Chartres: Capital of Perfume - Office de tourisme de Chartres


Chartres: Capital of Perfume - Office de tourisme de Chartres
Capital of
Light and Perfume
"Art de vivre"
News and
Maison du Saumon
8, rue de la Poissonnerie - CS 10289
28008 Chartres Cedex - France
Contact: Amélie PESCHARD
Tel.: +33 (0)2 37 18 50 35 • Fax: +33 (0)2 37 21 51 91
Welcome to Chartres
Capital of Light and Perfume
At the crossroads between Brittany, Normandy and castles of the Loire Valley, the two
steeples of the Chartres Cathedral of our Lady rise majestically from the Beauce Plain
like a mirage.
The cathedral is an unrivalled medieval splendour, catching the attention of the
Beneath its flying buttresses beats the pulse of the old town. Winding streets with
fascinating names, lined with old houses, steps that lead you down to the lower town
which is reflected in the waters of the Eure River… here you can lose yourself and yet
find your way.
The hustle of market stalls, the charm of a humpback bridge straddling the river, elegant
facades, the colorful stained-glass windows of an old church, the wealth of the museums
with their countless treasures, the magic of « Chartres en
Lumières » event which lights up the town, the passion of
craftsmanship, the abundance of fragrance during the Perfume
Festival, the coolness of a terrace next to a watermill… here, all
of your senses are aroused!
Chartres, Capital of Light
Chartres, Capital of Perfume
Chartres Cathedral
Chartres: a rich heritage
Chartres: Experience the City
Chartres: Curiosity
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4-5
Pages 6-7
Pages 8-10
Pages 11-12
Pages 13-14
Pages 15-16
Gastronomy (local delicacies)
Chartres: arts and craftsmen workshops
Well being in Chartres
Pages 17-20
Pages 21-23
Page 24
The Cosmetic Valley
Chartres: industry, shopping and agriculture
Pages 25-26
Pages 27-29
Events 2014
Accommodation and access
Press contacts and additional information
Pages 30-32
Page 33
Page 34
39, 273 inhabitants (Chartrains, Chartraines). 60 % of the population are under
40’s; the same percentage applies to the working population.
Mayor : Jean-Pierre GORGES.
The urban area “Chartres Métropole” counts 47 urban districts with a population
of 124 690 inhabitants. Media library
Chartres is twinned with:
Ravenna (Italy) since 1957
Speyer (Germany) since 1959
Chichester (Great Britain) since 1959
Bethleem (Palestine) since 1994
Evora (Portugal) since 2004
León (Spain) since 2009
Chartres has signed friendship pacts with:
Sakuraï (Japan) in 1989
Cuzco (Peru) in 2002
Cooperation with:
Luján (Argentina)
Place de l’Etape au VIn
Around 1 300 000 tourists from
all over the world, among them
300 000 pilgrims, visit Chartres
each year.
Chartres: Capital of Light
Only one hour away from Paris, Chartres enjoys international renown thanks to its
cathedral, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. Discover the sparkle of
its unique ensemble of stained glass windows, and the illuminated exceptional heritage
during the event: Chartres en Lumières (Lights of Chartres).
Since 2003, the city of Chartres, member of the international network of cities lights
“LUCI” (Lighting Urban Community International), committed to the commission “Light and
Tourism”, has become aware of the need to develop events around the Light which could
gather locals and invite tourists to an unusual discovery of its entire heritage.
"Lights of Chartres" has become one of the major events in the city, through its spectacular
night tour, and reveals 29 monuments and major attractions highlighted and put in music,
among them the Cathedral, the Fine Arts Museum, the historical districts, the banks of the
Eure, the media Library, the Theater...
©Scenography: Spectaculaires - les Allumeurs d’Images
News 2014 : Discovery of 23 new scenographies and the opportunity to live the event during 3 supplementary weeks !
The dates:
From April 12th to October 12th – 11th Edition this year.
Aprl 19th: 2nd Urban Trail by night –
September 20th: The Festival of Lights : around thrity animations with varied types will be organized : street art
shows, plastical installations, interactive and participatory activities walking around with music, exhibitions, final
show. For this opportunity, the 10 finalist creations of the 3rd edition of « Chartres Video Mapping Contest »will
be also thrown on the façade of the municipal theater. This international competition wants to give the possibility
to emergent talents to make themselves known.
For more information:
=>Lights of Chartres official site:
=> Stay connected and follow us
on our Facebook® page « Chartres
en Lumières ».
Every year, 300 projectors and videoprojectors, distributed on different sites and 30
computers, dedicated to the control of the
projectors, are used.
Chartres: Capital of Perfume
In the heart of the Cosmetic Valley, Chartres is home to world’s leading perfume and
cosmetic manufacturers. For several years now, the city is also famous for its Thematic
week "Chartres en Parfums." The city is now in its magic scents and precious
fragrances with "The Spirit of Perfume", a space dedicated to workshops, and lectures
about the perfume and "Autrica" the fragrance by Chartres. « CHARTRES EN PARFUMS » PERFUME FESTIVAL
The heart of Chartres beats for perfume and cosmetics! Each year, during Mother's Day, talents, treasures and prospects of
perfume and cosmetics industry are featured. Chartres Métropole, deeply involved in supporting the development of the sector,
offers a week of discovery, with the Cosmetic Valley, Chartres Tourist Office and the City of Chartres.
An event which promotes meetings between companies, the education stakeholders in this area, students and future employees in
the sector, players in local employment, and also men and women, those customers who make this sector one of the jewels of the
French success. Lots of animations/activities are also proposed (visits, lectures , concerts…).
Close to the Cathedral, discover the world of perfume and participate
to workshops and lectures with a multi-sensory and interactive way to
discover or rediscover the smell of raw materials involved in the
manufacture of perfume and know the history of perfume.
Temporary exhibitions and lectures are also organized all year round. To
discover in 2014: « Perfume of designer » exhibition
Chartres: Capital of Perfume
Developed by « Créassence » and conditioned by « Cegedis », both members of the Cosmetic Valley, the fragrance by Chartres
is revealed under the name of Autrica. Launched in June 1st 2012, this bottle design recalling the famous stained-glass windows
of the cathedral and the inevitable blue of Chartres. It’s a promotional object which reflects all the dynamism and lifestyle of the
destination. The fragrance meets a real success with the local public but also with visitors come from France and foreign country.
Let you inebriate by a green and tonic departure, which remind the dynamism and the modernity of the floral heart, tenderly rose
-coloured, realling the beauty and the elegance of the city.
Autrica - bottle of 50ml, water perfume for women. On sale at the Tourist Office of Chartres at the price of €42.
Some of Chartres Tourist Office partners also commercialize Autrica in their shops, don’t hesitate to ask us the full list of our
The name of the perfume « Autrica » makes
reference to the bright city of Chartres, born on
the blanks of the river Autura, more than 2000
years ago and took the name of Autricum.
History of Chartres
During the period of the Gallic independence, a market/small
town was founded on the Autura (today’s Eure River): Aurikon,
meaning « Port on the Eure ». The town would become a
capital for the Carnutes, from whom Chartres derives its name.
Under the Roman rule, Autricum became an important city and
was the siege of a diocese at the end of the 4th century.
Sacked by the Normans, the town and the cathedral were given
new life by the donation of « Mary’s Veil », a holy relic, by
Charles the Bald in 876.
