Organised by


Organised by
Session Seven: HTA from the Patients Perspectives
10:10-10:40 Trends in Egyptian healthcare spending
& the role of HTA by
12:20-12:50 Patients perspectives in HTA: A route
to robust evidence & decision making
by Dr. Jean Mossman, Healthcare
consultant involved in London School
of Economics Training Programme for
Patient on HTA & Health Economics,
Consultant in European Brain Council
charity, Scotland
12:55-13:25 The role of patient in value creation of
new health technologies by Dr. Nadia
Younis, Director of Public Affairs and
Communication, Lead- Gulf & Levant,
Pfizer, UAE
13:30-13:40 Questions
Session Eight: Practical Applications of
13:45-14:15 Quality of life & its importance in the
economic evaluation of medicines by
Dr. Mohammad Waheedi, Vice Dean for
Student Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Kuwait University
14:20-14:50 Urgent need to set fundamental pharmacy
corners: Clinical pharmacy & quality
control departments that play critical
roles in Pharmacoeconomics by Pharm.
Services Follow-up and Coordination
Services Administration, Ministry of
Health, Kuwait
14:55-15:10 Questions
15:15 Lunch
End of Day Two
Chaired by Professor Sam Salek
Session Nine: Models of Applied Health Economics I
08:45-09:15 Status of health technology assessment
in Mexico by Pablo Anaya
Research Director for Latin America at
IMS Health, Mexico
Principles and applications of health
economic models in USA, Speaker from US
Department of Health and Human Services
09:55-10:05 Questions
Session Ten: Models of Applied Health
Economics II
Dr. Mahmoud Elmahdawy, PharmD,
Manager Central Administration for
PharmaceuticalAffairs (CAPA), Ministry of
Health (MOH); President of International
Society for PharmacoEconomics &
Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Egypt's
10:45-11:15 Canadian HTA & Public reimbursement
Requirements by Dr. Jacinthe Lemay,
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of
Pharmacy, Health Sciences Center,
Kuwait University. Consultant, Pricing &
Regulation at Ministry of Health, Kuwait
11:20-11:30 Questions
11:35-12:10 Prayers & Refreshments
Session Eleven: Areas of Cost Containment in
the Healthcare industry I
12:15-12:45 Urgent need to establish a challenging
drug industry that is of high quality
production by Pharm. Marwa Al Jassar,
followup & coordination superintendent,
Pharmaceutical Services Administration,
Ministry of Health (MOH), Kuwait
12:50-13:20 The role of Track & Trace systems in
combating counterfeits & their economic
implications by Pharm. Hanan Kakish,
Regional Technical & Innovation Director
at Apex Pharmaceutical Service, Jordan
13:25-13:35 Questions
Session Twelve: Areas of Cost Containment in
Healthcare industry II
13:40-14:10 Green healthcare facilities: Investing
in early-stage to save operational &
maintenance costs in the long Run
by Eng. Hanan Al-Awadhi, Senior
Biomedical Engineer, Kuwait University
Payment Method
Individual registrations are welcomed to participate.
KADCEM provides specific rates for healthcare
professionals and students and these rates change
according to the time of registration as follows:
Table 8: Early Registration (Up to
May 4th, 2015)
Kuwaiti Dinars
US Dollars
Table 9: Late Registration (Starting
May 5th, 2015)
Kuwaiti Dinars
US Dollars
Discount rates may be applied as follows:
• Group Discounts (10% for group of 3-5, 12% for a
group of 6 or more)
• 12% discount for government officials & academics
• 15% discount for students
Registration fees include conference materials,
attendance certificate, refreshment services & lunch.
Registration Process/ Query
• Fill-up the registration form & send it to or or
deliver it to Shuweikh, Journalism Street,Airport Rd,
Al-Resala Building, First Floor
• Write to for any query or Call
+954 24915584/5 or Fax +965 24915583
• Refer to to download the brochure.
14:15-14:45 Positive behavior can improve safety &
reduce costs by Dr. Saud Al-Humaidan,
Psycho/Social Therapy
Alternative Medicine Center, Kuwait
Registration Form
Health Economics
10 -12 May 2015
Name: ……………………………................…………………………......……….
Job Title: …………………………………………..............………...…………
Organisation: …………………………………............…………………..
Registration fee: …………………………………...........……………
Form of Pay: …………………………………………............……………
Tel: …………….......….…….....………Fax: ………………….......…...………
Mobile: ………………...........……Email: ………....………….………
Date: ……………..…….......………. Sign: …...........…………..………….
Organised by
14:50-15:00 Questions
15:00-15:30 Recommendations & Closing Remarks
by Professor Stuart Walker
Cash/Debt Card: write to us to find out your
applicable discount rate
• Credit Card: write to us to find out your applicable
discount rate
• Cheque made payable to Kuwait Advancement for
conference & Exhibition Management FDN
• Bank transfer the registration fee directly to the
following bank account:
- Account Name: Kuwait Advancement for
Conference & Exhibition Management FDN
- Account number: 401010006526
- IBAN: KW38KFHO 0000 0000 0040 1010 006526
Payment confirmation notifications will be sent to
your email address, once your payment is processed
Refund policy: Registrants who cannot attend & do not
send a substitute are liable for full refund if a request
is received in writing 7 days before the workshop
commencement date.
