March15 - Jefferson


March15 - Jefferson
Jefferson County 4-H News
Volume 13, Issue 3
March 2015
District Archery Match
Inside this issue:
Club’s corner
Horse Validation
Better Living for
Major Show Tag
BBQ Fundraiser
County Photographer
District Roundup
District & State
Jefferson County Extension
1225 Pearl Street, Suite 200
Beaumont, TX 77701
Office: 409-835-8461
Fax: 409-839-2310
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed: 12-1 p.m. for lunch
Starla Garlick
CEA 4-H Youth Development
The District
Arc h e r y
Match was
January 30-31, 2015 in
Somerville. Jefferson
County had 18 participants in the following
age groups:
Junior-Recurve Bow:
Isaac Deville (4th);
Compound Unlimited
Bow: Colton McMahon;
Bare Bow: Collin Shiff
(3rd), Isabella Uribe,
Julia Mobley, Kinlee
Kahla, Turner Hart;
Compound Unlimited
Bow: Tyson McMahon
II; Recurve Bow: Jonah
Romero (4th), Zeke
Uribe (5th), Debbie
Clark, Ally Castille, Seth
Carl, Shelby Sensat, Logan Perry;
Senior-Recurve Bow:
Cody Sahualla, Andrew
Perricone, Lairen Calhoun; Compound UnLimited Bow: Andrew
Perricone (1st); Bare
Bow: Cody Sahualla
(2nd), Noah Deville
(3rd), Cary Perry.
Bow: Julia Mobley, Collin Shiff & Isabella Uribe,
1st place; Senior—
Recurve: Lairen Calhoun, Cody Sahualla and
Andrew Perricone, 2nd
place. Great job and
good luck to all those 4Her’s participating in
State competitions.
2015 South Texas State Fair
The South Texas
State Fair will be
held on March 26
-April 5, 2015.
Here is a list of important dates, etc:
 In order to show, you must have
an eligibility form, which will be
mailed on March 4th. If you do
not receive one, please call the
 Photography Contest —entries are
due to the YMBL office by
March 12th, 4:00 p.m.
 Livestock Judging—enter day of
contest which is April 4th. Please
get with Rob Brooks if interested.
 If you need exhibitor signs please
see Starla Garlick during the fair, or
you can pick one up at the 4-H office.
 YMBL vet will be final judge on
tooth rule for goats.
 Record Keeping Contest—deadline
to enter is April 3rd, 6 p.m. at the
YMBL office.
 There will not be a 4-H Barnyard
day this year.
Fair book with rules and guidelines is
available on-line, If you
need any more information, please call
the Extension office, 409-835-8461.
Clubs Corner…...
District 9 Facebook Contest—
Log-on to Facebook and like the
District 9 4-H page. Then post your
name, county and favorite project.
Then e-mail District Council member Sam Addington with the same
information at:
That’s it! If you don’t have Facebook, just e-mail Sam the same information. The county that has the
most participants wins. Prize to be
District-wide Community Service—Don’t forget to continue collecting your “baby shower” items
for the District Community Service
project. Then bring your items to
the Youth Council meeting on April
20th. We have a local representative
at the meeting to collect the items.
Lucky Clover 4-H—delivered Valentine Care packages to citizens of
Nome. The club has been sharing
this service since the club started
over 30 years ago and is still going
strong. The citizens love to have the
kids knock on their door with a treat
for them. We love this time of year
in Lucky Clover.
Grace 4-H—has been very busy.
They made over 500 cookies for 5
local AA groups, 29 blankets for
homeless shelters and 57 heart
shaped sachets for 2 local nursing
Adult Leaders Meeting—The next
Adult Leaders meeting will be held
on March 17th, 6:30 p.m. This meeting is open to all project leaders, parents and volunteers.
Congratulations to Jelani Fontenot for winning Grand Champion pig at the Vidor FFA Winter
Livestock Show. Way to go Jelani!