In 911, the Vicking chief Rollon besieged Chartres. The Holy Relic
was placed upon the ramparts. The Vikings failed (in their siege)
and beat a retreat. Shortly after, Rollon converted to Christianity.
In Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, he signed a treaty with Charles III, king of
France, granting him the entire crown territory of Normandy.
The Earldom of Chartres (also known as the Earldom of Chartres and Blois) reached its peak in the
10th century. Its most famous character undoubtedly remains Count Thibault "The Cheat" (950 to
Around 1000 A.D., during the time of Bishop Fulbert, Chartres became an intellectual and spiritual
center whose reputation would spread throughout Europe, reaching its height in the 12th century.
Several times devastated by fire, the Cathedral was rebuilt starting from 1194 on the old crypt
constructed by Fulbert.
In 1328, the Country of Chartres, which had been ruled for a long time over by the powerful
Counts of Blois and Champagne, was brought within the royal dominion.
After the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453), Chartres suffered from numerous tragedies, including
the Black Death in 1348.
Street « des Ecuyers »
As a result, the town got consideraly smaller and the disticts lying outside the town walls were
abandoned. The war came to a provisional end with the Treaty of Brétigny (7 km from Chartres)
signed on 8th May 1360 by the kings of England and France (Edward III et King John II "The
The wars of religion and everything that it involves stopped the city evolution. The
town was besieged several times during this period (1568-1590).
Following the Day of the Barricades (14 May 1588) when the Duke of Guise
proclaimed himself King of Paris, Henry III found refuge in Chartres.
On 27th February 1594, Henry IV was crowned King of France at Chartres: he was one
of the few French kings not to be crowned in Reims. In the literary domain, three
Chartres natives gained renown in the 16th and 17th centuries: the poets Philippe
Desportes and Mathurin Régnier and the moralist Pierre Nicole.
The coronation of Henry IV
The French Revolution would distinguish other Chartres natives: Brissot, leader of
Gironde, Pétion, mayor of Paris, Chauveau-Lagarde, lawyer for Marie-Antoinette and
Charlotte Corday, and, above all, General Marceau (general at the age of 24, killed at
Altenkirchen in 1796 at the age of 27). In addition, it was in Chartres that Siéyès, at that
time vicar general, wrote his famous pamphlet "What is the Third Estate?".
On 19th May 1794, the cathedral was consecrated to the "cult of the supreme being".
It was saved by Louis Sergent-Marceau, General Marceau's brother-in-law ("May it be
forever protected from axe and hammer. It - this monument - will forever be for
Chartres a treasure, because it will offer to art lovers, to foreigners, an object of wonder
and admiration").
General Marceau - « place des Epars »
On 17th June 1940, the prefect Jean
Moulin courageously opposed the
occupying army's demands, thus becoming
France's first resistance fighter. He would
later become the head of the National
Jean Moulin Council of the Resistance.
In 1944, before being liberated by the 20th U.S. Army Corps and
local patriots, the city came under numerous attacks that
destroyed Guillaume Gate and the municipal library, one of the
finest in France.
In 1942, the writer Maurice Clavel joined the Resistance, where
he met Silvia Monfort. In 1944, he became head of the Eure-etLoir's French Forces of the Interior ("Sinclair") and took part in
the liberation of Chartres.
Hélène Boucher
In 1836, an accidental fire destroyed the
ancient roof structure. It was eventually recovered in
The development of the city's large thoroughfares
would continue into the 19th century and transform the
economy. The railway station was inaugurated in 1849
and in 1937 the Paris-Chartres electrical railway was
In 1909, Chartres was one of the first French towns to
construct an aerodrome, then a flight school that
would train more than 3,000 pilots during the FirstWorld War
In 1979, the cathedral was registered on the 1
World Heritage List by UNESCO.
Chartres' economy is in full expansion. Located
in the heart of Cosmetic Valley, the city is today
the Capital of Light and Perfume.
Capa, the famous American
war photographer, arrived in
Photo: Robert Capa
Chartres for the city's
liberation, and on 18th August 1944 he took this
photo, which would make its way around the
Chartres Cathedral
Masterpiece of 12th and 13th century with her 4,000 sculpted statues and her 5,000
figures in 2,600sq.m of stained glass windows from this period.
Registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Located on a rocky outcrop, at the
peak of the city (170 m high), the Chartres Cathedral can be seen at more than 20 km
While the first cathedral seems to have been built in the 4th century, the oldest relics date back to the 9th
century with the crypt of Saint-Lubin. Several buildings were then rebuilt on this same site. In 876, the King
of France, Charles the Bald, offered to the town of Chartres a holy relic: a piece of clothing worn by the
Virgin Mary originally referred to as the "Holy Shirt" and today called "The Virgin's Veil". According to the
legend, this veil was worn by Mary when she gave birth to Jesus. This relic's
veneration contributed to the further expansion / influence of the Chartres
sanctuary, as well as to the city's economic development.
After a fire in the 11th century, Bishop Fulbert had a new cathedral built of
exceptional size for the time. Today, all what remains of this cathedral is the
Manuscript André de Mici
crypt, the third largest in Europe after Saint Peter's in Rome and Canterbury.
In 1134, most of the city was devastated by a fire, however the cathedral was
saved. Afterwards, a new façade was built by extending the nave. The base of the northern tower
started to be built during this period. Then, around 1145, the constructions began on both the
Royal Gate, in the centre of the façade, and the southern bell tower, today known as the "Old
Tower". The façade was completed between 1150 and 1155, the Old Tower around 1170.
Chartres Cathedal is proud to have the hugest crypt of France, 3rd crypt of Europe (after St Peter’s
Basilic and Canterbury). Long of more than 200 metres this huge corridor; considered as a low
church ready to welcome lots of pilgrims who came to commune themself in Chartres, testimony of
the history of the Cathedral’s construction. The St-Lubin’s crypt, the deepest crypt, constitute one of the oldest
visible vestiges of the Cathedral. This sanctuary accumulates, to him only, more than a thousand years of hystory of
edifice’s architecture.
The main dimensions of the Cathedral
Total length of the nave: 32,80 m
Total length: 130,20 m
Height of the South Tower (Old Bell): 103 m
Height of the North Tower (New Bell): 112 m
Transept length: 64 m
Nave’s length, taken axis by axis in pile: 16,40 m
Total length of the nave: 32,80 m
Width of the transept: 13,99 m
Height of the big western window: 10,94 m
Diameter of the western rose: 12,18 m Chevet of the Cathedral
In 1194, following a fire that destroyed the cathedral (except the facade and the crypt), a great surge of faith allowed a quick
reconstruction, in less than a quarter century. The names of the successive architects who worked on the project are not known, but the
final result shows remarkable coherency. Indeed, the whole building was built between 1194 and 1221. The Cathedral was dedicated
in 1260. It represents the first example of the High Gothic architectural style. The Reims, Amiens, Beauvais… cathedrals would borrow
the same structure, but would be lightened in style and built even higher. The original iconographic work designed by theologians in the
12th and 13th centuries has been preserved.
The cathedral’s main façade (in the west) has
conserved the original 12th century Royal Gateway
and its large picture windows, as well as the south
tower (on the right, 103 m) and the lower sections of
the north tower.
The rose window dates back to the 13th century,
whereas the flamboyant style spire of the new tower
(on the left, 112 m) was built in the 15th century.
These two high towers – including one which can be
visited from the interior – catch your eye from the
plain below and still guide the pilgrims.