Nouf Expo for Conference
& Exhibition Management
www.nouf expo .com
Kuwait Advancement for Conference
& Exhibition Management FDN
End of Conference
Please note that this is a preliminary program and subject to change prior to the conference
Conference Rapporteur: Dr. Reem K. Al-Essa
Healthcare is constantly advancing and the demand
for new health technologies and interventions
is potentially increasing and must be met with
sufficient resources, particularly during the current
risky economic conditions of decreasing oil
prices. Therefore, economic thinking is becoming
increasingly important in healthcare and there
is an urgent need to support health policies that
utilize health economics and financing to improve
transparency in planning, managing and delivering
a sustained level of health services.
Health economics is not about withholding a new
health intervention for the sake of minimizing
expenditure. It is about the rational use of the
available resources to maximize the benefits by
providing efficient and equitable healthcare services
to all patients.
This is a 3 day conference that introduces the concept
of health economics. It exposes the audience to the
fundamental role of health economics in determining
the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions
(e.g. medicines, diagnostic tests, surgical
procedures, hospital settings… etc.). Practical
applications to illustrate the economic thinking in the
assessment of new health technologies is explored
to provide a basic understanding of the concept of
health economics as an integral part of the national
health policy.
Aim and Objectives
The aim of the conference is to gather specialists and
professionals in the field of healthcare, economics
and financing for an exchange of knowledge with
some of the most senior leaders in the field of health
economics. The attendees will have the opportunity
to engage in high-level discussion with experts in
the field of health economics
The objectives of this conference are:
1. To introduce the concept of health economics
as an integral component of the national health
policy and economic stability.
2. To describe the principle of health technology
assessment and highlight its impact on the
formation of effective health policy that lead to
improved health and economic decision-making.
3. To identify areas of healthcare costs and trends
in healthcare spending
4. To define the role of the government in
advocating health policies that support health
economic evaluation of new interventions and
5. To highlight the role of the private sector in
encouraging the growth and empowerment of
the healthcare services and ensuring greater
economic growth and stability
pay particular attention in order to rationalize
healthcare spending and provide the best quality
healthcare services and commodities to the
6. To highlight the role of academia in emphasizing skills
and knowledge in the areas of health economics,
health financing and resource management
Theme 4: Health Economics &
Government Affair
7. To address the need for internal capacity building
in applied health economics, particularly in the
areas of internal cost management, clinical
evaluation and brand marketing plans.
8. To explore examples of economic evaluation of
pharmaceutical products that necessitates their
availability for patients in need.
Conference Themes
The conference themes are the various areas that
have been considered during the preparation of this
conference program.
The conference deliberations will revolve around
the following themes:
Theme 1: Concept of Health
This theme attracts topics that address the need for
health economics, health financing and resource
management in health and economic settings. It aims
at developing a strong foundation of decision-making
methods necessary to promote the efficient and
equitable allocation of resources in the provision of
preventive and curative medicine across the globe.
Theme 2: Health technology
assessment (HTA) & health policy
This theme is intended to addresses the relationship
between HTA and health policy making. It places a
particular emphasis on the importance of evaluating
social, economic, organizational and ethical issues
of new health interventions or health technologies
to make an informed decision.
Theme 3: Trends in Healthcare
The high and growing cost of health care is a
significant issue for people, businesses, and
government. Healthcare spending is growing
faster and faster in the light of the difficult
economic conditions and the decreasing oil
prices. This theme focuses on different areas
on which health economists are required to
Please note that this is a preliminary program and subject to change prior to the conference
This theme alerts the health and finance ministries
to the value of health economics as a vehicle for
enabling assessment of health-sector financing,
spending patterns, and areas for policy intervention.
It addresses health economic analysis and
reimbursement strategies for the development of
health economics arguments to support approval
and marketing of new and valuable health
Theme 5: Private Sector Participation
in Health
This theme promotes the engagement of the
private sector in improving the access to good
quality, affordable and appropriate health services
and commodities by the public. It tackles the impact
of the private sector interventions on the public
health and on the wider health system, covering the
supply and demand rules for the availability of new
technologies and interventions.
Theme 6: Models of Applied Health
This theme addresses examples of health economic
application on the regional and international levels.
These are efforts made to constantly provide efficient
and affordable healthcare services, interventions
and technologies through effective and sustained
domestic resource management.
Key Time and Dates
May 10 -12 , 2015
From 08:00 to 16:00
Who should attend?
