Divine Mercy Sunday - Church of the Ascension
Divine Mercy Sunday - Church of the Ascension
Church of the Ascension P ARISH M ISSION S TATEMENT : W E F AITHFULLY P ROCLAIM , C ELEBRATE , W ITNESS , AND S ERVE J ESUS C HRIST April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (913) 681-3348 • RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 6:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 3:30 p.m. ANOINTING OF THE SICK 1st Thursday of the Month: 6:30 p.m. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. ROSARY Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Monday-Friday: 6:20 a.m. Thursday: 6:30 p.m. 9510 W. 127th St. • Overland Park, KS 66213 www.kcascension.org • ascensionchurch@kcascension.org Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK CALENDAR OF EVENTS STEWARDSHIP Sunday, April 12 Dress for Success, Gathering Area All Day Catholic Charities Food Drive Before All Masses Donuts, Parish Hall After 8:15AM & 10:00AM Masses Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. 9:15AM K4C Class 10:00AM Baptism Class, St. Luke Rm. 1:00PM AA Mtg., St. John Rm. 1:00PM Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. 4:00PM S&L 6:30PM SOR Year 1 6:30PM Monday, April 13 RCIA, St. Matthew Rm. School of Faith, Church International Missions Mtg., Conf. Rm. Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:15PM Tuesday, April 14 Liturgy Committee Mtg., Conf. Rm. 7:00PM Wednesday, April 15 City Union Mission Food Dropoff, Parish Hall SOR Zoom-HS Group., Youth Rm. AA Mtg., St. John Rm. Legion of Mary, St. Martha Rm. Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym Financial Update Weekly Offertory: Mar. 21- Mar. 22 Mar. 28- Mar. 29 Apr. 4 - Apr. 5 5:30PM Friday, April 17 Men of Ascension, St. Luke Rm. 6:00AM Saturday, April 18 Dress For Success, Gathering Area Villa St. Francis Spring Cleanup, Offsite All Day 9:00AM $ 56,800.48 $ 62,115.45 $ 76,852.63 Monthly Autodebit: March 650 Families on Autodebit $ 179,608.88 YTD: March, 2015 $4,499,083.85 Registered Families by 3:00PM 5:30PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:15PM Thursday, April 16 A2J-Addicted 2 Jesus, Youth Rm. Sunday, April 19 Dress For Success, Gathering Area K of C Breakfast Buffet, Parish Hall Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. K4C Classes Baptisms, Church AA Mtg., St. John Rm. Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. SOR Year 1 My Gift of Treasure 3,199 Thank You Thanks to all who so beautifully enhanced our Easter Masses through music, flowers, decorations and for the help of all our liturgical ministers. Father Tom, Father Nathan and Father Alessandro All Day 8:00AM-Noon 9:15AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 1:00PM 4:00PM 6:30PM DRESS FOR SUCCESS!! Gathering Area April 11-19 While you are cleaning out your closets, please donate women’s and men’s clothing for interviews and jobs! Donations of CLOTHES MUST BE CLEAN and READY to wear, (Seasonal ONLY)! We do collections in April/May and September. Business attire and accessories appropriate to wear to a job interview including: Pant/skirt suits, jackets/blazers, slacks, shirts or blouses (especially in white, cream, beige and black). Pumps, flats, loafers or dress shoes (in navy, brown, or black), jewelry, scarves, purses, briefcases/portfolios. Unused hosiery or socks, (knee-highs included), in nude, off-black and coffee. Clothes must be clean and on hangers. 2 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK (Continued) MARRIED COUPLES SAVE THE DATE June 7, 1:00PM CITY UNION MISSION DESSERTS AND SERVERS NEEDED Great Family Opportunity April 15, Food Dropoff by 3:00PM Recharge…... Phones. Laptops. Tablets. We are careful about charging our devices so they are there when we need them. In the busyness of our lives we forget to give our marriages the attention they need to thrive. Save the dateSunday June 7, 2015, 1:00pm-4:00pm. Desserts and servers are needed for City Union Mission Family Shelter on Wednesday, April 15. Families are welcome to help!!! Help us serve the homeless women and families that stay at City Union Mission Family Center. We will be providing desserts for dinner for 125 folks, along with the Knights, who are cooking the dinner. We also serve them. Dinner is served at 5:00pm cafeteria style. Brad and Libby DuPont of the Archdiocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life, will offer practical insights and skills to help you recharge the joy in your most significant relationship! Please drop desserts at the table in the hallway by the St. John's Rm. by 3:00pm on April 15. Servers, please plan to pick up the meal in the Ascension kitchen (the meal is prepared by a group from the Knights), along with desserts left at the St John's hallway. We need to be ready to go down and warm up the meal and prep around 3:30pm, so we'll have plenty of time to be ready by 5:00pm. No cost for the event and child care will be available in our nursery. RSVP to Ray Martin rmartin@kcascension.org. INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS MEETING April 13, 7:30PM Conf. Rm. Go to kcascension.org/Get Involved/Service Opportunities/ Feed the Hungry/City Union Family Center to sign