Horse Validation
If you are planning to participate in the District or State Horse Show you will need to
validate your horse(s) by April 15th and cost
$10 for each. If you register from April 16th
–May 1st, it’s $20 per horse. The District
Horse Show is scheduled for June 24-26,
2014. You will need to register your horse on
Page 2
4-H Connect. If you validated your horse
last year, you do not need to upload pictures, etc. But, if this is your first year, you
will need to upload pictures and registration papers. Please call the office for instructions on this process, 409-835-8461.
Jefferson County 4-H News
Better Living For Texans—Tips
With the current economy
situation, I thought I would
share some “Tips for Stretching Food Dollars”. This information comes from the
Texas AgriLife Extension
Service BLT website.
Having enough food for the
entire month can be a challenge. Following are ways to
stretch those food dollars
and get the most food and
nutrition for your money. A
quick & easy rice recipe follows.
 Take inventory: Look at
the foods you already
have on hand;
Plan your meals: Know
what you will prepare for
meals & snacks;
Study grocery store ads before
shopping: this will help
you determine the best
Make a list: A written list
will help you stay focus;
Compare prices with unit
pricing: The unit price is
the cost of an item per
Bend, stoop and stretch your
way to lower food costs: Store
brands are often found
on the lower shelves;
Don’t shop when you’re hun-
gry: Shopping when you
are hungry increases impulse buying;
 Use convenience foods wisely:
The more someone else
prepares your food the
more you will pay for it;
 Cut back on foods with little
or no nutrition: Eating
foods such as soda,
chips, cookies & candy;
 Use coupons wisely: Even
with a coupon, the store
brand of a food item
may be cheaper
I hope some of these tips will
help you save a little on your
monthly grocery bills.
Seasoned Rice
1 cup long grain brown rice (not instant)
2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
1-2 teaspoons dehydrated onion flakes
1 teaspoon dried parsley
2 cups water
Measuring cups and spoons
Mixing bowl
Stirring spoon
Saucepan with lid
Always, wash hands and any cooking surfaces with hot, soapy water. Mix all the dry ingredients in a small bowl. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil; add the dry ingredients to the boiling water. Reduce the heat to low; cover the pan tightly with lid. Simmer for about 20
minutes or until all the water is absorbed. When done, fluff with fork. Serves 6; 1/2 cup
Major Show Tag Orders
It’s that time of year again for major show tags:
Swine: If you are interested in showing pigs in Dallas you will need to order
validation tags by April 21st. The cost of each tag is $12.00.
Lamb/Goat: If you are interested in showing a lamb or goat in Dallas you will
need to order validation tags by April 14th. The cost of each tag is $10.00. Late
tags cost $20.00.
Steer: If you are planning to show steers in ANY of the major shows, Houston,
Fort Worth, San Antonio, Dallas, etc., you will need to order steer tags. The cost
of each tag is $10.00 and due when you place your order. The deadline to order
tags is April 18th.
No tags will be ordered without payment in advance. Please call the 4-H
office, 409-835-8461, if you have any questions.
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 3
County Photography Contest
We held our County Photography Contest on February 15th. A big THANKS to
Paula Guajardo for heading up this event. Also, Kathy Hardt & Lena Morris for
their assistance as well. And we also would like to thank Connie Perkins for his
time in judging all the photographs. We appreciate all of you!
We had 17 participants and 48 photographs! Everyone did an awesome job. I can’t
include all the photographs, but here is a list of the participants: Clover Kid—
Olivia Havelszky; Juniors: Hardy Guajardo; Intermediates—Justin Barrow (Best
in Show), Chloe Carl, Chelsea Tyler; Seniors—Alex Guajardo (Best in Show),
Jayme Deville, Fatih Tyler and Tricia Romine. See pictures below for each age
Alex Guajardo
Justin Barrow
Adult Leader Fundraiser
This is a fund raiser to support the activities and
events of Jefferson County 4
-H. The date of the event is
April 18, 2015, and we will
put the dinners together.