Session One: GCC Healthcare Financing
Session Four: Use of Health Economics
09:35-09:55 Comparative Pricing of Medicines , the
United Pricing Procedure in the Gulf
States and the Importance of Applying
Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of the
Access of New Medicines to Patients
in Need, by Professor Saleh Bawzair,
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy,College
of Pharmacy, King Saud University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
14:00-14:30 Managing the costs of healthcare
wastes and their impact on healthcare
expenditure by, Expert in WHO - Regional
Centre for Environmental Health Action
(CEHA), Jordan
Public Health Specialists
Purchasing groups
Health and non-health economists
Financing specialists at Ministry of Health
Financing specialists at Ministry of Finance
Health insurance specialists
Health and Pharmaceutical managers
Market access specialists
Product development specialists
Brand marketing specialists
Policymakers: Government, Academics, Economists
Session Two: Worldwide Prioritization of HTA
Pharmacists, Hospitals
Pharmaceutical and Biotech firms
10:45-11:10 “More Money for Health” & “More
Health for Money” , the Role of Health
Economics Evaluation in Promoting
Universal Health Coverage, by Dr.
Awad Mataria, PhD Pharmacist, Health
Economist, World Health Organization
10:00-10:30 Priorities for Healthcare Financing in the
Gulf Region by Dr. Tawfiq Bin Ahmed
Khoja, Director-General of the Executive
Board of the GCC Health Ministers
Council, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
10:35-10:45 Questions
Regulatory Authorities
• Price Regulators
Conference Chairpersons
• Professor Stuart Walker: Professor of
Pharmaceutical Medicine. Welsh School of
Pharmacy, University of Wales, and Founder of
The Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science,
United Kingdom
• Pharmacist Donia Bastaki: Head of Registration
Department, Pharmaceutical & Herbal Registration
and Control Administration, Drug & Food Control,
• Professor Sam Salek: PhD RPh FFPM MRPSGB
MCMS FESCP Prpfessor of Pharmacoepidemiology
Director, Institute for Medicines Development - Visiting
Professor, Estate of Hessen, Germany - Vice President,
PharmaTrain Federation, Chair - EHA SWG ‘‘Quality of
Life & Symptoms’’, United Kingdom
Crowne Plaza, Kuwait
Al-Baraka Ballroom
Conference Preliminary
Exhibition hours
3 full days from 08:00 to 16:00
Exhibitor prospectus will be available from February 2015
Opening Session:
Conference Booklet
09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony
Will be distributed along with the conference kit.
Chaired By Professor Stuart Walker
08:00-08:55 Registration
Please note that this is a preliminary program and subject to change prior to the conference
11:15-11:45 Capacity building of HTA and maximizing
coverage with fixed resources allocated
for new health interventions by Dr.
Klara Tisocki, Team Leader, Essential
Medicines & Health Technologies, World
Health Organization Western Pacific
Regional Office
11:50-12:00 Questions
12:05-12:30 Prayers & Refreshments
Session Three: Concepts and Principles of
Health Economics
12:35-13:05 Fundamental Principles of Health
Economics by Professor Sam Salek, PhD
Prpfessor of Pharmacoepidemiology
Development - Visiting Professor, Estate
of Hessen, Germany - Vice President,
PharmaTrain Federation, Chair - EHA
SWG ‘‘Quality of Life & Symptoms’’,
United Kingdom
13:10-13:40 Concept of cost utility associated with
the health state of patients: Impact
of safety profile of the outcomes of
the Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of
medicines by Dr. Amr Saad, Director of
Pharmacovigilance Centre, Egypt
13:45-13:55 Questions
14:35-15:05 Healthcare technology costs (operation,
maintenance, acquisition, disposal,
etc.) by Eng. Hanan Al-Awadhi, Senior
Biomedical Engineer, Health Science
Centre - Kuwait University
15:10-15:20 Questions
End of Day One
Chaired by Pharma. Donia Bastaki
Session Five: Regulations,
09:00-09:30 Building quality into the decision making
process in HTA: Is structured framework,
a critical component? by Professor Stuart
Walker, Professor of Pharmaceutical
Medicine, Welsh School of Pharmacy,
University of Wales; Founder of The
Centre for Innovation in Regulatory
Science, London, United Kingdom
09:35-10:05 Importance of Pharmacovigilance in
Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of
Medicines and How ADR Costs are
Affecting Health Care Expenditure in
KSA. by Dr. Nasser Alqahtani, Head,
Adverse Drug Reactions Evaluation
department ñ Pharmacovigilance centre
Authority at Saudi Food & Drug ,Saudi
10:10-10:20 Questions
Session Six: Practical Roles of Health
10:25-10:55 Implementing a fit for purpose HTA
programme: A Practical guide by Dr.
David Danko, Managing Director at Ideas
& Solutions (I&S), and Research Leader
at Corvinus University of Budapest
11:00-11:30 Pinciple of Pharmacoeconomics in Kuwait.
Dr. Hamad Al-Sultan, President of ISPOR
Kuwait Chapter, Kuwait.
11:35-11:45 Questions
11:50-12:15 Prayers & Refreshments
Please note that this is a preliminary program and subject to change prior to the conference