Glue-5-1-15 - Kenosha Education Association


Glue-5-1-15 - Kenosha Education Association
Official Publication of the Kenosha Education Association
Teachers Substitute Teachers Education Support Professionals Noon Hour Supervisors
KEA Member Susy Siel to be Honored
over her tenure there, which she was able to
To Receive AAUW’s Educational Excellence Award
out and new furniture transformed the facility.
By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor
She returned to UW/Milwaukee for library
certification after deciding to take on a new
Bradford Library Media Specialist and
role as a library/media specialist at Southport
KEA member Susy Siel will be given the
Elementary in September of 2001. Since the
American Association of University Women’s
building was undergoing expansion, a new li-
(AAUW) Award of Educational Excellence at
brary design had to be completed and she made
an event next Thursday, May 7th, 7 p.m., at
the most of the opportunity. She worked most
Gateway’s Madrigrano Conference Center on
of the summer planning and consulting with
the Kenosha campus.
the district’s construction crew.
In the AAUW’s release on the award,
turn into reality. Soon, a completely open layBeyond service to her students and colleagues, Susy has been promoting the value of
literacy through Freedom to Read, Inc., a nonprofit organization she founded in 2012. By
providing hundreds of donated and discarded
books each year, several community and school
libraries on Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas
now have the means to increase literacy to an
underserved and remote population.
She has also devoted weeks of her time
over the past three summers to oversee distribu-
That experience earned her a role on
tion and organization of these collections on
Kenosha Branch President Mary Modder wrote
the design committee for Nash Elementary
the following:
School, followed by the opportunity to oversee
Eleuthera. Her training of staff in those various
libraries has also led to two volunteers being
Susy Siel has been a literacy advocate
upgrades to the Stocker Elementary library. In
since she started teaching 4th grade at Jeffrey
2013, a great career opportunity came her way
Elementary in 1989. She began coaching
at Bradford High School (where she’s been the
Battle of the Books teams in her first year and
Library Media Specialist since 2009). Fund-
has continued to do so ever since. Soon, she
tion of the important service and quality work
ing suddenly was available to re-design the
was teaching by day and pursuing her Masters
performed by Susy Siel. We give our thanks
Bradford library, but a complete plan had to be
Degree by night at UW/Milwaukee, which she
to Susy for all of her fine work that led to this
submitted immediately or the funding would be
earned in 1993.
recognition, as well as our congratulations on
lost. She had formed many ideas in her mind
this well-deserved award.
hired by the Bahamian Ministry of Education.
The KEA wishes to extend our thanks to
the AAUW Kenosha Branch for their recogni-
You’re Invited!
What: KEA-R Retiree Reception
Where: UAW Local 72, 3615 Washington Rd.
When: May 12, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Please join us for pizza, cake, soft drinks and a cash bar as we welcome you to retirement.
RSVP to Scott Farnsworth: or 654-2127
Vol. 43, Issue 32
May 1, 2015
Where Do You Go?
By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor
may all be thinking of a different school, or a
different staff person – and you would all be
principal at staff meetings, at parent meetings,
Where do they go?
recognized before colleagues, for all the extras
To the KEA, quite simply. Whether it is
s/he has achieved for the school. S/he is the
because they can get the profession represen-
pressures and frustrations of the job seem to
“apple” of the principal’s eye, and everyone
tation they need to protect themselves from
build with the school year. Thus it is that the
knows it.
unwarranted discipline, or because it is a safe
As is often the case in our profession, the
return from Spring Break sees issues coming to
Then, however, the uncertainties of
place to air their grievances and work through
a head in any number of areas, and this year is
life intervene – accidents, illnesses, family
an action plan, or even because just being able
proving the same. See if what follows sounds
circumstances and needs, simple exhaustion
to express their frustrations and being told that
at all familiar:
– pick a reason – and that same staff person
they are neither unreasonable nor crazy is a
can no longer perform at the same exceptional,
relief and a help – they come to the KEA.
There is the school where the staff has
become exasperated by the lack of support
beyond-the-call-of-duty level. Suddenly, s/he
Where do non-members go?
from administration. Students have become so
is no longer the “apple” of the principal’s eye,
Well, as recent events might indicate,
accustomed to the lack of enforcement of rules,
but instead becomes the focus of unduly harsh
options are few and limited in scope. Rep-
and referrals have so frequently gone unpro-
treatment; nitpicking, annoying demands; held
cessed (or disappeared entirely!), and teachers
resentation must be bought independently
up to ridicule; and targeted for finding fault in
are more likely to face a reprimand for a stu-
and, while some may have the means to do so
everything s/he does.
without hardship, they, too, are few and limited
dent’s inappropriate behavior than the student
Where does that staff person go?
him/herself, that a genuine concern for one’s
There is the staff person who has a long
safety and that of other students and colleagues
and successful career, known to be a strong
in the building becomes overwhelming. Re-
advocate for his/her profession and personal
peated attempts to address these concerns with
professionalism – as well as for speaking up
administration have led, not to steps to improve
when s/he feels there are problems in the build-
the situation, but to repercussions on those who
ing. Suddenly, s/he finds her/himself placed
brought their concerns to light. Attempts to
upon a Professional Improvement Plan, based
make this inappropriate response to the atten-
primarily on unsupported “opinion” of her/his
tion of central administration has met with inef-
administrator. When voicing her/his belief that
fective or even counter-productive intervention
the PIP is meant to be punitive and disciplinary,
– or did so, so recently in the past, that no one
s/he is repeatedly reassured by building, central
trusts “going through channels” again.