We hope your pre-sales will
go as well or better than last
We will also have a
4-H BBQ Queen and/or
King from each club and
then an overall BBQ Queen
and King will be chosen.
Rules: 4-H clubs should select their candidates (1 boy
&/or 1 girl) to the Royal
Court according to the
highest total of individual
Page 4
ticket sales. Every year each
club is represented during
ticket sales by their queen/
king candidate. There are no
age requirements. They must
have completed at least one
(1) project to be eligible to
serve as candidate. Clubs
Queen/King Candidates
name & all ticket sales must
be turned in by April 6, 2015 to
the Extension Office. Again,
this year’s King/Queen will
each receive a buckle along
with a monetary gift.
Also there will be a drawing
for a BBQ grill with cover.
The cost of the ticket for the
drawing is $1. Thanks to
ASCO for donating the grill this
This will be a huge fundraising
effort which will require everyone’s help and cooperation. So
mark your calendars for April 18,
2015 to help during the event
and sell those tickets.
Jefferson County 4-H News
District 4-H Conference—Big Time In D9
The annual District 4-H
Conference in which all the
district events will be held is on
May 1st & 2nd in Alvin. For
those of you that participated in
the County Food Show, Fashion
Show or Roundup (Share-theFun
Presentations) and those that
want to participate in S.E.T:
Research Poster Contest,
Photography Judging, Fashion
Story Boards, Duds to Dazzle,
BBQ Cook-off, Hamburger Cookoff, Leaders 4Life, Ag Product
ID Contest, Healthy Lifestyles,
Consumer Decision Making, Quiz
Bowls, 4-H Feud (see below),
Food Challenge and Wildlife
Challenge, then this conference
is for you. The 1st place winners
in the Food Show, 1st, 2nd &
3rd place winners in the Fashion
Show and all participants in
Roundup are eligible to
represent Jefferson County at
District. There are also
educational workshops,
invitationals and fun for
everyone! You don’t have to be
entered into a contest to
participate. Some of the
sessions and activities are: Intro
to the Dog Project, Fishing...for
Reel and Robotics Skillathon. All
entry paperwork (Food &
Fashion) will need to be turned
in by April 6th so we can get it
to the District office by April
10th. All of you participating will
need to register by April 12th
via 4-H Connect. You all have
profiles, so if you are not sure
of the password please call the
Extension office before the
deadline so we can help. We
will need volunteer judges for
this huge event. If you would
like to help please let me know,
so we can notify the District
office. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate
to call, 835-8461.
4-H Feud
The District 9 4-H Feud is designed to let kids show off what
they know about 4-H and anything else kids talk about. While
doing so they will be competing
against other counties and having lots of fun. If all goes well
this will be an exciting event for
spectators as well as participants
and will set the stage for an
evening Feud during the
awards assembly.
If you think you would be interested please call the 4-H office
so we can assemble teams. We
can only send 2 teams.
District & State photography Contests
District—For anyone interested in entering the District Photography Contest, the deadline is March 29th, via 4-H Connect. The cost is $5.00 per picture and up to 4 entries,
different categories, per person.
State—The State Photography Contest is open to all Senior age 4-H members. The
deadline to enter is April 22nd. We can only enter one photo per category. During State
Roundup there will be a Photo Judging Invitational for anyone interested.
Both contest have rules & guidelines and you can enter either one or both even if you
did not participate in the county contest, so please call if you are interested, 409-8358461.
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 5
17 Adult Leader
Task Force mtg—
26 South Texas 27
29 Dist. Pho-
tography deadline
HLSR begins
State Fair begins
3 Holiday/
Extension office
12 Roundup
14 Lamb/Goat
tag order deadline (Dallas)
17 Major
18 BBQ
21Swine tag
22 State Pho-
Entry deadline
Youth Council
meeting 6 p.m.
order deadline
Horse Validation deadline
tography deadline
Steer tag order
Pickup day
Dist. Livestock
Educational programs of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability,
religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners’
Courts of Texas cooperating.