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University of Central Florida
The UCF Report
The UCF Report, Vol. 11 No. 07, October 5, 1988
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Volume 11, Number 7
For Faculty and Staff
Private companies
offer to build, run
student housing
The possibility of more student housing on campus was revived last week
with the proposals by two companies to
finance, build and operate dormitories
for 500 students
With the approval of the Florida Board
of Regents the University asked for the
proposals that call for private financing,
construction and operation.
Proposals were received last Thursday from two consortiums, one known
as Collegiate Inns Development Corporation, Tallahassee, and the other Florida Educational Facilities Leasing, Maitland.
A Resident Housing. Review Commit- .
tee, comprised of Bill Morris, chair;
Chris McCray; students Rick Moss,
Russ Nelson and Dana Owens; Richard
Paradise, Jack Winstead, Jerry Osterhaus and Dr. Bill Brown, will review the
offers and make a recommendation to
the Board of Regents.
The Department of Natural Resources
and the state cabinet will have to approve before a contract is let.
The request for proposals allows a
great latitude for creative structuring of
the financing and operation. The company that signs a lease with the University will have long term use of 11 acres
east of the Scholarship House between
Aquarius Agora Drive and Lake Claire.
The building height will be limited to
five stories and the exterior must be of
Amenities offered in the project are up
to the developer, who may not charge
less than rates charged by the University's Housing Department.
Lack of public funding for student
housing has forced universities to seek
creative arrangements with private
Morris said that if an agreement can
be reached before the end of the year
the builder-operator would still be able to
complete at least some of the units in
time for the Fall 1989 term.
Act quickly; think slowly
Greek proverb
Dr. Terrell Bell, former U.S. Secretary of Education and now a professor of education at the University of
Utah, will be the speaker on Oct.11
at an OJ Forum observing UCF's
25th anniversary.
The Forum, an Orlando Chamber
of Commerce activity open to everyone, will run from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at
the Expo Center and will follow the
theme "Black and Gold with a Silver
A continental breakfast is available without charge. In addition to
Bell's speech, the program will feature an 8-minute video commemorating UCF's contributions and accomplishments since the University
was chartered in 1963. The video,
prepared by Gary Twitchell of Instructional Resources, will have its
premier showing at the Forum.
October 5,1988
Local area network so good
UCF forms PC-LAN institute
UCF names
new director of
campus security
The University has a new director of
campus security, Richard P. Turkiewicz, who has held the same title at
Youngstown State University (Ohio) for
eight years.
Turkiewicz was chosen after a national search and he will report for duty on
Nov. 28 to replace Ron Seacrist who resigned to take a position at Sarasota,
the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance announced.
The search committee was chaired by
Dr. Joyce Clampitt.
The new director began his career in
law enforcement as a trooper with the
New York State Police, was an investigator for State University of New York at
Buffalo, and director of State University
of New York at Alfred before serving at
He earned a BA in Sociology from
State University of New York at Fredonia and an MA in Social Sciences from
State University at Buffalo. He also has
lectured on criminal justice topics at
several universities and colleges.
He holds the rank of lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserves, specializing in Naval Intelligence.
Among honors he has received is the
1987 Outstanding Accomplishment
Award from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.
Married and father of three children,
he has been active in church, school
and community affairs.
Arboretum party
a '25th* celebration
Picnic blankets, musical instruments
and sketch pads will be welcome accessories to an afternoon of food, music
and just communing with nature on Saturday, Oct. 29, when the UCF arboretum
opens to the public and celebrates the
University's 25th anniversary.
Planned activities include a tree planting ceremony, plant sale, workshops on
gardening, natural history and watercolor painting. Events are scheduled from
2 to 6 p.m.
In the exploding world of personal
computer use UCF has emerged in the
forefront this year, ready to show other
schools how to transform an isolated
machine into a tool a thousand times
more powerful.
Four years of research at UCF has
brought out a campus network that allows a student to access more than 800
programs at any one of 250 computers
in six labs in five buildings on campus,
plus 150 more PCs on five LANs on
three area campuses.
Earlier this year a team within Computer Services made known their proposed solution to the former isolation of
the personal computer. So many advantages were demonstrated that the
Board of Regents in July authorized the
creation of an Institute for Local Area
"This institute would have as one of
its major roles the conduct of basic research on the design, deployment and
use of LANs. It is expected to do for
LANs what 1ST does for simulation and
training, what CREOL does for lasers
and electrooptics and what FSEC does
_ for solar energy."
Michael Bass
Vice President for Research
Networking Development to continue research and design and to demonstrate
the prototype to other institutions.
The institute has temporary working
space in CREOL, iocated in the Research Pavilion in the Central Florida
Research Park. A permanent home on
BOR recognizes achievements,
adopts growth plan for the future
The Florida Board of Regents meeting
on the Orlando campus Sept. 23 recognized the University's 25 years of
achievement and adopted a growth plan
to accommodate a crunch of new students trying to get into UCF and most
other state universities.
UCF graduate student Jackie Goigel
took her seat as a regent in time to welcome the delegation led by President
Trevor Colbourn with the 25th anniversary resolution for BOR adoption. The
delegation, representing all facets of
the University community, plus alumni
and community boosters, included Laura Pooser, Jerry McGratty, Barbara
Pope, Phil Taylor, Denver Stutler, Cynthia Moore, Sue Anderson, Joanne
Bandy, Miller McCarthy, Dan Mahurin,
Pat Knipe, Van Canada, Joe Stahl, Sandra San Miguel, Lou Pritchett, Les Ellis,
Charles Millican, Tony Padilla, Edward
Eliscu, Al Fickett, James Schofield, Joe
Morgan and Jerry Chicone.
The BOR adopted a $1.4 billion 198990 budget that represents a 14.68 percent increase. If the legislature grants
the request then Florida's nine public
universities would open the doors to
5,900 additional students in the fall of
The growth plan adopted by the board
would allow UCF to increase its head
count by about 611 and total enrollment
would grow to around 18,800. In full time
New neighbor developers give
UCF an eminent scholar chair
Newcomers to the area proved themselves good neighbors last week by
presenting UCF with the largest academic gift in its 25-year history . Developers of the proposed University
Estates subdivision gave $625,000 to
endow an eminent scholar chair that will
help bolster Florida's.fast growing laser
and electro optics industry.
The gift from Cobb Partners Development, Inc., a Jacksonville-based development firm headed by the former chair. man of Arvida Disney Corporation, and
L.J. Hooker Homes, the U.S. home
building arm of Australia-based Hooker
Corporation Limited, will be matched by
$437,500 from the State of Florida to
create an endowment of $1,062,500 to
hire and support the work of an internationally recognized scholar in the laser
and optical sciences at UCF's Center for
Research in Electro Optics and Lasers
"The Cobb-L.J. Hooker Eminent
Scholar Chair in Optical Sciences and
Engineering represents the private sector's commitment to support public education and also reflects the great
strides made by the. University in developing research capabilities that serve
the area's growing high-tech industries,"
said Charles E. "Chuck" Cobb, Jr., di-
rector of Cobb Partners and former
chairman and chief executive officer of
Arvida Disney Corporation.
