Newsletter 0615 v2.indd - Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley
Newsletter 0615 v2.indd - Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley
Jewish Family News Volume 11 No. 2 June 2015 JFS Aging with Dignity Services cal reimbursement, and Shabbat meals and other nutritional support. Jewish Family Services is proud to announce that the JFS Senior Services Department is now Aging with Dignity Services, reflecting our increased breadth of services for elders at a variety of life stages, with a focus on those that allow older adults to remain in their homes. JFS SV HomeCare Services Our newest program is celebrating its first nine months of service to the community and providing flexible care as needed up to 24 hours per day. JFS social workers provide oversight. “The caregivers that have been working with my mother have been wonderful, and we appreciate all the work and compassion that they’ve given us.” “You have darling caregivers! We fell in love at first sight.” According to Jodi CapitolaDuran, Director of Social Services, “Having social workers as part of the homecare team helps to coordinate services as well as assess the quality of care one is receiving. Our social work staff members are liaisons between the family and caregiver. We provide an added level of advocacy for families as care needs change.” Caring for the Caregivers JFS provides group and individual training and support services for people caring for sick or disabled loved ones. We hold caregiver training workshops and monthly support groups focused on reducing caregiver stress and the additional stressors that come with caring for a loved one with Alzheimer or a dementiarelated disorder. What our Homecare Consumers Are Saying: “She’s just wonderful! My caregiver goes out of her way without being asked.” Holocaust Survivor Support We currently assist 160 Holocaust survivors (ages 70-102) with case management, caregiver support, home visits, homecare and medi- Galina Chyorny, Coordinator of Holocaust Survivor and Émigré Services, tells us, “Our survivors greatly appreciate the supermarket gift cards that we give to them so they can purchase more healthy foods. Many survivors by the of the month barely have money left and this is substantial assistance for them. They can now afford food they couldn’t before. The survivors who receive hot meals appreciate that it lasts two days – some even make it last the whole week. Some survivors can’t go to the store very often to buy food and can’t go out to eat so they love the food we bring them from Jerusalem Grill.” She adds, “Home care is a big help for them and lets Aging with Dignity • continued on pg. 4 Inside: Backpack Drive..........................2 Freedom Seder..........................6 Yellow Comforter Project........7 Internship Opportunity...........7 Board of Directors President Robin Sabes Vice President Susan Greenberg Englander Treasurer Marty Newman Secretary Sheila Monheit Past President Seth Silverstein Members Elaine Blais • Rhonda Farber Elizabeth Lichy • Richard Namm Marty Newman • Bill Pomper Fagie Rosen • Cantor Meeka Simerly Steve Schleimer • Elise Wessels Staff Executive Director Mindy Berkowitz, MSW, MA Director of Refugee & Career Services Zoya Lazer, MLS Director of Social Services Jodi Capitola-Duran, MSW, ACSW Holocaust Survivor & Emigre Services Coordinator Galina Chyorny, MA Seniors Case Manager Avital Agam, BSW Office Manager Elena Aronin Kulvets, MS Finance Manager Tamar Levi, MA Project N.O.A.H. Social Worker Anna Bennett, MSW, ACSW Career Counselor Helen Sappa, LMFT, PhD Vocational Case Manager Caroline Golpashin, BA VESL Instructor Natalie Lazar, BA, TESL Beginning ESL Instructor John Bracken, TEFL Resettlement Coordinator Azita Eshagh, AA Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement Lori Cinnamon, MBA Administrative Assistant Valerie DuBose, AAS MSW Interns Clarissa Harwell, BA Sumi Kamiya, BA Newsletter Bettina Rosenberg The Jewish Family News is published four times a year by Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley 14855 Oka Road Suite 202 