The nine sculpted Cathedral’s gateways – Cathedral’s three gateways on each
side: the Royal Gateway on the west side (1145 - 1170), the ‘Alliance’ gateway
to the north (1220 - 1230) and the ‘Church’ gateway to the south (1220 1230) – enable the visitor to appreciate the precision and finesse of the work
of the Chartres’ sculptors, raising the level of perfection of the slightest detail
to new heights. The represented scenes transcribe the Christian thinking of the
time. They show the "catechism in images". There are more than 4,000
sculpted figures. At the Royal Gateway you will observe the delicacy of the
Virgin with Infant (right-hand picture window) and the pure lines of the Christ
in Majesty (central picture window). On the left-hand picture window “the
works of the seasons” illustrate the daily life in the 12th century. DISCOVERING CHARTRES
Chartres Cathedral possesses a magnificent example of a church labyrinth. It is on
the floor of the nave and dates back to around 1200. At certain times during the
year, you can still see it as it was in the 13th century; it has never been the object of
restoration work. The labyrinth is circular and made up of flagstones from Berchères
and bands of black marble. The 261.5 m long pilgrimage path was walked by
pilgrims of the Middle Age in prayer, thereby representing a symbolic pilgrimage to
The sparkling stained-glass windows, 172 in total and covering 2,600 sq.m, with about 5,000 represented
characters, are exceptionally expressive.
They represent the richest collection in Europe both in terms of
their age and their beauty. Stained glass masters applied all
their talents to these windows in the 12 and 13 centuries.
Owner of the Cathedral, the State-Ministry of Culture
The oldest stained-glass windows, famous for their special
and Communication ensures its preservation,
blue, date back to the 12th century. They are like a picture
maintenance and promotion. In the framework of the
« Plan cathédrales pour la Région Centre 2009-2014 »,
book, illustrating the Bible and the life of the Saints. The mark
introduced by the DRAC Centre, nearly €14m will be
of their donators appears on them: coats of arms for the
dedicated to this building with the help of the Region, of
important families or scenes describing specific trades for
European funds and of sponsorship.
Each year, the cathedral welcomes about 1,300,000 visitors from around the world.
For 300,000 among them, the visit is an act of faith in this sanctuary where Our Lady of Chartres has been venerated for almost
two millenniums.
Throughout the year, pilgrims from France as well as foreign (including Japanese) dioceses and parishes visit the cathedral. These
pilgrimages are sometimes quite colorful, such as the annual mass in Tamil for 5,000 Paris-region residents of Sri Lankan origin.
Chartres is especially popular among student pilgrims.
In the spring, thousands of believers and non-believers follow in Charles Péguy’s footsteps, their search culminating, after many
miles of walking, in a visit to the Marian sanctuary. The pilgrimage to Our Lady of Christianity the Whit Monday also attracts a
large crowd.
Besides being a place of prayer, the cathedral is also a privileged place for music,
especially organ music. For more than twenty years, the International Organ Festival
welcomes the greatest musicians every Sunday in summer. In addition, the "Grand
Prix de Chartres", held every even-numbered year, attracts international virtuosos in
search of recognition during the final public rounds in September.
From spring until autumn, instrumental and vocal ensembles hold regular
Nave and transept of the Cathedral
Every Thursday in July and August, an organ recital is organized as part of the Chartres Cathedral is one of the buildings affiliated to the Centre for
National Monuments
Chartres' “Summer Evenings”, always a popular attraction for tourists.
From 1st June to 31st August, the “Soirées Autrement” propose, every week, three events in the cathedral: “Bible en
continu” (bible reading) on Tuesdays, “Vitraux grand format” (stained glass projection) on Fridays, and “Moment
musical” (concert) on Sundays.
Notre-Dame de la Belle Verrière - 12th century
Rectorat de la Cathédrale
16 cloître Notre-Dame
The blue of the stained-glass window
attracts visitors from all around the
world. This radiant blue was obtained by coloring the pâte-de-verre
with cobalt oxide. Later, other, less expensive pigments would
replace this 12th-century blue, known as “Chartres blue”.
Chartres : a rich heritage
The First-time that tourists came in Chartres, they naturally visit the cathedral. They're
surprised to learn that near this must-see site exists an incredibly rich heritage, holding
fascinating discoveries, especially in the older districts.
Notre-Dame Cathedral: a masterpiece of the 12th and 13th centuries, with 4,000 statues and 5,000 figures in its 2,600 sq. m. of
stained glass windows. Registered on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Saint-Peter Church: former abbey church of Saint-Père-en-Vallée, dating from the 10th,
12th and 13th centuries and boasting numerous 14th century stained-glass windows.
Saint-Aignan Church: 16th and 17th century stained-glass windows.
Rechèvres' Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church: Abbot Stock, a German priest, is buried here.
Prison chaplain for Paris between 1940 and 1944, he lent moral support to French
prisoners. Interned in the German prisoner-of-war camp near Chartres in 1945, he
founded the "Barbed Wire Seminary" which regrouped future German priests in
Saint-Aignan Church
Saint-André Collegiate Church: 12th century. No longer in use, the building today
hosts exhibitions and concerts.
Fine Arts Museum: former episcopal palace. Collections of paintings, including a large
collection of Vlamincks, earthenware, ancient tools, enamels. Concerts are held in the
Italian Room. Temporary thematic exhibitions are proposed throughout the year in the
Museum of Children. Discover also the « Gabriel Loire » room which opened October
2010. The Loire family chose to give to the city of Chartres a
representative selection of Gabirel Loire’s work, painter and
master glazier of international fame. A part of his works, will
be exposed, every year, according a chosen theme.
Fine Arts Museum
Exhibition in 2014: “Dominique Martinet : les empreintes
dans la mémoire” (until October 19th): exhibition with 60 paintings from the
Jeanne MATOSSIAN collection.
Agriculture Museum: the COMPA sets off all that has contributed to the agricultural
wealth of the Beauce and Perche areas. Closed for works from September 2014 to the
© Compa
beginning of 2015.
Agriculture Museum
International Stained Glass Centre: A short distance from the cathedral, housed in the former Loëns granaries and a listed
historic monument. This workshop-museum and documentation centre offers a global, diversified and lively vision of the art and
craft of stained glass making. Demonstrations, exhibitions, lecture-visits, introductory workshops for children and adults, and art
history classes make the various stages of stain glass making accessible to everyone. Open year-round, it has become the
international centre of the art of stained glass making. Archaeology Museum: Created in 1993, this research and conservation centre presents a
permanent exhibition to discover the local heritage. It is a unique site to discover the history of
Chartres, old capital of the Carnutes, it became one of the Middle Age craddle. Excavations
explore the daily life of inhabitants and craftsmen since the Neolithic until the 20th century.
Exhibitions (objects and papers), junior or scholar working group, events … open its doors to
an unknown past. Opened until May 31st, 2 Rue au Lin, transfer of services during 2014.
Archaeology Museum
Natural History Museum: Zoological (more than 200 specimens), botanical, geological,
mineralogical, paleontological and prehistoric collections.
School Museum of Chartres and “Eure et Loir” area: This museum is dedicated to the
Natural Science and Prehistory Museum
educational heritage of the beginning of the 20th century. Created in 1975, it gathers together
thousands of objects such as French maps or colonies from the age, natural science boards and magical lanterns, paintings and
reading desks…. This museum proposes exhibitions and thematic activities.