up. ADDICTED 2 JESUS (A2J) April 16, 5:30PM Youth Rm. ZOOM April 15, 6:00PM Youth Rm. A2J is calling all 6th & 7th graders and your friends. Please come join us for youth group! We meet every first and third Thursday of the month from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Ascension Youth Room. Parents keep any eye out for our A2J email updates and off campus events. We encourage all 6th & 7th graders to come experience our A2J culture of love, laughter, fun, food, faith and fellowship and let's not forget our famous "Candy Toss.” Most importantly we do this all in the presence of Jesus as we better ourselves as good Catholic ladies and gentlemen. Any questions about volunteering as a team leader or donating food please give me a call. Heath Cole 913-7062254. All high school students are invited to join us for Zoom (food, fellowship, & small groups) in the Youth Rm. Dinner starts at 6:00pm. Event runs until 8:00pm. LEGION OF MARY April 15, 7:00PM St. Martha Rm. CATHOLIC F ACT Fasting and the Eucharist It has been an ancient tradition of Christians to abstain from food prior to receiving the Eucharist. Until the 1950’s, the faithful were required to fast beginning at midnight prior to receiving the Eucharist. The Church’s current requirement is that the faithful simply abstain from food and drink (with the exception of water and medicine) for one hour beforehand. The elderly, the infirm, and those who care for them are allowed to receive the Eucharist even if they have consumed something within the preceding hour. 3 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday ASCENSION THIS WEEK (Cont.d) April 12, 2015 UPCOMNG EVENTS ST. DISMAS PRISON MINISTRY MEETING April 20, 7:00PM St. Luke Rm. FAMILY SERVICE DAY VILLA ST. FRANCIS SPRING CLEANUP April 18, 9:00AM-11:30AM We provide to all persons incarcerated in Johnson County jails and juvenile facilities. This includes: Mass or Communion Service, Catechesis or Scripture Study, and facilitate regular access to Sacrament of Reconciliation. We participate in a letter writing mentoring program and Mentor for Success through the State Prisons. Kids can participate (and adults) by making cards with pictures drawn, Bible verses, messages of hope, etc. using card stock, construction paper, magic markers or colored pencils (no crayons please), and first names only. Visit our website at www.sdpo.org. This is an Ascension Ministry in conjunction with other parishes, all are welcome and needed! Contact Jean in the office for more details 6813348. On Saturday, April 18, the Social Concerns Ministry and the Ascension Knights of Columbus will be co-sponsoring a Spring cleanup day at Villa St. Francis, 16600 W. 126th St., Olathe. This is a wonderful opportunity to provide a tremendous assistance to the maintenance of this archdiocesan sponsored extended care facility and its grounds. Typical work assignments are grounds clean-up, shrub and tree trimming, dining table/chair cleaning and window washing. Action begins sharply at 9:00am and should be completed by 11:30am. This is something everyone can do and it’s a lot of fun as well as rewarding. If you’d like to participate, please contact Steve Ehart at (913) 205-6701 or steve.ehart@sbcglobal.net. ROSARY & ANOINTING OF THE SICK May 7, 6:30PM Church KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST BUFFET April 19, 8:00AM-Noon Parish Hall ILLNESS & CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP May 7, 7:00PM Conf. Rm. Tired of the long lines at all those breakfast buffet places? And the high prices? Dealing with people you don’t even know? Check out the Knights Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 19, from 8:00am until 12:00pm noon. Prices are: $6.00 for adults; $4.00 for children ages 5-11; and children under 5 are free. We accept credit and debit cards, as well as those old standbys - cash and checks. COVERED IN PRAYER May 7, 7:00PM St. Luke Rm. RESPITE CARE TRAINING May 9, 9:00AM-3:00PM St. Joseph Health Center Education Room Kansas City, MO. Menu includes: pancakes with numerous toppings, scrambled eggs, omelets, sausages, fruit and a yogurt bar as well as coffee and juice. This is the last breakfast of the school year plus you get to mingle with your fellow parishioners. Respite is a rewarding ministry giving companionship and care to a homebound person; while allowing their caregiver some much needed time away. Men and women are needed to become volunteers. Volunteers serve in their own parish. You must go through training prior to becoming a volunteer. If you are a caregiver or are ill and could use a volunteer, or if you would like to become a volunteer, please contact Mary Ann Woodward at email: mawoodward223@gmail.com or 897-3258, or Jean 6813348 in the office. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE STUDY MAJOR PROPHETS April 19, 9:15AM Conf. Rm. The study is from 9:15am-10:45am in the conference room off the gathering area. Want to join or need a book or for more information call Paul O’Connell at 913-888-2130. “Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.” 