Knox News - Knox Presbyterian Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario


Knox News - Knox Presbyterian Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario
Knox News
This week in the Knox Community
Sunday April 19,
10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church
Monday April 20,
10:00 am Coffee Plus Bible Study
Tuesday April 14
8:00 Presbytery Meeting
Wednesday, April 15
9am Knox Frocks
9:30 Prayer Time
6:30 pm Wednesday Night Bible Study
Thursday, April 16
9:30 Meals on Wheels Bi- monthly meeting
1:00 Anniversary Celebration Committee.
7:30 Choir Practice
Saturday April 25,
7:30 Breakfast
Sunday, April 19
10:30am Sunday Worship Service and Kids’ Church
These notices for Knox and the community are listed for
your information and attention. If you would like more
information, contact either a person listed with the event
notice, or one of the people on the bulletin back cover. You
can get more information about items with a double
underline on our web site,
Knox News Announcements: Please leave them in the mail
slot at the bottom of the stairs or send them to ‘Subject: Knox News’ to be
received no later than Thursday noon.
If you have a prayer request, please pass a note to
the pastor or to the duty elder.
Chuck Holman had a stroke 3 weeks ago while
visiting his doctor. He remains in the Ross
Hospital. His wife, Margaret, says he is doing better
but having verbal difficulties. They covet
the prayers of their many Knox friends.
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Ruth Ashworth has just been diagnosis with NonHodgkins Lymphoma after beening rush home Flordia
to Princess Margaret Hospital. She is now at home.
Please remember her in your prayers
KC Bowcott is still recovering from her heart attack.
Please remember her in your prayers.
Rev. Reg and Dale MacMillan’s daughter Naarah
Chemo has start again. We Trust that you will
remember to hope and pray with us. Thank you Reg,
Dale, Naarah, Erik and Layna.
Marguerite Adams-Miller, Muriel Flagler, Rosie
Ingram, and Mary Ingram at home.
Thinking of You… Harry Maynes, 1182 Kings
Wharf Rd. Bobcaygeon, Ont
~~~~~~~~~~This Week~~~~~~~~~~~
For children, we offer a KIDS’ CHURCH program today:
“The Followers” (Grades K-6) Margaret Cosh is
teaching a curriculum on “The Life of Moses.”
“Ignite” (Grades 7-12) starts a series on the
journeys of the Apostle Paul.
Manse needs ground clean-up. If you have time please
contact Dave Roberts Thanks
Presbytery Meeting on Monday April 21th at 8:00 am
Congregation is welcome
Coffee time Bible Study will be on Monday April 20th
at 10 am due to Presbytery Meeting at Knox on
Tues April 21th
All Committees and Groups of Knox are requested to
prepare their year-end reports for inclusion in the
2014 Annual Report Booklet. The reports should
include an outline of activities and achivements in
2014 and a financial summary. Al Ingram Treasurer
~~~~~~~~ Knox Coming Up ~~~~~~~~
Coffee Plus Bible Study: There will be no class on
March 31. Ellen Roberts will lead a new study
starting on April 7th. at 10:00. The 4 week session
will be a DVD presentation by Joyce Meyers called,
‘The Battlefield of the Mind’. We will have group
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discussion time after the video. All ladies are
welcome. On Tuesday May 5, Coffee Plus will have
their wrap-up luncheon starting at 10:30. We are
looking forward to our guest speaker, Linda Grace.
Call Karen Visser at 705-887-4405 or K.C. Bowcott at
705 738 6335 for further information
Saturday April 25, Breakfast with Author Cindy
Windover, “In the Company of Angels,” talks with
Gertride Ribman, now 92, A story of hope and
God’s miraculour love. She was 17 when she
escaped ahead of the brutal Russian Army as they
were pushing through to Berlin during World War
II. She ended up in Canada, her paradise. Later
was the founder of Rolands Steakhouse in
Peterborough. Meal starts at 8:00am, Let Dave
Roberts, Brian Eberts, Phil Mayville or Jelle Visser if
you would like to attend
KPW Meeting Thursday May 7 at 1:00 pm “Mother’s
Day / Family Day “ theme. Bring a favourite
unigue cup and saucer or mug and a family story to
share. It hould be fun. Everyone is welcome.
~~~~~~~~~~General ~~~~~~~~~~~
“To-Day” Devotional Booklets are now available in
the Church for March and April for only $2.00.