The old districts are best explored by foot, by walking down the tertres (stairways) that descend, for example, from
the Jardin de l'Evêché, with its exceptional view of the city, by following the Rue des Ecuyers, with its stone
bridges straddling the Eure River, by strolling along the streets with such colourful names, evoking once-thriving
trades and crafts, and by admiring the often-ancient half timbered houses.
All of these districts (covering 64 acres) have been largely renovated, within the framework of one of the first
preservation projects in France.
The "Miser's House" is in Chartres!
Hôtel de Champrond
The current bishop's palace, located at Place Jean
Moulin, is a superb 16th-century house. The
legendary avarice of its 17th-century owner, a Lord
of Champrond, inspired Molière's "The Miser".
Experience the city !
Discover the city during the day and night and opt for our thematic stays.
True place of visit, very close to the cathedral, this building, from the second part of the 15th century and the early 16th century,
presents in a funny and pedagogical way the tourist wealth of the city of Chartres. This place proposes divers exhibitions in
relation with Chartres and the tourism.
Chartres Tourist Office proposes a multitude of services: ticket office (concerts, cultural
events), hotel booking, guestrooms booking, guided tours, audio guides, thematic programs
for groups and individuals and a shop which sell leisure and cultural products.
We offer you also:
a numeric space (Ipad®)
a free wireless access point.
Numeric space - Maison du Saumon
Discover more than 30 sites from Chartres and let the App guide you over unusual
and inaccessible sites. This WebApp can be available for consultation via a computer
but it is also adapted to tablet computers 3G and smartphones.
To discover: Chartres Cathedral framework, Jean Moulin office…
Chartres Tourist Office proposes a pass to visit museums and monuments
of the city and benefit numerous discounts and special offers on hotels,
restaurants and other cultural and leisure attractions.
On sale at the Tourist Office of Chartres at the price of €18.90.
The Tourist Office of Chartres proposes, during the whole year, thematic
guided tours to discover or rediscover Chartres.
 Thematic guided tours in French throughout the year.
 Guided tours in English.
 Night tours:
Night walking tours “Chartres en Lumières” (Lights of Chartres) are organized (guided tour in French), from April to October.
“Chartres en Lumières Privilège”: guided tour in French of the crypt of
the cathedral and night walking tour, from April to October.
A small tourist train (departure in front of the cathedral) offers a complete tour of
the historic districts, from spring to autumn.
An audio guided tour in either French and English and lasting one hour and a half
(rented at the Tourist Office) leads visitors on a historic tour of Chartres and its
monuments, following a marked route.
Thematic stays are proposed, throughout the year (« Gourmet Stay », « The Essential of Chartres », « Lights of
Chartres Stay » « Chartres by bike »…). Compose your discovery stay: evening, day or stay (private guided
visit, meeting with craftsmen, activities, discovery of museums). Different formulas are proposed: « VIP »,
« Family », « Chartres en Lumières » (Lights of Chartres) programs… Offer to your close friends or family some
unforgettable moments!
The city of Chartres offers, during the
whole summer season, the "Cyclo2", a
bicycle with three wheels, to go from one
point to another of the historical center.
To use it, you have just to make a sign to
a « cyclo'pilote »!
Chartres Tourist Office
Tél. : + 33 (0)2 37 18 26 26
E-mail :
Chartres: curiosities
Let yourself be surprised by Chartres’ frescoes. An original way to revisit our local history.
Since 1978, Cité Création makes mural work, frescoes, decorations, scenographies, urban design, adapted or customized, in a
public area or private at the inhabitants service, visitors’ or tourists’.
More than 440 monumental works have been carried out nowadays, in the entire world: Canada (Quebec), China, Russia,
France, Germany. Each work aims to reveal, mark, embellish places, streets, cities or urban industrial spaces or services.
A group composed of a project manager, an artistic director, and three designers and six
muralist painters, was involved in this project: three months has been necessary to
design these frescoes and nine for the achievement. Four buildings, that is to say a
surface area of 4000m², have seen their grayish walls disappeared to leave the place to
colored ones. Now there are shimmering colors under the form of diverse trompe-l’oeil.
The great subject have been chosen by the tenants: the first one is inspired from the
downtown architecture, with the timbered houses, the second one covers the theme of
the Beauce identity with a big scene representing the mower of the wheat, a third one
reveals the edge of the Eure, the last one refers to the Cosmetic Valley thanks to the
theme of the perfume.
At the end, sixteen panels are visible in the quarter, on which curious people can also seen many details and the representation of
the regulars of the district.
The inauguration took place on September 26th, 2008.
Until 2009, Bel Air frescoes were the most important example of mural frescoes. They were defeated by the Carrefour
Center in Shanghai with a surface are of 6000 m2 (representing France).
After the Bel Air frescoes, the city of Chartres reiterates in the field of trompe l’œil realising
a new frescoe in the city center to commemorate Général Marceau showing a cinema scene.
For this creation, around 300 litres of paint were used to cover an area of 170m2.
The inhabitants have stricken the pose and some
of them appear on the walls… a cat here, a
young girl with here doll in her arms there!
Chartres: curiosities
Built and decorated between 1930 and 1962 with pieces of broken crockery and
earthenware, the Picasiette House is a unique example of Naive Art… an house which
arouses amazement and admiration to deserve her visits.
Raymond Isidore was born September, 8th, 1900. He was the seventh and second youngest child of a modest working class
family. Until 1924, he lived at his parents’ house in Chartres, rue des Grandes-Filles-Dieu at first and then rue des Béguines. He
was at first a moulder in a little foundry of Chartres and then a moulder in the Teisset, Rose and Brault.
After a few years, he married Adrienne Dousset and they had three children. Then,
he bought the land situated rue des Rouliers (now rue du Repos), on which he will
build his house.
In the beginning of the 1930’s, he was employed at the Tramway company of Eure
et Loir and he started to build his house and to decorate the interior of it. Eight years
later, he decorated the courtyard and outside walls of the house. Until 1962, he
continued to decorate the house, he built a chapel and a summerhouse. Moreover,
he bought the adjacent piece of land and he decorated the second courtyard. After a
while, it was the construction of the enclosing wall and the garden porch and the
decoration of the garden as well as the creation of the spirit Tomb.
Raymond Isidore died the day before his birthday.
The City of Chartres acquired Picassiette House on 20th October 1981.
The mocking nickname of Picassette
can be roughly translated by plate stealer
and the Picasso of plates. This name
refers to the gigantic amount of broken
plates, crockery and various sorts of
glass, which Raymond Isidore had to
collect to complete his enterprise.
French way of life
Chartres boasts an exceptionally rich culinary heritage: Mentchikoffs, macaroons,
beer and Chartres Pâté, Sablé de Beauce biscuits, cochelins, poule au pot, edible
flowers, as well as delicious "Rétrodor" baguettes. GOURMET DELICACIES
Chartres offers visitors various local specialities:
Chartres Pâté: Famous since the 18th century, Chartres Pâté is a pasty in the form of a pie
filled essentially with game meat. Originally, it was made using plovers and dotterels, birds
that would pass over Chartres during their migrations. When these birds disappeared,
partridges and pheasants were used instead. It is a part of the gastronomic heritage of the UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage
of Humanity.
Poule au Pot: Henry IV is reputed to have declared, "If God allows me to live, I will make sure that there is not a single
labourer in my kingdom who does not have the means to enjoy a boiled chicken on Sundays." The poule au pot, or "boiled
chicken", eaten by peasant families became popularly associated with the reign of Henry of Navarre, the only king to have been
crowned in Chartres Cathedral, on 27th February 1594. In memory of this event, some restaurants in Chartres include a poule
au pot on their menus, especially during the "Henry IV Weekend" (February 23th and 24th 2013).