and Human Resource administration that such
in scope. Others, who do not have the private
resources, must accept whatever consequences
are offered – justified or not. Additionally,
even if their efforts are successful, the application of that success is rarely shared with
others. Why would it be? There is no “we”
It is not that the KEA can resolve an issue
– not as a non-profit entity, not as a building
on 55th Street. The KEA can resolve an issue
because it represents a “we,” an association of
educators, a union of colleagues, with shared
interests and concerns for which they are will-
Where does this staff go?
is not the case. Then, one day, s/he is called
There is a school where a staff person
in and issued a written reprimand for violation
ing to take a united stand – with either the law
devotes him/herself to the program and the
of the “non-disciplinary” plan, or is threatened
on their side or the power of collected reason to
students – far and above “the call of duty.” S/
with non-renewal.
support their position. Both are equally force-
he is seen by the principal as a workhorse, one
Where does that staff person go?
who can be counted upon to do whatever is
How many of you recognize this situation?
ful – neither can be ignored.
“We” will not be ignored; “we” will not
asked or required of her/him to finish whatever
How many think you do? The reason I don’t
give up the fight; “we” will go on and, in the
job needs to be done. S/he is lauded by the
give specifics is because, unfortunately, you
end, prevail.
The Glue
Page 2
May 1, 2015
Calendar of Events
Regular School Board Meeting
Mon., April 27
(5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room)
Kenosha School Funding Forum
Tues., May 5
(6:30 p.m., UAW Local 72 Hall)
KUSD Standing Committee Meetings
Tues., May 12
(5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room)
KEA Board Meeting
Thurs., May 14
(4:30 p.m., KEA Office)
Early Release Day
Fri., May 22
Half Day for Students and Staff
Memorial Day
Mon., May 25
No School - KEA Office Closed
KEA Election
Fri., May 29
(Nomination Papers Available, KEA
Association Representative Assembly
Thurs., May 28
(4:30 p.m., KEA Office)
Nominate Now! KEA Election May 29
We have reset the dates for when nomination papers are due and the election will be
held because of a change in the date of the May AR meeting. All dates have been extended by one week.
It is time for the annual elections for KEA Officers and Board of Director seats. Nomination papers for these positions are available now and are to be returned to the KEA
Office by Monday, May 18. The elections will be held Friday, May 29; the winners will take
office on Saturday, June 13.
President – 1-year term
Vice President – 1-year term
Treasurer – 1-year term
Board of Directors:
2 High School Reps – one 2-yr. term; one 1-yr. term
2 Middle School Reps – one 2-yr. term; one 1-yr. term
3 Elementary Reps – two 2-yr. terms; one 1-yr.term
In addition, all Association Rep (AR) seats will be up for election or reelection. There
shall be at least two (2) Association Representatives elected in each building/unit in the
Kenosha Unified school system where members of the Association are assigned, or if
there shall be more than thirty (30) Association members in any building/unit, one (1)
Association Representative shall be elected for each additional fifteen (15) members or
major fraction thereof.
AR nomination papers are not necessary. The Election Committee requests a list of
candidate(s) for each school by Monday, May 18, 2015. Elections for ARs will also be
held on Friday, May 29, 2015.
If you have any questions concerning eligibility for a position or total numbers of ARs for
your school, contact the KEA office, 654-2127.
ESP Active member in your building is interested in having his/her name on the KEAESP AR ballot, please notify the KEA office, 262-654-2127, by Monday, May 18, 2015.
Last Week to Return KEA Scholarship Applications
Applications are now available for the annual KEA Scholarships. A scholarships in the amount of $1,500 will be awarded to a
student entering into a four-year college/university program; a $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student entering a two-year
associate degree or technical school program. Scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship, service, leadership and
Any KUSD high school senior is eligible to apply, excluding students who are eligible for or are receiving the Governor’s Wisconsin
Academic Excellence Scholarship. Also, students receiving full tuition scholarships at any institution are ineligible.
Applications may be obtained from high school guidance offices as well as from the KEA office. The deadline for application is
Friday, May 8th, 2015.
The Glue
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May 1, 2015
Kenosha School Funding Forum
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
UAW Local 72 Hall, 3615 Washington Road, Kenosha
Join Wisconsin Department of Instruction's (DPI) Communication Officer
Thomas McCarthy and local State Representative Peter Barca, Senator
Robert Wirch and Representative Tod Ohnstad as they address the funding crisis
for Wisconsin public education and what it means for Kenosha schools. Parents,
community leaders and organizations are strongly encouarged to attend!
The presentation will point out the most obvious flaws in the funding formula,
as well as a policy that provides a path forward for keeping the top tier public
education system thriving.
And most importantly...
What you need to do to help.
The Glue
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May 1, 2015