, announced to the audience at the Awards Banquet following the round that the event sold-out for the fifth consecutive year and raised more than $242,000. Laura Benedetto (L), Peter Stevens, Lotsy Dotsy, Larry Ball (former Miami Dolphin) With Calder Casino as the Title Sponsor, the event welcomed a celebrity guest in each of the 35 teams including Lawrence Taylor, Yoenis Cespedes, Carl Pavano, Steve Cishek, Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson and others. Participants had a chance to win one of four new 2015 vehicles including a BMW, Audi, Cadillac and Jaguar, plus all-inclusive vacations, unique experiences and tennis and golf packages. Each golfer also enjoyed a $200 gift certificate for use at the Calder Casino Golf Shop. Frank Sacco,(L) President and CEO, Memorial Healthcare System, Dr. Gary Birken, Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital and Randy Pierce, Gerrits Construction Nelson Fernandez (L), Al Gil, Yoenis Cespedes (Detroit Tigers), Al Fernandez, ANF Construction Maureen Adams, President of Calder Casino, proudly noted, “The Conine Clubhouse is an amazing program. I have been in the Clubhouse and understand the importance of providing a safe, warm family-friendly environment while your child is a patient at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, just a few feet away.” JDCHF Intern Devin Brown (L), Marshall Weinberg, Conine All-Star Golf Classic Committee, JDCHF Intern Rae Lynn Marotto A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Honoring Joe DiMaggio's dedication to the health of children, Invicta created these Special Edition Joe DiMaggio timepieces. The watches are now available for purchase and ALL proceeds from the sales will be donated to our hospital. Visit the sale site: http://bit.ly/1F5N0z2 John Marshall (L) Steve Geer, & Maureen Adams, President, Calder Casino with Jeff Conine PAGE 10 CHRONICLE SPRING 2015 Annual Fairy Tale Ball hosted by the Diamond Angels The Annual Fairy Tale Ball is hosted by the Diamond Angels of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation, a volunteer membership group formed in 2004 to advocate for and support the efforts of Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital. Since the Inaugural Ball in the Fall of 2004, the Diamond Angels have hosted 11 events that have raised over $3.6 million dollars for various pediatric programs and purposes including building the free standing hospital facility that opened in 2011. The event’s highlight is a signature classic rock concert in addition to dinner, dancing, and auction. Past years have whisked attendees to far-away places such as the African Savannah and the Great Wall of China, as well as to Wonderland with Alice, Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, and even the Land of Oz with Dorothy. To learn more about the Diamond Angels and how to become involved with the next Fairy Tale Ball contact Kate Rodriguez, Manager of Special Events at ksnyder@mhs.net "I choose to give of my time to JDCHF because I find the hospital to be a truly miraculous institution with great service and great people who are dedicated to treatment, but also to making the patient feel safe and at ease, which is so rare to find these days. I am so proud to be a part of this organization and to share my fundraising efforts which help expand this very special place!” - Robin Steinman, event Co-Chair (Robin is pictured above with husband, Eric, who served on the event committee as well. The couple have been long-time supporters of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation) SPRING 2015 CHRONICLE PAGE 11 Community Events We rely on our community to lend a hand and spread awareness about Memorial Healthcare System’s services and programs. Community Events can be either a single day project or part of ongoing efforts made by an individual, group, or corporation who create an opportunity to raise funds for Memorial or Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations. There are some general guidelines and steps for action when gaining approval from the Foundation to hold the event and use our name and logos. No matter what size, we are truly grateful for all these efforts! Contact Kate Rodriguez, Manager of Special Events at ksnyder@mhs.net for more information. Examples of community fundraiser events include: Broadcasting Live from the Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Lobby 99.9 KISS Country raises much needed funds for the children of our community with its Annual Two-Day Radiothon. Tune into 99.9 KISS to hear from patients and families served by the Hospital and how you can take part each December. NSU Phi Gamma Delta students donated funds raised for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital from their talent show. Thank you to the Corvette Club of South Florida for hosting their 4th Annual Car Show benefiting Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital! The club has raised over $31,000 since inception of the event and will now receive recognition on the donor wall in the hospital lobby. The Association