Cobb, a long-time champion of education and current Under Secretary for
Travel and Tourism with the U.S: Department of Commerce, also serves as vice
chairman of the board of trustees for the
University of Miami, is an honorary trustee at Biscayne College, and is trustee
of the business school trust fund at
Stanford University where he earned BA
and MA degrees.
"Few public-private partnerships will
pay off as handsomely for everyone as
the one Cobb and L.J. Hooker executives have formed with us," UCF President Trevor Colbourn said in accepting
the contribution.
"The generous gift of the Cobb-L.J.
Hooker Eminent Scholar Chair will accelerate CREOL's development and will
add to the center's already substantial
national reputation," Colbourn added.
"Just as importantly, the chair will help
us meet the teaching and research challenges of a $1-billion Florida industry
which is expected to triple in size in a
little more than a decade."
Research which led to the acquisition
of the 226-acre site near UCF from the
Page 2
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5,1988
IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY." (NSF)- Two kinds of awards will be
made: postdoctoral fellowships and
professional development awards. The
postdoctoral fellowships are intended
for recent PhDs in an area of science,
technology and society studies (for instance, history and philosophy, ethics,
sociology, psychology or anthropology
of science or technology). The professional development awards are intended
to support established scholars from
the field of science, technology and society studies to improve their understanding of science and technology or
to support experienced scientists and
engineers to improve science or technology studies skills. Due date Nov. 15.
"1989-90 FULBRIGHT TEACHER EXCHANGE PROGRAM" (USIA)- Applications are invited from college faculty to
teach in schools or colleges or to attend
seminars abroad for one year. Countries involved in this program are: Argentina, Belgium/Luxembourg, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany,
France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Mexi- "
co, The Netherlands, Norway, Panama,
The Philippines, Senegal, South Africa,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom:
Due date Oct. 15.
BOARD)- The SREB manages a smallgrants program which enables faculty at
institutions of higher education in six
Southern states (including Florida) to
obtain supplemental support for expenses incurred while traveling to use
equipment and facilities not available locally. The grant should not be expected
to exceed $750. Due date open.
PROGRAM" (US DEPT OF EDUCATION)- The purpose of this program is to
assist institutions of higher education to
plan, develop and carry out a program to
strengthen and improve undergraduate
instruction in international studies and
foreign languages. Due date Nov. 4,
EDUCATION)- The Business and International Education Program provides
grants to institutions of higher education to enhance international business
education programs and to expand capacity of the business community to engage in international economic activities. Due date Nov. 9, 1988.
Space Center, Eastern Space & Missile
Command/Patrick AFB, and Prime Aerospace Contractors will be briefing industry of FY89 procurement projects on
Thursday, Oct. 20, in the Galaxy Theatre at Spaceport USA. For reservations
contact NASA/KSC, Industry Assistance Office, MailCode: SI-PRO-4,
(407) 867-7353.
For further information, plase call
Grants Development at 275-2671.
One day well spent is to be preferred to
an eternity of error.
Official Memoranda
All Employees
Mark Roberts, Director
University Personnel Services
Paid Holidays
Publication of these memoranda and announcements about University
policy and procedure constitutes official notice to faculty and staff
USPS Personnel
Shelley Lines
Training Manager
Training Programs
In the listing of the paid holidays for the remainder of this
fiscal year the date for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
should be Monday, Jan. 16, 1989.
The Training Department is offering the following programs
during the months of October and November. They will be
held in the Training Room in Personnel, AD230.
If you wish to attend one or more sessions, please call
Naomi or Sarah, x2771.
AIDS IN THE WORKPLACE-A repeat of the AIDS Program
given in May and June. The impact AIDS has had and will
have on each employee's role within the workforce; the policies and legalities will be discussed. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1011 a.m.
AUXILIARY LEDGERS--For employees who know the basics
of the departmental ledger. Friday, Oct. 14, 10-11 a.m.
BASIC DEPARTMENT LEDGER-The basics of "How to Read
a Departmental Ledger". Tuesday, Oct. 11, 10-11 a.m.
who know the basics of the departmental ledger. Thursday,
Oct. 13, 10-11 a.m.
who know the basics of the Departmental Ledger. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 10-11 a.m.
ENGLISH REVIEWED1. Punctuation-Monday, Oct. 24, 10-11:30 a.m.
2. Capitalization and Numbers (also review of punctuation)--Monday, Oct. 31, 10-11:30 a.m.
3. Division of Words (also review of capitalization and
numbers)-Monday, Nov. 7, 10-11:30 a.m.
4. Letter Writing (review of division of words)-Monday,
Nov. 14, 10-11:30
TELEPHONE COURTESY-Answering calls, taking messages, transferring callers, handling problems over the phone,
handling calls for others. Thursday, Nov. 3, 10 a.m.-noon, or
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 10 a.m. -noon.
TRAVEL PROCEDURES--(for individual travelers-will not include advances and group travel). Travel forms, per diem,
mileage, incidental, American Express Card, Avis Car Rental,
Image Travel Agency. Each session will include one hour of
presentation, followed by a half hour for discussion and
questions. Thursday, Oct. 20, 2-3:30 p.m., or Tuesday, Oct.
25, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
All Interested Parties
L. M. Trefonas, Associate Vice President
Graduate Studies
Dissertation and Theses Defenses
The Graduate Council has set this policy. This information
will also appear in the Graduate Procedures Manual and the
Graduate Catalog.
Thesis and Dissertation Defense Sessions
Public Access
Students, faculty, staff and other interested parties are
strongly encouraged to attend thesis and dissertation final
defense sessions. Notices providing date, time and location
of such meetings must be distributed to all academic departments. Faculty advisers and students should consult the
Handbook on Dissertation and Thesis Preparation for deadlines. These sessions are educational and informative for
graduate students and provide an opportunity for colleagues
to observe the work of their peers with students. At the discretion of the Chair of the Committee, questions may be invited from the audience. The Graduate Dean or his designee
may participate in the discussion and observe the vote of the
committee. That part of the session involving committee discussion leading to a "vote on the acceptance of the work will
be closed. Sessions may be recessed briefly to excuse visitors and candidate before this stage begins.
All USPS Employees
Barbara Pope, Chair
Staff Council
UCF Football
Coach Gene McDowell has invited me to pass the word
that faculty and staff members may purchase a single ticket
to any of the remaining home games at the regular $10 price
and receive a second ticket for free. You can get your tickets only at the Wayne Densch Sports Center. As before,
children under 15 years of age are admitted free. Coach
McDowell is very much interested in improving the spirit on
campus and wants you to be in the crowds that cheer our winning Knights on to the national title.
I have enjoyed watching the Knights in action every year
and encourage you to go out to the stadium and join in the
fun. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised and have an
enjoyable evening.
All Departments
Bill D. Morris, Director
Administrative Services
SUNCOM Rate Reduction
The State Division of Communications' change of equipment and vendors providing call services has resulted in a
decrease in the costs of SUNCOM.
I am pleased to announce that SUNCOM charges for both
in-state and out-of-state calls, were reduced five cents per
minute effective Oct. 1, 1988. This will be more than a 15
percent reduction.
The University Community
Trevor Colbourn, President
United Way Campaign
The 1988 Heart of Florida United Way Campaign is now underway!