4 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS (Continued) RENEWING THE FAMILY ONE LESSON AT A TIME INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS TRIP TO GUATEMALA June 16-22 Sign up Now! We are gearing up for the Annual Mission Trip to Guatemala! We will be leaving on June 16, and returning on June 22. We will be staying at San Lucas Mission for the work portion, then will be traveling high into the mountains to visit our sister Parish and have Mass. Brochures are available on the bulletin boards in the Gathering Area. Please contact Jean in the office, 6813348, as soon as possible if you are interested! Do you want to find ways to pass on the faith and live it in your family? Did you know Ascension Parish has a program for anyone in Kindergarten – 6th Grade? This program is for children who attend public schools, home school and Catholic schools. Our Catholic Faith is the greatest of gifts to pass onto your children that will affect their whole lives long after they have left home. Family Formation is a truly innovative faith formation program enabling parents to be the primary educators in the Faith. Family Formation revolves around the family. This shared learning experience spills over into the family’s everyday life. SAVE THE DATE GARAGE SALE June 10-13 Here is how it works - parents and kids come once a month to the parish to learn, and parents work at home on the next three weeks’ worth of lessons. It’s a program that is truly renewing the family one lesson at a time. Spring is coming and while you clean up and clean out, save all: furniture, clothes, books, pictures and ALL YOUR TREASURES for the Annual Ascension Garage Sale! The Garage Sale helps to fund the many ministries we serve and ministries beyond our parish. So clean out a corner of the garage and store everything until drop-off in June. Contact Jean in the office with questions or for additional information at jhinman@kcascension.org or 681 -3348. Go to kcascension.org under the School of Religion section to find out more. DID YOU KNOW??? Ascension is a very active parish. You must reserve the room you are using in advance of your function. No one should assume they have a room anywhere in the facility unless you have submitted a space reservation form to the office and it has been approved, even if you have been meeting there in the past. Please check with Jan in the office to be sure you have the space reserved. There is also a list of who is using what room under the TV monitor in the Gathering Space. SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you love your faith? Would you be willing to share it with our young parishioners this June? You are personally invited to consider being a catechist for our Summer SOR Program which is from 9:00am to 12:30pm June 15-26. Please call the SOR office to volunteer or for more information at 681-7683. First, 3rd-6th grade spots are available. 5 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 ALL ARE WELCOME - A GREAT FAMILY EVENT!!! “THE VIRGIN MARY’S LAST HOME ON EARTH” (No it was not in Jerusalem) By Bill Quatman, President of The American Society of Ephesus, Inc. Sponsored by the Women of Ascension April 23, 7:00PM Parish Hall (Brief Reception to Follow) After persecutions broke out there against the Apostles, including the beheading of St. James, all of them left Jerusalem to begin their missions. St. John, the beloved disciple, made his way to Ephesus in Asia Minor (today Turkey). St. Paul spent three years in Ephesus, and wrote his letters to the “Ephesians” after nearly causing a riot in that city. Did the Apostles leave Mary behind, alone in Jerusalem? St. John tells us that after Christ entrusted Mary to his care at the foot of the Cross, “from that hour, that disciple took Her into his own home.” (John 19:27). The home was discovered in 1891 in Ephesus by Lazarist priests in a fascinating search using the “visions” of a German nun, the stigmatic Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich, who was beatified in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. The house has been visited by three Popes, including Pope Benedict XVI, who celebrated Mass there in November 2006 and met with Mr. Quatman. Come hear the story of the house, its amazing discovery and the million Christians and Muslims who make pilgrimages there each year. Our presenter is Bill Quatman, President of the American Society of Ephesus, founded by his grandfather in 1955 to help restore Mary’s home, St. John’s tomb, and other Christian sites in Ephesus, Turkey. You won’t forget this amazing story. 6 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 PLEASE TAKE STEPS TO COME BACK TO THE CHURCH…. 