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 556-0600 From Our President Providing Needed Services to Our Community Robin Sabes Dear Friends, Summer is fast approaching and Jewish Family Services continues to strive to provide needed services to the community. We are expanding our senior services. It will now be referred to as our Aging with Dignity program. I hope you enjoy reading about it in this newsletter. Our Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, June 17 at 7:00 pm in the Adult Lounge of the Levy Family Campus. Refreshments will be served. We welcome everyone JFS Summer Backpack Drive June-July 2015 Collecting backpacks and school supplies for students in kindergarten through college For more information (including supply lists): Check the JFS website or email or Call Lori Cinnamon, Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement at (408) 357-7467 2 to attend. Hear about our goals for next year, as well as the recap of the current year. We will honor the people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make Jewish Family Services the outstanding agency it is. Finally, don’t forget that JFS offers Home Care Services for recently hospitalized people or seniors who need extra assistance with driving, cooking, or household duties. Please call the office for more information. I hope you have a relaxing summer. Robin Staff Direct Numbers Area Code 408 Avital Agam...................357-7450 Anna Bennett...............357-7425 Mindy Berkowitz. ..........357-7455 Jodi Capitola...................357-7456 Galina Chyorny.. ..........357-7458 Lori Cinnamon.............357-7467 Valerie DuBose..............357-7542 Azita Eshagh..................357-7457 Caroline Golpashin......357-7449 Clarissa Harwell...........357-7453 Elena Kulvets.................357-7406 Sumi Kamiya................556-0600 Natalie Lazar.................357-7448 Zoya Lazer......................357-7452 Tami Levi ..................... 357-7454 Helen Sappa ..................357-7459 Executive Director’s Message Opportunity to Do Good This Summer Mindy Berkowitz Dear Friends, Welcome to the summer issue of the Jewish Family News. Summer is a time of vacation getaways and relaxation for so many of us. It’s also a great time to do something good for someone else. I think it’s important to do an act of tzedakah (righteous giving of charity) or gemilut hasadim (loving kindness) – especially in a world where we hear more about hate than good. It makes us feel better about ourselves and the world itself. We have an easy new oppor- tunity for you this summer that’ll make you feel good: we’re holding a Backpack Drive. As we went to press, we were still firming up the details but please do contact us and check our website for all the info you’ll need to help a student have a successful school year. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about how our community came together to help all who were hungry have a good Passover. We were happy to organize all these efforts. JFS’ Annual Meetings are special. They are celebrations of all that is good about people who care. Each year we highlight the selfless volunteering and good work of our volun- teers, staff and Board. We tell stories that warm your heart and make you feel glad that you came to the Annual Meeting. This year will be no exception. I hope you’ll join us on June 17th at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy our beautiful California summer – and all that is good in the world. All the best, Mindy P.S. Are you or do you know a college student looking for a great summer internship? We’ve got one here at JFS focused on non-profit management, program development, volunteer engagement, and social media. See page 7. Giving Adults, Children and Families Better Lives in Silicon Valley You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley Annual Meeting Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM Levy Family Campus Adult Lounge Honoring Volunteers and Staff for Outstanding Service Installation of New Slate of Board of Directors Celebrating Our Successes Festive Dessert