Mr. Chuck Luthin, 1988 general campaign chairman and
vice president, Walt Disney World, advised us of the change
in name of our local United Way to "Heart of Florida" (which
still includes Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties) as an
effort to unite in name what already exists-that is, one community. He stated that the purpose of United Way can be
summed up in the words: "Neighbors working together to help
build a better community." He further stated that United Way
is the "best buy" for one's charitable dollar because 91 percent of the funds collected go to 75 human service agencies,
with only nine percent expended in United Way operations/
administration. Also, local citizens both raise and allocate
United Way funds to local human services agencies only,
and as a donor you can identify the agency or agencies you
wish to support.
The UCF campaign is scheduled for the period Oct. 3Nov.3. Please give your support to this important community
program and help us to achieve our 1988 goal of $30,000.
AfeirV neighbors give UCF eminent scholar chair
Orange County Research and Development Authority for the Development of
University Estates—an exclusive swim
and tennis club community of $125,000$500,000 homes—indicated Orlando's
"highest quality of employment growth"
in the next decade will occur in a "fivemile radius" around UCF and neighboring
Central Florida Research Park.
"University Estates not only helps
perpetuate public education and the
area's technological growth and research, but accomodates the up-scale
housing needs resulting from new job
formation in the park, at UCF, and from
surrounding industries by creating a
residential community in a stimulating
academic environment," Daryl Spradley,
corporate marketing director of L. J.
Hooker Homes, explained.
The creation of the Cobb-L.J. Hooker
Eminent Scholar Chair provides a further boost for CREOL which has grown
into one of the nation's leading centers
for teaching and research in the optical
sciences and laser field since its founding in 1985.
Located in Central Florida Research
Park, named last year as one of the nation's top business parks by Site Selection Handbook, CREOL currently is
staffed by 13 faculty members,
equipped with 16 laboratories, and is
helping fill the demand for the estimated
3,000 new scientists and engineers expected to be needed in the optical industry throughout Florida by the year
Creation of the Cobb-L.J. Hooker
chair raises UCF's number of fully funded eminent scholar chairs to four. Six
other UCF chairs are progressing towards the $600,000 private giving threshold which triggers a $400,000 matching
contribution by the State of Florida under the Eminent Scholar Program initiated in 1979 by the Florida Legislature to
promote public-private partnerships.
Decide not rashly. The decision made
can never be recalled.
Henry W. Longfellow
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5, 1988
Page 3
Employee of the Month
Linda Esposito loves her job
in the College of Education
When her temporary part-time job
downtown was coming to an end Linda
Esposito started looking in the same
area for her next paycheck.
Almost as an afterthought she put in
an application at UCF. Although she
grew up on the east side of Orlando she
didn't think of the University as a place
where people worked.
A friend, a secretary in one of the colleges, suggested she give it a try. She
did, she's glad she did, and though she
would like to go up the ladder from clerktypist specialist, she doesn't want to to
leave the College of Education. It all
has to do with the friends she has made
in the past 14 months.
Linda works in the front office of Instructional Programs, chaired by Dr.
Robert Martin and staffed by two dozen
faculty members, on area campuses, as
well as the main campus. She works directly with Catherine Martin, administrative secretary, and Susan Schab, secretary specialist, the other two full time
employees, and student assistants.
Susan answers the telephones and that
means she sets up appointments for faculty.
A typewriter is the other tool of her
trade that gets constant use, but that is
being supplanted by a word processor.
Each of the fulltime employees in the office has the same kinds of tools in similar desk arrangements. It's a busy office and they must help each other as
the workload shifts.
Because Linda fitted into the team
spirit so well Susan nominated her for
Employee of the Month, and the luck of
the draw picked her to receive the title,
honors and gifts for the month of October.
Susan said of her young co-worker,
"When you ask her to do something,
even at one minute to 5 o'clock, she
pitches in cheerfully and does the job
Catherine amplified Susan's sentiment. "Linda? We just love her.
Couldn't do without her."
When she graduated from Colonial
High School Linda sought a job because
she didn't have a strong motivation to
get a college education. She still has
not focused on a career goal, but knows
that when she does make up her mind
she is in the right place to complete her
Meanwhile, it's a nice place to work
and she does enjoy bowling with the
UCF Bowling League on Wednesday
...she also has the right formula for being liked herself
Hispanic Week-free music, food, arts and craftsCampus police
Hispanic Week provides national recognition of Hispanics, their heritage and
their contributions to the historical development of the U.S., and it will be observed for the fourth year on the UCF
campus Oct. 17 through Oct. 2 1 .
Four days of free entertainment have
been planned and on Tuesday from 8
a.m. until 2:30 p.m. an open house will
be held in the Office of Minority Student
Services, second floor of the Administration Building.
At open house, said Jose R. Aleman,
coordinator of student affairs for the Office of Minority Services, there will be a
book exhibit, a display of arts and crafts
and samples of traditional Latin American foods.
Los Romanticos trio will provide live
music for diners at the University Dining
Room on Monday from noon until 1:30
Musical shows are planned for three
evenings, all in the Student Center Auditorium.
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. pianist Luis Ramos and singer Jannine Gamache will
be in concert.
A variety of music and dancing are on
tap Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Entertainers
Jose Aleman promotes unity
among Hispanic Americans
Jose R. Aleman has a philosophy
about his work that goes: "Unity among
Hispanics regardless of national background."
His fear is that stressing nations of origin can be divisive at a time when all
Latin Americans who have become U.S.
citizens need to help one another.
"We have more common denominators
than differences, such as language,
culture, social and economic background and very similar experiences as
citizens of the U.S."
A native of the Dominican Republic,
raised in the Bronx, Aleman dedicated
himself early to opening doors, first for
himself, and then for others.
Since 1984 he has been the coordinator of student affairs for the Office of Minority Student Services. This led him to
found and become the adviser for the
Hispanic American Student Association, a group dedicated to incorporating
Hispanics into college life and insuring
their academic development.
He is a member of the League of United Latin American Citizens and is chairman ot LULAC's scholarship committee
and president of the Dominican Association of Central Florida.
Hispanic Week comes Oct. 17-21
and on campus it will be observed for
the fourth year with four days of programs in which the campus, public is invited to free musical entertainment and
a sampling of typical Hispanic foods.
Personnel Office reports 41 UCF employees are Hispanic Americans.
In this one week Aleman will have add
ed opportunity to get across the message that he spends all year spreading
through many outlets.
One of those outlets is a radio show of
Latin music, information and interviews
that he emcees over UCF's WUCF-FM
on Saturday nights from 9 until midnight.
With it he reaches beyond the Spanish
speaking community to introduce Latin
American culture.
Spending Saturday nights away from
his family is a sacrifice, but he feels the
responsibility to contribute to society
"because others opened doors for me
and I don't want future generations to go
through the hardships I had to go
through for acceptance and recognition."
He teaches speech and intermediate
structure for the Communication Department of Volusia Community College two
nights a week.
He writes a weekly column called
"Hispanic Tribune" that runs in Hispanic
newspapers in Orlando, Miami and New
York. Rollins College and area high
schools have called on his services as
a speaker. The subject: Minorities in
Higher Education, his favorite theme,
stresses positive reinforcement.
