Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter


Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter
P.O. Box 841213
Houston, TX 77284
Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter
Spring 2015 Kairos Outside Weekend #31
March 27th – 29th at Camp Allen
Here are some ways YOU can get involved…
1. Be a “Prayer Partner” – Please pray for the Guests & Team, that hearts are opened and that God is glorified
through the experiences of this weekend!.
2. Serve as a “Day Angel” – Come out Friday, Saturday or Sunday for a few hours to help the
team to make the weekend special for our guest. If you can help out, contact us at angelcookoh@gmail.com.
3. Join us in the “Walking In Love” ceremony - You are cordially invited to join Kairos Outside Houston #31 to
show Christian love by participating in lighting up ‘a path of love’ with candlelight & song for our new Kairos
Outside Sisters. This is a way for you to demonstrate God’s grace & love through Christian support for women
who are mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, grandmothers & friends of the incarcerated.
This is an open invitation to all Emmaus, Cursillo, Epiphany, Chrysalis, Tres Dias communities, Restorative
Justice Ministries, sponsoring churches, and the Kairos Inside & Kairos Outside communities to enhance the
experience of our new Kairos Outside Sisters as they walk in love!
Saturday, March 28th - Arrive by 8:00pm –
We’ll begin with a time of community gathering/prayer.
Camp Allen Conference Center, 18800 FM 362, Navasota, TX - Campsite 3A
(see Google Map or visit www.campallen.org/directions)
Remember your experience - come, and enhance theirs by showing your Christian love & support!
4. Join us in the Closing Ceremony - Sunday, March29th @ 2pm at Camp Allen!
Kairos Outside of Houston – Fal/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter – Page 2
2015 Kairos Outside Houston
Advisory Council
Guest Testimonial
“My husband is currently serving time at the
Vance Unit in Richmond. He encouraged me
to attend the Kairos Weekend last October
Dana Parcel, Chairperson
2013. He kept asking me if I'd turned in my
Don Allen
application, and after asking for the 3rd or 4th
Christine Baggerly
time, I finally went on-line, printed out the
application, filled it out and sent it in. Since it
Robin Bruso
appeared this was something he really wanted
Julie Burks
me to do, I asked him what it was all about. He
Linda Chapman
just said, you need to go. You really need to
Darlene Coburn
go. It sounded very intriguing. Since my
husband of over 35 years knew I'd love it, I
Christy Dobbs
really wanted to go So, I went and I am so glad
Paulette Hunt
I did. I have never been to anything in my life
Denise Lloyd
that meant more to me in my spiritual walk
Renee McGah
than that weekend did. Because of the impact
it had on my life, I knew I had to share the
Robin Metzger
experience with others and also that I had to
JoAnn Morrow
become part of the team. I'd been searching for
Mamie Niederhofer
my place in ministry for a very long time and it
Sonja Rodgers
was so clearly apparent after attending the
Carolyn Rogas
weekend that this was it. I am so humbled by
these beautiful women. Each and every one
Marci Tickner
was a blessing to each other and to me. You
Wanda Washington
see, until I became a born again believer at the
______________________________ age of 30, I thought no one cared, no one loved
Mailing Address Updates needed – if your
me, and that I was worthless. When the love of
mailing address has changed within the past year, my life, my husband, my soul mate, my
please send your name, new address and phone protector left me to go to prison, I needed to
make sense out of my life and I found it
through my family, my friends, and now
through my new Kairos ministry friends. I am
KO Polo Shirts available for $20 each–
so honored and blessed to be a part of this
Colors: white, black, red
incredible, self-less, vital ministry.”
Sizes: Small – XXX (Men’s sizes)
Make checks payable to “Kairos”
Contact: Dana Parcel at
Robin, Former KOH Guest
Kairos Outside of Houston – Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter – Page 3
Hello Kairos Outside Houston (KOH) Community!
My prayer is that this finds you all well and praising God for all the blessings He has bestowed! One of the blessings I have
been given is the opportunity to be a part of this awesome ministry called Kairos Outside Houston! I would like to take a
few moments of your time to let you know what is happening in the KOH Community. I promise it will be worth it!!
FALL KO WEEKEND POSTPONED: We always hope to have 2 KO weekends per year; however, this year we have had to
postpone our Fall weekend until the Spring of 2015. The dates for the Spring weekend (KO #31) are March 27-29, 2015. It
will be held at Camp Allen, where we have hosted weekends for the past two years. As usual, a reunion will follow a
couple of weeks after the weekend. Reunions are for EVERYONE who has been involved in KO, not just for the team and
guests of the most current Weekend!