The Mentchikoff: a sweet made of fine praline chocolate covered with Swiss
meringue was created in 1893 at the time of the Franco-Russian Alliance. Today,
many of Chartres' confectioners continue to make this delicacy, which delights the
gourmets and gourmands.
The macaroon: Originally invented in Venice during the Renaissance, the macaroon can now be found throughout
France. Made from a paste of ground almonds, sugar and egg whites, this delicious, round biscuit can be filled with
various flavours. Chartres' pastry chefs have developed, through extensive research and tests, a recipe for making
this dessert soft and tender. DID YOU KNOW?
Lionel COUASNON (« Le Bistrot de la Cathédrale »
restaurant) and Romain BAUDRON (Le Grand
Monarque**** Hotel-spa) have been ranked 13th and
14th per 700 participants (6 different nationalities) at
the World Championship of Pâté-Croûte in December
2013 !
The « Rétrodor » baguette: This traditional baguette made from flour without any additives, the result of subtly blending the best
Beauce wheat has a light, fluffy middle with irregularly-shaped holes white part and a golden crust. Famous throughout France, this
baguette is also appreciated abroad.
L’Eurélienne: This is the only beer of the 2000s made in Eure&Loir, “L’Eurélienne” is mixed,
she is bottled in the familial farm unless 10km of Chartres. The raw materials are selected
and mixed with raw cereals from the farm, transformed and then packaged. The creation of
products is traditional without any mechanical filtration or pasteurization. The different steps
of fabrication, the method of work are 100% hand operated until the collage of label.
L’Eurélienne received the silver medal for its red ale in the “Amber” category and the
gold medal in the “lager high performance” during the Salon de l’Agriculture 2013.
The Sablé de Beauce Biscuit: Made exclusively with Beauce and Eure-et-Loir wheat, the
Viron flour mills follow a traditional recipe for their sablé de Beauce biscuits. Made with a
generous dollop of churned butter beaten in with fresh eggs from the Beauce region, it's 100%
natural (no additives). This delicious, little wheat biscuit doesn't crumble and keeps perfectly.
The teas of Chartres:
The « Blue Tea of Chartres »: a blend of black and green tea, citrus fruits, berries and violet-flavoured in a specially
designed blue tea caddy. This exquisite tea-blend, created by the coffee and tea shop “La Brûlerie de Chartres”, is
inspired by the famous “blue colour of Chartres”,
The « Lights of Chartres » tea: a blend of black and green tea, green apple, blackcurrant, apricot-flavoured (allusion to the
event, which takes place every year, from April to September),
The « Kiss of Chartres » tea: a blend of black and green tea, berries, hazelnut, caramel, rosebud-flavoured (referring to the
Cosmetic Valley).
The “Henri IV” tea: an aphrodisiac blend of green teas and black, almond, ginger, mint, lemon, vanilla, berry pink or cocoa
(referring to Henri IV, the only king of France to have been crowned in Chartres Cathedral in 1594.
Vitrail de Chartres (local chocolate): Unveiled to the public during the national show
« Les Artisanales de Chartres » last October, the famous blue of Chartres can be admired in
the cathedral but also it can be tasted. David Lambert, pastry chef and chocolate maker,
wanted to link the cultural and gastronomic history of Chartres: its stained-glass windows
and its Mentchikoff. Both make a praline sweet (almond/hazelnut and dark chocolate) and a
meringue which remembers the Mentchikoff. Its stained-glass finishing touch is obtained by
a cocoa butter with natural blue pigments and gold dust. Taste it!
The Cochelin: A puff pastry in the
form of a man which is sometimes
filled with chocolate, raspberry or
marzipan. The Cochelin was
originally prepared at New Year's.
Offer no more flower but eat them !
You can taste it in the department,
production of Virginie BOUCHARD to
Tremblay-leVicomte (municipality of
Tremblay-les Villages).
Croc Frais®
The Eure-et-Loir on all tables at the cocktail hour
Market leader in fresh olive, the Croc Frais® company, founded in 1998, is located in Mignières (10 km from Chartres). Using its
ascension in the market, the company continues to build on the alliance “taste quality and innovation” (creation of the holding
OLIVES & CO, catering olives’ launch, culinary aids and spreadable). Black, green or purple, plain, flavoured or stuffed, succumbs
to the multitude of authentic and full of flavour recipes.
The Lemonade « la Beauceronne »
The lemonade “La Beauceronne” was created in 1888 by Fernand SAVOURE. Five generations later, Stanislas SAVOURE decides
to reintroduce this ancient recipe of lemonade, with the ingredients of water from the region of la Beauce and sugar beets from the
sugar refinery of Artenay. The Beauce Cola
After the Corsicans, the Bretons, or northerners, the Beauce region has now its cola “Made in Beauce”.
Launched on March 28th, 2010, the“Beauce Cola” is produced with sugar beets from the sugar refinery of
Artenay (30km in the South of Chartres).
The Rosé wine of Chartres and the vineyard of Saint-Brice
In April 2003, a little vineyard of 500 wine plants was created on a hill in Saint-Brice, a southern district of Chartres. The 25th of
September 2006, the first harvest of blue-shaded grapes took place, with more than 1000 kg of grapes, and since then the harvest
is celebrated every year in Chartres.
Chartres revive its local beekeeping tradition with the installation of beehives in the town centre
by Jean-François BILLARD.
Beehives were installed on the roofs of the media library. The first years confirm that the bees
enjoy the city.
The famous « Miel de la Médiathèque » (media library’s honey) is from them on produced on the
rooftops of the media library. The « Miel de Chartres » (the honey of Chartres) is produced since
2008 at the Perriers’ site, near the « Saint-Brice » district. FRENCH WAY OF LIFE
Annual harvest in some figures:
The 5 beehives on the roof of the media library produced between 10 and 80 kg of flower honey with lime.
The 25 beehives, at the Perriers’ site, produced around 50 kg by beehive in 2 crops. The second one is a
combination of flowers (acacia and lime).
To discover: the « 11, Cours Gabriel
» located in an old garage with the
Eiffel architecture, glass roof and
metal girders. Its 145 sq. m will be
exclusively dedicated to the cookery
with a cooking workshop and a shop.
Discover our cooking sessions in the prestigious setting of La Maison
du Saumon. These cooking sessions are offered to adults and children.
You will cook macaroons, Paris Brest or French specialties.
More: At the end of the session, every participant will keep the
recipe and his creations.
Book your cooking session at Chartres Tourist Office (+ 33 (0)2 37 18
26 23) or by e-mail (
The "Terres d'Eure & Loir" label was created to promote local products and culinary know-how. "Terres
d'Eure & Loir" guarantees the authenticity of its products from Beauce, Perche, Dunois, Drouais and
Chartres. Since 1st July 2011, Chartres Tourist Office is categorised « Terres d’Eure&Loir », to promote
Chartres and its area as a gourmet destination through value added products. Discover recipes of local
producers on the website:
Diversification consultant / Bienvenue à la Ferme
(« Welcome to the farm »)
Tél : 02 37 24 45 36 - Fax : 02 37 24 45 90
Thanks to precooked Ebly® wheat, the Beauce
is today present in kitchens throughout France.
Chartres: art and craftsmen workshop
Close to Paris, Chartres combines culture and French “art de vivre” (way of life),
blending the fun of the discovery and an exceptionally rich heritage for visitors:
talented arts and craftsmen, including its famous glass studios, offer to curious
tourists a fascinating stay.