Before moving to Florida Aleman was
founder president of the Coalition of Hispanic Organizations in Providence, Rl,
vice president of the Providence Human
Relations Commission and board member of the Urban League of Rhode Island.
include Los Claudio, father-son, who
sing and play guitars; Daisy Yanas,
folklore ballet; Argentine tango specialist singing and playing guitar, Mario Diotti, and vocalists Lauriano Prado and
Mercibel Fernanda in duet.
Live Latin bands Vibracion 87 will perform for students in the Student Center
Auditorium from 9 until midnight on Friday.
Hispanics represent four percent of
the student population, but Hispanics
are now the fastest growing segment of
the U.S. population.
"We are both the oldest and the newest citizens of this country," said Aleman, reminding that Spaniards founded
St. Augustine, the first city on the mainland of North America settled by Europeans.
in action make
example for state
An account of campus police working
cooperatively with the Orange County
Sheriff's Office to determine that a subject under suspicion should be arrested
was retold on the front page of the September 1988 issues of FCIC ( Florida
Crime Information Center newsletter).
UCF Officer Robert Klosterman told
the story of stopping two suspicious
males on May 7, 1988 and running drivers' license and warrants checks
through the FCIC/NCIC system, then
the sheriff's office was checked. The
checks showed one of the two men had
two outstanding warrants for parole violation and he was arrested and later
sentenced to time in jail.
Klosterman was quoted as saying
"This experience shows that when two
different agencies work together they
The greater the man the greater the
can accomplish more by sharing inforcourtesy.
Tennyson mation for the common good of both."
...WUCF-FM gives him a chance to introduce Hispanic culture
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5,1988
Page 4
Bldq. B l d a .
Buildina Manager
Assoc. V.P., Admin. & Finance
Dr. Joyce Clampitt
Director of the Libraries
Mrs. Anne Marie Allison
Superintendent, HVAC
Mr. Pete Cunningham
Supervisor, Water/Sewage Treatment
Mr. Stephen Healy
Chair, Chemistry Department
Chemistry Bldg.
Dr. Howard Miles
Chair, Theatre Department
Theatre Bldg.
Dr. Harry Smith
Director, Student Center
Student Center
Mr. Jimmie Ferrell
Director, Housing Operations
Resident Halls
Mr. Christopher McCray
Interim Dean, College of Health
Health & Physics
Dr. Leslie Ellis
Director, Computer Services
Computer Ctr. I
Mr. William Branch
Dean, College of Business Adm.
Howard Phillips Hall
Dr. Clifford Eubanks
Recreational Services Director, Recreational Services
Mr. Loren Knutson
Physical Plant ComDirector, Physical Plant
Mr. Anthony Blass
Campus Police Bldg.
Acting Director, Univ. Police
Mr. James Depuy
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Humanities & Fine
Arts Bldg. .
Dr. Jack Rollins
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Rehearsal Hall
Dr. Jack Rollins
Biological Sciences
Chair, Biology Department
Dr. Robert Gennaro
Education Complex
Dean, College of Education
Dr. William Johnson
Central Receiving &
Supervisor, Central Receiving
Print Shop
Mr. Kenneth Dedering
Creative School for
Administrator, Creative School
Mrs. Dolores Burghard
Physical Education
Asst. Dir. & Bus. Mgr., Int. Ath.
Support Bldg.
Mr. Bill Arnold
Student Services Bldg. Assoc, Director, Univ. Business
Mr. Tim Carroll
Student Health Center Director, Student Health Center
Dr. John Langdon
Computer Center II
Chair, Computer Science
Dr. Amar Mukherjee
Resident Halls
Director, Housing Operations
Mr. Christopher McCray
Blda. Title
0003 Utility Plant
0004 Sewage Plant
Commons Bldg.
0038 Wayne Densch Sports
Center I
0039 Wayne Densch Sports
Center II
0040 CEBA I
0044 Engineering Field Lab
0046 Utility Plant Machine
0302 Ceramic Lab
0305 Dome B - Art
0306 Dome C - Research
0307 Dome D - Phy. Ed.
0308 AFROTC - Bldg. A
0309 AFROTC - Bldg. B
0310 KIOSK
0311 Lake Claire Area
Director, Housing Operations
Mr. Christopher McCray
Asst. Dir. & Business Mgr., Int.
Mr. Bill Arnold
Asst. Dir. & Business Mgr., Int.
Mr. Bill Arnold
Assoc. Dean, Engineering
Dr. Stephen Rice
Eng. Tech., Civil Eng.
Mr. Robert Laumer
Superintendent, HVAC
Mr. Pete Cunningham
Chair, Art Department
Dr. Maude Wahlman
Chair, Art Department
Dr. Maude Wahlman
Chair, Psychology
Dr. Richard Tucker
Director, Recreational Services
Mr. Loren Knutson
Asst. Prof., Aerospace Studies
Capt. David Cannon
Asst. Prof., Aerospace Studies
Capt. David Cannon
President, Student Body
Mr. Denver Stutler
Director, Student Center
Mr. Jimmie Ferrell
Greenhouse - Biology
ZETA House
BPW Scholarship
Property Management
Future Newspaper
Portable Classroom I
Portable Classroom II
Storage Trailer
Extended Studies
TR 17
Computer Science
TR19, TR20
Police Trailer
Army ROTC Trailer
Buildina Manaaer
Chair, Biology Department
Dr. Robert Gennaro
Asst. Vice Pres., Student Serv.
Dr. Carol Wilson
Asst. Vice Pres., Student Serv.
Dr. Carol Wilson
Assoc. Vice Pres., Student Serv
Dr. Carol Wilson
Assoc. Vice Pres., Student Serv
Dr. Carol Wilson
Assoc. Vice Pres., Student Serv
Dr. Carol Wilson
Property Manager
Mr. Ralph Kornrumph
Editor in Chief. Future
Mr. David Schlenker
Director, Academic Support
Dr. Mary Helen Callarman
University Registrar
Dr. John Bush
SSG Glenn Merritt
Director, CMMS Programs
Dr. Consuela Stebbins
Chair, Computer Science
Dr. Amar Mukherjee
Chair, Psychology
Dr. Richard Tucker
Acting Dir., Univ. Police
Mr. James Depuy
SSG Glenn Merritt
Athletics Storage
Asst. Dir. & Bus. Mgr. Int. Ath.
Mr. Bill Arnold
Engr. Tech., Civil Engr.
Civil Engineering Field Mr. Robert Laumer
SSG Glenn Merritt
Army ROTC Trailers
University Registrar
Portable Classroom III Dr. John Bush
Administrator, Creative School
Creative School
Mrs. Dolores Burghard
Supervisor, Central Receiving
Mr. Kenneth Dedering
Central Receiving
Director, Univ. Bus. Services
TR31 & TR 32
Mr. Richard Scott
Vice President, Research
Vending Trailer
Dr. Michael Bass
Acting Director, Univ. Police
Mr. James Depuy
Director of Housing
Mr. Christopher McCray
Director of Housing
Mr. Christopher McCray
Assoc. Dir., Business Services
Mr. Tim Carroll
Bookstore Storage
Chair, Biology Department
Dr. Robert Gennaro
Director, Univ. Bus. Services
Mr. Richard Scott
Business Services
Provost Richard Astro is pleased to announce the opening of an internal
search for a Director of Honors Program. All tenured faculty and those in a
tenure earning position are invited to apply. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a short statement of the qualifications which will help them to
fulfill the obligations of the position. The major duties of the Director of the
Honors Program are:
1. to oversee the development of the program;
2. to work with the Honors Committee, the Honors students and faculty to
create innovative and challenging Honors courses;
3. to direct the Honors orientation and Honors advisement;
4 . to ensure the maintenance of academic standards and eligibility of student continuation in the program;
5. to oversee and guide student development for fellowships and academic
scholarships, as well as student entry into outstanding graduate and professional programs, and selective career paths;
6. to support programs which involve Honors students in University and
community life;
7. to coordinate Honors student and faculty participation in the evaluation
of the program.
