Employment Services


Employment Services
Employment Services
Workshops May 2015
Straight talking: the art of assertiveness: At work we communicate across
functions and levels, making it essential that we possess the ability to
communicate with one another effectively and clearly. That is why we need to
learn to be assertive! In this workshop, we’ll discuss the differences between
submissive, assertive, and aggressive behaviour and we explore the principles we
need to apply to act assertively. May 13
Call to book your Information Session or Workshop. Pre‐registration is required. 5
Second Career Information Session Write your Winning Resume 2:00 pm ‐ 3:30 pm 9:30 am ‐ 1:00 pm 11
Workplace Skills and Abilities Career Exploration 3 12
Opportunities to Work from Home 4:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm 9:30 am ‐ 12:30 pm 6
Apprenticeship Information 9:30 am ‐ 10:30 am 7
Book Now !
to see an
Employment Consultant.
Dynamic Cover Letters 1:30 pm ‐ 4:00 pm 14
for our "Hot Jobs"
Book now!
Meet with a
Job Developer.
Straight Talking: the art of assertiveness 12:30 pm ‐ 4:00 pm 19
Victoria Day
Second Career Information Session Write your Winning Resume 2:00 pm ‐ 3:30 pm 9:30 am ‐ 1:00 pm Guest Speaker ‐ Shamela Shah Bullying in the Workplace 11:30 am ‐ 2:00 pm 22
Computer, Internet & Email Basics for Beginners 9:30 am ‐ 11:30 am Thinking of Starting a Small Business 2:00 pm ‐ 3:30 pm 25
Using Social Networking 9:30 am ‐ 12:00 pm 26
Visit www.jobskills.org
for details on
Ontario Self-Employment
Hidden Job Market Interview Strategies 9:30 am ‐ 12:00 pm 9:30 am ‐ 12:30 pm Keswick, 155 Riverglen Dr., Unit 7
905 476-8088 or 1 866 470-5947 TTY 905 898-4465
KeswickES@jobskills.org www.jobskills.org
Check our website
regularly for Job Fairs
and Events
This Employment Ontario Service is funded
in part by the Government of Canada.
Employment Services
May 2015
Job Search Workshops: Not sure where to begin with your job search? Looking to improve your resume or
interview skills? These interactive workshops will teach you new ways to search for the right job, access the
hidden job market, create a targeted resume and cover letter, and present yourself effectively in an interview.
Second Career Information Session: An Ontario government program that helps you train for a new career.
If you were laid off any time after January 1, 2005 you may be eligible to apply for Second Career. This session
will provide step-by-step information about the eligibility and suitability criteria for Second Career and will
discuss the financial support that may be available along with direction for next steps in the process.
May 5, 19
Apprenticeship Information Session: Apprenticeship is a hands-on training program for people who want
to work in a skilled trade, that can lead to a rewarding career in a high demand market. This session discusses
some of the skilled trades in Ontario and the process for becoming an Apprentice. May 1
Workplace Skills & Abilities: Struggling with making a career decision? Not sure which skills you’ll need
moving forward? Join this workshop to learn what skills and abilities you have, which ones you want to use,
and where you need to develop. May 11
Opportunities to Work from Home: Does your life circumstance keep you from working outside of the
home? Have you ever thought of working from home but wondered if some of those opportunities you have
heard about are for real? Then you won’t want to miss this new workshop! You have heard about those
various Work from Home opportunities like Transcription Services; Translation Services; Mystery Shoppers;
Home Call Centre Agents; Online Surveys; Gaming and many more. But are they legitimate or are they a scam?
Our workshop will teach you how to complete your own research into the different opportunities and how to
investigate and finally to validate true opportunities. We also provide you with helpful hints and the Do’s and
Don’ts of WFH opportunities like NEVER SEND MONEY! May 12
NEW Bullying in the Workplace with Shamela Shah: Recognizing and implementing enforcement on
bullying in the workplace is vital for company success. It not only helps us to become aware of what it is,
but also how to prevent becoming a victim. Join Shamela to discuss how you can determine...are you the
victim or possibly the bully? May 21
Computer, Internet & Email Basics for Beginners with Ruth Berry: Are you concerned that you can’t job
search because you struggle with computers? Join Ruth Berry from the Georgina Public Libraries and she will
show you how to get started using a computer, creating a document, how to set up and use an email account,
how to search the internet, and more! This two hour workshop will provide you with the basics to get you
started. May 22
Keswick, 155 Riverglen Dr., Unit 7
905 476-8088 or 1 866 470-5947 TTY 905 898-4465
KeswickES@jobskills.org www.jobskills.org
This Employment Ontario Service is funded
in part by the Government of Canada.