7 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER NOTE: Please be sure to let us know when your loved one is better. Email Jean Hinman at: jhinman@kcascension.org or call Jean at the Parish Office 681-3348. Thank you. Monday 6:45AM 12:00PM April 13 +Loren Foltz by CRHP Team 2 +Ann Fischbach by Family Tuesday 6:15AM 6:45AM 8:00AM 11:30AM 12:00PM April 14 Reconciliation +Bernard Weiser by Family +Donald McCormick by Tomka Family Reconciliation +James William Sullivan by Shirley & Bob Chenoweth Wednesday 6:45AM 8:00AM 12:00PM April 15 +Sue Keefer by CRHP Team 2 +Frank Rosell by Lisa Ragan and Children +Robert Dornhoffer by Steve & Mary Pat Fruin Thursday 6:45AM 12:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM Friday 6:45AM 12:00PM Saturday 8:30AM 3:30PM 4:30PM Sunday 8:15AM 9:30AM 10:00AM 11:45AM 5:00PM Please let us know when your loved one is better! Parishioners: Pete Arnold, Charles Arrambide, Margaret Augustine, Kathleen Baldwin, Joannie Basler, Jim Bob, Jamie Boos, Tim Cowden, Hunter Cussigh, Chelsea Dalbey, Mike Delaney, Bob and Mary Dinneen, Janet Dodd, Rick Doran, Patricia Dors, Karen Elliott, Joe Esposito, Leona Fladung, Jack Gessler, Robert Gilworth, Scott Graham, Mary Pat Harpenau, Virginia Hermes, Barb Hughes, Alice Isom, Amy Johannes, Louise Larson, Trudy Larson, Helen Legleiter, Rose Maher, Joe Martin, Joe Montgomery, Charles Nutt, Tom Oxley, Kay Raab, Phillip Rauen, Marc Rottinghaus, Guadalupe Sauceda, Martha Schofield, Deidre Sechi, George Shore, Ann Smith, Jill Smith, Ana Sosa de Alonzo, Fran Struble, Fr. Tom Tank, Jack Thesing, Dave Watson. Relatives & Friends of Parishioners: Ruth Adams, Sandy Beer, Bill Bins, Krissy Brogan, Sherry Burge, Cameron Burroughs, Sister Mary Concetta Cardinale, Lucille Carolo, Chris Cross, Tami Cross, Paula Darling, Daphne, Evan Davies, Kim Dunn, Dean Edson, Virginia Engel, Jack Ferguson, Ronald Fortino, Charlie Futhy, Kala Groff, Nancy Greenwood, John Grillos, Grant Haden, Jean Hartnett, Willie Hayne, Andrew Heckey, Carl Hodel, Mary Holke, Carol Ingram, Carmen Juasi, Jim and Tom Kinerk, Stan Klimek, Don Kozlowski, Mary Kurt, Millie Lally, Anne Latora, Mary Ann Leach, Scott Leahy, Mark Lindstrom, Msgr. Raymond Lopatesky, Joyce Maurer, James McGinnis, Steve McGowan, Buzz Meara, Leslie Morley, Martin Murphy, Annie Murray, Beth Nelson, Michael P., Linda Pearson, Jill Pechacek, Frank Pish, Carol Reilly, Ron Reynolds, Jackie Rogers, Ed Roginski, Cathy Rohr, Jason Ross, Patrick Ruelle, Joan Russo, Dan Rynard, Lucca Sachse, Bill Schaefer, Jamie Scheibach, Robert Schmidt, Kim Scholz, Bonnie Schrick, Elle Schwartz, Caren Smith, Reverie Smith, Claude Snyder, Kay Snyder, Jacob Sprinkle, Joyce Stallbaumer, Francis Sudbeck, Jennifer Tarpin, Greg Trunzo, Monica Vance, Marilyn Vaughn, Doug Ward, Michael Ward, Fran Waymire, Michael Wellinghoff, Tina White, Noah Wilson, David Wiltgen, Kathy Wright. April 16 +Rudolph & Mary Weiser by Family +Edward & Anna Mary Hamera by Family Weekly Rosary Reconciliation April 17 +Marylinn Hayes, Joe Martin, +John Kavanaugh, +Janet V. Payne by the Knights of Columbus Dawnlee & Steve Maurer April 18 Carey Needham by Levell Family Reconciliation Ascension Parishioners Fr. Tom April 19 +Gertrude Frommelt Fr. Alessandro by John and Kathleen Hlavacek Weekly Rosary +Ila G. Kennedy Fr. Nathan by Gladys Boeckner +Vincent Simpson Fr. Alessandro by the Kilgore Family +Lily Cherian Fr. Nathan by Family Unforeseen circumstances may require a change in the priest schedule. 8 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER Second Sunday of Easter Extreme Christians Baptisms This Sunday’s first reading is one of the descriptions of ideal apostolic life. Remember John’s Gospel saying that God is love? Here we have Luke’s version in Acts of that same principle. He begins with the community being one in heart and mind. They not only believed in the same Risen Lord, but their love for Him showed in their love for each other. They were not just a community or parish; they were one family. Luke shows two ways the Christian communities began to change the world. First, they told anyone who would listen about the resurrection “with great power.” (Acts 4:33) You can take that as power to do miracles, healings, etc. But it can also mean the power of conviction: They were so excited about Jesus’ resurrection, that they couldn’t stop talking about it. Their fervor was infectious. We could use some of that fervor today. I sometimes think the only reason we don’t do miracles ourselves is that we don’t really believe we could. Maybe we need to remind ourselves that we aren’t the ones doing the miracles—God is. Remember how many times Jesus told people it was their faith that cured them? God can do miracles any time he wants. But we can’t receive them if we don’t have faith. Instead of trying to believe that you can do a miracle, try believing that God can do it for you. The second way the disciples stood out was their willingness to give up anything for the Lord. Luke uses the example of selling their property to share with those in need. But some went even further, giving up their lives for the faith. That kind of witness says that the resurrection is real and I expect to take part in it. It also says that nothing can make me give up my faith. So what am I willing to give up for the Lord? It’s easy to throw money in a collection for the poor. How about giving some time to feed the poor, or help build a home for someone? What can you give to help spread the faith—maybe the time to be a sponsor for a convert? The love you show to others could be their only experience of God’s love. Hannah Clare Winkler Luke James Dryden New Parishioners Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Crape and Family Mr. John Clark Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Engel and