April Art Schooveld leads us in celebrating Easter,
receiving the forgiveness and adoption that we do
not deserve but that God grants anyway. Further
explores with us how we should live on the right
side of Christ’s resurrection. Get your copy Today. Being a greeter is a great way to meet people in
the congregation. You hand out bulletins at the
Joseph Street entrance and offer a friendly greeting to
people as they come to worship. You get to ring the
bell before the service, signalling now is the time to
worship, to praise our God. The new greeter sign up
list is in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact Leah
Anderson for information.
~~~~~~~Community Happenings~~~~~~~
Monarch Bible Camp Annual Fund Raising Banquet:
April25th – punch 5:30 – Dinner and program to
follow. At Pioneer Baptist Church – Norland.
Sponsor a table of 8 for $150. Contact the office to
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reserve a table or book a spot. or 705-887-3625. Also
see poster in hall for summer job opportunities.
Check out posters on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall announcing…
Kawatha Male Chorus & Men of Note Concert at
Fairview Baptist Church, Lindsay on May2, 2015 at
7:30 pm Tickets $12:50 in adavance / $15.00 at the
door/ under 12 yrs. $5.00
Ontario Presbyterian Chorus at Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday May 24th, 2015 at 7 pm
Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre Annual Spring
Banquet date Friday April 24th 2015
Heritage Christian School: Registration is now open
for the Fall for JK-8.
A couple of upcoming Presbyterian Young People’s
Society events in Toronto.
St. Paul’s Peterborough Bus Trip June 1-5, 2015, to
raise funds for their mission trip to Jacmel, Haiti.
~~~~~~ Mission & Stewardship~~~~~~~
Stewardship Moment:
April 19
I'll do what you want me to do, dear Lord, I yearn for your
kingdom to thrive: I'll give you my nickels and dimes,
dear Lord, But please don't ask me to tithe! Author
Presbyterian Mission moment…April 19 – Earth
Maria de los Angeles used to depend on purchasing expensive
produce at the market in order to feed her family. All that has
changed now because of a Presbyterian World Service &
Development program working to help farmers in her region end
hunger by planting new types of fruits and vegetables and
the soil and make organic fertilizers. This resourcefulness is
allowing Maria and other farmers like her to succeed. Maria is
careful to give back what she takes, by helping to nurture her
small piece of land by planting new trees and using
environmentally sustainable farming techniques—and sharing
this knowledge with her children and community to help ensure
better futures for all.
PWS&D helps farmers care for creation
Saving Stamps? The Leprosy Mission Canada Used pstage
stamps are a source to aid in the detection and treatment of
Leprosy; an ancient, but persistent and widespread disease, well
known to our Lord in his time with us. Please clip stamps from
your mail, leaving 1?4 in. Border and put them on the box
provided in the hall.THE GREATER YOUR RESPONSE, THE
Service Helpers Our service this morning is made
possible by the prayers and gifts of our congregation,
with the specific help of the following…
Minister: Interim Moderator Rev Barney Grace
Music Director:
Ruth Eberts
Joyce Anderson
Duty Elder:
Myra Coene
Board of Managers:
diversifying diets. The program is also ensuring that farmers
know how to deal with Nicaragua’s often-dry climate. Maria has
learned how to collect and recycle leaves to help trap moisture in
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Doug McIntosh, Dave Roberts,
Ken Ibbotson
Margaret Cosh
Brian Ebert
Doug McIntosh
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Prayer Partnership
Sunday, April 19 Pray for those who knit
pneumonia prevention sweaters and caps for
children, as well as prayer shawls for those in need.
Monday, April 20 Pray for people considering
camping ministry this summer, that they will
discern God’s direction.
Tuesday, April 21 Pray for Presbyterian World
Service & Development programs that help build
farmers’ resilience to climate change and teach
environmentally sustainable practices.
Wednesday, April 22 Earth Day Celebrate the gift
of God’s creation! Pray that the resources that
sustain society will be treated as precious gifts from
God to be used wisely and for the good of all, and
not as commodities for consumption. Thursday,
April 23 Pray for the young people who are
preparing to travel to Ghana next month as part of
a Youth in Mission delegation.
Friday,April 24 Pray for Almanarah Presbyterian
Church in Hamilton, ON. Pray that Almanarah
(meaning “the Lighthouse”) will shine the light of
Christ in its neighbourhood.
Saturday, April 25 Pray for girls in Afghanistan
as they receive an education that introduces them to
new ideas and opportunities through a program
supported by Presbyterian World Service &
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