www.KenoshaArtAssociation.org Newsletter May 2015
www.KenoshaArtAssociation.org Newsletter May 2015
www.KenoshaArtAssociation.org Newsletter May 2015 KENOSHA ART ASSOCIATION 5615-7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140 Phone: 262.654.0065 Email: info@kenoshaartassociation.org facebook.com/KenoshaArtAssociation KENOSHA ART ASSOCIATION BOARD President -Jill Montgomery Vice President- Dorothy Thompson Secretary- Sandy Nowicki Treasurer- Pat Koesser UPCOMING EVENTS: MAY 6 6:00 pm Orson Welles 100th Birthday Carthage College 9 10am --9pm Kenosha Second Saturday Downtown Kenosha 31 1pm May Election Lunch Luigi’s restaurant JUNE 7 10am -5pm Good Old Summertime Art Fair – Civic Center Park 13 6--9pm Kenosha Second Saturday Downtown Kenosha The Kenosha Art Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to art enrichment in the community, art education, and to artists of all kinds. …is located in the S. E. corner of Wisconsin, specifically in downtown Kenosha …offers art classes to adult and older teens in the Kenosha area. …has fun events and art shows through out the year, offering an outlet for artists. …hosts an annual Holiday Art Auction the second Friday in November, featuring donated works of art from local and national artists. Founded on April 13, 1950 by “a group of Kenosha Art Lovers united to aid in further development of art and art appreciation in the community”, the Kenosha Art Association needed an update, we have worked hard behind the scenes, we are ready for the challenges and opportunities that the road ahead will bring us. We thank you for your continued support and invite you to write the next chapter of the Kenosha Art Association; please let all of your friends know about our organization. The Kenosha Art Association Message from the president: Hello Kenosha Art Association members. I would like to invite you to help out at our upcoming Good Old Summertime Art Show, Sunday June 7th. While we have a dedicated group of individuals that help out year after year we still need your help. If you would let us know when you could help for a couple of hours on that day it would be greatly appreciated. It’s not hard work and a great way to meet fellow artists and help out the Art Association at the same time. We especially need help in the morning to early afternoon time slots. Of course any time, if even for only an hour would be great. We need your help in order for the Kenosha Art Association to achieve it’s goal of hosting another great art fair. Please consider helping this year. Thank you. Jill Montgomery, President Help Needed: 7-8am Setting up KAA info tent and helping check in vendors 8-10am Helping vendors setup, passing out refreshments to vendors; collecting art donation from vendors. 10-12 sitting in info booth pass out maps, answer questions 12-2pm sitting in info booth pass out maps, answer questions 2-4pm sitting in info booth pass out maps, answer questions 4-5pm take down tent, other equipment, clean up park, and bring stuff back to KAA. PLEASE EMAIL or call Pat at 945-9675 IF YOU CAN HELP OUT AT THE FAIR. We need to know how much help we have and time people can help to we can have a great fair again this year. Thanks so much the fair committee It would be nice if the KAA had an exhibit booth with members work. If you would like to organize this booth please let me know. We thought if we had a few artist that only have a few items to sell they could sit in the booth for a few hours we could provide the tent and display boards and table. Think about it, maybe Barb Farrell's class would want to do that. The annual May Election Lunch will be May 31st at 1pm at Luigi’s restaurant at 7531-39 Ave. We will have pizza and soda $5.00 a person, and you can bring your own beer or wine. After this year Officers election, we would like to have a planning session to brainstorm and plan upcoming events, classes, etc. Good Old Summertime Art Fair Sunday June 7th The big event if fast approaching We will need a lot of help for this fund razing event and there is a list that follows. We will need extra help in the morning from 7-12am because a few of us have out of town commitments the day before and will be arriving back in town throughout the morning. 2015 marks the 65th anniversary of the KAA, we would like to plan something special. Mark your calendars with all the different Orson Wells event in May. The KAA will be doing sidewalk art on May 9th in front of Common Grounds, come and add your masterpiece. Please keep Sandy Nowicki in your hearts and minds as she recovers from an accident she had with her horse and cart on April 18th. This summer we would like to clean up the basement of the KAA keep a lookout for emails with work dates and times and just show up if you can. If you are in an exhibit or gallery, let us know ahead of time and we will promote it online and in the newsletter. NEW:CREATE YOUR OWN CLASS GET 6 FRIENDS TOGETHER, and: PAINT, DRAW, DO FUSED GLASS, FELTING, etc. and enjoy an Adult beverage call to arrange a class today. YOU MUST CALL OR MAIL FORM TO RESERVE A SPOT IN THE CLASS 654-0065 Great Mother’s Day Gift Intermediate Glass Fusing Workshop with Jill Montgomery In this workshop students will create artwork that is more involved than in class one. Must have taken beginning fused glass first before this class Monday night May 11th class time:6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Fee: $15.00 for KAA members $20.00 non-members Supply cost is $10 - $20 per project. Students will be able to pick up fired glass piece and finish with pin or pendant style bail on Mon. May 18th 6-6:30pm Minimum class size 6 maximum 8 Spring Art Classes 2015 Watercolor Paintingwith Barbara Farrell This class will teach you watercolor techniques that can bring new energy and excitement. Students please provide your own materials. 6 weeks Thursday mornings April 9th –May 14th OR Fri. mornings April 10th – May 15th Class time 9:00am -12:00 Fee: $72.00 for members $85.00 for non members Limit 10 students per class. If you take both Thurs. & Fri. class 2nd class ½ price. Remember membership is due June 1st, Please fill out and return membership form. Don’t forget to check what committees you would like to help out on. The Kenosha Art Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to art enrichment in the community, art education, and to artist of all kinds. Whether you are a new member, or a returning KAA member we’ll have something for you. We have exciting new programs and ideas which will complement our favorite KAA traditions. Kenosha Art Association Artist Membership Application You’re invited to join the membership of the Kenosha Art Association. (Please Print) Whether you are a new member, orContact a returning KAA_______________________________________________________________ member we’ll have something for you. Name: We have exciting new programs andOrganization: ideas which will compliment our favorite KAA traditions. ________________________________________________________________ Membership Categories �Single $ 30 per year �Family $ 40 per year �Patron $ 50 per year �Student $ 10 per year Address ____________________________________________________________________ �Corporate $ 250 per year �Small Business $150 per year �Non-profit $ 75 per year Please be informed the above info will be listed in the Membership Directory and shared with fellow members. If you are opposed to this, check here: � Volunteer Opportunities: One of the KAA goals is to make all our members feel like a valued part of our organization. Please check the following box if you would like to take an active part in working on projects and committees throughout the year. � City/State/Zip __________________ Phone (___) ____________New Address? �YES �NO Email Address: _____________________________________________ Okay to List Email on Web Site? Okay to list Email in Membership Book? �New Member �Renewal �YES �YES �NO �NO AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $________________________ DATE: _________________________ Pay by credit card �MC �VISA Name on card: __________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Card number: ________________________________________________________________ Expiration date: _______ 3-Digit security code (back of card) __________ Please Note: Membership Year Begins June 1st and ends May 31st the following year. Please send completed membership application and check payable to: Kenosha Art Association, P.O. Box 1753, Kenosha, WI 53141 Kenosha Art Association P.O. Box 1753 Kenosha, WI 53141