Family Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Novak Mr. & Mrs. Christian O’Brien and Family Mr. & Mrs. Matt Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Dave Evers Together for Life Courtney Rager and Gabriel Grimaldi Banns of Matrimony Kimberly Bredeman and Stephen Tholl Kayla Hickey and Adam Zebrowski Stacy Daire and Paul Kemmeter Kaylee Joerger and Colby Rieke April 13-19 Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 If you have a relative or friend serving in the Armed Forces whom you would like for us to pray for, please add him/ her to the list located in the gathering area. God Bless our soldiers! Prayer Partners Intention Voicemail Number 1 -888-684-6555 Thank you! 9 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 EASTER MEMORIALS John & Pauline Antonelli Francis & Mary Donnelly Nicolo, Melania & Mary Antonelli Emmanuelle Donzelli Peggy Beeson Maria Donzelli Adela Benavidez Doran/Prior Family Members Paul & Bess Berman Bill Dougherty Leo Bieser Family Richard & Olive Drew John Blazek Frank Essner John Boehm Meghan Fischer Christa Hein Boone John & Terry Ford John & Celina Bourquin Edward Gast Arthur & Margaret Brenner Alfred & Bertie Geiger Robert & Mary Ann Brenner James & Mary Gillespie Catherine Caldwell Chris Glaros Joseph T. Carnelia, Sr. Matthew J. Gonzales David & Linda Daniels Sandy Griesel George DeRose Marianne Halliday James DeRose Harpenau Family Members Lucille DeRose Wayland Harvey Donald F. Devore Brett Hayes 10 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 EASTER MEMORIALS (Continued) Vern Healy David Leese Ferrell Heeter Bonnie Manoles Terrence Henry Deceased Family Members of the Maurer & Weber Families Deceased Members of the Higley & Huber Families William & Mary McCarty Pauline Hinman Andrew McCullagh Margaret Hodes Mac McFarland Damion Hunt Margie Metz Teodora, John Thomas, Restituto & Alejandro Inso Richard Mika Nick & Lavon Milasnovich Jacobs/Kreikemeier Family Members Don Minter Roman Jamili Aileen Mongey Arthur Jeannet, Jr. Amalia Montalvo Kenneth Kelly, Sr. Bill Nachbar Ed & Bernadine Kerstiens Garry Naparstek Deceased Members of the Kneib & Schillermann Families Placido Obenita Andrew & Susan Kuzila Anna Oblak Raymond R. Kuzila Marjorie O’Neil Kelly & Lampe Families Gilbert Palmer Family Deceased Family Members of Ron & Helen Legleiter 11 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 EASTER MEMORIALS (Continued) Crystal & Andrew Pawlowski Charles W. Strother-Father Charles W. Strother-Son Sandy Peneton Florence Tank Helen & Joe Pillot Linda Tank Dan Pope H.C. & Sue Teegarden Ralph & Jacqueline Prince Gerald R. Timp Andy Rabin Bill Weems Aaron Rash Chuck & Levi Weidner Ken Rethman Bernard & Teresa Weiser Lori Ann Rethman Earl Wilde Al, Sylvia & Jim Roder Mary Alice Willman Rottinghaus & Wietharn Families Eleanor & George Winkler, Sr. Anne Russell Marie Winkler Deceased Members of the Ryan & Gilbertson Families Art Winters Jack Sharp Deceased Members of the Winters & Wohletz Families 2Lt Justin Sisson Ross & Emma Woods Morley Steinberg William & Nora Yeado John & Gloria Stevenson Deceased Members of the Stratz Family 12 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS AA AND AL-ANON GROUPS Sundays and Wednesdays St. John Rm. Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Anon Groups meet on Sundays. AA meets from 1:00p.m.-2:00p.m.; and Al Anon meets from 4:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Both groups meet in the St. John Rm., unless noted different on our calendar. AA has another meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:00p.m. in the same location. If you think you may have a problem with alcohol, please join us at the AA Meeting. Al Anon Meetings are open to anyone who’s life has been affected by a loved one or a friend who is an addict. Further info: Contact Jean in the office 681-3348. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s Fraternal organization open to all Catholic men ages 18 and over. Knights’ website-www.ascensionkofc.com. Congratulation to new members - Randy Ross and Griffin Weyforth went through the First Degree Ceremony on March 23. We welcome them and their families to the Knights. Congratulations also go to Dan Cuff who has reactivated his Knights membership. Welcome back Dan. MINISTRY OF CARE Interested in joining the Knights? Call Greg Wuller at 913-484-1026 or David Whitaker at 913-626-2676. “Whatsoever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me.” The Knights will be holding a first Degree Initiation on April 27 beginning at 6:30pm. Contact Greg Wuller or David Whitaker for more information. Contact Jean in the office for information on these support ministries and other available resources. Villa St. Francis Spring Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 18, beginning with breakfast at the Cracker Barrel on MurLen Road at 8:00am, with the cleanup starting at 9:00am. All Knights and their families are encouraged to work at this worthwhile project. Please sign up on the website or contact Ken Jennison at kjennison@olssonassociates.com. Job Ministry Have you lost your job or been “downsized”? Looking to get back in the market? We help people who are unemployed and looking for