Glassmakers, watchmakers, stone-cutters, upholsterers, bookbinders, picture framers, wrought-iron workers, illuminators,
sculptors and potters, the skilled arts and craftsmen of Chartres and the surrounding area invite you to visit their workshops and
share in their passion.
Information: Chartres Tourist Office
Wealth and diversity of craft' activities are too little known today. The fair promotes
all the activities around crafts through demonstrations, tastings and entertainment to
70,000 visitors who come each year.
In October, nearly 500 exhibitors and 150 trades show their activities to the curiosity
of visitors every year, as the « Greatest living workshops ».
The variety of craft skills is made up of a panel rich of traditional crafts such as
Visitors will find many concrete examples like the pole including eco-construction presenting the latest technologies
for sustainable development.Through its "Districts of crafts", spaces dedicated to training institutions in the Region
Centre (Centre of Apprentice Training, Professional High Schools), the « Artisanales de Chartres » is also an
opportunity to create or confirm some future professional vocation. In these areas, young people take turns to give
demonstrations of their daily activity: food services, construction, automotive, horticulture and landscaping.
« Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat d’Eure-et-Loir »
Communication Manager
Tel : + 33 (0)2 37 91 57 20
E-mail :
Giving a « new dimension » to the art
of Glass! Different stained glass masters
are experimenting new technics of
creation like « drapping », projection of
glass or « fusing ».
The art of stained-glass window making is still alive. Each day in Chartres, master glassmakers make use of their skills not only
to restore old stained-glass windows, but also to create new works for both public buildings and private residences.
Many artists and craftsmen working with glass have come to the city to study the works of past masters and have also decided
to set up shop in Chartres.
Atelier Lorin Hermet-Juteau
The Lorin Studio, Chartres' oldest studio, founded in 1846 in a former tannery on the
Eure River has never known a break in activity. Recent works include Alfred
Manessier's important stained glass projects.
Other studios, specialized in the restoration of the old stained-glass windows of
historic monuments or in the creation of new windows for private homes,
passionately pursue their art, continuing to make Chartres the modern capital of
stained glass making. In addition, numerous public buildings are decorated with
stained glass windows from local studios.
The general craze for this art has led certain master glassmakers to open their studio
doors to the public such as Loire, Picol, Lorin-Hermet-Juteau and also AK Vitrail.
Each year, an open house is organized.
The “Galerie du Vitrail”
A veritable antique shop full of stained-glass windows, the gallery exhibits and sells old and modern stained-glass windows,
while its bookshop, unique in France, offers more than 400 titles on the subject.
Multi-generational group led by common artistic and human values Artway Chartres was
born in 2007. This association highlights and works on redefining aesthetics by loosing
inestimable and ancestral prestige of glass.
With constant research and development, Artway Chartres tackles the innovation of the
material’s technical quality, its implementation and layout. The association is also behind the
projection of light on glass.
It is after his military service that
Gabiel LOIRE arrived in Chartres and
met the Delaporte canon.
In 1946, he opened his own stained
glass studio. For him, making stained glass is truly
teamwork and the stained glass master is the designer.
He has made known the techniques of “dalle de
verre” (facetted glass) in the world.
Sainte-Foy Church
« Galerie de Chartres »
Chartres counts around ten antique shops, offering a large selection of quality furniture, paintings,
ornaments, and art objects. These shops are located in the city centre and in the lower town.
A list is available at the Tourist Office.
Not to be missed: « Rendez-vous des Chineurs » (flea market), year-round, on the 4th Sunday of each
month, on Epars square.
Tel.:+33(0)6 42 37 77 46.
Every Tuesday, the “Hôtel des Ventes” sells old objects and furniture, while every weekend, the
“Galerie de Chartres” organizes international public auctions (dolls, toys, photos, furniture, etc.).
Numerous places to meet artists and discover their work: three galleries and a workshop constitute the
« Chemin des Arts »:
Contemporary mosaic exhibition gallery, Chapelle St-Eman – 11, rue St-Eman.
Open every day: 2-6pm except on Mondays. Free entrance.
Saint-André Collegiate Church
Saint-André Collegiate Church – 2, rue Saint-André.
Open from Tuesday to Sunday : 10am-7pm depending on the
exhibitions. Free entrance.
Saint-Eman Chapel
Contemporary art gallery, Prieuré St-Vincent – 12, rue Porte Cendreuse.
Open every day: 2-7pm except on Mondays from June to September and 2-6:30pm from
October to May. Free entrance.
Contemporary art workshop – 1, rue du Massacre.
To visit these studios or to have more information on
the exhibitions, please call the office of the city hall of
Chartres (« Direction des Arts ») at:
+33(0)2 37 23 41 43.
Well being in Chartres
In Chartres, enjoy numerous parks and gardens and opt for a ride by bike in the city.
Chartres is working every day to make more beautiful spaces dedicated to pedestrian areas, terraces or public gardens.
Chartres has « 4 flowers » label and has obtained, in 2011, the « Gold flower ». This distinction is due to 50 gardeners
who are involving in :
Maintenance of green spaces (125 acres) spread out in the city,
The culture of 2500 sq.m. marketgarden crops, the size of trees and
the maintenance of parks and gardens.
Management of green waste and the setting up of alternative
methods like mulching, ground-cover plants… ; the release of
ladybirds or the abolition of weeds without any toxic products.
These practices demonstrate Chartres commitment in the « Zero pesticide target in our cities and villages » charter. A
policy of sustainable development has been established where wa can quote hives in the roof of Media Library, the work to
promote nonmotorized transportation like bike or Cyclo 2 (from June to September) and free electric shuttles Filibus®.
« La Maison du Vélo » (Rent-a-bike office) in Chartres
Located at the rail station, it proposes short and large duration bike and accessories renting (mountain bikes,
children’s bikes, electric bicycles) and offers advices and useful information about the practice of bike (itinerary,
events, tourist tours…)
Byke Paths
Chartres favours the development of paths dedicated
to bike. Indeed, the city planning is made to connect
lines of business, universities, sport areas, green areas
and the city center entrance. Moreover, the urban
network is not limited to the city center; the
metropolis develops also paths for bikes.
The « Véloscénie » is a wonderful road which highlights
different sites or exceptional point of views. Departure
from Notre-Dame de Paris, passing by Versailles Castle
and Chartres Cathedral to arrive in Mont Saint-Michel.
The Cosmetic Valley : competitiveness
Beginning in the 1960s, the great Parisian perfume makers moved their production
facilities from the capital to nearby regions, only an hour from Paris. In their wake,
numerous small and medium-sized businesses in the perfume and cosmetics industry
were set up.
Today, the Cosmetic Valley, located southwest of Paris, gathers 15-20% of cosmetic and perfume
industry jobs. This strategic centre ensures the competitiveness of this key sector of the French
economy, as well as the continued value of the "Made in France" label.
Grouping in Chartres and the Eure-et-Loir an exceptional concentration of businesses and creative
energy in the beauty sector, the Cosmetic Valley today represents France's and the world's number one
network of perfume and cosmetics-related companies : at the moment, more than one cosmetic
product over ten sold in the World has been producted in the heart of the Cosmetic Valley.
This key sector assures production for the jewels of the luxury and beauty industry.