of Francophone Park Lake held a bingo night with proceeds benefitting the Breast Cancer Center at MCI. Named South Florida’s most unique holiday event, the South Florida President’s Council of Motorcycle Clubs & Organizations conducts the largest motorcycle parade in the Annual Toys in the Sun Run with over 30,000 motorcycle participants. The event benefits Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and features live music, a classic car show, bike show and good food, not to mention thousands of toys for the hospital’s young patients and community. The Hollybrook Men’s Golf Association’s Annual Golf Tournament has raised more than $1.02 million over the past 20 years benefitting Memorial Hospital West. Together, we recently celebrated the group’s own dedication celebration of the Hollybrook Women’s Imaging Center. In addition, members of the group volunteer and coordinate a weekly lunch all year round for all the families of children receiving care at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to them for their time and to the restaurants for their donations including: Rob’s Family BBQ, DiSalvo’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant, Hooters of Pembroke Pines, and Marina 84. Pictured ABOVE LEFT: “Santa” Ed and Ginger, from the Wings of Gold Motorcycle Club, serving food in the Love Jen Family Support Center at the hospital. BELOW LEFT: The parade of motorcyclists roaring down the street. The Annual “Swings For Survivors” Golf Tournament raised $45,000 this year for the Bone Marrow Transplant program. Memorial Foundation J o e D i M a g g i o C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l F o u n d a t i o n 3711 Garfield Street Hollywood, FL 33021 T: 954-265-3454 www.mhsfoundation.org Your Newsletter Is Here! Thank you for your support! F: 954-966-6750 www.jdchfoundation.org Non Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 328 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Connect With Us Board of Directors Maureen Adams Commissioner Jose Basulto* Nina Beauchesne, FACHE Steven Becker Ray T. Berry Kenneth B. Bierman Anthony Bland Susanne Cornfeld Hurowitz** Douglas Collier, Treasurer Melody S. Creese, Esq. Mitchell Eisenberg, MD Immediate Past Chair Alberto E. Fernandez, Jr. Alejandra Fernandez Ronald D. Finkelstein, C.P.A.** R. Doug Gawrych, C.P.A. Philip Glogover, M.D. Andrew J. Greenfield, M.D. Thomas O. Katz, Esq. Frederick Keroff, M.D. Jen Klaassens, Secretary Alberto Kriger, M.D. Chantal Leconte, FACHE* Thomas Oliveri, 2nd Vice Chair Cheryl Peisach Alejandra Perez, M.D. Luis Raez, M.D. Zeff Ross, FACHE* Frank V. Sacco, FACHE* Frank Scholl, M.D. David Schulman** Carl Schuster, Esq., Chairman Lawrence D. Share Stuart Siegel, 1st Vice Chair Srinath Sundararaman, M.D. Marcia Tabatchnick Ed Walls Norma Kipnis Wilson * Ex Officio ** At Large Executive Committee Member Foundation Staff Kevin R. Janser, Senior VP & Chief Development Officer Noemi Abdur-Rahman, Data Entry Coordinator Aleksandra (Sandy) Andrianopoulos, AP Coordinator Felicia G. Bell, Esq., Director of Planned Giving Jadwiga (Heidi) Bocul, Development Systems Coordinator Cristina Chediak, Development Director of MCI Craig Cohen, Director of Sponsorship Development Don Eachus, Director of Development Summer Dowler Ehrmann, Director of Community Development Jackie Johnstone, Director of Annual Giving Sandra Ocampo, Executive Secretary Kate Snyder Rodriguez, Manager of Special Events Lisa R. Yalkut, Grants Coordinator ENJOY THIS SPECIAL EDITION Compassionate Caring and Smarter Giving LOOKING FOR A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING? There’s a gift that allows you to support Memorial Healthcare System’s mission to heal the body, mind, and spirit of those we touch and receive fixed income for life, yes…for life! It’s a Charitable Gift Annuity from Memorial and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundations. When you transfer cash or securities to the Foundation, you receive an immediate income tax deduction and guaranteed fixed income for life. When the annuity ends, the remaining principal passes to the Foundation to support our programs for the future. So lock in your rate now — and get a tax deduction for 2015. CONTACT THE FOUNDATION FOR MORE INFORMATION: FELICIA BELL, DIRECTOR OF PLANNED GIVING 954.265.3454 • FBELL@MHS.NET Charitable Gift Annuities may be established with a minimum contribution of $10,000. Minimum age 65. * Effective January 1, 2012 Single Life Single annuitant rates for ages at the nearest birthday. Joint Annuitant Rates are also available **Based on IRS discount rate 2.2 % values as of 11/1/2014 IMPORTANT NOTE: These examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and tax advisors prior to making any material decisions based on this data. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY RATES* Gift Amount $50,000 Age Rate Amount You Receive Charitable Annually for Life** Deduction** 65 4.7 $2,350 $16,815.00 70 5.1 $2,550 $20,008.50 75 5.8 $2,900 $22,514.00 80 6.8 $3,400 $24,825.50 85 7.8 $3,900 $28,108.00 90 & over 9.0 $4,500 $31,345.00