Weekends are made possible by those who choose to serve on a team. A team is made up of many facets. It includes
people who have attended various spiritual retreats such as the Walk to Emmaus and Cursillo (among others). It includes
those who have or have had incarcerated loved ones and those who have been incarcerated themselves. It also includes
guests who have attended a Kairos Outside weekend and persons who just have a love and desire to share the KO
In order for KOH to continue to show God’s love to these precious women who are sometimes lost, afraid, alone or just
need a friend who understands, we need YOU. We need your compassion, your loving heart, your desire to share what
you received. Won’t you please ask God in what capacity He wants YOU to serve? I would like to share how ALL of us can
be involved in KOH!
Cookbooks Coming Soon! Yep, you heard right, KOH is in the beginning stages of creating a cookbook, filled with recipes
from our KO community, which you are a part of! You can be in on it from the very beginning! Contact Rev. Denise Lloyd
at dde123@sbcglobal.net and let her know you want to help!!
Agape Opportunities - Green Agape! KO is a non-profit organization and with that, all of the funding that is needed to
host weekends comes from donations from people and donation opportunities, such as the cookbook and the KO polo
shirts. If you feel led and/or are able to do so, green agape is always welcome! You may make your donations by mail by
sending it to the KOH address located at the top this letter.
Kairos Inside (KI) Closings - Weekend Team Servants! Simply stated, KO Weekends can’t happen without volunteers.
How sad would it be to say, “I’m sorry, we won’t be holding Weekends anymore because we have don’t have enough
people who said yes to serving.” Let’s don’t let KOH reach that point. KOH needs YOU! You can either go online at
www.kairosoutsidehouston.organd print a team application or contact me, I will certainly send you one!
Your Testimony Needed - We often get requests to share our testimonies at churches and other gatherings. What an
honor to be recognized and given the opportunity to share KOH with some who might not have ever heard of it! If you are
interested in sharing your KO story at ANYTIME, contact Wanda Washington washingtonwanda@aol.com. She will get you
signed up!
Prayers Encouraged! Thank you all for your time that you have given to KOH in the past. Let’s come together as a
community to make it even stronger in the future!
God Bless You ALL!!
Dana Parcel, parcel3@wildblue.net
Kairos Outside Houston
Advisory Council Chairperson
Kairos Outside of Houston – Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter – Page 4
Kairos Outside Houston Family Reunion:
Please join us for Fellowship, Food & Fun!!
We will be hosting our Kairos Outside Houston reunion on Sunday, April 12, 2015
from 2pm-5pm. We will celebrate our new KOH family members as well as the
veterans. The location is:
Bayland Park (Pavilion on Pitchfield Dr.)
6400 Bissonnet St. (Google Map)
Houston, TX 77074
We ask that everyone bring potluck food and/or drinks. This will be a picnic-style
reunion with a large park for the children to play.
We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Kairos Outside
Weekend #32 – Fall 2015
at Camp Allen
(watch for more details)
Get Involved! Here's How You Can
Participate… Be a Kairos Outside
retreat team member
If you or someone you may know is a female
facing challenges of life with an incarcerated
loved one, this weekend is just what you need.
Come and experience God's true and on-going
unconditional love. You will have a safe place
to "rest" and a wonderful team of women who
want to carry your "LOAD" all because we
understand. If you are interested complete a
Guest Reservation Form from our website and
return to our P. O. Box on the front page of this
newsletter. We can't wait to hear from you!!
Kairos Outside volunteers come from all walks
and strata of life. They all share a desire to
follow Christ’s admonition of Matthew 25:36,
“I was in prison and you visited me."
If you feel God's call to minister to women
whose lives have been impacted by
incarceration of a loved one, please send your
request for more information to
Be a Ministry Financial Donor: All Kairos Outside activities are funded by donations. If you
would like to support this weekend or the ministry by your donation, make your check payable to:
Kairos Outside of Houston
P.O. Box 841213, Houston, TX 77284
Kairos Outside of Houston – Fall/Winter 2014 Community Newsletter – Page 5
KOH is excited to announce its
First Annual Chili Cook-off
with “Silent” Auction
Plan on being a part of it!
SAVE THE DATE: February 7, 2015 TIME: 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
COST: $ 5.00/person for chili
Location: St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church, 2003 W. 43rd St.,
Houston 77018
Entry forms for chili cook-of teams (Chief cook & 2 assistant cooks).
Booth décor-theme & period dress. Deadline to submit entry form
for chili cook-off is January 24, 2015. Request entry form and
“Silent” auction form from Denise Lloyd (dde123@sbcglobal.net).
Please submit “Silent” auction items as soon as possible. All
proceeds go to Kairos Outside Houston.
Visit www.kairosoutsidehouston.org under the ‘Community’ tab for
rules, entry form, and Silent Auction donation form