Presidential Hats
Presidential Hats
Presidential Hats Unit IV Chief of State Symbol of a Nation When someone thinks of the American Government, the president is first to mind Actions: Visits other countries to strengthen relations, Attends funeral of foreign leader Chief Diplomat Carries out foreign policy & relations with other countries Actions: Negotiates treaties, United Nations, Forms alliances (NATO), Appoints ambassadors Chief of Party Leader of their political party Actions: Set party agenda, Suggest party officials, Fundraise for likeminded politicians Chief Executive Head of Executive Branch and wielder of executive power Actions: Enforces laws, Directs agencies, Issues Executive Orders Commander in Chief In command of entire US military Actions: Making war, Appointing Joint Chiefs of Staff, Conducting a draft Chief Citizen Representative of the American People When people think of Americans, the President is usually the first to mind Actions: Conducting self in a responsible manner, Shaking hands & kissing babies Economic Leader Helping to establish a “prosperous America” or “ruin our way of Life” Setting or proposing economic policy, taxation, business development, etc. Actions: Proposing revenue and/or spending to helping economic development Chief Legislator In charge of legislative direction of the nation Can’t propose laws, but can ask Congressperson to Actions: Bring attention to potential issues & laws, Asking Congresspeople to propose laws, Putting pressure on votes Chief Administrator Runs the Country Related to Chief Executive Massive employer Actions: Appoints government officials, creates & directs commissions, Runs government corporations & agencies Judicial Leader Appointing people to U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Courts Setting judicial philosophy for years to come if the U.S. Senate signs off on pick Actions: Bringing cases on behalf of Nation Presidential Hats
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