Contents - Journal of Mammalogy


Contents - Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of Mammalogy
An Official Publication of the
American Society of Mammalogists
Volume 96, Number 2
April 2015
Published online April 25, 2015
Feature Articles
Fine-scale genetic structure of the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) in a Sky Island mountain range—Robert C. Lonsinger,
Rena M. Schweizer, John P. Pollinger, Robert K. Wayne, and Gary W. Roemer-------------------------------------------------- 257
Environmentally induced phenotypic variation in wild yellow-bellied marmots—Adriana A. Maldonado-Chaparro,
Julien G. A. Martin, Kenneth B. Armitage, Madan K. Oli, and Daniel T. Blumstein----------------------------------------------- 269
Purposeful wanderings: mate search strategies of male white-tailed deer—Aaron M. Foley, Randy W. DeYoung,
David G. Hewitt, Mickey W. Hellickson, Ken L. Gee, David B. Wester, Mitch A. Lockwood, and Karl V. Miller------------- 279
Morphological and molecular evidence supports specific recognition of the recently extinct Bettongia anhydra (Marsupialia:
Macropodidae)—Matthew C. McDowell, Dalal Haouchar, Ken P. Aplin, Michael Bunce, Alexander Baynes,
and Gavin J. Prideaux--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 287
Genetic distinctiveness of red foxes in the Intermountain West as revealed through expanded mitochondrial
sequencing—Logan A. Volkmann, Mark J. Statham, Arne Ø. Mooers, and Benjamin N. Sacks-------------------------------- 297
Habitat, diet, macronutrient, and fiber balance of Himalayan marmot (Marmota himalayana) in the Central Himalaya,
Nepal—Achyut Aryal, Dianne Brunton, Weihong Ji, Jessica Rothman, Sean C. P. Coogan, Bikash Adhikari,
Junhu Su, and David Raubenheimer-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
Morphometric and demographic differences between tropical and temperate Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)—Fleur H. Porter,
Federico Costa, Gorete Rodrigues, Helena Farias, Marcelo Cunha, Gregory E. Glass, Mitermayer G. Reis,
Albert I. Ko, and James E. Childs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 317
A game of cat-and-mouse: microhabitat influences rodent foraging in recently burnt but not long unburnt
shrublands—Tim S. Doherty, Robert A. Davis, and Eddie J. B. van Etten----------------------------------------------------------- 324
Abundance and demography of bottlenose dolphins inhabiting a subtropical estuary in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean—
Pedro F. Fruet, Fábio G. Daura-Jorge, Luciana M. Möller, Rodrigo Cezar Genoves, and Eduardo R. Secchi------------ 332
Factors affecting acoustic detection and site occupancy of Indiana bats near a known maternity colony—
Zachary D. E. Kaiser and Joy M. O’Keefe--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 344
Ultrasound as a non-invasive alternative for deuterium oxide dilution measurements in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)—
Lori Polasek, Shawna Karpovich, Jill Prewitt, Carrie Goertz, Suzanne Conlon, and Daniel Hennen----------------------- 361
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Effects of an extensive fire on arboreal small mammal populations in a neotropical savanna woodland—André F. Mendonça,
Thaiz Armond, Anna Carla L. Camargo, Nicholas F. Camargo, Juliana F. Ribeiro, Priscilla L. Zangrandi, and
Emerson M. Vieira-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 368
A range-wide occupancy estimate and habitat model for the endangered Point Arena mountain beaver
(Aplodontia rufa nigra)—William J. Zielinski, Fredrick V. Schlexer, Jeffrey R. Dunk, Matthew J. Lau,
and James J. Graham--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 380
Population resilience in an American pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulation—Andrew T. Smith and John D. Nagy-------------- 394
Possible non-offspring nursing in the southern right whale, Eubalaena australis—Peter B. Best, Simon H. Elwen,
Per J. Palsbøll, Meredith Thornton, Evan Austin, and Katja Vinding----------------------------------------------------------------- 405
Sex-biased parasitism in monogamous arctic foxes is driven by diet—Olwyn C. Friesen, James D. Roth, and
Lane C. Graham----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 417
Weaning age variation in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)—Cory J. D. Matthews and Steven H. Ferguson------------------ 425
Effects of light pollution on seasonal estrus and daily rhythms in a nocturnal primate—Thomas LeTallec, Marc Théry,
and Martine Perret-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 438
Molecular and morphologic data reveal multiple species in Peromyscus pectoralis—Robert D. Bradley, David J. Schmidly,
Brian R. Amman, Roy N. Platt II, Kathy M. Neumann, Howard M. Huynh, Raúl Muñiz-Martínez,
Celia López-González, and Nicté Ordóñez-Garza--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 446
Book Review
The Mammals of Sri Lanka by A. Yapa and G. Ratnavira—Burton K. Lim--------------------------------------------------------------------- 460
Reviewers--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 463
Donors---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 466
Comments and News----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 467
Deaths Reported------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 470
Erratum------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 471
Front Cover—This ringtail (Bassariscus astutus, Procyonidae) was photographed in New Mexico’s Guadalupe Mountains as it
ascended a chinquapin oak in an attempt to evade the photographer. Their nocturnal and solitary habits make them difficult to observe,
however, they are often common throughout their range and relatively easy to capture. An article by R. C. Lonsinger et al. can be
found on pages 257–268. Photo taken by J. A. Grummer.
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