Reception R.S.V.P. to; 408.556.0600 3 JFS: Serving Our Community Aging with Dignity • contnued from pg. 1 Have a great idea for an Aging with Dignity program? Contact Jodi at (408) 357-7456 or jodicd@ Need Aging with Dignity Services (including caregiver support)? Contact Avital Agam at (408) 357-7450 or Need services in Russian? Contact Galina Chyorny at (408) 357-7458 or Want to volunteer? Contact Lori Cinnamon at (408) 357-7467 or Sheldon and Sandy Spungen stay active by volunteering. them stay in their homes as long as possible.” Russian Speaking Social Cultural Activities JFS has been an anchor for Russian speaking seniors since the 1990s. The ESL volunteer-led program that Rosalie Sogolow began in the early 1990s is still going strong with six ESL sessions per week for seniors. The 2015 Freedom Seder served 155 Russian speakers on April 5th. JFS also provides support for Russian language cultural celebrations and World War II Veterans Association. Volunteers Connecting Isolated Seniors to the World: Friendly Visitors and Chaplain Aides Currently six Chaplain Aides provide services and support at senior living communities and 14 Friendly Visitors spend quality time with homebound seniors. Centerpieces for Tzedakah Quarterly Training Program for Volunteers Who Work Directly with Seniors In the past year our volunteers have received training on Maintaining Boundaries, The Need for Self Care, Recognizing the signs of Elder Abuse, and The Health Benefits of Volunteering. Jodi tells us, “As we go forward we’ll be focusing on more community oriented training topics such as elder abuse and long term care planning.” Future Programs JFS is looking to expanding our Aging with Dignity Services. As Jodi considers this, she’ll ask these questions: “‘How do you put things in place so that you can age with dignity? How do you ensure that your wishes are known so that the necessary care and services will be in place at your time of need?’ We’re currently considering various information and service areas that may be relevant to our community.” 4 For information on renting or volunteering please contact Jewish Family Services (408) 556-0600 html#centerpieces Howard Gipstein - Tutoring experienced teacher with regular and special education credentials Phone: (408) 394-8431 Email: site/ howardgipsteintutoring/ 1RW-XVWIRU6HQLRUV ,QFROODERUDWLRQZLWK+RXU+RPH&DUH DSULYDWHO\RZQHG&DOLIRUQLDEDVHGFRPSDQ\ $5DQJHRI6HUYLFH +RPH&DUH6HUYLFHV DUHQRWMXVWIRUVHQLRUV 7KHVHVHUYLFHVDUHXVHIXO IRUSHRSOHZLWKGLVDELOLWLHV RUWKRVHWUDQVLWLRQLQJ -)669+RPH&DUH6HUYLFHVZLOORIIHUDUDQJHRIQRQPHGLFDOFDUHIRU ROGHURUGLVDEOHGDGXOWVDQGFKLOGUHQLQ6DQWD&ODUD&RXQW\LQFOXGLQJ KRPHIURPWKHKRVSLWDORU UHFRYHULQJIURPDQLQMXU\ $Q\RQHQHHGLQJVKRUWRU 3HUVRQDOFDUH 'RPHVWLFGXWLHV ORQJWHUPDVVLVWDQFHLQ WKHKRPHFDQEHQHILWIURP WKHVHVHUYLFHV 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ &RPSDQLRQVKLS 0RELOLW\ +RZLW:RUNV &DOO-HZLVK)DPLO\6HUYLFHVDW DQGDVNIRUWKH+RPH&DUH6SHFLDOLVW6KHZLOOGR DQLQWDNHLQWHUYLHZRQWKHSKRQHDQGVFKHGXOHDKRPHYLVLW +RXU+RPH&DUHGRHVDKRPHYLVLWWRFUHDWHDSHUVRQDOL]HGPDWFKZLWKDKRPHFDUHDLGHDQG WKHQSODFHVDKRPHFDUHDLGH &DUHEHJLQVDVVRRQDVWKHFOLHQWLVUHDG\)HHVUDQJHIURPWRSHUKRXU 2XUVWDIIIROORZVXSZLWKHDFKFOLHQWDQGUHPDLQVRQERDUGWRHQVXUHVDWLVIDFWLRQ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ--)669+ +RPH&DUH6HUYLFHV FDOO RUHPDLOKRPHFDUH#MIVVYRUJ )XUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQLVDOVRDYDLODEOHDWKWWSZZZMIVVYRUJKRPHFDUHKWPO 2ND5RDG6XLWH/RV*DWRV&$ 5 JFS: Serving Our Community Freedom Seder Held for More Than 150 Galina Chyoryn, Coordinator of Holocaust Services and Emigre Services Thank You to Our Generous Community Lori Cinnamon, Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement Jewish Family Services thanks our Passover Food Drive community partners for collecting much needed food for vulnerable families and seniors: Jewish Federation, Addison-Penzak JCC, Congregation Beth David, Congregation Sinai, Congregation Shir Hadash, Temple Emanu-El, South Peninsula Hebrew Day School, and Yavneh Day School. Rabbi Ilana Baird leads the Freedom Seder with help from Eden, Benjamin, and