work. Our ministry helps with networking, occasional job openings and resume’ writing. Respite Care Are you caring for a loved one at home? We have parishioners who want to help, and who are trained in Respite Care and would love to give you a break! This also gives the one you care for a break from you!!! The parish-wide pancake breakfast will be held on Sunday, April 19, from 8:00am until noon. Come check out our new menu items, and remember that we accept credit and debit cards as well as cash and checks. Prison Ministry We provide to all persons incarcerated in Johnson County jails and juvenile facilities. This includes: Mass or Communion Service, Catechesis or Scripture Study, and facilitate regular access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We participate in a letter writing mentoring program and Mentor for Success through the state prisons. Kids can participate (and adults) by making cards with pictures drawn, Bible verses, messages of hope, etc. using card stock, construction paper, magic markers or colored pencils (no crayons please), and first names only. Visit our website at www.sdpo.org. This is an Ascension Ministry in conjunction with other parishes. All are welcome and needed! Contact Jean in the office for more details. UPCOMING EVENTS (Sign up on our website www.ascensionkofc.com for activities). Officers’ meeting-April 12 at 6:30pm in the lower level. Villa St. Francis Spring Clean-Up-will be held on April 18 from 9:00am until noon. Check the website for volunteer sign up. Pancake Breakfast-April 19 from 8:00am until 12:00pm noon in the parish hall. First Degree Initiation-April 27, 6:30pm in the parish hall. Knights State Convention-May 1-3 in Topeka, Kansas. Family Fun Knights at the T-Bones game-Friday, June 5. Wine tasting and dinner to benefit the Villa St. Francis June 13. Knights Golf Tournament will be held on September 25 at Falcon Ridge Golf Course. Details will be announced soon. We Recycle Eyeglasses and Sunglasses Save your old eyeglasses and sunglasses to be recycled throughout the world! The donation bin is located behind the bulletin boards in the Gathering Area. 13 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS (Continued) \ PERPETUAL ADORATION Holy hours needing weekly prayer partners are: Sunday at 11:00am and 1:00pm Monday 7:00am, 9:00am and 5:00pm Thursday at noon and 9:00pm Friday at 3:00pm Saturday at 4:00pm MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Also, if you can sub for others that are away, please go to the list at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090a44aba7238adoration and sign up for an hour. Mothers of Young Children (MOYC) provides expectant moms through moms with SECOND GRADE age children spiritual enrichment and fellowship. To join, contact Stefanie Spencer stefaniemspencer@gmail.com or phone 913-461-9410. Contact Debbie at debora.suzanne@gmail.com or 913485-8918 if you need a substitute, can take a permanent Holy Hour, or have questions. Couples Night Out Time for a couples' night out! On Friday, April 17, at 7:30pm, we will be enjoying an evening at Pinstripes and your hubby gets to come! Get this on your calendar and work on finding the sitter now! SCHOOL OF RELIGION Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 4:00PM 681-7683 May Monthly Meeting Our end of the year party will be May 7, at 7:00pm. We are planning a Cinco de Mayo theme and will have a Mexican buffet! Come and celebrate a great year! Attention Year I and Year II Confirmation: Stewardship Activity Forms are due. For Confirmation Year II they are due ASAP, and for Year I they are due on April 26. Moms at Mass Come join us the first Friday of every month at noon Mass. It’s a great way to expose our little ones to Mass! We will be sitting either in the cry room or the pews directly in front. No Traditional SOR on April 22 due to the Confirmation Mass that evening. Please pray a family Rosary for our Confirmation Candidates. Vacation Bible School (June 1-5), Sign-ups have begun. See the website for more details. QUICK LINK!!!! Summer SOR Program will be June 15-26 for students 1st, 3rd - 6th grade. Our young parishioners attend from 9:00am to 12:30pm Monday - Friday for two weeks, and then attend four (4) enrichment sessions during the year. To find out more about this program, or to register please go to kcascension.org. There is a new link on the website so you can quickly view, and sign up to help with whatever needs are currently being filled by Ascension. Go to kcascension.org, and scroll to below the opening pictures to “Quick Links,” and see how you and /or your family can be of service. PS: Anytime your kids help with cooking the meals or desserts and/or shopping for ingredients, or serving the homeless and hungry can be counted as volunteer hours!!!! Contact Jean in the office with any questions, 681-3348. Volunteers for both Summer SOR and VBS are needed. Please pray for our Confirmation Candidates who are taking the next step in their life-long faith journey on April 20 and April 22 by being Confirmed. 