 800 companies including 78% of SME and around
fifteen large luxury brands
 70 000 employments
 All employments of the Cosmectic sector are present :
culture of aromatic plants, formulation of active
principles, creation and formulation, production of
perfumes and cosmetics, control, test and analysis
laboratories, point of sale advertizing and design,
conditionning, plastic injection, packaging, logistics ...
 7 universities
 €18 bn turnover, that is to say 50% of the french
global industry in the Beauty sector.
©LVMH Recherche
 136 course of studies
 226 research laboratories
 8600 research workers
 50 news sites implanted since the creation of the cluster.
The first important perfume was created
by a « nose » from the area: Jicky de
Among the most popular perfumes, the Cosmetic Valley produces such classics as Shalimar, XS for her and Calandre for women
and Habit Rouge and XS for men, as well as recent favourite ones: Lolita Lempicka, Vivienne Westwood's Boudoir, and Paco
Rabanne's Ultraviolet Man.
In the beauty and spa products sector, the Cosmetic Valley produces Guerlain's Météorites and the
lipstick Divinora, Lancaster's line of sunscreens, Issima body care and Dior soaps.
The Cosmetic Valley was declared a "competitiveness cluster" on 12th July 2005.
Its main goal is to become the world's most important cluster in the perfume and cosmetics industry, and
thereby establishing France as the number one country in this sector.
Nina Ricci
Lolita Lempicka
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Lancaster group
Hermes Parfum
LT Piver
Pacific Europe
Paco Rabanne Parfums
YSL Beauté Recherche et Industrie
And also Gemey Maybelline (L’Oréal), Yves-Saint-Laurent Beauté (L’Oréal), Clarins, Caudalie, Chanel.
Some multinationals implanted in France : Unilever, Procter&Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, Johnson&Johnson.
Cosmetic Valley
1, place de la cathédrale - 28000 Chartres
Tél. + 33 (02) 37 21 12 11
10 tons of rose petals are needed to
1 kilo of rose oil.
E-mail :
Chartres: industry, shopping and
Almost 4,047 companies provide the Chartres area “Chartres Métropole” with 30,938
jobs, nearly half of them in the industrial sector.
The distribution by sector:
Industry: 259 companies employing 7,219 workers.
Commerce: 1,468 businesses employing 9,011 workers.
Services: 1,902 companies employing 11,692 workers.
Construction and public works: 418 companies employing 3,016 workers.
The main sectors of industrial and commercial activity are parachemical, perfumes, automotive subcontracting, insurance and
Following are the best performing companies for each sector of the local economy:
Perfume and cosmetics industry:
 MMA
Guerlain (perfume and cosmetics)
Automotive (Equipment):
Fragrance (cosmetics)
Maflow France Automotive (power steering, air 
Puig France
conditioning and suspension) 
Alban Muller
Philips France (lights)
Precision industry:
Asco-Joucomatic (tire components)
Asahi Diamond Industrial Europe
Triefus ADIE (manufacturing of diamond seats)
Asahi Diamond Industrial Europe
Chemical et parachemical industry:
Hydro-Aluminum extrusion France (aluminium
Nypro France
Actia Muller
Novo Nordisk (medicine)
Reckitt Benckiser France (household cleaning 
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Chartres et
d’Eure-et-Loir (C.C.I.)
5 avenue Marcel Proust - 28000 CHARTRES
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 84 28 28
E-mail :
EDF (Electricité de France)
woodworking, specialized in
Cinq sur Cinq
doors and
The city's central pedestrian area encourages the development and diversification of shops
catering to the many tourists visiting Chartres.
A colourful food market is held on Saturday and Wednesday mornings in the Baltard-style market
hall located at Place Billard, near the cathedral. A flower market is held on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays at Place du Cygne.
Chartres also offers numerous traditional shops.
Pinson Butcher's, at 4 Rue du Soleil d'Or, is one of the oldest butcher's shop in France. Built in
1892 in the Modern style, the butcher is unfortunately closed since the end of 2013. Roland
Pinson having ceased activity. It wants for a buyer to perpetuate the art of traditional cut.
In the Chartres area, there are 3 large supermarkets (more than 2,500 m²) and 9 supermarkets
(400-2,500 m²), as well as specialized chain stores.
Discover at the bottom of the cathedral « Le Pichet 3 »: in the past, it was a
traditional restaurant. Now it is a small bistro with a non-stop service from 10am to
7pm, with a shop. You can find objects from flea markets, and also local products
« Terres d’Eure&Loir » with the possibility of eating these products in the restaurant.
Chartres also boasts shops offering French fashion, the most popular perfumes, the
creations of famous jewelers and exceptional leather goods.
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de
Chartres et d’Eure-et-Loir (C.C.I.)
5 avenue Marcel Proust - 28000 CHARTRES
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 84 28 28
E-mail :
Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat d’Eure-etLoir
24 boulevard de la Courtille - 28 000 CHARTRES
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 91 57 00
E-mail :
Capital of the Beauce area, the « granary of France », Chartres is located in the Eure-et-Loir administrative department,
the first grain area of France, in the region Centre/Val de Loire, the first grain area of Europe.
New products are developped around Chartres, such as potatoes which knew
a new success.
The Centre area and especially the Eure-et-Loir rank second in the production
of Colza « diester » (Alternative fuels), and developpe a new way for the
operation of its agricultural products.
Indeed, the agricultural area of Chartres favors the harvests for cosmetic and
Many places for agricultural research are located in Beauce area.
Efficient transformation tools are used in many food-chains, such as:
Milling of flours;
Sugar industry;
Slaughter of poultry;
Manufacture of cakes, pastries and breads;
The presence of Ebly®, the ready-to-cook wheat.
The « Grands Moulins de
Chartres » produce 100 000 tons of
wheat per year.
Chambre d'Agriculture
10, rue Dieudonné-Costes 28000 CHARTRES
Tél. + 33 (02) 37 24 45 40
E-mail :
40% of this production is used to
manufacture the famous French
baguette Banette® !
2014 major events
Chartres enjoys a particularly rich calendar of cultural and festive events: music and
dance festivals, water and Light Festivals, exhibitions and fairs showcasing local knowhow…
All these activities combine to make visitors want to extend
16th Festival Carré d’As “Virtuose”, 19th to 26th January
Performances by talented, young musicians from French and European conservatoires, at the Fine Arts Museum.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 36 43 00
Henri IV Week-end, 22th and 23rd February
"Poule au Pot" menus in the restaurants; bouillon and wine tastings; "Chartres during the rule of Henry IV" theme tour; activities celebrating the
memory of Henry IV, King of Navarre, the only king to have been crowned in Chartres, in 1594.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 21 05 12
« Festival des Clavecins de Chartres » (Harpsichord Event), 29th, 30th and 6th April
Harpsichord concerts at Saint-Aignan church (29th March) and at the Musée des Beaux-Arts (30th March and 6th April). Tel: +33 (0)6 26 90 33 78
The market of Loire Wines « Paulée », 27thApril
This event, which is a showcase for the wines produced around the Loire, provides an opportunity to highlight young winemakers in particular
and to taste the wines from the previous grape harvest. Place Billard.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 18 15 15
Chartres en Lumières (Lights of Chartres), from 12th April to 12st October
Every evening, the heritage of Chartres comes under the spotlight: 29 monuments and
unavoidable attire themselves of shimmering and take another dimension. See page 3 to
have more information.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 18 26 26 -
Chartres en Lumières
© Conception: Spectaculaires, les Allumeurs d’Images
« La nuit des Cathédrales » (the night of the cathedrals) : 10th May
Concerts, shows in the cathedral. Tel: +33 (0)2 37 21 59 08
« Fête de l’Eau » (Water Festival), 27th June
Torchlight parade on the Eure River and music on the
bridges of the old town of Chartres.