The deadline for submission of credentials is Nov. 7, 1988. A search committee appointed by the Provost will review all applicants and recommend
three finalists to the Provost who will choose one as the individual to fill the
Dr. Mark Stern is currently serving as interim director.
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5, 1988
Library shows profs
abstracts of photos
Roads to close
an hour Saturday
for Threshold Run
Paul Martin Lester, assistant professor, Communication, is the creator of 10
paintings on exhibit in the UCF Library
until Nov. 1.
The large black and white paintings
are based on photographs Lester took
when he was a staff photographer for
the New Orleans Times-Picayune. He
has exhibited photographs and paintings in galleries throughout the U.S. and
comments, "Large paintings based on
pictures further abstract the images
making the subjects something more
than originally intended."
Lester teaches visual communication
and photojournalism courses.
Bond campaign
time extended
Flying high
Chancellor Charles B. Reed has extended the U.S. Savings Bond campaign through October to give State Univesity System employees more opportunity to participate in the program.
Any individual at UCF interested in
participating may contact Deborah
Evans at x2771; Mary Alford at x2488,
or W. Rex Brown at x5071.
UCF's innovative aerospace education program for teachers is recognized by the Frank C. Brewer Award, presented by LCol Ron Hudak,
USAF, (left) to David Hernandez, program director, and Jennie Loudermilk, associate dean of Extended Studies. The summer program,
started by Hernandez seven years ago, offers teachers opportunity to
attend campus lectures by aviation notables, take field trips to NASA
and other federal agencies, and on occasion, flights to Washington to
visit the Smithsonian Aerospace Museum. The Brewer Award is the
highest honor presented in the state annually by the Civil Air Patrol.
Hudak is Florida CAP Wing liaison officer.
Canadian seminar
to be repeated
in spring of W
of the Sept. 9,1988 meeting of the
University Benefits Committee
After faculty gave a unanimous endorsement of the Canadian seminar of
last May the Office of International
Studies announced plans to repeat the
program next spring.
Coordinator Anthony Cervone said applications for the next trip are being prepared and soon will be available. The
cost of the program is divided among
the Canadian government, the sponsoring institution and the individual participant.
The Office of International Studies, in
conjunction with the Florida Canada Institute directed the first seminar in Montreal and Quebec City for faculty of the
state university and community college
systems. Twenty-four faculty members
participated in the program cosponsored by the Quebec government
and the Florida Consortium of Community Colleges.
The purpose is to give Florida faculty
an understanding and first-hand experience of Canada's social, political, economic and cultural life.
$ The University Benefits Committee met on Friday, Sept. 9,1988.
$ President Colbourn charged the group with four basic tasks:
$ 1. Recommend the best possible benefits package given current
;;- : u .-.• •;•• •;..-,
£j 2, Make alt decisions with regard to. the best interest of the total Uni•|5 versity community.
;•< 3. Seek out the best group coverage available in order to take adfy vantage of improved rates available only through group plans.
$ 4. Produce recommendations for change or status quo after accepti n g proposals from benefits providers.
$ Following the President's comments Chair David Hernandez asked
>£< for input from the newly constituted committee. Mark Roberts, Per$ sonnel Director, who serves ex officio, gave a brief outline of current
j£j status of benefits and some areas of concern. Walt Bogumil noted that
& "cafeteria plans" have become increasingly popular, but that they
life insurance, He said initial date for implementation was January of
$ 1989, but due to the fact that the program was to be administered by
thd rWv*rtm«ant nf Ariminictratinn if uir» ilrf nrnhshfv ttrtt ho i l Y n l a f o n r
f7 the Department of Administration, it would probably not be in place un£< til a much later date.
£ During the academic year a time will be designated to accept propofy sals for group life, disability, dental and other forms of Insurance. Are•+} view will be conducted of existing tax sheltered annuity (403B) pro^ grams.
|jj5 It was decided that alternates who attend meetings of the committee
$ would be afforded voting status.
$ The next meeting of the University Benefits Committee will be at 2
^ p.m. on Friday,Oct. 14,1988, in Education 328 (Dean's Conference
& Room). The agenda will Include, but not be limited to:
Page 5
1. Discussion of state bid on disability insurance which provides up
$ to 66 percent of salary in dire straights.
$• 2. Report on UCF bid to provide group auto and home owners insu$ ranee.
& 3, Report on status and participation in tax sheltered annuities
£J 4. Discussion of "cafeteria plans".
£• 5. Schedule date to meet with Jim Parry, BOR personnel and nego$ tiations person.
$•» 6. Schedule date(s) to accept input from benefits providers of Insu$ ranee and tax sheltered annuities.
$ 7. Discuss other matters from the floor.
$ If you have questions or concerns you wish to have discussed con^ tact a memberof the Benefits Committee listed below:
£< David Hernandez, chair; Janet Balanoff, Dale Bandy; Chris Bauer, Nil$ da Guarda, Sandra Johnson, Wendell Lawther, Brooks Madsen, Cal
$ Miller, Joann Ogburn, Mikel Petty, Steve Sorg and Mark Roberts (ex
Women's Club
has anniversary
surprise ready
Oct. 20 is the deadline for reservations to attend the UCF Women's Club's
reunion and celebration of the University's 25th anniverary.
The party to be held at the University
Holiday Inn on Thursday, Oct. 27, at
11:30 a.m. will feature presentation of
the newly-endowed scholarship. Longstanding members will be honored and a
"remember when" program will recall
past club events and personalities.
The price for the luncheon party is
$13. A reservation check should be
made payable to the UCF Women's Club
and may be mailed to:
Doris O'Hara, 1633 Comanche Tr.,
Maitland 32751, or,
Velma Hall, 882 Lake Mills Rd., Chuluf4 ota 32766, or,
Ali Armstrong, 1169 Howell Creek Dr.,
Winter Springs, 32708.
Membership dues must be paid.
Two entrances to the University will be
closed for an hour Saturday morning,
Oct. 8, for the five kilometer part of the
annual Threshold Run for the Kids.
Coordinator Dick Tucker reminds
those who might have other business on
campus that between 8:25 and 9:25 ,
a.m. University Boulevard and Central
Florida Boulevard will be closed for the
5K race, the main event when more than
1,000 runners may be filling the streets.
Drivers may still reach the campus
through the Research Park or by Centaurus Boulevard.
Walkers also are welcome to join in
the opening race that begins at 8:30. A
one-mile fun run and a no-fee, quarter
mile kiddie run will follow.