Natalie Menipaz, and her daughters Anat and Daniella Baird On April 5th, 155 people came together in the auditorium of the Levy Family Campus to say “Next Year in Jerusalem” at a community Passover Seder for Russian-speaking seniors. In the spirit of the Passover song Dayenu Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley would like to thank those supporters without whom the event would not have been possible. But, the event had all that, along with an excellent meal from caterer Lucy Fried and classy entertainment from pianist Caroline Menipaz and her daughter. Many who had been to prior Freedom Seders, along with some for whom this was their first seder experience, called to say thank you for the wonderful time they had. This event was generously funded by Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley and supported by many volunteers. Dayenu! - that alone would have been enough for us. As Rabbi Baird said at the conclusion of the evening, “If not in Jerusalem, let’s meet right back here, same time, same place.” Sounds like a great idea! Rabbi Ilana Baird led the Seder with tradition and humor. Dayenu! that too would have been enough. Volunteers of all ages helped reach out to the participants and set up the tables. Dayenu! - it would have been enough. Visit our website 6 Support from the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, private monetary donations, and donated food enabled JFS to pack 270 Passover packages for families and homebound seniors, and 210 individual Passover bags for seniors in retirement homes and nursing facilities. Many dedicated volunteers packed and delivered Passover food, and also took time to have meaningful visits with 35 senior households. Young people from Jewish Federation NextGen group sorted food and helped get out a Passover mailing. The Congregation Beth David JET group packed large food packages. Yavneh students and friends decorated and packed small food packages for seniors in retirement homes and assisted living facilities. The wonderful JFS Chaplain Aides led meaningful services and seders for our seniors in facilities. After Passover three local Safeway stores donated more than 1,000 food items that will create nearly 200 food packages for isolated seniors. Special thanks to volunteer Gary Zatkin who “schlepped” all the food to JFS on a hot April day. JFS SV: Serving Our Community Community-Wide Yellow Comforter Project Raises Funds to Feed the Hungry Friday, May 29, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Levy Family Campus Lobby Volunteer Shell Rubenstein led Passover seder at The Atrium. The second annual “Yellow Comforter Project,” organized by the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley’s PJ Library® in collaboration with area Jewish day schools and synagogues, will celebrate the culmination of a tzedakah project that engaged elementary school children in an effort to collect boxes and cans of food to benefit local, national and worldwide food programs for families in need. The community is invited to participate in this celebration. All ages are welcome to help build a home out of the cans and boxes that have been collected by the children. The structures will be built according to designs contributed by local designer, Dan Winkelblek. There will be additional fun philanthropy projects and a special Shabbat celebration with songs led by Barbara Biran. The event is open to the entire community. A donation of $7.00 per family is requested to purchase challahs for the Jewish Family Services Shabbat Meal Program. For more information please contact or (408) 357-7501. Summer Internship Opportunity at JFS We at JFS are so fortunate to have great volunteers and community partners. Gary Zatkin is always so helpful bringing and taking food for us. This time it was three local Safeway Stores that donated their leftover Passover food for our grateful senior and family clients. JFS is pleased to announce an internship opportunity for a college student interested in non-profit management, program development volunteer engagement, and social