Jan 25, 2014 - Kenly Pentecostal Holiness Chruch


Jan 25, 2014 - Kenly Pentecostal Holiness Chruch
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), an African-American educator,
author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States, describes
meeting an ex-slave from Virginia in his book, Up From Slavery:
I found that this man had made a contract with his master, two or three
years previous to the Emancipation Proclamation, to the effect that the
slave was to be permitted to buy himself, by paying so much per year
for his body; and while he was paying for himself, he was to be
permitted to labour where and for whom he pleased.
Finding that he could secure better wages in Ohio, he went there.
When freedom came, he was still in debt to his master some three
hundred dollars. Notwithstanding that the Emancipation Proclamation
freed him from any obligation to his master, this black man walked the
greater portion of the distance back to where his old master lived in
Virginia, and placed the last dollar, with interest, in his hands.
In talking to me about this, the man told me that he knew that he did
not have to pay his debt, but that he had given his word to his master,
and his word he had never broken. He felt that he could not enjoy his
freedom till he had fulfilled his promise.
Is your word your bond? Do you follow through on what you commit
to doing, no matter what? That’s what God does. His
FAITHFULNESS is everlasting! Let’s enjoy the freedom God gives us,
but only after we keep our promises!
300 S College Avenue
Kenly, NC 27542
(Web site) On the http:// line type in
Dr. Danny Rollins
Where Jesus is lifted up,
The Bible is clealy taught,
And the Gospel is lived out!
Sunday School Class For Everyone (All Ages) . ....10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship Service ..........................11:00 am
Wednesday Praise Practice ..................................... 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Bible Study ................................. 7:00 pm
Welcome To our Worship Service
July 5, 2015
Ken Renfrow, the owner
of Kenly Service Center
on Hwy 301, is hosting the
“Power Chicks” Car Wash
To all our visitors we extend a great big welcome. If you
don’t have a home church, you are more than welcome to attend here.
(exterior only)
on Saturday, July 11th
From 8:00 am until...
Any donation is accepted for car wash
Welcome & Opening Prayer : ”Rev. Danny Rollins”
Praise & Worship: “Ricky Narron & The Praise Team”
“Holy Spirit thou art welcome in this place. Lead us and guide us as
we unite in a spirit of worship. May all the glory and honor be given
to You, Oh Lord!”
John 10:28-29, NLT
The “Power Chicks” are also going to be
selling hand-made jewelry, baked goods
and fresh-squeezed lemonade.
Each item will have a set price.
If you would like to donate baked goods
to this event, contact Jerrie Barbato
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them
away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful
than anyone else.* No one can snatch them from the Father's hand.
Just as a shepherd protects his sheep, Jesus protects his people from eternal
harm. While believers can expect to suffer on earth, Satan cannot harm their
souls or take away their eternal life with God. There are many reasons to be
afraid here on earth because this is the devil's domain.
Childrens Church
needs Drink Bottle Caps
& old keys donated
See Wanda Jones for details
But if you choose to follow Jesus, he will give you everlasting safety.
Kid s Corner
This week featuring Harley Linsey.
Harley is 6 years old and little sister to Porsha and Marco.
Marleys favorite things include riding her bike, painting and
drawing. She loves chicken and rice and for dessert
Strawberry Cake…yummy! Her favorite movie so far is
Calendar of Events For July & Aug
July 5th
July 12th
July 19th
July 26th
Aug 2th
-Sunday Morning Worship Service.
-Sunday Morning Worship Service.
-Sunday Morning Worship Service.
-Sunday Morning Worship Service.
-Sunday Morning Worship Service.
Bible Study Wednesday Night 7:00 pm.