A new sponsor, NCNB bank, joins other boosters, Pepsi Cola and Jewett Orthopaedic Clinic, in helping the beneficiary, Threshold Inc., to provide intensive, individualized treatment for severely dysfunctional children. In a
move to assist the UCF athletic program, $2 of every entry fee will go to the
University's athletic department to support the track program.
Pre-registration at the Kiosk costs
$10; race day the fee is $12. Any
NCNB bank in Central Florida, or Track
Shack of Orlando can pre-register.
cited for articles
A research article in Journalism Quarterly rates UCF and members of the
Communication Department (now
School) faculty among the best for publishing articles printed in mass communication journals.
UCF was ranked 13th in a listing of 30
U.S. universities ranked by author credit for the years 1980 through 1985.
In another table listing 50 of the most
productive researchers in that period
UCF's Fred Fedler was Il4th and Ron
Smith was 43rd. All individuals ranked
higher than the two were associated
with schools in other states.
Prepaid education
is new way to assure
child's way to college
A new way to assure a college education was introduced last month, the Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education
program, aimed at parents who like a
bargain and plan ahead.
The program allows parents to purchase an advance payment contract to
prepay tuition and dormitory fees at any
of the state's nine universities and 28
community colleges. Once a contract is
signed, the state guarantees that the
fees contracted for will be paid at the
time of enrollment of the beneficiary in
the contract.
A child of any age can be named as a
beneficiary in an advance payment contract provided he or she is a resident of
Florida. A variety of plans will be available, including the chance to transfer to
another family member, or even to
transfer to an in-state private postsecondary institution.
The program is housed in the State
Treasurers Office, Tallahassee.
UCF waterskier Kristi Overton will be
one of 10 women athletes to be honored
by the Women's Sports Foundation at a
black-tie dinner in New York City on Oct.
17. The foundation applauds the ":Up
and Coming" women athletes for recent
performances. Overton was selected
as a world-class woman athlete to represent the women vs nature category.
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5, 1988
Page 6
BOR recognizes achievements
equivalency the growth would be 382,
including 111 in the freshman class,
raising the freshman class numbers to
"Getting our enrollment funded is going to be a major effort this year," Chairman Joan Ruff ier told the board. She
called for a renewed public relations effort to gain public acceptance of higher
education as a need that has to be funded.
Ruffier told the board, "We need a five
year implementation plan to follow up
our five year growth plan-which will all
fall short unless we are perceived by the
public as voicing real needs."
Education Commissioner Betty Castor, also a regent, added, "I cannot
stress strongly enough that if we are going to keep up with school construction
we must have cooperation from every
level in this state. There has got to be
an increase in the source of funds and
this is the year when we have to decide,
whether we are going to keep up with
In the consent agenda the board approved hiring Vickrey-Ovresat-Awsumb
(VOA) Orlando architects to design the
$8.6 million Arts Complex, scheduled for
completion in 1992; Ray Johnson & Associates of Orlando to design the
$800,000 remodeling of Howard Phillips
Hall, scheduled for completion in September 1990, and Roe-Elliseo of Orlando to design the $500,000 Campus Security Building due for completion in
March 1990.
The budget includes 1989-90 funding
of $371,024 for UCF's new bachelor of
fine arts program in film, to be increased
to $778,818 the following year.
Welcome Aboard!
Kelli A. Middlebrooks is a clerk typist
specialist for Undergraduate Admissions. She was formerly employed at
Martin Marietta, and is from Cheverly,
Maryland. She has a seven month old
daughter, Brandy Nichole Salter. Her interests lie in writing poetry, dancing,
and horseback riding.
Joe Izzo was born in Italy, and now
lives in Oviedo with his wife Florence.
He attended the New York Institute of
Technology where he was awarded a BS
in Accounting. His new job is
groundskeeper for Physical Plant. His
former position was crew chief for Carol
King Landscaping.
queen of 77
comes home
Those readers who were at UCF during
Rita Reutter's run for the roses may be
interested to know that she is back and
plans to finish up her master's degree
next year in time for her 70th birthday.
For those unfamiliar with Rita, a short
history lesson is in order.
When calls went out for 1977 Homecoming Queen, Rita decided to toss her
graying curls into the ring. Students
voted her in overwhelmingly.
A graduate student and a grandmother, the 58-year-old widow immediately
captured the attention of media at local,
state and national levels. She appeared
on The Tonight Show with Carson, on
"What's My Line," and was the darling of
the dailies.
No longer would people wonder where
UCF was!
Rita later took on duties as a senior
citizen's advocate with her own local TV
program before moving back to Connecticut and her family.
In a note received last week, she informed the UCF Report she is now living
in St. Cloud and intends to return to
campus soon.
Right on, Rita!
September 23, 1988
WHEREAS, the University of Central Florida, one of the member institutions in the State University System of Florida, is celebrating the
25th anniversary of the date of its original charter during this year, and
Opening tonight
All's well that ends well for Tom (John Mevorach) and Connie (Chrissy
Chauncey) in "Good News," the slapstick spoof of college life in the
Roaring '20s that begins Oct. 5 at the UCF Theatre for seven performances. On hand to oversee the love birds are chums Patricia Bingham (Kim Shader) and Millie (Susanne Chrosniak) who keep things
humming in the classic campus caper. For ticket information call x2862
between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays.
UCF Th(jatre Caooo News
Faculty Reception
Threshc Id Run for the Kids
City&C ounty Recognition
WHEREAS, the University has gained statewide and national recognition for its achievements in its short history, and has contributed
much to the stature and the excellence of the entire university system,
now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Florida Board of Regents, meeting in Orlando on the campus of the University of Central
Florida on this twenty-third day of September, 1988, do hereby commend and applaud the University of Central Florida for the achievements of its first 25 years, with congratulations and best wishes to the
entire University community, and
Oct. 10
Oct. 11
Oct. 12
Oct. 13
Oct 14
Boardw d'K dnci Ou\>vwdll o p ^ c i c i i L/dy
Elie Wie*sel, Nobel Prize Winner
Women s Club Recognition Luncheon
Harvest Festival at Arboretum
Town ai
Oct 16
Oct. 24
Oct. 27
Oct. 29-30
Nov. 2
Nov. 12
WHEREAS, under the dedicated and enthusiastic leadership of
President Emeritus Charles Millican and President Trevor Colbourn,
the University has graduated over 40,000 successful alumni, the faculty has grown from 150 to 668 members with numerous academic stars
and nationally known scholars, and the University has assembled a loyal and supportive administrative staff, and
WHEREAS, as "Orlando's Hometown University," UCF has won the
support of the community, and has generated substantial pride and respect in the communities it serves, and
Oct. 5-10
Oct. 7
Oct. 8
Oct. 10-15
Homecciming Kick-Off Karnival
O. J. Foi
Black 'n Gold Celebrates the Silver
Open H<
Pep Ral
Post Co rtcert Party
Game C
WHEREAS, the University of Central Florida was started with the vision of its founders to provide higher education opportunities to the
citizens of the counties of Orange, Brevard, Osceola, Seminole and
Volusia, and has grown far beyond that in the excellence of its programs, particularly in Computer Science, Electro-Optics and Lasers,
Human Factors Psychology and Simulation and Training, and extends
educational opportunities far beyond its original intentions, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be inserted in the
Minutes of the Board and a copy be presented to President Colbourn
as a token of the Board's respect and best wishes for the continued
success of the University of Central Florida.