media. We are seeking a summer intern (June-August, flexible dates) to work with JFS’ Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement. The internship will focus on supporting ongoing volunteer engagement as well as coordinating events and community drives. One particular area of focus will be helping to develop a new young adult volunteer initiative program for 21-39 year olds. Qualified applicants should have prior social media and event organizing experience – and a “can do” attitude. The internship is 15-20 hours per week at the JFS offices at the Levy Family Campus in Los Gatos. It takes place during business hours with some evening and weekend work. Call Lori Cinnamon 408-357-7467 or email résumés and inquiries to Matching Gifts Congregation Beth David's JET students enjoy packing Passover food for needy families and seniors. If your employer has a matching gifts program, leverage your contribution to JFS with a match by your company! 7 Donations Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley Thanks You for Your Support! Addie and Ray Kopp Memorial Fund Murray and Bernice Siegel, to support programs for seniors and émigrés Big Hearted Birthday Fund In honor of Margie Cahn’s birthday: Marcia and Joe Riggio In honor of Solomon Lieb’s 1st birthday: Marcy Auerbach, Lena Lieb In honor of Lottie Rosen’s 90th birthday: Burt and Sandy Epstein In honor of Shirley Wiesner’s special birthday: Judy Sack and Judy Siegel, for Shabbat dinner for a family with children Burt Epstein Community Service Fund Burt and Sandy Epstein, for speedy recovery for Manny Siegler and Margie Blickman, and in memory of Lucy Wargon Centerpieces for Tzedakah Congregation Beth David Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Ruth and Noah Bareket Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood Corporate Matching Gifts Apple Matching Gift Program: Michelle Kaplan, Seth Silverstein HP Matching Program: Debby Brown, Ben Kovar Good Morning JFS! Vlada Gelfond Judy Gilford Caroline Golpashin Barbara Green Helaine and Stephen Green Jenny Green and Scott Budman Frances Greenberg Andrea Greyber Karen and Allen Guggenheim Steve Guggenheim Susan Hailpern Ann Blick Hamer Bruce and Julia Hartman Michele Healey Eaton Sue Heller Pamela Hoffman Kyra Hubis Madelyn Isaacs Joseph Isaacson Kim and Steven Jackman Ronald and Gail Joseph Jonathan and Michelle Kaplan Doris and Stan Katz Jackie Klein Cindy Klein Elena and Peter Kulvets Susan and Gary Latshaw Marty Lazar Alex and Zoya Lazer Ann Lee Tina Levenfeld Tamar and Amitay Levi Judy Levin Susan Levin Yvette Levine Paula Levitt Rabbi Dana Magat Yael and Elie Alcheck Nebi Alemu Sue Anis Anonymous Evann Aronoff Gloria Ascher Hana Baskind Rochelle Baumstein Rabbi Joshua Berkenwald Rabbi Allan and Mindy Berkowitz Barbara and Mort Berlant Elaine Blais Judy and Brett Borah Ruth Brill Marleen Brodsky Margaret Cant Denise Chazin The Robert and Kimberly Chortek Fund Marguerite Choukrane Lori Cinnamon Leslie Cragin and Renee Jones Kathleen Dolci Gregory Drake Bette Emanuel Susan Greenberg Englander and Jeff Englander Rhonda Farber Robin Feinman-Marino Liz and Katie Fennell Diane Fisher Barbara Frank Joyce Freeman Lucy Fried Sheri Frumkin 8 Marsha Matheny Debbie and Grant Michels Ruth Miller Lissa Minkin and Michael Brown Barry and Rosemarie Mirkin Sheila Monheit Richard and Patti Namm Janice and Ron Naymark Yvonne and John Nemec Julee Ogawa Rabbis Philip and Shoshana Ohriner Donna Padnos Haryl Pascal Nirit Peer Diana Perkins Ruth Perkins Tracy Perkins Joelle Pluemer Howard and Margie Pomerantz Bill Pomper Rabbi Daniel Pressman John and Rosalie Price Judith Propp Thelma Ramm Fagie Rosen Bettina Rosenberg Sarah and Bill Rothenberg Rochelle Rubenstein Rami Rubin Eleanor and Richard Rusnak Robin Sabes Naomi Salowe Sharon Samuels Gretchen Sand Steve Schleimer and Cyndi Sherman Debra Schwartz Mike and Marilyn Segal Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley Thanks You for Your Support! Tzvia Shelef Daniela and Seth Silverstein Cantor Meeka and Dave Simerly Susan Sjostrom Bonnie Slavitt Moore and Jack Moore Patrick