- Kansas State Animal Response Team
- Kansas State Animal Response Team
Presented by SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES October 16 - 17, 2015 The Drury Inn Wichita, KS ABOUT KS SART The Kansas State Animal Response Team (KS SART) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that began as an initiative through the Kansas Veterinary Medical Association. KS SART builds and supports a unifying partnership between governmental, not-for-profit organizations, the animal industry, and volunteers in order to facilitate local animal disaster preparedness and response development. PREPARE Being prepared before a disaster happens is the most important thing you can do. KS SART offers resources and support for the citizens of Kansas to properly prepare their entire family, including their pets, for a disaster. VOLUNTEER Building a fullly trained, functional statewide volunteer base is critical. KS SART provides guideance for County and Regional Teams to properly recruit and train their volunteers. TRAIN THE NEED The number one reason people do not evacuate their homes in an emergency is because a pet is in the home. Animal emergencies create danger for animals, their owners and responders. Lack of preparation leads to unnecessary tragedy, human injury and economic loss. AT WORK When local disaster response capacity is exhausted, KS SART assists in multi-agency disaster response coordination efforts throughout the state when activated by the Kansas Animal Health Department, Kansas Division of Emergency Management, or local Emergency Management. KS SART assists local teams in training and credentialing volunteers, along with building and maintaining a resource inventory in support of County and Regional Animal Response Teams. Making Kansas Safer for Animals & People ABOUT KSSART THE CONFERENCE WHO ATTENDS This 1 1/2-day annual conference attracts animal advocates from all across Kansas. It is the only event that unites emergency response agencies, volunteers and the general public with the single goal of learning more about disaster preparedness with a focus on considering pets. Members of the private and public sector will be in attendance. Animal response teams and interested volunteers, emergency management professionals, emergency medical services, fire service personnel, governmental/administrative personnel, healthcare personnel, human services personnel, law enforcement, public health personnel, veterinarians, volunteer organizations active in disasters and most importantly the general public. PURPOSE Distinguished leaders from key animal and disaster response organizations will be sharing disaster experiences and teaching residents of Kansas how to prepare for man--made and natural disasters. The hope is that the information shared will raise awareness which will lead to better practices to keep pets and people safe during future catastrophic events. Hear from top agencies like: ASPCA Code 3 Associates HSUS KDEM NASAAEP NOAA PetAid Colorado Red Cross Salvation Army Sedgwick County K9 Search Team October 16 - 17, 2015 Wichita, KS Learn more about: Basic Pet First Aid Weather Watching Ice Safety & Your Pet Search & Rescue Dogs Personal Preparedness & Your Pet What is an Animal Response Team What Do All Those Organizations Really Do Pets with a plan save lives! An educational opportunity for pet owners, emergency response personnel and animal response team volunteers, sponsored by the Kansas State Animal Response Team ABOUT KSSART OPPORTUNITIES This annual conference to train and prepare Animal Response Team volunteers and educate local communities would not be possible without your support. This event is hosted by the Kansas State Animal Response Team, the governing organization responsible for team development, volunteer training and deployment support of local animal response teams. A sponsorship is a great, affordable way to promote your business and help the pets and people of Kansas. Man’s Best The Cat’s Friend Meow $3,000 $1,500 Bow-Wow $500 Pet Friendly $100 Logo on attendee badges Recognition on promotional materials Mention/web link in email newsletter following conference Advertisement in conference program Full Page Half Page Logo Name Name 4 3 2 Recognition on website conference page Recognition at opening/closing session Recognition on conference signage Complimentary staff conference passes 1 Exhibit space during conference Acknowledged at hosted activity (choice of breakfast, lunch or breaks) October 16 - 17, 2015 Wichita, KS ABOUT KSSART AGREEMENT FORM X Yes, we would like to support the Kansas State Animal Response Team by participating in the Kansas Animal Preparedness Conference, Oct 16th & 17 th in Wichita at the sponsorship level indicated below (check one): $3,000 Man’s Best Friend $ 500 Bow-Wow $1,500 The Cat’s Meow $ 100 Pet Friendly Company Name:__________________________________________________________________ Company Contact:_________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ Phone:_______________________ State:_________ Zip:__________________ E-Mail:__________________________________________ Mail this form along with your check payable to the Kansas State Animal Response to the address below or go on-line to register and pay by credit card at KSSART.org. . Kansas State Animal Response Team ● 6505 E Central, Wichita, KS 67206 316-200-5347 ● administrator@kssart.org *Please understand your sponsorship benefits cannot begin until we receive this form and your payment in full. . Kansas State Animal Response Team · 6505 E Central Box 160, Wichita, KS 67206 · 316-200-5347 · KSSART.org