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 15
Joan Dial Ruffier, Chairman
Charles Edwards, VC
DuBose Ausley
Alec P. Courtelis
J. Clint Brown
Robert A. Dressier
J. Hyatt Brown
Jacqueline F. Goigel
Cecilia Bryant
Pat N. Groner
Betty Castor
Cecil B. Keene
Raul P. Masvidal
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5, 1988
Page 7
Local area network
The right number
Southern Bell last month donated $1,000 to the UCF/Daytona Beach
Endowed Scholarship Fund, the occasion for smiles by Joe Petrock,
corporate manager for Southern Bell, as he handed over the check to
Sarah Pappas, campus director. Petrock is a member of the DB campus advisory board. The scholarship fund, begun last January, has
grown to $23,000, on its way to a $100,000 goal. Some creative fundraisers are promised by Dr. Pappas.
the second floor of the same building is
being made ready.
G. Hale Pringle, EdD, former associate director for instruction and research support at Computer Services,
was named director of the institute. He
also was the principal developer of
Novell Inc. of Provo, Utah, has agreed
to make a $250,000 grant to launch the
institute and a commitment for a second
award was secured from the State Department of Education's FIRN (Florida
Instructional Resources Network) project. The institute is expected to operate on grants, contracts, subcontracts,
gifts and donations.
Novell is a new and fast-growing company. In 1983 it had a staff of 13 and today there are more than 2,000 on staff
while the company's sales this year are
expected to top $300 million.
In the field of local area networking a
survey showed Novell with 62 percent of
the market in June 1988, while IBM, in
second place, had 19 percent.
UCF has been working with Novell
since 1984, adapting to academics a
technology developed for businesses.
1988 Homecoming Schedule
Saturday, October 8, 1988
• "Duffer's Delight" Golf Tournament
Deer Run Country Club
Registration - 7:30 am
• Shotgun Tee Off -8:00 am
$30 per person
Limited Space Available
Wednesday, October 12, 1988
• "UCForum" Quarterly Luncheon
Church Street Station
11:30- 1:00 pm
Speaker - Athletic Director Gene McDowell
$12.50 per person
Friday, October 14, 1988
• Homecoming Parade/On Campus
12:00 Noon
• Alumni Reception 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Student Activities Center
• Concert featuring Comedian Jerry Seinfeld
UCF Gymnasium 8:00 pm*
Tickets available in the Alumni Relations Office: $10 - Alumni,
$12 - General Admission
Saturday, October 15, 1988
• Homecoming/Tailgate Party
Citrus Bowl 11:00 - 1:30 pm
Game Kickoff 2:00 pm
In a company publication that reaches
150,000 readers, Novell earlier this year
praised what Pringle and his aides had
done with their NetWare.
Novell's president Ray Noorda and
UCF's president Trevor Colbourn signed
an agreement to work together to further
LAN technology and academic computing. The company created Novell Higher
Education Joint Partnership Program to
form partnerships with a number of universities by donating equipment and
awarding grants. UCLA and Brown were
included in the first round of grants after
UCF is to become a clearinghouse for
universities, colleges and junior colleges that wish to become active in local
area networking. This will involve making UCF's software portable, writing
manuals and users' guides, publishing
books and creating electronic means for
distributing software.
Currently planned are an electronic
bulletin board, a data base on BITNET (a
network of mainframes with over 650
universities voluntarily taking part) and
a dial-in LAN which interested parties
can access to see how things are done
at UCF.
The FIRN project calls for a similar activity focused on K-12 schools in Florida.
Today, students and faculty can access the centrally located software programs all electronically. Formerly, attendants in each lab had to issue disks
as users requested. Besides being a
slow process requiring human intervention, it still didnt keep disks from disappearing.
Novell software made it possible to
keep the library of disks at a secure location. "Every user has a full-powered
machine at their fingertips because of
access to our tool box concept," Pringle
The PC network also connects to the
mainframe, the biggest computer on
campus, but because the vast library of
LAN software provides students with
nearly everything they need, the mainframe has been relieved of some traffic,
making it available for research that requires a bigger computer.
TPDC says
thanks to
Students have played a key role in the
Defense Training and Performance Data
Center (TPDC) at Central Florida Research Park and that fact was acknowlDecember8-14
edged at a reception and awards ceremony last month.
Since the first student was hired in
First Class
Final Exam
First Class
1984, 63 students have been
employed in the program, representing
11:00 a.m.
10 -11:50 a.m. Tues., Dec. 13
an investment of more than $250,000 by
8 - 9:50 a.m. Mon., Dec. 12
8:00 a.m.
12 -1:50 p.m. Tues., Dec. 13
12:00 noon
8 - 9:50 a.m. Wed., Dec. 14
9:00 a.m.
TPDC. Currently 39 students work for
12 -1:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
1:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
9 - 1 0 : 5 0 a.m. Fri., Dec. 9
TPDC, including eight on projects at
UCF's Institute for Simulation and Train2:00 p.m.
2 - 3:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
11:00 a.m.
10 - 1 1 : 5 0 a.m. Wed., Dec. 14
ing (1ST).
3:00 p.m.
2 - 3:50 p.m. Tues., Dec. 13
12:00 noon
12 - 1 : 5 0 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
Duane Schultz, manager of the stu4:00
1:00 p.m.
12 - 1 : 5 0 p.m. Fri., Dec. 9
dent assistant program, noted there is a
continuing need for students in the pro5:00 p.m.
4 - 5:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
2:00 p.m.
2 - 3:50 p.m. Wed., Dec. 14
6:00 p.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Tues., Dec. 13
3:00 p.m.
2 - 3:50 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
gram, especially in the areas of pro6 - 7:50 p.m. Tues., Dec. 13
7:00 p.m.
4 - 5:50 p.m. Wed., Dec. 14
4:00 p.m.
gramming and computer graphics. Al8 - 9:50 p.m. Tues., Dec. 13
8:00 p.m.
though most of the students at TPDC
5:00 p.m.
4 - 5:50 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
are computer science majors, all five
6:00 p.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Wed., Dec. 14
6 - 7:50 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
6:00 p.m.
at UCF are represented. Stu7:00 p.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Wed., Dec. 14
7:00 p.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
dents with majors as diverse as microbi8:00 p.m.
8 - 9:50 p.m. Wed., Dec. 14
8:00 p.m.
8 - 9:50 p.m. Mon., Dec. 12
ology, political science and art have
6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
8 - 9:50 a.m. Tues., Dec. 13
been hired.
9:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
6 - 7:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
8 - 9:50 a.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
Dr. Tom Sicilia, director of TPDC, said
10:00 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
8 - 9:50 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
10 - 1 1 : 5 0 a.m. Thurs., Dec. 8
the students help the center accomplish
Comprehensive Final Examinations must be scheduled during the final examination period at the times indicated above. Any.variance from this its mission by freeing personnel for
schedule must be approved by the Dean of the College and reported to the Office of the Registrar (Schedule & Space Administrator. x5257).
tasks requiring more experience. In reInstructors desiring to schedule multiple section examinations must contact the college assistant/associate dean who will coordinate scheduling
with the Registrar's Office to minimize conflicts. Multiple section examinations must be scheduled on Friday, December 9 (2:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.), turn the students gain skills and insight
Saturday, December 10 (8:00 a.m. -10:50 a.m.; 11:00 a.m. - 1:50 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.), or Wednesday, December 14(1 2:00 p.m. -1:50 p.m.). and become "legitimate and articulate in
Classes that do not meet on the hour must follow the exam schedule as if the class began on the hour (3:30 = 3:00, 9:1 5 = 9:00, etc.).
their field."