Soricone Bonnie and Lee Stone Lisa Stroud Michal Strutin and Michael Sinensky Mark Tannen Laurie Hahn Tapper Barbara and Chuck Taubman Helen Tieger Lainey and Maurice Tofig Rob Tufel Barbara Day Turner Sandi Weinstein Sheila Weisberg Richard and Efrat Weisfield Zvi Weiss Linda Wolf Kari Wolff Carol and Richard Zbriger Joe Zimmer Donation of Goods and Food Ruth and Max Bart Edith Brooks Clay Campbell C’est Si Bon Bakery Seema Cicerone Lori Cinnamon Ted Cohen Congregation Beth David Congregation Shir Hadash Congregation Sinai Joanne Cornbleet Janice Decker Tatiana Degai Simona Freeman Joe and Michelle Gabriel Linda Golan Lily Guggenheim and family Haleh Pastry Shop Laurie Himelstein Sharon Hirsch Madelyn Isaacs Joseph Issaacson JCC Massage Therapy Jewish Federation (Dignity Drive) Knitzvah Group Howard and Debby Katzman Arleen Kluger Sara Korn Bonnie Marantette Leni Sue Master Lauren Nagel Carol Parris Sandee Pascoe PJ Library Rene Prupes Fagie Rosen Bettina and Dan Rosenberg Jill and Josh Rosenberg Safeway/Pollard Road Safeway/Union Avenue Adelle Salle Helen Sappa Shir Hadash Religious School South Peninsula Hebrew Day School Linda Sparanzo Chuck Taubman Temple Emanu-El VITAS Ellie and Judee Weinstein Sandi Weinstein John Weintraub Carol Weiss Sherri Wiesner Jane Witkin Yavneh Day School …and many generous anonymous donors Harvey Belsky Fund Harvey Belsky, in honor of Larry and Marilyn Cosden Art and Gladie Rabitz Barrie Stone Jewish Family Services Fund In memory of Barbara Meyers: Carol and Roy Blitzer, Annie and Aaron Hall, Laura and Edward Tappan, Greta and Danny Zidel In support of JFS Holocaust Survivor Services: Lev Feldman and Anna Tabachnikova, Ludmila Leongardt, Ida Plotkina Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Program AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous Barbara Barko, in memory of David Sommer John Bracken Debby Brown Nesya Fishstrom and Judith Skopicki, in honor of Shell Rubenstein Herm and Beryl Greenberg IBM Employee Services Center Molly Kaufman Arleen Kluger, in honor of Linda Golan and Miriam Engel; in memory of Lucy Wargon and Alvin Diamant Ben Kovar Jeff Kusnitz Richard Lavenstein, in appreciation of Sheila Monheit’s dedication to seniors Evelyn Namm Dorit and Ogen Perry, in honor of the marriage of Jackie Schneider and Bob Rebitzer Loren and Robyn Shalinsky, in memory of Michael Meltzer Pi and Cathy Silverstein, in memory of Joan Morris 'LVFRYHUWKH- Jewish education, cultural events, preschool, camp, ƬWQHVVDTXDWLFVPRUH 9 Donations Knitzvah Linda Allen Sue Anis Ginny Baird Gail Barsky Sharon Barowsky Hana Baskind Harvey Belsky, in memory of Dr. Arthur Stein Barbara Berlant Suzy Berlant Elaine Blais Sharon Bollinger Edith Brooks Chai House Knitzvah Margo Choukrone Lori Cinnamon Linda Cohen Linda Coon Diane Davis Pam Ellman Debbie Ferris Inna Fiterman Wendy Fotland Alex Fotland Marilyn Fuller Bernice Gaon Eleanor Gerstley Linda Golan Elyse Elconin Goldberg Vicki Nosanov Goldman Susan Gore Arlene Greenberg Frances Greenberg Becky Guillett Sue Hamilton Arielle Hendel Jennifer Henderson Tamara Herman Marilyn Highland Lonnie Hoffman Jill Hough Mereline Howard Judy Israel Donations Gail Jacobs Renee Jones Molly Kaufman Rhoda Kestler Arleen Kluger Mony Leung Lynnann Levy Louise Lopez Michal Lubin Tamar Maltiel Missy Marsh Lenisue Master Sue Matthias Claudia Muller Joy Null Jill Osofsky Donna Padnos Rhoda Raice Diane Rauchwerger Cherie Ravel Donna Rodgers Judy Rowlee Shell Rubenstein Judith Sapper Mitzi Sapper Rita Schwehr Sew For Love Susan Sjostrom Mary Jane Stevenson Temple Emanu-El Mitzvah Day Karen Traiger Judy Vant Andrea Wald Lucy Wargon z"l Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley Thanks You for Your Support! Catherine Watson Sandi Weinstein Michelle Zeiler …and many generous anonymous donors Passover Freedom Drive Sy and Naomi Alpert The Altman-Aronow Charitable Foundation Jill and Stephen Becker Harvey Belsky, in honor of Bert and Barbara Berns, and in memory of Dr. Sid Sogolow Raisa Berenberg Sarra Berenshteyn Congregation Sinai, for Maot Chittin Leonid Bitman and Olga Sokolova