Water Festival
« Les Soirées Autrement » in the Cathedral of Chartres from 1st June to 31th August
“Bible en continu” (bible reading) on Tuesdays; “Vitraux grand format” (stained-glass projection) on Fridays; “Moment Musical” (concert) on
Sundays. Free entrance. Open until 10pm. - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 21 59 08
« Soirées Estivales de Chartres » (Chartres Summer Evening Festival), from 28th June to 30th
Street and musical entertainment (at 9pm) ; organ concerts in the Cathedral and shows.
Organisation: ChartrEstivales. - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 18 26 26
Festival d’Orgue et de musique sacrée (Organ Festival), 6th July - 31st August
Festival showcasing "Europe's talented organists". Free concerts by renowned musicians, Europe's elite
organists, Sundays at 4:30pm in the Cathedral. Free entrance. Contact : Association des Grances Orgues
de Chartres - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 36 67 48
Chartres Summer Evening Festival
La Saint-Fiacre, 30th August . Medieval animations/activities and demonstrations of professions at Porte Guillaume.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 31 46 64
Fête de la Lumière (Festival of Light), 20th September
Large, popular festival with a special illuminated route through the town and
numerous events. - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 18 26 26
Fête des Vendanges (Grape Harvest Festival), 27th and 28th September
Chartres invites you to discover popular traditions and agricultural practices from
the beginning of 20th century to the present day.
Information: +33 (0)2 37 25 69 06
Festival of Light
Journées Lyriques de Chartres et d’Eure-et-Loir (Music Festival), from 3rd to
5th and from 10th to 12th October
Chartres and the Eure-et-Loir region invite you to enjoy a musical tour in the
company of Eve RUGGIERI, artistic director.
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 30 13 38
10th International Meeting of Mosaics (Picassiette Prize), from 18th
October to 9th November
The works of 240 mosaic professionals and amateurs, a series of lectures,
the awarding of the Picassiette Prize. Participants from 15 different
Tel: +33 (0)2 37 88 05 34
Chartres' traditional Foire de la SaintAndré (Saint Andrew's Fair) dates back
to the Middle Ages. It was held near
Saint-André Collegiate Church and
was the region's largest pig market.
Ever since then, the fair has been held
on the closest Sunday to Saint
Andrew's Day.
flea market, 22nd and 23rd March
Antique merchants at Chartexpo (Paris road). - Tel: +33 (0)6 09 04 93 57
« Salon du Chocolat et de la Gourmandise » (Chocolate and Greed Exhibition) 22nd and 23rd March
Chartrexpo (Paris road) - Tel: +33 (0)6 09 04 93 57
Automn flea market, 27th and 28th September
Chartrexpo (Paris road) - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 24 51 60
Artisanales de Chartres (National Craft Fair), 10th - 13th October
Eight centuries ago, it was craftsmen who built Chartres Cathedral. It's only natural that the “Artisanales de Chartres”
should be held in the capital of the Eure-et-Loir. This nationally-famous fair has established itself as the country's most important meeting for craftsmen (see page 23). Tel: +33 (0)2 37 91 57 00
« Foire de la Saint-André » (Saint André's Fair), 23rd November
Town centre. This fair goes back to the Middle Ages. - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 23 40 00
Christmas activities : 3 weeks in December
Musical entertainment in the town centre - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 18 47 60
Flea Market throughout the year - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 23 40 00 (see page 23)
Horse racing, from March to December, at the Chartres racecourse
Tel. +33 (0)2 37 34 93 73
France Championship of Swimming, from 8th to 13th April
Information : Chartres Métropole : +33 (0)2 37 25 33 33
Aquatic Complex - ice skating rink « L’Odyssée » - Tel: +33 (0)2 37 25 33 33: The
largest aquatic complex-ice skating rink in France with more than 4000sq. m of water, a
skating rink measuring 1300sq. m, a diving pool 20m deep, an outdoor 50m pool, a fitness suite and catering
facilities, a children’s space, activities during the year (thematic evenings, DJ…).
Student pilgrimage) – 23rd March
« Working people » pilgrimage – Sunday 11th May
Tamil pilgrimage from Sri Lanka – Sunday 25th May
Our Lady of Christianity pilgrimage – 9th June
Assumption (procession in the city) – 15th August
Guides and scouts of Europe pilgrimage – Sunday 5th October
Numerous events make Chartres a lively city to visit: quality theatrical and musical performances, rich and varied
exhibitions. Information available in Chartres Tourist office.
Available information at Chartres Tourist Office.
Accommodation and access
25 hotels in the greater Chartres area, with 1,270 available rooms
10 hotels in the city centre (429 rooms) - 5 independent hotels and 2 chain hotel: 3 4-star hotels (170 rooms), 1 3-star
hotels (82 rooms), 3 2-star hotels (98 rooms), 3 unrated hotel (79 rooms).
15 hotels outside the city centre (841 rooms) - 3 independent and 11 chain hotels: 1 3-star hotel (112 rooms), 7 2-star
hotels (357 rooms), 5 1-star hotels (260 rooms), 2 tourist-class hotels (112 rooms).
Diverse, friendly restaurants.
Numerous restaurants, serving everything from traditional cuisine to exotic specialties, invite you to discover the pleasures of
dining out in Chartres.
Motorway links
Chartres is at 60-minutes drive from Paris (89 km). Two motorways link Chartres directly to the capital:
Via the Porte d'Orléans or the Porte d'Italie: the A6 (direction: Lyon), then the A10 (direction: Bordeaux) and the A11
(direction: Nantes).
Via Porte de Saint-Cloud: the A13 (direction: Rambouillet). To the West (direction: Brittany), the A11 is accessible at Thivars (9 km) by the N10 (direction: Tours): then, Le Mans (116 km)
and Rennes (251 km); Angers (199 km) and Nantes (290 km).
Road links:
D910 to Paris (89 km), Tours (141 km), then Bordeaux (446 km) and Spain. 
D923 to Le Mans (121 km) and Nantes (299 km). 
N154 on the route linking Rouen (134 km) to Orléans (73 km). BY RAIL
33 daily links (in both directions) between Chartres and the Paris-Montparnasse railway station, TGV Atlantic's hub.
Trip length: 50 to 70 min.
Each day, 12 trains link (in both directions) Chartres and Le Mans. Several trains also link the city with Brittany.
After your arrival at the Train station, opt for the discover of the city by bike. Go to « La Maison du Vélo » Place
Pierre Sémard-28000 Chartres - Tel : +33 (0)2 37 32 83 51
The Paris airports are accessible by motorway from Chartres: Orly Sud and Orly Ouest, at 75 km (45 min); RoissyCharles-de-Gaulle, at 120 km (80 min).
The Tours airport is 150 km away from Chartres (2 hours).
Our team is ready to help you, by:
meeting your requests for information or visuals,
welcoming you to Chartres,
helping you to organize the shooting of films or photo reports in Chartres.
Aurélien CHARPILLE, General Manager
Amélie PESCHARD, Promotion and Communication Department
You can, at any time, suscribe to the press e-new « Séjournez à Chartres » (in French)
in wich on you will find our favorites of the season : activities, good plans, unusual and
(application for subscription to or by phone : +33 (0)2 37 18 50 35).
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