Revised Final Exam Schedule
Page 8
The UCF Report, Wednesday, October 5,1988
Reunion party
worlds largest
Chris (Blackbird) Talbot (computer operator II /IR) was born in Sarasota, and
is a junior here at UCF. Manatee Community College, United First Federal and
Winn Dixie Warehouse are among the
places he has worked. He has attended
M.C.C., and lists as his hobbies programming, military jet aircraft, plastic
and rocket models, role playing, and the
Recreation Services
to organize walkers
Recreational Services proposes to organize a walking club for faculty and
staff who don't believe they fit into more
vigorous exercise programs.
The organizational meeting for the
Knight Walkers will be at noon on Monday, Oct. 10, in the Education Building
gym, according to Chris English, assistant director.
"We want you to become one of more
than 60 million Americans who walk for
fitness and exercise," English said.
Those who are unable to attend the
meeting but want more information may
call Rec Services x2408, or the Health
Resource Center x5811.
Dates to remember
for upcoming issues of
J h e UCF Report
Oct. 19
Nov. 2
Nov. 16
Nov. 30
Dec. 14
Oct. 13
Oct. 27
Nov. 10
Nov. 24
Dec. 8
Buildings emptied of workers and students the day that Discovery lifted off for a successful space flight, as the crowd outside of Admin
Building testifies. It had been so long since the last previous missile
launch that watchers didn't know where to concentrate their gaze. If
there seems to be laughter among viewers that's because of theembarrassment experienced when the crowd realized the trail they had
been following was a high-flying aircraft, succeeded and soon forgotten because of a much more spectacular trail in the right place, though
obscured by clouds in early stages.
Welcome Newcomers!
Phyllis L. Ruscella is a current resident of Longwood. She leaves her former job at Rollins College to become an
Associate University Librarian in the
University Library. She was born in
Pittsburgh and attended Pennsylvania
State University, where she earned a
BA in English Education. At the Univerity of Pittsburgh she earned an LS in Library Information Science and at Wrohton College of Fairleigh Dickinson University in Oxfordshire England, she received her MA in British Literature.
Bette Robison formerly worked for
Northwestern University in Evanston Illinois, and at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California. She is currently an
administrative secretary in Extended
Studies. She is a native of Michigan and
her hobbies are sewing, needle crafts,
swimming and traveling. She and her
husband Larry have two grown children.
Marion LaBar lives in Orlando with her
husband Neil LaBar, and their son Brett,
who is 14. Born in Marianna, Florida, she
attended Chipola Junior College, where
she received an AA degree. She leaves
her job at the UCF Federal Credit Union
to become a Fiscal Assistant II in the
Department of Health Services. She enjoys cooking.
Linda Garrett Levy is an assistant visiting professor in the School of Accounting. Born in Newport, Rhode Island, she studied at the University of
Florida, where she received a BS and an
MS in Accounting, a JD (Juris Doctor),
and an LLM (Masters of Law in Taxation). She has worked as a tax consultant with Peat Marwick in Tampa, and as
a tax attorney with Baker and Hostetler
in Orlando. She and her husband, Richard, are looking forward to becoming
parents in January. Some of her hobbies include cycling, cats, and reading.
To Spotlight the UCF
Employee of the Month
I nominate
to be UCF Employee of the Month (Nominee must have been a University Support Personnel System employee for at least one year). Any employee, including faculty and A&P, may nominate a candidate on basis of
job performance, dependability, attitude, etc. A name submitted remains
in the pool of eligible candidates until the end of the calendar year.
Reasons for your choice
The UCF Report
The UCF Report is published biweekly by the Department of Public Affairs, Division of University Relations, University of Central Florida, P.O.Box
25,000, Orlando, FL 32816, (407) 275-2504, in conformity with state laws, at a cost of 27.2 cents per
copy. Publication of announcements and official
memoranda about University policy and procedures
in The UCF Report constitutes official notice to faculty and staff..
D o n Rider, Editor
David Bittle, Photographer
Irene LaBlanc, Laura Brannan, Typesetters
It's billed by the UCF Alumni as "The
World's Largest Class Reunion", the afternoon party at Church Street Station
before the UCF-Georgia Southern football game.
It celebrates the 25th anniversary of
the University and out of 23,000 graduates living nearby coordinators of the
fun time are predicting 7,000 will attend.
The party begins at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, with the headline entertainer, Ben E. King, onstage at 5. Revelers may make the round trip from the
Church Street Station to the Citrus Bowl
for $2. Buses leave at 6 for the 7 p.m.
For $5 advance purchase, lettermen,
fraternity brothers, sorority sisters,
cheerleaders and thousands of grads
and students fan enjoy the special fellowship. The price at the door is $11.95.
Advance purchases through the
Alumni Office benefit UCF's Alumni
Trust for merit scholarships. Purchases
before Oct. 15 qualify for a drawing for a
a champagne balloon flight with Colonel
Joe Kittinger.'
Boardwalk cuts
rates for party
Boardwalk and Baseball will help celebrate UCF's anniversary by cutting admission costs during the month of October.
Students, faculty and staff buying
one ticket at regular price will receive a
second admission at half price. To qualify, show the UCF identification card at
the front gate of the amusement park located at lnterstate-4 and U.S. Highway
The regular price is $17.95 general admission and $13.95 for those under 48
inches in height, or 55 years and older.
The offer is not applicable with any other
This is a free service to fulltime UCF employees. Ad forms are available at the
UCF Report office, ADM 395E. A completed form is needed each time an ad runs.
Deadline is Thursday before the Wednesday publication day.
Tractor-Bolens garden 14 hp, wheel
weights, plow, disc, utility wagon-$1,100.
Helen x2352.
Furniture-odds & ends, 2 end tables,
small desk, small chest of drawers,
dresser, etc. Sharon x2184.
Sofa-love seat, end & coffee tables &
chairs, all good condition. Jackie, x2186.
Ford Escort-1984, 2dr, good condition,
runs great--$2,000/offer. x2422, ask for
Ofc. H. Carpenter, leave message.
Exercise bike-Precor 815E, electronic
readouts, semi-recumbentstyle, like new,
orig. price $400, now only $250. Call
X5181 orx2105.
35mm camera-Cannon T-50 w/50mm
f1.8, 80-200mm f3.9, remote cable release, $225 firm. Mark 365-8368.
Cakes-for all occasions. Order on campus, pick upon campus. Sharon x2184.
Need a weekend away? I will babysit
overnight. Jackie x2186.
Cut out ballot and return to Irene LeBlanc, Public Affairs, AD395J.
(MARK ENVELOPE "Confidential")
Employees of the University may use
the classified ad service of The UCF Report without charge. In order to place an
ad please use one of the pink forms
available at The Report office, AD 395E,
or at the Public Affairs office, AD 395J.
Or, call x2504 and ask to have forms
sent to your office by campus mail.