a Brochure
a Brochure
What is Young Life? SPO NSORSHIP $1,000 - Beretta Sponsor ___ A monetary sponsor of $1000 will receive : - Team of 4 Shooters - Radio spot on 88.3 The Journey - Large logo recognition on the event’s main banner - Logo on 5 shooting stations. Young Life is a world-class ministry for adolescents. Our staff and volunteers enter the world of kids, focusing on what matters to them—fun, adventure, friendship, and a sense of significance. In doing so, we earn the privilege of talking to them about something that we think matters most of all - the truth about Jesus Christ. Young Life was founded in 1941 by a pastor who wanted to minister to kids who were disinterested in church. Young Life exists in 54 countries and is supported by 4,000 staff members, more than 14,000 volunteer leaders and 12,000 local committee members. Young life is non-denominational and is supported by churches and individuals of all major denominations. Young Life areas are supported financially by the local committee and volunteers in the community. Each area raises it's own funds. $500 - Browning Sponsor_ A monetary sponsor of $500 will receive: - Business logo on the event’s main banner - Logo on 5 shooting stations. $250 - Remington Sponsor_ A monetary sponsor of $250 will receive: - Personalized sign recognition at 3 shooting stations Contact Amy Welch with questions at 817.995.4148 For charitable purposes, the fair market value of the Clay Shoot is $55 per participant. Who is Joshua Young Life? Staff Leader Theresa Boydston Local Committee Nathan & Lisa Berry, Quentin & Shanna Clark, Chris & Samantha Huggins, Hal & Amy Welch, Ron & Lori Stock, Kip Boydston, Talin & Amanda Pepper Please visit our website to learn more about Joshua Young Life! www.joshua.younglife.org S ECOND A NNUAL CLAY SHOOT S ATURDAY , A PRIL 25, 2015 Register a Team by 4/10 and receive a $15 discount per person! A LPI NE S H OOTI NG R A NGE 5482 S HEL B Y R OAD F T . W ORTH , TX 76140 Please visit our website to learn more about Joshua Young Life! www.joshua.younglife.org THE SECOND ANNUAL JOSHUA YOUNG LIFE CLAY SHOOT WHO: Anyone who can hold a shotgun & loves to shoot it! WHAT: A 10 station sporting clays course to benefit the ministry of Young Life teenagers in Joshua. WHEN: Saturday, April 25th, Shotgun Start at 9 am. SCHEDULE: 8:00-8:45 : Late Registration and viewing of Gridboard Prize 9:00 : Short Safety Meeting followed by Shotgun Start Lunch, Gridboard Giveaway and Awards to Follow WHAT’S INCLUDED: 100 Targets Transportation around the course Lunch catered by Roscoe’s Smokehouse WHAT TO BRING: - Gun (available to rent at the facility) - Shells, Eye Protection, Ear Protection (available to purchase at the facility) - A Good Appetite REGISTRATION: Please fill out the form below and return it to: Joshua Young Life, PO Box 1021, Joshua, TX 76058 Or Register Online at: www.joshua.younglife.org Register a Team by 4/10 and receive a $15 discount per person! Please check all that apply: WHERE: Alpine Shooting Range 5482 Shelby Road Fort Worth, TX 76140 Individual Shooter - $100 Team Registration - $400 Early Team Registration (by 4/10) - $340 COST: $100 per person $340 for a team of 4 (if registered by 4/10) *Sponsorship levels also available. (See back of brochure) Sponsorship (See back panel for details) Beretta Sponsor - $1,000 Browning Sponsor - $500 Remington Sponsor - $250 HOW: REGISTER ONLINE AT: TOTAL ENCLOSED: $____________________ www.joshua.younglife.org Or fill out the registration form on this brochure and mail to: Joshua Young Life, PO Box 1021, Joshua, TX 76058 Contact Amy Welch with questions at 817.995.4148 *Make checks payable to Joshua Young Life INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION: Shooter Name:__________________________ Company (If Sponsored): __________________ Email: ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Please indicate below if you wish to be placed on a specific team: Team Captain:___________________________ - OR - Grid Board tickets available to purchase for awesome prizes! www.joshua.younglife.org TEAM REGISTRATION: Team Captain: __________________________ Company (If Sponsored):___________________ Email: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Shooter 2: _____________________________ Shooter 3: _____________________________ Shooter 4: _____________________________