Margie and Edward Cahn James and Barb Chappell David Chernomordik and Izabella Letskin, in memory of Asya Chernomordik Yevgeniy Chigerev Congregation Emeth Marlene Decker Dina Fayngold Ida Fishman Boris Gantvarg Shirley and Allen Ginzburg Fira and Vladimir Glikman, in honor of JFS Senior ESL class and teachers Leonid Goldburd Rabbi Debbie Israel Lorie Kaplan, in appreciation of Wayne Rose Howard and Deborah Katzman Ellie and Ed Kiss Julie and Stuart Krigel Hana and Dan Lang Ed and Loretta Levin Ken and Gloria Levy Susan and Richard Lichte, in honor of Bonnie Slavitt Moore and Jack Moore Lana Lopatinsky Kate Lorig Michal Lubin Aleksandr and Yekaterina Marchuk Doysa Markova Sofia Masterovaya Ellen Mastman and Lee Waxman Dr. Loren Mendel Frederica Postman Lois Price and Harold Price Marcia and Joe Riggio Victor and Olga Rivkin Fagie Rosen, in memory of Viktor Nisenzon and Hillel Levine Linda and Ron Rossen Michael and Pnina Rothenberg Eleanor and Richard Rusnak Amy and Dan Schiff Natalie Schriger, in memory of Annabel and Harvey Moskowitz Florence Silverman Al and Ruth Sporer Bonnie and Lee Stone Michal Strutin and Michael Sinensky Anna and Semyon Tokar Ella Vidnaya Alice Wald and Paul Overmyer Elena and David Weinberg Yavneh Day School Sofia Zadkovsky, in memory of David Zadkovsky Mary and Avi Zakai Janice and David Zalk Shabbat Dinner Rhonda Farber Judith Sack Alice Wald and Paul Overmyer Daphna Rahmil Melissa and Joshua Roza Vehicle Donations Donna and Wolf Schaechter Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley believes that people facing difficult challenges deserve a better life. Every day we restore hope for families, seniors, and adults because we believe in tikkun olam, repairing our little corner of the world. 10 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES A PROJECT N.O.A.H. PROGRAM Centerpieces for Tzedakah…. Perfect for Bar or Bat Mitzvah Celebrations Help those in need when you decorate your celebration with these food themed Centerpieces for Tzedakah baskets. Your tax-deductible donation helps to feed over 1,300 people annually! Visit for more information. Instead of flowers at your private event…..make a donation to JFS by “renting” our gaily wrapped food baskets for your decorations. Your rental supports Jewish Family Services food assistance programs. Baskets are available in two sizes: Large for the Bimah or Buffet, and Table for dining centerpieces. Our committee of volunteers can coordinate the baskets with your desired theme and colors! Decorated baskets will be delivered to your party location for a small fee. A sample basket is on display in the JFS Offices. For more information contact Mindy @ or 408-354-7455. 11 Please accept this donation to Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley Your gift to Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley last year made a difference in the lives of more than 9,800 people in our community. 䡺 䡺 䡺 䡺 䡺 䡺 Jewish Family Services Fund supports JFS’ work in our local community Burt Epstein Community Service Fund supports JFS SV collaborations with local groups to provide community service Project N.O.A.H. (No One Abandoned Here) provides emergency services to the most needy among us Ursula Gusdorf Memorial Scholarship Award grants educational scholarships so refugees can pursue their education Addie and Ray Kopp Memorial Fund supports programs for seniors and émigrés Harvey Belsky Fund for where the need is greatest Enclosed is $ as my gift to Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley. 䡺 Visa 䡺 MasterCard Card # Donor Name: Exp. Sec code Email: Address: Signature: Telephone: 䡺 In honor of 䡺 In memory of: Another Message: Please notify : Address: You may fax this form with your credit card information to (408) 551-0625. Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley 14855 Oka Road Suite 202 Los Gatos, CA 95032 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley works in partnership with these fine organizations U ED S L A E V V EN T M I E T ED T A D NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 133 LOS GATOS, CA