

Who are we?
Sally has been working with crystals since childhood - naturally
reading crystals and people, and how the two can work together.
With a deep understanding of how to use and care for them, she hand
chooses each crystal, then cleanses and charges them – making the crystals
ready for people to use for themselves and the Earth.
1:1 Crystal Consult-Readings in person or over Skype:– offering readings
and advice on which crystal/s are right for you, how to care for them and
use them for your own development and healing.
She is also trained and offers Spiritual Healing Consults – working with
crystals and you, to help return you to perfect balance. These sessions can
be used for physical, emotional or spiritual healing.
Arno runs the business, organises Events, Workshops & Open Houses.
He also gives presentations and offers advice on how to choose, care for
and use your crystals, and translates into Dutch when needed!
Question? Please email or call us if you have a question, or would
like to book a Crystal Consult, Healing Session or Workshop.
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Crystals to help us Reach our Full, Natural Potential
Each Crystal is Hand Picked
Cleansed in the Full Moon
Charged in the Forest
We can help You pick Your Crystal
We regularly post articles & crystal information on our Facebook page.
Like us at:
Natural Clear Quartz & Lemurian Pendants,
Personal-Colour Pendants, Unique-One-Off Crystals,
Visit our Online Shop at
Bless the Water Crystals, Chakra Crystals,
0642 139 901 (Arno – NL)
0687 224 061 (Sally – UK)
Online-Shop, Open Days & Workshops
Crystal Consults, Healing Sessions,
How to Clean y'r Cry"als
Cleansing crystals in the Full Moon is the best way to get them totally clean and back to
their natural state. We place them outside, overnight on the grass in a very sacred spot
that is surrounded by trees. We also wash some of ours with clean water first. However,
not all crystals can be in water. We have lots of information about the care of specific
crystals and the dates of the Full Moon on our website.
How to Programme your Crystals
This depends on what you would like from your crystal. You will have your own way of
doing it. One basic principle is to keep your intentions simple and clear. Even though a
crystal can hold unlimited information, to get the most power from it keep your requests
direct and focused. And also remember those intentions! Each time you reconnect with
your crystal and your intentions it strengthens them. An example of programming:- hold
the crystal, notice its beauty and be grateful for it. The crystal opens up and becomes
receptive to a proper connection with you then, particularly if you speak out-loud. Ask it
to shine its natural, pure self, to radiate that positive energy to everything it comes in
contact with. To protect and shield you. To delete all negative energy and replace it with
positive, love, light and healing. To aid you to be your highest and most loving potential.
Which Crystal to Choose?
Each crystal has a specific innate energy, a vibration that is general to that type of crystal.
However, they also have an individual energy - their own ‘personality’ if you like. As they
are different, so is their affect on individual people. It is a relationship between crystal
and person, and depends what each person needs or lacks. When choosing a crystal it is
tempting to just read a crystal book, its list of qualities and pick it that way. However, if it’s
for your personal healing, it is better to use your own intuition and inner guidance - your
body will know what vibration it needs to reach perfect balance and health. You can then
read the description in the book, to see if it fits! If you’re unsure how to read crystals for
yourself, you’re welcome to join our workshops. Sally can also read your energy and
advice specific crystals.
Personal Colour Crystals
Your personal colour represents your natural power, strength and abilities. You are born
with it, and wearing the colour enhances your own power. If you know your personal
colour (either intuitively or through a consult with Little Grandmother), you may choose
to wear a crystal of that colour. Because the crystal has the same energy as your Personal
Colour, it will empower and strengthen it for you. Personally, even though I naturally
read myself and other people, I found it difficult to read my own personal colour. I learnt
of it through a consult with Little Grandmother. It was fascinating! It’s not a colour I
would have chosen, but is something in nature I am always drawn to and love. When I
wear it I feel such a difference. I open up and am more present to all I have in me, that is
available for me – to my skills and my natural nature. Arno and I now use our personal
colours daily, and find it a real and deep support. When choosing the crystal to match
your personal colour, remember that even crystals of the same colour vary dramatically in
their energy – e.g. Orange: the energy of Carnelian (grounding, cleansing, comforting) is
very different from Moblydeniet (uplifting, cleansing, opening). If you would like
assistance choosing the right energy colour crystal for you, we are happy to help.
Why Clear Qua(z?
The easiest crystal to programme, it can hold the largest amount of information, has the
purest vibration and the least specific ‘personality’ - making it a wonderfully generic
crystal for all the chakras and energy bodies. Luckily it’s also one of the hardest crystals –
so wears well! Coming in many forms (e.g. Lazer, Tibetan Black, Lemurian Seed,
Celestial, Phantom, Azeztulite) and often with other crystals ‘included’ inside (e.g.
Lodolite, Rutile, Tourmaline, Chlorite). The energy affect of each Clear Quartz differs.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
One of our favourite Clear Quartz. Named for the naturally formed striations (lines) that
go up the crystal. Mythically said to be created in the time of Lemuria, to hold the loving
heart consciousness of that time, making it available for future generations to use during
the shift from the Ego to the Heart. Lemurians offer guidance and support in lifting our
consciousness back to the Wisdom of the Heart. Its energy is one of Sacred HeartConsciousness and Divine wisdom and it is deeply touching to use and wear. Lemurians
have different colours. Even if the colour is faint, it changes its energy and how it affects
us. Pink Lemurians are connected to the Higher Heart Chakra – extremely wise, loving,
with a pure, high vibration. Tangerine Lemurians connect with the higher aspects of the
Solar Plexus Chakra – aligning us with our Divine Power and Potential. Clear Lemurians
connect with the Higher Crown Chakra – the Higher Mind and Divine wisdom. Orange
Moblydeniet Lemurians connect with the Sacred Sacral Chakra – the power of awakened
creativity and passion. When our Chakras are open and cleansed we vibrate at a much
higher and pure level.
Blessing the Water Crystals
The waters of our planet need our help! We can use crystals to clean the water in our
homes, drinking water and the natural flowing waters of the Earth. We combine Clear
Quartz for Light, Rose Quartz for Love, Smoky Quartz for Radiation Healing and
Amethyst for Protection. All these crystals are cleansed and charged, ready to be filled
with your prayers and intentions, to be used for healing all our waters.
Want to learn how to use Crystals?
We have been asked many times how people can feel crystals and use them properly.
We started running workshops to teach some very simple techniques that anyone can
use, to physically feel and understand how crystals affect us. We also explain what
different crystals do, how to choose your own, how to use them, care for them properly
and work with them in your daily life. Further workshops include teaching about Chakra
Crystals, and crystals for specific issues. Crystals are powerful healing tools and, if you
know how to use them, they can be transformative for yourself and your environment.
Upcoming workshops are listed on our website. You are welcome to contact us if you
wish to organise a workshop or learn about a different crystal topic.
What happens in a Consult
A consult consists of a personal reading of your energy and what crystals can support
your return to natural balance and health. They can be 1:1 or over Skype. Other than
Clear Quartz and Personal Colour crystals, the crystal/s that you can use for healing will
likely change over time, as the crystals work with you. Email us for more information.