14 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS (Continued) - SCHOOL LIVING STATIONS The Stations of the Cross are an old tradition that began in the Middle Ages when Christians longed to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but found this impossible. This Lenten tradition was brought to life on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 when the 6th graders presented their version of the Stations to the Ascension community. The Stations of the Cross help us remember the suffering that Jesus took upon himself for each of us. This reenactment of Christ’s journey reminds us of the last days Jesus spent on earth as a member of the human family, and how much he loves us. This presentation during Holy Week reminds us that we have been saved by the sacrifice of Jesus, and is the perfect way for Ascension to begin the Triduum and our Easter vacation. EXCHANGE CITY FUN Fifth graders took their annual trip to Exchange City on February 12, 2015. The field trip is intended to provide young people with a realistic view of what it is like to be an adult with a job. Students prepare for months in advance, and even participate in an interview process to get ready for their big day in the “real world”. They learn about vital terms in economics: supply, demand, opportunity costs, needs, and wants. They also learn the basics of maintaining a checkbook and register. While at Exchange City, students work in businesses, deposit paychecks, and spend money to boost their local economy. Students must work in advance to set up a business plan with advertising and product ideas. “I learned how to be an adult and work at a job,” fifth grader, Aidan says. Classmate Lawson agreed, “I learned the virtue of patience when I had to wait in line at the International Bazaar.” Some students experienced the struggles of working a job. “I learned it can be hard when you are dealing with a customer,” Hannah says. All students were able to gain something from the experience and the fifth-grade teachers look forward to another great trip next year. 15 Church of the Ascension Divine Mercy Sunday COMMUNITY NEWS April 12, 2015 LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday – April 18 - 4:30PM Greeters:W Currie, T Creal Sacristan: K Newkirk, M George Servers:JP Underwood, M Underwood, C Winkler Ushers: D Moorman, S Chubb, J Cutter, R LoBosco, S Malecki, S Troester, G Wuller Lec/Com: Thorendahl, Malnar E.M:M George, J Spangler, P Sykes, K & S Talken, C Thorendahl, M Tracy, A & R Washburn, G Whyte, D Wille, R Commodore, B Dierks, K Farnan, C Geiger, J Godar Kreiter, K Hane FAMILY DAY AT PRAIRIE STAR RANCH April 19 Prairie Star Ranch Bring your family and come out to Family Day at Prairie Star Ranch. Enjoy various activities including: the climbing tower, horseback riding, canoeing, adventures in prayer, Holy Mass (Sunday obligation), games, and more for only $5.00 per person! Our retreat team joyfully invites you to take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a day of natural beauty, prayer, and adventure activities. Families, friends, and communities are welcome to come at their leisure and spend the day bonding and building relationships. Let us grow closer to Christ together on this day of Christocentric adventure and fun! Registrations are now available all online. For further inquiries, call or go online, today archkck.org/ranch or call 785-746-5693, psrministry@archkck.org. Sunday – April 19 - 8:15AM Greeters:M & ML Rottinghaus, J McAuliffe Sacristan: K Jennison, E Johnson Servers:L Matteoni, E Yost, A Bibler Ushers: S Korte, R Denesia, J Rottinghaus, M Goodman, L Henderson, J Walrod, J Belik, B Sand Lec/Com: Holmes, Blaise E.M: K Jennison, E Johnson, J & P Blakeney, C Cure, R Doran, L Endsley, J & K Finnegan, G & K Flax, T Gomez, P & D Healy, B Henson, J Hicks, T Kershaw ATTENTION! COUPLES CELEBRATING THEIR 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN 2015 June 14, 2:30PM Cathedral of St. Peter, K. C. KS. Sunday – April 19 - 10:00AM Greeters:T & G Jones, J & T Baldwin Sacristan: P Brownback, J A Colt Servers:R Penn, T Penn, T Pitzl Ushers: C Winger, J Ekedahl, J Mayerle, T Moloney, T Roberts, P Murphy, T Chudy Lec/Com: Baldwin, Chudy E.M:P Brownback, J A Colt, J Baldwin, K Belk, B Bergman, J Bins, M Byrd, J Calovich, H Harper, D Cuff , A Cushenbery, K Del Popolo, J & T Ekedahl, J Fischer, Y Ford, S Fry, S Govea Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be on June 14, 2015, at 2:30pm, at the Cathedral of St. Peter. To receive your invitation from Archbishop Naumann, please send the following information to the Leaven, 12615 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66109: your name, address, phone number and date of your wedding. Please do this as soon as possible. Sunday – April 19 - 11:45AM Greeters: Jones Family Sacristan: B (S) & R Engel, M Anthone Servers:R Bunker, I Cardin, D Church Ushers: G Gilbertson, F Colletti, J Honn, R Howard, P Rupp Lec/Com: Kozakowski, Martinez E.M:R Engel, M Anthone, M & W Bokath, K Fitzgerald, J Gillikin, S Hanson, E Hollenback, T Johnson, L Kenney, S Leary JOB OPENING GOOD SHEPHERD, SHAWNEE MAINTENANCE & CUSTODIAL POSITION Responsible for custodial duties and maintenance of school and parish facility, grounds and rectory. The ideal candidate has competency in basic custodial, electrical, plumbing, carpentry