Jean-Luc Starck, Head of CosmoStat Laboratory


Jean-Luc Starck, Head of CosmoStat Laboratory
Brief CV – June 2015 Jean-­‐Luc Starck, Head of CosmoStat Laboratory Service d’Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, France e-­‐mail:, web: Ph.D. 1992 (Obs. of Nice, France, Supervisor: A. Bijaoui), Habilitation 1999 (Univ. Paris XI, France) Visiting Scientist at Stanford in 2000 and 2005, as well as at UCLA in 2004 Books/Monographs: Co-­‐author of three textbooks on Astrophysical Signal Processing, as well as editor of 5 proceedings books of international conferences. Publications: 18 book chapters and over 200 refereed publications in statistical/image processing journals as well as in astrophysics/cosmology journals. Citations: ~38,000, h-­‐index: 90 (June 2015) Citation Record over the past 20 years (Source: Google Scholar, June 2015) Research funding: Over the last 10 years, I have been involved as PI or Co-­‐I in successfully attracting and managing competitive research grants from French, European as well as other International sources with a budget of over 8 million Euros. The funding I received as a PI is 4,342,000 Euros. Teaching: Since 1998, I have taught several graduate courses, as well as presented series of lectures and tutorial sessions, related to signal processing and cosmology, in institutes of the Paris region as well as internationally (i.e. ENS Cachan, Paris VI, Paris XI, UCLA) Student/Postdoc Supervision: I have supervised 13 PhDs, 10 Postdocs, and 11 Masters students Awards/Prizes: ! ERC Advanced Grant, 2008-­‐2103, with a budget of 2,100 kEuro ! EADS Price of the French Academy of Sciences, 2011 Current Administrative/Management Roles: ! Head of the CosmoStat laboratory at CEA/Saclay, since 2010. ! Leader of the level 3 Organization Unit in the Euclid Consortium (a unit which consists of 240 researchers dedicated to design the algorithms that will be used to deliver the products of the ESA Euclid mission, such as power spectra and dark matter mass maps). ! Leader of the OULE3-­‐Weak Lensing Work Package in the Euclid Consortium. ! PI of DEDALE: “Data Learning on Manifolds and Future Challenges” (EU H2020-­‐FETOPEN, budget: 2,703 kEuros, duration: 2015-­‐2018). ! Co-­‐I of PHySIS: “Sparse Signal Processing Technologies for HyperSpectral Imaging Systems” (EU H2020-­‐COMPET, budget: 1,028 kEuros, duration: 2014-­‐2016),. Academic Recognition by Peers: ! Associate editor of the SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), since 2013. ! Vice-­‐President of the International Astrostatistics Association (IAA), since 2013. ! External Advisory Committee, IAASARS/National Obs. of Athens, Greece, since 2015 ! Chairman of 16 international conferences -­‐ presented over 100 invited talks