10:00 to 12:00
Youth and Young Adults Class
10:00 am in the Youth Building
Annabella Barbato 07/06 Lala Linsey 07/06 Diane Mitchell 7/11
Diane Krein 07/15 Pat Howell 07/23 Daniel Villanueva 07/24
Jason Guerin 07/26 Mary Sherrod 07/27 Travis Cummings 07/27
Ray Jones 07/31
Kids Corner
Breakfast is served
10:00am– 10:30am
Arts & Crafts for Kids 10:30am – 11:00am
11:00am – 11:30am
Kid’s Corner Worship 11:30am – 12:00pm
Robert & Jean Tomlinson 07/10
Uzelle Ward
%Avante At Wilson (Room A 3)
1804 Forest Hills Rd
Wilson NC 27893 252-237-8161
Eric Pinckney
Unit # 61808
APO,AE 09321-1808
If you would like to add to the bulletin, please contact Robert or Jean Tomlinson at
919 284-1846 or email to retomlin@nc.rr.com
-6 -
Uzelle Ward
Steve Bass
Linda Chandler
Douglas Ross & Family
Junior Johnson
Cindy Howell (Heart Attack)
Jerrie & Ricky Barbato III
M Kersey
Ruby Wall
Paul Duana
Karen Lancaster
Jackie (Robin Mother)
Ray Jones
Wanda’s (co-worker)
Amy Evans
Marshall & Debbie
Wynn’s Son
Rachael Horton
Abigail Robison
Michael Howell
Cecil Smith
Amy Scullion
Robert Halsey (Cancer in Remission)
Johnston &Surrounding Counties
Sallie Tarkington (Brain Tumor)
Elizabeth Farrar
Audrey Smith
Jim R Davis
Jimmie McIver & Husband
Joyce Watson (Heart Attack)
Don Miller
Margaret Britt
Ronnie Best
Rusty Michner
Joyce O’Neal
Joel Roseburg
Gloria Vandiford
Charlie Thompson (Rick’s 2nd
Nettie Pope
Greg & Baylee Schremp
Faye Jones & Sister
Kenly PoliceDept. Kenly Fire
Kenly-Micro Rescue
Nations Armed Forces
Mark Daw
Alicia Riggs
Elizabeth, Nicholas Watson &
Brandon Reeves
Barbara & John Dominguez
Star Langley
Michael Johnson
Britney Lowe
Janet Faircloth
FeliciaWiggins (Breast Cancer)
Brenda Howell
Sherry Inscoe (Daughter in custody
Stephen Guerin
Ethel Blackwell
Rev Paul Doyle (Lymphoma)
Justin McGillis (Severe Depreesion
Christie Winstead
Charles Lewis (back)
Lee & Jane Whealton
Jane Haddowgreen
Jason Massangle (Ms Carloyn’s grand
Amy, John, Blake Mills
Freddie Van Pilkington Jr.
Katie Brogden
Jan Berkhoff
Ray Rhodes
Kan Baker (Cortney’s friend brain
Jason’s cousin (Medical Issues)
Rick Barbato’s Mother
Ryan McTigue (In the service)
Darlene Nuzzo (Rick’s sister may have
lung cancer)
Phillip White
Rick Barbato
Robin ( A Pastor’s wife)
John Shinner
Ashley McPhail
Heather Bowing
Fitzegerald Garner
Pat Howell
Marie Mumford
C H (Pastor’s relative)
BDorinda Pance Heart (Mrs Carolyn
Georgie Godwin (Leukemia)
Bill Chamberlin
Jimmy Bishop
Noah (Ms Sherrod’s Grandson)
Joelda Gardner Cancer
Jean Batten
Mike McCall
George Fulgham
Edith Smith (Cancer)
Tyler Torres
Jacob Griffith (Cortney nephew)
Kirt Downer
Carly Fagundus (6 yr old)
Richard Weaver (Broken Neck)
Pam Myers
Roger Duvall
Becky Temple
Andrew Thomas (7yrs old brain
Donnie Capps (cancer)
Chase Madsen (leukemia)
Tomasa Cricela
Daryl Merritt (headaches)
Jo Ann Garner (Back)
Lucas Moore
Bruce Tant (Heart)
Betty Barnes
Tammy Medlin
James Sutton
Joey Webb (infection)
Abigail Barbato
Robbin Daw Dutton (assisted living)
Mellissa White
Jammie (open heart surgery)
Ariel Jones
Ronda Bailey (ovarian cancer)
Austin Twiddy
Justice Raines (Service)
Karbin Krein
Faye Raines (Jerrie’s sister’s
Harmony Guyton
Norwood Howell
Judy & Marshell Cater
Don Peele
Beth Bass
JoAnn & Marty Roberts
Baby Allen
John Accurso
Karen Pearce’s Family
Darrin (brain cancer)
Renee Smith (Lymphoma)
Lib Taylor
Chase (kin to Pasty Edwards LeukeSherwood Scott
Braxton Hill
Ruben DeLeon
Brenda Watson
Erin Brousard (grand Mal seizures)
Sebra & Dickie Capps (heart issues &
breast cancer pain from emotional
Jean Roger (Ms. Margie’s sister in
Tiffany Williams
Willie Johnson
Jannie Johnson (Henry Joyner’s
Danny Johnson (nonalcholic cirrhosis
of the liver)
Mary Mitchell (Women’s Cancer)
June Calhoun (spot on lungs)
Almeta Forehand (Colitis)
Stan Jones (needs a kidney friend of
Mike Wilkerson)
Melanie Rains
Noah & Andrew Ethridge (Twin new
borns Premature)
Linda Guerin
Tom & Carol Brown
Calvin & Al Garner
Inez Vail Gray (Darlene Mother)
RJ Hooks
Kathy Starling (Heart)
Please submit prayer request to Myrtle Mumford at church or call our
Prayer Chain line at 919 284-2981 - 5 -