and other related skills. This is a fulltime position (40 hours, Monday through Friday), with benefits as offered by the parish and archdiocese. Submit cover letter and resume to Steve Lemons email address: slemons@gsshawnee.org. Applications will close on Wednesday, April 22. Sunday – April 19 - 5:00PM Greeters: Moore Family Sacristan: Debbie Brazen, D Rodriguez Servers:L Shiker, L Shiker, N Weaver Ushers: P Harpenau, L Harpenau, M Curran, T Harpenau, D Avery, B Fruhwirth, A Harpenau, J Solomon, S Kirpatrick, N Kirpatrick Lec/Com: Hamm, Kwapiszeski E.M:Debbie Brazen, D Rodriguez, C Boudreaux, Don Brazen, J Carley, A & H Cole, R Cotter, L Curran, B & S Dickerson, B Dodson, C & S Ehart, B Fredrickson Counters: April 20: D Healy, B Jones, A Mellard, S Sasenick, B Wilson 16 PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE : Phone 681-3348; Fax 681-3517 Monsignor Thomas Tank Pastor Father Nathan Haverland Parochial Vicar Father Alessandro Borraccia Parochial Vicar Dorothy Brandwein Music Director Virgil Crumpton Maintenance/Head Custodian Denise Greene Adult Faith and RCIA Secretary Jean Hinman Ministry of Care Director Ray Martin Social Media and Family Life Director Dawnlee Maurer Parish Life Coordinator Jan Montalvo Receptionist Sharon Weems Parish Administrator Liz Willman Adult Faith and RCIA Director Maggie Wright Communications Coordinator SCHOOL OF RELIGION 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 William O’Leary Director Tricia Baldwin Administrative Assistant YOUTH MINISTRIES 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 Joe Passantino High School Youth Director Chelsea Pratt High School Youth Director Heath Cole Jr. High Youth Coordinator ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 851-2531 Fax Number 851-2518 Becky Wright Principal Andrew Legler Assistant Principal Janet Eckert Administrative Assistant Karen Kellerman Administrative Assistant NEW PARISHIONERS Please see Parish Registration info. on our website. VISITS FOR THE HOMEBOUND/HOSPITAL VISITS Please contact Jean Hinman to schedule. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for class information and scheduling. MATRIMONY Please contact one or our priests six months prior to wedding. WEDDING COORDINATORS Dorothy Long - 681-1289; Karen Pierpoint - 558-3403 ANNULMENTS Contact Father Tom or Father Nathan Please go to kcascension.org to see a listing of staff email addresses. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS LINEN CARE LITURGY MARDI GRAS MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Mary Jo Doherty 685-8313 Russ Engel 469-1918 Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 MARRIAGE & FAMILY ENRICHMENT Liz Willman 681-3348 MARRIAGE PREP/NFP Bruce & Mona Snider 851-1231 MEN OF ASCENSION Mike Fischbach 469-5325 MOYC Abby Walter 839-9403 MUSIC FOR LITURGY Dorothy Brandwein 681-3348 NEWLY MARRIEDS Ignacio & Kate Contreras 714-335-8775 NURSERY Carol Rephlo 897-3377 PARISH COUNCIL Father Tom 681-3348 PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 PERPETUAL ADORATION Debbie Engel 485-8918 PRAYER PARTNERS Matt Wasko 749-3442 Sherry McAuliffe 681-6824 PRISON MINISTRY John Stanley 685-0351 RCIA Liz Willman 681-3348 RETROUVAILLE Joe & Danette Searle 681-2040 RESPECT LIFE John & Melissa Joerger 549-4406 RESPITE CARE Mary Ann Woodward 897-3258 SACRISTAN Scott & Nancy Huddlestun 269-6288 SOCIAL CONCERNS John Kratofil 768-8379 ST. LUKES SOUTH EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Marguerite Enlow 897-5623 USHERS Jeff Frederes 681-2195 WEEKLY FAMILY ROSARY Jean Hinman 681-3348 WELCOMING Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 WOMEN OF ASCENSION Teresa Davis 526-4570 55+ FELLOWSHIP Laverne O’Neill 766-3011 ADDICTION SUPPORT George Crossland 451-3296 ADULT FAITH LIBRARY Kim Sutton 897-6593 ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING Bryan Didier 705-0266 SCHEDULING Jeremy Didier 908-2566 ARTS & ENVIRONMENT Sarah Devore 851-9406 ATHLETIC DIR. (CYO) Tim Davidson 685-5877 BASKETBALL MEN’S Rob Spaedy 816-506-3706 BEREAVEMENT GROUP Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 BOOK CLUB Linda Cook 897-3201 BRIDGE: COUPLES John & Kathleen Hlavacek 897-0495 LADIES DAYTIME Sue Reed 940-0978 LADIES EVENING Louise Kramer 766-0973 CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Karen Newkirk 814-9009 CHILDREN’S MINISTERS Heather Kuo 681-3698 OF THE WORD COLLECTION COUNTERS Annette Mellard 851-1349 COVERED IN PRAYER Susan Wolfgang 910-3099 DONUT COORDINATOR Nila Henderson 481-8608 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Craig & Judy Arnold 685-9305 SCHEDULING Mike Smoots 685-0118 FINANCE COUNCIL Sharon Weems 681-3348 GREETERS LeeAnn Cure 488-4761 GYM COORDINATOR Mark Thomas 579-4434 HELP FOR PARISHIONERS Jean Hinman 681-3348 HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Jean Hinman 681-3348 ILLNESS & CAREGIVERS Marina Carrizosa-Ramos 416-0355 SUPPORT GROUP Cathy Oxley 681-9982 INTL. MISSIONS Ed Herman 897-0082 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mark Short 653-6814 LECTORS Jim Baldwin 816-803-4505 LEGION OF MARY Dick Kane 484-7402 Please go to kcascension.org to see a complete listing of all of our ministries. 17