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Jin Shin Jyutsu Louisville, KY June 19-21, 2015 Friday-Sunday ® 3-Day A n i m a l C o m p a n io n and S e l f He l p * C l a s s * Hu m a n re qu i red Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is an art rooted in ancient principles for harmonizing the life energy in the body. Through its sequences of gentle touch on specific areas, called Safety Energy Locks, it can help to balance body, mind, and spirit. The Teacher Adele Leas is an internationally known teacher and proponent of JSJ for animals. Her expertise lies in understanding the balance of body, mind, and spirit in many species. She has taught animal classes for 15 years in the US, Canada, Brazil, and Europe. The gift of poor health led Adele to Jin Shin Jyutsu in 1990. It was only natural to extend the art to her beloved traveling companion, Amiti, a sickly, aging Collie. The improvement in Amiti’s quality of life was profound. A full time practice with human clients and volunteer work with animal rescue organizations continues to deepen Adele’s knowledge of how to share JSJ with many different species. She is the author of Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion, now in its fifth printing. She was chosen as one of the speakers at the First International Jin Shin Jyutsu forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2004. Harmonize life energy with Relax the body Refresh the spirit ® Adele Leas Through the quiet application of hands Adele sharing Jin Shin Jyutsu with a rescued dog. The Animal Self Help Class In this class, learn the basics of using Jin Shin Jyutsu “self help” on horses and dogs as well as yourself. No previous experience required. The class counts towards “JSJ for Your Animal Companion“ certification. The first two days of class will focus on horses at the Rock Creek Riding Club. The third day we will work with rescue and foster dogs at the Paw Zone. Disharmonies and health conditions improved through this art include: •Healing after injury or surgery •Digestive and elimination concerns •Skeletal and muscular issues •Circulatory problems •Arthritis and rheumatism •Other age-related imbalances •Aggression, fear, and grief Adele with Dee Dee was 48 years old when this picture was taken. He loved his Jin Shin Jyutsu. Jin Shin Jyutsu ® 3-Day A n i m a l C o m p a n io n & Sel f Hel p Re gis trati on Form Louisville, KY, June 19-21, 2015, Friday-Sunday, with Adele Leas Name: Address: Email: Class Location Rock Creek Riding Club 3114 Rock Creek Drive Louisville, KY 40207 Phone: New Student: Review Student: Hotel Hawthorn Suites Louisville East Ask for JSJ rate of $95 (502) 899-5959 To Register Make check payable to: Adele Leas and mail with registration to: Kelly Mount P.O. Box 367 Simpsonville, KY 40067 or Paypal funds (with 3% Paypal fee) to: and send registration to Kelly Tuition New Student: $450 (Paypal $463.50), includes textbook Review Student: $400 (Paypal $412) $100 (Paypal $103) deposit to secure a space Space is limited Must be paid in full by June 4 Textbook, JSJ for Your Animal Companion, $25, available at class More Info: Kelly Mount, Organizer (502) 558-3809 Links At Class Dress to be in a barn and around horses. The horses are provided by Rock Creek. Bring a mat, blanket, or quilt for use during (human) self help to sit or lie down on the floor of the clubhouse. Rock Creek dogs and cats are also available for hands-on. Class Sign In opens at 8:30am Class hours 9 to 5 all days