OBITUARY - Jewish Australia


OBITUARY - Jewish Australia
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Australian Jewish News –
With profound sadness we announce the passing of
A true mensch
JOHN was born on October 20, 1943, the
only son to Sadie and the late Allan
Brustman. He had a great sister Glenys who
he adored. He married Helsie in 1969 and a
few months ago they celebrated their 40th
wedding anniversary. He was a devoted
brother-in-law to Barbara and Michael
Rozenes and beloved uncle of Shaynee, Dean,
Veronica and Buddy, Gabby David Nicholas
and Liam, Laini, Ben Charlie and Lola,
Georgia Andrew and Nicholas. He also had a
wonderful friendship with Helsie’s late
mother Ida.
John had a wonderful childhood. I know
this because I had the good fortune to share it
with him. We were two young Jewish boys
from Ivanhoe who spent two-and-a-half
hours each day travelling to and from Mount
Scopus Memorial College on the school bus
in the 1950s. It was at Mount Scopus where
he learnt strong traditional Jewish values. He
loved Scopus and had lifelong friendships
with many of his school mates.
He was passionate about his Judaism, and
loved and believed in the State of Israel. He
was on the board of North Eastern Jewish
Centre for many years and headed United
Israel Appeal Doncaster. Most nights after
school and most weekends we spent playing
countless games of football and cricket. It was
during this time that I learnt what John was all
about. A warm, kind, gentle, caring and sensitive boy with a wonderful sense of humour.
As John grew into manhood these qualities
only became enhanced. He was a real mensch.
He never lost his sense of humour in spite of
his trials and tribulations, and when told he
had to undergo chemotherapy, a daunting
program as we are all aware, John quipped
“Oh well, I suppose at least I don’t have to
worry about losing my hair”.
After Scopus John joined the family business and eventually changed direction and
started a linen business. His greatest passion
was his love for Helsie, Mum Sadie and sister
Glenys. He had a close and loving bond with
them in every way. He always wanted to protect them. They were his top priority. He
loved his late dad Allan – such a great bond
they shared. He had enormous respect for his
parents. He was an extraordinary son.
John’s other great passion after his family
was of course the AJAX Football Club. He
was a goal umpire for an incredible 621
games, as well as serving on the committee
for 43 years in virtually every capacity except
president. He was The Australian Jewish News
correspondent for 41 years, and served as secretary of AJAX for 17 consecutive years.
When I asked him why he didn’t take on the
presidency, he said he couldn’t see much
point because the secretary did most of the
work anyway – that was typical of John. This
loyalty and dedication was rewarded when
the club held a luncheon in his honour two
months ago. Fortunately John was still in a
position to appreciate the accolades that
came his way that day – not that he was a
man that ever looked for such things. He was
humbled and overwhelmed by the event.
John was inducted into the Maccabi Hall
Member of Master Stonemasons Association of Victoria
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who passed away on 24th June 2009
Beloved daughter of Mina ‰¢Ú and Chaim ‰¢Ú Lazovsky
Dearly loved sister of eight siblings (all dec.)
Much adored wife of Abraham ‰¢Ú
Devoted mother of Dory, Daphna and Mina
Respected mother-in-law of Marion, Richard and Harold
Treasured grandmother of Debbie and Peter, Michael, Karen, Sharon,
David and Lauren, Michele and Ashley
Cherished great-grandmother of Jessica and Lauren
of Fame a few years ago and he fought hard
to ensure that the principles of Maccabi clubs
were always upheld.
When John married Helsie he realised that
life would never be dull, colourless or boring.
He idolised and doted on Helsie through
their 40 years together and was so proud of all
her communal achievements and, in particular, her Australian honour of an OAM so
richly deserved, which she received last year.
She always said he was the best husband one
could have – a precious jewel.
In life we are all faced with difficult challenges and John and Helsie were no different.
But they buckled down together, faced the
challenges head on, worked through the
tough times with determination to come
through even stronger than before.
John and Helsie had no children of their
own so they adopted the community as
theirs. The large gathering here today is testimony to that.
John bore his terrible diagnosis with
courage and dignity, giving 100 per cent to
try to fight it and yet never losing that famous
sense of humour.
I know Helsie is eternally grateful to the
special medical team headed by Professor
Grant MacArthur at Peter MacCallum. She
would also like to thank his amazing doctor
Harold Cashmore, who John adored, and
also Helsie’s cousin Dr Steven Szental.
John endeared himself to all and enriched
the lives of all he touched. He was a real gentle man, good to the core.
To those special friends who drove him
for the last few months, you made him feel
enriched, and to those who made him his
favourite foods, he truly was so grateful.
John truly adored Rabbi Shimshon and
Rebbetzin Yurkowicz and when reciting the
psalms with Shimshon in hospital on Sunday
afternoon, John was smiling and calm.
May our tears of grief be replaced by tears
of joy for having known such a man who we
trust is now at peace. His passing has created
a void in our lives. The world was a better
place because of John. We will miss you JB,
our very dear special friend.
May his memory be a blessing.
An inspirational and courageous woman who will be dearly missed
‰ Æ· ƈ Æ Æ˙
Tamara Golda Messer
Died peacefully on June 27, 2009, in her 91st year.
Daughter of Olya and Grisha Taft (both dec.)
Sister and sister-in-law of Boyard (dec.) and Olive, Ron and Ellen (dec.),
Thora and Sandy (both dec.), Sarah and Jack (both dec.)
Married for 66 years to her beloved Harry
Cherished mother of
Ruth and Alan, Iain and Helen, Alan and Irene, and Paula
Grandmother of 10, great-grandmother of 14.
May Her Dear Soul Rest In Peace
With deep sorrow we announce the passing of
(Sydney Albert Bernard Benjamin)
on Wednesday 24 June 2009
Aged 96 years and 9 months
Son of Annie and Vivian (both dec.)
Beloved husband of Belle (dec.) for 57 years
Loved and adored father of Annis, Graeme, Ivan and Dennis
Loving father-in-law of Barbara, Shifra and Idit
Adored Papa of Craig, Damien, Alana & David, Michelle & Shaun,
Michael, Gil, Keren, Joel and Tali
Loving great-grandfather of Jake
A most wonderful and charming gentleman who will be sadly missed
This is an edited version of the eulogy
presented by John Brustman’s good friend Graham
Lasky at John’s funeral.
Member of Master Stonemasons Association of Victoria
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The President, Rabbi
and Board of Management of the
North Eastern Jewish Centre
extend our heartfelt sympathy to Helsie
on the passing of
John Brustman
May his memory be a blessing
Committee, Players,
Jackas and Supporters
of AJAX Amateur Football Club
extend sincere condolences to Helsie
on the passing of
John Brustman
His memory will live on