Sunday, June 7, 2015 - Knox Presbyterian Church Manotick


Sunday, June 7, 2015 - Knox Presbyterian Church Manotick
We are blessed to have Rev. John Fair leading our
worship today.
As we worship together may you know God’s
presence and His peace. If you are a visitor and joining
our family today, we invite you to sign our guest book
in the narthex, and to fill in a blue card, found at the
end of each pew, to introduce yourself to us. These
cards can be used by all to share anything you would
like the minister to know.
For parents with kids…
Children up to and including 3 years of age are cared
for in the nursery in the upper room.
Caregivers: Karen Sergeant and Gezina Pluim
Children 3 years of age & toilet-trained, up to grade 6
may go downstairs to church school following the
children’s sermon.
Birthday Wishes to Ken Cavers who celebrated his
birthday on June 5 and to Grace Cavers who will
celebrate her birthday on June 13th.
Happy 60th Anniversary to
Dick & Wilma MacLean who
celebrated their 60th Wedding
Anniversary on June 3rd
Please join us downstairs
after worship for cake during our
coffee hour!
The Gathering of the Faithful
Welcome & the Work of the Church
Preparatory Verse
Worship in Song : I Will Call upon the Lord
Lord, Reign in Me
Prayer of Adoration & Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Sermon
Worship in Song: Jesus Loves Me (Blue #373)
To Hear God’s Word
Responsive Psalm:
Scripture Readings:
Psalm 24: 1-10
Exodus 3: 1-15 (p.56)
Reader: May God bless the reading of His Holy Word
Congregation: Amen
Family Picnic on the Lawn: On June 21st, following the
service, we will be having our annual potluck picnic on the
lawn at Dickinson House.
Those whose surname begins with:
A-G are asked to bring desserts - cookies, squares, fruit
H-O are asked to bring main course items - sandwiches,
wraps, cheese and crackers etc.
P-Z are asked to bring salads or veggies and dip
If there are any questions about the picnic please contact
Darlene Price
Attention Women of Knox:
You are invited to a day-away with other women at The
Metropolitan Bible Church on Saturday June 13,2015 from
9:00 am - 3:00 pm. You must register by June 9th as
there will be no last minute registrations. If you have any
questions or wish to car pool, please see Ruth Davidson
For more information please visit the website at
Special Music : Choir – Trust in the Lord
Sermon: God Revealed - In the Burning Bush
Malice in the Palace – A Musical Worship Event
A musical you won’t want to miss! - The Story of Esther
Performed by the Knox Players – June 14, 2015
To Make our Response
Hymn: Holy, Holy (Red #266)
Prayers of the People
Our Offerings to the Lord
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
(Blue #79)
Hymn: I the Lord of Sea and Sky (Blue#592)
Choral Benediction: May the Lord
Ready for an Expedition? Families, mark your calendars for
“A Prayer Safari”, our summer day camp, July 13 – 17, 9 am
to noon. All kids SK to grade 5 are invited to join the
journey! Registration forms are available on the
bulletin board or website, for more information
contact Liz Blaine or the church office.
TODAY - Youth Group – POOL PARTY – at the Manotick Pool!!
Please pick up a permission form from the main bulletin board
and RSVP! – Any question please see Liz Blaine
5533 Dickinson Street, Box 609
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A6
Web page:
Knox 2015 Outreach Projects
This year we invite you to support two new Presbyterian
Church of Canada’s Outreach Projects:
“Feed the Hungry” – Saskatoon, SK, Canada
($569.40 has been raised to date)
“PWS&D Education Program “in Malawi
($544.40 has been raised to date)
A Goal of $1,000 has been set for each mission.
To contribute, mark your envelopes “2015 Missions” or “SK
or Malawi” on the line marked “special”
Keep Checking the Bulletin Board for our progress!!
Stewardship Moments:
A road that perhaps more than any other leads to
self-atrophy is undedicated money.
E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973), missionary and evangelist
Mission Moments - Sunday June 7
General Assembly: Imagining the Kingdom
This Sunday, Presbyterians from across Canada are
gathering in Vancouver, BC for our annual General
Assembly. Tristan Gerrie, a young adult representative at
last year’s Assembly, shares, “I felt the Spirit amongst us
during our worship services, heard of God’s work around
the world through our ecumenical speakers and felt the
warm embrace of fellowship amongst my brothers and
sisters in the church. I am grateful for this opportunity to
have been involved.” This year, under the theme Imagining
the Kingdom commissioners will once again come together
to discuss policy, approve budgets, share stories from their
ministries and dream for the future.
-Presbyterians Sharing supports General Assembly
Come ... share in God’s love
Please remember in your daily prayers:
Clifton Deschamps
Neil MacIntyre
• Pat Sergeant
• Noel Stoodley
Iris, Michael & Diane Kemp
• Glenda Shields
Wilma MacLean
•Ryan Reynolds
Liz & Michael Chan
Ruth (Young Friend of Christine)
Kelly, Ash & Keenan Graham
Congregations in the Ottawa Presbytery
Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
The persecuted Church around the world
Our First Nations Communities
“Rock The Capital” - pray for its success to unite
together and tell the world about our God and
Saviour, Jesus Christ
To the congregation: Thank you from the
Fromow-Wagg family, for all the prayer,
cards, support and concern that you lovingly showed
us this past week.
You are the light of Christ.
Worship Elder:
Coffee Hour:
Offering counters:
John Davidson
Don and Barb Warren
Brian and Marilyn Schacht
Karen Sergeant and Dave Stinson
Sunday, June 7, 2015
General Assembly Sunday
10 am Worship Service
Nursery Care and Church School
Interim Moderator
Reverend John Fair
Music Director:
Leslie Fromow
Church Office:
Holly Glofcheskie
Mon, Wed and Thurs - 9:00am – 12:30pm
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it – Psalm 24: 1